# Copyright (c) 2014, Google Inc. Please see the AUTHORS file for details. # All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. name: stagehand # When changing this version, change the lib/src/cli_app.dart version as well. description: > A scaffolding generator for your Dart projects. Stagehand helps you get set up! version: 1.1.4+1 homepage: http://stagehand.pub authors: - Seth Ladd <sethladd@google.com> - Devon Carew <devoncarew@google.com> - Kathy Walrath <kathyw@google.com> environment: sdk: '>=1.13.0 <2.0.0' # Add the bin/stagehand.dart script to the scripts pub installs. executables: stagehand: dependencies: args: '>=0.12.0+1 <0.14.0' http: ^0.11.0 path: ^1.3.0 usage: ^3.0.0 dev_dependencies: browser: ^0.10.0 ghpages_generator: ^0.3.0 grinder: ^0.8.0 test: ^0.12.0 yaml: ^2.1.2