From ed88f7de96091c1ba4c8e863d97dd41bfdf2be6f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Stewart Miles <>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 11:51:33 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Improved build rule generation for Android flatbuffer

* Added the ability to create a build target for generated headers.
* Made it possible for generated header targets to depend upon each
  other or arbitrary build targets.

Verified some pretty complex libraries with numerous flatbuffer schema
dependencies build using this macro on Linux with the NDK.
Bug: 25188384

Change-Id: I846855a50808e58c34cdf7086e93e7ea0df69e0d
 android/jni/ | 33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/android/jni/ b/android/jni/
index 1e0bcf1f..cf6322dd 100644
--- a/android/jni/
+++ b/android/jni/
@@ -158,13 +158,24 @@ define flatbuffers_header_build_rule
 $(eval \
   $(call flatbuffers_fbs_to_h,$(2),$(3),$(1)): $(1) $(flatc_target)
 	$(call host-echo-build-step,generic,Generate) \
-		$(subst $(LOCAL_PATH)/,,$(call flatbuffers_fbs_to_h,$(2),$(3),$(1)))
+      $(subst $(LOCAL_PATH)/,,$(call flatbuffers_fbs_to_h,$(2),$(3),$(1)))
-	  $(foreach include,$(4),-I $(include)) -o $$(dir $$@) -c $$<)
+      $(foreach include,$(4),-I $(include)) -o $$(dir $$@) -c $$<)
 # $(flatbuffers_header_build_rules schema_files,schema_dir,output_dir,\
-#   schema_include_dirs,src_files))
+#   schema_include_dirs,src_files,[build_target],[dependencies]))
+# $(1) schema_files: Space separated list of flatbuffer schema files.
+# $(2) schema_dir: Directory containing the flatbuffer schemas.
+# $(3) output_dir: Where to place the generated files.
+# $(4) schema_include_dirs: Directories to include when generating schemas.
+# $(5) src_files: Files that should depend upon the headers generated from the
+#   flatbuffer schemas.
+# $(6) build_target: Name of a build target that depends upon all generated
+#   headers.
+# $(7) dependencies: Space seperated list of additional build targets src_files
+#   should depend upon.
 # Use this in your own file to generate build rules that will
 # generate header files for your flatbuffer schemas as well as automatically
@@ -176,11 +187,21 @@ endef
 define flatbuffers_header_build_rules
 $(foreach schema,$(1),\
   $(call flatbuffers_header_build_rule,\
-	  $(schema),$(strip $(2)),$(strip $(3)),$(strip $(4))))\
+    $(schema),$(strip $(2)),$(strip $(3)),$(strip $(4))))\
 $(foreach src,$(strip $(5)),\
   $(eval $(PORTABLE_LOCAL_PATH)$$(src): \
-	  $(foreach schema,$(strip $(1)),\
-		  $(call flatbuffers_fbs_to_h,$(strip $(2)),$(strip $(3)),$(schema)))))
+    $(foreach schema,$(strip $(1)),\
+      $(call flatbuffers_fbs_to_h,$(strip $(2)),$(strip $(3)),$(schema)))))\
+$(if $(6),\
+  $(foreach schema,$(strip $(1)),\
+    $(eval $(6): \
+      $(call flatbuffers_fbs_to_h,$(strip $(2)),$(strip $(3)),$(schema)))),)\
+$(if $(7),\
+  $(foreach src,$(strip $(5)),\
+      $(eval $(PORTABLE_LOCAL_PATH)$$(src): $(strip $(7)))),)\
+$(if $(7),\
+  $(foreach dependency,$(strip $(7)),\
+      $(eval $(6): $(dependency))),)