index 370e8165ed396b9e806572bf3b99ac22ca1e82cc..bad4566040556400b655c89b02b254c8d7fe8652 100644
@@ -34,45 +34,41 @@ new_git_repository(
     remote = "https://github.com/google/googletest.git",
-load("//third_party/rules_protobuf/javalite:rules.bzl", "javalite_proto_repositories")
 # proto_library rules implicitly depend on @com_google_protobuf//:protoc,
 # which is the proto-compiler.
 # This statement defines the @com_google_protobuf repo.
     name = "com_google_protobuf",
-    sha256 = "ff771a662fb6bd4d3cc209bcccedef3e93980a49f71df1e987f6afa3bcdcba3a",
-    strip_prefix = "protobuf-b4b0e304be5a68de3d0ee1af9b286f958750f5e4",
-    urls = ["https://github.com/google/protobuf/archive/b4b0e304be5a68de3d0ee1af9b286f958750f5e4.zip"],
+    strip_prefix = "protobuf-3.3.0",
+    urls = ["https://github.com/google/protobuf/archive/v3.3.0.tar.gz"],
+    sha256 = "94c414775f275d876e5e0e4a276527d155ab2d0da45eed6b7734301c330be36e",
 # cc_proto_library rules implicitly depend on @com_google_protobuf_cc//:cc_toolchain,
 # which is the C++ proto runtime (base classes and common utilities).
     name = "com_google_protobuf_cc",
-    sha256 = "ff771a662fb6bd4d3cc209bcccedef3e93980a49f71df1e987f6afa3bcdcba3a",
-    strip_prefix = "protobuf-b4b0e304be5a68de3d0ee1af9b286f958750f5e4",
-    urls = ["https://github.com/google/protobuf/archive/b4b0e304be5a68de3d0ee1af9b286f958750f5e4.zip"],
+    strip_prefix = "protobuf-3.3.0",
+    urls = ["https://github.com/google/protobuf/archive/v3.3.0.tar.gz"],
+    sha256 = "94c414775f275d876e5e0e4a276527d155ab2d0da45eed6b7734301c330be36e",
 # java_proto_library rules implicitly depend on @com_google_protobuf_java//:java_toolchain,
 # which is the Java proto runtime (base classes and common utilities).
     name = "com_google_protobuf_java",
-    sha256 = "ff771a662fb6bd4d3cc209bcccedef3e93980a49f71df1e987f6afa3bcdcba3a",
-    strip_prefix = "protobuf-b4b0e304be5a68de3d0ee1af9b286f958750f5e4",
-    urls = ["https://github.com/google/protobuf/archive/b4b0e304be5a68de3d0ee1af9b286f958750f5e4.zip"],
+    strip_prefix = "protobuf-3.3.0",
+    urls = ["https://github.com/google/protobuf/archive/v3.3.0.tar.gz"],
+    sha256 = "94c414775f275d876e5e0e4a276527d155ab2d0da45eed6b7734301c330be36e",
 # java_lite_proto_library rules implicitly depend on @com_google_protobuf_javalite//:javalite_toolchain,
 # which is the JavaLite proto runtime (base classes and common utilities).
     name = "com_google_protobuf_javalite",
-    sha256 = "75105f312cefd8aa5e0bdf29279dc8ef0a6f862362b321d35b1ed5c08ce2ecfb",
-    strip_prefix = "protobuf-82809aaebf24fca3c2d5611149c78a3625bd3b70",
-    urls = ["https://github.com/google/protobuf/archive/82809aaebf24fca3c2d5611149c78a3625bd3b70.zip"],
+    strip_prefix = "protobuf-javalite",
+    urls = ["https://github.com/google/protobuf/archive/javalite.zip"],
+    sha256 = "b9ca3f706c6a6a6a744a7ba85321abce9e7d49825a19aaba6f29278871d41926",
 # objc_proto_library rules from @org_pubref_rules_protobuf require the objective
diff --git a/proto/BUILD b/proto/BUILD
index f2ec8b2ba3a739df0ffcfa208f956852d68e70c5..1850381817d7512b243464767c78fee5d21abfc8 100644
--- a/proto/BUILD
+++ b/proto/BUILD
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ package(
 licenses(["notice"])  # Apache 2.0
-load("//third_party/rules_protobuf/javalite:rules.bzl", "java_lite_proto_library")
 load("@org_pubref_rules_protobuf//go:rules.bzl", "go_proto_library")
 # -----------------------------------------------
@@ -34,10 +33,7 @@ java_proto_library(
     name = "common_java_proto_lite",
-    protos = [
-        "common.proto",
-    ],
-    verbose = 0,
+    deps = [":common"],
@@ -72,13 +68,7 @@ java_proto_library(
     name = "tink_java_proto_lite",
-    inputs = [
-        ":common_java_proto_lite",
-    ],
-    protos = [
-        "tink.proto",
-    ],
-    verbose = 0,
+    deps = [":tink"],
@@ -116,13 +106,7 @@ java_proto_library(
     name = "ecdsa_java_proto_lite",
-    proto_deps = [
-        ":common_java_proto_lite",
-    ],
-    protos = [
-        "ecdsa.proto",
-    ],
-    verbose = 0,
+    deps = [":ecdsa"],
@@ -157,10 +141,7 @@ java_proto_library(
     name = "ed25519_java_proto_lite",
-    protos = [
-        "ed25519.proto",
-    ],
-    verbose = 0,
+    deps = [":ed25519"],
@@ -193,13 +174,7 @@ java_proto_library(
     name = "hmac_java_proto_lite",
-    proto_deps = [
-        ":common_java_proto_lite",
-    ],
-    protos = [
-        "hmac.proto",
-    ],
-    verbose = 0,
+    deps = [":hmac"],
@@ -234,10 +209,7 @@ java_proto_library(
     name = "aes_ctr_java_proto_lite",
-    protos = [
-        "aes_ctr.proto",
-    ],
-    verbose = 0,
+    deps = [":aes_ctr"],
@@ -273,15 +245,7 @@ java_proto_library(
     name = "aes_ctr_hmac_aead_java_proto_lite",
-    proto_deps = [
-        ":common_java_proto_lite",
-        ":hmac_java_proto_lite",
-    ],
-    protos = [
-        "aes_ctr.proto",
-        "aes_ctr_hmac_aead.proto",
-    ],
-    verbose = 0,
+    deps = [":aes_ctr_hmac_aead"],
@@ -317,10 +281,7 @@ java_proto_library(
     name = "aes_gcm_java_proto_lite",
-    protos = [
-        "aes_gcm.proto",
-    ],
-    verbose = 0,
+    deps = [":aes_gcm"],
@@ -354,14 +315,7 @@ java_proto_library(
     name = "aes_ctr_hmac_streaming_java_proto_lite",
-    proto_deps = [
-        ":common_java_proto_lite",
-        ":hmac_java_proto_lite",
-    ],
-    protos = [
-        "aes_ctr_hmac_streaming.proto",
-    ],
-    verbose = 0,
+    deps = [":aes_ctr_hmac_streaming"],
@@ -396,13 +350,7 @@ java_proto_library(
     name = "aes_gcm_hkdf_streaming_java_proto_lite",
-    proto_deps = [
-        ":common_java_proto_lite",
-    ],
-    protos = [
-        "aes_gcm_hkdf_streaming.proto",
-    ],
-    verbose = 0,
+    deps = [":aes_gcm_hkdf_streaming"],
@@ -437,10 +385,7 @@ java_proto_library(
     name = "aes_eax_java_proto_lite",
-    protos = [
-        "aes_eax.proto",
-    ],
-    verbose = 0,
+    deps = [":aes_eax"],
@@ -472,10 +417,7 @@ java_proto_library(
     name = "chacha20_poly1305_java_proto_lite",
-    protos = [
-        "chacha20_poly1305.proto",
-    ],
-    verbose = 0,
+    deps = [":chacha20_poly1305"],
@@ -506,11 +448,8 @@ java_proto_library(
-    name = "gcp_java_proto_lite",
-    protos = [
-        "gcp_kms.proto",
-    ],
-    verbose = 0,
+    name = "gcp_kms_java_proto_lite",
+    deps = [":gcp_kms"],
@@ -543,13 +482,7 @@ java_proto_library(
     name = "kms_envelope_java_proto_lite",
-    proto_deps = [
-        ":tink_java_proto_lite",
-    ],
-    protos = [
-        "kms_envelope.proto",
-    ],
-    verbose = 0,
+    deps = [":kms_envelope"],
@@ -588,14 +521,7 @@ java_proto_library(
     name = "ecies_aead_hkdf_java_proto_lite",
-    proto_deps = [
-        ":common_java_proto_lite",
-        ":tink_java_proto_lite",
-    ],
-    protos = [
-        "ecies_aead_hkdf.proto",
-    ],
-    verbose = 0,
+    deps = [":ecies_aead_hkdf"],
diff --git a/third_party/rules_protobuf/BUILD b/third_party/rules_protobuf/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 0988550c0ce6f33539539fef50e5c843ceedec5c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/rules_protobuf/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-licenses(["notice"])  # Apache 2.0
diff --git a/third_party/rules_protobuf/LICENSE b/third_party/rules_protobuf/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 29d600b0882dccf2612b41a1d51cd56c99efd9d0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/rules_protobuf/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2016 PubRef.org
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you
-may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You may
-obtain a copy of the License at
-    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-implied.  See the License for the specific language governing
-permissions and limitations under the License.
diff --git a/third_party/rules_protobuf/README.md b/third_party/rules_protobuf/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e46e6d9e13edf4859c97351da3ab06332966ca15..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/rules_protobuf/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Bazel Skylark rules for building lite protos for Java
-This is a minimal fork of [Rules Protobuf](https://github.com/pubref/rules_protobuf)
-that supports generating lite protos for Java.
-Tink needs temporarily depend on these rules because java_lite_proto_library is
-not working properly. See https://github.com/cgrushko/proto_library/issues/1.
-Once either Bazel or Protobuf team fixes java_lite_proto_library, these rules
-can be removed.
diff --git a/third_party/rules_protobuf/javalite/BUILD b/third_party/rules_protobuf/javalite/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bfcfeead67f3f4a2cf0fbdb496385b48ac963e3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/rules_protobuf/javalite/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-licenses(["notice"])  # Apache 2.0
-load("//third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf:rules.bzl", "proto_language", "proto_language_deps")
-    name = "javalite",
-    output_to_jar = True,
-    pb_compile_deps = [
-        "@com_google_protobuf_java//:protobuf_java",
-    ],
-    pb_file_extensions = [],
-    pb_plugin = ":protoc_gen_javalite_bin",
-    pb_runtime_deps = [],
-    name = "protoc_gen_javalite_bin",
-    srcs = select({
-        ":darwin": ["@protoc_gen_javalite_macosx//file"],
-        "//conditions:default": ["@protoc_gen_javalite_linux_x86_64//file"],
-    }),
-    outs = ["protoc_gen_javalite"],
-    cmd = " && ".join([
-        "IN=$$(pwd)/$(SRCS)",
-        "OUT=$$(pwd)/$@",
-        "TMP=$$(mktemp -d $${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/genrule.XXXXXXXXXX)",
-        "cd $$TMP",
-        "cp $$IN $$OUT",
-        "rm -rf $$TMP",
-    ]),
-    executable = True,
-    name = "darwin",
-    values = {"cpu": "darwin"},
-    visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
diff --git a/third_party/rules_protobuf/javalite/deps.bzl b/third_party/rules_protobuf/javalite/deps.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index 7533085ba751f2f351e621f9cf41ce0af799e873..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/rules_protobuf/javalite/deps.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# Every external rule must have a SHA checksum or tag.
-# To update http_file(s) from maven servers, point your browser to
-# https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/google/protobuf/protoc, find the
-# file, copy it down to your workstation (with curl perhaps), and
-# compute the sha256:
-# $ curl -O -J -L https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/google/protobuf/protoc/3.0.0/protoc-3.0.0-linux-x86_64.exe
-# $ sha256sum protoc-3.0.0-linux-x86_64.exe #linux
-# $ shasum -a256 protoc-3.0.0-osx-x86_64.exe # macosx
-DEPS = {
-    "protoc_gen_javalite_linux_x86_64": {
-        "rule": "http_file",
-        "url" : "http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/google/protobuf/protoc-gen-javalite/3.0.0/protoc-gen-javalite-3.0.0-linux-x86_64.exe",
-        "sha256": "83eb6ee8391cbd26ebf48f6636c089e530fd3fea454dc66e5a7e36a648795c7b",
-    },
-    "protoc_gen_javalite_macosx": {
-        "rule": "http_file",
-        "url" : "http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/google/protobuf/protoc-gen-javalite/3.0.0/protoc-gen-javalite-3.0.0-osx-x86_64.exe",
-        "sha256": "fe6f2ba6c6550f20cfa4d07e481a19ce108981009fdd7e6819fed9caa70af074",
-    },
diff --git a/third_party/rules_protobuf/javalite/rules.bzl b/third_party/rules_protobuf/javalite/rules.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index 144ee4649e9bb94c2f27d8831ebeba507a9ac616..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/rules_protobuf/javalite/rules.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-load("//third_party/rules_protobuf/javalite:deps.bzl", "DEPS")
-     "proto_compile",
-     "proto_language",
-     "proto_language_deps",
-     "proto_repositories")
-def javalite_proto_repositories(
-    lang_deps = DEPS,
-    lang_requires = [
-      "protoc_gen_javalite_linux_x86_64",
-      "protoc_gen_javalite_macosx",
-    ],
-    **kwargs):
-  proto_repositories(lang_deps = lang_deps,
-                     lang_requires = lang_requires,
-                     **kwargs)
-def java_lite_proto_library(
-    name,
-    langs = [str(Label("//third_party/rules_protobuf/javalite:javalite"))],
-    protos = [],
-    imports = [],
-    inputs = [],
-    output_to_workspace = False,
-    proto_deps = [],
-    protoc = None,
-    pb_plugin = None,
-    pb_options = [],
-    proto_compile_args = {},
-    srcs = [],
-    deps = [],
-    verbose = 0,
-    **kwargs):
-  proto_compile_args += {
-    "name": name + ".pb",
-    "protos": protos,
-    "deps": [dep + ".pb" for dep in proto_deps],
-    "langs": langs,
-    "imports": imports,
-    "inputs": inputs,
-    "pb_options": pb_options,
-    "output_to_workspace": output_to_workspace,
-    "verbose": verbose,
-  }
-  if protoc:
-    proto_compile_args["protoc"] = protoc
-  if pb_plugin:
-    proto_compile_args["pb_plugin"] = pb_plugin
-  proto_compile(**proto_compile_args)
-  proto_language_deps(
-    name = name + "_compile_deps",
-    langs = langs,
-    file_extensions = [".jar"],
-  )
-  native.java_import(
-    name = name + "_compile_imports",
-    jars = [name + "_compile_deps"],
-  )
-  java_exports = []
-  native.java_library(
-    name = name,
-    srcs = srcs + [name + ".pb"],
-    javacopts = ['-extra_checks:off'], # need this to disable ErrorProne.
-    exports = java_exports,
-    deps = list(set(deps + proto_deps + [name + "_compile_imports"])),
-    **kwargs)
diff --git a/third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf/BUILD b/third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index f631b6df06d13b4ecf09aed3d810f02b996f197e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-licenses(["notice"])  # Apache 2.0
diff --git a/third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf/internal/proto_compile.bzl b/third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf/internal/proto_compile.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index 97e140f7c8d8d7285d21975f690bb864a231fb80..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf/internal/proto_compile.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-def _capitalize(s):
-  return s[0:1].upper() + s[1:]
-def _pascal_case(s):
-  return "".join([_capitalize(part) for part in s.split("_")])
-def _emit_params_file_action(ctx, path, mnemonic, cmds):
-  """Helper function that writes a potentially long command list to a file.
-  Args:
-    ctx (struct): The ctx object.
-    path (string): the file path where the params file should be written.
-    mnemonic (string): the action mnemomic.
-    cmds (list<string>): the command list.
-  Returns:
-    (File): an executable file that runs the command set.
-  """
-  filename = "%s.%sFile.params" % (path, mnemonic)
-  f = ctx.new_file(ctx.configuration.bin_dir, filename)
-  ctx.file_action(output = f,
-                  content = "\n".join(["set -e"] + cmds),
-                  executable = True)
-  return f
-def _get_relative_dirname(base, file):
-  """Return a dirname in the form of path segments relative to base.
-  If the file.short_path is not within base, return empty list.
-  Example: if base="foo/bar/baz.txt"
-           and file.short_path="bar/baz.txt",
-           return ["bar"].
-  Args:
-    base (string): the base dirname (ctx.label.package)
-    file (File): the file to calculate relative dirname.
-  Returns:
-    (list<string>): path
-  """
-  path = file.dirname
-  if not path.startswith(base):
-    return []
-  parts = path.split("/")
-  if parts[0] == "external":
-    # ignore off the first two items since we'll be cd'ing into
-    # this dir.
-    return parts[2:]
-  base_parts = base.split("/")
-  return parts[len(base_parts):]
-def _get_offset_path(root, path):
-  """Adjust path relative to offset"""
-  if path.startswith("/"):
-    fail("path argument must not be absolute: %s" % path)
-  if not root:
-    return path
-  if root == ".":
-    return path
-  # "external/foobar/file.proto" --> "file.proto"
-  if path.startswith(root):
-    start = len(root)
-    if not root.endswith('/'):
-      start += 1
-      return path[start:]
-  depth = root.count('/') + 1
-  return "../" * depth + path
-def _get_import_mappings_for(files, prefix, label):
-  """For a set of files that belong the the given context label, create a mapping to the given prefix."""
-  mappings = {}
-  for file in files:
-    src = file.short_path
-    # File in an external repo looks like:
-    # '../WORKSPACE/SHORT_PATH'.  We want just the SHORT_PATH.
-    if src.startswith("../"):
-      parts = src.split("/")
-      src = "/".join(parts[2:])
-    dst = [prefix, label.package]
-    name_parts = label.name.split(".")
-    # special case to elide last part if the name is
-    # 'go_default_library.pb'
-    if name_parts[0] != "go_default_library":
-      dst.append(name_parts[0])
-    mappings[src] = "/".join(dst)
-  return mappings
-def _build_output_jar(run, builder):
-  """Build a jar file for protoc to dump java classes into."""
-  ctx = run.ctx
-  execdir = run.data.execdir
-  name = run.lang.name
-  protojar = ctx.new_file("%s_%s.jar" % (run.data.label.name, name))
-  builder["outputs"] += [protojar]
-  builder[name + "_jar"] = protojar
-  builder[name + "_outdir"] = _get_offset_path(execdir, protojar.path)
-def _build_output_library(run, builder):
-  """Build a library.js file for protoc to dump java classes into."""
-  ctx = run.ctx
-  execdir = run.data.execdir
-  name = run.lang.name
-  jslib = ctx.new_file(run.data.label.name + run.lang.pb_file_extensions[0])
-  builder["jslib"] = [jslib]
-  builder["outputs"] += [jslib]
-  parts = jslib.short_path.rpartition("/")
-  filename = "/".join([parts[0], run.data.label.name])
-  library_path = _get_offset_path(run.data.execdir, filename)
-  builder[name + "_pb_options"] += ["library=" + library_path]
-def _build_output_srcjar(run, builder):
-  ctx = run.ctx
-  name = run.lang.name
-  protojar = builder[name + "_jar"]
-  srcjar_name = "%s_%s.srcjar" % (run.data.label.name, name)
-  srcjar = ctx.new_file("%s_%s.srcjar" % (run.data.label.name, name))
-  run.ctx.action(
-    mnemonic = "CpJarToSrcJar",
-    inputs = [protojar],
-    outputs = [srcjar],
-    arguments = [protojar.path, srcjar.path],
-    command = "cp $1 $2",
-  )
-  # Remove protojar from the list of provided outputs
-  builder["outputs"] = [e for e in builder["outputs"] if e != protojar]
-  builder["outputs"] += [srcjar]
-  if run.data.verbose > 2:
-    print("Copied jar %s srcjar to %s" % (protojar.path, srcjar.path))
-def _build_output_files(run, builder):
-  """Build a list of files we expect to be generated."""
-  ctx = run.ctx
-  protos = run.data.protos
-  if not protos:
-    fail("Empty proto input list.", "protos")
-  exts = run.exts
-  for file in protos:
-    base = file.basename[:-len(".proto")]
-    if run.lang.output_file_style == 'pascal':
-      base = _pascal_case(base)
-    if run.lang.output_file_style == 'capitalize':
-      base = _capitalize(base)
-    for ext in exts:
-      path = _get_relative_dirname(ctx.label.package, file)
-      path.append(base + ext)
-      pbfile = ctx.new_file("/".join(path))
-      builder["outputs"] += [pbfile]
-def _build_output_libdir(run, builder):
-  # This is currently csharp-specific, which needs to have the
-  # output_dir positively adjusted to the package directory.
-  ctx = run.ctx
-  execdir = run.data.execdir
-  name = run.lang.name
-  builder[name + "_outdir"] = _get_offset_path(execdir, run.data.descriptor_set.dirname)
-  _build_output_files(run, builder)
-def _build_descriptor_set(data, builder):
-  """Build a list of files we expect to be generated."""
-  builder["args"] += ["--descriptor_set_out=" + _get_offset_path(data.execdir, data.descriptor_set.path)]
-def _build_plugin_invocation(name, plugin, execdir, builder):
-  """Add a '--plugin=NAME=PATH' argument if the language descriptor
-  requires one.
-  """
-  tool = _get_offset_path(execdir, plugin.path)
-  builder["inputs"] += [plugin]
-  builder["args"] += ["--plugin=protoc-gen-%s=%s" % (name, tool)]
-def _build_protobuf_invocation(run, builder):
-  """Build a --plugin option if required for basic protobuf generation.
-  Args:
-    run (struct): the compilation run object.
-    builder (dict): the compilation builder data.
-  Built-in language don't need this.
-  """
-  lang = run.lang
-  if not lang.pb_plugin:
-    return
-  name = lang.pb_plugin_name or lang.name
-  _build_plugin_invocation(name,
-                           lang.pb_plugin,
-                           run.data.execdir,
-                           builder)
-def _get_mappings(files, label, prefix):
-  """For a set of files that belong the the given context label, create a mapping to the given prefix."""
-  mappings = {}
-  for file in files:
-    src = file.short_path
-    #print("mapping file short path: %s" % src)
-    # File in an external repo looks like:
-    # '../WORKSPACE/SHORT_PATH'.  We want just the SHORT_PATH.
-    if src.startswith("../"):
-      parts = src.split("/")
-      src = "/".join(parts[2:])
-    dst = [prefix]
-    if label.package:
-      dst.append(label.package)
-    name_parts = label.name.split(".")
-    # special case to elide last part if the name is
-    # 'go_default_library.pb'
-    if name_parts[0] != "go_default_library":
-      dst.append(name_parts[0])
-    mappings[src] = "/".join(dst)
-  return mappings
-def _build_base_namespace(run, builder):
-  pass
-def _build_importmappings(run, builder):
-  """Override behavior to add plugin options before building the --go_out option"""
-  ctx = run.ctx
-  go_prefix = run.data.prefix or run.lang.prefix
-  opts = []
-  # Build the list of import mappings.  Start with any configured on
-  # the rule by attributes.
-  mappings = run.lang.importmap + run.data.importmap
-  mappings += _get_mappings(run.data.protos, run.data.label, go_prefix)
-  # Then add in the transitive set from dependent rules.
-  for unit in run.data.transitive_units:
-    mappings += unit.transitive_mappings
-  if run.data.verbose > 1:
-    print("go_importmap: %s" % mappings)
-  for k, v in mappings.items():
-    opts += ["M%s=%s" % (k, v)]
-  builder["transitive_mappings"] = mappings
-def _build_plugin_out(name, outdir, options, builder):
-  """Build the --{lang}_out argument for a given plugin."""
-  arg = outdir
-  if options:
-    arg = ",".join(options) + ":" + arg
-  builder["args"] += ["--%s_out=%s" % (name, arg)]
-def _build_protobuf_out(run, builder):
-  """Build the --{lang}_out option"""
-  lang = run.lang
-  name = lang.pb_plugin_name or lang.name
-  outdir = builder.get(lang.name + "_outdir", run.outdir)
-  options = builder.get(lang.name + "_pb_options", [])
-  _build_plugin_out(name, outdir, options, builder)
-def _get_outdir(ctx, lang, execdir):
-  if ctx.attr.output_to_workspace:
-    outdir = "."
-  else:
-    outdir = ctx.var["GENDIR"]
-  path = _get_offset_path(execdir, outdir)
-  if execdir != ".":
-    path += "/" + execdir
-  return path
-def _get_external_root(ctx):
-  # Compte set of "external workspace roots" that the proto
-  # sourcefiles belong to.
-  external_roots = []
-  for file in ctx.files.protos:
-    path = file.path.split('/')
-    if path[0] == 'external':
-      external_roots += ["/".join(path[0:2])]
-  # This set size must be 0 or 1. (all source files must exist in this
-  # workspace or the same external workspace).
-  roots = set(external_roots)
-  n = len(roots)
-  if n:
-    if n > 1:
-      fail(
-        """
-        You are attempting simultaneous compilation of protobuf source files that span multiple workspaces (%s).
-        Decompose your library rules into smaller units having filesets that belong to only a single workspace at a time.
-        Note that it is OK to *import* across multiple workspaces, but not compile them as file inputs to protoc.
-        """ % roots
-      )
-    else:
-      return external_roots[0]
-  else:
-    return "."
-def _compile(ctx, unit):
-  execdir = unit.data.execdir
-  protoc = _get_offset_path(execdir, unit.compiler.path)
-  imports = ["--proto_path=" + i for i in unit.imports]
-  srcs = [_get_offset_path(execdir, p.path) for p in unit.data.protos]
-  protoc_cmd = [protoc] + list(unit.args) + imports + srcs
-  manifest = [f.short_path for f in unit.outputs]
-  transitive_units = set()
-  for u in unit.data.transitive_units:
-    transitive_units = transitive_units | u.inputs
-  inputs = list(unit.inputs | transitive_units) + [unit.compiler]
-  outputs = list(unit.outputs)
-  cmds = [" ".join(protoc_cmd)]
-  if execdir != ".":
-    cmds.insert(0, "cd %s" % execdir)
-  if unit.data.output_to_workspace:
-    print(
-* - Generating files into the workspace...  This is potentially           *
-*   dangerous (may overwrite existing files) and violates bazel's         *
-*   sandbox policy.                                                       *
-* - Disregard "ERROR: output 'foo.pb.*' was not created." messages.       *
-* - Build will halt following the "not all outputs were created" message. *
-* - Output manifest is printed below.                                     *
-""" % "\n".join(manifest)
-    )
-  if unit.data.verbose:
-    print(
-cd $(bazel info execution_root)%s && \
-""" % (
-  "" if execdir == "." else "/" + execdir,
-  " \\ \n".join(protoc_cmd),
-  "\n".join(manifest))
-    )
-  if unit.data.verbose > 2:
-    for i in range(len(protoc_cmd)):
-      print(" > cmd%s: %s" % (i, protoc_cmd[i]))
-    for i in range(len(inputs)):
-      print(" > input%s: %s" % (i, inputs[i]))
-    for i in range(len(outputs)):
-      print(" > output%s: %s" % (i, outputs[i]))
-  ctx.action(
-    mnemonic = "ProtoCompile",
-    command = " && ".join(cmds),
-    inputs = inputs,
-    outputs = outputs,
-  )
-def _proto_compile_impl(ctx):
-  if ctx.attr.verbose > 1:
-    print("proto_compile %s:%s"  % (ctx.build_file_path, ctx.label.name))
-  # Calculate list of external roots and return the base directory
-  # we'll use for the protoc invocation.  Usually this is '.', but if
-  # not, its 'external/WORKSPACE'
-  execdir = _get_external_root(ctx)
-  # Propogate proto deps compilation units.
-  transitive_units = []
-  for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
-    for unit in dep.proto_compile_result.transitive_units:
-        transitive_units.append(unit)
-  if ctx.attr.prefix:
-    prefix = ctx.attr.prefix.go_prefix
-  else:
-    prefix = ""
-  # Immutable global state for this compiler run.
-  data = struct(
-    label = ctx.label,
-    workspace_name = ctx.workspace_name,
-    prefix = prefix,
-    execdir = execdir,
-    protos = ctx.files.protos,
-    descriptor_set = ctx.outputs.descriptor_set,
-    importmap = ctx.attr.importmap,
-    pb_options = ctx.attr.pb_options,
-    verbose = ctx.attr.verbose,
-    transitive_units = transitive_units,
-    output_to_workspace = ctx.attr.output_to_workspace,
-  )
-  #print("transitive_units: %s" % transitive_units)
-  # Mutable global state to be populated by the classes.
-  builder = {
-    "args": [], # list of string
-    "imports": ctx.attr.imports + ["."],
-    "inputs": ctx.files.protos + ctx.files.inputs,
-    "outputs": [],
-  }
-  # Build a list of structs that will be processed in this compiler
-  # run.
-  runs = []
-  for l in ctx.attr.langs:
-    lang = l.proto_language
-    exts = []
-    if lang.supports_pb:
-      exts += lang.pb_file_extensions
-    runs.append(struct(
-      ctx = ctx,
-      outdir = _get_outdir(ctx, lang, execdir),
-      lang = lang,
-      data = data,
-      exts = exts,
-      output_to_jar = lang.output_to_jar,
-    ))
-    builder["inputs"] += lang.pb_inputs
-    builder["imports"] += lang.pb_imports
-    builder[lang.name + "_pb_options"] = lang.pb_options + data.pb_options
-  _build_descriptor_set(data, builder)
-  for run in runs:
-    if run.lang.output_to_jar:
-      _build_output_jar(run, builder)
-    elif run.lang.output_to_library:
-      _build_output_library(run, builder)
-    elif run.lang.output_to_libdir:
-      _build_output_libdir(run, builder)
-    else:
-      _build_output_files(run, builder)
-    if run.lang.prefix: # golang-specific
-      _build_importmappings(run, builder)
-    if run.lang.supports_pb:
-      _build_protobuf_invocation(run, builder)
-      _build_protobuf_out(run, builder)
-  # Build final immutable compilation unit for rule and transitive beyond
-  unit = struct(
-    compiler = ctx.executable.protoc,
-    data = data,
-    transitive_mappings = builder.get("transitive_mappings", {}),
-    args = set(builder["args"] + ctx.attr.args),
-    imports = set(builder["imports"]),
-    inputs = set(builder["inputs"]),
-    outputs = set(builder["outputs"] + [ctx.outputs.descriptor_set]),
-  )
-  # Run protoc
-  _compile(ctx, unit)
-  for run in runs:
-    if run.lang.output_to_jar:
-      _build_output_srcjar(run, builder)
-  files = set(builder["outputs"])
-  return struct(
-    files = files,
-    proto_compile_result = struct(
-      unit = unit,
-      transitive_units = transitive_units + [unit],
-    ),
-  )
-proto_compile = rule(
-  implementation = _proto_compile_impl,
-  attrs = {
-    "args": attr.string_list(),
-    "langs": attr.label_list(
-      providers = ["proto_language"],
-      allow_files = False,
-      mandatory = False,
-    ),
-    "protos": attr.label_list(
-      allow_files = FileType([".proto"]),
-    ),
-    "deps": attr.label_list(
-      providers = ["proto_compile_result"]
-    ),
-    "protoc": attr.label(
-      default = Label("@com_google_protobuf//:protoc"),
-      cfg = "host",
-      executable = True,
-    ),
-    "prefix": attr.label(
-      providers = ["go_prefix"],
-    ),
-    "root": attr.string(),
-    "imports": attr.string_list(),
-    "importmap": attr.string_dict(),
-    "inputs": attr.label_list(
-      allow_files = True,
-    ),
-    "pb_options": attr.string_list(),
-    "output_to_workspace": attr.bool(),
-    "verbose": attr.int(),
-  },
-  outputs = {
-    "descriptor_set": "%{name}.descriptor_set",
-  },
-  output_to_genfiles = True, # this needs to be set for cc-rules.
diff --git a/third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf/internal/proto_language.bzl b/third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf/internal/proto_language.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index 19b0cab1c52244ddeed5ef9f2c6e795db1891855..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf/internal/proto_language.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-def _proto_language_impl(ctx):
-    prefix = None
-    if hasattr(ctx.attr.prefix, "go_prefix"):
-        prefix = ctx.attr.prefix.go_prefix
-    return struct(
-        proto_language = struct(
-            name = ctx.label.name,
-            output_to_workspace = ctx.attr.output_to_workspace,
-            output_to_jar = ctx.attr.output_to_jar,
-            output_to_library = ctx.attr.output_to_library,
-            output_to_libdir = ctx.attr.output_to_libdir,
-            output_file_style = ctx.attr.output_file_style,
-            supports_pb = ctx.attr.supports_pb,
-            pb_file_extensions = ctx.attr.pb_file_extensions,
-            pb_options = ctx.attr.pb_options,
-            pb_imports = ctx.attr.pb_imports,
-            pb_inputs = ctx.files.pb_inputs,
-            pb_plugin_name = ctx.attr.pb_plugin_name,
-            pb_plugin = ctx.executable.pb_plugin,
-            pb_compile_deps = ctx.files.pb_compile_deps,
-            pb_runtime_deps = ctx.files.pb_runtime_deps,
-            prefix = prefix,
-            importmap = ctx.attr.importmap,
-        ),
-    )
-proto_language_attrs = {
-    "output_to_workspace": attr.bool(),
-    "output_to_jar": attr.bool(),
-    "output_to_library": attr.bool(),
-    "output_to_libdir": attr.bool(),
-    "output_file_style": attr.string(),
-    "supports_pb": attr.bool(default = True),
-    "pb_file_extensions": attr.string_list(),
-    "pb_options": attr.string_list(),
-    "pb_inputs": attr.label_list(),
-    "pb_imports": attr.string_list(),
-    "pb_plugin_name": attr.string(),
-    "pb_plugin": attr.label(
-        executable = True,
-        cfg = "host",
-    ),
-    "pb_compile_deps": attr.label_list(),
-    "pb_runtime_deps": attr.label_list(),
-    "prefix": attr.label(
-        providers = ["go_prefix"],
-    ),
-    "importmap": attr.string_dict(),
-proto_language = rule(
-    implementation = _proto_language_impl,
-    attrs = proto_language_attrs,
-def _proto_language_deps_impl(ctx):
-    files = []
-    exts = ctx.attr.file_extensions
-    for dep in ctx.attr.langs:
-        lang = dep.proto_language
-        if ctx.attr.compile_deps:
-            files += lang.pb_compile_deps
-        if ctx.attr.runtime_deps:
-            files += lang.pb_runtime_deps
-    deps = []
-    for file in files:
-        for ext in exts:
-            if file.path.endswith(ext):
-                deps.append(file)
-    return struct(
-        files = set(deps),
-    )
-proto_language_deps = rule(
-    implementation = _proto_language_deps_impl,
-    attrs = {
-        "langs": attr.label_list(
-            providers = ["proto_language"],
-            mandatory = True,
-        ),
-        "file_extensions": attr.string_list(mandatory = True),
-        "compile_deps": attr.bool(default = True),
-        "runtime_deps": attr.bool(default = False),
-    }
diff --git a/third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf/internal/proto_repositories.bzl b/third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf/internal/proto_repositories.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index b5988681a25044a885ddb1caddf0ecec4be779a6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf/internal/proto_repositories.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-load("//third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf:internal/require.bzl", "require")
-def proto_repositories(excludes = [],
-                       lang_deps = {},
-                       lang_requires = [],
-                       protobuf_deps = {},
-                       protobuf_requires = [],
-                       overrides = {},
-                       verbose = 0):
-  return require(
-    keys = protobuf_requires + lang_requires,
-    deps = protobuf_deps + lang_deps,
-    excludes = excludes,
-    overrides = overrides,
-    verbose = verbose,
-  )
diff --git a/third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf/internal/require.bzl b/third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf/internal/require.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index 428e79661d034a40103f36e6858511ff99a3fc4b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf/internal/require.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-def _needs_install(name, dep, hkeys=["sha256", "sha1", "tag"], verbose=0):
-    # Does it already exist?
-    existing_rule = native.existing_rule(name)
-    if not existing_rule:
-        return True
-    # If it has already been defined and our dependency lists a
-    # hash, do these match? If a hash mismatch is encountered, has
-    # the user specifically granted permission to continue?
-    for hkey in hkeys:
-        expected = dep.get(hkey)
-        actual = existing_rule.get(hkey)
-        if expected:
-            if expected != actual:
-                msg = """
-An existing {0} rule '{1}' was already loaded with a {2} value of '{3}'.  Refusing to overwrite this with the requested value ('{4}').
-Either remove the pre-existing rule from your WORKSPACE or exclude it from loading by rules_protobuf.
-""".format(existing_rule["kind"], name, hkey, actual, expected)
-                fail(msg)
-            else:
-                if verbose > 1: print("Skip reload %s: %s = %s" % (name, hkey, actual))
-                return False
-    # No kheys for this rule - in this case no reload; first one loaded wins.
-    if verbose > 1: print("Skipping reload of existing target %s" % name)
-    return False
-def _install(deps, verbose):
-    """Install a list if dependencies for matching native rules.
-    Return:
-      list of deps that have no matching native rule.
-    """
-    todo = []
-    for d in deps:
-        name = d.get("name")
-        rule = d.pop("rule", None)
-        if not rule:
-            fail("Missing attribute 'rule': %s" % name)
-        if hasattr(native, rule):
-            rule = getattr(native, rule)
-            if verbose: print("Loading %s)" % name)
-            rule(**d)
-        else:
-            d["rule"] = rule
-            todo.append(d)
-    return todo
-def require(keys,
-            deps = {},
-            overrides = {},
-            excludes = [],
-            verbose = 0):
-    #
-    # Make a list of non-excluded required deps with merged data.
-    #
-    required = []
-    for key in keys:
-        dep = deps.get(key)
-        if not dep:
-            fail("Unknown workspace dependency: %s" % key)
-        d = dict(**dep) # copy the 'frozen' object.
-        if not key in excludes:
-            over = overrides.get(key)
-            data = d + over if over else d
-            if _needs_install(key, data, verbose=verbose):
-                data["name"] = key
-                required.append(data)
-    return _install(required, verbose)
diff --git a/third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf/rules.bzl b/third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf/rules.bzl
deleted file mode 100644
index 17325e3529cd8917025f15325723c1dbb6cc3bc5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf/rules.bzl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-load("//third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf:internal/proto_compile.bzl", "proto_compile")
-load("//third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf:internal/proto_language.bzl", "proto_language", "proto_language_deps")
-load("//third_party/rules_protobuf/protobuf:internal/proto_repositories.bzl", "proto_repositories")
diff --git a/third_party/rules_protobuf/tests/BUILD b/third_party/rules_protobuf/tests/BUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index a33806d67b60e571b9302fe57f28f41d9d27b884..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/rules_protobuf/tests/BUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
-licenses(["notice"])  # Apache 2.0
-load("//third_party/rules_protobuf/javalite:rules.bzl", "java_lite_proto_library")
-    name = "message_java_lite_proto",
-    protos = ["message.proto"],
-    verbose = 0,
-    name = "javalite_test",
-    srcs = [
-        "src/test/java/JavaLiteTest.java",
-    ],
-    test_class = "JavaLiteTest",
-    deps = [
-        ":message_java_lite_proto",
-        "@com_google_protobuf_java//:protobuf_java",
-        "@junit_junit_4//jar",
-    ],
diff --git a/third_party/rules_protobuf/tests/message.proto b/third_party/rules_protobuf/tests/message.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e694554d238abc5bf71fec4e43861d99789e7f6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/rules_protobuf/tests/message.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-syntax = "proto3";
-option java_package = "tests";
-option java_outer_classname = "MessageProto";
-message Message {
-  bool bar = 1;
diff --git a/third_party/rules_protobuf/tests/src/test/java/JavaLiteTest.java b/third_party/rules_protobuf/tests/src/test/java/JavaLiteTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 894f389b9ce80656284f4b779671d66ca154952b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/rules_protobuf/tests/src/test/java/JavaLiteTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-import com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
-import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
-import tests.MessageProto.Message;
- * Tests for Util.
- */
-public class JavaLiteTest {
-  @Test
-  public void testLiteProto() throws Exception {
-    assertTrue(GeneratedMessageLite.class.isAssignableFrom(Message.class));
-  }