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  • Nick Harper's avatar
    Change SignatureAndHashAlgorithm to SignatureScheme in Go. · 60edffd2
    Nick Harper authored
    TLS 1.3 defines a new SignatureScheme uint16 enum that is backwards
    compatible on the wire with TLS1.2's SignatureAndHashAlgorithm. This
    change updates the go testing code to use a single signatureAlgorithm
    enum (instead of 2 separate signature and hash enums) in preparation for
    TLS 1.3. It also unifies all the signing around this new scheme,
    effectively backporting the change to TLS 1.2.
    For now, it does not distinguish signature algorithms between 1.2 and
    1.3 (RSA-PSS instead of RSA-PKCS1, ECDSA must match curve types). When
    the C code is ready make a similar change, the Go code will be updated
    to match.
    [Originally written by nharper, tweaked significantly by davidben.]
    Change-Id: If9a315c4670755089ac061e4ec254ef3457a00de
    Reviewed-by: default avatarDavid Benjamin <[email protected]>