From 69a31b807a85e9a5ca4efb839f37ecb6dcf3eed5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mark Klara <>
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2015 20:30:54 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Revamping the FlatBuffers docs.

Adding an API reference for the supported languages.

General docs cleanup, including a new `tutorial` section that
supports all of the supported languages.

Added samples for each supported language to mirror the new
tutorial page.

Cleaned up all the links by making them `@ref` style links,
instead of referencing the names of the generated `.html` files.

Removed all generated files that were unnecessarily committed.

Also fixed the C# tests (two were failing due to a missing file).

Bug: b/25801305

Tested: Tested all samples on Ubuntu, Mac, and Android. Docs were
generated using doxygen and viewed on Chrome.

Change-Id: I2acaba6e332a15ae2deff5f26a4a25da7bd2c954
--- => CONTRIBUTING               |    0
 docs/documentation.html                       |    8 -
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 java/com/google/flatbuffers/       |   10 +-
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 net/FlatBuffers/FlatBufferBuilder.cs          |  139 +-
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 samples/SampleBinary.php                      |  115 ++
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 samples/android/jni/main.cpp                  |   21 +-
 samples/android/res/values/strings.xml        |   20 +
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 samples/                      |   49 +
 samples/                          |   62 +
 samples/                        |   50 +
 samples/                  |   47 +
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 samples/monster_generated.h                   |  153 --
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 samples/                      |   47 +
 samples/sample_binary.cpp                     |   60 +-
 samples/sample_binary.go                      |  165 ++
 samples/                      |  137 ++
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 samples/samplebinary.js                       |  106 +
 .../Resources/monsterdata_test.mon            |  Bin 0 -> 288 bytes
 115 files changed, 5523 insertions(+), 5903 deletions(-)
 rename => CONTRIBUTING (100%)
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 delete mode 100644 docs/html/md__go_usage.html
 delete mode 100644 docs/html/md__grammar.html
 delete mode 100644 docs/html/md__internals.html
 delete mode 100644 docs/html/md__java_usage.html
 delete mode 100644 docs/html/md__python_usage.html
 delete mode 100644 docs/html/md__schemas.html
 delete mode 100644 docs/html/md__support.html
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 create mode 100644 docs/source/
 create mode 100644 docs/source/
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 create mode 100644 docs/source/groups
 create mode 100644 samples/SampleBinary.cs
 create mode 100644 samples/
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 create mode 100755 samples/android/
 create mode 100755 samples/android/res/values/strings.xml
 create mode 100755 samples/
 create mode 100755 samples/
 create mode 100755 samples/
 create mode 100755 samples/
 create mode 100755 samples/
 delete mode 100644 samples/monster_generated.h
 create mode 100755 samples/
 create mode 100755 samples/
 create mode 100644 samples/sample_binary.go
 create mode 100644 samples/
 create mode 100644 samples/samplebinary.js
 create mode 100644 tests/FlatBuffers.Test/Resources/monsterdata_test.mon

diff --git a/ b/CONTRIBUTING
similarity index 100%
rename from
diff --git a/docs/documentation.html b/docs/documentation.html
deleted file mode 100755
index 1f279d9e..00000000
--- a/docs/documentation.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=html/index.html">
-<a href="html/index.html">Click here if you are not redirected.</a>
diff --git a/docs/html/bc_s.png b/docs/html/bc_s.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 224b29aa9847d5a4b3902efd602b7ddf7d33e6c2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
GIT binary patch
literal 0

literal 676

diff --git a/docs/html/bdwn.png b/docs/html/bdwn.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 940a0b950443a0bb1b216ac03c45b8a16c955452..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
GIT binary patch
literal 0

literal 147

diff --git a/docs/html/closed.png b/docs/html/closed.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 98cc2c909da37a6df914fbf67780eebd99c597f5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
GIT binary patch
literal 0

literal 132

diff --git a/docs/html/doxygen.css b/docs/html/doxygen.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a8f9627..00000000
--- a/docs/html/doxygen.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1440 +0,0 @@
-/* The standard CSS for doxygen 1.8.7 */
-body, table, div, p, dl {
-	font: 400 14px/22px Roboto,sans-serif;
-/* @group Heading Levels */
-h1.groupheader {
-	font-size: 150%;
-.title {
-	font: 400 14px/28px Roboto,sans-serif;
-	font-size: 150%;
-	font-weight: bold;
-	margin: 10px 2px;
-h2.groupheader {
-	border-bottom: 1px solid #879ECB;
-	color: #354C7B;
-	font-size: 150%;
-	font-weight: normal;
-	margin-top: 1.75em;
-	padding-top: 8px;
-	padding-bottom: 4px;
-	width: 100%;
-h3.groupheader {
-	font-size: 100%;
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-	transition: text-shadow 0.5s linear;
-	margin-right: 15px;
-h1.glow, h2.glow, h3.glow, h4.glow, h5.glow, h6.glow {
-	text-shadow: 0 0 15px cyan;
-dt {
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-div.multicol {
-	-moz-column-gap: 1em;
-	-webkit-column-gap: 1em;
-	-moz-column-count: 3;
-	-webkit-column-count: 3;
-p.startli, p.startdd {
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-p.starttd {
-	margin-top: 0px;
-p.endli {
-	margin-bottom: 0px;
-p.enddd {
-	margin-bottom: 4px;
-p.endtd {
-	margin-bottom: 2px;
-/* @end */
-caption {
-	font-weight: bold;
-span.legend {
-        font-size: 70%;
-        text-align: center;
-h3.version {
-        font-size: 90%;
-        text-align: center;
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-div.qindex, div.navpath {
-	width: 100%;
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-div.navtab {
-	margin-right: 15px;
-/* @group Link Styling */
-a {
-	color: #3D578C;
-	font-weight: normal;
-	text-decoration: none;
-.contents a:visited {
-	color: #4665A2;
-a:hover {
-	text-decoration: underline;
-a.qindex {
-	font-weight: bold;
-a.qindexHL {
-	font-weight: bold;
-	background-color: #9CAFD4;
-	color: #ffffff;
-	border: 1px double #869DCA;
-.contents a.qindexHL:visited {
-        color: #ffffff;
-a.el {
-	font-weight: bold;
-a.elRef {
-a.code, a.code:visited, a.line, a.line:visited {
-	color: #4665A2; 
-a.codeRef, a.codeRef:visited, a.lineRef, a.lineRef:visited {
-	color: #4665A2; 
-/* @end */
-dl.el {
-	margin-left: -1cm;
-pre.fragment {
-        border: 1px solid #C4CFE5;
-        background-color: #FBFCFD;
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-        font-size: 105%;
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-        padding: 4px 6px;
-        margin: 4px 8px 4px 2px;
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-	border: 1px solid #C4CFE5;
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-        font-size: 13px;
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-	white-space: -o-pre-wrap;   /* Opera 7 */
-	white-space: pre-wrap;      /* CSS3  */
-	word-wrap: break-word;      /* IE 5.5+ */
-	text-indent: -53px;
-	padding-left: 53px;
-	padding-bottom: 0px;
-	margin: 0px;
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-	-moz-transition-property: background-color, box-shadow;
-	-moz-transition-duration: 0.5s;
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-	-ms-transition-duration: 0.5s;
-	-o-transition-property: background-color, box-shadow;
-	-o-transition-duration: 0.5s;
-	transition-property: background-color, box-shadow;
-	transition-duration: 0.5s;
-div.line.glow {
-	background-color: cyan;
-	box-shadow: 0 0 10px cyan;
-span.lineno {
-	padding-right: 4px;
-	text-align: right;
-	border-right: 2px solid #0F0;
-	background-color: #E8E8E8;
-        white-space: pre;
-span.lineno a {
-	background-color: #D8D8D8;
-span.lineno a:hover {
-	background-color: #C8C8C8;
-div.ah {
-	background-color: black;
-	font-weight: bold;
-	color: #ffffff;
-	margin-bottom: 3px;
-	margin-top: 3px;
-	padding: 0.2em;
-	border: solid thin #333;
-	border-radius: 0.5em;
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-	-webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 3px #999;
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-	background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(center top, #eee 0%, #444 40%, #000);
-div.groupHeader {
-	margin-left: 16px;
-	margin-top: 12px;
-	font-weight: bold;
-div.groupText {
-	margin-left: 16px;
-	font-style: italic;
-body {
-	background-color: white;
-	color: black;
-        margin: 0;
-div.contents {
-	margin-top: 10px;
-	margin-left: 12px;
-	margin-right: 8px;
-td.indexkey {
-	background-color: #EBEFF6;
-	font-weight: bold;
-	border: 1px solid #C4CFE5;
-	margin: 2px 0px 2px 0;
-	padding: 2px 10px;
-        white-space: nowrap;
-        vertical-align: top;
-td.indexvalue {
-	background-color: #EBEFF6;
-	border: 1px solid #C4CFE5;
-	padding: 2px 10px;
-	margin: 2px 0px;
-tr.memlist {
-	background-color: #EEF1F7;
-p.formulaDsp {
-	text-align: center;
-img.formulaDsp {
-img.formulaInl {
-	vertical-align: middle;
- {
-	text-align: center;
-        margin-top: 0px;
-        margin-bottom: 0px;
-        padding: 0px;
- img {
-	border: 0px;
-address.footer {
-	text-align: right;
-	padding-right: 12px;
-img.footer {
-	border: 0px;
-	vertical-align: middle;
-/* @group Code Colorization */
-span.keyword {
-	color: #008000
-span.keywordtype {
-	color: #604020
-span.keywordflow {
-	color: #e08000
-span.comment {
-	color: #800000
-span.preprocessor {
-	color: #806020
-span.stringliteral {
-	color: #002080
-span.charliteral {
-	color: #008080
-span.vhdldigit { 
-	color: #ff00ff 
-span.vhdlchar { 
-	color: #000000 
-span.vhdlkeyword { 
-	color: #700070 
-span.vhdllogic { 
-	color: #ff0000 
-blockquote {
-        background-color: #F7F8FB;
-        border-left: 2px solid #9CAFD4;
-        margin: 0 24px 0 4px;
-        padding: 0 12px 0 16px;
-/* @end */
-/* {
-	color: #003399;
-	font-weight: bold;
- {
-	margin-bottom: 0px;
-	margin-top: 0px;
- {
-	font-size: 75%;
-	color: #000080;
-	font-weight: normal;
-	background-color: #e8eef2;
-td.tiny {
-	font-size: 75%;
-.dirtab {
-	padding: 4px;
-	border-collapse: collapse;
-	border: 1px solid #A3B4D7;
-th.dirtab {
-	background: #EBEFF6;
-	font-weight: bold;
-hr {
-	height: 0px;
-	border: none;
-	border-top: 1px solid #4A6AAA;
-hr.footer {
-	height: 1px;
-/* @group Member Descriptions */
-table.memberdecls {
-	border-spacing: 0px;
-	padding: 0px;
-.memberdecls td, .fieldtable tr {
-	-webkit-transition-property: background-color, box-shadow;
-	-webkit-transition-duration: 0.5s;
-	-moz-transition-property: background-color, box-shadow;
-	-moz-transition-duration: 0.5s;
-	-ms-transition-property: background-color, box-shadow;
-	-ms-transition-duration: 0.5s;
-	-o-transition-property: background-color, box-shadow;
-	-o-transition-duration: 0.5s;
-	transition-property: background-color, box-shadow;
-	transition-duration: 0.5s;
-.memberdecls td.glow, .fieldtable tr.glow {
-	background-color: cyan;
-	box-shadow: 0 0 15px cyan;
-.mdescLeft, .mdescRight,
-.memItemLeft, .memItemRight,
-.memTemplItemLeft, .memTemplItemRight, .memTemplParams {
-	background-color: #F9FAFC;
-	border: none;
-	margin: 4px;
-	padding: 1px 0 0 8px;
-.mdescLeft, .mdescRight {
-	padding: 0px 8px 4px 8px;
-	color: #555;
-.memSeparator {
-        border-bottom: 1px solid #DEE4F0;
-        line-height: 1px;
-        margin: 0px;
-        padding: 0px;
-.memItemLeft, .memTemplItemLeft {
-        white-space: nowrap;
-.memItemRight {
-	width: 100%;
-.memTemplParams {
-	color: #4665A2;
-        white-space: nowrap;
-	font-size: 80%;
-/* @end */
-/* @group Member Details */
-/* Styles for detailed member documentation */
-.memtemplate {
-	font-size: 80%;
-	color: #4665A2;
-	font-weight: normal;
-	margin-left: 9px;
-.memnav {
-	background-color: #EBEFF6;
-	border: 1px solid #A3B4D7;
-	text-align: center;
-	margin: 2px;
-	margin-right: 15px;
-	padding: 2px;
-.mempage {
-	width: 100%;
-.memitem {
-	padding: 0;
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-	margin-right: 5px;
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-        -moz-transition: box-shadow 0.5s linear;
-        -ms-transition: box-shadow 0.5s linear;
-        -o-transition: box-shadow 0.5s linear;
-        transition: box-shadow 0.5s linear;
-        display: table !important;
-        width: 100%;
-.memitem.glow {
-         box-shadow: 0 0 15px cyan;
-.memname {
-        font-weight: bold;
-        margin-left: 6px;
-.memname td {
-	vertical-align: bottom;
-.memproto, dl.reflist dt {
-        border-top: 1px solid #A8B8D9;
-        border-left: 1px solid #A8B8D9;
-        border-right: 1px solid #A8B8D9;
-        padding: 6px 0px 6px 0px;
-        color: #253555;
-        font-weight: bold;
-        text-shadow: 0px 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);
-        background-image:url('nav_f.png');
-        background-repeat:repeat-x;
-        background-color: #E2E8F2;
-        /* opera specific markup */
-        box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
-        border-top-right-radius: 4px;
-        border-top-left-radius: 4px;
-        /* firefox specific markup */
-        -moz-box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) 5px 5px 5px;
-        -moz-border-radius-topright: 4px;
-        -moz-border-radius-topleft: 4px;
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-        -webkit-box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
-        -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 4px;
-        -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 4px;
-.memdoc, dl.reflist dd {
-        border-bottom: 1px solid #A8B8D9;      
-        border-left: 1px solid #A8B8D9;      
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-  $(' tr').
-       removeClass('even').filter(':visible:even').addClass('even');
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-  $(' tr').each(function() {
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-    childRowsSpans.filter(".iconfopen").removeClass("iconfopen").addClass("iconfclosed");
-    childRowsSpans.filter(".arrow").html('&#9658;');
-; //show all children
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-  var rows = $('tr.inherit.'+id);
-  var img = $('tr.inherit_header.'+id+' img');
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-    $(img).attr('src',src.substring(0,src.length-8)+'closed.png');
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-<div class="title">FlatBuffers Documentation</div>  </div>
-<div class="contents">
-<div class="textblock"><p>FlatBuffers is an efficient cross platform serialization library for C++, Java, C#, Go, Python and JavaScript (C, PHP &amp; Ruby in progress). It was originally created at Google for game development and other performance-critical applications.</p>
-<p>It is available as Open Source on <a href="">GitHub</a> under the Apache license, v2 (see LICENSE.txt).</p>
-<h2>Why use FlatBuffers?</h2>
-<li><b>Access to serialized data without parsing/unpacking</b> - What sets FlatBuffers apart is that it represents hierarchical data in a flat binary buffer in such a way that it can still be accessed directly without parsing/unpacking, while also still supporting data structure evolution (forwards/backwards compatibility).</li>
-<li><b>Memory efficiency and speed</b> - The only memory needed to access your data is that of the buffer. It requires 0 additional allocations (in C++, other languages may vary). FlatBuffers is also very suitable for use with mmap (or streaming), requiring only part of the buffer to be in memory. Access is close to the speed of raw struct access with only one extra indirection (a kind of vtable) to allow for format evolution and optional fields. It is aimed at projects where spending time and space (many memory allocations) to be able to access or construct serialized data is undesirable, such as in games or any other performance sensitive applications. See the <a href="md__benchmarks.html">benchmarks</a> for details.</li>
-<li><b>Flexible</b> - Optional fields means not only do you get great forwards and backwards compatibility (increasingly important for long-lived games: don't have to update all data with each new version!). It also means you have a lot of choice in what data you write and what data you don't, and how you design data structures.</li>
-<li><b>Tiny code footprint</b> - Small amounts of generated code, and just a single small header as the minimum dependency, which is very easy to integrate. Again, see the benchmark section for details.</li>
-<li><b>Strongly typed</b> - Errors happen at compile time rather than manually having to write repetitive and error prone run-time checks. Useful code can be generated for you.</li>
-<li><p class="startli"><b>Convenient to use</b> - Generated C++ code allows for terse access &amp; construction code. Then there's optional functionality for parsing schemas and JSON-like text representations at runtime efficiently if needed (faster and more memory efficient than other JSON parsers).</p>
-<p class="startli">Java and Go code supports object-reuse. C# has efficient struct based accessors.</p>
-<li><b>Cross platform code with no dependencies</b> - C++ code will work with any recent gcc/clang and VS2010. Comes with build files for the tests &amp; samples (Android .mk files, and cmake for all other platforms).</li>
-<h3>Why not use Protocol Buffers, or .. ?</h3>
-<p>Protocol Buffers is indeed relatively similar to FlatBuffers, with the primary difference being that FlatBuffers does not need a parsing/ unpacking step to a secondary representation before you can access data, often coupled with per-object memory allocation. The code is an order of magnitude bigger, too. Protocol Buffers has neither optional text import/export nor schema language features like unions.</p>
-<h3>But all the cool kids use JSON!</h3>
-<p>JSON is very readable (which is why we use it as our optional text format) and very convenient when used together with dynamically typed languages (such as JavaScript). When serializing data from statically typed languages, however, JSON not only has the obvious drawback of runtime inefficiency, but also forces you to write <em>more</em> code to access data (counterintuitively) due to its dynamic-typing serialization system. In this context, it is only a better choice for systems that have very little to no information ahead of time about what data needs to be stored.</p>
-<p>Read more about the "why" of FlatBuffers in the <a href="md__white_paper.html">white paper</a>.</p>
-<h3>Who uses FlatBuffers?</h3>
-<li><a href="">Cocos2d-x</a>, the #1 open source mobile game engine, uses it to serialize all their <a href="">game data</a>.</li>
-<li><a href="">Facebook</a> uses it for client-server communication in their Android app. They have a nice <a href="">article</a> explaining how it speeds up loading their posts.</li>
-<li><a href="">Fun Propulsion Labs</a> at Google uses it extensively in all their libraries and games.</li>
-<h2>Usage in brief</h2>
-<p>This section is a quick rundown of how to use this system. Subsequent sections provide a more in-depth usage guide.</p>
-<li>Write a schema file that allows you to define the data structures you may want to serialize. Fields can have a scalar type (ints/floats of all sizes), or they can be a: string; array of any type; reference to yet another object; or, a set of possible objects (unions). Fields are optional and have defaults, so they don't need to be present for every object instance.</li>
-<li>Use <code>flatc</code> (the FlatBuffer compiler) to generate a C++ header (or Java/C#/Go/Python.. classes) with helper classes to access and construct serialized data. This header (say <code>mydata_generated.h</code>) only depends on <code>flatbuffers.h</code>, which defines the core functionality.</li>
-<li>Use the <code>FlatBufferBuilder</code> class to construct a flat binary buffer. The generated functions allow you to add objects to this buffer recursively, often as simply as making a single function call.</li>
-<li>Store or send your buffer somewhere!</li>
-<li>When reading it back, you can obtain the pointer to the root object from the binary buffer, and from there traverse it conveniently in-place with <code>object-&gt;field()</code>.</li>
-<h2>In-depth documentation</h2>
-<li>How to <a href="md__building.html">build the compiler</a> and samples on various platforms.</li>
-<li>How to <a href="md__compiler.html">use the compiler</a>.</li>
-<li>How to <a href="md__schemas.html">write a schema</a>.</li>
-<li>How to <a href="md__cpp_usage.html">use the generated C++ code</a> in your own programs.</li>
-<li>How to <a href="md__java_usage.html">use the generated Java/C# code</a> in your own programs.</li>
-<li>How to <a href="md__go_usage.html">use the generated Go code</a> in your own programs.</li>
-<li><a href="md__support.html">Support matrix</a> for platforms/languages/features.</li>
-<li>Some <a href="md__benchmarks.html">benchmarks</a> showing the advantage of using FlatBuffers.</li>
-<li>A <a href="md__white_paper.html">white paper</a> explaining the "why" of FlatBuffers.</li>
-<li>A description of the <a href="md__internals.html">internals</a> of FlatBuffers.</li>
-<li>A formal <a href="md__grammar.html">grammar</a> of the schema language.</li>
-<h2>Online resources</h2>
-<li><a href="">GitHub repository</a></li>
-<li><a href="">Landing page</a></li>
-<li><a href="">FlatBuffers Google Group</a></li>
-<li><a href="">FlatBuffers Issues Tracker</a></li>
-<li>Independent implementations &amp; tools:<ul>
-<li><a href="">FlatCC</a> Alternative FlatBuffers parser, code generator and runtime all in C.</li>
-<li>Colt's <a href="">DevByte</a>.</li>
-<li>GDC 2015 <a href="">Lightning Talk</a>.</li>
-<li>FlatBuffers for <a href="">Go</a>.</li>
-<li>Evolution of FlatBuffers <a href="">visualization</a>.</li>
-<li>Useful documentation created by others:<ul>
-<li><a href="">FlatBuffers in Go</a></li>
-<li><a href="">FlatBuffers in Android</a></li>
-<li><a href="">Parsing JSON to FlatBuffers in Java</a></li>
-<li><a href="">FlatBuffers in Unity</a> </li>
-</div></div><!-- contents -->
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- * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine
- *  Copyright 2011, The Dojo Foundation
- *  Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
- *  More information:
- */
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-<div class="title">Benchmarks </div>  </div>
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-<div class="textblock"><p>Comparing against other serialization solutions, running on Windows 7 64bit. We use the LITE runtime for Protocol Buffers (less code / lower overhead), Rapid JSON (one of the fastest C++ JSON parsers around), and pugixml, also one of the fastest XML parsers.</p>
-<p>We also compare against code that doesn't use a serialization library at all (the column "Raw structs"), which is what you get if you write hardcoded code that just writes structs. This is the fastest possible, but of course is not cross platform nor has any kind of forwards / backwards compatibility.</p>
-<p>We compare against Flatbuffers with the binary wire format (as intended), and also with JSON as the wire format with the optional JSON parser (which, using a schema, parses JSON into a binary buffer that can then be accessed as before).</p>
-<p>The benchmark object is a set of about 10 objects containing an array, 4 strings, and a large variety of int/float scalar values of all sizes, meant to be representative of game data, e.g. a scene format.</p>
-<table class="doxtable">
-<th></th><th>FlatBuffers (binary) </th><th>Protocol Buffers LITE </th><th>Rapid JSON </th><th>FlatBuffers (JSON) </th><th>pugixml </th><th>Raw structs  </th></tr>
-<td>Decode + Traverse + Dealloc (1 million times, seconds) </td><td>0.08 </td><td>302 </td><td>583 </td><td>105 </td><td>196 </td><td>0.02 </td></tr>
-<td>Decode / Traverse / Dealloc (breakdown) </td><td>0 / 0.08 / 0 </td><td>220 / 0.15 / 81 </td><td>294 / 0.9 / 287 </td><td>70 / 0.08 / 35 </td><td>41 / 3.9 / 150 </td><td>0 / 0.02 / 0 </td></tr>
-<td>Encode (1 million times, seconds) </td><td>3.2 </td><td>185 </td><td>650 </td><td>169 </td><td>273 </td><td>0.15 </td></tr>
-<td>Wire format size (normal / zlib, bytes) </td><td>344 / 220 </td><td>228 / 174 </td><td>1475 / 322 </td><td>1029 / 298 </td><td>1137 / 341 </td><td>312 / 187 </td></tr>
-<td>Memory needed to store decoded wire (bytes / blocks) </td><td>0 / 0 </td><td>760 / 20 </td><td>65689 / 4 </td><td>328 / 1 </td><td>34194 / 3 </td><td>0 / 0 </td></tr>
-<td>Transient memory allocated during decode (KB) </td><td>0 </td><td>1 </td><td>131 </td><td>4 </td><td>34 </td><td>0 </td></tr>
-<td>Generated source code size (KB) </td><td>4 </td><td>61 </td><td>0 </td><td>4 </td><td>0 </td><td>0 </td></tr>
-<td>Field access in handwritten traversal code </td><td>typed accessors </td><td>typed accessors </td><td>manual error checking </td><td>typed accessors </td><td>manual error checking </td><td>typed but no safety </td></tr>
-<td>Library source code (KB) </td><td>15 </td><td>some subset of 3800 </td><td>87 </td><td>43 </td><td>327 </td><td>0 </td></tr>
-<h3>Some other serialization systems we compared against but did not benchmark (yet), in rough order of applicability:</h3>
-<li>Cap'n'Proto promises to reduce Protocol Buffers much like FlatBuffers does, though with a more complicated binary encoding and less flexibility (no optional fields to allow deprecating fields or serializing with missing fields for which defaults exist). It currently also isn't fully cross-platform portable (lack of VS support).</li>
-<li>msgpack: has very minimal forwards/backwards compatibility support when used with the typed C++ interface. Also lacks VS2010 support.</li>
-<li>Thrift: very similar to Protocol Buffers, but appears to be less efficient, and have more dependencies.</li>
-<li>YAML: a superset of JSON and otherwise very similar. Used by e.g. Unity.</li>
-<li>C# comes with built-in serialization functionality, as used by Unity also. Being tied to the language, and having no automatic versioning support limits its applicability.</li>
-<li>Project Anarchy (the free mobile engine by Havok) comes with a serialization system, that however does no automatic versioning (have to code around new fields manually), is very much tied to the rest of the engine, and works without a schema to generate code (tied to your C++ class definition).</li>
-<h3>Code for benchmarks</h3>
-<p>Code for these benchmarks sits in <code>benchmarks/</code> in git branch <code>benchmarks</code>. It sits in its own branch because it has submodule dependencies that the main project doesn't need, and the code standards do not meet those of the main project. Please read <code>benchmarks/cpp/README.txt</code> before working with the code. </p>
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-<div class="title">Building </div>  </div>
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-<div class="textblock"><p>There are project files for Visual Studio and Xcode that should allow you to build the compiler <code>flatc</code>, the samples and the tests out of the box.</p>
-<p>Alternatively, the distribution comes with a <code>cmake</code> file that should allow you to build project/make files for any platform. For details on <code>cmake</code>, see <a href=""></a>. In brief, depending on your platform, use one of e.g.: </p><pre class="fragment">cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"
-cmake -G "Visual Studio 10"
-cmake -G "Xcode"
-</pre><p>Then, build as normal for your platform. This should result in a <code>flatc</code> executable, essential for the next steps. Note that to use clang instead of gcc, you may need to set up your environment variables, e.g. <code>CC=/usr/bin/clang CXX=/usr/bin/clang++ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"</code>.</p>
-<p>Optionally, run the <code>flattests</code> executable to ensure everything is working correctly on your system. If this fails, please contact us!</p>
-<p>Note that you MUST be in the root of the FlatBuffers distribution when you run 'flattests' (and the samples), or it will fail to load its files.</p>
-<p>Building should also produce two sample executables, <code>sample_binary</code> and <code>sample_text</code>, see the corresponding <code>.cpp</code> file in the samples directory.</p>
-<p>There is an <code>android</code> directory that contains all you need to build the test executable on android (use the included <code></code> script, or use <code>ndk_build</code> / <code>adb</code> etc. as usual). Upon running, it will output to the log if tests succeeded or not.</p>
-<p>There is usually no runtime to compile, as the code consists of a single header, <code>include/flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h</code>. You should add the <code>include</code> folder to your include paths. If you wish to be able to load schemas and/or parse text into binary buffers at runtime, you additionally need the other headers in <code>include/flatbuffers</code>. You must also compile/link <code>src/idl_parser.cpp</code> (and <code>src/idl_gen_text.cpp</code> if you also want to be able convert binary to text).</p>
-<p>For applications on Google Play that integrate this library, usage is tracked. This tracking is done automatically using the embedded version string (flatbuffer_version_string), and helps us continue to optimize it. Aside from consuming a few extra bytes in your application binary, it shouldn't affect your application at all. We use this information to let us know if FlatBuffers is useful and if we should continue to invest in it. Since this is open source, you are free to remove the version string but we would appreciate if you would leave it in. </p>
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-<div class="title">Using the schema compiler </div>  </div>
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-<div class="textblock"><p>Usage: </p><pre class="fragment">flatc [ GENERATOR OPTIONS ] [ -o PATH ] [ -I PATH ] [ -S ] FILES...
-      [ -- FILES...]
-</pre><p>The files are read and parsed in order, and can contain either schemas or data (see below). Data files are processed according to the definitions of the most recent schema specified.</p>
-<p><code>--</code> indicates that the following files are binary files in FlatBuffer format conforming to the schema indicated before it.</p>
-<p>Depending on the flags passed, additional files may be generated for each file processed:</p>
-<p>For any schema input files, one or more generators can be specified:</p>
-<li><code>--cpp</code>, <code>-c</code> : Generate a C++ header for all definitions in this file (as <code>filename_generated.h</code>).</li>
-<li><code>--java</code>, <code>-j</code> : Generate Java code.</li>
-<li><code>--csharp</code>, <code>-n</code> : Generate C# code.</li>
-<li><code>--go</code>, <code>-g</code> : Generate Go code.</li>
-<li><code>--python</code>, <code>-p</code>: Generate Python code.</li>
-<li><code>--javascript</code>, <code>-s</code>: Generate JavaScript code.</li>
-<li><code>--php</code>: Generate PHP code.</li>
-<p>For any data input files:</p>
-<li><code>--binary</code>, <code>-b</code> : If data is contained in this file, generate a <code>filename.bin</code> containing the binary flatbuffer (or a different extension if one is specified in the schema).</li>
-<li><code>--json</code>, <code>-t</code> : If data is contained in this file, generate a <code>filename.json</code> representing the data in the flatbuffer.</li>
-<p>Additional options:</p>
-<li><code>-o PATH</code> : Output all generated files to PATH (either absolute, or relative to the current directory). If omitted, PATH will be the current directory. PATH should end in your systems path separator, e.g. <code>/</code> or <code>\</code>.</li>
-<li><code>-I PATH</code> : when encountering <code>include</code> statements, attempt to load the files from this path. Paths will be tried in the order given, and if all fail (or none are specified) it will try to load relative to the path of the schema file being parsed.</li>
-<li><code>-M</code> : Print make rules for generated files.</li>
-<li><code>--strict-json</code> : Require &amp; generate strict JSON (field names are enclosed in quotes, no trailing commas in tables/vectors). By default, no quotes are required/generated, and trailing commas are allowed.</li>
-<li><code>--defaults-json</code> : Output fields whose value is equal to the default value when writing JSON text.</li>
-<li><code>--no-prefix</code> : Don't prefix enum values in generated C++ by their enum type.</li>
-<li><code>--scoped-enums</code> : Use C++11 style scoped and strongly typed enums in generated C++. This also implies <code>--no-prefix</code>.</li>
-<li><code>--gen-includes</code> : (deprecated), this is the default behavior. If the original behavior is required (no include statements) use <code>--no-includes.</code></li>
-<li><code>--no-includes</code> : Don't generate include statements for included schemas the generated file depends on (C++).</li>
-<li><code>--gen-mutable</code> : Generate additional non-const accessors for mutating FlatBuffers in-place.</li>
-<li><code>--gen-onefile</code> : Generate single output file (useful for C#)</li>
-<li><code>--gen-all</code>: Generate not just code for the current schema files, but for all files it includes as well. If the language uses a single file for output (by default the case for C++ and JS), all code will end up in this one file.</li>
-<li><code>--raw-binary</code> : Allow binaries without a file_indentifier to be read. This may crash flatc given a mismatched schema.</li>
-<li><code>--proto</code>: Expect input files to be .proto files (protocol buffers). Output the corresponding .fbs file. Currently supports: <code>package</code>, <code>message</code>, <code>enum</code>, nested declarations, <code>import</code> (use <code>-I</code> for paths), <code>extend</code>, <code>oneof</code>, <code>group</code>. Does not support, but will skip without error: <code>option</code>, <code>service</code>, <code>extensions</code>, and most everything else.</li>
-<li><code>--schema</code>: Serialize schemas instead of JSON (use with -b). This will output a binary version of the specified schema that itself corresponds to the reflection/reflection.fbs schema. Loading this binary file is the basis for reflection functionality.</li>
-<p>NOTE: short-form options for generators are deprecated, use the long form whenever possible. </p>
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-<div class="title">Use in C++ </div>  </div>
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-<div class="textblock"><p>Assuming you have written a schema using the above language in say <code>mygame.fbs</code> (FlatBuffer Schema, though the extension doesn't matter), you've generated a C++ header called <code>mygame_generated.h</code> using the compiler (e.g. <code>flatc -c mygame.fbs</code>), you can now start using this in your program by including the header. As noted, this header relies on <code>flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h</code>, which should be in your include path.</p>
-<h3>Writing in C++</h3>
-<p>To start creating a buffer, create an instance of <code>FlatBufferBuilder</code> which will contain the buffer as it grows:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line">FlatBufferBuilder fbb;</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>Before we serialize a Monster, we need to first serialize any objects that are contained there-in, i.e. we serialize the data tree using depth first, pre-order traversal. This is generally easy to do on any tree structures. For example:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><span class="keyword">auto</span> name = fbb.CreateString(<span class="stringliteral">&quot;MyMonster&quot;</span>);</div>
-<div class="line"></div>
-<div class="line"><span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">char</span> inv[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };</div>
-<div class="line"><span class="keyword">auto</span> inventory = fbb.CreateVector(inv, 10);</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p><code>CreateString</code> and <code>CreateVector</code> serialize these two built-in datatypes, and return offsets into the serialized data indicating where they are stored, such that <code>Monster</code> below can refer to them.</p>
-<p><code>CreateString</code> can also take an <code>std::string</code>, or a <code>const char *</code> with an explicit length, and is suitable for holding UTF-8 and binary data if needed.</p>
-<p><code>CreateVector</code> can also take an <code>std::vector</code>. The offset it returns is typed, i.e. can only be used to set fields of the correct type below. To create a vector of struct objects (which will be stored as contiguous memory in the buffer, use <code>CreateVectorOfStructs</code> instead.</p>
-<p>To create a vector of nested objects (e.g. tables, strings or other vectors) collect their offsets in a temporary array/vector, then call <code>CreateVector</code> on that (see e.g. the array of strings example in <code>test.cpp</code> <code>CreateFlatBufferTest</code>).</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line">Vec3 vec(1, 2, 3);</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p><code>Vec3</code> is the first example of code from our generated header. Structs (unlike tables) translate to simple structs in C++, so we can construct them in a familiar way.</p>
-<p>We have now serialized the non-scalar components of of the monster example, so we could create the monster something like this:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><span class="keyword">auto</span> mloc = CreateMonster(fbb, &amp;vec, 150, 80, name, inventory, Color_Red, 0, Any_NONE);</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>Note that we're passing <code>150</code> for the <code>mana</code> field, which happens to be the default value: this means the field will not actually be written to the buffer, since we'll get that value anyway when we query it. This is a nice space savings, since it is very common for fields to be at their default. It means we also don't need to be scared to add fields only used in a minority of cases, since they won't bloat up the buffer sizes if they're not actually used.</p>
-<p>We do something similarly for the union field <code>test</code> by specifying a <code>0</code> offset and the <code>NONE</code> enum value (part of every union) to indicate we don't actually want to write this field. You can use <code>0</code> also as a default for other non-scalar types, such as strings, vectors and tables. To pass an actual table, pass a preconstructed table as <code>mytable.Union()</code> that corresponds to union enum you're passing.</p>
-<p>Tables (like <code>Monster</code>) give you full flexibility on what fields you write (unlike <code>Vec3</code>, which always has all fields set because it is a <code>struct</code>). If you want even more control over this (i.e. skip fields even when they are not default), instead of the convenient <code>CreateMonster</code> call we can also build the object field-by-field manually:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line">MonsterBuilder mb(fbb);</div>
-<div class="line">mb.add_pos(&amp;vec);</div>
-<div class="line">mb.add_hp(80);</div>
-<div class="line">mb.add_name(name);</div>
-<div class="line">mb.add_inventory(inventory);</div>
-<div class="line"><span class="keyword">auto</span> mloc = mb.Finish();</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>We start with a temporary helper class <code>MonsterBuilder</code> (which is defined in our generated code also), then call the various <code>add_</code> methods to set fields, and <code>Finish</code> to complete the object. This is pretty much the same code as you find inside <code>CreateMonster</code>, except we're leaving out a few fields. Fields may also be added in any order, though orderings with fields of the same size adjacent to each other most efficient in size, due to alignment. You should not nest these Builder classes (serialize your data in pre-order).</p>
-<p>Regardless of whether you used <code>CreateMonster</code> or <code>MonsterBuilder</code>, you now have an offset to the root of your data, and you can finish the buffer using:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line">FinishMonsterBuffer(fbb, mloc);</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>The buffer is now ready to be stored somewhere, sent over the network, be compressed, or whatever you'd like to do with it. You can access the start of the buffer with <code>fbb.GetBufferPointer()</code>, and it's size from <code>fbb.GetSize()</code>.</p>
-<p>Calling code may take ownership of the buffer with <code>fbb.ReleaseBufferPointer()</code>. Should you do it, the <code>FlatBufferBuilder</code> will be in an invalid state, and <em>must</em> be cleared before it can be used again. However, it also means you are able to destroy the builder while keeping the buffer in your application.</p>
-<p><code>samples/sample_binary.cpp</code> is a complete code sample similar to the code above, that also includes the reading code below.</p>
-<h3>Reading in C++</h3>
-<p>If you've received a buffer from somewhere (disk, network, etc.) you can directly start traversing it using:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><span class="keyword">auto</span> monster = GetMonster(buffer_pointer);</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p><code>monster</code> is of type <code>Monster *</code>, and points to somewhere <em>inside</em> your buffer (root object pointers are not the same as <code>buffer_pointer</code> !). If you look in your generated header, you'll see it has convenient accessors for all fields, e.g.</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line">assert(monster-&gt;hp() == 80);</div>
-<div class="line">assert(monster-&gt;mana() == 150);  <span class="comment">// default</span></div>
-<div class="line">assert(strcmp(monster-&gt;name()-&gt;c_str(), <span class="stringliteral">&quot;MyMonster&quot;</span>) == 0);</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>These should all be true. Note that we never stored a <code>mana</code> value, so it will return the default.</p>
-<p>To access sub-objects, in this case the <code>Vec3</code>:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><span class="keyword">auto</span> pos = monster-&gt;pos();</div>
-<div class="line">assert(pos);</div>
-<div class="line">assert(pos-&gt;z() == 3);</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>If we had not set the <code>pos</code> field during serialization, it would be <code>NULL</code>.</p>
-<p>Similarly, we can access elements of the inventory array:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><span class="keyword">auto</span> inv = monster-&gt;inventory();</div>
-<div class="line">assert(inv);</div>
-<div class="line">assert(inv-&gt;Get(9) == 9);</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><h3>Mutating FlatBuffers</h3>
-<p>As you saw above, typically once you have created a FlatBuffer, it is read-only from that moment on. There are however cases where you have just received a FlatBuffer, and you'd like to modify something about it before sending it on to another recipient. With the above functionality, you'd have to generate an entirely new FlatBuffer, while tracking what you modify in your own data structures. This is inconvenient.</p>
-<p>For this reason FlatBuffers can also be mutated in-place. While this is great for making small fixes to an existing buffer, you generally want to create buffers from scratch whenever possible, since it is much more efficient and the API is much more general purpose.</p>
-<p>To get non-const accessors, invoke <code>flatc</code> with <code>--gen-mutable</code>.</p>
-<p>Similar to the reading API above, you now can:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><span class="keyword">auto</span> monster = GetMutableMonster(buffer_pointer);  <span class="comment">// non-const</span></div>
-<div class="line">monster-&gt;mutate_hp(10);                      <span class="comment">// Set table field.</span></div>
-<div class="line">monster-&gt;mutable_pos()-&gt;mutate_z(4);         <span class="comment">// Set struct field.</span></div>
-<div class="line">monster-&gt;mutable_inventory()-&gt;Mutate(0, 1);  <span class="comment">// Set vector element.</span></div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>We use the somewhat verbose term <code>mutate</code> instead of <code>set</code> to indicate that this is a special use case, not to be confused with the default way of constructing FlatBuffer data.</p>
-<p>After the above mutations, you can send on the FlatBuffer to a new recipient without any further work!</p>
-<p>Note that any <code>mutate_</code> functions on tables return a bool, which is false if the field we're trying to set isn't present in the buffer. Fields are not present if they weren't set, or even if they happen to be equal to the default value. For example, in the creation code above we set the <code>mana</code> field to <code>150</code>, which is the default value, so it was never stored in the buffer. Trying to call mutate_mana() on such data will return false, and the value won't actually be modified!</p>
-<p>One way to solve this is to call <code>ForceDefaults()</code> on a <code>FlatBufferBuilder</code> to force all fields you set to actually be written. This of course increases the size of the buffer somewhat, but this may be acceptable for a mutable buffer.</p>
-<p>Alternatively, you can use the more powerful reflection functionality:</p>
-<h3>Reflection (&amp; Resizing)</h3>
-<p>If the above ways of accessing a buffer are still too static for you, there is experimental support for reflection in FlatBuffers, allowing you to read and write data even if you don't know the exact format of a buffer, and even allows you to change sizes of strings and vectors in-place.</p>
-<p>The way this works is very elegant, there is actually a FlatBuffer schema that describes schemas (!) which you can find in <code>reflection/reflection.fbs</code>. The compiler <code>flatc</code> can write out any schemas it has just parsed as a binary FlatBuffer, corresponding to this meta-schema.</p>
-<p>Loading in one of these binary schemas at runtime allows you traverse any FlatBuffer data that corresponds to it without knowing the exact format. You can query what fields are present, and then read/write them after.</p>
-<p>For convenient field manipulation, you can include the header <code>flatbuffers/reflection.h</code> which includes both the generated code from the meta schema, as well as a lot of helper functions.</p>
-<p>And example of usage for the moment you can find in <code>test.cpp/ReflectionTest()</code>.</p>
-<h3>Storing maps / dictionaries in a FlatBuffer</h3>
-<p>FlatBuffers doesn't support maps natively, but there is support to emulate their behavior with vectors and binary search, which means you can have fast lookups directly from a FlatBuffer without having to unpack your data into a <code>std::map</code> or similar.</p>
-<p>To use it:</p><ul>
-<li>Designate one of the fields in a table as they "key" field. You do this by setting the <code>key</code> attribute on this field, e.g. <code>name:string (key)</code>. You may only have one key field, and it must be of string or scalar type.</li>
-<li>Write out tables of this type as usual, collect their offsets in an array or vector.</li>
-<li>Instead of <code>CreateVector</code>, call <code>CreateVectorOfSortedTables</code>, which will first sort all offsets such that the tables they refer to are sorted by the key field, then serialize it.</li>
-<li>Now when you're accessing the FlatBuffer, you can use <code>Vector::LookupByKey</code> instead of just <code>Vector::Get</code> to access elements of the vector, e.g.: <code>myvector-&gt;LookupByKey("Fred")</code>, which returns a pointer to the corresponding table type, or <code>nullptr</code> if not found. <code>LookupByKey</code> performs a binary search, so should have a similar speed to <code>std::map</code>, though may be faster because of better caching. <code>LookupByKey</code> only works if the vector has been sorted, it will likely not find elements if it hasn't been sorted.</li>
-<h3>Direct memory access</h3>
-<p>As you can see from the above examples, all elements in a buffer are accessed through generated accessors. This is because everything is stored in little endian format on all platforms (the accessor performs a swap operation on big endian machines), and also because the layout of things is generally not known to the user.</p>
-<p>For structs, layout is deterministic and guaranteed to be the same accross platforms (scalars are aligned to their own size, and structs themselves to their largest member), and you are allowed to access this memory directly by using <code>sizeof()</code> and <code>memcpy</code> on the pointer to a struct, or even an array of structs.</p>
-<p>To compute offsets to sub-elements of a struct, make sure they are a structs themselves, as then you can use the pointers to figure out the offset without having to hardcode it. This is handy for use of arrays of structs with calls like <code>glVertexAttribPointer</code> in OpenGL or similar APIs.</p>
-<p>It is important to note is that structs are still little endian on all machines, so only use tricks like this if you can guarantee you're not shipping on a big endian machine (an <code>assert(FLATBUFFERS_LITTLEENDIAN)</code> would be wise).</p>
-<h3>Access of untrusted buffers</h3>
-<p>The generated accessor functions access fields over offsets, which is very quick. These offsets are not verified at run-time, so a malformed buffer could cause a program to crash by accessing random memory.</p>
-<p>When you're processing large amounts of data from a source you know (e.g. your own generated data on disk), this is acceptable, but when reading data from the network that can potentially have been modified by an attacker, this is undesirable.</p>
-<p>For this reason, you can optionally use a buffer verifier before you access the data. This verifier will check all offsets, all sizes of fields, and null termination of strings to ensure that when a buffer is accessed, all reads will end up inside the buffer.</p>
-<p>Each root type will have a verification function generated for it, e.g. for <code>Monster</code>, you can call:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><span class="keywordtype">bool</span> ok = VerifyMonsterBuffer(Verifier(buf, len));</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>if <code>ok</code> is true, the buffer is safe to read.</p>
-<p>Besides untrusted data, this function may be useful to call in debug mode, as extra insurance against data being corrupted somewhere along the way.</p>
-<p>While verifying a buffer isn't "free", it is typically faster than a full traversal (since any scalar data is not actually touched), and since it may cause the buffer to be brought into cache before reading, the actual overhead may be even lower than expected.</p>
-<p>In specialized cases where a denial of service attack is possible, the verifier has two additional constructor arguments that allow you to limit the nesting depth and total amount of tables the verifier may encounter before declaring the buffer malformed. The default is <code>Verifier(buf, len, 64 /* max depth */, 1000000, /* max tables */)</code> which should be sufficient for most uses.</p>
-<h2>Text &amp; schema parsing</h2>
-<p>Using binary buffers with the generated header provides a super low overhead use of FlatBuffer data. There are, however, times when you want to use text formats, for example because it interacts better with source control, or you want to give your users easy access to data.</p>
-<p>Another reason might be that you already have a lot of data in JSON format, or a tool that generates JSON, and if you can write a schema for it, this will provide you an easy way to use that data directly.</p>
-<p>(see the schema documentation for some specifics on the JSON format accepted).</p>
-<p>There are two ways to use text formats:</p>
-<h3>Using the compiler as a conversion tool</h3>
-<p>This is the preferred path, as it doesn't require you to add any new code to your program, and is maximally efficient since you can ship with binary data. The disadvantage is that it is an extra step for your users/developers to perform, though you might be able to automate it. </p><pre class="fragment">flatc -b myschema.fbs mydata.json
-</pre><p>This will generate the binary file <code>mydata_wire.bin</code> which can be loaded as before.</p>
-<h3>Making your program capable of loading text directly</h3>
-<p>This gives you maximum flexibility. You could even opt to support both, i.e. check for both files, and regenerate the binary from text when required, otherwise just load the binary.</p>
-<p>This option is currently only available for C++, or Java through JNI.</p>
-<p>As mentioned in the section "Building" above, this technique requires you to link a few more files into your program, and you'll want to include <code>flatbuffers/idl.h</code>.</p>
-<p>Load text (either a schema or json) into an in-memory buffer (there is a convenient <code>LoadFile()</code> utility function in <code>flatbuffers/util.h</code> if you wish). Construct a parser:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line">flatbuffers::Parser parser;</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>Now you can parse any number of text files in sequence:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line">parser.Parse(text_file.c_str());</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>This works similarly to how the command-line compiler works: a sequence of files parsed by the same <code>Parser</code> object allow later files to reference definitions in earlier files. Typically this means you first load a schema file (which populates <code>Parser</code> with definitions), followed by one or more JSON files.</p>
-<p>As optional argument to <code>Parse</code>, you may specify a null-terminated list of include paths. If not specified, any include statements try to resolve from the current directory.</p>
-<p>If there were any parsing errors, <code>Parse</code> will return <code>false</code>, and <code>Parser::err</code> contains a human readable error string with a line number etc, which you should present to the creator of that file.</p>
-<p>After each JSON file, the <code>Parser::fbb</code> member variable is the <code>FlatBufferBuilder</code> that contains the binary buffer version of that file, that you can access as described above.</p>
-<p><code>samples/sample_text.cpp</code> is a code sample showing the above operations.</p>
-<p>Reading a FlatBuffer does not touch any memory outside the original buffer, and is entirely read-only (all const), so is safe to access from multiple threads even without synchronisation primitives.</p>
-<p>Creating a FlatBuffer is not thread safe. All state related to building a FlatBuffer is contained in a FlatBufferBuilder instance, and no memory outside of it is touched. To make this thread safe, either do not share instances of FlatBufferBuilder between threads (recommended), or manually wrap it in synchronisation primites. There's no automatic way to accomplish this, by design, as we feel multithreaded construction of a single buffer will be rare, and synchronisation overhead would be costly. </p>
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-<div class="title">Use in Go </div>  </div>
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-<div class="textblock"><p>There's experimental support for reading FlatBuffers in Go. Generate code for Go with the <code>-g</code> option to <code>flatc</code>.</p>
-<p>See <code>go_test.go</code> for an example. You import the generated code, read a FlatBuffer binary file into a <code>[]byte</code>, which you pass to the <code>GetRootAsMonster</code> function:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><span class="keyword">import</span> (</div>
-<div class="line">   example <span class="stringliteral">&quot;MyGame/Example&quot;</span></div>
-<div class="line">   flatbuffers <span class="stringliteral">&quot;;</span></div>
-<div class="line"></div>
-<div class="line">   io/ioutil</div>
-<div class="line">)</div>
-<div class="line"></div>
-<div class="line">buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(<span class="stringliteral">&quot;monster.dat&quot;</span>)</div>
-<div class="line"><span class="comment">// handle err</span></div>
-<div class="line">monster := example.GetRootAsMonster(buf, 0)</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>Now you can access values like this:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line">hp := monster.Hp()</div>
-<div class="line">pos := monster.Pos(nil)</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>Note that whenever you access a new object like in the <code>Pos</code> example above, a new temporary accessor object gets created. If your code is very performance sensitive (you iterate through a lot of objects), you can replace nil with a pointer to a <code>Vec3</code> object you've already created. This allows you to reuse it across many calls and reduce the amount of object allocation (and thus garbage collection) your program does.</p>
-<p>To access vectors you pass an extra index to the vector field accessor. Then a second method with the same name suffixed by <code>Length</code> let's you know the number of elements you can access:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><span class="keywordflow">for</span> i := 0; i &lt; monster.InventoryLength(); i++ {</div>
-<div class="line">    monster.Inventory(i) <span class="comment">// do something here</span></div>
-<div class="line">}</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>You can also construct these buffers in Go using the functions found in the generated code, and the FlatBufferBuilder class:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line">builder := flatbuffers.NewBuilder(0)</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>Create strings:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line">str := builder.CreateString(<span class="stringliteral">&quot;MyMonster&quot;</span>)</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>Create a table with a struct contained therein:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line">example.MonsterStart(builder)</div>
-<div class="line">example.MonsterAddPos(builder, example.CreateVec3(builder, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4, 5, 6))</div>
-<div class="line">example.MonsterAddHp(builder, 80)</div>
-<div class="line">example.MonsterAddName(builder, str)</div>
-<div class="line">example.MonsterAddInventory(builder, inv)</div>
-<div class="line">example.MonsterAddTest_Type(builder, 1)</div>
-<div class="line">example.MonsterAddTest(builder, mon2)</div>
-<div class="line">example.MonsterAddTest4(builder, test4s)</div>
-<div class="line">mon := example.MonsterEnd(builder)</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>Unlike C++, Go does not support table creation functions like 'createMonster()'. This is to create the buffer without using temporary object allocation (since the <code>Vec3</code> is an inline component of <code>Monster</code>, it has to be created right where it is added, whereas the name and the inventory are not inline, and <b>must</b> be created outside of the table creation sequence). Structs do have convenient methods that allow you to construct them in one call. These also have arguments for nested structs, e.g. if a struct has a field <code>a</code> and a nested struct field <code>b</code> (which has fields <code>c</code> and <code>d</code>), then the arguments will be <code>a</code>, <code>c</code> and <code>d</code>.</p>
-<p>Vectors also use this start/end pattern to allow vectors of both scalar types and structs:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line">example.MonsterStartInventoryVector(builder, 5)</div>
-<div class="line"><span class="keywordflow">for</span> i := 4; i &gt;= 0; i-- {</div>
-<div class="line">    builder.PrependByte(byte(i))</div>
-<div class="line">}</div>
-<div class="line">inv := builder.EndVector(5)</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>The generated method 'StartInventoryVector' is provided as a convenience function which calls 'StartVector' with the correct element size of the vector type which in this case is 'ubyte' or 1 byte per vector element. You pass the number of elements you want to write. You write the elements backwards since the buffer is being constructed back to front. Use the correct <code>Prepend</code> call for the type, or <code>PrependUOffsetT</code> for offsets. You then pass <code>inv</code> to the corresponding <code>Add</code> call when you construct the table containing it afterwards.</p>
-<p>There are <code>Prepend</code> functions for all the scalar types. You use <code>PrependUOffset</code> for any previously constructed objects (such as other tables, strings, vectors). For structs, you use the appropriate <code>create</code> function in-line, as shown above in the <code>Monster</code> example.</p>
-<p>Once you're done constructing a buffer, you call <code>Finish</code> with the root object offset (<code>mon</code> in the example above). Your data now resides in Builder.Bytes. Important to note is that the real data starts at the index indicated by Head(), for Offset() bytes (this is because the buffer is constructed backwards). If you wanted to read the buffer right after creating it (using <code>GetRootAsMonster</code> above), the second argument, instead of <code>0</code> would thus also be <code>Head()</code>.</p>
-<h2>Text Parsing</h2>
-<p>There currently is no support for parsing text (Schema's and JSON) directly from Go, though you could use the C++ parser through cgo. Please see the C++ documentation for more on text parsing. </p>
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-<div class="title">Grammar of the schema language </div>  </div>
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-<div class="textblock"><p>schema = include* ( namespace_decl | type_decl | enum_decl | root_decl | file_extension_decl | file_identifier_decl | attribute_decl | object )*</p>
-<p>include = <code>include</code> string_constant <code>;</code></p>
-<p>namespace_decl = <code>namespace</code> ident ( <code>.</code> ident )* <code>;</code></p>
-<p>attribute_decl = <code>attribute</code> string_constant <code>;</code></p>
-<p>type_decl = ( <code>table</code> | <code>struct</code> ) ident metadata <code>{</code> field_decl+ <code>}</code></p>
-<p>enum_decl = ( <code>enum</code> | <code>union</code> ) ident [ <code>:</code> type ] metadata <code>{</code> commasep( enumval_decl ) <code>}</code></p>
-<p>root_decl = <code>root_type</code> ident <code>;</code></p>
-<p>field_decl = ident <code>:</code> type [ <code>=</code> scalar ] metadata <code>;</code></p>
-<p>type = <code>bool</code> | <code>byte</code> | <code>ubyte</code> | <code>short</code> | <code>ushort</code> | <code>int</code> | <code>uint</code> | <code>float</code> | <code>long</code> | <code>ulong</code> | <code>double</code> | <code>string</code> | <code>[</code> type <code>]</code> | ident</p>
-<p>enumval_decl = ident [ <code>=</code> integer_constant ]</p>
-<p>metadata = [ <code>(</code> commasep( ident [ <code>:</code> single_value ] ) <code>)</code> ]</p>
-<p>scalar = integer_constant | float_constant</p>
-<p>object = { commasep( ident <code>:</code> value ) }</p>
-<p>single_value = scalar | string_constant</p>
-<p>value = single_value | object | <code>[</code> commasep( value ) <code>]</code></p>
-<p>commasep(x) = [ x ( <code>,</code> x )* ]</p>
-<p>file_extension_decl = <code>file_extension</code> string_constant <code>;</code></p>
-<p>file_identifier_decl = <code>file_identifier</code> string_constant <code>;</code></p>
-<p>integer_constant = -?[0-9]+ | <code>true</code> | <code>false</code></p>
-<p>float_constant = -?[0-9]+.[0-9]+((e|E)(+|-)?[0-9]+)? </p>
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-<div class="title">FlatBuffer Internals </div>  </div>
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-<div class="textblock"><p>This section is entirely optional for the use of FlatBuffers. In normal usage, you should never need the information contained herein. If you're interested however, it should give you more of an appreciation of why FlatBuffers is both efficient and convenient.</p>
-<h3>Format components</h3>
-<p>A FlatBuffer is a binary file and in-memory format consisting mostly of scalars of various sizes, all aligned to their own size. Each scalar is also always represented in little-endian format, as this corresponds to all commonly used CPUs today. FlatBuffers will also work on big-endian machines, but will be slightly slower because of additional byte-swap intrinsics.</p>
-<p>On purpose, the format leaves a lot of details about where exactly things live in memory undefined, e.g. fields in a table can have any order, and objects to some extend can be stored in many orders. This is because the format doesn't need this information to be efficient, and it leaves room for optimization and extension (for example, fields can be packed in a way that is most compact). Instead, the format is defined in terms of offsets and adjacency only. This may mean two different implementations may produce different binaries given the same input values, and this is perfectly valid.</p>
-<h3>Format identification</h3>
-<p>The format also doesn't contain information for format identification and versioning, which is also by design. FlatBuffers is a statically typed system, meaning the user of a buffer needs to know what kind of buffer it is. FlatBuffers can of course be wrapped inside other containers where needed, or you can use its union feature to dynamically identify multiple possible sub-objects stored. Additionally, it can be used together with the schema parser if full reflective capabilities are desired.</p>
-<p>Versioning is something that is intrinsically part of the format (the optionality / extensibility of fields), so the format itself does not need a version number (it's a meta-format, in a sense). We're hoping that this format can accommodate all data needed. If format breaking changes are ever necessary, it would become a new kind of format rather than just a variation.</p>
-<p>The most important and generic offset type (see <code>flatbuffers.h</code>) is <code>uoffset_t</code>, which is currently always a <code>uint32_t</code>, and is used to refer to all tables/unions/strings/vectors (these are never stored in-line). 32bit is intentional, since we want to keep the format binary compatible between 32 and 64bit systems, and a 64bit offset would bloat the size for almost all uses. A version of this format with 64bit (or 16bit) offsets is easy to set when needed. Unsigned means they can only point in one direction, which typically is forward (towards a higher memory location). Any backwards offsets will be explicitly marked as such.</p>
-<p>The format starts with an <code>uoffset_t</code> to the root object in the buffer.</p>
-<p>We have two kinds of objects, structs and tables.</p>
-<p>These are the simplest, and as mentioned, intended for simple data that benefits from being extra efficient and doesn't need versioning / extensibility. They are always stored inline in their parent (a struct, table, or vector) for maximum compactness. Structs define a consistent memory layout where all components are aligned to their size, and structs aligned to their largest scalar member. This is done independent of the alignment rules of the underlying compiler to guarantee a cross platform compatible layout. This layout is then enforced in the generated code.</p>
-<p>Unlike structs, these are not stored in inline in their parent, but are referred to by offset.</p>
-<p>They start with an <code>soffset_t</code> to a vtable. This is a signed version of <code>uoffset_t</code>, since vtables may be stored anywhere relative to the object. This offset is substracted (not added) from the object start to arrive at the vtable start. This offset is followed by all the fields as aligned scalars (or offsets). Unlike structs, not all fields need to be present. There is no set order and layout.</p>
-<p>To be able to access fields regardless of these uncertainties, we go through a vtable of offsets. Vtables are shared between any objects that happen to have the same vtable values.</p>
-<p>The elements of a vtable are all of type <code>voffset_t</code>, which is a <code>uint16_t</code>. The first element is the size of the vtable in bytes, including the size element. The second one is the size of the object, in bytes (including the vtable offset). This size could be used for streaming, to know how many bytes to read to be able to access all <em>inline</em> fields of the object. The remaining elements are the N offsets, where N is the amount of fields declared in the schema when the code that constructed this buffer was compiled (thus, the size of the table is N + 2).</p>
-<p>All accessor functions in the generated code for tables contain the offset into this table as a constant. This offset is checked against the first field (the number of elements), to protect against newer code reading older data. If this offset is out of range, or the vtable entry is 0, that means the field is not present in this object, and the default value is return. Otherwise, the entry is used as offset to the field to be read.</p>
-<h3>Strings and Vectors</h3>
-<p>Strings are simply a vector of bytes, and are always null-terminated. Vectors are stored as contiguous aligned scalar elements prefixed by a 32bit element count (not including any null termination). Neither is stored inline in their parent, but are referred to by offset.</p>
-<p>The current implementation constructs these buffers backwards (starting at the highest memory address of the buffer), since that significantly reduces the amount of bookkeeping and simplifies the construction API.</p>
-<h3>Code example</h3>
-<p>Here's an example of the code that gets generated for the <code>samples/monster.fbs</code>. What follows is the entire file, broken up by comments: </p><pre class="fragment">// automatically generated, do not modify
-#include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h"
-namespace MyGame {
-namespace Sample {
-</pre><p>Nested namespace support. </p><pre class="fragment">enum {
-  Color_Red = 0,
-  Color_Green = 1,
-  Color_Blue = 2,
-inline const char **EnumNamesColor() {
-  static const char *names[] = { "Red", "Green", "Blue", nullptr };
-  return names;
-inline const char *EnumNameColor(int e) { return EnumNamesColor()[e]; }
-</pre><p>Enums and convenient reverse lookup. </p><pre class="fragment">enum {
-  Any_NONE = 0,
-  Any_Monster = 1,
-inline const char **EnumNamesAny() {
-  static const char *names[] = { "NONE", "Monster", nullptr };
-  return names;
-inline const char *EnumNameAny(int e) { return EnumNamesAny()[e]; }
-</pre><p>Unions share a lot with enums. </p><pre class="fragment">struct Vec3;
-struct Monster;
-</pre><p>Predeclare all data types since circular references between types are allowed (circular references between object are not, though). </p><pre class="fragment">MANUALLY_ALIGNED_STRUCT(4) Vec3 {
- private:
-  float x_;
-  float y_;
-  float z_;
- public:
-  Vec3(float x, float y, float z)
-    : x_(flatbuffers::EndianScalar(x)), y_(flatbuffers::EndianScalar(y)), z_(flatbuffers::EndianScalar(z)) {}
-  float x() const { return flatbuffers::EndianScalar(x_); }
-  float y() const { return flatbuffers::EndianScalar(y_); }
-  float z() const { return flatbuffers::EndianScalar(z_); }
-STRUCT_END(Vec3, 12);
-</pre><p>These ugly macros do a couple of things: they turn off any padding the compiler might normally do, since we add padding manually (though none in this example), and they enforce alignment chosen by FlatBuffers. This ensures the layout of this struct will look the same regardless of compiler and platform. Note that the fields are private: this is because these store little endian scalars regardless of platform (since this is part of the serialized data). <code>EndianScalar</code> then converts back and forth, which is a no-op on all current mobile and desktop platforms, and a single machine instruction on the few remaining big endian platforms. </p><pre class="fragment">struct Monster : private flatbuffers::Table {
-  const Vec3 *pos() const { return GetStruct&lt;const Vec3 *&gt;(4); }
-  int16_t mana() const { return GetField&lt;int16_t&gt;(6, 150); }
-  int16_t hp() const { return GetField&lt;int16_t&gt;(8, 100); }
-  const flatbuffers::String *name() const { return GetPointer&lt;const flatbuffers::String *&gt;(10); }
-  const flatbuffers::Vector&lt;uint8_t&gt; *inventory() const { return GetPointer&lt;const flatbuffers::Vector&lt;uint8_t&gt; *&gt;(14); }
-  int8_t color() const { return GetField&lt;int8_t&gt;(16, 2); }
-</pre><p>Tables are a bit more complicated. A table accessor struct is used to point at the serialized data for a table, which always starts with an offset to its vtable. It derives from <code>Table</code>, which contains the <code>GetField</code> helper functions. GetField takes a vtable offset, and a default value. It will look in the vtable at that offset. If the offset is out of bounds (data from an older version) or the vtable entry is 0, the field is not present and the default is returned. Otherwise, it uses the entry as an offset into the table to locate the field. </p><pre class="fragment">struct MonsterBuilder {
-  flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &amp;fbb_;
-  flatbuffers::uoffset_t start_;
-  void add_pos(const Vec3 *pos) { fbb_.AddStruct(4, pos); }
-  void add_mana(int16_t mana) { fbb_.AddElement&lt;int16_t&gt;(6, mana, 150); }
-  void add_hp(int16_t hp) { fbb_.AddElement&lt;int16_t&gt;(8, hp, 100); }
-  void add_name(flatbuffers::Offset&lt;flatbuffers::String&gt; name) { fbb_.AddOffset(10, name); }
-  void add_inventory(flatbuffers::Offset&lt;flatbuffers::Vector&lt;uint8_t&gt;&gt; inventory) { fbb_.AddOffset(14, inventory); }
-  void add_color(int8_t color) { fbb_.AddElement&lt;int8_t&gt;(16, color, 2); }
-  MonsterBuilder(flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &amp;_fbb) : fbb_(_fbb) { start_ = fbb_.StartTable(); }
-  flatbuffers::Offset&lt;Monster&gt; Finish() { return flatbuffers::Offset&lt;Monster&gt;(fbb_.EndTable(start_, 7)); }
-</pre><p><code>MonsterBuilder</code> is the base helper struct to construct a table using a <code>FlatBufferBuilder</code>. You can add the fields in any order, and the <code>Finish</code> call will ensure the correct vtable gets generated. </p><pre class="fragment">inline flatbuffers::Offset&lt;Monster&gt; CreateMonster(flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &amp;_fbb, const Vec3 *pos, int16_t mana, int16_t hp, flatbuffers::Offset&lt;flatbuffers::String&gt; name, flatbuffers::Offset&lt;flatbuffers::Vector&lt;uint8_t&gt;&gt; inventory, int8_t color) {
-  MonsterBuilder builder_(_fbb);
-  builder_.add_inventory(inventory);
-  builder_.add_name(name);
-  builder_.add_pos(pos);
-  builder_.add_hp(hp);
-  builder_.add_mana(mana);
-  builder_.add_color(color);
-  return builder_.Finish();
-</pre><p><code>CreateMonster</code> is a convenience function that calls all functions in <code>MonsterBuilder</code> above for you. Note that if you pass values which are defaults as arguments, it will not actually construct that field, so you can probably use this function instead of the builder class in almost all cases. </p><pre class="fragment">inline const Monster *GetMonster(const void *buf) { return flatbuffers::GetRoot&lt;Monster&gt;(buf); }
-</pre><p>This function is only generated for the root table type, to be able to start traversing a FlatBuffer from a raw buffer pointer. </p><pre class="fragment">}; // namespace MyGame
-}; // namespace Sample
-</pre><h3>Encoding example.</h3>
-<p>Below is a sample encoding for the following JSON corresponding to the above schema: </p><pre class="fragment">{ pos: { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 }, name: "fred", hp: 50 }
-</pre><p>Resulting in this binary buffer: </p><pre class="fragment">// Start of the buffer:
-uint32_t 20  // Offset to the root table.
-// Start of the vtable. Not shared in this example, but could be:
-uint16_t 16 // Size of table, starting from here.
-uint16_t 22 // Size of object inline data.
-uint16_t 4, 0, 20, 16, 0, 0  // Offsets to fields from start of (root) table, 0 for not present.
-// Start of the root table:
-int32_t 16     // Offset to vtable used (default negative direction)
-float 1, 2, 3  // the Vec3 struct, inline.
-uint32_t 8     // Offset to the name string.
-int16_t 50     // hp field.
-int16_t 0      // Padding for alignment.
-// Start of name string:
-uint32_t 4  // Length of string.
-int8_t 'f', 'r', 'e', 'd', 0, 0, 0, 0  // Text + 0 termination + padding.
-</pre><p>Note that this not the only possible encoding, since the writer has some flexibility in which of the children of root object to write first (though in this case there's only one string), and what order to write the fields in. Different orders may also cause different alignments to happen. </p>
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-<div class="title">Use in Java/C-sharp </div>  </div>
-<div class="contents">
-<div class="textblock"><p>FlatBuffers supports reading and writing binary FlatBuffers in Java and C#. Generate code for Java with the <code>-j</code> option to <code>flatc</code>, or for C# with <code>-n</code> (think .Net).</p>
-<p>Note that this document is from the perspective of Java. Code for both languages is generated in the same way, with only minor differences. These differences are <a href="#differences-in-c-sharp">explained in a section below</a>.</p>
-<p>See <code></code> for an example. Essentially, you read a FlatBuffer binary file into a <code>byte[]</code>, which you then turn into a <code>ByteBuffer</code>, which you pass to the <code>getRootAsMyRootType</code> function:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line">ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);</div>
-<div class="line">Monster monster = Monster.getRootAsMonster(bb);</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>Now you can access values much like C++:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><span class="keywordtype">short</span> hp = monster.hp();</div>
-<div class="line">Vec3 pos = monster.pos();</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>Note that whenever you access a new object like in the <code>pos</code> example above, a new temporary accessor object gets created. If your code is very performance sensitive (you iterate through a lot of objects), there's a second <code>pos()</code> method to which you can pass a <code>Vec3</code> object you've already created. This allows you to reuse it across many calls and reduce the amount of object allocation (and thus garbage collection) your program does.</p>
-<p>Java does not support unsigned scalars. This means that any unsigned types you use in your schema will actually be represented as a signed value. This means all bits are still present, but may represent a negative value when used. For example, to read a <code>byte b</code> as an unsigned number, you can do: <code>(short)(b &amp; 0xFF)</code></p>
-<p>The default string accessor (e.g. <code></code>) currently always create a new Java <code>String</code> when accessed, since FlatBuffer's UTF-8 strings can't be used in-place by <code>String</code>. Alternatively, use <code>monster.nameAsByteBuffer()</code> which returns a <code>ByteBuffer</code> referring to the UTF-8 data in the original <code>ByteBuffer</code>, which is much more efficient. The <code>ByteBuffer</code>'s <code>position</code> points to the first character, and its <code>limit</code> to just after the last.</p>
-<p>Vector access is also a bit different from C++: you pass an extra index to the vector field accessor. Then a second method with the same name suffixed by <code>Length</code> let's you know the number of elements you can access:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><span class="keywordflow">for</span> (<span class="keywordtype">int</span> i = 0; i &lt; monster.inventoryLength(); i++)</div>
-<div class="line">    monster.inventory(i); <span class="comment">// do something here</span></div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>Alternatively, much like strings, you can use <code>monster.inventoryAsByteBuffer()</code> to get a <code>ByteBuffer</code> referring to the whole vector. Use <code>ByteBuffer</code> methods like <code>asFloatBuffer</code> to get specific views if needed.</p>
-<p>If you specified a file_indentifier in the schema, you can query if the buffer is of the desired type before accessing it using:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><span class="keywordflow">if</span> (Monster.MonsterBufferHasIdentifier(bb)) ...</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><h2>Buffer construction in Java</h2>
-<p>You can also construct these buffers in Java using the static methods found in the generated code, and the FlatBufferBuilder class:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line">FlatBufferBuilder fbb = <span class="keyword">new</span> FlatBufferBuilder();</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>Create strings:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><span class="keywordtype">int</span> str = fbb.createString(<span class="stringliteral">&quot;MyMonster&quot;</span>);</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>Create a table with a struct contained therein:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line">Monster.startMonster(fbb);</div>
-<div class="line">Monster.addPos(fbb, Vec3.createVec3(fbb, 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 3.0, (byte)4, (<span class="keywordtype">short</span>)5, (byte)6));</div>
-<div class="line">Monster.addHp(fbb, (short)80);</div>
-<div class="line">Monster.addName(fbb, str);</div>
-<div class="line">Monster.addInventory(fbb, inv);</div>
-<div class="line">Monster.addTest_type(fbb, (byte)1);</div>
-<div class="line">Monster.addTest(fbb, mon2);</div>
-<div class="line">Monster.addTest4(fbb, test4s);</div>
-<div class="line"><span class="keywordtype">int</span> mon = Monster.endMonster(fbb);</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>For some simpler types, you can use a convenient <code>create</code> function call that allows you to construct tables in one function call. This example definition however contains an inline struct field, so we have to create the table manually. This is to create the buffer without using temporary object allocation.</p>
-<p>It's important to understand that fields that are structs are inline (like <code>Vec3</code> above), and MUST thus be created between the start and end calls of a table. Everything else (other tables, strings, vectors) MUST be created before the start of the table they are referenced in.</p>
-<p>Structs do have convenient methods that even have arguments for nested structs.</p>
-<p>As you can see, references to other objects (e.g. the string above) are simple ints, and thus do not have the type-safety of the Offset type in C++. Extra care must thus be taken that you set the right offset on the right field.</p>
-<p>Vectors can be created from the corresponding Java array like so:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><span class="keywordtype">int</span> inv = Monster.createInventoryVector(fbb, <span class="keyword">new</span> byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 });</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>This works for arrays of scalars and (int) offsets to strings/tables, but not structs. If you want to write structs, or what you want to write does not sit in an array, you can also use the start/end pattern:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line">Monster.startInventoryVector(fbb, 5);</div>
-<div class="line"><span class="keywordflow">for</span> (byte i = 4; i &gt;=0; i--) fbb.addByte(i);</div>
-<div class="line"><span class="keywordtype">int</span> inv = fbb.endVector();</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>You can use the generated method <code>startInventoryVector</code> to conveniently call <code>startVector</code> with the right element size. You pass the number of elements you want to write. Note how you write the elements backwards since the buffer is being constructed back to front. You then pass <code>inv</code> to the corresponding <code>Add</code> call when you construct the table containing it afterwards.</p>
-<p>There are <code>add</code> functions for all the scalar types. You use <code>addOffset</code> for any previously constructed objects (such as other tables, strings, vectors). For structs, you use the appropriate <code>create</code> function in-line, as shown above in the <code>Monster</code> example.</p>
-<p>To finish the buffer, call:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line">Monster.finishMonsterBuffer(fbb, mon);</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>The buffer is now ready to be transmitted. It is contained in the <code>ByteBuffer</code> which you can obtain from <code>fbb.dataBuffer()</code>. Importantly, the valid data does not start from offset 0 in this buffer, but from <code>fbb.dataBuffer().position()</code> (this is because the data was built backwards in memory). It ends at <code>fbb.capacity()</code>.</p>
-<h2>Differences in C-sharp</h2>
-<p>C# code works almost identically to Java, with only a few minor differences. You can see an example of C# code in <code>tests/FlatBuffers.Test/FlatBuffersExampleTests.cs</code>.</p>
-<p>First of all, naming follows standard C# style with <code>PascalCasing</code> identifiers, e.g. <code>GetRootAsMyRootType</code>. Also, values (except vectors and unions) are available as properties instead of parameterless accessor methods as in Java. The performance-enhancing methods to which you can pass an already created object are prefixed with <code>Get</code>, e.g.:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><span class="comment">// property</span></div>
-<div class="line">var pos = monster.Pos;</div>
-<div class="line"><span class="comment">// method filling a preconstructed object</span></div>
-<div class="line">var preconstructedPos = <span class="keyword">new</span> Vec3();</div>
-<div class="line">monster.GetPos(preconstructedPos);</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><h2>Text parsing</h2>
-<p>There currently is no support for parsing text (Schema's and JSON) directly from Java or C#, though you could use the C++ parser through native call interfaces available to each language. Please see the C++ documentation for more on text parsing.</p>
-<h3>Mutating FlatBuffers</h3>
-<p>As you saw above, typically once you have created a FlatBuffer, it is read-only from that moment on. There are however cases where you have just received a FlatBuffer, and you'd like to modify something about it before sending it on to another recipient. With the above functionality, you'd have to generate an entirely new FlatBuffer, while tracking what you modify in your own data structures. This is inconvenient.</p>
-<p>For this reason FlatBuffers can also be mutated in-place. While this is great for making small fixes to an existing buffer, you generally want to create buffers from scratch whenever possible, since it is much more efficient and the API is much more general purpose.</p>
-<p>To get non-const accessors, invoke <code>flatc</code> with <code>--gen-mutable</code>.</p>
-<p>You now can:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line">Monster monster = Monster.getRootAsMonster(bb);</div>
-<div class="line">monster.mutateHp(10);            <span class="comment">// Set table field.</span></div>
-<div class="line">monster.pos().mutateZ(4);        <span class="comment">// Set struct field.</span></div>
-<div class="line">monster.mutateInventory(0, 1);   <span class="comment">// Set vector element.</span></div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>We use the somewhat verbose term <code>mutate</code> instead of <code>set</code> to indicate that this is a special use case, not to be confused with the default way of constructing FlatBuffer data.</p>
-<p>After the above mutations, you can send on the FlatBuffer to a new recipient without any further work!</p>
-<p>Note that any <code>mutate</code> functions on tables return a boolean, which is false if the field we're trying to set isn't present in the buffer. Fields are not present if they weren't set, or even if they happen to be equal to the default value. For example, in the creation code above we set the <code>mana</code> field to <code>150</code>, which is the default value, so it was never stored in the buffer. Trying to call mutateMana() on such data will return false, and the value won't actually be modified!</p>
-<p>One way to solve this is to call <code>forceDefaults()</code> on a <code>FlatBufferBuilder</code> to force all fields you set to actually be written. This of course increases the size of the buffer somewhat, but this may be acceptable for a mutable buffer. </p>
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-<div class="title">Use in Python </div>  </div>
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-<div class="textblock"><p>There's experimental support for reading FlatBuffers in Python. Generate code for Python with the <code>-p</code> option to <code>flatc</code>.</p>
-<p>See <code></code> for an example. You import the generated code, read a FlatBuffer binary file into a <code>bytearray</code>, which you pass to the <code>GetRootAsMonster</code> function:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><a name="l00001"></a><span class="lineno">    1</span>&#160;import MyGame.Example <span class="keyword">as</span> example</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00002"></a><span class="lineno">    2</span>&#160;<span class="keyword">import</span> flatbuffers</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00003"></a><span class="lineno">    3</span>&#160;</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00004"></a><span class="lineno">    4</span>&#160;buf = open(<span class="stringliteral">&#39;monster.dat&#39;</span>, <span class="stringliteral">&#39;rb&#39;</span>).read()</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00005"></a><span class="lineno">    5</span>&#160;buf = bytearray(buf)</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00006"></a><span class="lineno">    6</span>&#160;monster = example.GetRootAsMonster(buf, 0)</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>Now you can access values like this:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><a name="l00001"></a><span class="lineno">    1</span>&#160;hp = monster.Hp()</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00002"></a><span class="lineno">    2</span>&#160;pos = monster.Pos()</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>To access vectors you pass an extra index to the vector field accessor. Then a second method with the same name suffixed by <code>Length</code> let's you know the number of elements you can access:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><a name="l00001"></a><span class="lineno">    1</span>&#160;<span class="keywordflow">for</span> i <span class="keywordflow">in</span> xrange(monster.InventoryLength()):</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00002"></a><span class="lineno">    2</span>&#160;    monster.Inventory(i) <span class="comment"># do something here</span></div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>You can also construct these buffers in Python using the functions found in the generated code, and the FlatBufferBuilder class:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><a name="l00001"></a><span class="lineno">    1</span>&#160;builder = flatbuffers.Builder(0)</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>Create strings:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><a name="l00001"></a><span class="lineno">    1</span>&#160;s = builder.CreateString(<span class="stringliteral">&quot;MyMonster&quot;</span>)</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>Create a table with a struct contained therein:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><a name="l00001"></a><span class="lineno">    1</span>&#160;example.MonsterStart(builder)</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00002"></a><span class="lineno">    2</span>&#160;example.MonsterAddPos(builder, example.CreateVec3(builder, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4, 5, 6))</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00003"></a><span class="lineno">    3</span>&#160;example.MonsterAddHp(builder, 80)</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00004"></a><span class="lineno">    4</span>&#160;example.MonsterAddName(builder, str)</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00005"></a><span class="lineno">    5</span>&#160;example.MonsterAddInventory(builder, inv)</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00006"></a><span class="lineno">    6</span>&#160;example.MonsterAddTest_Type(builder, 1)</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00007"></a><span class="lineno">    7</span>&#160;example.MonsterAddTest(builder, mon2)</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00008"></a><span class="lineno">    8</span>&#160;example.MonsterAddTest4(builder, test4s)</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00009"></a><span class="lineno">    9</span>&#160;mon = example.MonsterEnd(builder)</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00010"></a><span class="lineno">   10</span>&#160;</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00011"></a><span class="lineno">   11</span>&#160;final_flatbuffer = builder.Output()</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>Unlike C++, Python does not support table creation functions like 'createMonster()'. This is to create the buffer without using temporary object allocation (since the <code>Vec3</code> is an inline component of <code>Monster</code>, it has to be created right where it is added, whereas the name and the inventory are not inline, and <b>must</b> be created outside of the table creation sequence). Structs do have convenient methods that allow you to construct them in one call. These also have arguments for nested structs, e.g. if a struct has a field <code>a</code> and a nested struct field <code>b</code> (which has fields <code>c</code> and <code>d</code>), then the arguments will be <code>a</code>, <code>c</code> and <code>d</code>.</p>
-<p>Vectors also use this start/end pattern to allow vectors of both scalar types and structs:</p>
-<div class="fragment"><div class="line"><a name="l00001"></a><span class="lineno">    1</span>&#160;example.MonsterStartInventoryVector(builder, 5)</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00002"></a><span class="lineno">    2</span>&#160;i = 4</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00003"></a><span class="lineno">    3</span>&#160;<span class="keywordflow">while</span> i &gt;= 0:</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00004"></a><span class="lineno">    4</span>&#160;    builder.PrependByte(byte(i))</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00005"></a><span class="lineno">    5</span>&#160;    i -= 1</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00006"></a><span class="lineno">    6</span>&#160;</div>
-<div class="line"><a name="l00007"></a><span class="lineno">    7</span>&#160;inv = builder.EndVector(5)</div>
-</div><!-- fragment --><p>The generated method 'StartInventoryVector' is provided as a convenience function which calls 'StartVector' with the correct element size of the vector type which in this case is 'ubyte' or 1 byte per vector element. You pass the number of elements you want to write. You write the elements backwards since the buffer is being constructed back to front. Use the correct <code>Prepend</code> call for the type, or <code>PrependUOffsetT</code> for offsets. You then pass <code>inv</code> to the corresponding <code>Add</code> call when you construct the table containing it afterwards.</p>
-<p>There are <code>Prepend</code> functions for all the scalar types. You use <code>PrependUOffset</code> for any previously constructed objects (such as other tables, strings, vectors). For structs, you use the appropriate <code>create</code> function in-line, as shown above in the <code>Monster</code> example.</p>
-<p>Once you're done constructing a buffer, you call <code>Finish</code> with the root object offset (<code>mon</code> in the example above). Your data now resides in Builder.Bytes. Important to note is that the real data starts at the index indicated by Head(), for Offset() bytes (this is because the buffer is constructed backwards). If you wanted to read the buffer right after creating it (using <code>GetRootAsMonster</code> above), the second argument, instead of <code>0</code> would thus also be <code>Head()</code>.</p>
-<h2>Text Parsing</h2>
-<p>There currently is no support for parsing text (Schema's and JSON) directly from Python, though you could use the C++ parser through SWIG or ctypes. Please see the C++ documentation for more on text parsing. </p>
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-<div class="title">Writing a schema </div>  </div>
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-<div class="textblock"><p>The syntax of the schema language (aka IDL, Interface Definition Language) should look quite familiar to users of any of the C family of languages, and also to users of other IDLs. Let's look at an example first: </p><pre class="fragment">// example IDL file
-namespace MyGame;
-attribute "priority";
-enum Color : byte { Red = 1, Green, Blue }
-union Any { Monster, Weapon, Pickup }
-struct Vec3 {
-  x:float;
-  y:float;
-  z:float;
-table Monster {
-  pos:Vec3;
-  mana:short = 150;
-  hp:short = 100;
-  name:string;
-  friendly:bool = false (deprecated, priority: 1);
-  inventory:[ubyte];
-  color:Color = Blue;
-  test:Any;
-root_type Monster;
-</pre><p>(Weapon &amp; Pickup not defined as part of this example).</p>
-<p>Tables are the main way of defining objects in FlatBuffers, and consist of a name (here <code>Monster</code>) and a list of fields. Each field has a name, a type, and optionally a default value (if omitted, it defaults to 0 / NULL).</p>
-<p>Each field is optional: It does not have to appear in the wire representation, and you can choose to omit fields for each individual object. As a result, you have the flexibility to add fields without fear of bloating your data. This design is also FlatBuffer's mechanism for forward and backwards compatibility. Note that:</p>
-<li>You can add new fields in the schema ONLY at the end of a table definition. Older data will still read correctly, and give you the default value when read. Older code will simply ignore the new field. If you want to have flexibility to use any order for fields in your schema, you can manually assign ids (much like Protocol Buffers), see the <code>id</code> attribute below.</li>
-<li>You cannot delete fields you don't use anymore from the schema, but you can simply stop writing them into your data for almost the same effect. Additionally you can mark them as <code>deprecated</code> as in the example above, which will prevent the generation of accessors in the generated C++, as a way to enforce the field not being used any more. (careful: this may break code!).</li>
-<li>You may change field names and table names, if you're ok with your code breaking until you've renamed them there too.</li>
-<p>See "Schema evolution examples" below for more on this topic.</p>
-<p>Similar to a table, only now none of the fields are optional (so no defaults either), and fields may not be added or be deprecated. Structs may only contain scalars or other structs. Use this for simple objects where you are very sure no changes will ever be made (as quite clear in the example <code>Vec3</code>). Structs use less memory than tables and are even faster to access (they are always stored in-line in their parent object, and use no virtual table).</p>
-<p>Built-in scalar types are:</p>
-<li>8 bit: <code>byte ubyte bool</code></li>
-<li>16 bit: <code>short ushort</code></li>
-<li>32 bit: <code>int uint float</code></li>
-<li>64 bit: <code>long ulong double</code></li>
-<p>Built-in non-scalar types:</p>
-<li>Vector of any other type (denoted with <code>[type]</code>). Nesting vectors is not supported, instead you can wrap the inner vector in a table.</li>
-<li><code>string</code>, which may only hold UTF-8 or 7-bit ASCII. For other text encodings or general binary data use vectors (<code>[byte]</code> or <code>[ubyte]</code>) instead.</li>
-<li>References to other tables or structs, enums or unions (see below).</li>
-<p>You can't change types of fields once they're used, with the exception of same-size data where a <code>reinterpret_cast</code> would give you a desirable result, e.g. you could change a <code>uint</code> to an <code>int</code> if no values in current data use the high bit yet.</p>
-<h3>(Default) Values</h3>
-<p>Values are a sequence of digits, optionally followed by a <code>.</code> and more digits for float constants, and optionally prefixed by a <code>-</code>. Floats may end with an <code>e</code> or <code>E</code>, followed by a <code>+</code> or <code>-</code> and more digits (scientific notation).</p>
-<p>Only scalar values can have defaults, non-scalar (string/vector/table) fields default to NULL when not present.</p>
-<p>You generally do not want to change default values after they're initially defined. Fields that have the default value are not actually stored in the serialized data but are generated in code, so when you change the default, you'd now get a different value than from code generated from an older version of the schema. There are situations however where this may be desirable, especially if you can ensure a simultaneous rebuild of all code.</p>
-<p>Define a sequence of named constants, each with a given value, or increasing by one from the previous one. The default first value is <code>0</code>. As you can see in the enum declaration, you specify the underlying integral type of the enum with <code>:</code> (in this case <code>byte</code>), which then determines the type of any fields declared with this enum type.</p>
-<p>Typically, enum values should only ever be added, never removed (there is no deprecation for enums). This requires code to handle forwards compatibility itself, by handling unknown enum values.</p>
-<p>Unions share a lot of properties with enums, but instead of new names for constants, you use names of tables. You can then declare a union field which can hold a reference to any of those types, and additionally a hidden field with the suffix <code>_type</code> is generated that holds the corresponding enum value, allowing you to know which type to cast to at runtime.</p>
-<p>Unions are a good way to be able to send multiple message types as a FlatBuffer. Note that because a union field is really two fields, it must always be part of a table, it cannot be the root of a FlatBuffer by itself.</p>
-<p>If you have a need to distinguish between different FlatBuffers in a more open-ended way, for example for use as files, see the file identification feature below.</p>
-<p>These will generate the corresponding namespace in C++ for all helper code, and packages in Java. You can use <code>.</code> to specify nested namespaces / packages.</p>
-<p>You can include other schemas files in your current one, e.g.: </p><pre class="fragment">include "mydefinitions.fbs";
-</pre><p>This makes it easier to refer to types defined elsewhere. <code>include</code> automatically ensures each file is parsed just once, even when referred to more than once.</p>
-<p>When using the <code>flatc</code> compiler to generate code for schema definitions, only definitions in the current file will be generated, not those from the included files (those you still generate separately).</p>
-<h3>Root type</h3>
-<p>This declares what you consider to be the root table (or struct) of the serialized data. This is particular important for parsing JSON data, which doesn't include object type information.</p>
-<h3>File identification and extension</h3>
-<p>Typically, a FlatBuffer binary buffer is not self-describing, i.e. it needs you to know its schema to parse it correctly. But if you want to use a FlatBuffer as a file format, it would be convenient to be able to have a "magic number" in there, like most file formats have, to be able to do a sanity check to see if you're reading the kind of file you're expecting.</p>
-<p>Now, you can always prefix a FlatBuffer with your own file header, but FlatBuffers has a built-in way to add an identifier to a FlatBuffer that takes up minimal space, and keeps the buffer compatible with buffers that don't have such an identifier.</p>
-<p>You can specify in a schema, similar to <code>root_type</code>, that you intend for this type of FlatBuffer to be used as a file format: </p><pre class="fragment">file_identifier "MYFI";
-</pre><p>Identifiers must always be exactly 4 characters long. These 4 characters will end up as bytes at offsets 4-7 (inclusive) in the buffer.</p>
-<p>For any schema that has such an identifier, <code>flatc</code> will automatically add the identifier to any binaries it generates (with <code>-b</code>), and generated calls like <code>FinishMonsterBuffer</code> also add the identifier. If you have specified an identifier and wish to generate a buffer without one, you can always still do so by calling <code>FlatBufferBuilder::Finish</code> explicitly.</p>
-<p>After loading a buffer, you can use a call like <code>MonsterBufferHasIdentifier</code> to check if the identifier is present.</p>
-<p>Note that this is best for open-ended uses such as files. If you simply wanted to send one of a set of possible messages over a network for example, you'd be better off with a union.</p>
-<p>Additionally, by default <code>flatc</code> will output binary files as <code>.bin</code>. This declaration in the schema will change that to whatever you want: </p><pre class="fragment">file_extension "ext";
-</pre><h3>Comments &amp; documentation</h3>
-<p>May be written as in most C-based languages. Additionally, a triple comment (<code>///</code>) on a line by itself signals that a comment is documentation for whatever is declared on the line after it (table/struct/field/enum/union/element), and the comment is output in the corresponding C++ code. Multiple such lines per item are allowed.</p>
-<p>Attributes may be attached to a declaration, behind a field, or after the name of a table/struct/enum/union. These may either have a value or not. Some attributes like <code>deprecated</code> are understood by the compiler, user defined ones need to be declared with the attribute declaration (like <code>priority</code> in the example above), and are available to query if you parse the schema at runtime. This is useful if you write your own code generators/editors etc., and you wish to add additional information specific to your tool (such as a help text).</p>
-<p>Current understood attributes:</p>
-<li><code>id: n</code> (on a table field): manually set the field identifier to <code>n</code>. If you use this attribute, you must use it on ALL fields of this table, and the numbers must be a contiguous range from 0 onwards. Additionally, since a union type effectively adds two fields, its id must be that of the second field (the first field is the type field and not explicitly declared in the schema). For example, if the last field before the union field had id 6, the union field should have id 8, and the unions type field will implicitly be 7. IDs allow the fields to be placed in any order in the schema. When a new field is added to the schema is must use the next available ID.</li>
-<li><code>deprecated</code> (on a field): do not generate accessors for this field anymore, code should stop using this data.</li>
-<li><code>required</code> (on a non-scalar table field): this field must always be set. By default, all fields are optional, i.e. may be left out. This is desirable, as it helps with forwards/backwards compatibility, and flexibility of data structures. It is also a burden on the reading code, since for non-scalar fields it requires you to check against NULL and take appropriate action. By specifying this field, you force code that constructs FlatBuffers to ensure this field is initialized, so the reading code may access it directly, without checking for NULL. If the constructing code does not initialize this field, they will get an assert, and also the verifier will fail on buffers that have missing required fields.</li>
-<li><code>original_order</code> (on a table): since elements in a table do not need to be stored in any particular order, they are often optimized for space by sorting them to size. This attribute stops that from happening.</li>
-<li><code>force_align: size</code> (on a struct): force the alignment of this struct to be something higher than what it is naturally aligned to. Causes these structs to be aligned to that amount inside a buffer, IF that buffer is allocated with that alignment (which is not necessarily the case for buffers accessed directly inside a <code>FlatBufferBuilder</code>).</li>
-<li><code>bit_flags</code> (on an enum): the values of this field indicate bits, meaning that any value N specified in the schema will end up representing 1&lt;&lt;N, or if you don't specify values at all, you'll get the sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, ...</li>
-<li><code>nested_flatbuffer: "table_name"</code> (on a field): this indicates that the field (which must be a vector of ubyte) contains flatbuffer data, for which the root type is given by <code>table_name</code>. The generated code will then produce a convenient accessor for the nested FlatBuffer.</li>
-<li><code>key</code> (on a field): this field is meant to be used as a key when sorting a vector of the type of table it sits in. Can be used for in-place binary search.</li>
-<h2>JSON Parsing</h2>
-<p>The same parser that parses the schema declarations above is also able to parse JSON objects that conform to this schema. So, unlike other JSON parsers, this parser is strongly typed, and parses directly into a FlatBuffer (see the compiler documentation on how to do this from the command line, or the C++ documentation on how to do this at runtime).</p>
-<p>Besides needing a schema, there are a few other changes to how it parses JSON:</p>
-<li>It accepts field names with and without quotes, like many JSON parsers already do. It outputs them without quotes as well, though can be made to output them using the <code>strict_json</code> flag.</li>
-<li>If a field has an enum type, the parser will recognize symbolic enum values (with or without quotes) instead of numbers, e.g. <code>field: EnumVal</code>. If a field is of integral type, you can still use symbolic names, but values need to be prefixed with their type and need to be quoted, e.g. <code>field: "Enum.EnumVal"</code>. For enums representing flags, you may place multiple inside a string separated by spaces to OR them, e.g. <code>field: "EnumVal1 EnumVal2"</code> or <code>field: "Enum.EnumVal1 Enum.EnumVal2"</code>.</li>
-<li>Similarly, for unions, these need to specified with two fields much like you do when serializing from code. E.g. for a field <code>foo</code>, you must add a field <code>foo_type: FooOne</code> right before the <code>foo</code> field, where <code>FooOne</code> would be the table out of the union you want to use.</li>
-<li>A field that has the value <code>null</code> (e.g. <code>field: null</code>) is intended to have the default value for that field (thus has the same effect as if that field wasn't specified at all).</li>
-<p>When parsing JSON, it recognizes the following escape codes in strings:</p>
-<li><code>\n</code> - linefeed.</li>
-<li><code>\t</code> - tab.</li>
-<li><code>\r</code> - carriage return.</li>
-<li><code>\b</code> - backspace.</li>
-<li><code>\f</code> - form feed.</li>
-<li><code>\"</code> - double quote.</li>
-<li><code>\\</code> - backslash.</li>
-<li><code>\/</code> - forward slash.</li>
-<li><code>\uXXXX</code> - 16-bit unicode code point, converted to the equivalent UTF-8 representation.</li>
-<li><code>\xXX</code> - 8-bit binary hexadecimal number XX. This is the only one that is not in the JSON spec (see <a href=""></a>), but is needed to be able to encode arbitrary binary in strings to text and back without losing information (e.g. the byte 0xFF can't be represented in standard JSON).</li>
-<p>It also generates these escape codes back again when generating JSON from a binary representation.</p>
-<h3>Schemas and version control</h3>
-<p>FlatBuffers relies on new field declarations being added at the end, and earlier declarations to not be removed, but be marked deprecated when needed. We think this is an improvement over the manual number assignment that happens in Protocol Buffers (and which is still an option using the <code>id</code> attribute mentioned above).</p>
-<p>One place where this is possibly problematic however is source control. If user A adds a field, generates new binary data with this new schema, then tries to commit both to source control after user B already committed a new field also, and just auto-merges the schema, the binary files are now invalid compared to the new schema.</p>
-<p>The solution of course is that you should not be generating binary data before your schema changes have been committed, ensuring consistency with the rest of the world. If this is not practical for you, use explicit field ids, which should always generate a merge conflict if two people try to allocate the same id.</p>
-<h3>Schema evolution examples</h3>
-<p>Some examples to clarify what happens as you change a schema:</p>
-<p>If we have the following original schema: </p><pre class="fragment">table { a:int; b:int; }
-</pre><p>And we extend it: </p><pre class="fragment">table { a:int; b:int; c:int; }
-</pre><p>This is ok. Code compiled with the old schema reading data generated with the new one will simply ignore the presence of the new field. Code compiled with the new schema reading old data will get the default value for <code>c</code> (which is 0 in this case, since it is not specified). </p><pre class="fragment">table { a:int (deprecated); b:int; }
-</pre><p>This is also ok. Code compiled with the old schema reading newer data will now always get the default value for <code>a</code> since it is not present. Code compiled with the new schema now cannot read nor write <code>a</code> anymore (any existing code that tries to do so will result in compile errors), but can still read old data (they will ignore the field). </p><pre class="fragment">table { c:int a:int; b:int; }
-</pre><p>This is NOT ok, as this makes the schemas incompatible. Old code reading newer data will interpret <code>c</code> as if it was <code>a</code>, and new code reading old data accessing <code>a</code> will instead receive <code>b</code>. </p><pre class="fragment">table { c:int (id: 2); a:int (id: 0); b:int (id: 1); }
-</pre><p>This is ok. If your intent was to order/group fields in a way that makes sense semantically, you can do so using explicit id assignment. Now we are compatible with the original schema, and the fields can be ordered in any way, as long as we keep the sequence of ids. </p><pre class="fragment">table { b:int; }
-</pre><p>NOT ok. We can only remove a field by deprecation, regardless of wether we use explicit ids or not. </p><pre class="fragment">table { a:uint; b:uint; }
-</pre><p>This is MAYBE ok, and only in the case where the type change is the same size, like here. If old data never contained any negative numbers, this will be safe to do. </p><pre class="fragment">table { a:int = 1; b:int = 2; }
-</pre><p>Generally NOT ok. Any older data written that had 0 values were not written to the buffer, and rely on the default value to be recreated. These will now have those values appear to <code>1</code> and <code>2</code> instead. There may be cases in which this is ok, but care must be taken. </p><pre class="fragment">table { aa:int; bb:int; }
-</pre><p>Occasionally ok. You've renamed fields, which will break all code (and JSON files!) that use this schema, but as long as the change is obvious, this is not incompatible with the actual binary buffers, since those only ever address fields by id/offset. </p>
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-<div class="title">Platform / Language / Feature support </div>  </div>
-<div class="contents">
-<div class="textblock"><p>FlatBuffers is actively being worked on, which means that certain platform / language / feature combinations may not be available yet.</p>
-<p>This page tries to track those issues, to make informed decisions easier. In general:</p>
-<li>Languages: language support beyond the ones created by the original FlatBuffer authors typically depends on community contributions.</li>
-<li>Features: C++ was the first language supported, since our original target was high performance game development. It thus has the richest feature set, and is likely most robust. Other languages are catching up however.</li>
-<li>Platforms: All language implementations are typically portable to most platforms, unless where noted otherwise.</li>
-<p>NOTE: this table is a start, it needs to be extended.</p>
-<table class="doxtable">
-<th>Feature </th><th>C++ </th><th>Java </th><th>C# </th><th>Go </th><th>Python </th><th>JS </th><th>C </th><th>PHP </th><th>Ruby  </th></tr>
-<td>Codegen for all basic features </td><td>Yes </td><td>Yes </td><td>Yes </td><td>Yes </td><td>Yes </td><td>Yes </td><td>WiP </td><td>WiP </td><td>WiP </td></tr>
-<td>JSON parsing </td><td>Yes </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td></tr>
-<td>Simple mutation </td><td>Yes </td><td>WIP </td><td>WIP </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td></tr>
-<td>Reflection </td><td>Yes </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td></tr>
-<td>Buffer verifier </td><td>Yes </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>No </td></tr>
-<td>Testing: basic </td><td>Yes </td><td>Yes </td><td>Yes </td><td>Yes </td><td>Yes </td><td>Yes </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td></tr>
-<td>Testing: fuzz </td><td>Yes </td><td>No </td><td>No </td><td>Yes </td><td>Yes </td><td>No </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td></tr>
-<td>Performance: </td><td>Superb </td><td>Great </td><td>Great </td><td>Great </td><td>Ok </td><td>? </td><td>Superb</td><td>? </td><td>? </td></tr>
-<td>Platform: Windows </td><td>VS2010 </td><td>Yes </td><td>Yes </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td></tr>
-<td>Platform: Linux </td><td>GCC282 </td><td>Yes </td><td>? </td><td>Yes </td><td>Yes </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td></tr>
-<td>Platform: OS X </td><td>Xcode4 </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>Yes </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td></tr>
-<td>Platform: Android </td><td>NDK10d </td><td>Yes </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td></tr>
-<td>Platform: iOS </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td></tr>
-<td>Engine: Unity </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>Yes </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td><td>? </td></tr>
-<td>Primary authors (github) </td><td>gwvo </td><td>gwvo </td><td>ev*/js*</td><td>rw </td><td>rw </td><td>evanw/ev* </td><td>mik* </td><td>ch* </td><td>rw </td></tr>
-<li>ev = evolutional</li>
-<li>js = jonsimantov</li>
-<li>mik = mikkelfj</li>
-<li>ch = chobie </li>
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-<div class="title">FlatBuffers white paper </div>  </div>
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-<div class="textblock"><p>This document tries to shed some light on to the "why" of FlatBuffers, a new serialization library.</p>
-<p>Back in the good old days, performance was all about instructions and cycles. Nowadays, processing units have run so far ahead of the memory subsystem, that making an efficient application should start and finish with thinking about memory. How much you use of it. How you lay it out and access it. How you allocate it. When you copy it.</p>
-<p>Serialization is a pervasive activity in a lot programs, and a common source of memory inefficiency, with lots of temporary data structures needed to parse and represent data, and inefficient allocation patterns and locality.</p>
-<p>If it would be possible to do serialization with no temporary objects, no additional allocation, no copying, and good locality, this could be of great value. The reason serialization systems usually don't manage this is because it goes counter to forwards/backwards compatability, and platform specifics like endianness and alignment.</p>
-<p>FlatBuffers is what you get if you try anyway.</p>
-<p>In particular, FlatBuffers focus is on mobile hardware (where memory size and memory bandwidth is even more constrained than on desktop hardware), and applications that have the highest performance needs: games.</p>
-<p><em>This is a summary of FlatBuffers functionality, with some rationale. A more detailed description can be found in the FlatBuffers documentation.</em></p>
-<p>A FlatBuffer is a binary buffer containing nested objects (structs, tables, vectors,..) organized using offsets so that the data can be traversed in-place just like any pointer-based data structure. Unlike most in-memory data structures however, it uses strict rules of alignment and endianness (always little) to ensure these buffers are cross platform. Additionally, for objects that are tables, FlatBuffers provides forwards/backwards compatibility and general optionality of fields, to support most forms of format evolution.</p>
-<p>You define your object types in a schema, which can then be compiled to C++ or Java for low to zero overhead reading &amp; writing. Optionally, JSON data can be dynamically parsed into buffers.</p>
-<p>Tables are the cornerstone of FlatBuffers, since format evolution is essential for most applications of serialization. Typically, dealing with format changes is something that can be done transparently during the parsing process of most serialization solutions out there. But a FlatBuffer isn't parsed before it is accessed.</p>
-<p>Tables get around this by using an extra indirection to access fields, through a <em>vtable</em>. Each table comes with a vtable (which may be shared between multiple tables with the same layout), and contains information where fields for this particular kind of instance of vtable are stored. The vtable may also indicate that the field is not present (because this FlatBuffer was written with an older version of the software, of simply because the information was not necessary for this instance, or deemed deprecated), in which case a default value is returned.</p>
-<p>Tables have a low overhead in memory (since vtables are small and shared) and in access cost (an extra indirection), but provide great flexibility. Tables may even cost less memory than the equivalent struct, since fields do not need to be stored when they are equal to their default.</p>
-<p>FlatBuffers additionally offers "naked" structs, which do not offer forwards/backwards compatibility, but can be even smaller (useful for very small objects that are unlikely to change, like e.g. a coordinate pair or a RGBA color).</p>
-<p>While schemas reduce some generality (you can't just read any data without having its schema), they have a lot of upsides:</p>
-<li>Most information about the format can be factored into the generated code, reducing memory needed to store data, and time to access it.</li>
-<li>The strong typing of the data definitions means less error checking/handling at runtime (less can go wrong).</li>
-<li>A schema enables us to access a buffer without parsing.</li>
-<p>FlatBuffer schemas are fairly similar to those of the incumbent, Protocol Buffers, and generally should be readable to those familiar with the C family of languages. We chose to improve upon the features offered by .proto files in the following ways:</p>
-<li>Deprecation of fields instead of manual field id assignment. Extending an object in a .proto means hunting for a free slot among the numbers (preferring lower numbers since they have a more compact representation). Besides being inconvenient, it also makes removing fields problematic: you either have to keep them, not making it obvious that this field shouldn't be read/written anymore, and still generating accessors. Or you remove it, but now you risk that there's still old data around that uses that field by the time someone reuses that field id, with nasty consequences.</li>
-<li>Differentiating between tables and structs (see above). Effectively all table fields are <code>optional</code>, and all struct fields are <code>required</code>.</li>
-<li>Having a native vector type instead of <code>repeated</code>. This gives you a length without having to collect all items, and in the case of scalars provides for a more compact representation, and one that guarantees adjacency.</li>
-<li>Having a native <code>union</code> type instead of using a series of <code>optional</code> fields, all of which must be checked individually.</li>
-<li>Being able to define defaults for all scalars, instead of having to deal with their optionality at each access.</li>
-<li>A parser that can deal with both schemas and data definitions (JSON compatible) uniformly. </li>
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-    [ "Building", "md__building.html", null ],
-    [ "Using the schema compiler", "md__compiler.html", null ],
-    [ "Writing a schema", "md__schemas.html", null ],
-    [ "Use in C++", "md__cpp_usage.html", null ],
-    [ "Use in Go", "md__go_usage.html", null ],
-    [ "Use in Java/C-sharp", "md__java_usage.html", null ],
-    [ "Use in Python", "md__python_usage.html", null ],
-    [ "Platform / Language / Feature support", "md__support.html", null ],
-    [ "Benchmarks", "md__benchmarks.html", null ],
-    [ "FlatBuffers white paper", "md__white_paper.html", null ],
-    [ "FlatBuffer Internals", "md__internals.html", null ],
-    [ "Grammar of the schema language", "md__grammar.html", null ]
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-  var m = uri.substring(0,i+1).match(/\/d\w\/d\w\w\/$/);
-  return m ? uri.substring(i-6) : s;
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-  return $(location).attr('hash').substring(1).replace(/[^\w\-]/g,'');
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-  return '#'+hashValue();
-function pathName()
-  return $(location).attr('pathname').replace(/[^-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;\(\)]/g, '');
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-  try {
-    return 'localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null && window.localStorage.getItem;
-  }
-  catch(e) {
-    return false;
-  }
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-  if (!$("#nav-sync").hasClass('sync') && localStorageSupported()) {
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-  if (localStorageSupported()) {
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-  }
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-  if (localStorageSupported()) {
-    return window.localStorage.getItem('navpath');
-  } else {
-    return '';
-  }
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-        func(); if (show) showRoot(); 
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-      parentNode.appendChild(element);
-    }
-  };
-function getNode(o, po)
-  var insertFunction = removeToInsertLater(;
-  po.childrenVisited = true;
-  var l = po.childrenData.length-1;
-  for (var i in po.childrenData) {
-    var nodeData = po.childrenData[i];
-    po.children[i] = newNode(o, po, nodeData[0], nodeData[1], nodeData[2],
-      i==l);
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-  insertFunction();
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-    $('.item').removeClass('selected');
-    $('.item').removeAttr('id');
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-  if (o.breadcrumbs) {
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-    showNode(o, o.node, 0, hash);
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-  var link = cachedLink();
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-    else hash='';
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-    getScript(relpath+'navtreeindex'+i,function(){
-      navTreeSubIndices[i] = eval('NAVTREEINDEX'+i);
-      if (navTreeSubIndices[i]) {
-        gotoNode(o,i,root,hash,relpath);
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-    },true);
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-function showSyncOff(n,relpath)
-    n.html('<img src="'+relpath+'sync_off.png" title="'+SYNCOFFMSG+'"/>');
-function showSyncOn(n,relpath)
-    n.html('<img src="'+relpath+'sync_on.png" title="'+SYNCONMSG+'"/>');
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-  var navSync = $('#nav-sync');
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-    navSync.removeClass('sync');
-    showSyncOff(navSync,relpath);
-    storeLink(stripPath2(pathName())+hashUrl());
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-    navSync.addClass('sync');
-    showSyncOn(navSync,relpath);
-    deleteLink();
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-  var o = new Object();
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-  $(window).load(function(){
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-  $(window).bind('hashchange', function(){
-     if (window.location.hash && window.location.hash.length>1){
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-       if ($(location).attr('hash')){
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-         $('.item').removeAttr('id');
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-       var link=stripPath2(pathName());
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-       $('#doc-content').scrollTop(0);
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GIT binary patch
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-<div class="title">Related Pages</div>  </div>
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-<div class="textblock">Here is a list of all related documentation pages:</div><div class="directory">
-<table class="directory">
-<tr id="row_0_" class="even"><td class="entry"><span style="width:16px;display:inline-block;">&#160;</span><a class="el" href="md__building.html" target="_self">Building</a></td><td class="desc"></td></tr>
-<tr id="row_1_"><td class="entry"><span style="width:16px;display:inline-block;">&#160;</span><a class="el" href="md__compiler.html" target="_self">Using the schema compiler</a></td><td class="desc"></td></tr>
-<tr id="row_2_" class="even"><td class="entry"><span style="width:16px;display:inline-block;">&#160;</span><a class="el" href="md__schemas.html" target="_self">Writing a schema</a></td><td class="desc"></td></tr>
-<tr id="row_3_"><td class="entry"><span style="width:16px;display:inline-block;">&#160;</span><a class="el" href="md__cpp_usage.html" target="_self">Use in C++</a></td><td class="desc"></td></tr>
-<tr id="row_4_" class="even"><td class="entry"><span style="width:16px;display:inline-block;">&#160;</span><a class="el" href="md__go_usage.html" target="_self">Use in Go</a></td><td class="desc"></td></tr>
-<tr id="row_5_"><td class="entry"><span style="width:16px;display:inline-block;">&#160;</span><a class="el" href="md__java_usage.html" target="_self">Use in Java/C-sharp</a></td><td class="desc"></td></tr>
-<tr id="row_6_" class="even"><td class="entry"><span style="width:16px;display:inline-block;">&#160;</span><a class="el" href="md__python_usage.html" target="_self">Use in Python</a></td><td class="desc"></td></tr>
-<tr id="row_7_"><td class="entry"><span style="width:16px;display:inline-block;">&#160;</span><a class="el" href="md__support.html" target="_self">Platform / Language / Feature support</a></td><td class="desc"></td></tr>
-<tr id="row_8_" class="even"><td class="entry"><span style="width:16px;display:inline-block;">&#160;</span><a class="el" href="md__benchmarks.html" target="_self">Benchmarks</a></td><td class="desc"></td></tr>
-<tr id="row_9_"><td class="entry"><span style="width:16px;display:inline-block;">&#160;</span><a class="el" href="md__white_paper.html" target="_self">FlatBuffers white paper</a></td><td class="desc"></td></tr>
-<tr id="row_10_" class="even"><td class="entry"><span style="width:16px;display:inline-block;">&#160;</span><a class="el" href="md__internals.html" target="_self">FlatBuffer Internals</a></td><td class="desc"></td></tr>
-<tr id="row_11_"><td class="entry"><span style="width:16px;display:inline-block;">&#160;</span><a class="el" href="md__grammar.html" target="_self">Grammar of the schema language</a></td><td class="desc"></td></tr>
-</div><!-- directory -->
-</div><!-- contents -->
-</div><!-- doc-content -->
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index 50061d71..e5e58474 100755
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+++ b/docs/source/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# Benchmarks
+Benchmarks    {#flatbuffers_benchmarks}
 Comparing against other serialization solutions, running on Windows 7
 64bit. We use the LITE runtime for Protocol Buffers (less code / lower
@@ -20,17 +21,17 @@ The benchmark object is a set of about 10 objects containing an array, 4
 strings, and a large variety of int/float scalar values of all sizes,
 meant to be representative of game data, e.g. a scene format.
-|                                                        | FlatBuffers (binary)  | Protocol Buffers LITE | Rapid JSON            | FlatBuffers (JSON)    | pugixml               | Raw structs           |
-|--------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------|-----------------------|-----------------------|-----------------------| ----------------------| ----------------------|
-| Decode + Traverse + Dealloc (1 million times, seconds) | 0.08                  | 302                   | 583                   | 105                   | 196                   | 0.02                  |
-| Decode / Traverse / Dealloc (breakdown)                | 0 / 0.08 / 0          | 220 / 0.15 / 81       | 294 / 0.9 / 287       | 70 / 0.08 / 35        | 41 / 3.9 / 150        | 0 / 0.02 / 0          |
-| Encode (1 million times, seconds)                      | 3.2                   | 185                   | 650                   | 169                   | 273                   | 0.15                  |
-| Wire format size (normal / zlib, bytes)                | 344 / 220             | 228 / 174             | 1475 / 322            | 1029 / 298            | 1137 / 341            | 312 / 187             |
-| Memory needed to store decoded wire (bytes / blocks)   | 0 / 0                 | 760 / 20              | 65689 / 4             | 328 / 1               | 34194 / 3             | 0 / 0                 |
-| Transient memory allocated during decode (KB)          | 0                     | 1                     | 131                   | 4                     | 34                    | 0                     |
-| Generated source code size (KB)                        | 4                     | 61                    | 0                     | 4                     | 0                     | 0                     |
-| Field access in handwritten traversal code             | typed accessors       | typed accessors       | manual error checking | typed accessors       | manual error checking | typed but no safety   |
-| Library source code (KB)                               | 15                    | some subset of 3800   | 87                    | 43                    | 327                   | 0                     |
+|                                                        | FlatBuffers (binary)  | Protocol Buffers LITE | Rapid JSON            | FlatBuffers (JSON)     | pugixml               | Raw structs           |
+|--------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------|-----------------------|-----------------------|------------------------| ----------------------| ----------------------|
+| Decode + Traverse + Dealloc (1 million times, seconds) | 0.08                  | 302                   | 583                   | 105                    | 196                   | 0.02                  |
+| Decode / Traverse / Dealloc (breakdown)                | 0 / 0.08 / 0          | 220 / 0.15 / 81       | 294 / 0.9 / 287       | 70 / 0.08 / 35         | 41 / 3.9 / 150        | 0 / 0.02 / 0          |
+| Encode (1 million times, seconds)                      | 3.2                   | 185                   | 650                   | 169                    | 273                   | 0.15                  |
+| Wire format size (normal / zlib, bytes)                | 344 / 220             | 228 / 174             | 1475 / 322            | 1029 / 298             | 1137 / 341            | 312 / 187             |
+| Memory needed to store decoded wire (bytes / blocks)   | 0 / 0                 | 760 / 20              | 65689 / 4             | 328 / 1                | 34194 / 3             | 0 / 0                 |
+| Transient memory allocated during decode (KB)          | 0                     | 1                     | 131                   | 4                      | 34                    | 0                     |
+| Generated source code size (KB)                        | 4                     | 61                    | 0                     | 4                      | 0                     | 0                     |
+| Field access in handwritten traversal code             | typed accessors       | typed accessors       | manual error checking | typed accessors        | manual error checking | typed but no safety   |
+| Library source code (KB)                               | 15                    | some subset of 3800   | 87                    | 43                     | 327                   | 0                     |
 ### Some other serialization systems we compared against but did not benchmark (yet), in rough order of applicability:
@@ -58,3 +59,5 @@ Code for these benchmarks sits in `benchmarks/` in git branch `benchmarks`.
 It sits in its own branch because it has submodule dependencies that the main
 project doesn't need, and the code standards do not meet those of the main
 project. Please read `benchmarks/cpp/README.txt` before working with the code.
diff --git a/docs/source/ b/docs/source/
index f2e1818b..f57371d5 100755
--- a/docs/source/
+++ b/docs/source/
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
-# Building
+Building    {#flatbuffers_guide_building}
+## Building with Visual Studio or Xcode projects
 There are project files for Visual Studio and Xcode that should allow you
 to build the compiler `flatc`, the samples and the tests out of the box.
+## Building with CMake
 Alternatively, the distribution comes with a `cmake` file that should allow
 you to build project/make files for any platform. For details on `cmake`, see
 <>. In brief, depending on your platform, use one of
@@ -18,28 +23,45 @@ Note that to use clang instead of gcc, you may need to set up your environment
 variables, e.g.
 `CC=/usr/bin/clang CXX=/usr/bin/clang++ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"`.
-Optionally, run the `flattests` executable to ensure everything is working
-correctly on your system. If this fails, please contact us!
+Optionally, run the `flattests` executable from the root `flatbuffers/`
+directory to ensure everything is working correctly on your system. If this
+fails, please contact us!
-Note that you MUST be in the root of the FlatBuffers distribution when you
-run 'flattests' (and the samples), or it will fail to load its files.
+Building should also produce two sample executables, `flatsamplebinary` and
+`flatsampletext`, see the corresponding `.cpp` files in the
+`flatbuffers/samples` directory.
-Building should also produce two sample executables, `sample_binary` and
-`sample_text`, see the corresponding `.cpp` file in the samples directory.
+*Note that you MUST be in the root of the FlatBuffers distribution when you
+run 'flattests' or `flatsampletext`, or it will fail to load its files.*
-There is an `android` directory that contains all you need to build the test
-executable on android (use the included `` script, or use
+## Building for Android
+There is a `flatbuffers/android` directory that contains all you need to build
+the test executable on android (use the included `` script, or use
 `ndk_build` / `adb` etc. as usual). Upon running, it will output to the log
 if tests succeeded or not.
-There is usually no runtime to compile, as the code consists of a single
-header, `include/flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h`. You should add the
+You may also run an android sample from inside the `flatbuffers/samples`, by
+running the `` script. Optionally, you may go to the
+`flatbuffers/samples/android` folder and build the sample with the
+`` script or `ndk_build` / `adb` etc.
+## Using FlatBuffers in your own projects.
+For C++, there is usually no runtime to compile, as the code consists of a
+single header, `include/flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h`. You should add the
 `include` folder to your include paths. If you wish to be
 able to load schemas and/or parse text into binary buffers at runtime,
 you additionally need the other headers in `include/flatbuffers`. You must
 also compile/link `src/idl_parser.cpp` (and `src/idl_gen_text.cpp` if you
 also want to be able convert binary to text).
+To see how to include FlatBuffers in any of our supported languages, please
+view the [Tutorial](@ref flatbuffers_guide_tutorial) and select your appropriate
+language using the radio buttons.
+#### For Google Play apps
 For applications on Google Play that integrate this library, usage is tracked.
 This tracking is done automatically using the embedded version string
 (flatbuffer_version_string), and helps us continue to optimize it.
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new file mode 120000
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-# Using the schema compiler
+Using the schema compiler    {#flatbuffers_guide_using_schema_compiler}
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index 31619e9d..8c7f6a7d 100755
--- a/docs/source/
+++ b/docs/source/
@@ -1,227 +1,100 @@
-# Use in C++
+Use in C++    {#flatbuffers_guide_use_cpp}
-Assuming you have written a schema using the above language in say
-`mygame.fbs` (FlatBuffer Schema, though the extension doesn't matter),
-you've generated a C++ header called `mygame_generated.h` using the
-compiler (e.g. `flatc -c mygame.fbs`), you can now start using this in
-your program by including the header. As noted, this header relies on
-`flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h`, which should be in your include path.
-### Writing in C++
-To start creating a buffer, create an instance of `FlatBufferBuilder`
-which will contain the buffer as it grows:
-    FlatBufferBuilder fbb;
-Before we serialize a Monster, we need to first serialize any objects
-that are contained there-in, i.e. we serialize the data tree using
-depth first, pre-order traversal. This is generally easy to do on
-any tree structures. For example:
-    auto name = fbb.CreateString("MyMonster");
-    unsigned char inv[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
-    auto inventory = fbb.CreateVector(inv, 10);
+## Before you get started
-`CreateString` and `CreateVector` serialize these two built-in
-datatypes, and return offsets into the serialized data indicating where
-they are stored, such that `Monster` below can refer to them.
+Before diving into the FlatBuffers usage in C++, it should be noted that
+the [Tutorial](@ref flatbuffers_guide_tutorial) page has a complete guide
+to general FlatBuffers usage in all of the supported languages (including C++).
+This page is designed to cover the nuances of FlatBuffers usage, specific to
-`CreateString` can also take an `std::string`, or a `const char *` with
-an explicit length, and is suitable for holding UTF-8 and binary
-data if needed.
+#### Prerequisites
-`CreateVector` can also take an `std::vector`. The
-offset it returns is typed, i.e. can only be used to set fields of the
-correct type below. To create a vector of struct objects (which will
-be stored as contiguous memory in the buffer, use `CreateVectorOfStructs`
+This page assumes you have written a FlatBuffers schema and compiled it
+with the Schema Compiler. If you have not, please see
+[Using the schema compiler](@ref flatbuffers_guide_using_schema_compiler)
+and [Writing a schema](@ref flatbuffers_guide_writing_schema).
-To create a vector of nested objects (e.g. tables, strings or other vectors)
-collect their offsets in a temporary array/vector, then call `CreateVector`
-on that (see e.g. the array of strings example in `test.cpp`
-    Vec3 vec(1, 2, 3);
-`Vec3` is the first example of code from our generated
-header. Structs (unlike tables) translate to simple structs in C++, so
-we can construct them in a familiar way.
-We have now serialized the non-scalar components of of the monster
-example, so we could create the monster something like this:
+Assuming you wrote a schema, say `mygame.fbs` (though the extension doesn't
+matter), you've generated a C++ header called `mygame_generated.h` using the
+compiler (e.g. `flatc -c mygame.fbs`), you can now start using this in
+your program by including the header. As noted, this header relies on
+`flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h`, which should be in your include path.
-    auto mloc = CreateMonster(fbb, &vec, 150, 80, name, inventory, Color_Red, 0, Any_NONE);
+## FlatBuffers C++ library code location
-Note that we're passing `150` for the `mana` field, which happens to be the
-default value: this means the field will not actually be written to the buffer,
-since we'll get that value anyway when we query it. This is a nice space
-savings, since it is very common for fields to be at their default. It means
-we also don't need to be scared to add fields only used in a minority of cases,
-since they won't bloat up the buffer sizes if they're not actually used.
-We do something similarly for the union field `test` by specifying a `0` offset
-and the `NONE` enum value (part of every union) to indicate we don't actually
-want to write this field. You can use `0` also as a default for other
-non-scalar types, such as strings, vectors and tables. To pass an actual
-table, pass a preconstructed table as `mytable.Union()` that corresponds to
-union enum you're passing.
-Tables (like `Monster`) give you full flexibility on what fields you write
-(unlike `Vec3`, which always has all fields set because it is a `struct`).
-If you want even more control over this (i.e. skip fields even when they are
-not default), instead of the convenient `CreateMonster` call we can also
-build the object field-by-field manually:
+The code for the FlatBuffers C++ library can be found at
+`flatbuffers/include/flatbuffers`. You can browse the library code on the
+[FlatBuffers GitHub page](
-    MonsterBuilder mb(fbb);
-    mb.add_pos(&vec);
-    mb.add_hp(80);
-    mb.add_name(name);
-    mb.add_inventory(inventory);
-    auto mloc = mb.Finish();
+## Testing the FlatBuffers C++ library
-We start with a temporary helper class `MonsterBuilder` (which is
-defined in our generated code also), then call the various `add_`
-methods to set fields, and `Finish` to complete the object. This is
-pretty much the same code as you find inside `CreateMonster`, except
-we're leaving out a few fields. Fields may also be added in any order,
-though orderings with fields of the same size adjacent
-to each other most efficient in size, due to alignment. You should
-not nest these Builder classes (serialize your
-data in pre-order).
+The code to test the C++ library can be found at `flatbuffers/tests`.
+The test code itself is located in
-Regardless of whether you used `CreateMonster` or `MonsterBuilder`, you
-now have an offset to the root of your data, and you can finish the
-buffer using:
+This test file is built alongside `flatc`. To review how to build the project,
+please read the [Building](@ref flatbuffers_guide_building) documenation.
-    FinishMonsterBuffer(fbb, mloc);
+To run the tests, execute `flattests` from the root `flatbuffers/` directory.
+For example, on [Linux](, you would simply
+run: `./flattests`.
-The buffer is now ready to be stored somewhere, sent over the network,
-be compressed, or whatever you'd like to do with it. You can access the
-start of the buffer with `fbb.GetBufferPointer()`, and it's size from
+## Using the FlatBuffers C++ library
-Calling code may take ownership of the buffer with `fbb.ReleaseBufferPointer()`.
-Should you do it, the `FlatBufferBuilder` will be in an invalid state,
-and *must* be cleared before it can be used again.
-However, it also means you are able to destroy the builder while keeping
-the buffer in your application.
+*Note: See [Tutorial](@ref flatbuffers_guide_tutorial) for a more in-depth
+example of how to use FlatBuffers in C++.*
-`samples/sample_binary.cpp` is a complete code sample similar to
-the code above, that also includes the reading code below.
+FlatBuffers supports both reading and writing FlatBuffers in C++.
-### Reading in C++
+To use FlatBuffers in your code, first generate the C++ classes from your
+schema with the `--cpp` option to `flatc`. Then you can include both FlatBuffers
+and the generated code to read or write FlatBuffers.
-If you've received a buffer from somewhere (disk, network, etc.) you can
-directly start traversing it using:
+For example, here is how you would read a FlatBuffer binary file in C++:
+First, include the library and generated code. Then read the file into
+a `char *` array, which you pass to `GetMonster()`.
-    auto monster = GetMonster(buffer_pointer);
+    #include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h"
+    #include "monster_test_generate.h"
+    #include <cstdio> // For printing and file access.
+    FILE* file = fopen("monsterdata_test.mon", "rb");
+    fseek(file, 0L, SEEK_END);
+    int length = ftell(file);
+    fseek(file, 0L, SEEK_SET);
+    char *data = new char[length];
+    fread(data, sizeof(char), length, file);
+    fclose(file);
+    auto monster = GetMonster(data);
 `monster` is of type `Monster *`, and points to somewhere *inside* your
 buffer (root object pointers are not the same as `buffer_pointer` !).
 If you look in your generated header, you'll see it has
-convenient accessors for all fields, e.g.
-    assert(monster->hp() == 80);
-    assert(monster->mana() == 150);  // default
-    assert(strcmp(monster->name()->c_str(), "MyMonster") == 0);
-These should all be true. Note that we never stored a `mana` value, so
-it will return the default.
-To access sub-objects, in this case the `Vec3`:
+convenient accessors for all fields, e.g. `hp()`, `mana()`, etc:
-    auto pos = monster->pos();
-    assert(pos);
-    assert(pos->z() == 3);
+    printf("%d\n", monster->hp());            // `80`
+    printf("%d\n", monster->mana());          // default value of `150`
+    printf("%s\n", monster->name()->c_str()); // "MyMonster"
-If we had not set the `pos` field during serialization, it would be
-Similarly, we can access elements of the inventory array:
-    auto inv = monster->inventory();
-    assert(inv);
-    assert(inv->Get(9) == 9);
-### Mutating FlatBuffers
-As you saw above, typically once you have created a FlatBuffer, it is
-read-only from that moment on. There are however cases where you have just
-received a FlatBuffer, and you'd like to modify something about it before
-sending it on to another recipient. With the above functionality, you'd have
-to generate an entirely new FlatBuffer, while tracking what you modify in your
-own data structures. This is inconvenient.
+*Note: That we never stored a `mana` value, so it will return the default.*
-For this reason FlatBuffers can also be mutated in-place. While this is great
-for making small fixes to an existing buffer, you generally want to create
-buffers from scratch whenever possible, since it is much more efficient and
-the API is much more general purpose.
+## Reflection (& Resizing)
-To get non-const accessors, invoke `flatc` with `--gen-mutable`.
+There is experimental support for reflection in FlatBuffers, allowing you to
+read and write data even if you don't know the exact format of a buffer, and
+even allows you to change sizes of strings and vectors in-place.
-Similar to the reading API above, you now can:
-    auto monster = GetMutableMonster(buffer_pointer);  // non-const
-    monster->mutate_hp(10);                      // Set table field.
-    monster->mutable_pos()->mutate_z(4);         // Set struct field.
-    monster->mutable_inventory()->Mutate(0, 1);  // Set vector element.
-We use the somewhat verbose term `mutate` instead of `set` to indicate that
-this is a special use case, not to be confused with the default way of
-constructing FlatBuffer data.
-After the above mutations, you can send on the FlatBuffer to a new recipient
-without any further work!
-Note that any `mutate_` functions on tables return a bool, which is false
-if the field we're trying to set isn't present in the buffer. Fields are not
-present if they weren't set, or even if they happen to be equal to the
-default value. For example, in the creation code above we set the `mana` field
-to `150`, which is the default value, so it was never stored in the buffer.
-Trying to call mutate_mana() on such data will return false, and the value won't
-actually be modified!
-One way to solve this is to call `ForceDefaults()` on a
-`FlatBufferBuilder` to force all fields you set to actually be written. This
-of course increases the size of the buffer somewhat, but this may be
-acceptable for a mutable buffer.
-Alternatively, you can use the more powerful reflection functionality:
-### Reflection (& Resizing)
-If the above ways of accessing a buffer are still too static for you, there is
-experimental support for reflection in FlatBuffers, allowing you to read and
-write data even if you don't know the exact format of a buffer, and even allows
-you to change sizes of strings and vectors in-place.
-The way this works is very elegant, there is actually a FlatBuffer schema that
+The way this works is very elegant; there is actually a FlatBuffer schema that
 describes schemas (!) which you can find in `reflection/reflection.fbs`.
-The compiler `flatc` can write out any schemas it has just parsed as a binary
+The compiler, `flatc`, can write out any schemas it has just parsed as a binary
 FlatBuffer, corresponding to this meta-schema.
 Loading in one of these binary schemas at runtime allows you traverse any
@@ -232,9 +105,10 @@ For convenient field manipulation, you can include the header
 `flatbuffers/reflection.h` which includes both the generated code from the meta
 schema, as well as a lot of helper functions.
-And example of usage for the moment you can find in `test.cpp/ReflectionTest()`.
+And example of usage, for the time being, can be found in
-### Storing maps / dictionaries in a FlatBuffer
+## Storing maps / dictionaries in a FlatBuffer
 FlatBuffers doesn't support maps natively, but there is support to
 emulate their behavior with vectors and binary search, which means you
@@ -260,7 +134,7 @@ To use it:
     only works if the vector has been sorted, it will likely not find elements
     if it hasn't been sorted.
-### Direct memory access
+## Direct memory access
 As you can see from the above examples, all elements in a buffer are
 accessed through generated accessors. This is because everything is
@@ -285,7 +159,7 @@ machines, so only use tricks like this if you can guarantee you're not
 shipping on a big endian machine (an `assert(FLATBUFFERS_LITTLEENDIAN)`
 would be wise).
-### Access of untrusted buffers
+## Access of untrusted buffers
 The generated accessor functions access fields over offsets, which is
 very quick. These offsets are not verified at run-time, so a malformed
@@ -342,7 +216,7 @@ accepted).
 There are two ways to use text formats:
-### Using the compiler as a conversion tool
+#### Using the compiler as a conversion tool
 This is the preferred path, as it doesn't require you to add any new
 code to your program, and is maximally efficient since you can ship with
@@ -354,7 +228,7 @@ users/developers to perform, though you might be able to automate it.
 This will generate the binary file `mydata_wire.bin` which can be loaded
 as before.
-### Making your program capable of loading text directly
+#### Making your program capable of loading text directly
 This gives you maximum flexibility. You could even opt to support both,
 i.e. check for both files, and regenerate the binary from text when
@@ -400,7 +274,7 @@ file, that you can access as described above.
 `samples/sample_text.cpp` is a code sample showing the above operations.
-### Threading
+## Threading
 Reading a FlatBuffer does not touch any memory outside the original buffer,
 and is entirely read-only (all const), so is safe to access from multiple
@@ -413,3 +287,5 @@ share instances of FlatBufferBuilder between threads (recommended), or
 manually wrap it in synchronisation primites. There's no automatic way to
 accomplish this, by design, as we feel multithreaded construction
 of a single buffer will be rare, and synchronisation overhead would be costly.
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-# FlatBuffers
+FlatBuffers    {#flatbuffers_index}
-FlatBuffers is an efficient cross platform serialization library for C++, Java,
-C#, Go, Python and JavaScript (C, PHP & Ruby in progress).
-It was originally created at Google for game development and other
-performance-critical applications.
+# Overview {#flatbuffers_overview}
+[FlatBuffers](@ref flatbuffers_overview) is an efficient cross platform
+serialization library for C++, C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, PHP, and Python
+(C and Ruby in progress). It was originally created at Google for game
+development and other performance-critical applications.
 It is available as Open Source on [GitHub](
 under the Apache license, v2 (see LICENSE.txt).
@@ -26,7 +29,7 @@ under the Apache license, v2 (see LICENSE.txt).
     projects where spending time and space (many memory allocations) to
     be able to access or construct serialized data is undesirable, such
     as in games or any other performance sensitive applications. See the
-    [benchmarks](md__benchmarks.html) for details.
+    [benchmarks](@ref flatbuffers_benchmarks) for details.
 -   **Flexible** - Optional fields means not only do you get great
     forwards and backwards compatibility (increasingly important for
@@ -76,7 +79,7 @@ In this context, it is only a better choice for systems that have very
 little to no information ahead of time about what data needs to be stored.
 Read more about the "why" of FlatBuffers in the
-[white paper](md__white_paper.html).
+[white paper](@ref flatbuffers_white_paper).
 ### Who uses FlatBuffers?
 -   [Cocos2d-x](, the #1 open source mobile game
@@ -118,22 +121,23 @@ sections provide a more in-depth usage guide.
 ## In-depth documentation
--   How to [build the compiler](md__building.html) and samples on various
-    platforms.
--   How to [use the compiler](md__compiler.html).
--   How to [write a schema](md__schemas.html).
--   How to [use the generated C++ code](md__cpp_usage.html) in your own
-    programs.
--   How to [use the generated Java/C# code](md__java_usage.html) in your own
-    programs.
--   How to [use the generated Go code](md__go_usage.html) in your own
-    programs.
--   [Support matrix](md__support.html) for platforms/languages/features.
--   Some [benchmarks](md__benchmarks.html) showing the advantage of using
+-   How to [build the compiler](@ref flatbuffers_guide_building) and samples on
+    various platforms.
+-   How to [use the compiler](@ref flatbuffers_guide_using_schema_compiler).
+-   How to [write a schema](@ref flatbuffers_guide_writing_schema).
+-   How to [use the generated C++ code](@ref flatbuffers_guide_use_cpp) in your
+    own programs.
+-   How to [use the generated Java/C# code](@ref flatbuffers_guide_use_java_c-sharp)
+    in your own programs.
+-   How to [use the generated Go code](@ref flatbuffers_guide_use_go) in your
+    own programs.
+-   [Support matrix](@ref flatbuffers_support) for platforms/languages/features.
+-   Some [benchmarks](@ref flatbuffers_benchmarks) showing the advantage of
+    using FlatBuffers.
+-   A [white paper](@ref flatbuffers_white_paper) explaining the "why" of
--   A [white paper](md__white_paper.html) explaining the "why" of FlatBuffers.
--   A description of the [internals](md__internals.html) of FlatBuffers.
--   A formal [grammar](md__grammar.html) of the schema language.
+-   A description of the [internals](@ref flatbuffers_internals) of FlatBuffers.
+-   A formal [grammar](@ref flatbuffers_grammar) of the schema language.
 ## Online resources
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98be2b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+\addtogroup flatbuffers_go_api
+<!-- Note: The `GoApi_generate.txt` code snippet was generated using `godoc` and
+     customized for use with this markdown file. To regenerate the file, use the
+     `godoc` tool ( with the files in the `flatbuffers/go`
+     folder.
+     You may need to ensure that copies of the files exist in the `src/`
+     subfolder at the path set by the `$GOROOT` environment variable. You can
+     either move the files to `$GOROOT/src/flatbuffers` manually, if `$GOROOT`
+     is already set, otherwise you will need to manually set the `$GOROOT`
+     variable to a path and create `src/flatbuffers` subfolders at that path.
+     Then copy the flatbuffers files into `$GOROOT/src/flatbuffers`. (Some
+     versions of `godoc` include a `-path` flag. This could be used instead, if
+     available).
+     Once the files exist at the `$GOROOT/src/flatbuffers` location, you can
+     regenerate this doc using the following command:
+     `godoc flatbuffers > GoApi_generated.txt`.
+     After the documentation is generated, you will have to manually remove any
+     non-user facing documentation from this file. -->
+\snippet GoApi_generated.txt Go API
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d4e0fc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/GoApi_generated.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+// This file was generated using `godoc` and customized for use with the
+// API Reference documentation. To recreate this file, use the `godoc` tool
+// ( with the files in the `flatbuffers/go` folder.
+// Note: You may need to ensure that copies of the files exist in the
+// `src/` subfolder at the path set by the `$GOROOT` environment variable.
+// You can either move the files to `$GOROOT/src/flatbuffers` manually, if
+// `$GOROOT` is already set, otherwise you will need to manually set the
+// `$GOROOT` variable to a path and create `src/flatbuffers` subfolders at that
+// path. Then copy these files into `$GOROOT/src/flatbuffers`. (Some versions of
+// `godoc` include a `-path` flag. This could be used instead, if available).
+// Once the files exist at the `$GOROOT/src/flatbuffers` location, you can
+// regenerate this doc using the following command:
+// `godoc flatbuffers > GoApi_generated.txt`.
+// After the documentation is generated, you will have to manually remove any
+// non-user facing documentation from this file.
+/// [Go API]
+package flatbuffers
+    Package flatbuffers provides facilities to read and write flatbuffers
+    objects.
+type Builder struct {
+    // `Bytes` gives raw access to the buffer. Most users will want to use
+    // FinishedBytes() instead.
+    Bytes []byte
+    Builder is a state machine for creating FlatBuffer objects. Use a
+    Builder to construct object(s) starting from leaf nodes.
+    A Builder constructs byte buffers in a last-first manner for simplicity
+    and performance.
+func NewBuilder(initialSize int) *Builder
+    NewBuilder initializes a Builder of size `initial_size`. The internal
+    buffer is grown as needed.
+func (b *Builder) CreateByteString(s []byte) UOffsetT
+    CreateByteString writes a byte slice as a string (null-terminated).
+func (b *Builder) CreateByteVector(v []byte) UOffsetT
+    CreateByteVector writes a ubyte vector
+func (b *Builder) CreateString(s string) UOffsetT
+    CreateString writes a null-terminated string as a vector.
+func (b *Builder) EndVector(vectorNumElems int) UOffsetT
+    EndVector writes data necessary to finish vector construction.
+func (b *Builder) Finish(rootTable UOffsetT)
+    Finish finalizes a buffer, pointing to the given `rootTable`.
+func (b *Builder) FinishedBytes() []byte
+    FinishedBytes returns a pointer to the written data in the byte buffer.
+    Panics if the builder is not in a finished state (which is caused by
+    calling `Finish()`).
+func (b *Builder) Head() UOffsetT
+    Head gives the start of useful data in the underlying byte buffer. Note:
+    unlike other functions, this value is interpreted as from the left.
+func (b *Builder) PrependBool(x bool)
+    PrependBool prepends a bool to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks for
+    space.
+func (b *Builder) PrependByte(x byte)
+    PrependByte prepends a byte to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks for
+    space.
+func (b *Builder) PrependFloat32(x float32)
+    PrependFloat32 prepends a float32 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and
+    checks for space.
+func (b *Builder) PrependFloat64(x float64)
+    PrependFloat64 prepends a float64 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and
+    checks for space.
+func (b *Builder) PrependInt16(x int16)
+    PrependInt16 prepends a int16 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks
+    for space.
+func (b *Builder) PrependInt32(x int32)
+    PrependInt32 prepends a int32 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks
+    for space.
+func (b *Builder) PrependInt64(x int64)
+    PrependInt64 prepends a int64 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks
+    for space.
+func (b *Builder) PrependInt8(x int8)
+    PrependInt8 prepends a int8 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks for
+    space.
+func (b *Builder) PrependUOffsetT(off UOffsetT)
+    PrependUOffsetT prepends an UOffsetT, relative to where it will be
+    written.
+func (b *Builder) PrependUint16(x uint16)
+    PrependUint16 prepends a uint16 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks
+    for space.
+func (b *Builder) PrependUint32(x uint32)
+    PrependUint32 prepends a uint32 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks
+    for space.
+func (b *Builder) PrependUint64(x uint64)
+    PrependUint64 prepends a uint64 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks
+    for space.
+func (b *Builder) PrependUint8(x uint8)
+    PrependUint8 prepends a uint8 to the Builder buffer. Aligns and checks
+    for space.
+func (b *Builder) Reset()
+    Reset truncates the underlying Builder buffer, facilitating alloc-free
+    reuse of a Builder. It also resets bookkeeping data.
+/// [Go API]
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-# Use in Go
+Use in Go    {#flatbuffers_guide_use_go}
-There's experimental support for reading FlatBuffers in Go. Generate code
-for Go with the `-g` option to `flatc`.
+## Before you get started
-See `go_test.go` for an example. You import the generated code, read a
-FlatBuffer binary file into a `[]byte`, which you pass to the
-`GetRootAsMonster` function:
+Before diving into the FlatBuffers usage in Go, it should be noted that
+the [Tutorial](@ref flatbuffers_guide_tutorial) page has a complete guide
+to general FlatBuffers usage in all of the supported languages (including Go).
+This page is designed to cover the nuances of FlatBuffers usage, specific to
-    import (
-       example "MyGame/Example"
-       flatbuffers ""
+You should also have read the [Building](@ref flatbuffers_guide_building)
+documentation to build `flatc` and should be familiar with
+[Using the schema compiler](@ref flatbuffers_guide_using_schema_compiler) and
+[Writing a schema](@ref flatbuffers_guide_writing_schema).
-       io/ioutil
-    )
+## FlatBuffers Go library code location
-    buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile("monster.dat")
-    // handle err
-    monster := example.GetRootAsMonster(buf, 0)
+The code for the FlatBuffers Go library can be found at
+`flatbuffers/go`. You can browse the library code on the [FlatBuffers
+GitHub page](
-Now you can access values like this:
+## Testing the FlatBuffers Go library
-    hp := monster.Hp()
-    pos := monster.Pos(nil)
+The code to test the Go library can be found at `flatbuffers/tests`.
+The test code itself is located in [go_test.go](
-Note that whenever you access a new object like in the `Pos` example above,
-a new temporary accessor object gets created. If your code is very performance
-sensitive (you iterate through a lot of objects), you can replace nil with a
-pointer to a `Vec3` object you've already created. This allows
-you to reuse it across many calls and reduce the amount of object allocation
-(and thus garbage collection) your program does.
+To run the tests, use the [](
+blob/master/tests/ shell script.
-To access vectors you pass an extra index to the
-vector field accessor. Then a second method with the same name suffixed
-by `Length` let's you know the number of elements you can access:
+*Note: The shell script requires [Go]( to
+be installed.*
-    for i := 0; i < monster.InventoryLength(); i++ {
-        monster.Inventory(i) // do something here
-    }
+## Using the FlatBuffers Go library
-You can also construct these buffers in Go using the functions found in the
-generated code, and the FlatBufferBuilder class:
+*Note: See [Tutorial](@ref flatbuffers_guide_tutorial) for a more in-depth
+example of how to use FlatBuffers in Go.*
-    builder := flatbuffers.NewBuilder(0)
+FlatBuffers supports reading and writing binary FlatBuffers in Go.
+To use FlatBuffers in your own code, first generate Go classes from your
+schema with the `--go` option to `flatc`. Then you can include both FlatBuffers
+and the generated code to read or write a FlatBuffer.
-Create strings:
+For example, here is how you would read a FlatBuffer binary file in Go: First,
+include the library and generated code. Then read a FlatBuffer binary file into
+a `[]byte`, which you pass to the `GetRootAsMonster` function:
-    str := builder.CreateString("MyMonster")
+    import (
+       example "MyGame/Example"
+       flatbuffers ""
-Create a table with a struct contained therein:
+       io/ioutil
+    )
-    example.MonsterStart(builder)
-    example.MonsterAddPos(builder, example.CreateVec3(builder, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4, 5, 6))
-    example.MonsterAddHp(builder, 80)
-    example.MonsterAddName(builder, str)
-    example.MonsterAddInventory(builder, inv)
-    example.MonsterAddTest_Type(builder, 1)
-    example.MonsterAddTest(builder, mon2)
-    example.MonsterAddTest4(builder, test4s)
-    mon := example.MonsterEnd(builder)
+    buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile("monster.dat")
+    // handle err
+    monster := example.GetRootAsMonster(buf, 0)
-Unlike C++, Go does not support table creation functions like 'createMonster()'.
-This is to create the buffer without
-using temporary object allocation (since the `Vec3` is an inline component of
-`Monster`, it has to be created right where it is added, whereas the name and
-the inventory are not inline, and **must** be created outside of the table
-creation sequence).
-Structs do have convenient methods that allow you to construct them in one call.
-These also have arguments for nested structs, e.g. if a struct has a field `a`
-and a nested struct field `b` (which has fields `c` and `d`), then the arguments
-will be `a`, `c` and `d`.
-Vectors also use this start/end pattern to allow vectors of both scalar types
-and structs:
+Now you can access values like this:
-    example.MonsterStartInventoryVector(builder, 5)
-    for i := 4; i >= 0; i-- {
-        builder.PrependByte(byte(i))
-    }
-    inv := builder.EndVector(5)
+    hp := monster.Hp()
+    pos := monster.Pos(nil)
-The generated method 'StartInventoryVector' is provided as a convenience
-function which calls 'StartVector' with the correct element size of the vector
-type which in this case is 'ubyte' or 1 byte per vector element.
-You pass the number of elements you want to write.
-You write the elements backwards since the buffer
-is being constructed back to front. Use the correct `Prepend` call for the type,
-or `PrependUOffsetT` for offsets. You then pass `inv` to the corresponding
-`Add` call when you construct the table containing it afterwards.
-There are `Prepend` functions for all the scalar types. You use
-`PrependUOffset` for any previously constructed objects (such as other tables,
-strings, vectors). For structs, you use the appropriate `create` function
-in-line, as shown above in the `Monster` example.
-Once you're done constructing a buffer, you call `Finish` with the root object
-offset (`mon` in the example above). Your data now resides in Builder.Bytes.
-Important to note is that the real data starts at the index indicated by Head(),
-for Offset() bytes (this is because the buffer is constructed backwards).
-If you wanted to read the buffer right after creating it (using
-`GetRootAsMonster` above), the second argument, instead of `0` would thus
-also be `Head()`.
 ## Text Parsing
 There currently is no support for parsing text (Schema's and JSON) directly
 from Go, though you could use the C++ parser through cgo. Please see the
 C++ documentation for more on text parsing.
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# Grammar of the schema language
+Grammar of the schema language    {#flatbuffers_grammar}
 schema = include*
          ( namespace\_decl | type\_decl | enum\_decl | root\_decl |
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-# FlatBuffer Internals
+FlatBuffer Internals    {#flatbuffers_internals}
 This section is entirely optional for the use of FlatBuffers. In normal
 usage, you should never need the information contained herein. If you're
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ byte-swap intrinsics.
 On purpose, the format leaves a lot of details about where exactly
 things live in memory undefined, e.g. fields in a table can have any
-order, and objects to some extend can be stored in many orders. This is
+order, and objects to some extent can be stored in many orders. This is
 because the format doesn't need this information to be efficient, and it
 leaves room for optimization and extension (for example, fields can be
 packed in a way that is most compact). Instead, the format is defined in
@@ -228,7 +229,12 @@ Otherwise, it uses the entry as an offset into the table to locate the field.
 `FlatBufferBuilder`. You can add the fields in any order, and the `Finish`
 call will ensure the correct vtable gets generated.
-    inline flatbuffers::Offset<Monster> CreateMonster(flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &_fbb, const Vec3 *pos, int16_t mana, int16_t hp, flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::String> name, flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::Vector<uint8_t>> inventory, int8_t color) {
+    inline flatbuffers::Offset<Monster> CreateMonster(flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &_fbb,
+                                                      const Vec3 *pos, int16_t mana,
+                                                      int16_t hp,
+                                                      flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::String> name,
+                                                      flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::Vector<uint8_t>> inventory,
+                                                      int8_t color) {
       MonsterBuilder builder_(_fbb);
@@ -285,3 +291,5 @@ Note that this not the only possible encoding, since the writer has some
 flexibility in which of the children of root object to write first (though in
 this case there's only one string), and what order to write the fields in.
 Different orders may also cause different alignments to happen.
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+Use in Java/C#    {#flatbuffers_guide_use_java_c-sharp}
+## Before you get started
+Before diving into the FlatBuffers usage in Java or C#, it should be noted that
+the [Tutorial](@ref flatbuffers_guide_tutorial) page has a complete guide to
+general FlatBuffers usage in all of the supported languages (including both Java
+and C#). This page is designed to cover the nuances of FlatBuffers usage,
+specific to Java and C#.
+You should also have read the [Building](@ref flatbuffers_guide_building)
+documentation to build `flatc` and should be familiar with
+[Using the schema compiler](@ref flatbuffers_guide_using_schema_compiler) and
+[Writing a schema](@ref flatbuffers_guide_writing_schema).
+## FlatBuffers Java and C-sharp code location
+#### Java
+The code for the FlatBuffers Java library can be found at
+`flatbuffers/java/com/google/flatbuffers`. You can browse the library on the
+[FlatBuffers GitHub page](
+#### C-sharp
+The code for the FlatBuffers C# library can be found at
+`flatbuffers/net/FlatBuffers`. You can browse the library on the
+[FlatBuffers GitHub page](
+## Testing the FlatBuffers Java and C-sharp libraries
+The code to test the libraries can be found at `flatbuffers/tests`.
+#### Java
+The test code for Java is located in [](
+To run the tests, use either [](
+flatbuffers/blob/master/tests/ or [JavaTest.bat](
+google/flatbuffers/blob/master/tests/JavaTest.bat), depending on your operating
+*Note: These scripts require that [Java](
+is installed.*
+#### C-sharp
+The test code for C# is located in the [FlatBuffers.Test](
+google/flatbuffers/tree/master/tests/FlatBuffers.Test) subfolder. To run the
+tests, open `FlatBuffers.Test.csproj` in [Visual Studio](
+, and compile/run the project.
+Optionally, you can run this using [Mono]( instead.
+Once you have installed `Mono`, you can run the tests from the command line
+by running the following commands from inside the `FlatBuffers.Test` folder:
+  mcs *.cs ../MyGame/Example/*.cs ../../net/FlatBuffers/*.cs
+  mono Assert.exe
+## Using the FlatBuffers Java (and C#) library
+*Note: See [Tutorial](@ref flatbuffers_guide_tutorial) for a more in-depth
+example of how to use FlatBuffers in Java or C#.*
+FlatBuffers supports reading and writing binary FlatBuffers in Java and C#.
+To use FlatBuffers in your own code, first generate Java classes from your
+schema with the `--java` option to `flatc`. (Or for C# with `--csharp`).
+Then you can include both FlatBuffers and the generated code to read
+or write a FlatBuffer.
+For example, here is how you would read a FlatBuffer binary file in Java:
+First, import the library and generated code. Then, you read a FlatBuffer binary
+file into a `byte[]`.  You then turn the `byte[]` into a `ByteBuffer`, which you
+pass to the `getRootAsMyRootType` function:
+*Note: The code here is written from the perspective of Java. Code for both
+languages is both generated and used in nearly the exact same way, with only
+minor differences. These differences are
+[explained in a section below](#differences_in_c-sharp).*
+    import MyGame.Example.*;
+    import;
+    // This snippet ignores exceptions for brevity.
+    File file = new File("monsterdata_test.mon");
+    RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
+    byte[] data = new byte[(int)f.length()];
+    f.readFully(data);
+    f.close();
+    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
+    Monster monster = Monster.getRootAsMonster(bb);
+Now you can access the data from the `Monster monster`:
+    short hp = monster.hp();
+    Vec3 pos = monster.pos();
+<a name="differences_in_c-sharp">
+#### Differences in C-sharp
+C# code works almost identically to Java, with only a few minor differences.
+You can see an example of C# code in
+`tests/FlatBuffers.Test/FlatBuffersExampleTests.cs` or
+First of all, naming follows standard C# style with `PascalCasing` identifiers,
+e.g. `GetRootAsMyRootType`. Also, values (except vectors and unions) are
+available as properties instead of parameterless accessor methods as in Java.
+The performance-enhancing methods to which you can pass an already created
+object are prefixed with `Get`, e.g.:
+    // property
+    var pos = monster.Pos;
+    // method filling a preconstructed object
+    var preconstructedPos = new Vec3();
+    monster.GetPos(preconstructedPos);
+## Text parsing
+There currently is no support for parsing text (Schema's and JSON) directly
+from Java or C#, though you could use the C++ parser through native call
+interfaces available to each language. Please see the
+C++ documentation for more on text parsing.
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+Use in JavaScript    {#flatbuffers_guide_use_javascript}
+## Before you get started
+Before diving into the FlatBuffers usage in JavaScript, it should be noted that
+the [Tutorial](@ref flatbuffers_guide_tutorial) page has a complete guide to
+general FlatBuffers usage in all of the supported languages
+(including JavaScript). This page is specifically designed to cover the nuances
+of FlatBuffers usage in JavaScript.
+You should also have read the [Building](@ref flatbuffers_guide_building)
+documentation to build `flatc` and should be familiar with
+[Using the schema compiler](@ref flatbuffers_guide_using_schema_compiler) and
+[Writing a schema](@ref flatbuffers_guide_writing_schema).
+## FlatBuffers JavaScript library code location
+The code for the FlatBuffers JavaScript library can be found at
+`flatbuffers/js`. You can browse the library code on the [FlatBuffers
+GitHub page](
+## Testing the FlatBuffers JavaScript library
+The code to test the JavaScript library can be found at `flatbuffers/tests`.
+The test code itself is located in [JavaScriptTest.js](
+To run the tests, use the [](
+flatbuffers/blob/master/tests/ shell script.
+*Note: The JavaScript test file requires [Node.js](*
+## Using the FlatBuffers JavaScript libary
+*Note: See [Tutorial](@ref flatbuffers_guide_tutorial) for a more in-depth
+example of how to use FlatBuffers in JavaScript.*
+FlatBuffers supports both reading and writing FlatBuffers in JavaScript.
+To use FlatBuffers in your own code, first generate JavaScript classes from your
+schema with the `--js` option to `flatc`. Then you can include both FlatBuffers
+and the generated code to read or write a FlatBuffer.
+For example, here is how you would read a FlatBuffer binary file in Javascript:
+First, include the library and generated code. Then read the file into an
+`Uint8Array`. Make a `flatbuffers.ByteBuffer` out of the `Uint8Array`, and pass
+the ByteBuffer to the `getRootAsMonster` function.
+*Note: Both JavaScript module loaders (e.g. Node.js) and browser-based
+HTML/JavaScript code segments are shown below in the following snippet:*
+  // Note: These require functions are specific to JavaScript module loaders
+  //       (namely, Node.js). See below for a browser-based example.
+  var fs = require('fs');
+  var flatbuffers = require('../flatbuffers').flatbuffers;
+  var MyGame = require('./monster_generated').MyGame;
+  var data = new Uint8Array(fs.readFileSync('monster.dat'));
+  var buf = new flatbuffers.ByteBuffer(data);
+  var monster = MyGame.Example.Monster.getRootAsMonster(buf);
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------//
+  // Note: This code is specific to browser-based HTML/JavaScript. See above
+  //       for the code using JavaScript module loaders (e.g. Node.js).
+  <script src="../js/flatbuffers.js"></script>
+  <script src="monster_generated.js"></script>
+  <script>
+    function readFile() {
+      var reader = new FileReader(); // This example uses the HTML5 FileReader.
+      var file = document.getElementById(
+          'file_input').files[0]; // "monster.dat" from the HTML <input> field.
+      reader.onload = function() { // Executes after the file is read.
+        var data = new Uint8Array(reader.result);
+        var buf = new flatbuffers.ByteBuffer(data);
+        var monster = MyGame.Example.Monster.getRootAsMonster(buf);
+      }
+      reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file);
+    }
+  </script>
+  // Open the HTML file in a browser and select "monster.dat" from with the
+  // <input> field.
+  <input type="file" id="file_input" onchange="readFile();">
+Now you can access values like this:
+  var hp = monster.hp();
+  var pos = monster.pos();
+## Text parsing FlatBuffers in JavaScript
+There currently is no support for parsing text (Schema's and JSON) directly
+from JavaScript.
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-# Use in Java/C-sharp
-FlatBuffers supports reading and writing binary FlatBuffers in Java and C#.
-Generate code for Java with the `-j` option to `flatc`, or for C# with `-n`
-(think .Net).
-Note that this document is from the perspective of Java. Code for both languages
-is generated in the same way, with only minor differences. These differences
-are [explained in a section below](#differences-in-c-sharp).
-See `` for an example. Essentially, you read a FlatBuffer binary
-file into a `byte[]`, which you then turn into a `ByteBuffer`, which you pass to
-the `getRootAsMyRootType` function:
-    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
-    Monster monster = Monster.getRootAsMonster(bb);
-Now you can access values much like C++:
-    short hp = monster.hp();
-    Vec3 pos = monster.pos();
-Note that whenever you access a new object like in the `pos` example above,
-a new temporary accessor object gets created. If your code is very performance
-sensitive (you iterate through a lot of objects), there's a second `pos()`
-method to which you can pass a `Vec3` object you've already created. This allows
-you to reuse it across many calls and reduce the amount of object allocation
-(and thus garbage collection) your program does.
-Java does not support unsigned scalars. This means that any unsigned types you
-use in your schema will actually be represented as a signed value. This means
-all bits are still present, but may represent a negative value when used.
-For example, to read a `byte b` as an unsigned number, you can do:
-`(short)(b & 0xFF)`
-The default string accessor (e.g. ``) currently always create
-a new Java `String` when accessed, since FlatBuffer's UTF-8 strings can't be
-used in-place by `String`. Alternatively, use `monster.nameAsByteBuffer()`
-which returns a `ByteBuffer` referring to the UTF-8 data in the original
-`ByteBuffer`, which is much more efficient. The `ByteBuffer`'s `position`
-points to the first character, and its `limit` to just after the last.
-Vector access is also a bit different from C++: you pass an extra index
-to the vector field accessor. Then a second method with the same name
-suffixed by `Length` let's you know the number of elements you can access:
-    for (int i = 0; i < monster.inventoryLength(); i++)
-        monster.inventory(i); // do something here
-Alternatively, much like strings, you can use `monster.inventoryAsByteBuffer()`
-to get a `ByteBuffer` referring to the whole vector. Use `ByteBuffer` methods
-like `asFloatBuffer` to get specific views if needed.
-If you specified a file_indentifier in the schema, you can query if the
-buffer is of the desired type before accessing it using:
-    if (Monster.MonsterBufferHasIdentifier(bb)) ...
-## Buffer construction in Java
-You can also construct these buffers in Java using the static methods found
-in the generated code, and the FlatBufferBuilder class:
-    FlatBufferBuilder fbb = new FlatBufferBuilder();
-Create strings:
-    int str = fbb.createString("MyMonster");
-Create a table with a struct contained therein:
-    Monster.startMonster(fbb);
-    Monster.addPos(fbb, Vec3.createVec3(fbb, 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 3.0, (byte)4, (short)5, (byte)6));
-    Monster.addHp(fbb, (short)80);
-    Monster.addName(fbb, str);
-    Monster.addInventory(fbb, inv);
-    Monster.addTest_type(fbb, (byte)1);
-    Monster.addTest(fbb, mon2);
-    Monster.addTest4(fbb, test4s);
-    int mon = Monster.endMonster(fbb);
-For some simpler types, you can use a convenient `create` function call that
-allows you to construct tables in one function call. This example definition
-however contains an inline struct field, so we have to create the table
-This is to create the buffer without using temporary object allocation.
-It's important to understand that fields that are structs are inline (like
-`Vec3` above), and MUST thus be created between the start and end calls of
-a table. Everything else (other tables, strings, vectors) MUST be created
-before the start of the table they are referenced in.
-Structs do have convenient methods that even have arguments for nested structs.
-As you can see, references to other objects (e.g. the string above) are simple
-ints, and thus do not have the type-safety of the Offset type in C++. Extra
-care must thus be taken that you set the right offset on the right field.
-Vectors can be created from the corresponding Java array like so:
-    int inv = Monster.createInventoryVector(fbb, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 });
-This works for arrays of scalars and (int) offsets to strings/tables,
-but not structs. If you want to write structs, or what you want to write
-does not sit in an array, you can also use the start/end pattern:
-    Monster.startInventoryVector(fbb, 5);
-    for (byte i = 4; i >=0; i--) fbb.addByte(i);
-    int inv = fbb.endVector();
-You can use the generated method `startInventoryVector` to conveniently call
-`startVector` with the right element size. You pass the number of
-elements you want to write. Note how you write the elements backwards since
-the buffer is being constructed back to front. You then pass `inv` to the
-corresponding `Add` call when you construct the table containing it afterwards.
-There are `add` functions for all the scalar types. You use `addOffset` for
-any previously constructed objects (such as other tables, strings, vectors).
-For structs, you use the appropriate `create` function in-line, as shown
-above in the `Monster` example.
-To finish the buffer, call:
-    Monster.finishMonsterBuffer(fbb, mon);
-The buffer is now ready to be transmitted. It is contained in the `ByteBuffer`
-which you can obtain from `fbb.dataBuffer()`. Importantly, the valid data does
-not start from offset 0 in this buffer, but from `fbb.dataBuffer().position()`
-(this is because the data was built backwards in memory).
-It ends at `fbb.capacity()`.
-## Differences in C-sharp
-C# code works almost identically to Java, with only a few minor differences.
-You can see an example of C# code in `tests/FlatBuffers.Test/FlatBuffersExampleTests.cs`.
-First of all, naming follows standard C# style with `PascalCasing` identifiers,
-e.g. `GetRootAsMyRootType`. Also, values (except vectors and unions) are available
-as properties instead of parameterless accessor methods as in Java. The
-performance-enhancing methods to which you can pass an already created object
-are prefixed with `Get`, e.g.:
-    // property
-    var pos = monster.Pos;
-    // method filling a preconstructed object
-    var preconstructedPos = new Vec3();
-    monster.GetPos(preconstructedPos);
-## Text parsing
-There currently is no support for parsing text (Schema's and JSON) directly
-from Java or C#, though you could use the C++ parser through native call
-interfaces available to each language. Please see the
-C++ documentation for more on text parsing.
-### Mutating FlatBuffers
-As you saw above, typically once you have created a FlatBuffer, it is
-read-only from that moment on. There are however cases where you have just
-received a FlatBuffer, and you'd like to modify something about it before
-sending it on to another recipient. With the above functionality, you'd have
-to generate an entirely new FlatBuffer, while tracking what you modify in your
-own data structures. This is inconvenient.
-For this reason FlatBuffers can also be mutated in-place. While this is great
-for making small fixes to an existing buffer, you generally want to create
-buffers from scratch whenever possible, since it is much more efficient and
-the API is much more general purpose.
-To get non-const accessors, invoke `flatc` with `--gen-mutable`.
-You now can:
-    Monster monster = Monster.getRootAsMonster(bb);
-    monster.mutateHp(10);            // Set table field.
-    monster.pos().mutateZ(4);        // Set struct field.
-    monster.mutateInventory(0, 1);   // Set vector element.
-We use the somewhat verbose term `mutate` instead of `set` to indicate that
-this is a special use case, not to be confused with the default way of
-constructing FlatBuffer data.
-After the above mutations, you can send on the FlatBuffer to a new recipient
-without any further work!
-Note that any `mutate` functions on tables return a boolean, which is false
-if the field we're trying to set isn't present in the buffer. Fields are not
-present if they weren't set, or even if they happen to be equal to the
-default value. For example, in the creation code above we set the `mana` field
-to `150`, which is the default value, so it was never stored in the buffer.
-Trying to call mutateMana() on such data will return false, and the value won't
-actually be modified!
-One way to solve this is to call `forceDefaults()` on a
-`FlatBufferBuilder` to force all fields you set to actually be written. This
-of course increases the size of the buffer somewhat, but this may be
-acceptable for a mutable buffer.
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+Use in PHP    {#flatbuffers_guide_use_php}
+## Before you get started
+Before diving into the FlatBuffers usage in PHP, it should be noted that
+the [Tutorial](@ref flatbuffers_guide_tutorial) page has a complete guide to
+general FlatBuffers usage in all of the supported languages
+(including PHP). This page is specifically designed to cover the nuances of
+FlatBuffers usage in PHP.
+You should also have read the [Building](@ref flatbuffers_guide_building)
+documentation to build `flatc` and should be familiar with
+[Using the schema compiler](@ref flatbuffers_guide_using_schema_compiler) and
+[Writing a schema](@ref flatbuffers_guide_writing_schema).
+## FlatBuffers PHP library code location
+The code for FlatBuffers PHP library can be found at `flatbuffers/php`. You
+can browse the library code on the [FlatBuffers
+GitHub page](
+## Testing the FlatBuffers JavaScript library
+The code to test the PHP library can be found at `flatbuffers/tests`.
+The test code itself is located in [phpTest.php](
+You can run the test with `php phpTest.php` from the command line.
+*Note: The PHP test file requires
+[PHP]( to be installed.*
+## Using theFlatBuffers PHP library
+*Note: See [Tutorial](@ref flatbuffers_guide_tutorial) for a more in-depth
+example of how to use FlatBuffers in PHP.*
+FlatBuffers supports both reading and writing FlatBuffers in PHP.
+To use FlatBuffers in your own code, first generate PHP classes from your schema
+with the `--php` option to `flatc`. Then you can include both FlatBuffers and
+the generated code to read or write a FlatBuffer.
+For example, here is how you would read a FlatBuffer binary file in PHP:
+First, include the library and generated code (using the PSR `autoload`
+function). Then you can read a FlatBuffer binary file, which you
+pass the contents of to the `GetRootAsMonster` function:
+  // It is recommended that your use PSR autoload when using FlatBuffers in PHP.
+  // Here is an example:
+  function __autoload($class_name) {
+    // The last segment of the class name matches the file name.
+    $class = substr($class_name, strrpos($class_name, "\\") + 1);
+    $root_dir = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))); // `flatbuffers` root.
+    // Contains the `*.php` files for the FlatBuffers library and the `flatc` generated files.
+    $paths = array(join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($root_dir, "php")),
+                   join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($root_dir, "tests", "MyGame", "Example")));
+    foreach ($paths as $path) {
+      $file = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($path, $class . ".php"));
+      if (file_exists($file)) {
+        require($file);
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  // Read the contents of the FlatBuffer binary file.
+  $filename = "monster.dat";
+  $handle = fopen($filename, "rb");
+  $contents = $fread($handle, filesize($filename));
+  fclose($handle);
+  // Pass the contents to `GetRootAsMonster`.
+  $monster = \MyGame\Example\Monster::GetRootAsMonster($contents);
+Now you can access values like this:
+  $hp = $monster->GetHp();
+  $pos = $monster->GetPos();
+## Text Parsing
+There currently is no support for parsing text (Schema's and JSON) directly
+from PHP.
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-# Use in Python
+Use in Python    {#flatbuffers_guide_use_python}
-There's experimental support for reading FlatBuffers in Python. Generate
-code for Python with the `-p` option to `flatc`.
+## Before you get started
-See `` for an example. You import the generated code, read a
-FlatBuffer binary file into a `bytearray`, which you pass to the
-`GetRootAsMonster` function:
+Before diving into the FlatBuffers usage in Python, it should be noted that the
+[Tutorial](@ref flatbuffers_guide_tutorial) page has a complete guide to general
+FlatBuffers usage in all of the supported languages (including Python). This
+page is designed to cover the nuances of FlatBuffers usage, specific to
-    import MyGame.Example as example
-    import flatbuffers
+You should also have read the [Building](@ref flatbuffers_guide_building)
+documentation to build `flatc` and should be familiar with
+[Using the schema compiler](@ref flatbuffers_guide_using_schema_compiler) and
+[Writing a schema](@ref flatbuffers_guide_writing_schema).
-    buf = open('monster.dat', 'rb').read()
-    buf = bytearray(buf)
-    monster = example.GetRootAsMonster(buf, 0)
+## FlatBuffers Python library code location
-Now you can access values like this:
+The code for the FlatBuffers Python library can be found at
+`flatbuffers/python/flatbuffers`. You can browse the library code on the
+[FlatBuffers GitHub page](
-    hp = monster.Hp()
-    pos = monster.Pos()
+## Testing the FlatBuffers Python library
-To access vectors you pass an extra index to the
-vector field accessor. Then a second method with the same name suffixed
-by `Length` let's you know the number of elements you can access:
+The code to test the Python library can be found at `flatbuffers/tests`.
+The test code itself is located in [](
-    for i in xrange(monster.InventoryLength()):
-        monster.Inventory(i) # do something here
+To run the tests, use the [](
+blob/master/tests/ shell script.
-You can also construct these buffers in Python using the functions found
-in the generated code, and the FlatBufferBuilder class:
+*Note: This script requires [python]( to be
-    builder = flatbuffers.Builder(0)
+## Using the FlatBuffers Python library
-Create strings:
+*Note: See [Tutorial](@ref flatbuffers_guide_tutorial) for a more in-depth
+example of how to use FlatBuffers in Python.*
-    s = builder.CreateString("MyMonster")
+There is support for both reading and writing FlatBuffers in Python.
-Create a table with a struct contained therein:
+To use FlatBuffers in your own code, first generate Python classes from your
+schema with the `--python` option to `flatc`. Then you can include both
+FlatBuffers and the generated code to read or write a FlatBuffer.
+For example, here is how you would read a FlatBuffer binary file in Python:
+First, import the library and the generated code. Then read a FlatBuffer binary
+file into a `bytearray`, which you pass to the `GetRootAsMonster` function:
-    example.MonsterStart(builder)
-    example.MonsterAddPos(builder, example.CreateVec3(builder, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4, 5, 6))
-    example.MonsterAddHp(builder, 80)
-    example.MonsterAddName(builder, str)
-    example.MonsterAddInventory(builder, inv)
-    example.MonsterAddTest_Type(builder, 1)
-    example.MonsterAddTest(builder, mon2)
-    example.MonsterAddTest4(builder, test4s)
-    mon = example.MonsterEnd(builder)
-    final_flatbuffer = builder.Output()
+    import MyGame.Example as example
+    import flatbuffers
-Unlike C++, Python does not support table creation functions like 'createMonster()'.
-This is to create the buffer without
-using temporary object allocation (since the `Vec3` is an inline component of
-`Monster`, it has to be created right where it is added, whereas the name and
-the inventory are not inline, and **must** be created outside of the table
-creation sequence).
-Structs do have convenient methods that allow you to construct them in one call.
-These also have arguments for nested structs, e.g. if a struct has a field `a`
-and a nested struct field `b` (which has fields `c` and `d`), then the arguments
-will be `a`, `c` and `d`.
+    buf = open('monster.dat', 'rb').read()
+    buf = bytearray(buf)
+    monster = example.GetRootAsMonster(buf, 0)
-Vectors also use this start/end pattern to allow vectors of both scalar types
-and structs:
+Now you can access values like this:
-    example.MonsterStartInventoryVector(builder, 5)
-    i = 4
-    while i >= 0:
-        builder.PrependByte(byte(i))
-        i -= 1
-    inv = builder.EndVector(5)
+    hp = monster.Hp()
+    pos = monster.Pos()
-The generated method 'StartInventoryVector' is provided as a convenience
-function which calls 'StartVector' with the correct element size of the vector
-type which in this case is 'ubyte' or 1 byte per vector element.
-You pass the number of elements you want to write.
-You write the elements backwards since the buffer
-is being constructed back to front. Use the correct `Prepend` call for the type,
-or `PrependUOffsetT` for offsets. You then pass `inv` to the corresponding
-`Add` call when you construct the table containing it afterwards.
-There are `Prepend` functions for all the scalar types. You use
-`PrependUOffset` for any previously constructed objects (such as other tables,
-strings, vectors). For structs, you use the appropriate `create` function
-in-line, as shown above in the `Monster` example.
-Once you're done constructing a buffer, you call `Finish` with the root object
-offset (`mon` in the example above). Your data now resides in Builder.Bytes.
-Important to note is that the real data starts at the index indicated by Head(),
-for Offset() bytes (this is because the buffer is constructed backwards).
-If you wanted to read the buffer right after creating it (using
-`GetRootAsMonster` above), the second argument, instead of `0` would thus
-also be `Head()`.
 ## Text Parsing
 There currently is no support for parsing text (Schema's and JSON) directly
 from Python, though you could use the C++ parser through SWIG or ctypes. Please
 see the C++ documentation for more on text parsing.
diff --git a/docs/source/ b/docs/source/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5df0b6a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+## Prerequisites
+To generate the docs for FlatBuffers from the source files, you
+will first need to install two programs.
+1. You will need to install `doxygen`. See
+   [Download Doxygen](
+2. You will need to install `doxypypy` to format python comments appropriately.
+   Install it from [here](
+*Note: You will need both `doxygen` and `doxypypy` to be in your
+[PATH]( environment variable.*
+After you have both of those files installed and in your path, you need to
+set up the `py_filter` to invoke `doxypypy` from `doxygen`.
+Follow the steps
+## Generating Docs
+Run the following commands to generate the docs:
+`cd flatbuffers/docs/source`
+The output is placed in `flatbuffers/docs/html`.
+*Note: The Go API Reference code must be generated ahead of time. For
+instructions on how to regenerated this file, please read the comments
+in ``.*
diff --git a/docs/source/ b/docs/source/
index 36bebf17..2ed3005d 100755
--- a/docs/source/
+++ b/docs/source/
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-# Writing a schema
+Writing a schema    {#flatbuffers_guide_writing_schema}
-The syntax of the schema language (aka IDL, Interface Definition
-Language) should look quite familiar to users of any of the C family of
+The syntax of the schema language (aka IDL, [Interface Definition Language][])
+should look quite familiar to users of any of the C family of
 languages, and also to users of other IDLs. Let's look at an example
@@ -34,14 +35,14 @@ first:
     root_type Monster;
-(Weapon & Pickup not defined as part of this example).
+(`Weapon` & `Pickup` not defined as part of this example).
 ### Tables
 Tables are the main way of defining objects in FlatBuffers, and consist
 of a name (here `Monster`) and a list of fields. Each field has a name,
-a type, and optionally a default value (if omitted, it defaults to 0 /
+a type, and optionally a default value (if omitted, it defaults to `0` /
 Each field is optional: It does not have to appear in the wire
 representation, and you can choose to omit fields for each individual
@@ -85,13 +86,13 @@ parent object, and use no virtual table).
 Built-in scalar types are:
--   8 bit: `byte ubyte bool`
+-   8 bit: `byte`, `ubyte`, `bool`
--   16 bit: `short ushort`
+-   16 bit: `short`, `ushort`
--   32 bit: `int uint float`
+-   32 bit: `int`, `uint`, `float`
--   64 bit: `long ulong double`
+-   64 bit: `long`, `ulong`, `double`
 Built-in non-scalar types:
@@ -111,18 +112,19 @@ high bit yet.
 ### (Default) Values
-Values are a sequence of digits, optionally followed by a `.` and more digits
-for float constants, and optionally prefixed by a `-`. Floats may end with an
-`e` or `E`, followed by a `+` or `-` and more digits (scientific notation).
+Values are a sequence of digits. Values may be optionally followed by a decimal
+point (`.`) and more digits, for float constants, or optionally prefixed by
+a `-`. Floats may also be in scientific notation; optionally ending with an `e`
+or `E`, followed by a `+` or `-` and more digits.
 Only scalar values can have defaults, non-scalar (string/vector/table) fields
-default to NULL when not present.
+default to `NULL` when not present.
 You generally do not want to change default values after they're initially
 defined. Fields that have the default value are not actually stored in the
 serialized data but are generated in code, so when you change the default, you'd
 now get a different value than from code generated from an older version of
-the schema. There are situations however where this may be
+the schema. There are situations, however, where this may be
 desirable, especially if you can ensure a simultaneous rebuild of
 all code.
@@ -142,7 +144,7 @@ itself, by handling unknown enum values.
 Unions share a lot of properties with enums, but instead of new names
 for constants, you use names of tables. You can then declare
-a union field which can hold a reference to any of those types, and
+a union field, which can hold a reference to any of those types, and
 additionally a hidden field with the suffix `_type` is generated that
 holds the corresponding enum value, allowing you to know which type to
 cast to at runtime.
@@ -178,7 +180,7 @@ included files (those you still generate separately).
 ### Root type
 This declares what you consider to be the root table (or struct) of the
-serialized data. This is particular important for parsing JSON data,
+serialized data. This is particularly important for parsing JSON data,
 which doesn't include object type information.
 ### File identification and extension
@@ -234,7 +236,7 @@ in the corresponding C++ code. Multiple such lines per item are allowed.
 Attributes may be attached to a declaration, behind a field, or after
 the name of a table/struct/enum/union. These may either have a value or
-not. Some attributes like `deprecated` are understood by the compiler,
+not. Some attributes like `deprecated` are understood by the compiler;
 user defined ones need to be declared with the attribute declaration
 (like `priority` in the example above), and are
 available to query if you parse the schema at runtime.
@@ -421,3 +423,6 @@ Occasionally ok. You've renamed fields, which will break all code (and JSON
 files!) that use this schema, but as long as the change is obvious, this is not
 incompatible with the actual binary buffers, since those only ever address
 fields by id/offset.
+   [Interface Definition Language]:
diff --git a/docs/source/ b/docs/source/
index 7df42499..ba8c7657 100755
--- a/docs/source/
+++ b/docs/source/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# Platform / Language / Feature support
+Platform / Language / Feature support    {#flatbuffers_support}
 FlatBuffers is actively being worked on, which means that certain platform /
 language / feature combinations may not be available yet.
@@ -39,3 +40,5 @@ Primary authors (github)       | gwvo   | gwvo   | ev*/js*| rw     | rw     | ev
   * js = jonsimantov
   * mik = mikkelfj
   * ch = chobie
diff --git a/docs/source/ b/docs/source/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fcc208a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,1723 @@
+Tutorial   {#flatbuffers_guide_tutorial}
+## Overview
+This tutorial provides a basic example of how to work with
+[FlatBuffers](@ref flatbuffers_overview). We will step through a simple example
+application, which shows you how to:
+   - Write a FlatBuffer `schema` file.
+   - Use the `flatc` FlatBuffer compiler.
+   - Parse [JSON]( files that conform to a schema into
+     FlatBuffer binary files.
+   - Use the generated files in many of the supported languages (such as C++,
+     Java, and more.)
+During this example, imagine that you are creating a game where the main
+character, the hero of the story, needs to slay some `orc`s. We will walk
+through each step necessary to create this monster type using FlatBuffers.
+Please select your desired language for our quest:
+  <input type="radio" name="language" value="cpp" checked="checked">C++</input>
+  <input type="radio" name="language" value="java">Java</input>
+  <input type="radio" name="language" value="csharp">C#</input>
+  <input type="radio" name="language" value="go">Go</input>
+  <input type="radio" name="language" value="python">Python</input>
+  <input type="radio" name="language" value="javascript">JavaScript</input>
+  <input type="radio" name="language" value="php">PHP</input>
+  /**
+   * Check if an HTML `class` attribute is in the language-specific format.
+   * @param {string} languageClass An HTML `class` attribute in the format
+   * 'language-{lang}', where {lang} is a programming language (e.g. 'cpp',
+   * 'java', 'go', etc.).
+   * @return {boolean} Returns `true` if `languageClass` was in the valid
+   * format, prefixed with 'language-'. Otherwise, it returns false.
+   */
+  function isProgrammingLanguageClassName(languageClass) {
+    if (languageClass && languageClass.substring(0, 9) == 'language-' &&
+        languageClass.length > 8) {
+      return true;
+    } else {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Given a language-specific HTML `class` attribute, extract the language.
+   * @param {string} languageClass The string name of an HTML `class` attribute,
+   * in the format `language-{lang}`, where {lang} is a programming language
+   * (e.g. 'cpp', 'java', 'go', etc.).
+   * @return {string} Returns a string containing only the {lang} portion of
+   * the class name. If the input was invalid, then it returns `null`.
+   */
+  function extractProgrammingLanguageFromLanguageClass(languageClass) {
+    if (isProgrammingLanguageClassName(languageClass)) {
+      return languageClass.substring(9);
+    } else {
+      return null;
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Hide every code snippet, except for the language that is selected.
+   */
+  function displayChosenLanguage() {
+    var selection = $('input:checked').val();
+    var htmlElements = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
+    for (var i = 0; i < htmlElements.length; i++) {
+      if (isProgrammingLanguageClassName(htmlElements[i].className)) {
+        if (extractProgrammingLanguageFromLanguageClass(
+              htmlElements[i].className).toLowerCase() != selection) {
+          htmlElements[i].style.display = 'none';
+        } else {
+          htmlElements[i].style.display = 'initial';
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  $( document ).ready(displayChosenLanguage);
+  $('input[type=radio]').on("click", displayChosenLanguage);
+## Where to Find the Example Code
+Samples demonstating the concepts in this example are located in the source code
+package, under the `samples` directory. You can browse the samples on GitHub
+For your chosen language, please cross-reference with:
+<div class="language-cpp">
+<div class="language-java">
+<div class="language-csharp">
+<div class="language-go">
+<div class="language-python">
+<div class="language-javascript">
+<div class="language-php">
+## Writing the Monsters' FlatBuffer Schema
+To start working with FlatBuffers, you first need to create a `schema` file,
+which defines the format for each data structure you wish to serialize. Here is
+the `schema` that defines the template for our monsters:
+  // Example IDL file for our monster's schema.
+  namespace MyGame.Sample;
+  enum Color:byte { Red = 0, Green, Blue = 2 }
+  union Equipment { Weapon } // Optionally add more tables.
+  struct Vec3 {
+    x:float;
+    y:float;
+    z:float;
+  }
+  table Monster {
+    pos:Vec3; // Struct.
+    mana:short = 150;
+    hp:short = 100;
+    name:string;
+    friendly:bool = false (deprecated);
+    inventory:[ubyte];  // Vector of scalars.
+    color:Color = Blue; // Enum.
+    weapons:[Weapon];   // Vector of tables.
+    equipped:Equipment; // Union.
+  }
+  table Weapon {
+    name:string;
+    damage:short;
+  }
+  root_type Monster;
+As you can see, the syntax for the `schema`
+[Interface Definition Language (IDL)](
+is similar to those of the C family of languages, and other IDL languages. Let's
+examine each part of this `schema` to determine what it does.
+The `schema` starts with a `namespace` declaration. This determines the
+corresponding package/namespace for the generated code. In our example, we have
+the `Sample` namespace inside of the `MyGame` namespace.
+Next, we have an `enum` definition. In this example, we have an `enum` of type
+`byte`, named `Color`. We have three values in this `enum`: `Red`, `Green`, and
+`Blue`. We specify `Red = 0` and `Blue = 2`, but we do not specify an explicit
+value for `Green`. Since the behavior of an `enum` is to increment if
+unspecified, `Green` will receive the implicit value of `1`.
+Following the `enum` is a `union`. The `union` in this example is not very
+useful, as it only contains the one `table` (named `Weapon`). If we had created
+multiple tables that we would want the `union` to be able to reference, we
+could add more elements to the `union Equipment`.
+After the `union` comes a `struct Vec3`, which represents a floating point
+vector with `3` dimensions. We use a `struct` here, over a `table`, because
+`struct`s are ideal for data structures that will not change, since they use
+less memory and have faster lookup.
+The `Monster` table is the main object in our FlatBuffer. This will be used as
+the template to store our `orc` monster. We specify some default values for
+fields, such as `mana:short = 150`. All unspecified fields will default to `0`
+or `NULL`. Another thing to note is the line
+`friendly:bool = false (deprecated);`. Since you cannot delete fields from a
+`table` (to support backwards compatability), you can set fields as
+`deprecated`, which will prevent the generation of accessors for this field in
+the generated code. Be careful when using `deprecated`, however, as it may break
+legacy code that used this accessor.
+The `Weapon` table is a sub-table used within our FlatBuffer. It is
+used twice: once within the `Monster` table and once within the `Equipment`
+enum. For our `Monster`, it is used to populate a `vector of tables` via the
+`weapons` field within our `Monster`. It is also the only table referenced by
+the `Equipment` enum.
+The last part of the `schema` is the `root_type`. The root type declares what
+will be the root table for the serialized data. In our case, the root type is
+our `Monster` table.
+#### More Information About Schemas
+You can find a complete guide to writing `schema` files in the
+[Writing a schema](@ref flatbuffers_guide_writing_schema) section of the
+Programmer's Guide. You can also view the formal
+[Grammar of the schema language](@ref flatbuffers_grammar).
+## Compiling the Monsters' Schema
+After you have written the FlatBuffers schema, the next step is to compile it.
+If you have not already done so, please follow
+[these instructions](@ref flatbuffers_guide_building) to build `flatc`, the
+FlatBuffer compiler.
+Once `flatc` is built successfully, compile the schema for your language:
+<div class="language-cpp">
+  cd flatbuffers/sample
+  ./../flatc --cpp samples/monster.fbs
+<div class="language-java">
+  cd flatbuffers/sample
+  ./../flatc --java samples/monster.fbs
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  cd flatbuffers/sample
+  ./../flatc --csharp samples/monster.fbs
+<div class="language-go">
+  cd flatbuffers/sample
+  ./../flatc --go samples/monster.fbs
+<div class="language-python">
+  cd flatbuffers/sample
+  ./../flatc --python samples/monster.fbs
+<div class="language-javascript">
+  cd flatbuffers/sample
+  ./../flatc --javascript samples/monster.fbs
+<div class="language-php">
+  cd flatbuffers/sample
+  ./../flatc --php samples/monster.fbs
+For a more complete guide to using the `flatc` compiler, pleaes read the
+[Using the schema compiler](@ref flatbuffers_guide_using_schema_compiler)
+section of the Programmer's Guide.
+## Reading and Writing Monster FlatBuffers
+Now that we have compiled the schema for our programming language, we can
+start creating some monsters and serializing/deserializing them from
+#### Creating and Writing Orc FlatBuffers
+The first step is to import/include the library, generated files, etc.
+<div class="language-cpp">
+  #include "monster_generate.h" // This was generated by `flatc`.
+  using namespace MyGame::Sample; // Specified in the schema.
+<div class="language-java">
+  import MyGame.Sample.*; //The `flatc` generated files. (Monster, Vec3, etc.)
+  import;
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  using FlatBuffers;
+  using MyGame.Sample; // The `flatc` generated files. (Monster, Vec3, etc.)
+<div class="language-go">
+  import (
+          flatbuffers ""
+          sample "MyGame/Sample"
+  )
+<div class="language-python">
+  import flatbuffers
+  # Generated by `flatc`.
+  import MyGame.Sample.Color
+  import MyGame.Sample.Equipment
+  import MyGame.Sample.Monster
+  import MyGame.Sample.Vec3
+  import MyGame.Sample.Weapon
+<div class="language-javascript">
+  // The following code is for JavaScript module loaders (e.g. Node.js). See
+  // below for a browser-based HTML/JavaScript example of including the library.
+  var flatbuffers = require('/js/flatbuffers').flatbuffers;
+  var MyGame = require('./monster_generated').MyGame; // Generated by `flatc`.
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------//
+  // The following code is for browser-based HTML/JavaScript. Use the above code
+  // for JavaScript module loaders (e.g. Node.js).
+  <script src="../js/flatbuffers.js"></script>
+  <script src="monster_generated.js"></script> // Generated by `flatc`.
+<div class="language-php">
+  // It is recommended that your use PSR autoload when using FlatBuffers in PHP.
+  // Here is an example from `SampleBinary.php`:
+  function __autoload($class_name) {
+    // The last segment of the class name matches the file name.
+    $class = substr($class_name, strrpos($class_name, "\\") + 1);
+    $root_dir = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))); // `flatbuffers` root.
+    // Contains the `*.php` files for the FlatBuffers library and the `flatc` generated files.
+    $paths = array(join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($root_dir, "php")),
+                   join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($root_dir, "samples", "MyGame", "Sample")));
+    foreach ($paths as $path) {
+      $file = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($path, $class . ".php"));
+      if (file_exists($file)) {
+        require($file);
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+Now we are ready to start building some buffers. In order to start, we need
+to create an instance of the `FlatBufferBuilder`, which will contain the buffer
+as it grows:
+<div class="language-cpp">
+  // Create a `FlatBufferBuilder`, which will be used to create our
+  // monsters' FlatBuffers.
+  flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder builder;
+<div class="language-java">
+  // Create a `FlatBufferBuilder`, which will be used to create our
+  // monsters' FlatBuffers.
+  FlatBufferBuilder builder = new FlatBufferBuilder(0);
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  // Create a `FlatBufferBuilder`, which will be used to create our
+  // monsters' FlatBuffers.
+  var builder = new FlatBufferBuilder(1);
+<div class="language-go">
+  // Create a `FlatBufferBuilder`, which will be used to create our
+  // monsters' FlatBuffers.
+  builder := flatbuffers.NewBuilder(0)
+<div class="language-python">
+  # Create a `FlatBufferBuilder`, which will be used to create our
+  # monsters' FlatBuffers.
+  builder = flatbuffers.Builder(0)
+<div class="language-javascript">
+  // Create a `flatbuffer.Builder`, which will be used to create our
+  // monsters' FlatBuffers.
+  var builder = new flatbuffers.Builder(1);
+<div class="language-php">
+  // Create a `FlatBufferBuilder`, which will be used to create our
+  // monsters' FlatBuffers.
+  $builder = new Google\FlatBuffers\FlatbufferBuilder(0);
+After creating the `builder`, we can start serializing our data. Before we make
+our `orc` Monster, lets create some `Weapon`s: a `Sword` and an `Axe`.
+<div class="language-cpp">
+  auto weapon_one_name = builder.CreateString("Sword");
+  short weapon_one_damage = 3;
+  auto weapon_two_name = builder.CreateString("Axe");
+  short weapon_two_damage = 5;
+  // Use the `CreateWeapon` shortcut to create Weapons with all the fields set.
+  auto sword = CreateWeapon(builder, weapon_one_name, weapon_one_damage);
+  auto axe = CreateWeapon(builder, weapon_two_name, weapon_two_damage);
+<div class="language-java">
+  String weaponOneName = builder.createString("Sword")
+  short weaponOneDamage = 3;
+  String weaponTwoName = builder.createString("Axe");
+  short weaponTwoDamage = 5;
+  // Use the `createWeapon()` helper function to create the weapons, since we set every field.
+  int sword = Weapon.createWeapon(builder, weaponOneName, weaponOneDamage);
+  int axe = Weapon.createWeapon(builder, weaponTwoName, weaponTwoDamage);
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  var weaponOneName = builder.CreateString("Sword");
+  var weaponOneDamage = 3;
+  var weaponTwoName = builder.CreateString("Axe");
+  var weaponTwoDamage = 5;
+  // Use the `CreateWeapon()` helper function to create the weapons, since we set every field.
+  var sword = Weapon.CreateWeapon(builder, weaponOneName, (short)weaponOneDamage);
+  var axe = Weapon.CreateWeapon(builder, weaponTwoName, (short)weaponTwoDamage);
+<div class="language-go">
+  weaponOne := builder.CreateString("Sword")
+  weaponTwo := builder.CreateString("Axe")
+  // Create the first `Weapon` ("Sword").
+  sample.WeaponStart(builder)
+  sample.Weapon.AddName(builder, weaponOne)
+  sample.Weapon.AddDamage(builder, 3)
+  sword := sample.WeaponEnd(builder)
+  // Create the second `Weapon` ("Axe").
+  sample.WeaponStart(builder)
+  sample.Weapon.AddName(builder, weaponTwo)
+  sample.Weapon.AddDamage(builder, 5)
+  axe := sample.WeaponEnd(builder)
+<div class="language-python">
+  weapon_one = builder.CreateString('Sword')
+  weapon_two = builder.CreateString('Axe')
+  # Create the first `Weapon` ('Sword').
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.WeaponStart(builder)
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.WeaponAddName(builder, weapon_one)
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.WeaponAddDamage(builder, 3)
+  sword = MyGame.Sample.Weapon.WeaponEnd(builder)
+  # Create the second `Weapon` ('Axe').
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.WeaponStart(builder)
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.WeaponAddName(builder, weapon_two)
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.WeaponAddDamage(builder, 5)
+  axe = MyGame.Sample.Weapon.WeaponEnd(builder)
+<div class="language-javascript">
+  var weaponOne = builder.createString('Sword');
+  var weaponTwo = builder.createString('Axe');
+  // Create the first `Weapon` ('Sword').
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.startWeapon(builder);
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.addName(builder, weaponOne);
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.addDamage(builder, 3);
+  var sword = MyGame.Sample.Weapon.endWeapon(builder);
+  // Create the second `Weapon` ('Axe').
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.startWeapon(builder);
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.addName(builder, weaponTwo);
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.addDamage(builder, 5);
+  var axe = MyGame.Sample.Weapon.endWeapon(builder);
+<div class="language-php">
+  // Create the `Weapon`s using the `createWeapon()` helper function.
+  $weapon_one_name = $builder->createString("Sword");
+  $sword = \MyGame\Sample\Weapon::CreateWeapon($builder, $weapon_one_name, 3);
+  $weapon_two_name = $builder->createString("Axe");
+  $axe = \MyGame\Sample\Weapon::CreateWeapon($builder, $weapon_two_name, 5);
+  // Create an array from the two `Weapon`s and pass it to the
+  // `CreateWeaponsVector()` method to create a FlatBuffer vector.
+  $weaps = array($sword, $axe);
+  $weapons = \MyGame\Sample\Monster::CreateWeaponsVector($builder, $weaps);
+Now let's create our monster, the `orc`. For this `orc`, lets make him
+`red` with rage, positioned at `(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)`, and give him
+a large pool of hit points with `300`. We can give him a vector of weapons
+to choose from (our `Sword` and `Axe` from earlier). In this case, we will
+equip him with the `Axe`, since it is the most powerful of the two. Lastly,
+let's fill his inventory with some potential treasures that can be taken once he
+is defeated.
+Before we serialize a monster, we need to first serialize any objects that are
+contained there-in, i.e. we serialize the data tree using depth-first, pre-order
+traversal. This is generally easy to do on any tree structures.
+<div class="language-cpp">
+  // Serialize a name for our monster, called "Orc".
+  auto name = builder.CreateString("Orc");
+  // Create a `vector` representing the inventory of the Orc. Each number
+  // could correspond to an item that can be claimed after he is slain.
+  unsigned char treasure = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
+  auto inventory = builder.CreateVector(treasure, 10);
+<div class="language-java">
+  // Serialize a name for our monster, called "Orc".
+  int name = builder.createString("Orc");
+  // Create a `vector` representing the inventory of the Orc. Each number
+  // could correspond to an item that can be claimed after he is slain.
+  byte[] treasure = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
+  int inv = Monster.createInventoryVector(builder, treasure);
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  // Serialize a name for our monster, called "Orc".
+  var name = builder.CreateString("Orc");
+  // Create a `vector` representing the inventory of the Orc. Each number
+  // could correspond to an item that can be claimed after he is slain.
+  // Note: Since we prepend the bytes, this loop iterates in reverse order.
+  Monster.StartInventoryVector(builder, 10);
+  for (int i = 9; i >= 0; i--)
+  {
+    builder.AddByte((byte)i);
+  }
+  var inv = builder.EndVector();
+<div class="language-go">
+  // Serialize a name for our monster, called "Orc".
+  name := builder.CreateString("Orc")
+  // Create a `vector` representing the inventory of the Orc. Each number
+  // could correspond to an item that can be claimed after he is slain.
+  // Note: Since we prepend the bytes, this loop iterates in reverse.
+  sample.MonsterStartInventoryVector(builder, 10)
+  for i := 9; i >= 0; i-- {
+          builder.PrependByte(byte(i))
+  }
+  int := builder.EndVector(10)
+<div class="language-python">
+  # Serialize a name for our monster, called "Orc".
+  name = builder.CreateString("Orc")
+  # Create a `vector` representing the inventory of the Orc. Each number
+  # could correspond to an item that can be claimed after he is slain.
+  # Note: Since we prepend the bytes, this loop iterates in reverse.
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterStartInventoryVector(builder, 10)
+  for i in reversed(range(0, 10)):
+    builder.PrependByte(i)
+  inv = builder.EndVector(10)
+<div class="language-javascript">
+  // Serialize a name for our monster, called 'Orc'.
+  var name = builder.createString('Orc');
+  // Create a `vector` representing the inventory of the Orc. Each number
+  // could correspond to an item that can be claimed after he is slain.
+  var treasure = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
+  var inv = MyGame.Sample.Monster.createInventoryVector(builder, treasure);
+<div class="language-php">
+  // Serialize a name for our monster, called "Orc".
+  $name = $builder->createString("Orc");
+  // Create a `vector` representing the inventory of the Orc. Each number
+  // could correspond to an item that can be claimed after he is slain.
+  $treasure = array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
+  $inv = \MyGame\Sample\Monster::CreateInventoryVector($builder, $treasure);
+We serialized two built-in data types (`string` and `vector`) and captured
+their return values. These values are offsets into the serialized data,
+indicating where they are stored, such that we can refer to them below when
+adding fields to our monster.
+*Note: To create a `vector` of nested objects (e.g. `table`s, `string`s, or
+other `vector`s), collect their offsets into a temporary data structure, and
+then create an additional `vector` containing their offsets.*
+For example, take a look at the two `Weapon`s that we created earlier (`Sword`
+and `Axe`). These are both FlatBuffer `table`s, whose offsets we now store in
+memory. Therefore we can create a FlatBuffer `vector` to contain these
+<div class="language-cpp">
+  // Place the weapons into a `std::vector`, then convert that into a FlatBuffer `vector`.
+  std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<Weapon>> weapons_vector;
+  weapons_vector.push_back(sword);
+  weapons_vector.push_back(axe);
+  auto weapons = builder.CreateVector(weapons_vector);
+<div class="language-java">
+  // Place the two weapons into an array, and pass it to the `createWeaponsVector()` method to
+  // create a FlatBuffer vector.
+  int[] weaps = new int[2];
+  weaps[1] = sword;
+  weaps[2] = axe;
+  // Pass the `weaps` array into the `createWeaponsVector()` method to create a FlatBuffer vector.
+  int weapons = Monster.createWeaponsVector(builder, weaps);
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  var weaps = new Offset<Weapon>[2];
+  weaps[0] = sword;
+  weaps[1] = axe;
+  // Pass the `weaps` array into the `CreateWeaponsVector()` method to create a FlatBuffer vector.
+  var weapons = Monster.CreateWeaponsVector(builder, weaps);
+<div class="language-go">
+  // Create a FlatBuffer vector and prepend the weapons.
+  // Note: Since we prepend the data, prepend them in reverse order.
+  sample.MonsterStartWeaponsVector(builder, 2)
+  builder.PrependUOffsetT(axe)
+  builder.PrependUOffsetT(sword)
+  weapons := builder.EndVector(2)
+<div class="language-python">
+  # Create a FlatBuffer vector and prepend the weapons.
+  # Note: Since we prepend the data, prepend them in reverse order.
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterStartWeaponsVector(builder, 2)
+  builder.PrependUOffsetTRelative(axe)
+  builder.PrependUOffsetTRelative(sword)
+  weapons = builder.EndVector(2)
+<div class="language-javascript">
+  // Create an array from the two `Weapon`s and pass it to the
+  // `createWeaponsVector()` method to create a FlatBuffer vector.
+  var weaps = [sword, axe];
+  var weapons = MyGame.Sample.Monster.createWeaponsVector(builder, weaps);
+<div class="language-php">
+  // Create an array from the two `Weapon`s and pass it to the
+  // `CreateWeaponsVector()` method to create a FlatBuffer vector.
+  $weaps = array($sword, $axe);
+  $weapons = \MyGame\Sample\Monster::CreateWeaponsVector($builder, $weaps);
+To create a `struct`, use the `Vec3` class/struct that was generated by `flatc`:
+<div class="language-cpp">
+  // Create a `Vec3`, representing the Orc's position in 3-D space.
+  auto pos = Vec3(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);
+<div class="language-java">
+  // Create a `Vec3`, representing the Orc's position in 3-D space.
+  int pos = Vec3.createVec3(builder, 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  // Create a `Vec3`, representing the Orc's position in 3-D space.
+  var pos = Vec3.CreateVec3(builder, 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);
+<div class="language-go">
+  // Create a `Vec3`, representing the Orc's position in 3-D space.
+  pos := sample.CreateVec3(builder, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
+<div class="language-python">
+  # Create a `Vec3`, representing the Orc's position in 3-D space.
+  pos = MyGame.Sample.Vec3.CreateVec3(builder, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
+<div class="language-javascript">
+  // Create a `Vec3`, representing the Orc's position in 3-D space.
+  var pos = MyGame.Sample.Vec3.createVec3(builder, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
+<div class="language-php">
+  // Create a `Vec3`, representing the Orc's position in 3-D space.
+  $pos = \MyGame\Sample\Vec3::CreateVec3($builder, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
+We have now serialized the non-scalar components of the orc, so we
+can serialize the monster itself:
+<div class="language-cpp">
+  // Set his hit points to 300 and his mana to 150.
+  int hp = 300;
+  int mana = 150;
+  // Finally, create the monster using the `CreateMonster` helper function
+  // to set all fields.
+  auto orc = CreateMonster(builder, &pos, mana, hp, name, inventory, Color_Red,
+                           weapons, Equipment_Weapon, axe.Union());
+<div class="language-java">
+  // Create our monster using `startMonster()` and `endMonster()`.
+  Monster.startMonster(builder);
+  Monster.addPos(builder, pos);
+  Monster.addName(builder, name);
+  Monster.addColor(builder, Color.Red);
+  Monster.addHp(builder, (short)300);
+  Monster.addInventory(builder, inv);
+  Monster.addWeapons(builder, weapons);
+  Monster.addEquippedType(builder, Equipment.Weapon);
+  Monster.addEquipped(builder, axe);
+  int orc = Monster.endMonster(builder);
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  // Create our monster using `StartMonster()` and `EndMonster()`.
+  Monster.StartMonster(builder);
+  Monster.AddPos(builder, pos);
+  Monster.AddHp(builder, (short)300);
+  Monster.AddName(builder, name);
+  Monster.AddInventory(builder, inv);
+  Monster.AddColor(builder, Color.Red);
+  Monster.AddWeapons(builder, weapons);
+  Monster.AddEquippedType(builder, Equipment.Weapon);
+  Monster.AddEquipped(builder, axe.Value); // Axe
+  var orc = Monster.EndMonster(builder);
+<div class="language-go">
+  // Create our monster using `MonsterStart()` and `MonsterEnd()`.
+  sample.MonsterStart(builder)
+  sample.MonsterAddPos(builder, pos)
+  sample.MonsterAddHp(builder, 300)
+  sample.MonsterAddName(builder, name)
+  sample.MonsterAddInventory(builder, inv)
+  sample.MonsterAddColor(builder, sample.ColorRed)
+  sample.MonsterAddWeapons(builder, weapons)
+  sample.MonsterAddEquippedType(builder, sample.EquipmentWeapon)
+  sample.MonsterAddEquipped(builder, axe)
+  orc := sample.MonsterEnd(builder)
+<div class="language-python">
+  # Create our monster by using `MonsterStart()` and `MonsterEnd()`.
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterStart(builder)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterAddPos(builder, pos)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterAddHp(builder, 300)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterAddName(builder, name)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterAddInventory(builder, inv)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterAddColor(builder,
+                                        MyGame.Sample.Color.Color().Red)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterAddWeapons(builder, weapons)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterAddEquippedType(
+      builder, MyGame.Sample.Equipment.Equipment().Weapon)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterAddEquipped(builder, axe)
+  orc = MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterEnd(builder)
+<div class="language-javascript">
+  // Create our monster by using `startMonster()` and `endMonster()`.
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.startMonster(builder);
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.addPos(builder, pos);
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.addHp(builder, 300);
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.addColor(builder, MyGame.Sample.Color.Red)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.addName(builder, name);
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.addInventory(builder, inv);
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.addWeapons(builder, weapons);
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.addEquippedType(builder, MyGame.Sample.Equipment.Weapon);
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.addEquipped(builder, axe);
+  var orc = MyGame.Sample.Monster.endMonster(builder);
+<div class="language-php">
+  // Create our monster by using `StartMonster()` and `EndMonster()`.
+  \MyGame\Sample\Monster::StartMonster($builder);
+  \MyGame\Sample\Monster::AddPos($builder, $pos);
+  \MyGame\Sample\Monster::AddHp($builder, 300);
+  \MyGame\Sample\Monster::AddName($builder, $name);
+  \MyGame\Sample\Monster::AddInventory($builder, $inv);
+  \MyGame\Sample\Monster::AddColor($builder, \MyGame\Sample\Color::Red);
+  \MyGame\Sample\Monster::AddWeapons($builder, $weapons);
+  \MyGame\Sample\Monster::AddEquippedType($builder, \MyGame\Sample\Equipment::Weapon);
+  \MyGame\Sample\Monster::AddEquipped($builder, $axe);
+  $orc = \MyGame\Sample\Monster::EndMonster($builder);
+<div class="language-cpp">
+*Note: Since we passing `150` as the `mana` field, which happens to be the
+default value, the field will not actually be written to the buffer, since the
+default value will be returned on query anyway. This is a nice space savings,
+especially if default values are common in your data. It also means that you do
+not need to be worried of adding a lot of fields that are only used in a small
+number of instances, as it will not bloat the buffer if unused.*
+If you do not wish to set every field in a `table`, it may be more convenient to
+manually set each field of your monster, instead of calling `CreateMonster()`.
+The following snippet is functionally equivalent to the above code, but provides
+a bit more flexibility.
+  // You can use this code instead of `CreateMonster()`, to create our orc
+  // manually.
+  MonsterBuilder monster_builder(builder);
+  monster_builder.add_pos(&pos);
+  monster_builder.add_hp(hp);
+  monster_builder.add_name(name);
+  monster_builder.add_inventory(inventory);
+  monster_builder.add_color(Color_Red);
+  monster_builder.add_weapons(weapons);
+  monster_builder.add_equipped_type(Equipment_Weapon);
+  monster_builder.add_equpped(axe);
+  auto orc = monster_builder.Finish();
+Before finishing the serialization, let's take a quick look at FlatBuffer
+`union Equipped`. There are two parts to each FlatBuffer `union`. The first, is
+a hidden field `_type`, that is generated to hold the type of `table` referred
+to by the `union`. This allows you to know which type to cast to at runtime.
+Second, is the `union`'s data.
+In our example, the last two things we added to our `Monster` were the
+`Equipped Type` and the `Equipped` union itself.
+Here is a repetition these lines, to help highlight them more clearly:
+<div class="language-cpp">
+  ~~~{.cpp}
+    monster_builder.add_equipped_type(Equipment_Weapon); // Union type
+    monster_builder.add_equipped(axe); // Union data
+  ~~~
+<div class="language-java">
+  ~~~{.java}
+    Monster.addEquippedType(builder, Equipment.Weapon); // Union type
+    Monster.addEquipped(axe); // Union data
+  ~~~
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  ~~~{.cs}
+    Monster.AddEquippedType(builder, Equipment.Weapon); // Union type
+    Monster.AddEquipped(builder, axe.Value); // Union data
+  ~~~
+<div class="language-go">
+  ~~~{.go}
+    sample.MonsterAddEquippedType(builder, sample.EquipmentWeapon) // Union type
+    sample.MonsterAddEquipped(builder, axe) // Union data
+  ~~~
+<div class="language-python">
+  ~~~{.py}
+    MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterAddEquippedType(            # Union type
+        builder, MyGame.Sample.Equipment.Equipment().Weapon)
+    MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterAddEquipped(builder, axe)   # Union data
+  ~~~
+<div class="language-javascript">
+  ~~~{.js}
+    MyGame.Sample.Monster.addEquippedType(builder, MyGame.Sample.Equipment.Weapon); // Union type
+    MyGame.Sample.Monster.addEquipped(builder, axe); // Union data
+  ~~~
+<div class="language-php">
+  ~~~{.php}
+    \MyGame\Sample\Monster::AddEquippedType($builder, \MyGame\Sample\Equipment::Weapon); // Union type
+    \MyGame\Sample\Monster::AddEquipped($builder, $axe); // Union data
+  ~~~
+After you have created your buffer, you will have the offset to the root of the
+data in the `orc` variable, so you can finish the buffer by calling the
+appropriate `finish` method.
+<div class="language-cpp">
+  // Call `Finish()` to instruct the builder that this monster is complete.
+  // Note: Regardless of how you created the `orc`, you still need to call
+  // `Finish()` on the `FlatBufferBuilder`.
+  builder.Finish(orc); // You could also call `FinishMonsterBuffer(builder,
+                       //                                          orc);`.
+<div class="language-java">
+  // Call `finish()` to instruct the builder that this monster is complete.
+  builder.finish(orc); // You could also call `Monster.finishMonsterBuffer(builder, orc);`.
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  // Call `Finish()` to instruct the builder that this monster is complete.
+  builder.Finish(orc.Value); // You could also call `Monster.FinishMonsterBuffer(builder, orc);`.
+<div class="language-go">
+  // Call `Finish()` to instruct the builder that this monster is complete.
+  builder.Finish(orc)
+<div class="language-python">
+  # Call `Finish()` to instruct the builder that this monster is complete.
+  builder.Finish(orc)
+<div class="language-javascript">
+  // Call `finish()` to instruct the builder that this monster is complete.
+  builder.finish(orc); // You could also call `MyGame.Example.Monster.finishMonsterBuffer(builder,
+                       //                                                                 orc);`.
+<div class="language-php">
+  // Call `finish()` to instruct the builder that this monster is complete.
+   $builder->finish($orc); // You may also call `\MyGame\Sample\Monster::FinishMonsterBuffer(
+                           //                        $builder, $orc);`.
+The buffer is now ready to be stored somewhere, sent over the network, be
+compressed, or whatever you'd like to do with it. You can access the buffer
+like so:
+<div class="language-cpp">
+  // This must be called after `Finish()`.
+  uint8_t *buf = builder.GetBufferPointer();
+  int size = builder.GetSize(); // Returns the size of the buffer that
+                                // `GetBufferPointer()` points to.
+<div class="language-java">
+  // This must be called after `finish()`.
+  java.nio.ByteBuffer buf = builder.dataBuffer();
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  // This must be called after `Finish()`.
+  var buf = builder.DataBuffer; // Of type `FlatBuffers.ByteBuffer`.
+<div class="language-go">
+  // This must be called after `Finish()`.
+  buf := builder.FinishedBytes() // Of type `byte[]`.
+<div class="language-python">
+  # This must be called after `Finish()`.
+  buf = builder.Output() // Of type `bytearray`.
+<div class="language-javascript">
+  // This must be called after `finish()`.
+  var buf = builder.dataBuffer(); // Of type `flatbuffers.ByteBuffer`.
+<div class="language-php">
+  // This must be called after `finish()`.
+  $buf = $builder->dataBuffer(); // Of type `Google\FlatBuffers\ByteBuffer`
+#### Reading Orc FlatBuffers
+Now that we have successfully created an `Orc` FlatBuffer, the monster data can
+be saved, sent over a network, etc. Let's now adventure into the inverse, and
+deserialize a FlatBuffer.
+This seciton requires the same import/include, namespace, etc. requirements as
+<div class="language-cpp">
+  #include "monster_generate.h" // This was generated by `flatc`.
+  using namespace MyGame::Sample; // Specified in the schema.
+<div class="language-java">
+  import MyGame.Sample.*; //The `flatc` generated files. (Monster, Vec3, etc.)
+  import;
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  using FlatBuffers;
+  using MyGame.Sample; // The `flatc` generated files. (Monster, Vec3, etc.)
+<div class="language-go">
+  import (
+          flatbuffers ""
+          sample "MyGame/Sample"
+  )
+<div class="language-python">
+  import flatbuffers
+  # Generated by `flatc`.
+  import MyGame.Sample.Any
+  import MyGame.Sample.Color
+  import MyGame.Sample.Monster
+  import MyGame.Sample.Vec3
+<div class="language-javascript">
+  // The following code is for JavaScript module loaders (e.g. Node.js). See
+  // below for a browser-based HTML/JavaScript example of including the library.
+  var flatbuffers = require('/js/flatbuffers').flatbuffers;
+  var MyGame = require('./monster_generated').MyGame; // Generated by `flatc`.
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------//
+  // The following code is for browser-based HTML/JavaScript. Use the above code
+  // for JavaScript module loaders (e.g. Node.js).
+  <script src="../js/flatbuffers.js"></script>
+  <script src="monster_generated.js"></script> // Generated by `flatc`.
+<div class="language-php">
+  // It is recommended that your use PSR autoload when using FlatBuffers in PHP.
+  // Here is an example from `SampleBinary.php`:
+  function __autoload($class_name) {
+    // The last segment of the class name matches the file name.
+    $class = substr($class_name, strrpos($class_name, "\\") + 1);
+    $root_dir = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))); // `flatbuffers` root.
+    // Contains the `*.php` files for the FlatBuffers library and the `flatc` generated files.
+    $paths = array(join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($root_dir, "php")),
+                   join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($root_dir, "samples", "MyGame", "Sample")));
+    foreach ($paths as $path) {
+      $file = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($path, $class . ".php"));
+      if (file_exists($file)) {
+        require($file);
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+Then, assuming you have a variable containing to the bytes of data from disk,
+network, etc., you can create a monster from this data:
+<div class="language-cpp">
+  // We can access the buffer we just made directly. Pretend this came over a
+  // network, was read off of disk, etc.
+  auto buffer_pointer = builder.GetBufferPointer();
+  // Deserialize the data from the buffer.
+  auto monster = GetMonster(buffer_pointer);
+  // `monster` is of type`Monster *`, and points to somewhere inside the buffer.
+  // Note: root object pointers are NOT the same as `buffer_pointer`.
+<div class="language-java">
+  // We can access the buffer we just made directly. Pretend this came over a
+  // network, was read off of disk, etc.
+  java.nio.ByteBuffer buf = builder.dataBuffer();
+  // Deserialize the data from the buffer.
+  Monster monster = Monster.getRootAsMonster(buf);
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  // We can access the buffer we just made directly. Pretend this came over a
+  // network, was read off of disk, etc.
+  var buf = builder.DataBuffer;
+  // Deserialize the data from the buffer.
+  var monster = Monster.GetRootAsMonster(buf);
+<div class="language-go">
+  // We can access the buffer we just made directly. Pretend this came over a
+  // network, was read off of disk, etc.
+  buf := builder.FinishedBytes()
+  // Deserialize the data from the buffer.
+  monster := sample.GetRootAsMonster(buf, 0)
+  // Note: We use `0` for the offset here, since we got the data using the
+  // `builder.FinishedBytes()` method. This simulates the data you would
+  // store/receive in your FlatBuffer. If you wanted to read from the
+  // `builder.Bytes` directly, you would need to pass in the offset of
+  // `builder.Head()`, as the builder actually constructs the buffer backwards.
+<div class="language-python">
+  # We can access the buffer we just made directly. Pretend this came over a
+  # network, was read off of disk, etc.
+  buf = builder.Output()
+  # Deserialize the data from the buffer.
+  monster = MyGame.Sample.Monster.Monster.GetRootAsMonster(buf, 0)
+  # Note: We use `0` for the offset here, since we got the data using the
+  # `builder.Output()` method. This simulates the data you would store/receive
+  # in your FlatBuffer. If you wanted to read from the `builder.Bytes` directly,
+  # you would need to pass in the offset of `builder.Head()`, as the builder
+  # actually constructs the buffer backwards.
+<div class="language-javascript">
+  // We can access the buffer we just made directly. Pretend this came over a
+  // network, was read off of disk, etc.
+  var buf = builder.dataBuffer();
+  // Deserialize the data from the buffer.
+  var monster = MyGame.Sample.Monster.getRootAsMonster(buf);
+<div class="language-php">
+  // We can access the buffer we just made directly. Pretend this came over a
+  // network, was read off of disk, etc.
+  $buf = $builder->dataBuffer();
+  // Deserialize the data from the buffer.
+  $monster = \MyGame\Sample\Monster::GetRootAsMonster($buf);
+If you look in the generated files from `flatc`, you will see it generated
+accessors for all non-`deprecated` fields. For example:
+<div class="language-cpp">
+  auto hp = monster->hp();
+  auto mana = monster->mana();
+  auto name = monster->name()->c_str();
+<div class="language-java">
+  short hp = monster.hp();
+  short mana = monster.mana();
+  String name =;
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  // For C#, unlike other languages support by FlatBuffers, most values (except for
+  // vectors and unions) are available as propreties instead of asccessor methods.
+  var hp = monster.Hp
+  var mana = monster.Mana
+  var name = monster.Name
+<div class="language-go">
+  hp := monster.Hp()
+  mana := monster.Mana()
+  name := string(monster.Name()) // Note: `monster.Name()` returns a byte[].
+<div class="language-python">
+  hp = monster.Hp()
+  mana = monster.Mana()
+  name = monster.Name()
+<div class="language-javascript">
+  var hp = $monster.hp();
+  var mana = $monster.mana();
+  var name = $;
+<div class="language-php">
+  $hp = $monster->getHp();
+  $mana = $monster->getMana();
+  $name = monster->getName();
+These should hold `300`, `150`, and `"Orc"` respectively.
+*Note: We never stored a value in `mp`, so we got the default value of `150`.*
+To access sub-objects, in the case of our `pos`, which is a `Vec3`:
+<div class="language-cpp">
+  auto pos = monster->pos();
+  auto x = pos->x();
+  auto y = pos->y();
+  auto z = pos->z();
+<div class="language-java">
+  Vec3 pos = monster.pos();
+  float x = pos.x();
+  float y = pos.y();
+  float z = pos.z();
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  var pos = monster.Pos
+  var x = pos.X
+  var y = pos.Y
+  var z = pos.Z
+<div class="language-go">
+  pos := monster.Pos(nil)
+  x := pos.X()
+  y := pos.Y()
+  z := pos.Z()
+  // Note: Whenever you access a new object, like in `Pos()`, a new temporary
+  // accessor object gets created. If your code is very performance sensitive,
+  // you can pass in a pointer to an existing `Vec3` instead of `nil`. This
+  // allows you to reuse it across many calls to reduce the amount of object
+  // allocation/garbage collection.
+<div class="language-python">
+  pos = monster.Pos()
+  x = pos.X()
+  y = pos.Y()
+  z = pos.Z()
+<div class="language-javascript">
+  var pos = monster.pos();
+  var x = pos.x();
+  var y = pos.y();
+  var z = pos.z();
+<div class="language-php">
+  $pos = $monster->getPos();
+  $x = $pos->getX();
+  $y = $pos->getY();
+  $z = $pos->getZ();
+`x`, `y`, and `z` will contain `1.0`, `2.0`, and `3.0`, respectively.
+*Note: Had we not set `pos` during serialization, it would be `NULL`-value.*
+Similarly, we can access elements of the inventory `vector` by indexing it. You
+can also iterate over the length of the array/vector representing the
+FlatBuffers `vector`.
+<div class="language-cpp">
+  auto inv = monster->inventory(); // A pointer to a `flatbuffers::Vector<>`.
+  auto inv_len = inv->Length();
+  auto third_item = inv->Get(2);
+<div class="language-java">
+  int invLength = monster.inventoryLength();
+  byte thirdItem = monster.inventory(2);
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  int invLength = monster.InventoryLength;
+  var thirdItem = monster.GetInventory(2);
+<div class="language-go">
+  invLength := monster.InventoryLength()
+  thirdItem := monster.Inventory(2)
+<div class="language-python">
+  inv_len = monster.InventoryLength()
+  third_item = monster.Inventory(2)
+<div class="language-javascript">
+  var invLength = monster.inventoryLength();
+  var thirdItem = monster.inventory(2);
+<div class="language-php">
+  $inv_len = $monster->getInventoryLength();
+  $third_item = $monster->getInventory(2);
+For `vector`s of `table`s, you can access the elements like any other vector,
+except your need to handle the result as a FlatBuffer `table`:
+<div class="language-cpp">
+  auto weapons = monster->weapons(); // A pointer to a `flatbuffers::Vector<>`.
+  auto weapon_len = weapons->Length();
+  auto second_weapon_name = weapons->Get(1)->name()->str();
+  auto second_weapon_damage = weapons->Get(1)->damage()
+<div class="language-java">
+  int weaponsLength = monster.weaponsLength();
+  String secondWeaponName = monster.weapons(1).name();
+  short secondWeaponDamage = monster.weapons(1).damage();
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  int weaponsLength = monster.WeaponsLength;
+  var secondWeaponName = monster.GetWeapons(1).Name;
+  var secondWeaponDamage = monster.GetWeapons(1).Damage;
+<div class="language-go">
+  weaponLength := monster.WeaponsLength()
+  weapon := new(sample.Weapon) // We need a `sample.Weapon` to pass into `monster.Weapons()`
+                               // to capture the output of the function.
+  if monster.Weapons(weapon, 1) {
+          secondWeaponName := weapon.Name()
+          secondWeaponDamage := weapon.Damage()
+  }
+<div class="language-python">
+  weapons_length = monster.WeaponsLength()
+  second_weapon_name = monster.Weapons(1).Name()
+  second_weapon_damage = monster.Weapons(1).Damage()
+<div class="language-javascript">
+  var weaponsLength = monster.weaponsLength();
+  var secondWeaponName = monster.weapons(1).name();
+  var secondWeaponDamage = monster.weapons(1).damage();
+<div class="language-php">
+  $weapons_len = $monster->getWeaponsLength();
+  $second_weapon_name = $monster->getWeapons(1)->getName();
+  $second_weapon_damage = $monster->getWeapons(1)->getDamage();
+Last, we can access our `Equipped` FlatBuffer `union`. Just like when we created
+the `union`, we need to get both parts of the `union`: the type and the data.
+We can access the type to dynamically cast the data as needed (since the
+`union` only stores a FlatBuffer `table`).
+<div class="language-cpp">
+  auto union_type = monster.equipped_type();
+  if (union_type == Equipment_Weapon) {
+    auto weapon = static_cast<const Weapon*>(monster->equipped()); // Requires `static_cast`
+                                                                   // to type `const Weapon*`.
+    auto weapon_name = weapon->name()->str(); // "Axe"
+    auto weapon_damage = weapon->damage();    // 5
+  }
+<div class="language-java">
+  int unionType = monster.EquippedType();
+  if (unionType == Equipment.Weapon) {
+    Weapon weapon = (Weapon)monster.equipped(new Weapon()); // Requires explicit cast
+                                                            // to `Weapon`.
+    String weaponName =;    // "Axe"
+    short weaponDamage = weapon.damage(); // 5
+  }
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  var unionType = monster.EquippedType;
+  if (unionType == Equipment.Weapon) {
+    var weapon = (Weapon)monster.GetEquipped(new Weapon()); // Requires explicit cast
+                                                            // to `Weapon`.
+    var weaponName = weapon.Name;     // "Axe"
+    var weaponDamage = weapon.Damage; // 5
+  }
+<div class="language-go">
+  // We need a `flatbuffers.Table` to capture the output of the
+  // `monster.Equipped()` function.
+  unionTable := new(flatbuffers.Table)
+  if monster.Equipped(unionTable) {
+          unionType := monster.EquippedType()
+          if unionType == sample.EquipmentWeapon {
+                  // Create a `sample.Weapon` object that can be initialized with the contents
+                  // of the `flatbuffers.Table` (`unionTable`), which was populated by
+                  // `monster.Equipped()`.
+                  unionWeapon = new(sample.Weapon)
+                  unionWeapon.Init(unionTable.Bytes, unionTable.Pos)
+                  weaponName = unionWeapon.Name()
+                  weaponDamage = unionWeapon.Damage()
+          }
+  }
+<div class="language-python">
+  union_type = monster.EquippedType()
+  if union_type == MyGame.Sample.Equipment.Equipment().Weapon:
+    # `monster.Equipped()` returns a `flatbuffers.Table`, which can be used to
+    # initialize a `MyGame.Sample.Weapon.Weapon()`.
+    union_weapon = MyGame.Sample.Weapon.Weapon()
+    union_weapon.Init(monster.Equipped().Bytes, monster.Equipped().Pos)
+    weapon_name = union_weapon.Name()     // 'Axe'
+    weapon_damage = union_weapon.Damage() // 5
+<div class="language-javascript">
+  var unionType = monster.equippedType();
+  if (unionType == MyGame.Sample.Equipment.Weapon) {
+    var weapon_name = monster.equipped(new MyGame.Sample.Weapon()).name();     // 'Axe'
+    var weapon_damage = monster.equipped(new MyGame.Sample.Weapon()).damage(); // 5
+  }
+<div class="language-php">
+  $union_type = $monster->getEquippedType();
+  if ($union_type == \MyGame\Sample\Equipment::Weapon) {
+    $weapon_name = $monster->getEquipped(new \MyGame\Sample\Weapon())->getName();     // "Axe"
+    $weapon_damage = $monster->getEquipped(new \MyGame\Sample\Weapon())->getDamage(); // 5
+  }
+## Mutating FlatBuffers
+As you saw above, typically once you have created a FlatBuffer, it is read-only
+from that moment on. There are, however, cases where you have just received a
+FlatBuffer, and you'd like to modify something about it before sending it on to
+another recipient. With the above functionality, you'd have to generate an
+entirely new FlatBuffer, while tracking what you modified in your own data
+structures. This is inconvenient.
+For this reason FlatBuffers can also be mutated in-place. While this is great
+for making small fixes to an existing buffer, you generally want to create
+buffers from scratch whenever possible, since it is much more efficient and the
+API is much more general purpose.
+To get non-const accessors, invoke `flatc` with `--gen-mutable`.
+Similar to how we read fields using the accessors above, we can now use the
+mutators like so:
+<div class="language-cpp">
+  auto monster = GetMutableMonster(buffer_pointer);  // non-const
+  monster->mutate_hp(10);                      // Set the table `hp` field.
+  monster->mutable_pos()->mutate_z(4);         // Set struct field.
+  monster->mutable_inventory()->Mutate(0, 1);  // Set vector element.
+<div class="language-java">
+  Monster monster = Monster.getRootAsMonster(buf);
+  monster.mutateHp(10);            // Set table field.
+  monster.pos().mutateZ(4);        // Set struct field.
+  monster.mutateInventory(0, 1);   // Set vector element.
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  var monster = Monster.GetRootAsMonster(buf);
+  monster.MutateHp(10);            // Set table field.
+  monster.Pos.MutateZ(4);          // Set struct field.
+  monster.MutateInventory(0, 1);   // Set vector element.
+<div class="language-go">
+  <API for mutating FlatBuffers is not yet available in Go.>
+<div class="language-python">
+  <API for mutating FlatBuffers is not yet available in Python.>
+<div class="language-javascript">
+  <API for mutating FlatBuffers is not yet support in JavaScript.>
+<div class="language-php">
+  <API for mutating FlatBuffers is not yet supported in PHP.>
+We use the somewhat verbose term `mutate` instead of `set` to indicate that this
+is a special use case, not to be confused with the default way of constructing
+FlatBuffer data.
+After the above mutations, you can send on the FlatBuffer to a new recipient
+without any further work!
+Note that any `mutate` functions on a table will return a boolean, which is
+`false` if the field we're trying to set is not present in the buffer. Fields
+that are not present if they weren't set, or even if they happen to be equal to
+the default value. For example, in the creation code above, the `mana`
+field is equal to `150`, which is the default value, so it was never stored in
+the buffer. Trying to call the corresponding `mutate` method for `mana` on such
+data will return `false`, and the value won't actually be modified!
+One way to solve this is to call `ForceDefaults` on a FlatBufferBuilder to
+force all fields you set to actually be written. This, of course, increases the
+size of the buffer somewhat, but this may be acceptable for a mutable buffer.
+<div class="language-csharp">
+  **Note: `ForceDefaults` is not yet implemented in C#.**
+## JSON with FlatBuffers
+#### Using `flatc` as a Conversion Tool
+This is often the preferred method to use JSON with FlatBuffers, as it doesn't
+require you to add any new code to your program. It is also efficient, since you
+can ship with the binary data. The drawback is that it requires an extra step
+for your users/developers to perform (although it may be able to be automated
+as part of your compilation).
+Lets say you have a JSON file that describes your monster. In this example,
+we will use the file `flatbuffers/samples/monsterdata.json`.
+Here are the contents of the file:
+  pos: {
+    x: 1,
+    y: 2,
+    z: 3
+  },
+  hp: 300,
+  name: "Orc"
+You can run this file through the `flatc` compile with the `-b` flag and
+our `monster.fbs` schema to produce a FlatBuffer binary file.
+./../flatc -b monster.fbs monsterdata.json
+The output of this will be a file `monsterdata.bin`, which will contain the
+FlatBuffer binary representation of the contents from our `.json` file.
+<div class="language-cpp">
+*Note: If you're working in C++, you can also parse JSON at runtime. See the
+[Use in C++](@ref flatbuffers_guide_use_cpp) section of the Programmer's
+Guide for more information.*
+## Advanced Features for Each Language
+Each language has a dedicated `Use in XXX` page in the Programmer's Guide
+to cover the nuances of FlatBuffers in that language.
+For your chosen language, see:
+<div class="language-cpp">
+[Use in C++](@ref flatbuffers_guide_use_cpp)
+<div class="language-java">
+[Use in Java/C#](@ref flatbuffers_guide_use_java_c-sharp)
+<div class="language-csharp">
+[Use in Java/C#](@ref flatbuffers_guide_use_java_c-sharp)
+<div class="language-go">
+[Use in Go](@ref flatbuffers_guide_use_go)
+<div class="language-python">
+[Use in Python](@ref flatbuffers_guide_use_python)
+<div class="language-javascript">
+[Use in JavaScript](@ref flatbuffers_guide_use_javascript)
+<div class="language-php">
+[Use in PHP](@ref flatbuffers_guide_use_php)
diff --git a/docs/source/ b/docs/source/
index 71b2b240..e504ada4 100755
--- a/docs/source/
+++ b/docs/source/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# FlatBuffers white paper
+FlatBuffers white paper    {#flatbuffers_white_paper}
 This document tries to shed some light on to the "why" of FlatBuffers, a
 new serialization library.
@@ -124,4 +125,4 @@ offered by .proto files in the following ways:
 -   A parser that can deal with both schemas and data definitions (JSON
     compatible) uniformly.
diff --git a/docs/source/doxyfile b/docs/source/doxyfile
index 2cb373bc..ba6fbcbd 100755
--- a/docs/source/doxyfile
+++ b/docs/source/doxyfile
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ OUTPUT_LANGUAGE        = English
 # documentation (similar to Javadoc). Set to NO to disable this.
 # The default value is: YES.
 # If the REPEAT_BRIEF tag is set to YES doxygen will prepend the brief
 # description of a member or function before the detailed description
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC      = NO
 # brief descriptions will be completely suppressed.
 # The default value is: YES.
-REPEAT_BRIEF           = NO
+REPEAT_BRIEF           = YES
 # This tag implements a quasi-intelligent brief description abbreviator that is
 # used to form the text in various listings. Each string in this list, if found
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ SHORT_NAMES            = NO
 # description.)
 # The default value is: NO.
 # If the QT_AUTOBRIEF tag is set to YES then doxygen will interpret the first
 # line (until the first dot) of a Qt-style comment as the brief description. If
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF = NO
 # documentation from any documented member that it re-implements.
 # The default value is: YES.
-INHERIT_DOCS           = NO
+INHERIT_DOCS           = YES
 # If the SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES tag is set to YES, then doxygen will produce a
 # new page for each member. If set to NO, the documentation of a member will be
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES  = NO
 # uses this value to replace tabs by spaces in code fragments.
 # Minimum value: 1, maximum value: 16, default value: 4.
-TAB_SIZE               = 1
+TAB_SIZE               = 2
 # This tag can be used to specify a number of aliases that act as commands in
 # the documentation. An alias has the form:
@@ -296,7 +296,9 @@ MARKDOWN_SUPPORT       = YES
 # or globally by setting AUTOLINK_SUPPORT to NO.
 # The default value is: YES.
+AUTOLINK_SUPPORT       = NO  # Due to the multiple languages included in the API
+                             # reference for FlatBuffers, the Auto-links were
+                             # wrong more often than not.
 # If you use STL classes (i.e. std::string, std::vector, etc.) but do not want
 # to include (a tag file for) the STL sources as input, then you should set this
@@ -347,7 +349,7 @@ DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC   = NO
 # \nosubgrouping command.
 # The default value is: YES.
-SUBGROUPING            = NO
+SUBGROUPING            = YES
 # When the INLINE_GROUPED_CLASSES tag is set to YES, classes, structs and unions
 # are shown inside the group in which they are included (e.g. using \ingroup)
@@ -424,7 +426,7 @@ EXTRACT_PACKAGE        = NO
 # included in the documentation.
 # The default value is: NO.
 # If the EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES tag is set to YES classes (and structs) defined
 # locally in source files will be included in the documentation. If set to NO
@@ -508,7 +510,7 @@ HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES       = NO
 # the files that are included by a file in the documentation of that file.
 # The default value is: YES.
 # If the FORCE_LOCAL_INCLUDES tag is set to YES then doxygen will list include
 # files with double quotes in the documentation rather than with sharp brackets.
@@ -520,21 +522,21 @@ FORCE_LOCAL_INCLUDES   = NO
 # documentation for inline members.
 # The default value is: YES.
-INLINE_INFO            = NO
+INLINE_INFO            = YES
 # If the SORT_MEMBER_DOCS tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the
 # (detailed) documentation of file and class members alphabetically by member
 # name. If set to NO the members will appear in declaration order.
 # The default value is: YES.
 # If the SORT_BRIEF_DOCS tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the brief
 # descriptions of file, namespace and class members alphabetically by member
 # name. If set to NO the members will appear in declaration order.
 # The default value is: NO.
 # If the SORT_MEMBERS_CTORS_1ST tag is set to YES then doxygen will sort the
 # (brief and detailed) documentation of class members so that constructors and
@@ -600,7 +602,7 @@ GENERATE_BUGLIST       = NO
 # the documentation.
 # The default value is: YES.
 # The ENABLED_SECTIONS tag can be used to enable conditional documentation
 # sections, marked by \if <section_label> ... \endif and \cond <section_label>
@@ -624,21 +626,21 @@ MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES  = 30
 # will mention the files that were used to generate the documentation.
 # The default value is: YES.
 # Set the SHOW_FILES tag to NO to disable the generation of the Files page. This
 # will remove the Files entry from the Quick Index and from the Folder Tree View
 # (if specified).
 # The default value is: YES.
-SHOW_FILES             = NO
+SHOW_FILES             = YES
 # Set the SHOW_NAMESPACES tag to NO to disable the generation of the Namespaces
 # page. This will remove the Namespaces entry from the Quick Index and from the
 # Folder Tree View (if specified).
 # The default value is: YES.
 # The FILE_VERSION_FILTER tag can be used to specify a program or script that
 # doxygen should invoke to get the current version for each file (typically from
@@ -661,7 +663,7 @@ FILE_VERSION_FILTER    =
 # DoxygenLayout.xml, doxygen will parse it automatically even if the LAYOUT_FILE
 # tag is left empty.
-LAYOUT_FILE            =
+LAYOUT_FILE            = doxygen_layout.xml
 # The CITE_BIB_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more bib files containing
 # the reference definitions. This must be a list of .bib files. The .bib
@@ -692,14 +694,14 @@ QUIET                  = NO
 # Tip: Turn warnings on while writing the documentation.
 # The default value is: YES.
-WARNINGS               = NO
+WARNINGS               = YES
 # If the WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED tag is set to YES, then doxygen will generate
 # warnings for undocumented members. If EXTRACT_ALL is set to YES then this flag
 # will automatically be disabled.
 # The default value is: YES.
 # If the WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate warnings for
 # potential errors in the documentation, such as not documenting some parameters
@@ -749,13 +751,26 @@ INPUT = "" \
         "" \
         "" \
         "" \
-        "" \
+        "" \
+        "" \
+        "" \
         "" \
         "" \
         "" \
         "" \
         "" \
-        ""
+        "" \
+        "" \
+        "" \
+        "" \
+        "groups" \
+        "../../java/com/google/flatbuffers" \
+        "../../python/flatbuffers/" \
+        "../../js/flatbuffers.js" \
+        "../../php/FlatbufferBuilder.php" \
+        "../../net/FlatBuffers/FlatBufferBuilder.cs" \
+        "../../include/flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h" \
+        "../../go/builder.go"
 # This tag can be used to specify the character encoding of the source files
 # that doxygen parses. Internally doxygen uses the UTF-8 encoding. Doxygen uses
@@ -816,13 +831,14 @@ FILE_PATTERNS          = *.c \
                          *.ucf \
                          *.qsf \
                          *.as \
-                         *.js
+                         *.js \
+                         *.go
 # The RECURSIVE tag can be used to specify whether or not subdirectories should
 # be searched for input files as well.
 # The default value is: NO.
-RECURSIVE              = NO
+RECURSIVE              = YES
 # The EXCLUDE tag can be used to specify files and/or directories that should be
 # excluded from the INPUT source files. This way you can easily exclude a
@@ -847,7 +863,8 @@ EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS       = NO
 # Note that the wildcards are matched against the file with absolute path, so to
 # exclude all test directories for example use the pattern */test/*
 # The EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS tag can be used to specify one or more symbol names
 # (namespaces, classes, functions, etc.) that should be excluded from the
@@ -864,7 +881,7 @@ EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS        =
 # that contain example code fragments that are included (see the \include
 # command).
-EXAMPLE_PATH           =
+EXAMPLE_PATH           = "GoApi_generated.txt"
 # If the value of the EXAMPLE_PATH tag contains directories, you can use the
 # EXAMPLE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp and
@@ -910,7 +927,7 @@ INPUT_FILTER           =
 # filters are used. If the FILTER_PATTERNS tag is empty or if none of the
 # patterns match the file name, INPUT_FILTER is applied.
+FILTER_PATTERNS        = *.py=py_filter
 # If the FILTER_SOURCE_FILES tag is set to YES, the input filter (if set using
 # INPUT_FILTER ) will also be used to filter the input files that are used for
@@ -978,7 +995,7 @@ REFERENCES_RELATION    = NO
 # link to the documentation.
 # The default value is: YES.
 # If SOURCE_TOOLTIPS is enabled (the default) then hovering a hyperlink in the
 # source code will show a tooltip with additional information such as prototype,
@@ -1018,26 +1035,7 @@ USE_HTAGS              = NO
 # See also: Section \class.
 # The default value is: YES.
-# If the CLANG_ASSISTED_PARSING tag is set to YES, then doxygen will use the
-# clang parser (see: for more acurate parsing at the
-# cost of reduced performance. This can be particularly helpful with template
-# rich C++ code for which doxygen's built-in parser lacks the necessary type
-# information.
-# Note: The availability of this option depends on whether or not doxygen was
-# compiled with the --with-libclang option.
-# The default value is: NO.
-# If clang assisted parsing is enabled you can provide the compiler with command
-# line options that you would normally use when invoking the compiler. Note that
-# the include paths will already be set by doxygen for the files and directories
-# specified with INPUT and INCLUDE_PATH.
-# This tag requires that the tag CLANG_ASSISTED_PARSING is set to YES.
-CLANG_OPTIONS          =
 # Configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
@@ -1048,7 +1046,7 @@ CLANG_OPTIONS          =
 # classes, structs, unions or interfaces.
 # The default value is: YES.
 # The COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX tag can be used to specify the number of columns in
 # which the alphabetical index list will be split.
@@ -1129,7 +1127,7 @@ HTML_FOOTER            = ../footer.html
 # obsolete.
 # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
-HTML_STYLESHEET        = style.css
 # The HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET tag can be used to specify an additional user-
 # defined cascading style sheet that is included after the standard style sheets
@@ -1140,7 +1138,7 @@ HTML_STYLESHEET        = style.css
 # see the documentation.
 # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
 # The HTML_EXTRA_FILES tag can be used to specify one or more extra images or
 # other source files which should be copied to the HTML output directory. Note
@@ -1150,7 +1148,9 @@ HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET  =
 # files will be copied as-is; there are no commands or markers available.
 # This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
-HTML_EXTRA_FILES       = ../images/fpl_logo_small.png ../images/ftv2mnode.png ../images/ftv2pnode.png
+HTML_EXTRA_FILES       = "../images/fpl_logo_small.png" \
+                         "../images/ftv2mnode.png" \
+                         "../images/ftv2pnode.png"
 # The HTML_COLORSTYLE_HUE tag controls the color of the HTML output. Doxygen
 # will adjust the colors in the stylesheet and background images according to
@@ -1407,7 +1407,7 @@ ECLIPSE_DOC_ID         = org.doxygen.Project
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 # structure should be generated to display hierarchical information. If the tag
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-SEARCHENGINE           = NO
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 # implemented using a web server instead of a web client using Javascript. There
@@ -2071,7 +2071,7 @@ EXTERNAL_GROUPS        = NO
 # be listed.
 # The default value is: YES.
 # The PERL_PATH should be the absolute path and name of the perl script
 # interpreter (i.e. the result of 'which perl').
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+<!-- Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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+     You may obtain a copy of the License at
+     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+     limitations under the License.
+ -->
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+          title="Building"/>
+      <tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_guide_tutorial" title="Tutorial"/>
+      <tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_guide_using_schema_compiler"
+          title="Using the schema compiler"/>
+      <tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_guide_writing_schema"
+          title="Writing a schema"/>
+      <tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_guide_use_cpp"
+          title="Use in C++"/>
+      <tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_guide_use_go"
+          title="Use in Go"/>
+      <tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_guide_use_java_c-sharp"
+          title="Use in Java/C#"/>
+      <tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_guide_use_javascript"
+          title="Use in JavaScript"/>
+      <tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_guide_use_php"
+          title="Use in PHP"/>
+      <tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_guide_use_python"
+          title="Use in Python"/>
+    </tab>
+    <tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_support"
+        title="Platform / Language / Feature support"/>
+    <tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_benchmarks"
+        title="Benchmarks"/>
+    <tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_white_paper"
+        title="FlatBuffers white paper"/>
+    <tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_internals"
+        title="FlatBuffers internals"/>
+    <tab type="user" url="@ref flatbuffers_grammar"
+        title="Grammar of the schema langauge"/>
+    <tab type="usergroup" url="" title="API Reference">
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+/// @defgroup flatbuffers_cpp_api C++ API
+/// @brief FlatBuffers API for C++
+/// @defgroup flatbuffers_csharp_api C# API
+/// @brief FlatBuffers API for C#
+/// @defgroup flatbuffers_go_api Go API
+/// @brief FlatBuffers API for Go
+/// @defgroup flatbuffers_java_api Java API
+/// @brief FlatBuffers API for Java
+/// @defgroup flatbuffers_javascript_api JavaScript API
+/// @brief FlatBuffers API for JavaScript
+/// @defgroup flatbuffers_php_api PHP API
+/// @brief FlatBuffers API for PHP
+/// @defgroup flatbuffers_python_api Python API
+/// @brief FlatBuffers API for Python
diff --git a/docs/source/style.css b/docs/source/style.css
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diff --git a/include/flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h b/include/flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h
index 65790b82..8f4ff756 100644
--- a/include/flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h
+++ b/include/flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 #include <functional>
 #include <memory>
 #if __cplusplus <= 199711L && \
     (!defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER < 1600) && \
     (!defined(__GNUC__) || \
@@ -89,9 +90,12 @@
+/// @endcond
+/// @file
 namespace flatbuffers {
 // Our default offset / size type, 32bit on purpose on 64bit systems.
 // Also, using a consistent offset type maintains compatibility of serialized
 // offset values between 32bit and 64bit systems.
@@ -535,15 +539,29 @@ inline voffset_t FieldIndexToOffset(voffset_t field_id) {
 inline size_t PaddingBytes(size_t buf_size, size_t scalar_size) {
   return ((~buf_size) + 1) & (scalar_size - 1);
-// Helper class to hold data needed in creation of a flat buffer.
-// To serialize data, you typically call one of the Create*() functions in
-// the generated code, which in turn call a sequence of StartTable/PushElement/
-// AddElement/EndTable, or the builtin CreateString/CreateVector functions.
-// Do this is depth-first order to build up a tree to the root.
-// Finish() wraps up the buffer ready for transport.
-class FlatBufferBuilder FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS {
+/// @endcond
+/// @addtogroup flatbuffers_cpp_api
+/// @{
+/// @class FlatBufferBuilder
+/// @brief Helper class to hold data needed in creation of a FlatBuffer.
+/// To serialize data, you typically call one of the `Create*()` functions in
+/// the generated code, which in turn call a sequence of `StartTable`/
+/// `PushElement`/`AddElement`/`EndTable`, or the builtin `CreateString`/
+/// `CreateVector` functions. Do this is depth-first order to build up a tree to
+/// the root. `Finish()` wraps up the buffer ready for transport.
+class FlatBufferBuilder
+/// @endcond
+  /// @brief Default constructor for FlatBufferBuilder.
+  /// @param[in] initial_size The initial size of the buffer, in bytes. Defaults
+  /// to`1024`.
+  /// @param[in] allocator A pointer to the `simple_allocator` that should be
+  /// used. Defaults to `nullptr`, which means the `default_allocator` will be
+  /// be used.
   explicit FlatBufferBuilder(uoffset_t initial_size = 1024,
                              const simple_allocator *allocator = nullptr)
       : buf_(initial_size, allocator ? *allocator : default_allocator),
@@ -553,8 +571,8 @@ class FlatBufferBuilder FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS {
-  // Reset all the state in this FlatBufferBuilder so it can be reused
-  // to construct another buffer.
+  /// @brief Reset all the state in this FlatBufferBuilder so it can be reused
+  /// to construct another buffer.
   void Clear() {
@@ -564,29 +582,34 @@ class FlatBufferBuilder FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS {
     minalign_ = 1;
-  // The current size of the serialized buffer, counting from the end.
+  /// @brief The current size of the serialized buffer, counting from the end.
+  /// @return Returns an `uoffset_t` with the current size of the buffer.
   uoffset_t GetSize() const { return buf_.size(); }
-  // Get the serialized buffer (after you call Finish()).
+  /// @brief Get the serialized buffer (after you call `Finish()`).
+  /// @return Returns an `uint8_t` pointer to the FlatBuffer data inside the
+  /// buffer.
   uint8_t *GetBufferPointer() const {
-  // Get a pointer to an unfinished buffer.
+  /// @brief Get a pointer to an unfinished buffer.
+  /// @return Returns a `uint8_t` pointer to the unfinished buffer.
   uint8_t *GetCurrentBufferPointer() const { return; }
-  // Get the released pointer to the serialized buffer.
-  // Don't attempt to use this FlatBufferBuilder afterwards!
-  // The unique_ptr returned has a special allocator that knows how to
-  // deallocate this pointer (since it points to the middle of an allocation).
-  // Thus, do not mix this pointer with other unique_ptr's, or call release() /
-  // reset() on it.
+  /// @brief Get the released pointer to the serialized buffer.
+  /// @warning Do NOT attempt to use this FlatBufferBuilder afterwards!
+  /// @return The `unique_ptr` returned has a special allocator that knows how
+  /// to deallocate this pointer (since it points to the middle of an
+  /// allocation). Thus, do not mix this pointer with other `unique_ptr`'s, or
+  /// call `release()`/`reset()` on it.
   unique_ptr_t ReleaseBufferPointer() {
     return buf_.release();
   void Finished() const {
     // If you get this assert, you're attempting to get access a buffer
     // which hasn't been finished yet. Be sure to call
@@ -595,9 +618,14 @@ class FlatBufferBuilder FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS {
     // GetCurrentBufferPointer instead.
+  /// @endcond
+  /// @brief In order to save space, fields that are set to their default value
+  /// don't get serialized into the buffer.
+  /// @param[in] bool fd When set to `true`, always serializes default values.
   void ForceDefaults(bool fd) { force_defaults_ = fd; }
   void Pad(size_t num_bytes) { buf_.fill(num_bytes); }
   void Align(size_t elem_size) {
@@ -786,8 +814,12 @@ class FlatBufferBuilder FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS {
     PreAlign(len, sizeof(T));
+  /// @endcond
-  // Functions to store strings, which are allowed to contain any binary data.
+  /// @brief Store a string in the buffer, which can contain any binary data.
+  /// @param[in] str A const char pointer to the data to be stored as a string.
+  /// @param[in] len The number of bytes that should be stored from `str`.
+  /// @return Returns the offset in the buffer where the string starts.
   Offset<String> CreateString(const char *str, size_t len) {
     PreAlign<uoffset_t>(len + 1);  // Always 0-terminated.
@@ -797,18 +829,28 @@ class FlatBufferBuilder FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS {
     return Offset<String>(GetSize());
+  /// @brief Store a string in the buffer, which can contain any binary data.
+  /// @param[in] str A const char pointer to a C-string to add to the buffer.
+  /// @return Returns the offset in the buffer where the string starts.
   Offset<String> CreateString(const char *str) {
     return CreateString(str, strlen(str));
+  /// @brief Store a string in the buffer, which can contain any binary data.
+  /// @param[in] str A const reference to a std::string to store in the buffer.
+  /// @return Returns the offset in the buffer where the string starts.
   Offset<String> CreateString(const std::string &str) {
     return CreateString(str.c_str(), str.length());
+  /// @brief Store a string in the buffer, which can contain any binary data.
+  /// @param[in] str A const pointer to a `String` struct to add to the buffer.
+  /// @return Returns the offset in the buffer where the string starts
   Offset<String> CreateString(const String *str) {
     return CreateString(str->c_str(), str->Length());
   uoffset_t EndVector(size_t len) {
     assert(nested);  // Hit if no corresponding StartVector.
     nested = false;
@@ -834,7 +876,15 @@ class FlatBufferBuilder FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS {
   uint8_t *ReserveElements(size_t len, size_t elemsize) {
     return buf_.make_space(len * elemsize);
+  /// @endcond
+  /// @brief Serialize an array into a FlatBuffer `vector`.
+  /// @tparam T The data type of the array elements.
+  /// @param[in] v A pointer to the array of type `T` to serialize into the
+  /// buffer as a `vector`.
+  /// @param[in] len The number of elements to serialize.
+  /// @return Returns a typed `Offset` into the serialized data indicating
+  /// where the vector is stored.
   template<typename T> Offset<Vector<T>> CreateVector(const T *v, size_t len) {
     StartVector(len, sizeof(T));
     for (auto i = len; i > 0; ) {
@@ -843,10 +893,23 @@ class FlatBufferBuilder FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS {
     return Offset<Vector<T>>(EndVector(len));
+  /// @brief Serialize a `std::vector` into a FlatBuffer `vector`.
+  /// @tparam T The data type of the `std::vector` elements.
+  /// @param v A const reference to the `std::vector` to serialize into the
+  /// buffer as a `vector`.
+  /// @return Returns a typed `Offset` into the serialized data indicating
+  /// where the vector is stored.
   template<typename T> Offset<Vector<T>> CreateVector(const std::vector<T> &v) {
     return CreateVector(, v.size());
+  /// @brief Serialize an array of structs into a FlatBuffer `vector`.
+  /// @tparam T The data type of the struct array elements.
+  /// @param[in] v A pointer to the array of type `T` to serialize into the
+  /// buffer as a `vector`.
+  /// @param[in] len The number of elements to serialize.
+  /// @return Returns a typed `Offset` into the serialized data indicating
+  /// where the vector is stored.
   template<typename T> Offset<Vector<const T *>> CreateVectorOfStructs(
                                                        const T *v, size_t len) {
     StartVector(len * sizeof(T) / AlignOf<T>(), AlignOf<T>());
@@ -854,11 +917,18 @@ class FlatBufferBuilder FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS {
     return Offset<Vector<const T *>>(EndVector(len));
+  /// @brief Serialize a `std::vector` of structs into a FlatBuffer `vector`.
+  /// @tparam T The data type of the `std::vector` struct elements.
+  /// @param[in]] v A const reference to the `std::vector` of structs to
+  /// serialize into the buffer as a `vector`.
+  /// @return Returns a typed `Offset` into the serialized data indicating
+  /// where the vector is stored.
   template<typename T> Offset<Vector<const T *>> CreateVectorOfStructs(
                                                       const std::vector<T> &v) {
     return CreateVectorOfStructs(, v.size());
   template<typename T>
   struct TableKeyComparator {
   TableKeyComparator(vector_downward& buf) : buf_(buf) {}
@@ -869,20 +939,41 @@ class FlatBufferBuilder FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS {
     vector_downward& buf_;
+  /// @endcond
+  /// @brief Serialize an array of `table` offsets as a `vector` in the buffer
+  /// in sorted order.
+  /// @tparam T The data type that the offset refers to.
+  /// @param[in] v An array of type `Offset<T>` that contains the `table`
+  /// offsets to store in the buffer in sorted order.
+  /// @param[in] len The number of elements to store in the `vector`.
+  /// @return Returns a typed `Offset` into the serialized data indicating
+  /// where the vector is stored.
   template<typename T> Offset<Vector<Offset<T>>> CreateVectorOfSortedTables(
                                                      Offset<T> *v, size_t len) {
     std::sort(v, v + len, TableKeyComparator<T>(buf_));
     return CreateVector(v, len);
+  /// @brief Serialize an array of `table` offsets as a `vector` in the buffer
+  /// in sorted order.
+  /// @tparam T The data type that the offset refers to.
+  /// @param[in] v An array of type `Offset<T>` that contains the `table`
+  /// offsets to store in the buffer in sorted order.
+  /// @return Returns a typed `Offset` into the serialized data indicating
+  /// where the vector is stored.
   template<typename T> Offset<Vector<Offset<T>>> CreateVectorOfSortedTables(
                                                     std::vector<Offset<T>> *v) {
     return CreateVectorOfSortedTables(v->data(), v->size());
-  // Specialized version for non-copying use cases. Write the data any time
-  // later to the returned buffer pointer `buf`.
+  /// @brief Specialized version of `CreateVector` for non-copying use cases.
+  /// Write the data any time later to the returned buffer pointer `buf`.
+  /// @param[in] len The number of elements to store in the `vector`.
+  /// @param[in] elemsize The size of each element in the `vector`.
+  /// @param[out] buf A pointer to a `uint8_t` pointer that can be
+  /// written to at a later time to serialize the data into a `vector`
+  /// in the buffer.
   uoffset_t CreateUninitializedVector(size_t len, size_t elemsize,
                                       uint8_t **buf) {
@@ -891,17 +982,26 @@ class FlatBufferBuilder FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS {
     return EndVector(len);
+  /// @brief Specialized version of `CreateVector` for non-copying use cases.
+  /// Write the data any time later to the returned buffer pointer `buf`.
+  /// @tparam T The data type of the data that will be stored in the buffer
+  /// as a `vector`.
+  /// @param[in] len The number of elements to store in the `vector`.
+  /// @param[out] buf A pointer to a pointer of type `T` that can be
+  /// written to at a later time to serialize the data into a `vector`
+  /// in the buffer.
   template<typename T> Offset<Vector<T>> CreateUninitializedVector(
                                                     size_t len, T **buf) {
     return CreateUninitializedVector(len, sizeof(T),
                                      reinterpret_cast<uint8_t **>(buf));
+  /// @brief The length of a FlatBuffer file header.
   static const size_t kFileIdentifierLength = 4;
-  // Finish serializing a buffer by writing the root offset.
-  // If a file_identifier is given, the buffer will be prefix with a standard
-  // FlatBuffers file header.
+  /// @brief Finish serializing a buffer by writing the root offset.
+  /// @param[in] file_identifier If a `file_identifier` is given, the buffer
+  /// will be prefixed with a standard FlatBuffers file header.
   template<typename T> void Finish(Offset<T> root,
                                    const char *file_identifier = nullptr) {
@@ -946,7 +1046,9 @@ class FlatBufferBuilder FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS {
   bool force_defaults_;  // Serialize values equal to their defaults anyway.
+/// @}
 // Helpers to get a typed pointer to the root object contained in the buffer.
 template<typename T> T *GetMutableRoot(void *buf) {
@@ -1286,6 +1388,7 @@ volatile __attribute__((weak)) const char *flatbuffer_version_string =
 #endif  // !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
+/// @endcond
 }  // namespace flatbuffers
 #endif  // FLATBUFFERS_H_
diff --git a/java/com/google/flatbuffers/ b/java/com/google/flatbuffers/
index 67585d72..ac0593ae 100644
--- a/java/com/google/flatbuffers/
+++ b/java/com/google/flatbuffers/
@@ -16,12 +16,19 @@
-// Class that holds shared constants.
+ * Class that holds shared constants
+ */
 public class Constants {
     // Java doesn't seem to have these.
+    /** The number of bytes in a `short`. */
     static final int SIZEOF_SHORT = 2;
+    /** The number of bytes in an `int`. */
     static final int SIZEOF_INT = 4;
+    /** The number of bytes in a file identifier. */
     static final int FILE_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH = 4;
+/// @endcond
diff --git a/java/com/google/flatbuffers/ b/java/com/google/flatbuffers/
index a6234ca6..e8647139 100644
--- a/java/com/google/flatbuffers/
+++ b/java/com/google/flatbuffers/
@@ -22,30 +22,36 @@ import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
 import java.nio.ByteOrder;
 import java.nio.charset.Charset;
+/// @file
+/// @addtogroup flatbuffers_java_api
+/// @{
  * Class that helps you build a FlatBuffer.  See the section
- * <a href="">"Use in Java"</a> in the
+ * @ref flatbuffers_guide_use_java_c-sharp "Use in Java/C#" in the
  * main FlatBuffers documentation.
 public class FlatBufferBuilder {
-    ByteBuffer bb;                   // Where we construct the FlatBuffer.
-    int space;                       // Remaining space in the ByteBuffer.
-    static final Charset utf8charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
-    int minalign = 1;                // Minimum alignment encountered so far.
-    int[] vtable = null;             // The vtable for the current table.
-    int vtable_in_use = 0;           // The amount of fields we're actually using.
-    boolean nested = false;          // Whether we are currently serializing a table.
-    boolean finished = false;        // Whether the buffer is finished.
-    int object_start;                // Starting offset of the current struct/table.
-    int[] vtables = new int[16];     // List of offsets of all vtables.
-    int num_vtables = 0;             // Number of entries in `vtables` in use.
-    int vector_num_elems = 0;        // For the current vector being built.
-    boolean force_defaults = false;  // False omits default values from the serialized data
+    ByteBuffer bb;                  // Where we construct the FlatBuffer.
+    int space;                      // Remaining space in the ByteBuffer.
+    static final Charset utf8charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); // The UTF-8 character set used by FlatBuffers.
+    int minalign = 1;               // Minimum alignment encountered so far.
+    int[] vtable = null;            // The vtable for the current table.
+    int vtable_in_use = 0;          // The amount of fields we're actually using.
+    boolean nested = false;         // Whether we are currently serializing a table.
+    boolean finished = false;       // Whether the buffer is finished.
+    int object_start;               // Starting offset of the current struct/table.
+    int[] vtables = new int[16];    // List of offsets of all vtables.
+    int num_vtables = 0;            // Number of entries in `vtables` in use.
+    int vector_num_elems = 0;       // For the current vector being built.
+    boolean force_defaults = false; // False omits default values from the serialized data.
+    /// @endcond
-    * Start with a buffer of size {@code initial_size}, then grow as required.
+    * Start with a buffer of size `initial_size`, then grow as required.
-    * @param initial_size The initial size of the internal buffer to use
+    * @param initial_size The initial size of the internal buffer to use.
     public FlatBufferBuilder(int initial_size) {
         if (initial_size <= 0) initial_size = 1;
@@ -63,9 +69,9 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
      * Alternative constructor allowing reuse of {@link ByteBuffer}s.  The builder
      * can still grow the buffer as necessary.  User classes should make sure
-     * to call {@link #dataBuffer()} to obtain the resulting encoded message
+     * to call {@link #dataBuffer()} to obtain the resulting encoded message.
-     * @param existing_bb The byte buffer to reuse
+     * @param existing_bb The byte buffer to reuse.
     public FlatBufferBuilder(ByteBuffer existing_bb) {
@@ -73,11 +79,11 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
      * Alternative initializer that allows reusing this object on an existing
-     * ByteBuffer. This method resets the builder's internal state, but keeps
+     * `ByteBuffer`. This method resets the builder's internal state, but keeps
      * objects that have been allocated for temporary storage.
-     * @param existing_bb The byte buffer to reuse
-     * @return this
+     * @param existing_bb The byte buffer to reuse.
+     * @return Returns `this`.
     public FlatBufferBuilder init(ByteBuffer existing_bb){
         bb = existing_bb;
@@ -94,6 +100,13 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
         return this;
+    /**
+     * Create a `ByteBuffer` with a given capacity.
+     *
+     * @param capacity The size of the `ByteBuffer` to allocate.
+     * @return Returns the new `ByteBuffer` that was allocated.
+     */
     static ByteBuffer newByteBuffer(int capacity) {
         ByteBuffer newbb = ByteBuffer.allocate(capacity);
@@ -101,10 +114,10 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
-     * Doubles the size of the backing {link ByteBuffer} and copies the old data towards the
+     * Doubles the size of the backing {@link ByteBuffer} and copies the old data towards the
      * end of the new buffer (since we build the buffer backwards).
-     * @param bb The current buffer with the existing data
+     * @param bb The current buffer with the existing data.
      * @return A new byte buffer with the old data copied copied to it.  The data is
      * located at the end of the buffer.
@@ -130,7 +143,7 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
-    * Add zero valued bytes to prepare a new entry to be added
+    * Add zero valued bytes to prepare a new entry to be added.
     * @param byte_size Number of bytes to add.
@@ -139,14 +152,14 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
-    * Prepare to write an element of {@code size} after {@code additional_bytes}
+    * Prepare to write an element of `size` after `additional_bytes`
     * have been written, e.g. if you write a string, you need to align such
     * the int length field is aligned to {@link}, and
-    * the string data follows it directly.  If all you need to do is alignment, {@code additional_bytes}
+    * the string data follows it directly.  If all you need to do is alignment, `additional_bytes`
     * will be 0.
-    * @param size This is the of the new element to write
-    * @param additional_bytes The padding size
+    * @param size This is the of the new element to write.
+    * @param additional_bytes The padding size.
     public void prep(int size, int additional_bytes) {
         // Track the biggest thing we've ever aligned to.
@@ -163,30 +176,116 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
-    // Add a scalar to the buffer, backwards from the current location.
-    // Doesn't align nor check for space.
+    /**
+     * Add a `boolean` to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor
+     * check for space.
+     *
+     * @param x A `boolean` to put into the buffer.
+     */
     public void putBoolean(boolean x) { bb.put      (space -= 1, (byte)(x ? 1 : 0)); }
+    /**
+     * Add a `byte` to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor
+     * check for space.
+     *
+     * @param x A `byte` to put into the buffer.
+     */
     public void putByte   (byte    x) { bb.put      (space -= 1, x); }
+    /**
+     * Add a `short` to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor
+     * check for space.
+     *
+     * @param x A `short` to put into the buffer.
+     */
     public void putShort  (short   x) { bb.putShort (space -= 2, x); }
+    /**
+     * Add an `int` to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor
+     * check for space.
+     *
+     * @param x An `int` to put into the buffer.
+     */
     public void putInt    (int     x) { bb.putInt   (space -= 4, x); }
+    /**
+     * Add a `long` to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor
+     * check for space.
+     *
+     * @param x A `long` to put into the buffer.
+     */
     public void putLong   (long    x) { bb.putLong  (space -= 8, x); }
+    /**
+     * Add a `float` to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor
+     * check for space.
+     *
+     * @param x A `float` to put into the buffer.
+     */
     public void putFloat  (float   x) { bb.putFloat (space -= 4, x); }
+    /**
+     * Add a `double` to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor
+     * check for space.
+     *
+     * @param x A `double` to put into the buffer.
+     */
     public void putDouble (double  x) { bb.putDouble(space -= 8, x); }
+    /// @endcond
-    // Adds a scalar to the buffer, properly aligned, and the buffer grown
-    // if needed.
+    /**
+     * Add a `boolean` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+     *
+     * @param x A `boolean` to put into the buffer.
+     */
     public void addBoolean(boolean x) { prep(1, 0); putBoolean(x); }
+    /**
+     * Add a `byte` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+     *
+     * @param x A `byte` to put into the buffer.
+     */
     public void addByte   (byte    x) { prep(1, 0); putByte   (x); }
+    /**
+     * Add a `short` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+     *
+     * @param x A `short` to put into the buffer.
+     */
     public void addShort  (short   x) { prep(2, 0); putShort  (x); }
+    /**
+     * Add an `int` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+     *
+     * @param x An `int` to put into the buffer.
+     */
     public void addInt    (int     x) { prep(4, 0); putInt    (x); }
+    /**
+     * Add a `long` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+     *
+     * @param x A `long` to put into the buffer.
+     */
     public void addLong   (long    x) { prep(8, 0); putLong   (x); }
+    /**
+     * Add a `float` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+     *
+     * @param x A `float` to put into the buffer.
+     */
     public void addFloat  (float   x) { prep(4, 0); putFloat  (x); }
+    /**
+     * Add a `double` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+     *
+     * @param x A `double` to put into the buffer.
+     */
     public void addDouble (double  x) { prep(8, 0); putDouble (x); }
     * Adds on offset, relative to where it will be written.
-    * @param off The offset to add
+    * @param off The offset to add.
     public void addOffset(int off) {
         prep(SIZEOF_INT, 0);  // Ensure alignment is already done.
@@ -195,15 +294,16 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
     * Start a new array/vector of objects.  Users usually will not call
-    * this directly.  The {@code FlatBuffers} compiler will create a start/end
+    * this directly.  The `FlatBuffers` compiler will create a start/end
     * method for vector types in generated code.
     * <p>
     * The expected sequence of calls is:
     * <ol>
     * <li>Start the array using this method.</li>
-    * <li>Call {@link #addOffset(int)} {@code num_elems} number of times to set
+    * <li>Call {@link #addOffset(int)} `num_elems` number of times to set
     * the offset of each element in the array.</li>
     * <li>Call {@link #endVector()} to retrieve the offset of the array.</li>
     * </ol>
@@ -233,9 +333,9 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
     * int offsetOfTheVector = fbb.endVector();
     * }</pre>
-    * @param elem_size The size of each element in the array
-    * @param num_elems The number of elements in the array
-    * @param alignment The alignment of the array
+    * @param elem_size The size of each element in the array.
+    * @param num_elems The number of elements in the array.
+    * @param alignment The alignment of the array.
     public void startVector(int elem_size, int num_elems, int alignment) {
@@ -259,12 +359,13 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
         return offset();
+    /// @endcond
-    * Encode the string {@code s} in the buffer using UTF-8.
+    * Encode the string `s` in the buffer using UTF-8.
-    * @param s The string to encode
-    * @return The offset in the buffer where the encoded string starts
+    * @param s The string to encode.
+    * @return The offset in the buffer where the encoded string starts.
     public int createString(String s) {
         byte[] utf8 = s.getBytes(utf8charset);
@@ -276,10 +377,10 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
-    * Encode the string {@code s} in the buffer using UTF-8.
+    * Create a string in the buffer from an already encoded UTF-8 string in a ByteBuffer.
-    * @param s An already encoded UTF-8 string
-    * @return The offset in the buffer where the encoded string starts
+    * @param s An already encoded UTF-8 string as a `ByteBuffer`.
+    * @return The offset in the buffer where the encoded string starts.
     public int createString(ByteBuffer s) {
         int length = s.remaining();
@@ -290,6 +391,7 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
         return endVector();
     * Should not be accessing the final buffer before it is finished.
@@ -302,7 +404,7 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
     * Should not be creating any other object, string or vector
-    * while an object is being constructed
+    * while an object is being constructed.
     public void notNested() {
         if (nested)
@@ -314,7 +416,7 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
     * where they're used.  You'll get this assertion failure if you
     * created it elsewhere.
-    * @param obj The offset of the created object
+    * @param obj The offset of the created object.
     public void Nested(int obj) {
         if (obj != offset())
@@ -323,12 +425,12 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
     * Start encoding a new object in the buffer.  Users will not usually need to
-    * call this directly. The {@code FlatBuffers} compiler will generate helper methods
+    * call this directly. The `FlatBuffers` compiler will generate helper methods
     * that call this method internally.
     * <p>
     * For example, using the "Monster" code found on the
-    * <a href="">landing page</a>. An
-    * object of type {@code Monster} can be created using the following code:
+    * @ref flatbuffers_guide_use_java_c-sharp "landing page". An
+    * object of type `Monster` can be created using the following code:
     * <pre>{@code
     * int testArrayOfString = Monster.createTestarrayofstringVector(fbb, new int[] {
@@ -351,14 +453,14 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
     * <p>
     * Here:
     * <ul>
-    * <li>The call to {@code Monster#startMonster(FlatBufferBuilder)} will call this
+    * <li>The call to `Monster#startMonster(FlatBufferBuilder)` will call this
     * method with the right number of fields set.</li>
-    * <li>{@code Monster#endMonster(FlatBufferBuilder)} will ensure {@link #endObject()} is called.</li>
+    * <li>`Monster#endMonster(FlatBufferBuilder)` will ensure {@link #endObject()} is called.</li>
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * It's not recommended to call this method directly.  If it's called manually, you must ensure
     * to audit all calls to it whenever fields are added or removed from your schema.  This is
-    * automatically done by the code generated by the {@code FlatBuffers} compiler.
+    * automatically done by the code generated by the `FlatBuffers` compiler.
     * @param numfields The number of fields found in this object.
@@ -371,17 +473,101 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
         object_start = offset();
-    // Add a scalar to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`
+    /**
+     * Add a `boolean` to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
+     *
+     * @param o The index into the vtable.
+     * @param x A `boolean` to put into the buffer, depending on how defaults are handled. If
+     * `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
+     * default value, it can be skipped.
+     * @param d A `boolean` default value to compare against when `force_defaults` is `false`.
+     */
     public void addBoolean(int o, boolean x, boolean d) { if(force_defaults || x != d) { addBoolean(x); slot(o); } }
+    /**
+     * Add a `byte` to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
+     *
+     * @param o The index into the vtable.
+     * @param x A `byte` to put into the buffer, depending on how defaults are handled. If
+     * `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
+     * default value, it can be skipped.
+     * @param d A `byte` default value to compare against when `force_defaults` is `false`.
+     */
     public void addByte   (int o, byte    x, int     d) { if(force_defaults || x != d) { addByte   (x); slot(o); } }
+    /**
+     * Add a `short` to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
+     *
+     * @param o The index into the vtable.
+     * @param x A `short` to put into the buffer, depending on how defaults are handled. If
+     * `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
+     * default value, it can be skipped.
+     * @param d A `short` default value to compare against when `force_defaults` is `false`.
+     */
     public void addShort  (int o, short   x, int     d) { if(force_defaults || x != d) { addShort  (x); slot(o); } }
+    /**
+     * Add an `int` to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
+     *
+     * @param o The index into the vtable.
+     * @param x An `int` to put into the buffer, depending on how defaults are handled. If
+     * `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
+     * default value, it can be skipped.
+     * @param d An `int` default value to compare against when `force_defaults` is `false`.
+     */
     public void addInt    (int o, int     x, int     d) { if(force_defaults || x != d) { addInt    (x); slot(o); } }
+    /**
+     * Add a `long` to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
+     *
+     * @param o The index into the vtable.
+     * @param x A `long` to put into the buffer, depending on how defaults are handled. If
+     * `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
+     * default value, it can be skipped.
+     * @param d A `long` default value to compare against when `force_defaults` is `false`.
+     */
     public void addLong   (int o, long    x, long    d) { if(force_defaults || x != d) { addLong   (x); slot(o); } }
+    /**
+     * Add a `float` to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
+     *
+     * @param o The index into the vtable.
+     * @param x A `float` to put into the buffer, depending on how defaults are handled. If
+     * `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
+     * default value, it can be skipped.
+     * @param d A `float` default value to compare against when `force_defaults` is `false`.
+     */
     public void addFloat  (int o, float   x, double  d) { if(force_defaults || x != d) { addFloat  (x); slot(o); } }
+    /**
+     * Add a `double` to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
+     *
+     * @param o The index into the vtable.
+     * @param x A `double` to put into the buffer, depending on how defaults are handled. If
+     * `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
+     * default value, it can be skipped.
+     * @param d A `double` default value to compare against when `force_defaults` is `false`.
+     */
     public void addDouble (int o, double  x, double  d) { if(force_defaults || x != d) { addDouble (x); slot(o); } }
+    /**
+     * Add an `offset` to a table at `o` into its vtable, with value `x` and default `d`.
+     *
+     * @param o The index into the vtable.
+     * @param x An `offset` to put into the buffer, depending on how defaults are handled. If
+     * `force_defaults` is `false`, compare `x` against the default value `d`. If `x` contains the
+     * default value, it can be skipped.
+     * @param d An `offset` default value to compare against when `force_defaults` is `false`.
+     */
     public void addOffset (int o, int     x, int     d) { if(force_defaults || x != d) { addOffset (x); slot(o); } }
-    // Structs are stored inline, so nothing additional is being added. `d` is always 0.
+    /**
+     * Add a struct to the table. Structs are stored inline, so nothing additional is being added.
+     *
+     * @param voffset The index into the vtable.
+     * @param x The offset of the created struct.
+     * @param d The default value is always `0`.
+     */
     public void addStruct(int voffset, int x, int d) {
         if(x != d) {
@@ -389,7 +575,12 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
-    // Set the current vtable at `voffset` to the current location in the buffer.
+    /**
+     * Set the current vtable at `voffset` to the current location in the buffer.
+     *
+     * @param voffset The index into the vtable to store the offset relative to the end of the
+     * buffer.
+     */
     public void slot(int voffset) {
         vtable[voffset] = offset();
@@ -397,7 +588,7 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
     * Finish off writing the object that is under construction.
-    * @return The offset to the object inside {@link #dataBuffer()}
+    * @return The offset to the object inside {@link #dataBuffer()}.
     * @see #startObject(int)
     public int endObject() {
@@ -453,8 +644,13 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
         return vtableloc;
-    // This checks a required field has been set in a given table that has
-    // just been constructed.
+    /**
+     * Checks that a required field has been set in a given table that has
+     * just been constructed.
+     *
+     * @param table The offset to the start of the table from the `ByteBuffer` capacity.
+     * @param field The offset to the field in the vtable.
+     */
     public void required(int table, int field) {
         int table_start = bb.capacity() - table;
         int vtable_start = table_start - bb.getInt(table_start);
@@ -463,7 +659,13 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
         if (!ok)
             throw new AssertionError("FlatBuffers: field " + field + " must be set");
+    /// @endcond
+    /**
+     * Finalize a buffer, pointing to the given `root_table`.
+     *
+     * @param root_table An offset to be added to the buffer.
+     */
     public void finish(int root_table) {
         prep(minalign, SIZEOF_INT);
@@ -471,6 +673,13 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
         finished = true;
+    /**
+     * Finalize a buffer, pointing to the given `root_table`.
+     *
+     * @param root_table An offset to be added to the buffer.
+     * @param file_identifier A FlatBuffer file identifier to be added to the buffer before
+     * `root_table`.
+     */
     public void finish(int root_table, String file_identifier) {
         prep(minalign, SIZEOF_INT + FILE_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH);
         if (file_identifier.length() != FILE_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH)
@@ -487,17 +696,19 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
      * don't get serialized into the buffer. Forcing defaults provides a
      * way to manually disable this optimization.
-     * @param forceDefaults true always serializes default values
-     * @return this
+     * @param forceDefaults When set to `true`, always serializes default values.
+     * @return Returns `this`.
     public FlatBufferBuilder forceDefaults(boolean forceDefaults){
         this.force_defaults = forceDefaults;
         return this;
-    // Get the ByteBuffer representing the FlatBuffer. Only call this after you've
-    // called finish(). The actual data starts at the ByteBuffer's current position,
-    // not necessarily at 0.
+    /**
+     * Get the ByteBuffer representing the FlatBuffer. Only call this after you've
+     * called `finish()`. The actual data starts at the ByteBuffer's current position,
+     * not necessarily at `0`.
+     */
     public ByteBuffer dataBuffer() {
         return bb;
@@ -518,13 +729,13 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
-    * Utility function for copying a byte array from {@code start} to
-    * {@code start} + {@code length}
+    * A utility function to copy and return the ByteBuffer data from `start` to
+    * `start` + `length` as a `byte[]`.
-    * @param start Start copying at this offset
-    * @param length How many bytes to copy
-    * @return A range copy of the {@link #dataBuffer() data buffer}
-    * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the range of bytes is ouf of bound
+    * @param start Start copying at this offset.
+    * @param length How many bytes to copy.
+    * @return A range copy of the {@link #dataBuffer() data buffer}.
+    * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the range of bytes is ouf of bound.
     public byte[] sizedByteArray(int start, int length){
@@ -535,11 +746,13 @@ public class FlatBufferBuilder {
-    * Utility function for copying a byte array that starts at 0.
+    * A utility function to copy and return the ByteBuffer data as a `byte[]`.
-    * @return A full copy of the {@link #dataBuffer() data buffer}
+    * @return A full copy of the {@link #dataBuffer() data buffer}.
     public byte[] sizedByteArray() {
         return sizedByteArray(space, bb.capacity() - space);
+/// @}
diff --git a/java/com/google/flatbuffers/ b/java/com/google/flatbuffers/
index 9e6fe4a2..ae315531 100644
--- a/java/com/google/flatbuffers/
+++ b/java/com/google/flatbuffers/
@@ -18,8 +18,16 @@ package;
 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-// All structs in the generated code derive from this class, and add their own accessors.
+ * All structs in the generated code derive from this class, and add their own accessors.
+ */
 public class Struct {
+  /** Used to hold the position of the `bb` buffer. */
   protected int bb_pos;
+  /** The underlying ByteBuffer to hold the data of the Struct. */
   protected ByteBuffer bb;
+/// @endcond
diff --git a/java/com/google/flatbuffers/ b/java/com/google/flatbuffers/
index c4a93756..3d10012a 100644
--- a/java/com/google/flatbuffers/
+++ b/java/com/google/flatbuffers/
@@ -20,34 +20,61 @@ import static*;
 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
 import java.nio.ByteOrder;
-// All tables in the generated code derive from this class, and add their own accessors.
+ * All tables in the generated code derive from this class, and add their own accessors.
+ */
 public class Table {
+  /** Used to hold the position of the `bb` buffer. */
   protected int bb_pos;
+  /** The underlying ByteBuffer to hold the data of the Table. */
   protected ByteBuffer bb;
+  /**
+   * Get the underlying ByteBuffer.
+   *
+   * @return Returns the Table's ByteBuffer.
+   */
   public ByteBuffer getByteBuffer() { return bb; }
-  // Look up a field in the vtable, return an offset into the object, or 0 if the field is not
-  // present.
+  /**
+   * Look up a field in the vtable.
+   *
+   * @param vtable_offset An `int` offset to the vtable in the Table's ByteBuffer.
+   * @return Returns an offset into the object, or `0` if the field is not present.
+   */
   protected int __offset(int vtable_offset) {
     int vtable = bb_pos - bb.getInt(bb_pos);
     return vtable_offset < bb.getShort(vtable) ? bb.getShort(vtable + vtable_offset) : 0;
-  // Retrieve the relative offset stored at "offset"
+  /**
+   * Retrieve a relative offset.
+   *
+   * @param offset An `int` index into the Table's ByteBuffer containing the relative offset.
+   * @return Returns the relative offset stored at `offset`.
+   */
   protected int __indirect(int offset) {
     return offset + bb.getInt(offset);
-  // Create a java String from UTF-8 data stored inside the flatbuffer.
-  // This allocates a new string and converts to wide chars upon each access,
-  // which is not very efficient. Instead, each FlatBuffer string also comes with an
-  // accessor based on __vector_as_bytebuffer below, which is much more efficient,
-  // assuming your Java program can handle UTF-8 data directly.
+  /**
+   * Create a Java `String` from UTF-8 data stored inside the FlatBuffer.
+   *
+   * This allocates a new string and converts to wide chars upon each access,
+   * which is not very efficient. Instead, each FlatBuffer string also comes with an
+   * accessor based on __vector_as_bytebuffer below, which is much more efficient,
+   * assuming your Java program can handle UTF-8 data directly.
+   *
+   * @param offset An `int` index into the Table's ByteBuffer.
+   * @return Returns a `String` from the data stored inside the FlatBuffer at `offset`.
+   */
   protected String __string(int offset) {
     offset += bb.getInt(offset);
     if (bb.hasArray()) {
-      return new String(bb.array(), bb.arrayOffset() + offset + SIZEOF_INT, bb.getInt(offset), FlatBufferBuilder.utf8charset);
+      return new String(bb.array(), bb.arrayOffset() + offset + SIZEOF_INT, bb.getInt(offset),
+                        FlatBufferBuilder.utf8charset);
     } else {
       // We can't access .array(), since the ByteBuffer is read-only,
       // off-heap or a memory map
@@ -60,23 +87,36 @@ public class Table {
-  // Get the length of a vector whose offset is stored at "offset" in this object.
+  /**
+   * Get the length of a vector.
+   *
+   * @param offset An `int` index into the Table's ByteBuffer.
+   * @return Returns the length of the vector whose offset is stored at `offset`.
+   */
   protected int __vector_len(int offset) {
     offset += bb_pos;
     offset += bb.getInt(offset);
     return bb.getInt(offset);
-  // Get the start of data of a vector whose offset is stored at "offset" in this object.
+  /**
+   * Get the start data of a vector.
+   *
+   * @param offset An `int` index into the Table's ByteBuffer.
+   * @return Returns the start of the vector data whose offset is stored at `offset`.
+   */
   protected int __vector(int offset) {
     offset += bb_pos;
     return offset + bb.getInt(offset) + SIZEOF_INT;  // data starts after the length
-  // Get a whole vector as a ByteBuffer. This is efficient, since it only allocates a new
-  // bytebuffer object, but does not actually copy the data, it still refers to the same
-  // bytes as the original ByteBuffer.
-  // Also useful with nested FlatBuffers etc.
+  /**
+   * Get a whole vector as a ByteBuffer.
+   *
+   * This is efficient, since it only allocates a new bytebuffer object, but does not actually copy
+   * the data, it still refers to the same bytes as the original ByteBuffer. Also useful with nested
+   * FlatBuffers, etc.
+   */
   protected ByteBuffer __vector_as_bytebuffer(int vector_offset, int elem_size) {
     int o = __offset(vector_offset);
     if (o == 0) return null;
@@ -87,7 +127,13 @@ public class Table {
     return bb;
-  // Initialize any Table-derived type to point to the union at the given offset.
+  /**
+   * Initialize any Table-derived type to point to the union at the given `offset`.
+   *
+   * @param t A `Table`-derived type that should point to the union at `offset`.
+   * @param offset An `int` index into the Table's ByteBuffer.
+   * @return Returns the Table that points to the union at `offset`.
+   */
   protected Table __union(Table t, int offset) {
     offset += bb_pos;
     t.bb_pos = offset + bb.getInt(offset);
@@ -95,6 +141,12 @@ public class Table {
     return t;
+  /**
+   * Check if a ByteBuffer contains a file identifier.
+   *
+   * @param bb A `ByteBuffer` to check if it contains the identifier `ident`.
+   * @param ident A `String` identifier of the flatbuffer file.
+   */
   protected static boolean __has_identifier(ByteBuffer bb, String ident) {
     if (ident.length() != FILE_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH)
         throw new AssertionError("FlatBuffers: file identifier must be length " +
@@ -105,3 +157,5 @@ public class Table {
     return true;
+/// @endcond
diff --git a/js/flatbuffers.js b/js/flatbuffers.js
index efa76d94..f3c48342 100644
--- a/js/flatbuffers.js
+++ b/js/flatbuffers.js
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+/// @file
+/// @addtogroup flatbuffers_javascript_api
+/// @{
 var flatbuffers = {};
@@ -105,9 +109,11 @@ flatbuffers.Long.prototype.equals = function(other) {
 flatbuffers.Long.ZERO = new flatbuffers.Long(0, 0);
+/// @endcond
+ * Create a FlatBufferBuilder.
+ *
  * @constructor
  * @param {number=} initial_size
@@ -228,6 +234,7 @@ flatbuffers.Builder.prototype.asUint8Array = function() {
   return, + this.offset());
  * Prepare to write an element of `size` after `additional_bytes` have been
  * written, e.g. if you write a string, you need to align such the int length
@@ -307,9 +314,11 @@ flatbuffers.Builder.prototype.writeFloat32 = function(value) {
 flatbuffers.Builder.prototype.writeFloat64 = function(value) { -= 8, value);
+/// @endcond
- * @param {number} value
+ * Add an `int8` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+ * @param {number} value The `int8` to add the the buffer.
 flatbuffers.Builder.prototype.addInt8 = function(value) {
   this.prep(1, 0);
@@ -317,7 +326,8 @@ flatbuffers.Builder.prototype.addInt8 = function(value) {
- * @param {number} value
+ * Add an `int16` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+ * @param {number} value The `int16` to add the the buffer.
 flatbuffers.Builder.prototype.addInt16 = function(value) {
   this.prep(2, 0);
@@ -325,7 +335,8 @@ flatbuffers.Builder.prototype.addInt16 = function(value) {
- * @param {number} value
+ * Add an `int32` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+ * @param {number} value The `int32` to add the the buffer.
 flatbuffers.Builder.prototype.addInt32 = function(value) {
   this.prep(4, 0);
@@ -333,7 +344,8 @@ flatbuffers.Builder.prototype.addInt32 = function(value) {
- * @param {flatbuffers.Long} value
+ * Add an `int64` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+ * @param {flatbuffers.Long} value The `int64` to add the the buffer.
 flatbuffers.Builder.prototype.addInt64 = function(value) {
   this.prep(8, 0);
@@ -341,7 +353,8 @@ flatbuffers.Builder.prototype.addInt64 = function(value) {
- * @param {number} value
+ * Add a `float32` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+ * @param {number} value The `float32` to add the the buffer.
 flatbuffers.Builder.prototype.addFloat32 = function(value) {
   this.prep(4, 0);
@@ -349,13 +362,15 @@ flatbuffers.Builder.prototype.addFloat32 = function(value) {
- * @param {number} value
+ * Add a `float64` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+ * @param {number} value The `float64` to add the the buffer.
 flatbuffers.Builder.prototype.addFloat64 = function(value) {
   this.prep(8, 0);
  * @param {number} voffset
  * @param {number} value
@@ -515,17 +530,19 @@ flatbuffers.Builder.growByteBuffer = function(bb) {
   nbb.bytes().set(bb.bytes(), new_buf_size - old_buf_size);
   return nbb;
+/// @endcond
  * Adds on offset, relative to where it will be written.
- * @param {flatbuffers.Offset} offset The offset to add
+ * @param {flatbuffers.Offset} offset The offset to add.
 flatbuffers.Builder.prototype.addOffset = function(offset) {
   this.prep(flatbuffers.SIZEOF_INT, 0); // Ensure alignment is already done.
   this.writeInt32(this.offset() - offset + flatbuffers.SIZEOF_INT);
  * Start encoding a new object in the buffer.  Users will not usually need to
  * call this directly. The FlatBuffers compiler will generate helper methods
@@ -606,8 +623,11 @@ outer_loop:
   this.isNested = false;
   return vtableloc;
+/// @endcond
+ * Finalize a buffer, poiting to the given `root_table`.
+ *
  * @param {flatbuffers.Offset} root_table
  * @param {string=} file_identifier
@@ -628,6 +648,7 @@ flatbuffers.Builder.prototype.finish = function(root_table, file_identifier) {;
  * This checks a required field has been set in a given table that has
  * just been constructed.
@@ -673,6 +694,7 @@ flatbuffers.Builder.prototype.endVector = function() {
   return this.offset();
+/// @endcond
  * Encode the string `s` in the buffer using UTF-8. If a Uint8Array is passed
@@ -729,10 +751,11 @@ flatbuffers.Builder.prototype.createString = function(s) {
   return this.endVector();
+ * Create a new ByteBuffer with a given array of bytes (`Uint8Array`).
+ *
  * @constructor
  * @param {Uint8Array} bytes
@@ -751,6 +774,8 @@ flatbuffers.ByteBuffer = function(bytes) {
+ * Create and allocate a new ByteBuffer with a given size.
+ *
  * @param {number} byte_size
  * @returns {flatbuffers.ByteBuffer}
@@ -759,6 +784,8 @@ flatbuffers.ByteBuffer.allocate = function(byte_size) {
+ * Get the underlying `Uint8Array`.
+ *
  * @returns {Uint8Array}
 flatbuffers.ByteBuffer.prototype.bytes = function() {
@@ -766,6 +793,8 @@ flatbuffers.ByteBuffer.prototype.bytes = function() {
+ * Get the buffer's position.
+ *
  * @returns {number}
 flatbuffers.ByteBuffer.prototype.position = function() {
@@ -773,6 +802,8 @@ flatbuffers.ByteBuffer.prototype.position = function() {
+ * Set the buffer's position.
+ *
  * @param {number} position
 flatbuffers.ByteBuffer.prototype.setPosition = function(position) {
@@ -780,6 +811,8 @@ flatbuffers.ByteBuffer.prototype.setPosition = function(position) {
+ * Get the buffer's capacity.
+ *
  * @returns {number}
 flatbuffers.ByteBuffer.prototype.capacity = function() {
@@ -1070,3 +1103,6 @@ flatbuffers.ByteBuffer.prototype.__has_identifier = function(ident) {
 // Exports for Node.js and RequireJS
 this.flatbuffers = flatbuffers;
+/// @endcond
+/// @}
diff --git a/net/FlatBuffers/FlatBufferBuilder.cs b/net/FlatBuffers/FlatBufferBuilder.cs
index 7d211588..1f9f9d5f 100644
--- a/net/FlatBuffers/FlatBufferBuilder.cs
+++ b/net/FlatBuffers/FlatBufferBuilder.cs
@@ -18,12 +18,15 @@
 using System;
 using System.Text;
+/// @file
+/// @addtogroup flatbuffers_csharp_api
+/// @{
 namespace FlatBuffers
     /// <summary>
-    /// Responsible for building up and accessing a flatbuffer formatted byte
-    /// array (via ByteBuffer)
+    /// Responsible for building up and accessing a FlatBuffer formatted byte
+    /// array (via ByteBuffer).
     /// </summary>
     public class FlatBufferBuilder
@@ -44,6 +47,12 @@ namespace FlatBuffers
         // For the current vector being built.
         private int _vectorNumElems = 0;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Create a FlatBufferBuilder with a given initial size.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="initialSize">
+        /// The initial size to use for the internal buffer.
+        /// </param>
         public FlatBufferBuilder(int initialSize)
             if (initialSize <= 0)
@@ -53,6 +62,9 @@ namespace FlatBuffers
             _bb = new ByteBuffer(new byte[initialSize]);
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Reset the FlatBufferBuilder by purging all data that it holds.
+        /// </summary>
         public void Clear()
             _space = _bb.Length;
@@ -65,6 +77,8 @@ namespace FlatBuffers
             _vectorNumElems = 0;
+        /// @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL
         public int Offset { get { return _bb.Length - _space; } }
         public void Pad(int size)
@@ -171,25 +185,79 @@ namespace FlatBuffers
             _bb.PutDouble(_space -= sizeof(double), x);
+        /// @endcond
-        // Adds a scalar to the buffer, properly aligned, and the buffer grown
-        // if needed.
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Add a `bool` to the buffer (aligns the data and grows if necessary).
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="x">The `bool` to add to the buffer.</param>
         public void AddBool(bool x) { Prep(sizeof(byte), 0); PutBool(x); }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Add a `sbyte` to the buffer (aligns the data and grows if necessary).
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="x">The `sbyte` to add to the buffer.</param>
         public void AddSbyte(sbyte x) { Prep(sizeof(sbyte), 0); PutSbyte(x); }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Add a `byte` to the buffer (aligns the data and grows if necessary).
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="x">The `byte` to add to the buffer.</param>
         public void AddByte(byte x) { Prep(sizeof(byte), 0); PutByte(x); }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Add a `short` to the buffer (aligns the data and grows if necessary).
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="x">The `short` to add to the buffer.</param>
         public void AddShort(short x) { Prep(sizeof(short), 0); PutShort(x); }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Add an `ushort` to the buffer (aligns the data and grows if necessary).
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="x">The `ushort` to add to the buffer.</param>
         public void AddUshort(ushort x) { Prep(sizeof(ushort), 0); PutUshort(x); }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Add an `int` to the buffer (aligns the data and grows if necessary).
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="x">The `int` to add to the buffer.</param>
         public void AddInt(int x) { Prep(sizeof(int), 0); PutInt(x); }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Add an `uint` to the buffer (aligns the data and grows if necessary).
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="x">The `uint` to add to the buffer.</param>
         public void AddUint(uint x) { Prep(sizeof(uint), 0); PutUint(x); }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Add a `long` to the buffer (aligns the data and grows if necessary).
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="x">The `long` to add to the buffer.</param>
         public void AddLong(long x) { Prep(sizeof(long), 0); PutLong(x); }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Add an `ulong` to the buffer (aligns the data and grows if necessary).
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="x">The `ulong` to add to the buffer.</param>
         public void AddUlong(ulong x) { Prep(sizeof(ulong), 0); PutUlong(x); }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Add a `float` to the buffer (aligns the data and grows if necessary).
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="x">The `float` to add to the buffer.</param>
         public void AddFloat(float x) { Prep(sizeof(float), 0); PutFloat(x); }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Add a `double` to the buffer (aligns the data and grows if necessary).
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="x">The `double` to add to the buffer.</param>
         public void AddDouble(double x) { Prep(sizeof(double), 0);
                                           PutDouble(x); }
-        // Adds on offset, relative to where it will be written.
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Adds an offset, relative to where it will be written.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="off">The offset to add to the buffer.</param>
         public void AddOffset(int off)
             Prep(sizeof(int), 0);  // Ensure alignment is already done.
@@ -200,6 +268,7 @@ namespace FlatBuffers
+        /// @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL
         public void StartVector(int elemSize, int count, int alignment)
@@ -207,13 +276,18 @@ namespace FlatBuffers
             Prep(sizeof(int), elemSize * count);
             Prep(alignment, elemSize * count); // Just in case alignment > int.
+        /// @endcond
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Writes data necessary to finish a vector construction.
+        /// </summary>
         public VectorOffset EndVector()
             return new VectorOffset(Offset);
+        /// @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTENRAL
         public void Nested(int obj)
             // Structs are always stored inline, so need to be created right
@@ -271,10 +345,18 @@ namespace FlatBuffers
         public void AddFloat(int o, float x, double d) { if (x != d) { AddFloat(x); Slot(o); } }
         public void AddDouble(int o, double x, double d) { if (x != d) { AddDouble(x); Slot(o); } }
         public void AddOffset(int o, int x, int d) { if (x != d) { AddOffset(x); Slot(o); } }
+        /// @endcond
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Encode the string `s` in the buffer using UTF-8.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="s">The string to encode.</param>
+        /// <returns>
+        /// The offset in the buffer where the encoded string starts.
+        /// </returns>
         public StringOffset CreateString(string s)
-            NotNested();            
+            NotNested();
             var utf8StringLen = Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(s);
             StartVector(1, utf8StringLen, 1);
@@ -282,6 +364,7 @@ namespace FlatBuffers
             return new StringOffset(EndVector().Value);
+        /// @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL
         // Structs are stored inline, so nothing additional is being added.
         // `d` is always 0.
         public void AddStruct(int voffset, int x, int d)
@@ -376,7 +459,14 @@ namespace FlatBuffers
             throw new InvalidOperationException("FlatBuffers: field " + field +
                                                 " must be set");
+        /// @endcond
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Finalize a buffer, pointing to the given `root_table`.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="rootTable">
+        /// An offset to be added to the buffer.
+        /// </param>
         public void Finish(int rootTable)
             Prep(_minAlign, sizeof(int));
@@ -384,9 +474,24 @@ namespace FlatBuffers
             _bb.Position = _space;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Get the ByteBuffer representing the FlatBuffer.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <remarks>
+        /// This is typically only called after you call `Finish()`.
+        /// </remarks>
+        /// <returns>
+        /// Returns the ByteBuffer for this FlatBuffer.
+        /// </returns>
         public ByteBuffer DataBuffer { get { return _bb; } }
-        // Utility function for copying a byte array that starts at 0.
+        /// <summary>
+        /// A utility function to copy and return the ByteBuffer data as a
+        /// `byte[]`.
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <returns>
+        /// A full copy of the FlatBuffer data.
+        /// </returns>
         public byte[] SizedByteArray()
             var newArray = new byte[_bb.Data.Length - _bb.Position];
@@ -395,6 +500,16 @@ namespace FlatBuffers
             return newArray;
+         /// <summary>
+         /// Finalize a buffer, pointing to the given `rootTable`.
+         /// </summary>
+         /// <param name="rootTable">
+         /// An offset to be added to the buffer.
+         /// </param>
+         /// <param name="fileIdentifier">
+         /// A FlatBuffer file identifier to be added to the buffer before
+         /// `root_table`.
+         /// </param>
          public void Finish(int rootTable, string fileIdentifier)
              Prep(_minAlign, sizeof(int) +
@@ -416,3 +531,5 @@ namespace FlatBuffers
+/// @}
diff --git a/php/FlatbufferBuilder.php b/php/FlatbufferBuilder.php
index b72a6d65..3738582e 100644
--- a/php/FlatbufferBuilder.php
+++ b/php/FlatbufferBuilder.php
@@ -15,15 +15,21 @@
  * limitations under the License.
+/// @file
+/// @addtogroup flatbuffers_php_api
+/// @{
 namespace Google\FlatBuffers;
 class FlatbufferBuilder
+     * Internal ByteBuffer for the FlatBuffer data.
      * @var ByteBuffer $bb
     public $bb;
      * @var int $space
@@ -73,9 +79,10 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
      * @var bool $force_defaults
     protected $force_defaults = false;
+    /// @endcond
-     * create flatbuffers builder
+     * Create a FlatBufferBuilder with a given initial size.
      * @param $initial_size initial byte buffer size.
@@ -88,6 +95,7 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
         $this->bb = $this->newByteBuffer($initial_size);
      * create new bytebuffer
@@ -100,7 +108,7 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
-     * returns current bytebuffer offset
+     * Returns the current ByteBuffer offset.
      * @return int
@@ -270,9 +278,11 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
         $this->bb->putDouble($this->space -= 8, $x);
+    /// @endcond
-     * @param $x
+     * Add a `bool` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+     * @param $x The `bool` to add to the buffer.
     public function addBool($x)
@@ -281,7 +291,8 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
-     * @param $x
+     * Add a `byte` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+     * @param $x The `byte` to add to the buffer.
     public function addByte($x)
@@ -290,7 +301,8 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
-     * @param $x
+     * Add a `signed byte` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+     * @param $x The `signed byte` to add to the buffer.
     public function addSbyte($x)
@@ -299,7 +311,8 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
-     * @param $x
+     * Add a `short` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+     * @param $x The `short` to add to the buffer.
     public function addShort($x)
@@ -308,7 +321,8 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
-     * @param $x
+     * Add an `unsigned short` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+     * @param $x The `unsigned short` to add to the buffer.
     public function addUshort($x)
@@ -317,7 +331,8 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
-     * @param $x
+     * Add an `int` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+     * @param $x The `int` to add to the buffer.
     public function addInt($x)
@@ -326,7 +341,8 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
-     * @param $x
+     * Add an `unsigned int` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+     * @param $x The `unsigned int` to add to the buffer.
     public function addUint($x)
@@ -334,9 +350,9 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
-     * @param $x
+     * Add a `long` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+     * @param $x The `long` to add to the buffer.
     public function addLong($x)
@@ -345,7 +361,8 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
-     * @param $x
+     * Add an `unsigned long` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+     * @param $x The `unsigned long` to add to the buffer.
     public function addUlong($x)
@@ -354,7 +371,8 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
-     * @param $x
+     * Add a `float` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+     * @param $x The `float` to add to the buffer.
     public function addFloat($x)
@@ -363,7 +381,8 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
-     * @param $x
+     * Add a `double` to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).
+     * @param $x The `double` to add to the buffer.
     public function addDouble($x)
@@ -371,6 +390,7 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
      * @param $o
      * @param $x
@@ -528,10 +548,13 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
+    /// @endcond
-     * @param $off
-     * @throws \Exception
+     * Adds on offset, relative to where it will be written.
+     * @param $off The offset to add to the buffer.
+     * @throws \Exception Throws an exception if `$off` is greater than the underlying ByteBuffer's
+     * offest.
     public function addOffset($off)
@@ -544,6 +567,7 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
      * @param $elem_size
      * @param $num_elems
@@ -668,12 +692,14 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
         return true;
+    /// @endcond
-     * @param $s
-     * @return int
-     * @throws \Exception
+     * Encode the string `$s` in the buffer using UTF-8.
+     * @param string $s The string to encode.
+     * @return int The offset in the buffer where the encoded string starts.
+     * @throws InvalidArgumentException Thrown if the input string `$s` is not
+     *     UTF-8.
     public function createString($s)
@@ -691,6 +717,7 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
         return $this->endVector();
      * @throws \Exception
@@ -850,10 +877,16 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
             throw new \Exception("FlatBuffers: field "  . $field  .  " must be set");
+    /// @endcond
-     * @param $root_table
-     * @throws \Exception
+     * Finalize a buffer, pointing to the given `$root_table`.
+     * @param $root_table An offest to be added to the buffer.
+     * @param $file_identifier A FlatBuffer file identifier to be added to the
+     *     buffer before `$root_table`. This defaults to `null`.
+     * @throws InvalidArgumentException Thrown if an invalid `$identifier` is
+     *     given, where its length is not equal to
+     *    `Constants::FILE_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH`.
     public function finish($root_table, $identifier = null)
@@ -878,7 +911,10 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
-     * @param bool $forceDefaults
+     * In order to save space, fields that are set to their default value don't
+     * get serialized into the buffer.
+     * @param bool $forceDefaults When set to `true`, always serializes default
+     *     values.
     public function forceDefaults($forceDefaults)
@@ -886,13 +922,15 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
-     * @return ByteBuffer
+     * Get the ByteBuffer representing the FlatBuffer.
+     * @return ByteBuffer The ByteBuffer containing the FlatBuffer data.
     public function dataBuffer()
         return $this->bb;
      * @return int
@@ -900,9 +938,13 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
         return $this->space;
+    /// @endcond
-     * @return string
+     * Utility function to copy and return the FlatBuffer data from the
+     * underlying ByteBuffer.
+     * @return string A string (representing a byte[]) that contains a copy
+     * of the FlatBuffer data.
     public function sizedByteArray()
@@ -916,3 +958,5 @@ class FlatbufferBuilder
         return $result;
+/// @}
diff --git a/python/flatbuffers/ b/python/flatbuffers/
index 6e346591..7d4222e1 100644
--- a/python/flatbuffers/
+++ b/python/flatbuffers/
@@ -23,6 +23,11 @@ from .compat import range_func
 from .compat import memoryview_type
+## @file
+## @addtogroup flatbuffers_python_api
+## @{
 class OffsetArithmeticError(RuntimeError):
     Error caused by an Offset arithmetic error. Probably caused by bad
@@ -72,12 +77,13 @@ class BuilderNotFinishedError(RuntimeError):
 # VtableMetadataFields is the count of metadata fields in each vtable.
 VtableMetadataFields = 2
+## @endcond
 class Builder(object):
-    """
-    A Builder is used to construct one or more FlatBuffers. Typically, Builder
-    objects will be used from code generated by the `flatc` compiler.
+    """ A Builder is used to construct one or more FlatBuffers.
+    Typically, Builder objects will be used from code generated by the `flatc`
+    compiler.
     A Builder constructs byte buffers in a last-first manner for simplicity and
     performance during reading.
@@ -85,24 +91,30 @@ class Builder(object):
     Internally, a Builder is a state machine for creating FlatBuffer objects.
     It holds the following internal state:
-        Bytes: an array of bytes.
-        current_vtable: a list of integers.
-        vtables: a list of vtable entries (i.e. a list of list of integers).
+        - Bytes: an array of bytes.
+        - current_vtable: a list of integers.
+        - vtables: a list of vtable entries (i.e. a list of list of integers).
+    Attributes:
+      Bytes: The internal `bytearray` for the Builder.
+      finished: A boolean determining if the Builder has been finalized.
     __slots__ = ("Bytes", "current_vtable", "head", "minalign", "objectEnd",
                  "vtables", "nested", "finished")
-    """
-    Maximum buffer size constant, in bytes.
+    """Maximum buffer size constant, in bytes.
     Builder will never allow it's buffer grow over this size.
     Currently equals 2Gb.
     MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 2**31
+    ## @endcond
     def __init__(self, initialSize):
-        """
-        Initializes a Builder of size `initial_size`.
+        """Initializes a Builder of size `initial_size`.
         The internal buffer is grown as needed.
@@ -111,19 +123,27 @@ class Builder(object):
             raise BuilderSizeError(msg)
         self.Bytes = bytearray(initialSize)
+        ## @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL
         self.current_vtable = None
         self.head = UOffsetTFlags.py_type(initialSize)
         self.minalign = 1
         self.objectEnd = None
         self.vtables = []
         self.nested = False
+        ## @endcond
         self.finished = False
     def Output(self):
-        """
-        Output returns the portion of the buffer that has been used for
-        writing data. It raises BuilderNotFinishedError if the buffer has not
-        been finished with `Finish`.
+        """Return the portion of the buffer that has been used for writing data.
+        This is the typical way to access the FlatBuffer data inside the
+        builder. If you try to access `Builder.Bytes` directly, you would need
+        to manually index it with `Head()`, since the buffer is constructed
+        backwards.
+        It raises BuilderNotFinishedError if the buffer has not been finished
+        with `Finish`.
         if not self.finished:
@@ -131,6 +151,7 @@ class Builder(object):
         return self.Bytes[self.Head():]
     def StartObject(self, numfields):
         """StartObject initializes bookkeeping for writing a new object."""
@@ -266,14 +287,19 @@ class Builder(object):
         bytes2 = bytearray(newSize)
         bytes2[newSize-len(self.Bytes):] = self.Bytes
         self.Bytes = bytes2
+    ## @endcond
     def Head(self):
+        """Get the start of useful data in the underlying byte buffer.
+        Note: unlike other functions, this value is interpreted as from the
+        left.
-        Head gives the start of useful data in the underlying byte buffer.
-        Note: unlike other functions, this value is interpreted as from the left.
-        """
+        ## @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL
         return self.head
+        ## @endcond
     def Offset(self):
         """Offset relative to the end of the buffer."""
         return UOffsetTFlags.py_type(len(self.Bytes) - self.Head())
@@ -322,10 +348,10 @@ class Builder(object):
             raise OffsetArithmeticError(msg)
         off2 = self.Offset() - off + N.SOffsetTFlags.bytewidth
+    ## @endcond
     def PrependUOffsetTRelative(self, off):
-        """
-        PrependUOffsetTRelative prepends an UOffsetT, relative to where it
+        """Prepends an unsigned offset into vector data, relative to where it
         will be written.
@@ -337,13 +363,14 @@ class Builder(object):
         off2 = self.Offset() - off + N.UOffsetTFlags.bytewidth
     def StartVector(self, elemSize, numElems, alignment):
         StartVector initializes bookkeeping for writing a new vector.
         A vector has the following format:
-          <UOffsetT: number of elements in this vector>
-          <T: data>+, where T is the type of elements of this vector.
+          - <UOffsetT: number of elements in this vector>
+          - <T: data>+, where T is the type of elements of this vector.
@@ -351,12 +378,15 @@ class Builder(object):
         self.Prep(N.Uint32Flags.bytewidth, elemSize*numElems)
         self.Prep(alignment, elemSize*numElems)  # In case alignment > int.
         return self.Offset()
+    ## @endcond
     def EndVector(self, vectorNumElems):
         """EndVector writes data necessary to finish vector construction."""
+        ## @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL
         self.nested = False
+        ## @endcond
         # we already made space for this, so write without PrependUint32
         return self.Offset()
@@ -365,7 +395,9 @@ class Builder(object):
         """CreateString writes a null-terminated byte string as a vector."""
+        ## @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL
         self.nested = True
+        ## @endcond
         if isinstance(s, compat.string_types):
             x = s.encode()
@@ -378,12 +410,14 @@ class Builder(object):
         self.Place(0, N.Uint8Flags)
         l = UOffsetTFlags.py_type(len(s))
+        ## @cond FLATBUFFERS_INTERNAL
         self.head = UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self.Head() - l)
+        ## @endcond
         self.Bytes[self.Head():self.Head()+l] = x
         return self.EndVector(len(x))
     def assertNested(self):
         Check that we are in the process of building an object.
@@ -422,6 +456,7 @@ class Builder(object):
         self.current_vtable[slotnum] = self.Offset()
+    ## @endcond
     def Finish(self, rootTable):
         """Finish finalizes a buffer, pointing to the given `rootTable`."""
@@ -431,6 +466,7 @@ class Builder(object):
         self.finished = True
         return self.Head()
     def Prepend(self, flags, off):
         self.Prep(flags.bytewidth, 0)
         self.Place(off, flags)
@@ -491,30 +527,95 @@ class Builder(object):
-    def PrependBool(self, x): self.Prepend(N.BoolFlags, x)
+    ## @endcond
+    def PrependBool(self, x):
+        """Prepend a `bool` to the Builder buffer.
-    def PrependByte(self, x): self.Prepend(N.Uint8Flags, x)
+        Note: aligns and checks for space.
+        """
+        self.Prepend(N.BoolFlags, x)
-    def PrependUint8(self, x): self.Prepend(N.Uint8Flags, x)
+    def PrependByte(self, x):
+        """Prepend a `byte` to the Builder buffer.
-    def PrependUint16(self, x): self.Prepend(N.Uint16Flags, x)
+        Note: aligns and checks for space.
+        """
+        self.Prepend(N.Uint8Flags, x)
-    def PrependUint32(self, x): self.Prepend(N.Uint32Flags, x)
+    def PrependUint8(self, x):
+        """Prepend an `uint8` to the Builder buffer.
-    def PrependUint64(self, x): self.Prepend(N.Uint64Flags, x)
+        Note: aligns and checks for space.
+        """
+        self.Prepend(N.Uint8Flags, x)
-    def PrependInt8(self, x): self.Prepend(N.Int8Flags, x)
+    def PrependUint16(self, x):
+        """Prepend an `uint16` to the Builder buffer.
-    def PrependInt16(self, x): self.Prepend(N.Int16Flags, x)
+        Note: aligns and checks for space.
+        """
+        self.Prepend(N.Uint16Flags, x)
-    def PrependInt32(self, x): self.Prepend(N.Int32Flags, x)
+    def PrependUint32(self, x):
+        """Prepend an `uint32` to the Builder buffer.
-    def PrependInt64(self, x): self.Prepend(N.Int64Flags, x)
+        Note: aligns and checks for space.
+        """
+        self.Prepend(N.Uint32Flags, x)
-    def PrependFloat32(self, x): self.Prepend(N.Float32Flags, x)
+    def PrependUint64(self, x):
+        """Prepend an `uint64` to the Builder buffer.
-    def PrependFloat64(self, x): self.Prepend(N.Float64Flags, x)
+        Note: aligns and checks for space.
+        """
+        self.Prepend(N.Uint64Flags, x)
+    def PrependInt8(self, x):
+        """Prepend an `int8` to the Builder buffer.
+        Note: aligns and checks for space.
+        """
+        self.Prepend(N.Int8Flags, x)
+    def PrependInt16(self, x):
+        """Prepend an `int16` to the Builder buffer.
+        Note: aligns and checks for space.
+        """
+        self.Prepend(N.Int16Flags, x)
+    def PrependInt32(self, x):
+        """Prepend an `int32` to the Builder buffer.
+        Note: aligns and checks for space.
+        """
+        self.Prepend(N.Int32Flags, x)
+    def PrependInt64(self, x):
+        """Prepend an `int64` to the Builder buffer.
+        Note: aligns and checks for space.
+        """
+        self.Prepend(N.Int64Flags, x)
+    def PrependFloat32(self, x):
+        """Prepend a `float32` to the Builder buffer.
+        Note: aligns and checks for space.
+        """
+        self.Prepend(N.Float32Flags, x)
+    def PrependFloat64(self, x):
+        """Prepend a `float64` to the Builder buffer.
+        Note: aligns and checks for space.
+        """
+        self.Prepend(N.Float64Flags, x)
     def PrependVOffsetT(self, x): self.Prepend(N.VOffsetTFlags, x)
     def Place(self, x, flags):
@@ -528,33 +629,31 @@ class Builder(object):
         encode.Write(flags.packer_type, self.Bytes, self.Head(), x)
     def PlaceVOffsetT(self, x):
-        """
-        PlaceVOffsetT prepends a VOffsetT to the Builder, without checking for
-        space.
+        """PlaceVOffsetT prepends a VOffsetT to the Builder, without checking
+        for space.
         N.enforce_number(x, N.VOffsetTFlags)
         self.head = self.head - N.VOffsetTFlags.bytewidth
         encode.Write(packer.voffset, self.Bytes, self.Head(), x)
     def PlaceSOffsetT(self, x):
-        """
-        PlaceSOffsetT prepends a SOffsetT to the Builder, without checking for
-        space.
+        """PlaceSOffsetT prepends a SOffsetT to the Builder, without checking
+        for space.
         N.enforce_number(x, N.SOffsetTFlags)
         self.head = self.head - N.SOffsetTFlags.bytewidth
         encode.Write(packer.soffset, self.Bytes, self.Head(), x)
     def PlaceUOffsetT(self, x):
-        """
-        PlaceUOffsetT prepends a UOffsetT to the Builder, without checking for
-        space.
+        """PlaceUOffsetT prepends a UOffsetT to the Builder, without checking
+        for space.
         N.enforce_number(x, N.UOffsetTFlags)
         self.head = self.head - N.UOffsetTFlags.bytewidth
         encode.Write(packer.uoffset, self.Bytes, self.Head(), x)
+    ## @endcond
 def vtableEqual(a, objectStart, b):
     """vtableEqual compares an unwritten vtable to a written vtable."""
@@ -574,3 +673,5 @@ def vtableEqual(a, objectStart, b):
             if x != y:
                 return False
     return True
+## @endcond
+## @}
diff --git a/ b/
index 9a4bd559..eb3b565c 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-FlatBuffers Version 1.1.0
+FlatBuffers Version 1.2.0
 # Welcome to FlatBuffers!
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ Discuss FlatBuffers with other developers and users on the
 [FlatBuffers Google Group][]. File issues on the [FlatBuffers Issues Tracker][]
 or post your questions to [][] using the [`flatbuffers` tag][].
+To contribute to this project, see [CONTRIBUTING][].
 For applications on Google Play that integrate this tool, usage is tracked.
 This tracking is done automatically using the embedded version string
 (flatbuffer_version_string), and helps us continue to optimize it. Aside from
@@ -29,8 +31,11 @@ is useful and if we should continue to invest in it. Since this is open
 source, you are free to remove the version string but we would appreciate if
 you would leave it in.
-  [FlatBuffers Google Group]:
-  [FlatBuffers Issues Tracker]:
-  []:
-  [landing page]:
-  [`flatbuffers` tag]:
+   [`flatbuffers` tag]:
+   [FlatBuffers Google Group]:
+   [FlatBuffers Issues Tracker]:
+   []:
+   [landing page]:
diff --git a/samples/SampleBinary.cs b/samples/SampleBinary.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16128c4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/SampleBinary.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// To run, use the `` script.
+using System;
+using FlatBuffers;
+using MyGame.Sample;
+class SampleBinary
+  // Example how to use FlatBuffers to create and read binary buffers.
+  static void Main()
+  {
+    var builder = new FlatBufferBuilder(1);
+    // Create some weapons for our Monster ('Sword' and 'Axe').
+    var weapon1Name = builder.CreateString("Sword");
+    var weapon1Damage = 3;
+    var weapon2Name = builder.CreateString("Axe");
+    var weapon2Damage = 5;
+    // Use the `CreateWeapon()` helper function to create the weapons, since we set every field.
+    var weaps = new Offset<Weapon>[2];
+    weaps[0] = Weapon.CreateWeapon(builder, weapon1Name, (short)weapon1Damage);
+    weaps[1] = Weapon.CreateWeapon(builder, weapon2Name, (short)weapon2Damage);
+    // Serialize the FlatBuffer data.
+    var name = builder.CreateString("Orc");
+    var treasure =  new byte[] {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
+    var inv = Monster.CreateInventoryVector(builder, treasure);
+    var weapons = Monster.CreateWeaponsVector(builder, weaps);
+    var pos = Vec3.CreateVec3(builder, 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);
+    Monster.StartMonster(builder);
+    Monster.AddPos(builder, pos);
+    Monster.AddHp(builder, (short)300);
+    Monster.AddName(builder, name);
+    Monster.AddInventory(builder, inv);
+    Monster.AddColor(builder, Color.Red);
+    Monster.AddWeapons(builder, weapons);
+    Monster.AddEquippedType(builder, Equipment.Weapon);
+    Monster.AddEquipped(builder, weaps[1].Value);
+    var orc = Monster.EndMonster(builder);
+    builder.Finish(orc.Value); // You could also call `Monster.FinishMonsterBuffer(builder, orc);`.
+    // We now have a FlatBuffer that we could store on disk or send over a network.
+    // ...Code to store to disk or send over a network goes here...
+    // Instead, we are going to access it right away, as if we just received it.
+    var buf = builder.DataBuffer;
+    // Get access to the root:
+    var monster = Monster.GetRootAsMonster(buf);
+    // For C#, unlike other languages, most values (except for vectors and unions) are available as
+    // properties instead of accessor methods.
+    // Note: We did not set the `Mana` field explicitly, so we get back the default value.
+    Assert(monster.Mana == 150, "monster.Mana", Convert.ToString(monster.Mana),
+           Convert.ToString(150));
+    Assert(monster.Hp == 300, "monster.Hp", Convert.ToString(monster.Hp), Convert.ToString(30));
+    Assert(monster.Name.Equals("Orc", StringComparison.Ordinal), "monster.Name", monster.Name,
+           "Orc");
+    Assert(monster.Color == Color.Red, "monster.Color", Convert.ToString(monster.Color),
+           Convert.ToString(Color.Red));
+    // C# also allows you to use performance-enhanced methods to fill an object that has already
+    // been created. These functions are prefixed with "Get". For example: `monster.GetPos()`.
+    var myAlreadyCreatedVector = new Vec3();
+    monster.GetPos(myAlreadyCreatedVector); // Instead of `var myNewVec3 = monster.Pos`.
+    Assert(myAlreadyCreatedVector.X == 1.0f, "myAlreadyCreatedVector.X",
+           Convert.ToString(myAlreadyCreatedVector.X), Convert.ToString(1.0f));
+    Assert(myAlreadyCreatedVector.Y == 2.0f, "myAlreadyCreatedVector.Y",
+           Convert.ToString(myAlreadyCreatedVector.Y), Convert.ToString(2.0f));
+    Assert(myAlreadyCreatedVector.Z == 3.0f, "myAlreadyCreatedVector.Z",
+           Convert.ToString(myAlreadyCreatedVector.Z), Convert.ToString(3.0f));
+    // Get and test the `Inventory` FlatBuffer `vector`.
+    for (int i = 0; i < monster.InventoryLength; i++)
+    {
+      Assert(monster.GetInventory(i) == i, "monster.GetInventory",
+             Convert.ToString(monster.GetInventory(i)), Convert.ToString(i));
+    }
+    // Get and test the `Weapons` FlatBuffer `vector` of `table`s.
+    var expectedWeaponNames = new string[] {"Sword", "Axe"};
+    var expectedWeaponDamages = new short[] {3, 5};
+    for (int i = 0; i < monster.WeaponsLength; i++)
+    {
+      Assert(monster.GetWeapons(i).Name.Equals(expectedWeaponNames[i], StringComparison.Ordinal),
+             "monster.GetWeapons", monster.GetWeapons(i).Name, expectedWeaponNames[i]);
+      Assert(monster.GetWeapons(i).Damage == expectedWeaponDamages[i], "monster.GetWeapons",
+             Convert.ToString(monster.GetWeapons(i).Damage),
+             Convert.ToString(expectedWeaponDamages[i]));
+    }
+    // Get and test the `Equipped` FlatBuffer `union`.
+    Assert(monster.EquippedType == Equipment.Weapon, "monster.EquippedType",
+           Convert.ToString(monster.EquippedType), Convert.ToString(Equipment.Weapon));
+    var equipped = (Weapon)monster.GetEquipped(new Weapon());
+    Assert(equipped.Name.Equals("Axe", StringComparison.Ordinal), "equipped.Name", equipped.Name,
+           "Axe");
+    Assert(equipped.Damage == 5, "equipped.Damage", Convert.ToString(equipped.Damage),
+           Convert.ToString(5));
+    Console.WriteLine("The FlatBuffer was successfully created and verified!");
+  }
+  // A helper function to handle assertions.
+  static void Assert(bool assertPassed, string codeExecuted, string actualValue,
+                     string expectedValue)
+  {
+    if (assertPassed == false)
+    {
+      Console.WriteLine("Assert failed! " + codeExecuted + " (" + actualValue +
+          ") was not equal to " + expectedValue + ".");
+      System.Environment.Exit(1);
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/samples/ b/samples/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..555194f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Run this file with the `` script.
+import MyGame.Sample.Color;
+import MyGame.Sample.Equipment;
+import MyGame.Sample.Monster;
+import MyGame.Sample.Vec3;
+import MyGame.Sample.Weapon;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+class SampleBinary {
+  // Example how to use FlatBuffers to create and read binary buffers.
+  public static void main(String[] args) {
+    FlatBufferBuilder builder = new FlatBufferBuilder(0);
+    // Create some weapons for our Monster ('Sword' and 'Axe').
+    int weaponOneName = builder.createString("Sword");
+    short weaponOneDamage = 3;
+    int weaponTwoName = builder.createString("Axe");
+    short weaponTwoDamage = 5;
+    // Use the `createWeapon()` helper function to create the weapons, since we set every field.
+    int[] weaps = new int[2];
+    weaps[0] = Weapon.createWeapon(builder, weaponOneName, weaponOneDamage);
+    weaps[1] = Weapon.createWeapon(builder, weaponTwoName, weaponTwoDamage);
+    // Serialize the FlatBuffer data.
+    int name = builder.createString("Orc");
+    byte[] treasure = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
+    int inv = Monster.createInventoryVector(builder, treasure);
+    int weapons = Monster.createWeaponsVector(builder, weaps);
+    int pos = Vec3.createVec3(builder, 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);
+    Monster.startMonster(builder);
+    Monster.addPos(builder, pos);
+    Monster.addName(builder, name);
+    Monster.addColor(builder, Color.Red);
+    Monster.addHp(builder, (short)300);
+    Monster.addInventory(builder, inv);
+    Monster.addWeapons(builder, weapons);
+    Monster.addEquippedType(builder, Equipment.Weapon);
+    Monster.addEquipped(builder, weaps[1]);
+    int orc = Monster.endMonster(builder);
+    builder.finish(orc); // You could also call `Monster.finishMonsterBuffer(builder, orc);`.
+    // We now have a FlatBuffer that can be stored on disk or sent over a network.
+    // ...Code to store to disk or send over a network goes here...
+    // Instead, we are going to access it right away, as if we just received it.
+    ByteBuffer buf = builder.dataBuffer();
+    // Get access to the root:
+    Monster monster = Monster.getRootAsMonster(buf);
+    // Note: We did not set the `mana` field explicitly, so we get back the default value.
+    assert monster.mana() == (short)150;
+    assert monster.hp() == (short)300;
+    assert"Orc");
+    assert monster.color() == Color.Red;
+    assert monster.pos().x() == 1.0f;
+    assert monster.pos().y() == 2.0f;
+    assert monster.pos().z() == 3.0f;
+    // Get and test the `inventory` FlatBuffer `vector`.
+    for (int i = 0; i < monster.inventoryLength(); i++) {
+      assert monster.inventory(i) == (byte)i;
+    }
+    // Get and test the `weapons` FlatBuffer `vector` of `table`s.
+    String[] expectedWeaponNames = {"Sword", "Axe"};
+    int[] expectedWeaponDamages = {3, 5};
+    for (int i = 0; i < monster.weaponsLength(); i++) {
+      assert monster.weapons(i).name().equals(expectedWeaponNames[i]);
+      assert monster.weapons(i).damage() == expectedWeaponDamages[i];
+    }
+    // Get and test the `equipped` FlatBuffer `union`.
+    assert monster.equippedType() == Equipment.Weapon;
+    Weapon equipped = (Weapon)monster.equipped(new Weapon());
+    assert"Axe");
+    assert equipped.damage() == 5;
+    System.out.println("The FlatBuffer was successfully created and verified!");
+  }
diff --git a/samples/SampleBinary.php b/samples/SampleBinary.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d28ffa33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/SampleBinary.php
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// To run, use the `` script.
+// It is recommended that you use PSR autoload when using FlatBuffers.
+function __autoload($class_name) {
+  $class = substr($class_name, strrpos($class_name, "\\") + 1);
+  $root_dir = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))); // `flatbuffers` root.
+  $paths = array(join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($root_dir, "php")),
+                 join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($root_dir, "samples", "MyGame", "Sample")));
+  foreach ($paths as $path) {
+    $file = join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array($path, $class . ".php"));
+    if (file_exists($file)) {
+      require($file);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+// Example how to use FlatBuffers to create and read binary buffers.
+function main() {
+  $builder = new Google\FlatBuffers\FlatbufferBuilder(0);
+  // Create some weapons for our Monster using the `createWeapon()` helper function.
+  $weapon_one = $builder->createString("Sword");
+  $sword = \MyGame\Sample\Weapon::CreateWeapon($builder, $weapon_one, 3);
+  $weapon_two = $builder->createString("Axe");
+  $axe = \MyGame\Sample\Weapon::CreateWeapon($builder, $weapon_two, 5);
+  // Serialize the FlatBuffer data.
+  $name = $builder->createString("Orc");
+  $treasure = array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
+  $inv = \MyGame\Sample\Monster::CreateInventoryVector($builder, $treasure);
+  $weaps = array($sword, $axe);
+  $weapons = \MyGame\Sample\Monster::CreateWeaponsVector($builder, $weaps);
+  $pos = \MyGame\Sample\Vec3::CreateVec3($builder, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
+  \MyGame\Sample\Monster::StartMonster($builder);
+  \MyGame\Sample\Monster::AddPos($builder, $pos);
+  \MyGame\Sample\Monster::AddHp($builder, 300);
+  \MyGame\Sample\Monster::AddName($builder, $name);
+  \MyGame\Sample\Monster::AddInventory($builder, $inv);
+  \MyGame\Sample\Monster::AddColor($builder, \MyGame\Sample\Color::Red);
+  \MyGame\Sample\Monster::AddWeapons($builder, $weapons);
+  \MyGame\Sample\Monster::AddEquippedType($builder, \MyGame\Sample\Equipment::Weapon);
+  \MyGame\Sample\Monster::AddEquipped($builder, $weaps[1]);
+  $orc = \MyGame\Sample\Monster::EndMonster($builder);
+  $builder->finish($orc); // You may also call `\MyGame\Sample\Monster::FinishMonsterBuffer($builder, $orc);`.
+  // We now have a FlatBuffer that can be stored on disk or sent over a network.
+  // ...Code to store to disk or send over a network goes here...
+  // Instead, we are going to access it right away, as if we just received it.
+  $buf = $builder->dataBuffer();
+  // Get access to the root:
+  $monster = \MyGame\Sample\Monster::GetRootAsMonster($buf);
+  $success = true; // Tracks if an assert occurred.
+  // Note: We did not set the `mana` field explicitly, so we get back the default value.
+  $success &= assert($monster->getMana() == 150);
+  $success &= assert($monster->getHp() == 300);
+  $success &= assert($monster->getName() == "Orc");
+  $success &= assert($monster->getColor() == \MyGame\Sample\Color::Red);
+  $success &= assert($monster->getPos()->getX() == 1.0);
+  $success &= assert($monster->getPos()->getY() == 2.0);
+  $success &= assert($monster->getPos()->getZ() == 3.0);
+  // Get and test the `inventory` FlatBuffer `vector`.
+  for ($i = 0; $i < $monster->getInventoryLength(); $i++) {
+    $success &= assert($monster->getInventory($i) == $i);
+  }
+  // Get and test the `weapons` FlatBuffer `vector` of `table`s.
+  $expected_weapon_names = array("Sword", "Axe");
+  $expected_weapon_damages = array(3, 5);
+  for ($i = 0; $i < $monster->getWeaponsLength(); $i++) {
+    $success &= assert($monster->getWeapons($i)->getName() == $expected_weapon_names[$i]);
+    $success &= assert($monster->getWeapons($i)->getDamage() == $expected_weapon_damages[$i]);
+  }
+  // Get and test the `equipped` FlatBuffer `union`.
+  $success &= assert($monster->getEquippedType() == \MyGame\Sample\Equipment::Weapon);
+  $success &= assert($monster->getEquipped(new \MyGame\Sample\Weapon())->getName() == "Axe");
+  $success &= assert($monster->getEquipped(new \MyGame\Sample\Weapon())->getDamage() == 5);
+  if ($success) {
+    print("The FlatBuffer was successfully created and verified!\n");
+  }
diff --git a/samples/android/AndroidManifest.xml b/samples/android/AndroidManifest.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0fa3dcfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/android/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (c) 2015 Google, Inc.
+     This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+     warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+     arising from the use of this software.
+     Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+     including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+     freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+     1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+     in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+     appreciated but is not required.
+     2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+     misrepresented as being the original software.
+     3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ -->
+<!-- BEGIN_INCLUDE(manifest) -->
+<manifest xmlns:android=""
+        package="com.samples.FlatBufferSample"
+        android:versionCode="1"
+        android:versionName="1.0">
+    <uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000"></uses-feature>
+    <!-- This is the platform API where NativeActivity was introduced. -->
+    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="9" />
+    <!-- This .apk has no Java code itself, so set hasCode to false. -->
+    <application android:label="@string/app_name" android:hasCode="false">
+        <!-- Our activity is the built-in NativeActivity framework class.
+             This will take care of integrating with our NDK code. -->
+        <activity android:name=""
+                android:label="@string/app_name"
+                android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden"
+                android:screenOrientation="landscape">
+            <!-- Tell NativeActivity the name of or .so -->
+            <meta-data android:name=""
+                    android:value="FlatBufferSample" />
+            <intent-filter>
+                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
+                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
+            </intent-filter>
+        </activity>
+    </application>
+<!-- END_INCLUDE(manifest) -->
diff --git a/samples/android/ b/samples/android/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..4967ee6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/android/
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+#!/bin/bash -eu
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Google, Inc.
+# This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+# warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+# arising from the use of this software.
+# Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+# including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+# freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+# 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+# claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+# in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+# appreciated but is not required.
+# 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+# misrepresented as being the original software.
+# 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+# Build, deploy, debug / execute a native Android package based upon
+# NativeActivity.
+declare -r script_directory=$(dirname $0)
+declare -r android_root=${script_directory}/../../../../../../
+declare -r script_name=$(basename $0)
+declare -r android_manifest=AndroidManifest.xml
+declare -r os_name=$(uname -s)
+# Minimum Android target version supported by this project.
+# Directory containing the Android SDK
+# (
+# Directory containing the Android NDK
+# (
+: ${NDK_HOME:=}
+# Display script help and exit.
+usage() {
+  echo "
+Build the Android package in the current directory and deploy it to a
+connected device.
+Usage: ${script_name} \\
+         [ADB_DEVICE=serial_number] [BUILD=0] [DEPLOY=0] [RUN_DEBUGGER=1] \
+         [LAUNCH=0] [SWIG_BIN=swig_binary_directory] [SWIG_LIB=swig_include_directory] [ndk-build arguments ...]
+  serial_number specifies the device to deploy the built apk to if multiple
+  Android devices are connected to the host.
+  Disables the build of the package.
+  Disables the deployment of the built apk to the Android device.
+  Launches the application in gdb after it has been deployed.  To debug in
+  gdb, NDK_DEBUG=1 must also be specified on the command line to build a
+  debug apk.
+  Disable the launch of the apk on the Android device.
+  The directory where the SWIG binary lives. No need to set this if SWIG is
+  installed and point to from your PATH variable.
+  The directory where SWIG shared include files are, usually obtainable from
+  commandline with \"swig -swiglib\". No need to set this if SWIG is installed
+  and point to from your PATH variable.
+ndk-build arguments...:
+  Additional arguments for ndk-build.  See ndk-build -h for more information.
+" >&2
+  exit 1
+# Get the number of CPU cores present on the host.
+get_number_of_cores() {
+  case ${os_name} in
+    Darwin)
+      sysctl hw.ncpu | awk '{ print $2 }'
+      ;;
+    CYGWIN*|Linux)
+      awk '/^processor/ { n=$3 } END { print n + 1 }' /proc/cpuinfo
+      ;;
+    *)
+      echo 1
+      ;;
+  esac
+# Get the package name from an AndroidManifest.xml file.
+get_package_name_from_manifest() {
+  xmllint --xpath 'string(/manifest/@package)' "${1}"
+# Get the library name from an AndroidManifest.xml file.
+get_library_name_from_manifest() {
+  echo "\
+setns android=
+xpath string(/manifest/application/activity\
+[@android:name=\"\"]/@android:value)" |
+  xmllint --shell "${1}" | awk '/Object is a string/ { print $NF }'
+# Get the number of Android devices connected to the system.
+get_number_of_devices_connected() {
+  adb devices -l | \
+    awk '/^..*$/ { if (p) { print $0 } }
+         /List of devices attached/ { p = 1 }' | \
+    wc -l
+  return ${PIPESTATUS[0]}
+# Kill a process and its' children.  This is provided for cygwin which
+# doesn't ship with pkill.
+kill_process_group() {
+  local parent_pid="${1}"
+  local child_pid=
+  for child_pid in $(ps -f | \
+                     awk '{ if ($3 == '"${parent_pid}"') { print $2 } }'); do
+    kill_process_group "${child_pid}"
+  done
+  kill "${parent_pid}" 2>/dev/null
+# Find and run "adb".
+adb() {
+  local adb_path=
+  for path in "$(which adb 2>/dev/null)" \
+              "${ANDROID_SDK_HOME}/sdk/platform-tools/adb" \
+              "${android_root}/prebuilts/sdk/platform-tools/adb"; do
+    if [[ -e "${path}" ]]; then
+      adb_path="${path}"
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+  if [[ "${adb_path}" == "" ]]; then
+    echo -e "Unable to find adb." \
+           "\nAdd the Android ADT sdk/platform-tools directory to the" \
+           "PATH." >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  "${adb_path}" "$@"
+# Find and run "android".
+android() {
+  local android_executable=android
+  if echo "${os_name}" | grep -q CYGWIN; then
+    android_executable=android.bat
+  fi
+  local android_path=
+  for path in "$(which ${android_executable})" \
+              "${ANDROID_SDK_HOME}/sdk/tools/${android_executable}" \
+              "${android_root}/prebuilts/sdk/tools/${android_executable}"; do
+    if [[ -e "${path}" ]]; then
+      android_path="${path}"
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+  if [[ "${android_path}" == "" ]]; then
+    echo -e "Unable to find android tool." \
+           "\nAdd the Android ADT sdk/tools directory to the PATH." >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  # Make sure ant is installed.
+  if [[ "$(which ant)" == "" ]]; then
+    echo -e "Unable to find ant." \
+            "\nPlease install ant and add to the PATH." >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  "${android_path}" "$@"
+# Find and run "ndk-build"
+ndkbuild() {
+  local ndkbuild_path=
+  for path in "$(which ndk-build 2>/dev/null)" \
+              "${NDK_HOME}/ndk-build" \
+              "${android_root}/prebuilts/ndk/current/ndk-build"; do
+    if [[ -e "${path}" ]]; then
+      ndkbuild_path="${path}"
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+  if [[ "${ndkbuild_path}" == "" ]]; then
+    echo -e "Unable to find ndk-build." \
+            "\nAdd the Android NDK directory to the PATH." >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  "${ndkbuild_path}" "$@"
+# Get file modification time of $1 in seconds since the epoch.
+stat_mtime() {
+  local filename="${1}"
+  case ${os_name} in
+    Darwin) stat -f%m "${filename}" 2>/dev/null || echo 0 ;;
+    *) stat -c%Y "${filename}" 2>/dev/null || echo 0 ;;
+  esac
+# Build the native (C/C++) build targets in the current directory.
+build_native_targets() {
+  # Save the list of output modules in the install directory so that it's
+  # possible to restore their timestamps after the build is complete.  This
+  # works around a bug in ndk/build/core/ which results in the
+  # unconditional execution of the clean-installed-binaries rule.
+  restore_libraries="$(find libs -type f 2>/dev/null | \
+                       sed -E 's@^libs/(.*)@\1@')"
+  # Build native code.
+  ndkbuild -j$(get_number_of_cores) "$@"
+  # Restore installed libraries.
+  # Obviously this is a nasty hack (along with ${restore_libraries} above) as
+  # it assumes it knows where the NDK will be placing output files.
+  (
+    IFS=$'\n'
+    for libpath in ${restore_libraries}; do
+      source_library="obj/local/${libpath}"
+      target_library="libs/${libpath}"
+      if [[ -e "${source_library}" ]]; then
+        cp -a "${source_library}" "${target_library}"
+      fi
+    done
+  )
+# Select the oldest installed android build target that is at least as new as
+# BUILDAPK_ANDROID_TARGET_MINVERSION.  If a suitable build target isn't found,
+# this function prints an error message and exits with an error.
+select_android_build_target() {
+  local -r android_targets_installed=$( \
+    android list targets | \
+    awk -F'"' '/^id:.*android/ { print $2 }')
+  local android_build_target=
+  for android_target in $(echo "${android_targets_installed}" | \
+                          awk -F- '{ print $2 }' | sort -n); do
+    local isNumber='^[0-9]+$'
+    # skip preview API releases e.g. 'android-L'
+    if [[ $android_target =~ $isNumber ]]; then
+      if [[ $((android_target)) -ge \
+        android_build_target="android-${android_target}"
+        break
+      fi
+    # else
+      # The API version is a letter, so skip it.
+    fi
+  done
+  if [[ "${android_build_target}" == "" ]]; then
+    echo -e \
+      "Found installed Android targets:" \
+      "$(echo ${android_targets_installed} | sed 's/ /\n  /g;s/^/\n  /;')" \
+      "\nAndroid SDK platform" \
+      "must be installed to build this project." \
+      "\nUse the \"android\" application to install API" \
+      "$((BUILDAPK_ANDROID_TARGET_MINVERSION)) or newer." >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  echo "${android_build_target}"
+# Sign unsigned apk $1 and write the result to $2 with key store file $3 and
+# password $4.
+# If a key store file $3 and password $4 aren't specified, a temporary
+# (60 day) key is generated and used to sign the package.
+sign_apk() {
+  local unsigned_apk="${1}"
+  local signed_apk="${2}"
+  if [[ $(stat_mtime "${unsigned_apk}") -gt \
+          $(stat_mtime "${signed_apk}") ]]; then
+    local -r key_alias=$(basename ${signed_apk} .apk)
+    local keystore="${3}"
+    local key_password="${4}"
+    [[ "${keystore}" == "" ]] && keystore="${unsigned_apk}.keystore"
+    [[ "${key_password}" == "" ]] && \
+      key_password="${key_alias}123456"
+    if [[ ! -e ${keystore} ]]; then
+      keytool -genkey -v -dname "cn=, ou=${key_alias}, o=fpl" \
+        -storepass ${key_password} \
+        -keypass ${key_password} -keystore ${keystore} \
+        -alias ${key_alias} -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 60
+    fi
+    cp "${unsigned_apk}" "${signed_apk}"
+    jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 \
+      -keystore ${keystore} -storepass ${key_password} \
+      -keypass ${key_password} "${signed_apk}" ${key_alias}
+  fi
+# Build the apk $1 for package filename $2 in the current directory using the
+# ant build target $3.
+build_apk() {
+  local -r output_apk="${1}"
+  local -r package_filename="${2}"
+  local -r ant_target="${3}"
+  # Get the list of installed android targets and select the oldest target
+  # that is at least as new as BUILDAPK_ANDROID_TARGET_MINVERSION.
+  local -r android_build_target=$(select_android_build_target)
+  [[ "${android_build_target}" == "" ]] && exit 1
+  echo "Building ${output_apk} for target ${android_build_target}" >&2
+  # Create / update build.xml and files.
+  if [[ $(stat_mtime "${android_manifest}") -gt \
+          $(stat_mtime build.xml) ]]; then
+    android update project --target "${android_build_target}" \
+                           -n ${package_filename} --path .
+  fi
+  # Use ant to build the apk.
+  ant -quiet ${ant_target}
+  # Sign release apks with a temporary key as these packages will not be
+  # redistributed.
+  local unsigned_apk="bin/${package_filename}-${ant_target}-unsigned.apk"
+  if [[ "${ant_target}" == "release" ]]; then
+    sign_apk "${unsigned_apk}" "${output_apk}" "" ""
+  fi
+# Uninstall package $1 and install apk $2 on device $3 where $3 is "-s device"
+# or an empty string.  If $3 is an empty string adb will fail when multiple
+# devices are connected to the host system.
+install_apk() {
+  local -r uninstall_package_name="${1}"
+  local -r install_apk="${2}"
+  local -r adb_device="${3}"
+  # Uninstall the package if it's already installed.
+  adb ${adb_device} uninstall "${uninstall_package_name}" 1>&2 > /dev/null || \
+    true # no error check
+  # Install the apk.
+  # NOTE: The following works around adb not returning an error code when
+  # it fails to install an apk.
+  echo "Install ${install_apk}" >&2
+  local -r adb_install_result=$(adb ${adb_device} install "${install_apk}")
+  echo "${adb_install_result}"
+  if echo "${adb_install_result}" | grep -qF 'Failure ['; then
+    exit 1
+  fi
+# Launch previously installed package $1 on device $2.
+# If $2 is an empty string adb will fail when multiple devices are connected
+# to the host system.
+launch_package() {
+  (
+    # Determine the SDK version of Android on the device.
+    local -r android_sdk_version=$(
+      adb ${adb_device} shell cat system/build.prop | \
+      awk -F= '/ {
+                 v=$2; sub(/[ \r\n]/, "", v); print v
+               }')
+    # Clear logs from previous runs.
+    # Note that logcat does not just 'tail' the logs, it dumps the entire log
+    # history.
+    adb ${adb_device} logcat -c
+    local finished_msg='Displayed '"${package_name}"
+    local timeout_msg='Activity destroy timeout.*'"${package_name}"
+    # Maximum time to wait before stopping log monitoring.  0 = infinity.
+    local launch_timeout=0
+    # If this is a Gingerbread device, kill log monitoring after 10 seconds.
+    if [[ $((android_sdk_version)) -le 10 ]]; then
+      launch_timeout=10
+    fi
+    # Display logcat in the background.
+    # Stop displaying the log when the app launch / execution completes or the
+    # logcat
+    (
+      adb ${adb_device} logcat | \
+        awk "
+          {
+            print \$0
+          }
+          /ActivityManager.*: ${finished_msg}/ {
+            exit 0
+          }
+          /ActivityManager.*: ${timeout_msg}/ {
+            exit 0
+          }" &
+      adb_logcat_pid=$!;
+      if [[ $((launch_timeout)) -gt 0 ]]; then
+        sleep $((launch_timeout));
+        kill ${adb_logcat_pid};
+      else
+        wait ${adb_logcat_pid};
+      fi
+    ) &
+    logcat_pid=$!
+    # Kill adb logcat if this shell exits.
+    trap "kill_process_group ${logcat_pid}" SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT
+    # If the SDK is newer than 10, "am" supports stopping an activity.
+    adb_stop_activity=
+    if [[ $((android_sdk_version)) -gt 10 ]]; then
+      adb_stop_activity=-S
+    fi
+    # Launch the activity and wait for it to complete.
+    adb ${adb_device} shell am start ${adb_stop_activity} -n \
+      ${package_name}/
+    wait "${logcat_pid}"
+  )
+# See usage().
+main() {
+  # Parse arguments for this script.
+  local adb_device=
+  local ant_target=release
+  local disable_deploy=0
+  local disable_build=0
+  local run_debugger=0
+  local launch=1
+  local build_package=1
+  for opt; do
+    case ${opt} in
+      # NDK_DEBUG=0 tells ndk-build to build this as debuggable but to not
+      # modify the underlying code whereas NDK_DEBUG=1 also builds as debuggable
+      # but does modify the code
+      NDK_DEBUG=1) ant_target=debug ;;
+      NDK_DEBUG=0) ant_target=debug ;;
+      ADB_DEVICE*) adb_device="$(\
+        echo "${opt}" | sed -E 's/^ADB_DEVICE=([^ ]+)$/-s \1/;t;s/.*//')" ;;
+      BUILD=0) disable_build=1 ;;
+      DEPLOY=0) disable_deploy=1 ;;
+      RUN_DEBUGGER=1) run_debugger=1 ;;
+      LAUNCH=0) launch=0 ;;
+      clean) build_package=0 disable_deploy=1 launch=0 ;;
+      -h|--help|help) usage ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # If a target device hasn't been specified and multiple devices are connected
+  # to the host machine, display an error.
+  local -r devices_connected=$(get_number_of_devices_connected)
+  if [[ "${adb_device}" == "" && $((devices_connected)) -gt 1 && \
+        ($((disable_deploy)) -eq 0 || $((launch)) -ne 0 || \
+         $((run_debugger)) -ne 0) ]]; then
+    if [[ $((disable_deploy)) -ne 0 ]]; then
+      echo "Deployment enabled, disable using DEPLOY=0" >&2
+    fi
+    if [[ $((launch)) -ne 0 ]]; then
+     echo "Launch enabled." >&2
+    fi
+    if [[ $((disable_deploy)) -eq 0 ]]; then
+      echo "Deployment enabled." >&2
+    fi
+    if [[ $((run_debugger)) -ne 0 ]]; then
+      echo "Debugger launch enabled." >&2
+    fi
+    echo "
+Multiple Android devices are connected to this host.  Either disable deployment
+and execution of the built .apk using:
+  \"${script_name} DEPLOY=0 LAUNCH=0\"
+or specify a device to deploy to using:
+  \"${script_name} ADB_DEVICE=\${device_serial}\".
+The Android devices connected to this machine are:
+$(adb devices -l)
+" >&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  if [[ $((disable_build)) -eq 0 ]]; then
+    # Build the native target.
+    build_native_targets "$@"
+  fi
+  # Get the package name from the manifest.
+  local -r package_name=$(get_package_name_from_manifest "${android_manifest}")
+  if [[ "${package_name}" == "" ]]; then
+    echo -e "No package name specified in ${android_manifest},"\
+            "skipping apk build, deploy"
+            "\nand launch steps." >&2
+    exit 0
+  fi
+  local -r package_basename=${package_name/*./}
+  local package_filename=$(get_library_name_from_manifest ${android_manifest})
+  [[ "${package_filename}" == "" ]] && package_filename="${package_basename}"
+  # Output apk name.
+  local -r output_apk="bin/${package_filename}-${ant_target}.apk"
+  if [[ $((disable_build)) -eq 0 && $((build_package)) -eq 1 ]]; then
+    # Build the apk.
+    build_apk "${output_apk}" "${package_filename}" "${ant_target}"
+  fi
+  # Deploy to the device.
+  if [[ $((disable_deploy)) -eq 0 ]]; then
+    install_apk "${package_name}" "${output_apk}" "${adb_device}"
+  fi
+  if [[ "${ant_target}" == "debug" && $((run_debugger)) -eq 1 ]]; then
+    # Start debugging.
+    ndk-gdb ${adb_device} --start
+  elif [[ $((launch)) -eq 1 ]]; then
+    launch_package "${package_name}" "${adb_device}"
+  fi
+main "$@"
diff --git a/samples/android/jni/ b/samples/android/jni/
index b9c7a195..6f22d285 100755
--- a/samples/android/jni/
+++ b/samples/android/jni/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 # Include the FlatBuffer utility function to generate header files from schemas.
 include $(FLATBUFFERS_ROOT_DIR)/android/jni/
-LOCAL_MODULE := sample_android_project
+LOCAL_MODULE := FlatBufferSample
 # Set up some useful variables to identify schema and output directories and
 # schema files.
diff --git a/samples/android/jni/main.cpp b/samples/android/jni/main.cpp
index d03655ca..87580272 100644
--- a/samples/android/jni/main.cpp
+++ b/samples/android/jni/main.cpp
@@ -12,9 +12,10 @@
 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 // limitations under the License.
+#include <android/log.h>
 #include "android_native_app_glue.h"
-#include "animal_generated.h"
-#include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h"
+#include "animal_generated.h" // Includes "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h".
 void android_main(android_app *app) {
@@ -24,5 +25,19 @@ void android_main(android_app *app) {
   auto sound = builder.CreateString("Bark");
   auto animal_buffer = sample::CreateAnimal(builder, name, sound);
+  // We now have a FlatBuffer that can be stored on disk or sent over a network.
+  // ...Code to store on disk or send over a network goes here...
+  // Instead, we're going to access it immediately, as if we just recieved this.
+  auto animal = sample::GetAnimal(builder.GetBufferPointer());
+  assert(animal->name()->str() == "Dog");
+  assert(animal->sound()->str() == "Bark");
+  (void)animal; // To silence "Unused Variable" warnings.
+  __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "FlatBufferSample",
+      "FlatBuffer successfully created and verified.");
diff --git a/samples/android/res/values/strings.xml b/samples/android/res/values/strings.xml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..57ddaf4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/android/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (c) 2015 Google, Inc.
+     This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+     warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+     arising from the use of this software.
+     Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+     including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+     freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+     1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+     in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+     appreciated but is not required.
+     2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+     misrepresented as being the original software.
+     3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ -->
+    <string name="app_name">FlatBufferSample</string>
diff --git a/samples/ b/samples/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..9e746fb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Note: This script requires the Android NDK and Android SDK to be installed.
+#       It also requires an Android device to be connected for installing and
+#       running the applicaton.
+sampledir=$(readlink -fn `dirname $0`)
+currentdir=$(readlink -fn `pwd`)
+if [[ "$sampledir" != "$currentdir" ]]; then
+  echo Error: This script must be run from inside the $sampledir directory.
+  echo You executed it from the $currentdir directory.
+  exit 1
+# Execute `` to build and run the android app.
+cd android
+# Cleanup the temporary files.
+rm build.xml proguard-project.txt
+rm -rf bin libs obj
diff --git a/samples/ b/samples/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..5c86f7b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Note: This script runs on Mac and Linux. It requires `mono` to be installed
+# and `flatc` to be built (using `cmake` in the root directory).
+sampledir=$(cd $(dirname $BASH_SOURCE) && pwd)
+rootidr=$(cd $sampledir/.. && pwd)
+if [[ "$sampledir" != "$currentdir" ]]; then
+  echo Error: This script must be run from inside the $sampledir directory.
+  echo You executed it from the $currentdir directory.
+  exit 1
+# Run `flatc`. Note: This requires you to compile using `cmake` from the
+# root `/flatbuffers` directory.
+if [ -e ../flatc ]; then
+  ../flatc --csharp --gen-mutable monster.fbs
+elif [ -e ../Debug/flatc ]; then
+  ../Debug/flatc --csharp --gen-mutable monster.fbs
+  echo 'flatc' could not be found. Make sure to build FlatBuffers from the \
+       $rootdir directory.
+  exit 1
+echo Compiling and running the C# sample.
+# Compile and execute the sample.
+mcs SampleBinary.cs MyGame/Sample/*.cs ../net/FlatBuffers/*.cs
+mono SampleBinary.exe
+# Cleanup temporary files.
+rm SampleBinary.exe
+rm -rf MyGame/
diff --git a/samples/ b/samples/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2a0605f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Note: This script runs on Mac and Linux. It requires `go` to be installed
+# and 'flatc' to be built (using `cmake` in the root directory).
+sampledir=$(cd $(dirname $BASH_SOURCE) && pwd)
+rootdir=$(cd $sampledir/.. && pwd)
+if [[ "$sampledir" != "$currentdir" ]]; then
+  echo Error: This script must be run from inside the $sampledir directory.
+  echo You executed it from the $currentdir directory.
+  exit 1
+# Run `flatc`. Note: This requires you to compile using `cmake` from the
+# root `/flatbuffers` directory.
+if [ -e ../flatc ]; then
+  ../flatc --go monster.fbs
+elif [ -e ../Debug/flatc ]; then
+  ../Debug/flatc --go monster.fbs
+  echo 'flatc' could not be found. Make sure to build FlatBuffers from the \
+       $rootdir directory.
+ exit 1
+echo Compiling and running the Go sample.
+# Go requires a particular layout of files in order to link the necessary
+# packages. Copy these files to the respective directores to compile the
+# sample.
+mkdir -p ${sampledir}/go_gen/src/MyGame/Sample
+mkdir -p ${sampledir}/go_gen/src/
+cp MyGame/Sample/*.go ${sampledir}/go_gen/src/MyGame/Sample/
+cp ${sampledir}/../go/* ${sampledir}/go_gen/src/
+# Export the `GOPATH`, so that `go` will know which directories to search for
+# the libraries.
+export GOPATH=${sampledir}/go_gen/
+# Compile and execute the sample.
+go build -o go_sample sample_binary.go
+# Clean up the temporary files.
+rm -rf MyGame/
+rm -rf ${sampledir}/go_gen/
+rm go_sample
diff --git a/samples/ b/samples/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..3e7ebcfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Note: This script runs on Mac and Linux. It requires `java` to be installed
+# and `flatc` to be built (using `cmake` in the root directory).
+sampledir=$(cd $(dirname $BASH_SOURCE) && pwd)
+rootdir=$(cd $sampledir/.. && pwd)
+if [[ "$sampledir" != "$currentdir" ]]; then
+  echo Error: This script must be run from inside the $sampledir directory.
+  echo You executed it from the $currentdir directory.
+  exit 1
+# Run `flatc`. Note: This requires you to compile using `cmake` from the
+# root `/flatbuffers` directory.
+if [ -e ../flatc ]; then
+  ../flatc --java --gen-mutable monster.fbs
+elif [ -e ../Debug/flatc ]; then
+  ../Debug/flatc --java --gen-mutable monster.fbs
+  echo 'flatc' could not be found. Make sure to build FlatBuffers from the \
+       $rootdir directory.
+  exit 1
+echo Compiling and running the Java sample.
+# Compile and execute the sample.
+javac -classpath ${sampledir}/../java:${sampledir}
+java -classpath ${sampledir}/../java:${sampledir} SampleBinary
+# Cleanup temporary files.
+rm -rf MyGame/
+rm ${sampledir}/../java/com/google/flatbuffers/*.class
+rm *.class
diff --git a/samples/ b/samples/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..794ec4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Note: This script runs on Mac and Linux. It requires `Node.js` to be installed
+# and `flatc` to be built (using `cmake` in the root directory).
+sampledir=$(cd $(dirname $BASH_SOURCE) && pwd)
+rootdir=$(cd $sampledir/.. && pwd)
+if [[ "$sampledir" != "$currentdir" ]]; then
+  echo Error: This script must be run from inside the $sampledir directory.
+  echo You executed it from the $currentdir directory.
+  exit 1
+# Run `flatc`. Note: This requires you to compile using `cmake` from the
+# root `/flatbuffers` directory.
+if [ -e ../flatc ]; then
+  ../flatc --js monster.fbs
+elif [ -e ../Debug/flatc ]; then
+  ../Debug/flatc --js monster.fbs
+  echo 'flatc' could not be found. Make sure to build FlatBuffers from the \
+       $rootdir directory.
+  exit 1
+echo Running the JavaScript sample.
+# Execute the sample.
+node samplebinary.js
+# Cleanup temporary files.
+rm monster_generated.js
diff --git a/samples/monster.fbs b/samples/monster.fbs
index 2ad0c926..247b8177 100755
--- a/samples/monster.fbs
+++ b/samples/monster.fbs
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-// example IDL file
+// Example IDL file for our monster's schema.
 namespace MyGame.Sample;
 enum Color:byte { Red = 0, Green, Blue = 2 }
-union Any { Monster }  // add more elements..
+union Equipment { Weapon } // Optionally add more tables.
 struct Vec3 {
@@ -20,6 +20,13 @@ table Monster {
   friendly:bool = false (deprecated);
   color:Color = Blue;
+  weapons:[Weapon];
+  equipped:Equipment;
+table Weapon {
+  name:string;
+  damage:short;
 root_type Monster;
diff --git a/samples/monster_generated.h b/samples/monster_generated.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e27b6911..00000000
--- a/samples/monster_generated.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-// automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify
-#include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h"
-namespace MyGame {
-namespace Sample {
-struct Vec3;
-struct Monster;
-enum Color {
-  Color_Red = 0,
-  Color_Green = 1,
-  Color_Blue = 2,
-  Color_MIN = Color_Red,
-  Color_MAX = Color_Blue
-inline const char **EnumNamesColor() {
-  static const char *names[] = { "Red", "Green", "Blue", nullptr };
-  return names;
-inline const char *EnumNameColor(Color e) { return EnumNamesColor()[static_cast<int>(e)]; }
-enum Any {
-  Any_NONE = 0,
-  Any_Monster = 1,
-  Any_MIN = Any_NONE,
-  Any_MAX = Any_Monster
-inline const char **EnumNamesAny() {
-  static const char *names[] = { "NONE", "Monster", nullptr };
-  return names;
-inline const char *EnumNameAny(Any e) { return EnumNamesAny()[static_cast<int>(e)]; }
-inline bool VerifyAny(flatbuffers::Verifier &verifier, const void *union_obj, Any type);
- private:
-  float x_;
-  float y_;
-  float z_;
- public:
-  Vec3(float _x, float _y, float _z)
-    : x_(flatbuffers::EndianScalar(_x)), y_(flatbuffers::EndianScalar(_y)), z_(flatbuffers::EndianScalar(_z)) { }
-  float x() const { return flatbuffers::EndianScalar(x_); }
-  void mutate_x(float _x) { flatbuffers::WriteScalar(&x_, _x); }
-  float y() const { return flatbuffers::EndianScalar(y_); }
-  void mutate_y(float _y) { flatbuffers::WriteScalar(&y_, _y); }
-  float z() const { return flatbuffers::EndianScalar(z_); }
-  void mutate_z(float _z) { flatbuffers::WriteScalar(&z_, _z); }
-STRUCT_END(Vec3, 12);
-struct Monster FLATBUFFERS_FINAL_CLASS : private flatbuffers::Table {
-  enum {
-    VT_POS = 4,
-    VT_MANA = 6,
-    VT_HP = 8,
-    VT_NAME = 10,
-    VT_INVENTORY = 14,
-    VT_COLOR = 16
-  };
-  const Vec3 *pos() const { return GetStruct<const Vec3 *>(VT_POS); }
-  Vec3 *mutable_pos() { return GetStruct<Vec3 *>(VT_POS); }
-  int16_t mana() const { return GetField<int16_t>(VT_MANA, 150); }
-  bool mutate_mana(int16_t _mana) { return SetField(VT_MANA, _mana); }
-  int16_t hp() const { return GetField<int16_t>(VT_HP, 100); }
-  bool mutate_hp(int16_t _hp) { return SetField(VT_HP, _hp); }
-  const flatbuffers::String *name() const { return GetPointer<const flatbuffers::String *>(VT_NAME); }
-  flatbuffers::String *mutable_name() { return GetPointer<flatbuffers::String *>(VT_NAME); }
-  const flatbuffers::Vector<uint8_t> *inventory() const { return GetPointer<const flatbuffers::Vector<uint8_t> *>(VT_INVENTORY); }
-  flatbuffers::Vector<uint8_t> *mutable_inventory() { return GetPointer<flatbuffers::Vector<uint8_t> *>(VT_INVENTORY); }
-  Color color() const { return static_cast<Color>(GetField<int8_t>(VT_COLOR, 2)); }
-  bool mutate_color(Color _color) { return SetField(VT_COLOR, static_cast<int8_t>(_color)); }
-  bool Verify(flatbuffers::Verifier &verifier) const {
-    return VerifyTableStart(verifier) &&
-           VerifyField<Vec3>(verifier, VT_POS) &&
-           VerifyField<int16_t>(verifier, VT_MANA) &&
-           VerifyField<int16_t>(verifier, VT_HP) &&
-           VerifyField<flatbuffers::uoffset_t>(verifier, VT_NAME) &&
-           verifier.Verify(name()) &&
-           VerifyField<flatbuffers::uoffset_t>(verifier, VT_INVENTORY) &&
-           verifier.Verify(inventory()) &&
-           VerifyField<int8_t>(verifier, VT_COLOR) &&
-           verifier.EndTable();
-  }
-struct MonsterBuilder {
-  flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &fbb_;
-  flatbuffers::uoffset_t start_;
-  void add_pos(const Vec3 *pos) { fbb_.AddStruct(Monster::VT_POS, pos); }
-  void add_mana(int16_t mana) { fbb_.AddElement<int16_t>(Monster::VT_MANA, mana, 150); }
-  void add_hp(int16_t hp) { fbb_.AddElement<int16_t>(Monster::VT_HP, hp, 100); }
-  void add_name(flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::String> name) { fbb_.AddOffset(Monster::VT_NAME, name); }
-  void add_inventory(flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::Vector<uint8_t>> inventory) { fbb_.AddOffset(Monster::VT_INVENTORY, inventory); }
-  void add_color(Color color) { fbb_.AddElement<int8_t>(Monster::VT_COLOR, static_cast<int8_t>(color), 2); }
-  MonsterBuilder(flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &_fbb) : fbb_(_fbb) { start_ = fbb_.StartTable(); }
-  MonsterBuilder &operator=(const MonsterBuilder &);
-  flatbuffers::Offset<Monster> Finish() {
-    auto o = flatbuffers::Offset<Monster>(fbb_.EndTable(start_, 7));
-    return o;
-  }
-inline flatbuffers::Offset<Monster> CreateMonster(flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &_fbb,
-   const Vec3 *pos = 0,
-   int16_t mana = 150,
-   int16_t hp = 100,
-   flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::String> name = 0,
-   flatbuffers::Offset<flatbuffers::Vector<uint8_t>> inventory = 0,
-   Color color = Color_Blue) {
-  MonsterBuilder builder_(_fbb);
-  builder_.add_inventory(inventory);
-  builder_.add_name(name);
-  builder_.add_pos(pos);
-  builder_.add_hp(hp);
-  builder_.add_mana(mana);
-  builder_.add_color(color);
-  return builder_.Finish();
-inline bool VerifyAny(flatbuffers::Verifier &verifier, const void *union_obj, Any type) {
-  switch (type) {
-    case Any_NONE: return true;
-    case Any_Monster: return verifier.VerifyTable(reinterpret_cast<const Monster *>(union_obj));
-    default: return false;
-  }
-inline const MyGame::Sample::Monster *GetMonster(const void *buf) { return flatbuffers::GetRoot<MyGame::Sample::Monster>(buf); }
-inline Monster *GetMutableMonster(void *buf) { return flatbuffers::GetMutableRoot<Monster>(buf); }
-inline bool VerifyMonsterBuffer(flatbuffers::Verifier &verifier) { return verifier.VerifyBuffer<MyGame::Sample::Monster>(); }
-inline void FinishMonsterBuffer(flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &fbb, flatbuffers::Offset<MyGame::Sample::Monster> root) { fbb.Finish(root); }
-}  // namespace Sample
-}  // namespace MyGame
diff --git a/samples/monsterdata.json b/samples/monsterdata.json
index 06bb57af..8d669146 100755
--- a/samples/monsterdata.json
+++ b/samples/monsterdata.json
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
     y: 2,
     z: 3
-  hp: 80,
-  name: "MyMonster"
+  hp: 300,
+  name: "Orc"
diff --git a/samples/ b/samples/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8a55e2a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Note: This script runs on Mac and Linux. It requires `php` to be installed
+# and `flatc` to be built (using `cmake` in the root directory).
+sampledir=$(cd $(dirname $BASH_SOURCE) && pwd)
+rootdir=$(cd $sampledir/.. && pwd)
+if [[ "$sampledir" != "$currentdir" ]]; then
+  echo Error: This script must be run from inside the $sampledir directory.
+  echo You executed it from the $currentdir directory.
+  exit 1
+# Run `flatc`. Note: This requires you to compile using `cmake` from the
+# root `/flatbuffers` directory.
+if [ -e ../flatc ]; then
+  ../flatc --php monster.fbs
+elif [ -e ../Debug/flatc ]; then
+  ../Debug/flatc --php monster.fbs
+  echo 'flatc' could not be found. Make sure to build FlatBuffers from the \
+        $rootdir directory.
+  exit 1
+echo Running the PHP sample.
+# Execute the sample.
+php SampleBinary.php
+# Clean up temporary files.
+rm -rf MyGame/
diff --git a/samples/ b/samples/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..9148c7d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Note: This script runs on Mac and Linux. It requires `python` to be installed
+# and `flatc` to be built (using `cmake` in the root directory).
+sampledir=$(cd $(dirname $BASH_SOURCE) && pwd)
+rootdir=$(cd $sampledir/.. && pwd)
+if [[ "$sampledir" != "$currentdir" ]]; then
+  echo Error: This script must be run from inside the $sampledir directory.
+  echo You executed it from the $currentdir directory.
+  exit 1
+# Run `flatc`. Note: This requires you to compile using `cmake` from the
+# root `/flatbuffers` directory.
+if [ -e ../flatc ]; then
+  ../flatc --python monster.fbs
+elif [ -e ../Debug/flatc ]; then
+  ../Debug/flatc --python monster.fbs
+  echo 'flatc' could not be found. Make sure to build FlatBuffers from the \
+       $rootdir directory.
+  exit 1
+echo Running the Python sample.
+# Execute the sample.
+# Clean up the temporary files.
+rm -rf MyGame
diff --git a/samples/sample_binary.cpp b/samples/sample_binary.cpp
index 3b6d0fbe..5b2f603a 100644
--- a/samples/sample_binary.cpp
+++ b/samples/sample_binary.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -14,9 +14,7 @@
  * limitations under the License.
-#include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h"
-#include "monster_generated.h"
+#include "monster_generated.h" // Already includes "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h".
 using namespace MyGame::Sample;
@@ -26,7 +24,25 @@ int main(int /*argc*/, const char * /*argv*/[]) {
   // Build up a serialized buffer algorithmically:
   flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder builder;
-  auto vec = Vec3(1, 2, 3);
+  // First, lets serialize some weapons for the Monster: A 'sword' and an 'axe'.
+  auto weapon_one_name = builder.CreateString("Sword");
+  short weapon_one_damage = 3;
+  auto weapon_two_name = builder.CreateString("Axe");
+  short weapon_two_damage = 5;
+  // Use the `CreateWeapon` shortcut to create Weapons with all fields set.
+  auto sword = CreateWeapon(builder, weapon_one_name, weapon_one_damage);
+  auto axe = CreateWeapon(builder, weapon_two_name, weapon_two_damage);
+  // Create a FlatBuffer's `vector` from the `std::vector`.
+  std::vector<flatbuffers::Offset<Weapon>> weapons_vector;
+  weapons_vector.push_back(sword);
+  weapons_vector.push_back(axe);
+  auto weapons = builder.CreateVector(weapons_vector);
+  // Second, serialize the rest of the objects needed by the Monster.
+  auto position = Vec3(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);
   auto name = builder.CreateString("MyMonster");
@@ -34,31 +50,53 @@ int main(int /*argc*/, const char * /*argv*/[]) {
   auto inventory = builder.CreateVector(inv_data, 10);
   // Shortcut for creating monster with all fields set:
-  auto mloc = CreateMonster(builder, &vec, 150, 80, name, inventory,
-                            Color_Blue);
+  auto orc = CreateMonster(builder, &position, 150, 80, name, inventory,
+                           Color_Red, weapons, Equipment_Weapon, axe.Union());
+  builder.Finish(orc); // Serialize the root of the object.
-  builder.Finish(mloc);
-  // We now have a FlatBuffer we can store or send somewhere.
+  // We now have a FlatBuffer we can store on disk or send over a network.
   // ** file/network code goes here :) **
   // access builder.GetBufferPointer() for builder.GetSize() bytes
-  // Instead, we're going to access it straight away.
+  // Instead, we're going to access it right away (as if we just received it).
   // Get access to the root:
   auto monster = GetMonster(builder.GetBufferPointer());
+  // Get and test some scalar types from the FlatBuffer.
   assert(monster->hp() == 80);
   assert(monster->mana() == 150);  // default
   assert(monster->name()->str() == "MyMonster");
+  // Get and test a field of the FlatBuffer's `struct`.
   auto pos = monster->pos();
-  assert(pos->z() == 3);
+  assert(pos->z() == 3.0f);
+  // Get a test an element from the `inventory` FlatBuffer's `vector`.
   auto inv = monster->inventory();
   assert(inv->Get(9) == 9);
+  // Get and test the `weapons` FlatBuffers's `vector`.
+  std::string expected_weapon_names[] = {"Sword", "Axe"};
+  short expected_weapon_damages[] = {3, 5};
+  auto weps = monster->weapons();
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < weps->size(); i++) {
+    assert(weps->Get(i)->name()->str() == expected_weapon_names[i]);
+    assert(weps->Get(i)->damage() == expected_weapon_damages[i]);
+  }
+  // Get and test the `Equipment` union (`equipped` field).
+  assert(monster->equipped_type() == Equipment_Weapon);
+  auto equipped = static_cast<const Weapon*>(monster->equipped());
+  assert(equipped->name()->str() == "Axe");
+  assert(equipped->damage() == 5);
+  printf("The FlatBuffer was successfully created and verified!\n");
diff --git a/samples/sample_binary.go b/samples/sample_binary.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a36e6a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/sample_binary.go
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+ * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// To run, use the `` script.
+package main
+import (
+        flatbuffers ""
+        "fmt"
+        "strconv"
+        sample "MyGame/Sample"
+// Example how to use Flatbuffers to create and read binary buffers.
+func main() {
+        builder := flatbuffers.NewBuilder(0)
+        // Create some weapons for our Monster ("Sword" and "Axe").
+        weaponOne := builder.CreateString("Sword")
+        weaponTwo := builder.CreateString("Axe")
+        sample.WeaponStart(builder)
+        sample.WeaponAddName(builder, weaponOne)
+        sample.WeaponAddDamage(builder, 3)
+        sword := sample.WeaponEnd(builder)
+        sample.WeaponStart(builder)
+        sample.WeaponAddName(builder, weaponTwo)
+        sample.WeaponAddDamage(builder, 5)
+        axe := sample.WeaponEnd(builder)
+        // Serialize the FlatBuffer data.
+        name := builder.CreateString("Orc")
+        sample.MonsterStartInventoryVector(builder, 10)
+        // Note: Since we prepend the bytes, this loop iterates in reverse.
+        for i := 9; i >= 0; i-- {
+                builder.PrependByte(byte(i))
+        }
+        inv := builder.EndVector(10)
+        sample.MonsterStartWeaponsVector(builder, 2)
+        // Note: Since we prepend the weapons, prepend in reverse order.
+        builder.PrependUOffsetT(axe)
+        builder.PrependUOffsetT(sword)
+        weapons := builder.EndVector(2)
+        pos := sample.CreateVec3(builder, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
+        sample.MonsterStart(builder)
+        sample.MonsterAddPos(builder, pos)
+        sample.MonsterAddHp(builder, 300)
+        sample.MonsterAddName(builder, name)
+        sample.MonsterAddInventory(builder, inv)
+        sample.MonsterAddColor(builder, sample.ColorRed)
+        sample.MonsterAddWeapons(builder, weapons)
+        sample.MonsterAddEquippedType(builder, sample.EquipmentWeapon)
+        sample.MonsterAddEquipped(builder, axe)
+        orc := sample.MonsterEnd(builder)
+        builder.Finish(orc)
+        // We now have a FlatBuffer that we could store on disk or send over a network.
+        // ...Saving to file or sending over a network code goes here...
+        // Instead, we are going to access this buffer right away (as if we just received it).
+        buf := builder.FinishedBytes()
+        // Note: We use `0` for the offset here, since we got the data using the
+        // `builder.FinishedBytes()` method. This simulates the data you would store/receive in your
+        // FlatBuffer. If you wanted to read from the `builder.Bytes` directly, you would need to
+        // pass in the offset of `builder.Head()`, as the builder actually constructs the buffer
+        // backwards.
+        monster := sample.GetRootAsMonster(buf, 0)
+        // Note: We did not set the `mana` field explicitly, so we get the
+        // default value.
+        assert(monster.Mana() == 150, "`monster.Mana()`", strconv.Itoa(int(monster.Mana())), "150")
+        assert(monster.Hp() == 300, "`monster.Hp()`", strconv.Itoa(int(monster.Hp())), "300")
+        assert(string(monster.Name()) == "Orc", "`string(monster.Name())`", string(monster.Name()),
+               "\"Orc\"")
+        assert(monster.Color() == sample.ColorRed, "`monster.Color()`",
+               strconv.Itoa(int(monster.Color())), strconv.Itoa(int(sample.ColorRed)))
+        // Note: Whenever you access a new object, like in `Pos()`, a new temporary accessor object
+        // gets created. If your code is very performance sensitive, you can pass in a pointer to an
+        // existing `Vec3` instead of `nil`. This allows you to reuse it across many calls to reduce
+        // the amount of object allocation/garbage collection.
+        assert(monster.Pos(nil).X() == 1.0, "`monster.Pos(nil).X()`",
+               strconv.FormatFloat(float64(monster.Pos(nil).X()), 'f', 1, 32), "1.0")
+        assert(monster.Pos(nil).Y() == 2.0, "`monster.Pos(nil).Y()`",
+               strconv.FormatFloat(float64(monster.Pos(nil).Y()), 'f', 1, 32), "2.0")
+        assert(monster.Pos(nil).Z() == 3.0, "`monster.Pos(nil).Z()`",
+               strconv.FormatFloat(float64(monster.Pos(nil).Z()), 'f', 1, 32), "3.0")
+        // For vectors, like `Inventory`, they have a method suffixed with 'Length' that can be used
+        // to query the length of the vector. You can index the vector by passing an index value
+        // into the accessor.
+        for i := 0; i < monster.InventoryLength(); i++ {
+                assert(monster.Inventory(i) == byte(i), "`monster.Inventory(i)`",
+                       strconv.Itoa(int(monster.Inventory(i))), strconv.Itoa(int(byte(i))))
+        }
+        expectedWeaponNames := []string{"Sword", "Axe"}
+        expectedWeaponDamages := []int{3, 5}
+        weapon := new(sample.Weapon)  // We need a `sample.Weapon` to pass into `monster.Weapons()`
+                                      // to capture the output of that function.
+        for i := 0; i < monster.WeaponsLength(); i++ {
+                if monster.Weapons(weapon, i) {
+                        assert(string(weapon.Name()) == expectedWeaponNames[i], "`weapon.Name()`",
+                               string(weapon.Name()), expectedWeaponNames[i])
+                        assert(int(weapon.Damage()) == expectedWeaponDamages[i],
+                               "`weapon.Damage()`", strconv.Itoa(int(weapon.Damage())),
+                               strconv.Itoa(expectedWeaponDamages[i]))
+                }
+        }
+        // For FlatBuffer `union`s, you can get the type of the union, as well as the union
+        // data itself.
+        assert(monster.EquippedType() == sample.EquipmentWeapon, "`monster.EquippedType()`",
+               strconv.Itoa(int(monster.EquippedType())), strconv.Itoa(int(sample.EquipmentWeapon)))
+        unionTable := new(flatbuffers.Table)
+        if monster.Equipped(unionTable) {
+                // An example of how you can appropriately convert the table depending on the
+                // FlatBuffer `union` type. You could add `else if` and `else` clauses to handle
+                // other FlatBuffer `union` types for this field. (Similarly, this could be
+                // done in a switch statement.)
+                if monster.EquippedType() == sample.EquipmentWeapon {
+                        unionWeapon := new(sample.Weapon)
+                        unionWeapon.Init(unionTable.Bytes, unionTable.Pos)
+                        assert(string(unionWeapon.Name()) == "Axe", "`unionWeapon.Name()`",
+                               string(unionWeapon.Name()), "Axe")
+                        assert(int(unionWeapon.Damage()) == 5, "`unionWeapon.Damage()`",
+                               strconv.Itoa(int(unionWeapon.Damage())), strconv.Itoa(5))
+                }
+        }
+        fmt.Printf("The FlatBuffer was successfully created and verified!\n")
+// A helper function to print out if an assertion failed.
+func assert(assertPassed bool, codeExecuted string, actualValue string, expectedValue string) {
+        if assertPassed == false {
+                panic("Assert failed! " + codeExecuted + " (" + actualValue +
+                      ") was not equal to " + expectedValue + ".")
+        }
diff --git a/samples/ b/samples/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96711fb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# To run this file, use ``.
+# Append paths to the `flatbuffers` and `MyGame` modules. This is necessary
+# to facilitate executing this script in the `samples` folder, and to root
+# folder (where it gets placed when using `cmake`).
+import os
+import sys
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../python'))
+import flatbuffers
+import MyGame.Sample.Color
+import MyGame.Sample.Equipment
+import MyGame.Sample.Monster
+import MyGame.Sample.Vec3
+import MyGame.Sample.Weapon
+# Example of how to use FlatBuffers to create and read binary buffers.
+def main():
+  builder = flatbuffers.Builder(0)
+  # Create some weapons for our Monster ('Sword' and 'Axe').
+  weapon_one = builder.CreateString('Sword')
+  weapon_two = builder.CreateString('Axe')
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.WeaponStart(builder)
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.WeaponAddName(builder, weapon_one)
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.WeaponAddDamage(builder, 3)
+  sword = MyGame.Sample.Weapon.WeaponEnd(builder)
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.WeaponStart(builder)
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.WeaponAddName(builder, weapon_two)
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.WeaponAddDamage(builder, 5)
+  axe = MyGame.Sample.Weapon.WeaponEnd(builder)
+  # Serialize the FlatBuffer data.
+  name = builder.CreateString('Orc')
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterStartInventoryVector(builder, 10)
+  # Note: Since we prepend the bytes, this loop iterates in reverse order.
+  for i in reversed(range(0, 10)):
+    builder.PrependByte(i)
+  inv = builder.EndVector(10)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterStartWeaponsVector(builder, 2)
+  # Note: Since we prepend the data, prepend the weapons in reverse order.
+  builder.PrependUOffsetTRelative(axe)
+  builder.PrependUOffsetTRelative(sword)
+  weapons = builder.EndVector(2)
+  pos = MyGame.Sample.Vec3.CreateVec3(builder, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterStart(builder)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterAddPos(builder, pos)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterAddHp(builder, 300)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterAddName(builder, name)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterAddInventory(builder, inv)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterAddColor(builder,
+                                        MyGame.Sample.Color.Color().Red)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterAddWeapons(builder, weapons)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterAddEquippedType(
+      builder, MyGame.Sample.Equipment.Equipment().Weapon)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterAddEquipped(builder, axe)
+  orc = MyGame.Sample.Monster.MonsterEnd(builder)
+  builder.Finish(orc)
+  # We now have a FlatBuffer that we could store on disk or send over a network.
+  # ...Saving to file or sending over a network code goes here...
+  # Instead, we are going to access this buffer right away (as if we just
+  # received it).
+  buf = builder.Output()
+  # Note: We use `0` for the offset here, since we got the data using the
+  # `builder.Output()` method. This simulates the data you would store/receive
+  # in your FlatBuffer. If you wanted to read from the `builder.Bytes` directly,
+  # you would need to pass in the offset of `builder.Head()`, as the builder
+  # actually constructs the buffer backwards.
+  monster = MyGame.Sample.Monster.Monster.GetRootAsMonster(buf, 0)
+  # Note: We did not set the `Mana` field explicitly, so we get a default value.
+  assert monster.Mana() == 150
+  assert monster.Hp() == 300
+  assert monster.Name() == 'Orc'
+  assert monster.Color() == MyGame.Sample.Color.Color().Red
+  assert monster.Pos().X() == 1.0
+  assert monster.Pos().Y() == 2.0
+  assert monster.Pos().Z() == 3.0
+  # Get and test the `inventory` FlatBuffer `vector`.
+  for i in xrange(monster.InventoryLength()):
+    assert monster.Inventory(i) == i
+  # Get and test the `weapons` FlatBuffer `vector` of `table`s.
+  expected_weapon_names = ['Sword', 'Axe']
+  expected_weapon_damages = [3, 5]
+  for i in xrange(monster.WeaponsLength()):
+    assert monster.Weapons(i).Name() == expected_weapon_names[i]
+    assert monster.Weapons(i).Damage() == expected_weapon_damages[i]
+  # Get and test the `equipped` FlatBuffer `union`.
+  assert monster.EquippedType() == MyGame.Sample.Equipment.Equipment().Weapon
+  # An example of how you can appropriately convert the table depending on the
+  # FlatBuffer `union` type. You could add `elif` and `else` clauses to handle
+  # the other FlatBuffer `union` types for this field.
+  if monster.EquippedType() == MyGame.Sample.Equipment.Equipment().Weapon:
+    # `monster.Equipped()` returns a `flatbuffers.Table`, which can be used
+    # to initialize a `MyGame.Sample.Weapon.Weapon()`, in this case.
+    union_weapon = MyGame.Sample.Weapon.Weapon()
+    union_weapon.Init(monster.Equipped().Bytes, monster.Equipped().Pos)
+    assert union_weapon.Name() == "Axe"
+    assert union_weapon.Damage() == 5
+  print 'The FlatBuffer was successfully created and verified!'
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  main()
diff --git a/samples/sample_text.cpp b/samples/sample_text.cpp
index e1a3bf7e..557077d4 100644
--- a/samples/sample_text.cpp
+++ b/samples/sample_text.cpp
@@ -14,11 +14,10 @@
  * limitations under the License.
-#include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h"
 #include "flatbuffers/idl.h"
 #include "flatbuffers/util.h"
-#include "monster_generated.h"
+#include "monster_generated.h" // Already includes "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h".
 using namespace MyGame::Sample;
@@ -52,4 +51,6 @@ int main(int /*argc*/, const char * /*argv*/[]) {
   if (jsongen != jsonfile) {
     printf("%s----------------\n%s", jsongen.c_str(), jsonfile.c_str());
+  printf("The FlatBuffer has been parsed from JSON successfully.\n");
diff --git a/samples/samplebinary.js b/samples/samplebinary.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c8c9089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/samples/samplebinary.js
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// To run, use the `` script.
+var assert = require('assert');
+var flatbuffers = require('../js/flatbuffers').flatbuffers;
+var MyGame = require('./monster_generated').MyGame;
+// Example how to use FlatBuffers to create and read binary buffers.
+function main() {
+  var builder = new flatbuffers.Builder(0);
+  // Create some weapons for our Monster ('Sword' and 'Axe').
+  var weaponOne = builder.createString('Sword');
+  var weaponTwo = builder.createString('Axe');
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.startWeapon(builder);
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.addName(builder, weaponOne);
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.addDamage(builder, 3);
+  var sword = MyGame.Sample.Weapon.endWeapon(builder);
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.startWeapon(builder);
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.addName(builder, weaponTwo);
+  MyGame.Sample.Weapon.addDamage(builder, 5);
+  var axe = MyGame.Sample.Weapon.endWeapon(builder);
+  // Serialize the FlatBuffer data.
+  var name = builder.createString('Orc');
+  var treasure = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
+  var inv = MyGame.Sample.Monster.createInventoryVector(builder, treasure);
+  var weaps = [sword, axe];
+  var weapons = MyGame.Sample.Monster.createWeaponsVector(builder, weaps);
+  var pos = MyGame.Sample.Vec3.createVec3(builder, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.startMonster(builder);
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.addPos(builder, pos);
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.addHp(builder, 300);
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.addColor(builder, MyGame.Sample.Color.Red)
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.addName(builder, name);
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.addInventory(builder, inv);
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.addWeapons(builder, weapons);
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.addEquippedType(builder, MyGame.Sample.Equipment.Weapon);
+  MyGame.Sample.Monster.addEquipped(builder, weaps[1]);
+  var orc = MyGame.Sample.Monster.endMonster(builder);
+  builder.finish(orc); // You may also call 'MyGame.Example.Monster.finishMonsterBuffer(builder, orc);'.
+  // We now have a FlatBuffer that can be stored on disk or sent over a network.
+  // ...Code to store to disk or send over a network goes here...
+  // Instead, we are going to access it right away, as if we just received it.
+  var buf = builder.dataBuffer();
+  // Get access to the root:
+  var monster = MyGame.Sample.Monster.getRootAsMonster(buf);
+  // Note: We did not set the `mana` field explicitly, so we get back the default value.
+  assert.equal(monster.mana(), 150);
+  assert.equal(monster.hp(), 300);
+  assert.equal(, 'Orc');
+  assert.equal(monster.color(), MyGame.Sample.Color.Red);
+  assert.equal(monster.pos().x(), 1.0);
+  assert.equal(monster.pos().y(), 2.0);
+  assert.equal(monster.pos().z(), 3.0);
+  // Get and test the `inventory` FlatBuffer `vector`.
+  for (var i = 0; i < monster.inventoryLength(); i++) {
+    assert.equal(monster.inventory(i), i);
+  }
+  // Get and test the `weapons` FlatBuffer `vector` of `table`s.
+  var expectedWeaponNames = ['Sword', 'Axe'];
+  var expectedWeaponDamages = [3, 5];
+  for (var i = 0; i < monster.weaponsLength(); i++) {
+    assert.equal(monster.weapons(i).name(), expectedWeaponNames[i]);
+    assert.equal(monster.weapons(i).damage(), expectedWeaponDamages[i]);
+  }
+  // Get and test the `equipped` FlatBuffer `union`.
+  assert.equal(monster.equippedType(), MyGame.Sample.Equipment.Weapon);
+  assert.equal(monster.equipped(new MyGame.Sample.Weapon()).name(), 'Axe');
+  assert.equal(monster.equipped(new MyGame.Sample.Weapon()).damage(), 5);
+  console.log('The FlatBuffer was successfully created and verified!');
diff --git a/tests/FlatBuffers.Test/Resources/monsterdata_test.mon b/tests/FlatBuffers.Test/Resources/monsterdata_test.mon
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2bf6d15865519c67c53427e86969f817c9ce35b1
GIT binary patch
literal 288

literal 0
