diff --git a/lib/mako/codegen.py b/lib/mako/codegen.py
index 5151feb5f90eef885c59885c63d53583b56790a9..1619426c1feabd38e28a062432d2b4a1fffeb5bd 100644
--- a/lib/mako/codegen.py
+++ b/lib/mako/codegen.py
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ class _GenerateRenderMethod(object):
         self.printer.writeline("def make_namespace():")
         export = []
-        identifiers = self.identifiers #.branch(node)
+        identifiers = self.identifiers.branch(node)
         class NSComponentVisitor(object):
             def visitComponentTag(s, node):
                 self.write_inline_component(node, identifiers)
@@ -198,7 +198,28 @@ class _GenerateRenderMethod(object):
     def visitComponentTag(self, node):
     def visitCallTag(self, node):
-        pass
+        self.write_source_comment(node)
+        self.printer.writeline("def ccall():")
+        export = ['body']
+        identifiers = self.identifiers.branch(node)
+        self.write_variable_declares(identifiers)
+        class ComponentVisitor(object):
+            def visitComponentTag(s, node):
+                export.append(node.name)
+        vis = ComponentVisitor()
+        for n in node.nodes:
+            n.accept_visitor(vis)
+        self.printer.writeline("def body():")
+        for n in node.nodes:
+            n.accept_visitor(self)
+        self.printer.writeline("return ''")
+        self.printer.writeline(None)
+        self.printer.writeline("context.push(**{%s})" % (','.join(["%s:%s" % (repr(x), x) for x in export])))
+        self.printer.writeline("context.write(unicode(%s))" % node.attributes['expr'])
+        self.printer.writeline("context.pop()")
+        self.printer.writeline(None)
+        self.printer.writeline("ccall()")
     def visitInheritTag(self, node):
@@ -272,3 +293,12 @@ class _Identifiers(object):
     def visitNamespaceTag(self, node):
+        if node is self.node:
+            for n in node.nodes:
+                n.accept_visitor(self)
+    def visitCallTag(self, node):
+        self.check_declared(node)
+        if node is self.node:
+            for n in node.nodes:
+                n.accept_visitor(self)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/mako/parsetree.py b/lib/mako/parsetree.py
index 849b6e9c038774a7b1aa0b1e2ebe624da2df7559..9c42625de5a786731adf5f445d367cf72dca2e05 100644
--- a/lib/mako/parsetree.py
+++ b/lib/mako/parsetree.py
@@ -186,8 +186,8 @@ class Tag(Node):
                 for x in re.split(r'(\${.+?})', self.attributes[key]):
                     m = re.match(r'^\${(.+?)}$', x)
                     if m:
-                        code = ast.PythonCode(m.group(1), self.lineno, self.pos)
-                        undeclared_identifiers = undeclared_identifiers.union(code.undeclared_identifiers)
+                        #code = ast.PythonCode(m.group(1), self.lineno, self.pos)
+                        #undeclared_identifiers = undeclared_identifiers.union(code.undeclared_identifiers)
@@ -237,6 +237,11 @@ class CallTag(Tag):
     __keyword__ = 'call'
     def __init__(self, keyword, attributes, **kwargs):
         super(CallTag, self).__init__(keyword, attributes, (), ('expr',), ('expr',), **kwargs)
+        self.code = ast.PythonCode(attributes['expr'], self.lineno, self.pos)
+    def declared_identifiers(self):
+        return self.code.declared_identifiers
+    def undeclared_identifiers(self):
+        return self.code.undeclared_identifiers
 class InheritTag(Tag):
     __keyword__ = 'inherit'
diff --git a/lib/mako/runtime.py b/lib/mako/runtime.py
index 4f2347c343a63fb51db259ce96d1c5c9f591ba48..3409ff748a5205dabca08d76412cb3fb140d7bdf 100644
--- a/lib/mako/runtime.py
+++ b/lib/mako/runtime.py
@@ -6,22 +6,28 @@ class Context(object):
     def __init__(self, template, buffer, **data):
         # TODO: not sure if Context should need template + buffer etc.
         self.buffer = buffer
-        self.data = data
+        self.stack = [data]
         # the Template instance currently rendering with this context.
         self.with_template = template
     def __getitem__(self, key):
-        return self.data[key]
+        return self.stack[-1][key]
     def get(self, key, default=None):
-        return self.data.get(key, default)
+        return self.stack[-1].get(key, default)
     def write(self, string):
     def update(self, **args):
         """produce a copy of this Context, updating the argument dictionary
         with the given keyword arguments."""
-        x = self.data.copy()
+        x = self.stack[-1].copy()
         c = Context(self.with_template, self.buffer, **x)
         return c
+    def push(self, **args):
+        x = self.stack[-1].copy()
+        x.update(args)
+        self.stack.append(args)
+    def pop(self):
+        self.stack.pop()
 class Namespace(object):
     """provides access to collections of rendering methods, which can be local, from other templates, or from imported modules"""
diff --git a/test/template.py b/test/component.py
similarity index 92%
rename from test/template.py
rename to test/component.py
index 8dd2f3e4420203b7848a758e9e574b16093499f9..39d51cc613576a3c4f127e2e275068a3aa15540b 100644
--- a/test/template.py
+++ b/test/component.py
@@ -36,6 +36,25 @@ class ComponentTest(unittest.TestCase):
         #print template.code
         assert template.render(variable='hi', a=5, b=6).strip() == """hello mycomp hi, 5, 6"""
+    def test_outer_scope(self):
+        t = Template("""
+        <%component name="a">
+            a: x is ${x}
+        </%component>
+        <%component name="b">
+            <%
+                x = 10
+            %>
+            b. x is ${x}.  ${a()}
+        </%component>
+        ${b()}
+        #print t.code
+        print t.render(x=5)
     def test_inter_component(self):
         """test components calling each other"""
         template = Template("""
@@ -292,26 +311,30 @@ class NestedComponentTest(unittest.TestCase):
         result = re.sub(r'[\s\n]+', ' ', result).strip()
         print result
         assert result == "heres y: 5 now heres y 7 a, heres y: 7 a, now heres y: 10 a, heres b: b, heres y: 10 b, heres c: this is c b, heres y again: 19 heres y again: 7"
-class NamespaceTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_inline(self):
-        template = """
-        <%namespace name="x">
-            <%component name="a">
-                this is x a
-            </%component>
-            <%component name="b">
-                this is x b, and heres ${x.a()}
+    def test_outer_scope(self):
+        t = Template("""
+        <%component name="a">
+            a: x is ${x}
+        </%component>
+        <%component name="b">
+            <%component name="c">
+            <%
+                x = 10
+            %>
+            c. x is ${x}.  ${a()}
-        </%namespace>
-        ${x.a()}
-        ${x.b()}
-        t = Template(template)
+            b. ${c()}
+        </%component>
+        ${b()}
         print t.code
-        print t.render()
+        print t.render(x=5)
 class ExceptionTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_raise(self):