diff --git a/pkgs/test/README.md b/pkgs/test/README.md
index 6e174095c0d1a6a59b462c4aa568982243e783ec..1dced93f702a72f287673e39b3e17f22345eb6ff 100644
--- a/pkgs/test/README.md
+++ b/pkgs/test/README.md
@@ -459,14 +459,14 @@ void main() {
     // Ignore lines from the process until it's about to emit the URL.
-    await expect(stdout, emitsThrough('WebSocket URL:'));
+    await expectLater(stdout, emitsThrough('WebSocket URL:'));
     // Parse the next line as a URL.
     var url = Uri.parse(await stdout.next);
     expect(url.host, equals('localhost'));
     // You can match against the same StreamQueue multiple times.
-    await expect(stdout, emits('Waiting for connection...'));
+    await expectLater(stdout, emits('Waiting for connection...'));
diff --git a/pkgs/test_api/lib/src/frontend/stream_matcher.dart b/pkgs/test_api/lib/src/frontend/stream_matcher.dart
index 5446e2cfe514a391299116f3f7add2405762db1f..6eade9e0aee42a337acbcd026882529bab446d15 100644
--- a/pkgs/test_api/lib/src/frontend/stream_matcher.dart
+++ b/pkgs/test_api/lib/src/frontend/stream_matcher.dart
@@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ typedef _MatchQueue = Future<String> Function(StreamQueue queue);
 /// var stdout = StreamQueue(stdoutLineStream);
 /// // Ignore lines from the process until it's about to emit the URL.
-/// await expect(stdout, emitsThrough("WebSocket URL:"));
+/// await expectLater(stdout, emitsThrough('WebSocket URL:'));
 /// // Parse the next line as a URL.
 /// var url = Uri.parse(await stdout.next);
 /// expect(url.host, equals('localhost'));
 /// // You can match against the same StreamQueue multiple times.
-/// await expect(stdout, emits("Waiting for connection..."));
+/// await expectLater(stdout, emits('Waiting for connection...'));
 /// ```
 /// Users can call [new StreamMatcher] to create custom matchers.