diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 75c1543ae2f0708f3ede9f62687ab88dede8fad1..63410aa2165ccc70d6bbb221849d19ed329c4d90 100644
@@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
   existed anyway)
 - fixed bug where local.get_namespace() could put an 
   incorrect "self" in the current context
+- fixed another namespace bug where the namespace functions
+  did not have access to the correct context containing
+  their 'self' and 'parent'
 - filters.Decode filter can also accept a non-basestring
 object and will call str() + unicode() on it [ticket:47]
diff --git a/lib/mako/runtime.py b/lib/mako/runtime.py
index d08a20982205fbb32ea8079fede72e6eb279e1d8..dd4aade6ff2402ae503e7870502159e3104ca276 100644
--- a/lib/mako/runtime.py
+++ b/lib/mako/runtime.py
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ class Namespace(object):
             self.callables = None
         if populate_self and self.template is not None:
-            (lclcallable, self.context) = _populate_self_namespace(context, self.template, self_ns=self)
+            (lclcallable, lclcontext) = _populate_self_namespace(context, self.template, self_ns=self)
     module = property(lambda s:s._module or s.template.module)
     filename = property(lambda s:s._module and s._module.__file__ or s.template.filename)
diff --git a/test/namespace.py b/test/namespace.py
index 9be445cd96adebe718dbe104e9f86e329aef206c..36b811b49d5975f2aa62bf951c8e9db9212bd755 100644
--- a/test/namespace.py
+++ b/test/namespace.py
@@ -282,6 +282,40 @@ class NamespaceTest(unittest.TestCase):
             "this is index",
             "this is ns.html->bar"
+    def test_inheritance_two(self):
+        collection = lookup.TemplateLookup()
+        collection.put_string("base.html", """
+            <%def name="foo()">
+                base.foo
+            </%def>
+            <%def name="bat()">
+                base.bat
+            </%def>
+        collection.put_string("lib.html", """
+            <%inherit file="base.html"/>
+            <%def name="bar()">
+                lib.bar
+                ${parent.foo()}
+                ${self.foo()}
+                ${parent.bat()}
+                ${self.bat()}
+            </%def>
+            <%def name="foo()">
+                lib.foo
+            </%def>
+        """)
+        collection.put_string("front.html", """
+            <%namespace name="lib" file="lib.html"/>
+            ${lib.bar()}
+        """)
+        assert result_lines(collection.get_template("front.html").render()) == ['lib.bar', 'base.foo', 'lib.foo', 'base.bat', 'base.bat']
     def test_ccall(self):
         collection = lookup.TemplateLookup()