## 0.3.1-dev * Enable asserts in code running through `spawnHybrid` APIs. ## 0.3.0 * Bump minimum SDK to `2.4.0` for safer usage of for-loop elements. * Deprecate `PhantomJS` and provide warning when used. Support for `PhantomJS` will be removed in version `2.0.0`. * Differentiate between test-randomize-ordering-seed not set and 0 being chosen as the random seed. * `deserializeSuite` now takes an optional `gatherCoverage` callback. * Support retrying of entire test suites when they fail to load. * Fix the `compiling` message in precompiled mode so it says `loading` instead, which is more accurate. * Change the behavior of the concurrency setting so that loading and running don't have separate pools. * The loading and running of a test are now done with the same resource, and the concurrency setting uniformly affects each. With `-j1` only a single test will ever be loaded at a time. * Previously the loading pool was 2x larger than the actual concurrency setting which could cause flaky tests due to tests being loaded while other tests were running, even with `-j1`. * Avoid printing uncaught errors within `spawnHybridUri`. ## 0.2.18 * Allow `test_api` `0.2.13` to work around a bug in the SDK version `2.3.0`. ## 0.2.17 * Add `file_reporters` configuration option and `--file-reporter` CLI option to allow specifying a separate reporter that writes to a file instead of stdout. ## 0.2.16 * Internal cleanup. * Add `customHtmlTemplateFile` configuration option to allow sharing an html template between tests * Depend on the latest `test_api`. ## 0.2.15 * Add a `StringSink` argument to reporters to prepare for reporting to a file. * Add --test-randomize-ordering-seed` argument to randomize test execution order based on a provided seed * Depend on the latest `test_api`. ## 0.2.14 * Support the latest `package:analyzer`. * Update to latest `package:matcher`. Improves output for instances of private classes. ## 0.2.13 * Depend on the latest `package:test_api`. ## 0.2.12 * Conditionally import coverage logic in `engine.dart`. This ensures the engine is platform agnostic. ## 0.2.11 * Implement code coverage gathering for VM tests. ## 0.2.10 * Add a `--debug` argument for running the VM/Chrome in debug mode. ## 0.2.9+2 * Depend on the latest `test_api`. ## 0.2.9+1 * Allow the latest `package:vm_service`. ## 0.2.9 * Mark `package:test_core` as deprecated to prevent accidental use. * Depend on the latest `test_api`. ## 0.2.8 * Depend on `vm_service` instead of `vm_service_lib`. * Drop dependency on `pub_semver`. * Allow `analyzer` version `0.38.x`. ## 0.2.7 * Depend on `vm_service_lib` instead of `vm_service_client`. * Depend on latest `package:analyzer`. ## 0.2.6 * Internal cleanup - fix lints. * Use the latest `test_api`. ## 0.2.5 * Fix an issue where non-completed tests were considered passing. * Updated `compact` and `expanded` reporters to display non-completed tests. ## 0.2.4 * Avoid `dart:isolate` imports on code loaded in tests. * Expose the `parseMetadata` function publicly through a new `backend.dart` import, as well as re-exporting `package:test_api/backend.dart`. ## 0.2.3 * Switch import for `IsolateChannel` for forwards compatibility with `2.0.0`. ## 0.2.2 * Allow `analyzer` version `0.36.x`. * Update to matcher version `0.12.5`. ## 0.2.1+1 * Allow `analyzer` version `0.35.x`. ## 0.2.1 * Require Dart SDK `>=2.1.0`. * Require latest `test_api`. ## 0.2.0 * Remove `remote_listener.dart` and `suite_channel_manager.dart` from runner and depend on them from `test_api`. ## 0.1.0 * Initial release of `test_core`. Provides the basic API for writing and running tests on the VM.