diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 72ed9062fe3bb9a2f36da9f3e9adaa25c46c75cc..1e830ef71190ace93fd24f354790a56f53edb72e 100644
@@ -23,7 +23,15 @@
   directly to the %page or %def, i.e.
   <%def name="foo(x)" cached="True" cache_key="${x}"/>
+- added "bytestring passthru" mode, via `disable_unicode=True`
+  argument passed to Template or TemplateLookup.  All
+  unicode-awareness and filtering is turned off, and template 
+  modules are generated with the appropriate magic encoding
+  comment.  In this mode, template expressions can only
+  receive raw bytestrings or Unicode objects which represent
+  straight ASCII, and render_unicode() may not be used. 
+  [ticket:77]  (courtesy anonymous guest)
 - fixed propagation of 'caller' such that nested %def calls
   within a <%call> tag's argument list propigates 'caller'
diff --git a/doc/build/content/filtering.txt b/doc/build/content/filtering.txt
index b1ae4375addfabbc5bd071047af7d47a5055ea4d..4e5655ad4c61eaa7e7750a7d45506fe171b7dbba 100644
--- a/doc/build/content/filtering.txt
+++ b/doc/build/content/filtering.txt
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Result:
 **New in version 0.1.2**
-In addition to the `expression_filter` argument, the `default_filters` argument to both `Template` and `TemplateLookup` can specify filtering for all expression tags at the programmatic level.  This array-based argument defaults to `["unicode"]`:
+In addition to the `expression_filter` argument, the `default_filters` argument to both `Template` and `TemplateLookup` can specify filtering for all expression tags at the programmatic level.  This array-based argument, when given its default argument of `None`, will be internally set to `["unicode"]`, except when `disable_unicode=True` is set in which case it defaults to `["str"]`:
     t = TemplateLookup(directories=['/tmp'], default_filters=['unicode'])
@@ -66,6 +66,11 @@ To replace the usual `unicode` function with a specific encoding, the `decode` f
     t = TemplateLookup(directories=['/tmp'], default_filters=['decode.utf8'])
+To disable `default_filters` entirely, set it to an empty list:
+    {python}
+    t = TemplateLookup(directories=['/tmp'], default_filters=[])
 Any string name can be added to `default_filters` where it will be added to all expressions as a filter.  The filters are applied from left to right, meaning the leftmost filter is applied first.
diff --git a/doc/build/content/unicode.txt b/doc/build/content/unicode.txt
index 6daba9def5362b32b138dbe8c7375c0f20d49fef..b72d7cac3d06a9ce8c36d4fa4a915cf20aa79f12 100644
--- a/doc/build/content/unicode.txt
+++ b/doc/build/content/unicode.txt
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ When Python attempts to treat a byte-string as a string, which means its attempt
 There is one operation that Python *can* do with a non-ascii bytestring, and its a great source of confusion:  it can dump the bytestring straight out to a stream or a file, with nary a care what the encoding is.  To Python, this is pretty much like dumping any other kind of binary data (like an image) to a stream somewhere.  So in a lot of cases, programs that embed all kinds of international characters and encodings into plain byte-strings (i.e. using `"hello world"` style literals) can fly right through their run, sending reams of strings out to whereever they are going, and the programmer, seeing the same output as was expressed in the input, is now under the illusion that his or her program is Unicode-compliant.  In fact, their program has no unicode awareness whatsoever, and similarly has no ability to interact with libraries that *are* unicode aware.
-Particularly, some template languages like Cheetah, as well as earlier versions of Myghty, will treat expressions in this manner..they just go right through.  Theres nothing "incorrect" about this, but Mako, since it deals with unicode internally, usually requires explicitness when dealing with non-ascii encodings.  Additionally, if you ever need to handle unicode strings and other kinds of encoding conversions more intelligently, the usage of raw bytestrings quickly becomes a nightmare, since you are sending the Python interpreter collections of bytes for which it can make no intelligent decisions with regards to encoding.
+The "pass through encoded data" scheme is what template languages like Cheetah and earlier versions of Myghty do by default.  Mako as of version 0.2 also supports this mode of operation using the "disable_unicode=True" flag.  However, when using Mako in its default mode of unicode-aware, it requires explicitness when dealing with non-ascii encodings.  Additionally, if you ever need to handle unicode strings and other kinds of encoding conversions more intelligently, the usage of raw bytestrings quickly becomes a nightmare, since you are sending the Python interpreter collections of bytes for which it can make no intelligent decisions with regards to encoding.
-In Mako, all parsed template constructs and output streams are handled internally as Python `unicode` objects.  Its only at the point of `render()` that this unicode stream is rendered into whatever the desired output encoding is.  The implication here is that the template developer must ensure that the encoding of all non-ascii templates is explicit, that all non-ascii-encoded expressions are in one way or another converted to unicode, and that the output stream of the template is handled as a unicode stream being encoded to some encoding.
+In normal Mako operation, all parsed template constructs and output streams are handled internally as Python `unicode` objects.  Its only at the point of `render()` that this unicode stream is rendered into whatever the desired output encoding is.  The implication here is that the template developer must ensure that the encoding of all non-ascii templates is explicit, that all non-ascii-encoded expressions are in one way or another converted to unicode, and that the output stream of the template is handled as a unicode stream being encoded to some encoding.
 ### Specifying the Encoding of a Template File
@@ -98,3 +98,42 @@ Mako does play some games with the style of buffering used internally, to maximi
 When calling `render()` on a template that does not specify any output encoding (i.e. its `ascii`), Python's `cStringIO` module, which cannot handle encoding of non-ascii `unicode` objects (even though it can send raw bytestrings through), is used for buffering.  Otherwise, a custom Mako class called `FastEncodingBuffer` is used, which essentially is a super dumbed-down version of `StringIO` that gathers all strings into a list and uses `u''.join(elements)` to produce the final output - its markedly faster than `StringIO`.
+### Saying to Heck with it:  Disabling the usage of Unicode entirely
+Some segements of Mako's userbase choose to make no usage of Unicode whatsoever, and instead would prefer the "passthru" approach; all string expressions in their templates return encoded bytestrings, and they would like these strings to pass right through.   The generated template module is also in the same encoding as the template and additionally carries Python's "magic encoding comment" at the top.   The only advantage to this approach is that templates need not use `u""` for literal strings; there's an arguable speed improvement as well since raw bytestrings generally perform slightly faster than unicode objects in Python.  For these users, they will have to get used to using Unicode when Python 3000 becomes the standard, but for now they can hit the `disable_unicode=True` flag, introduced in version 0.2 of Mako, as so:
+    {python}
+    # -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-
+    from mako.template import Template
+    t = Template("drôle de petit voix m’a réveillé.", disable_unicode=True, input_encoding='utf-8')
+    print t.code
+The generated module source code will contain elements like these:
+    {python}
+    # -*- encoding:utf-8 -*-
+    #  ...more generated code ...
+    def render_body(context,**pageargs):
+        context.caller_stack.push_frame()
+        try:
+            __M_locals = dict(pageargs=pageargs)
+            # SOURCE LINE 1
+            context.write('dr\xc3\xb4le de petit voix m\xe2\x80\x99a r\xc3\xa9veill\xc3\xa9.')
+            return ''
+        finally:
+            context.caller_stack.pop_frame()
+Where above you can see that the `encoding` magic source comment is at the top, and the string literal used within `context.write` is a regular bytestring. 
+When `disable_unicode=True` is turned on, the `default_filters` argument which normally defaults to `["unicode"]` now defaults to `["str"]` instead.  Setting default_filters to the empty list `[]` can remove the overhead of the `str` call.  Also, in this mode you **cannot** safely call `render_unicode()` - you'll get unicode/decode errors.
+**Rules for using disable_unicode=True**
+ * don't use this mode unless you really, really want to and you absolutely understand what you're doing
+ * don't use this option just because you don't want to learn to use Unicode properly; we aren't supporting user issues in this mode of operation.  We will however offer generous help for the vast majority of users who stick to the Unicode program.
+ * it's extremely unlikely this mode of operation will be present in the Python 3000 version of Mako since P3K strings are unicode objects by default; bytestrings are relegated to a "bytes" type that is not intended for dealing with text.
diff --git a/doc/build/genhtml.py b/doc/build/genhtml.py
index 23731ee877450e96bf46f881d5a86ec9c9d2b705..9e63dc24f3ebf51c32f38c382b1b0da7facfde0b 100644
--- a/doc/build/genhtml.py
+++ b/doc/build/genhtml.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ files = [
 title='Mako Documentation'
-version = '0.1.10'
+version = '0.2.0'
 root = toc.TOCElement('', 'root', '', version=version, doctitle=title)
diff --git a/lib/mako/codegen.py b/lib/mako/codegen.py
index 523c3b071b856e4914d6dfe105d9cfc8cdab8ea5..acf5bf1c69a3234987b915fb4450a09c1c95507d 100644
--- a/lib/mako/codegen.py
+++ b/lib/mako/codegen.py
@@ -14,21 +14,27 @@ from mako import util, ast, parsetree, filters
-def compile(node, uri, filename=None, default_filters=None, buffer_filters=None, imports=None, source_encoding=None):
+def compile(node, uri, filename=None, default_filters=None, buffer_filters=None, imports=None, source_encoding=None, generate_unicode=True):
     """generate module source code given a parsetree node, uri, and optional source filename"""
-    buf = util.FastEncodingBuffer()
+    if generate_unicode:
+        buf = util.FastEncodingBuffer()  # creates Unicode
+    else:
+        buf = util.StringIO()  # returns whatever was passed in
     printer = PythonPrinter(buf)
-    _GenerateRenderMethod(printer, _CompileContext(uri, filename, default_filters, buffer_filters, imports, source_encoding), node)
+    _GenerateRenderMethod(printer, _CompileContext(uri, filename, default_filters, buffer_filters, imports, source_encoding, generate_unicode), node)
     return buf.getvalue()
 class _CompileContext(object):
-    def __init__(self, uri, filename, default_filters, buffer_filters, imports, source_encoding):
+    def __init__(self, uri, filename, default_filters, buffer_filters, imports, source_encoding, generate_unicode):
         self.uri = uri
         self.filename = filename
         self.default_filters = default_filters
         self.buffer_filters = buffer_filters
         self.imports = imports
         self.source_encoding = source_encoding
+        self.generate_unicode = generate_unicode
 class _GenerateRenderMethod(object):
     """a template visitor object which generates the full module source for a template."""
@@ -110,6 +116,9 @@ class _GenerateRenderMethod(object):
         module_identifiers.declared = module_ident
         # module-level names, python code
+        if not self.compiler.generate_unicode and self.compiler.source_encoding:
+            self.printer.writeline("# -*- encoding:%s -*-" % self.compiler.source_encoding)
         self.printer.writeline("from mako import runtime, filters, cache")
         self.printer.writeline("UNDEFINED = runtime.UNDEFINED")
         self.printer.writeline("_magic_number = %s" % repr(MAGIC_NUMBER))
@@ -159,7 +168,7 @@ class _GenerateRenderMethod(object):
         if buffered or filtered or cached:
         if not self.in_def and '**pageargs' in args:
@@ -424,8 +433,6 @@ class _GenerateRenderMethod(object):
         def locate_encode(name):
             if re.match(r'decode\..+', name):
                 return "filters." + name
-            elif name == 'unicode':
-                return 'unicode'
                 return filters.DEFAULT_ESCAPES.get(name, name)
@@ -544,6 +551,7 @@ class _GenerateRenderMethod(object):
         for n in node.nodes:
@@ -563,7 +571,7 @@ class _GenerateRenderMethod(object):
-                "context.write(unicode(%s))" % node.attributes['expr'],
+                "context.write(%s)" % self.create_filter_callable([], node.attributes['expr'], True),
                 "context.caller_stack.nextcaller = None",
diff --git a/lib/mako/filters.py b/lib/mako/filters.py
index 94305d7760650874ef975e96fe38c0082dc1d952..f25224151382a67e8e17e78f798be97948eb56b2 100644
--- a/lib/mako/filters.py
+++ b/lib/mako/filters.py
@@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ DEFAULT_ESCAPES = {
+    'str':'str',
diff --git a/lib/mako/lexer.py b/lib/mako/lexer.py
index 621a92e8d687d5914237369d5dd0f9ef5860751d..785461c9f847582da74477a4ce68dc18a4f8f1fe 100644
--- a/lib/mako/lexer.py
+++ b/lib/mako/lexer.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from mako.pygen import adjust_whitespace
 _regexp_cache = {}
 class Lexer(object):
-    def __init__(self, text, filename=None, input_encoding=None, preprocessor=None):
+    def __init__(self, text, filename=None, disable_unicode=False, input_encoding=None, preprocessor=None):
         self.text = text
         self.filename = filename
         self.template = parsetree.TemplateNode(self.filename)
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ class Lexer(object):
         self.match_position = 0
         self.tag = []
         self.control_line = []
+        self.disable_unicode = disable_unicode
         self.encoding = input_encoding
         if preprocessor is None:
             self.preprocessor = []
@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ class Lexer(object):
                 raise exceptions.SyntaxException("Keyword '%s' not a legal ternary for keyword '%s'" % (node.keyword, self.control_line[-1].keyword), **self.exception_kwargs)
     def escape_code(self, text):
-        if self.encoding:
+        if not self.disable_unicode and self.encoding:
             return text.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace')
             return text
@@ -126,8 +127,7 @@ class Lexer(object):
             parsed_encoding = self.match_encoding()
         if parsed_encoding:
             self.encoding = parsed_encoding
-        if not isinstance(self.text, unicode):
+        if not self.disable_unicode and not isinstance(self.text, unicode):
             if self.encoding:
                     self.text = self.text.decode(self.encoding)
diff --git a/lib/mako/lookup.py b/lib/mako/lookup.py
index da4d1c3909b3c581b52b934e4a25aa05e7a3af49..290f71d0d28639a431ee60c5606e2be5fd40ff95 100644
--- a/lib/mako/lookup.py
+++ b/lib/mako/lookup.py
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ class TemplateCollection(object):
 class TemplateLookup(TemplateCollection):
     def __init__(self, directories=None, module_directory=None, filesystem_checks=True, collection_size=-1, format_exceptions=False, 
-    error_handler=None, output_encoding=None, encoding_errors='strict', cache_type=None, cache_dir=None, cache_url=None, 
-    modulename_callable=None, default_filters=['unicode'], buffer_filters=[], imports=None, input_encoding=None, preprocessor=None):
+    error_handler=None, disable_unicode=False, output_encoding=None, encoding_errors='strict', cache_type=None, cache_dir=None, cache_url=None, 
+    modulename_callable=None, default_filters=None, buffer_filters=[], imports=None, input_encoding=None, preprocessor=None):
         if isinstance(directories, basestring):
             directories = [directories]        
         self.directories = [posixpath.normpath(d) for d in directories or []]
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class TemplateLookup(TemplateCollection):
         self.modulename_callable = modulename_callable
         self.filesystem_checks = filesystem_checks
         self.collection_size = collection_size
-        self.template_args = {'format_exceptions':format_exceptions, 'error_handler':error_handler, 'output_encoding':output_encoding, 'encoding_errors':encoding_errors, 'input_encoding':input_encoding, 'module_directory':module_directory, 'cache_type':cache_type, 'cache_dir':cache_dir or module_directory, 'cache_url':cache_url, 'default_filters':default_filters, 'buffer_filters':buffer_filters,  'imports':imports, 'preprocessor':preprocessor}
+        self.template_args = {'format_exceptions':format_exceptions, 'error_handler':error_handler, 'disable_unicode':disable_unicode, 'output_encoding':output_encoding, 'encoding_errors':encoding_errors, 'input_encoding':input_encoding, 'module_directory':module_directory, 'cache_type':cache_type, 'cache_dir':cache_dir or module_directory, 'cache_url':cache_url, 'default_filters':default_filters, 'buffer_filters':buffer_filters,  'imports':imports, 'preprocessor':preprocessor}
         if collection_size == -1:
             self.__collection = {}
             self._uri_cache = {}
diff --git a/lib/mako/runtime.py b/lib/mako/runtime.py
index 56e3776cfe5176c138e0d49eab48c3770e1d1a1d..f0ae468684fba57abfdf6c56ac539ccd42d8563b 100644
--- a/lib/mako/runtime.py
+++ b/lib/mako/runtime.py
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ def _render(template, callable_, args, data, as_unicode=False):
     """create a Context and return the string output of the given template and template callable."""
     if as_unicode:
         buf = util.FastEncodingBuffer()
-    elif template.output_encoding:
+    elif not template.disable_unicode and template.output_encoding:
         buf = util.FastEncodingBuffer(template.output_encoding, template.encoding_errors)
         buf = util.StringIO()
diff --git a/lib/mako/template.py b/lib/mako/template.py
index e418b0f633a66d8a3db26a0ee5a86cd9c1210be2..36e4d43d829125200d154fe0fcbce87505cda671 100644
--- a/lib/mako/template.py
+++ b/lib/mako/template.py
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class Template(object):
     """a compiled template"""
     def __init__(self, text=None, filename=None, uri=None, format_exceptions=False, error_handler=None, 
         lookup=None, output_encoding=None, encoding_errors='strict', module_directory=None, cache_type=None, 
-        cache_dir=None, cache_url=None, module_filename=None, input_encoding=None, default_filters=['unicode'], 
+        cache_dir=None, cache_url=None, module_filename=None, input_encoding=None, disable_unicode=False, default_filters=None, 
         buffer_filters=[], imports=None, preprocessor=None):
         """construct a new Template instance using either literal template text, or a previously loaded template module
@@ -42,9 +42,19 @@ class Template(object):
             self.module_id = "memory:" + hex(id(self))
             self.uri = self.module_id
-        self.default_filters = default_filters
-        self.buffer_filters = buffer_filters
         self.input_encoding = input_encoding
+        self.output_encoding = output_encoding
+        self.encoding_errors = encoding_errors
+        self.disable_unicode = disable_unicode
+        if default_filters is None:
+            if self.disable_unicode:
+                self.default_filters = ['str']
+            else:
+                self.default_filters = ['unicode']
+        else:
+            self.default_filters = default_filters
+        self.buffer_filters = buffer_filters
         self.imports = imports
         self.preprocessor = preprocessor
@@ -94,8 +104,6 @@ class Template(object):
         self.format_exceptions = format_exceptions
         self.error_handler = error_handler
         self.lookup = lookup
-        self.output_encoding = output_encoding
-        self.encoding_errors = encoding_errors
         self.cache_type = cache_type
         self.cache_dir = cache_dir
         self.cache_url = cache_url
@@ -141,6 +149,7 @@ class DefTemplate(Template):
         self.buffer_filters = parent.buffer_filters
         self.input_encoding = parent.input_encoding
         self.imports = parent.imports
+        self.disable_unicode = parent.disable_unicode
         self.output_encoding = parent.output_encoding
         self.encoding_errors = parent.encoding_errors
         self.format_exceptions = parent.format_exceptions
@@ -191,9 +200,9 @@ class ModuleInfo(object):
 def _compile_text(template, text, filename):
     identifier = template.module_id
-    lexer = Lexer(text, filename, input_encoding=template.input_encoding, preprocessor=template.preprocessor)
+    lexer = Lexer(text, filename, disable_unicode=template.disable_unicode, input_encoding=template.input_encoding, preprocessor=template.preprocessor)
     node = lexer.parse()
-    source = codegen.compile(node, template.uri, filename, default_filters=template.default_filters, buffer_filters=template.buffer_filters, imports=template.imports, source_encoding=lexer.encoding)
+    source = codegen.compile(node, template.uri, filename, default_filters=template.default_filters, buffer_filters=template.buffer_filters, imports=template.imports, source_encoding=lexer.encoding, generate_unicode=not template.disable_unicode)
     #print source
     cid = identifier
     module = imp.new_module(cid)
@@ -203,9 +212,9 @@ def _compile_text(template, text, filename):
 def _compile_module_file(template, text, filename, outputpath):
     identifier = template.module_id
-    lexer = Lexer(text, filename, input_encoding=template.input_encoding, preprocessor=template.preprocessor)
+    lexer = Lexer(text, filename, disable_unicode=template.disable_unicode, input_encoding=template.input_encoding, preprocessor=template.preprocessor)
     node = lexer.parse()
-    source = codegen.compile(node, template.uri, filename, default_filters=template.default_filters, buffer_filters=template.buffer_filters, imports=template.imports, source_encoding=lexer.encoding)
+    source = codegen.compile(node, template.uri, filename, default_filters=template.default_filters, buffer_filters=template.buffer_filters, imports=template.imports, source_encoding=lexer.encoding, generate_unicode=not template.disable_unicode)
     (dest, name) = tempfile.mkstemp()
     os.write(dest, source)
diff --git a/test/template.py b/test/template.py
index c4bccfd55cc46b0e5d1ff90af8cab86e71afaa9b..4ad8c21facd53ccf4de383676cc517b021651243 100644
--- a/test/template.py
+++ b/test/template.py
@@ -39,6 +39,11 @@ class EncodingTest(unittest.TestCase):
         template = Template(filename='./test_htdocs/unicode.html', module_directory='./test_htdocs')
         assert template.render_unicode() == u"""Alors vous imaginez ma surprise, au lever du jour, quand une drôle de petit voix m’a réveillé. Elle disait: « S’il vous plaît… dessine-moi un mouton! »"""
+    def test_unicode_file_lookup(self):
+        lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=['./test_htdocs'], output_encoding='utf-8', default_filters=['decode.utf8'])
+        template = lookup.get_template('/chs_unicode.html')
+        assert flatten_result(template.render(name='毛泽东')) == '毛泽东 是 新中国的主席<br/> Welcome 你 to 北京.'
     def test_unicode_bom(self):
         template = Template(filename='./test_htdocs/bom.html', module_directory='./test_htdocs')
         assert template.render_unicode() == u"""Alors vous imaginez ma surprise, au lever du jour, quand une drôle de petit voix m’a réveillé. Elle disait: « S’il vous plaît… dessine-moi un mouton! »"""
@@ -56,7 +61,7 @@ class EncodingTest(unittest.TestCase):
         val = u"""Alors vous imaginez ma surprise, au lever du jour, quand une drôle de petit voix m’a réveillé. Elle disait: « S’il vous plaît… dessine-moi un mouton! »"""
         val = "## coding: utf-8\n" + val.encode('utf-8')
         template = Template(val)
-        #print template.code
+        assert isinstance(template.code, unicode)
         assert template.render_unicode() == u"""Alors vous imaginez ma surprise, au lever du jour, quand une drôle de petit voix m’a réveillé. Elle disait: « S’il vous plaît… dessine-moi un mouton! »"""
     def test_unicode_text(self):
@@ -159,7 +164,22 @@ class EncodingTest(unittest.TestCase):
         lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=['./test_htdocs'], filesystem_checks=True, output_encoding='utf-8')
         template = lookup.get_template('/read_unicode.html')
         data = template.render(path=os.path.join('./test_htdocs', 'internationalization.html'))
+    def test_bytestring_passthru(self):
+        lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=['./test_htdocs'], default_filters=[], disable_unicode=True)
+        template = lookup.get_template('/chs_utf8.html')
+        self.assertEquals(flatten_result(template.render(name='毛泽东')), '毛泽东 是 新中国的主席<br/> Welcome 你 to 北京.')
+        lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=['./test_htdocs'], disable_unicode=True)
+        template = lookup.get_template('/chs_utf8.html')
+        self.assertEquals(flatten_result(template.render(name='毛泽东')), '毛泽东 是 新中国的主席<br/> Welcome 你 to 北京.')
+        self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError, template.render_unicode, name='毛泽东')
+        template = Template("""${'Alors vous imaginez ma surprise, au lever du jour, quand une drôle de petit voix m’a réveillé. Elle disait: « S’il vous plaît… dessine-moi un mouton! »'}""", disable_unicode=True, input_encoding='utf-8')
+        assert template.render() == """Alors vous imaginez ma surprise, au lever du jour, quand une drôle de petit voix m’a réveillé. Elle disait: « S’il vous plaît… dessine-moi un mouton! »"""
+        template = Template("""${'Alors vous imaginez ma surprise, au lever du jour, quand une drôle de petit voix m’a réveillé. Elle disait: « S’il vous plaît… dessine-moi un mouton! »'}""", input_encoding='utf8', output_encoding='utf8', disable_unicode=False, default_filters=[])
+        self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError, template.render)  # raises because expression contains an encoded bytestring which cannot be decoded
 class PageArgsTest(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_basic(self):
diff --git a/test_htdocs/chs_unicode.html b/test_htdocs/chs_unicode.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6e7c0903c9cde67b986ff752bba5914a82d68db4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_htdocs/chs_unicode.html
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+## -*- encoding:utf8 -*-
+ msg = u'新中国的主席'
+<%def name="welcome(who, place=u'北京')">
+Welcome ${who} to ${place}.
+${name} 是 ${msg}<br/>
+${welcome(u'ä½ ')}
diff --git a/test_htdocs/chs_utf8.html b/test_htdocs/chs_utf8.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..35b888ddcb7a3a8e11b2bcc5c063f250b85d6985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_htdocs/chs_utf8.html
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+## -*- encoding:utf8 -*-
+ msg = '新中国的主席'
+<%def name="welcome(who, place='北京')">
+Welcome ${who} to ${place}.
+${name} 是 ${msg}<br/>
+${welcome('ä½ ')}