diff --git a/python/core/__init__.py b/python/core/__init__.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9287f2de1cea9798a392ff2f38c6e766ad65f933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/core/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Core package."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+from tink.python.core import crypto_format as _crypto_format
+from tink.python.core import key_manager
+from tink.python.core import keyset_handle
+from tink.python.core import keyset_reader
+from tink.python.core import keyset_writer
+from tink.python.core import primitive_set
+from tink.python.core import primitive_wrapper
+from tink.python.core import registry
+from tink.python.core import tink_error
+KeyManager = key_manager.KeyManager
+PrivateKeyManager = key_manager.PrivateKeyManager
+new_keyset_handle = keyset_handle.generate_new
+read_keyset_handle = keyset_handle.read
+KeysetHandle = keyset_handle.KeysetHandle
+KeysetReader = keyset_reader.KeysetReader
+JsonKeysetReader = keyset_reader.JsonKeysetReader
+BinaryKeysetReader = keyset_reader.BinaryKeysetReader
+KeysetWriter = keyset_writer.KeysetWriter
+JsonKeysetWriter = keyset_writer.JsonKeysetWriter
+BinaryKeysetWriter = keyset_writer.BinaryKeysetWriter
+Registry = registry.Registry
+TinkError = tink_error.TinkError
+new_primitive_set = primitive_set.new_primitive_set
+PrimitiveSet = primitive_set.PrimitiveSet
+PrimitiveWrapper = primitive_wrapper.PrimitiveWrapper
+crypto_format = _crypto_format
diff --git a/python/core/crypto_format.py b/python/core/crypto_format.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..35fb768c92be5df37487791002691a5c70a35691
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+++ b/python/core/crypto_format.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Constants and convenience methods for the outputs handled by Tink."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import google_type_annotations
+from __future__ import print_function
+import struct
+from tink.proto import tink_pb2
+from tink.python.core import tink_error
+TINK_START_BYTE = b'\x01'
+def output_prefix(key: tink_pb2.Keyset.Key) -> bytes:
+  """Generates the prefix for the outputs handled by the specified key."""
+  if key.output_prefix_type == tink_pb2.TINK:
+    return struct.pack('>cL', TINK_START_BYTE, key.key_id)
+  elif (key.output_prefix_type == tink_pb2.CRUNCHY or
+        key.output_prefix_type == tink_pb2.LEGACY):
+    return struct.pack('>cL', LEGACY_START_BYTE, key.key_id)
+  elif key.output_prefix_type == tink_pb2.RAW:
+    return b''
+  else:
+    raise tink_error.TinkError(
+        'The given key has invalid OutputPrefixType {}.'.format(
+            key.output_prefix_type))
diff --git a/python/core/crypto_format_test.py b/python/core/crypto_format_test.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9894946996fdedf49e46386f751679e000f13d15
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+++ b/python/core/crypto_format_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for tink.python.crypto_format."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import unittest
+from tink.proto import tink_pb2
+from tink.python import core
+def to_byte(c):
+  # items in byte strings are of type str in Python v2.7 and int in v3.5
+  if isinstance(c, str):
+    return c.encode()
+  else:
+    return chr(c).encode()
+class CryptoFormatTest(googletest.TestCase):
+  def test_tink_prefix(self):
+    key = tink_pb2.Keyset.Key()
+    key.output_prefix_type = tink_pb2.TINK
+    key.key_id = 0x00040695
+    prefix = core.crypto_format.output_prefix(key)
+    self.assertLen(prefix, core.crypto_format.TINK_PREFIX_SIZE)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        to_byte(prefix[0]), bytes(core.crypto_format.TINK_START_BYTE))
+    # key_id in big-endian format.
+    self.assertEqual(prefix[1:5], b'\x00\x04\x06\x95')
+  def test_legacy_prefix(self):
+    key = tink_pb2.Keyset.Key()
+    key.output_prefix_type = tink_pb2.LEGACY
+    key.key_id = 0xFF7F1058
+    prefix = core.crypto_format.output_prefix(key)
+    self.assertLen(prefix, core.crypto_format.NON_RAW_PREFIX_SIZE)
+    self.assertEqual(to_byte(prefix[0]), core.crypto_format.LEGACY_START_BYTE)
+    # key_id in big-endian format.
+    self.assertEqual(prefix[1:5], b'\xFF\x7F\x10\x58')
+  def test_crunchy_prefix(self):
+    key = tink_pb2.Keyset.Key()
+    key.output_prefix_type = tink_pb2.CRUNCHY
+    key.key_id = 0x12AAB1
+    prefix = core.crypto_format.output_prefix(key)
+    self.assertLen(prefix, core.crypto_format.NON_RAW_PREFIX_SIZE)
+    self.assertEqual(to_byte(prefix[0]), core.crypto_format.LEGACY_START_BYTE)
+    # key_id in big-endian format.
+    self.assertEqual(prefix[1:5], b'\x00\x12\xAA\xB1')
+  def test_raw_prefix(self):
+    key = tink_pb2.Keyset.Key()
+    key.output_prefix_type = tink_pb2.RAW
+    key.key_id = 0x74EB33
+    prefix = core.crypto_format.output_prefix(key)
+    self.assertLen(prefix, core.crypto_format.RAW_PREFIX_SIZE)
+  def test_invalid_output_prefix(self):
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(
+        core.TinkError, 'The given key has invalid OutputPrefixType 42.'):
+      key = tink_pb2.Keyset.Key()
+      key.output_prefix_type = 42
+      key.key_id = 0x11223344
+      _ = core.crypto_format.output_prefix(key)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  googletest.main()
diff --git a/python/core/key_manager.py b/python/core/key_manager.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7422d630e7802e387824bd21a5f859d5df64dfba
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+++ b/python/core/key_manager.py
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+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""This module defines the basic types and abstract classes in Tink."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import google_type_annotations
+from __future__ import print_function
+import abc
+import google3
+from typing import Any, Generic, Text, Type, TypeVar
+from tink.proto import tink_pb2
+from tink.python.core import tink_error
+P = TypeVar('P')
+class KeyManager(Generic[P]):
+  """Generates keys and provides primitives for the keys.
+  A KeyManager "understands" keys of a specific key types: it can generate keys
+  of a supported type and create primitives for supported keys.  A key type is
+  identified by the global name of the protocol buffer that holds the
+  corresponding key material, and is given by type_url-field of KeyData-protocol
+  buffer.
+  """
+  __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
+  @abc.abstractmethod
+  def primitive_class(self) -> Type[P]:
+    """The class of the primitive it uses. Used for internal management."""
+    pass
+  @abc.abstractmethod
+  def primitive(self, key_data: tink_pb2.KeyData) -> P:
+    """Constructs an primitive for the given key.
+    Args:
+      key_data: KeyData protocol buffer
+    Returns:
+      A primitive, for example an instance of Aead or Mac.
+    Raises:
+      google3.third_party.tink.python.tink_error.TinkError if getting the
+      primitive fails.
+    """
+    pass
+  @abc.abstractmethod
+  def key_type(self) -> Text:
+    """Returns the type_url identifying the key type handled by this manager."""
+    pass
+  @abc.abstractmethod
+  def new_key_data(self,
+                   key_template: tink_pb2.KeyTemplate) -> tink_pb2.KeyData:
+    """Generates a new random key, based on the specified key_template.
+    Args:
+      key_template: KeyTemplate protocol buffer
+    Returns:
+      A KeyData protocol buffer that contains the key.
+    Raises:
+      google3.third_party.tink.python.error.TinkError if the key generation
+      fails.
+    """
+    pass
+  def does_support(self, type_url: Text) -> bool:
+    return self.key_type() == type_url
+class PrivateKeyManager(KeyManager[P]):
+  """Generates keys and provides primitives for the keys."""
+  @abc.abstractmethod
+  def public_key_data(
+      self, private_key_data: tink_pb2.KeyData) -> tink_pb2.KeyData:
+    """Generates a new random key, based on the specified key_template.
+    Args:
+      private_key_data: KeyData protocol buffer
+    Returns:
+      A KeyData protocol buffer that contains the public key.
+    Raises:
+      google3.third_party.tink.python.error.TinkError if the key generation
+      fails.
+    """
+    pass
+class KeyManagerCcToPyWrapper(KeyManager[P]):
+  """Transforms cliffed C++ KeyManager into a Python KeyManager."""
+  def __init__(self,
+               cc_key_manager: Any,  # A cliffed CcKeyManager<P> instance
+               primitive_class: Type[P],
+               primitive_py_wrapper: Type[P]):
+    self._cc_key_manager = cc_key_manager
+    self._primitive_class = primitive_class
+    self._primitive_py_wrapper = primitive_py_wrapper
+  def primitive_class(self) -> Type[P]:
+    return self._primitive_class
+  @tink_error.use_tink_errors
+  def primitive(self, key_data: tink_pb2.KeyData) -> P:
+    return self._primitive_py_wrapper(self._cc_key_manager.primitive(key_data))
+  def key_type(self) -> Text:
+    return self._cc_key_manager.key_type()
+  @tink_error.use_tink_errors
+  def new_key_data(self,
+                   key_template: tink_pb2.KeyTemplate) -> tink_pb2.KeyData:
+    return self._cc_key_manager.new_key_data(key_template)
+class PrivateKeyManagerCcToPyWrapper(PrivateKeyManager[P]):
+  """Transforms cliffed C++ KeyManager into a Python KeyManager."""
+  def __init__(self,
+               cc_key_manager: Any,  # A cliffed CcKeyManager<P> instance
+               primitive_class: Type[P],
+               primitive_py_wrapper: Type[P]):
+    self._cc_key_manager = cc_key_manager
+    self._primitive_class = primitive_class
+    self._primitive_py_wrapper = primitive_py_wrapper
+  def primitive_class(self) -> Type[P]:
+    return self._primitive_class
+  @tink_error.use_tink_errors
+  def primitive(self, key_data: tink_pb2.KeyData) -> P:
+    return self._primitive_py_wrapper(self._cc_key_manager.primitive(key_data))
+  def key_type(self) -> Text:
+    return self._cc_key_manager.key_type()
+  @tink_error.use_tink_errors
+  def new_key_data(self,
+                   key_template: tink_pb2.KeyTemplate) -> tink_pb2.KeyData:
+    return self._cc_key_manager.new_key_data(key_template)
+  @tink_error.use_tink_errors
+  def public_key_data(self, key_data: tink_pb2.KeyData) -> tink_pb2.KeyData:
+    return self._cc_key_manager.public_key_data(key_data)
diff --git a/python/core/keyset_handle.py b/python/core/keyset_handle.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e3151362ba6c260e90723d9825da29b8b970fd25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/core/keyset_handle.py
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""This module defines KeysetHandle."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import google_type_annotations
+from __future__ import print_function
+import random
+from typing import Type, TypeVar
+from google3.net.proto2.python.public import message
+from tink.proto import tink_pb2
+from tink.python.aead import aead
+from tink.python.core import keyset_reader as reader
+from tink.python.core import keyset_writer as writer
+from tink.python.core import primitive_set
+from tink.python.core import registry
+from tink.python.core import tink_error
+P = TypeVar('P')
+MAX_INT32 = 2147483647  # = 2^31 - 1
+class KeysetHandle(object):
+  """A KeysetHandle provides abstracted access to Keyset.
+  KeysetHandle limits the exposure of actual protocol buffers that hold
+  sensitive key material. This class allows reading and writing encrypted
+  keysets.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, keyset: tink_pb2.Keyset):
+    self._keyset = keyset
+  def keyset_info(self) -> tink_pb2.KeysetInfo:
+    """Returns the KeysetInfo that doesn't contain actual key material."""
+    return _keyset_info(self._keyset)
+  def write(self, keyset_writer: writer.KeysetWriter,
+            master_key_primitive: aead.Aead) -> None:
+    """Serializes, encrypts with master_key_primitive and writes the keyset."""
+    encrypted_keyset = _encrypt(self._keyset, master_key_primitive)
+    keyset_writer.write_encrypted(encrypted_keyset)
+  def public_keyset_handle(self) -> 'KeysetHandle':
+    """Returns a new KeysetHandle for the corresponding public keys."""
+    public_keyset = tink_pb2.Keyset()
+    for key in self._keyset.key:
+      public_key = public_keyset.key.add()
+      public_key.CopyFrom(key)
+      public_key.key_data.CopyFrom(
+          registry.Registry.public_key_data(key.key_data))
+      _validate_key(public_key)
+    public_keyset.primary_key_id = self._keyset.primary_key_id
+    return KeysetHandle(public_keyset)
+  def primitive(self, primitive_class: Type[P]) -> P:
+    """Returns a wrapped primitive from this KeysetHandle.
+    Uses the KeyManager and the PrimitiveWrapper objects in the global
+    registry.Registry
+    to create the primitive. This function is the most common way of creating a
+    primitive.
+    Args:
+      primitive_class: The class of the primitive.
+    Returns:
+      The primitive.
+    Raises:
+      google3.third_party.tink.python.error.tink_error.TinkError if creation of
+      the
+      primitive fails, for example if primitive_class cannot be used with this
+      KeysetHandle.
+    """
+    _validate_keyset(self._keyset)
+    pset = primitive_set.PrimitiveSet(primitive_class)
+    for key in self._keyset.key:
+      if key.status == tink_pb2.ENABLED:
+        primitive = registry.Registry.primitive(key.key_data, primitive_class)
+        entry = pset.add_primitive(primitive, key)
+        if key.key_id == self._keyset.primary_key_id:
+          pset.set_primary(entry)
+    return registry.Registry.wrap(pset)
+def generate_new(key_template: tink_pb2.KeyTemplate) -> KeysetHandle:
+  """Return a new KeysetHandle.
+  It contains a single fresh key generated according to key_template.
+  Args:
+    key_template: A tink_pb2.KeyTemplate object.
+  Returns:
+    A new KeysetHandle.
+  """
+  keyset = tink_pb2.Keyset()
+  key_data = registry.Registry.new_key_data(key_template)
+  key_id = _generate_unused_key_id(keyset)
+  key = keyset.key.add()
+  key.key_data.CopyFrom(key_data)
+  key.status = tink_pb2.ENABLED
+  key.key_id = key_id
+  key.output_prefix_type = key_template.output_prefix_type
+  keyset.primary_key_id = key_id
+  return KeysetHandle(keyset)
+def read(keyset_reader: reader.KeysetReader,
+         master_key_aead: aead.Aead) -> KeysetHandle:
+  """Tries to create a KeysetHandle from an encrypted keyset."""
+  encrypted_keyset = keyset_reader.read_encrypted()
+  _assert_enough_encrypted_key_material(encrypted_keyset)
+  return KeysetHandle(_decrypt(encrypted_keyset, master_key_aead))
+def _keyset_info(keyset: tink_pb2.Keyset) -> tink_pb2.KeysetInfo:
+  keyset_info = tink_pb2.KeysetInfo(primary_key_id=keyset.primary_key_id)
+  for key in keyset.key:
+    key_info = keyset_info.key_info.add()
+    key_info.type_url = key.key_data.type_url
+    key_info.status = key.status
+    key_info.output_prefix_type = key.output_prefix_type
+    key_info.key_id = key.key_id
+  return keyset_info
+def _encrypt(keyset: tink_pb2.Keyset,
+             master_key_primitive: aead.Aead) -> tink_pb2.EncryptedKeyset:
+  """Encrypts a Keyset and returns an EncryptedKeyset."""
+  encrypted_keyset = master_key_primitive.encrypt(keyset.SerializeToString(),
+                                                  b'')
+  # Check if we can decrypt, to detect errors
+  try:
+    keyset2 = tink_pb2.Keyset.FromString(
+        master_key_primitive.decrypt(encrypted_keyset, b''))
+    if keyset != keyset2:
+      raise tink_error.TinkError('cannot encrypt keyset: %s != %s' %
+                                 (keyset, keyset2))
+  except message.DecodeError:
+    raise tink_error.TinkError('invalid keyset, corrupted key material')
+  return tink_pb2.EncryptedKeyset(
+      encrypted_keyset=encrypted_keyset, keyset_info=_keyset_info(keyset))
+def _decrypt(encrypted_keyset: tink_pb2.EncryptedKeyset,
+             master_key_aead: aead.Aead) -> tink_pb2.Keyset:
+  """Decrypts an EncryptedKeyset and returns a Keyset."""
+  try:
+    keyset = tink_pb2.Keyset.FromString(
+        master_key_aead.decrypt(encrypted_keyset.encrypted_keyset, b''))
+    # Check emptiness here too, in case the encrypted keys unwrapped to nothing?
+    _assert_enough_key_material(keyset)
+    return keyset
+  except message.DecodeError:
+    raise tink_error.TinkError('invalid keyset, corrupted key material')
+def _validate_keyset(keyset: tink_pb2.Keyset):
+  """Raises tink_error.TinkError if keyset is not valid."""
+  for key in keyset.key:
+    if key.status != tink_pb2.DESTROYED:
+      _validate_key(key)
+  num_non_destroyed_keys = sum(
+      1 for key in keyset.key if key.status != tink_pb2.DESTROYED)
+  num_non_public_key_material = sum(
+      1 for key in keyset.key
+      if key.key_data.key_material_type != tink_pb2.KeyData.ASYMMETRIC_PUBLIC)
+  num_primary_keys = sum(
+      1 for key in keyset.key
+      if key.status == tink_pb2.ENABLED and key.key_id == keyset.primary_key_id)
+  if num_non_destroyed_keys == 0:
+    raise tink_error.TinkError('empty keyset')
+  if num_primary_keys > 1:
+    raise tink_error.TinkError('keyset contains multiple primary keys')
+  if num_primary_keys == 0 and num_non_public_key_material > 0:
+    raise tink_error.TinkError('keyset does not contain a valid primary key')
+def _validate_key(key: tink_pb2.Keyset.Key):
+  """Raises tink_error.TinkError if key is not valid."""
+  if not key.HasField('key_data'):
+    raise tink_error.TinkError('key {} has no key data'.format(key.key_id))
+  if key.output_prefix_type == tink_pb2.UNKNOWN_PREFIX:
+    raise tink_error.TinkError('key {} has unknown prefix'.format(key.key_id))
+  if key.status == tink_pb2.UNKNOWN_STATUS:
+    raise tink_error.TinkError('key {} has unknown status'.format(key.key_id))
+def _assert_no_secret_key_material(keyset: tink_pb2.Keyset):
+  for key in keyset.key:
+    if (key.key_data.key_material_type == tink_pb2.KeyData.UNKNOWN_KEYMATERIAL
+        or key.key_data.key_material_type == tink_pb2.KeyData.SYMMETRIC or
+        key.key_data.key_material_type == tink_pb2.KeyData.ASYMMETRIC_PRIVATE):
+      raise tink_error.TinkError('keyset contains secret key material')
+def _assert_enough_key_material(keyset: tink_pb2.Keyset):
+  if not keyset or not keyset.key:
+    raise tink_error.TinkError('empty keyset')
+def _assert_enough_encrypted_key_material(
+    encrypted_keyset: tink_pb2.EncryptedKeyset):
+  if not encrypted_keyset or not encrypted_keyset.encrypted_keyset:
+    raise tink_error.TinkError('empty keyset')
+def _generate_unused_key_id(keyset: tink_pb2.Keyset) -> int:
+  while True:
+    key_id = random.randint(1, MAX_INT32)
+    if key_id not in {key.key_id for key in keyset.key}:
+      return key_id
diff --git a/python/core/keyset_handle_test.py b/python/core/keyset_handle_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a28d3c73825e8d9ff724622ee0dcd0e7606f10e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/core/keyset_handle_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for tink.python.keyset_handle."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import google_type_annotations
+from __future__ import print_function
+import io
+import unittest
+from tink.proto import tink_pb2
+from tink.python import aead
+from tink.python import core
+from tink.python import hybrid
+from tink.python import mac
+from tink.python.core import tink_config
+from tink.python.testing import helper
+def setUpModule():
+  tink_config.register()
+class FaultyAead(aead.Aead):
+  def encrypt(self, plaintext: bytes, associated_data: bytes) -> bytes:
+    raise core.TinkError('encrypt failed.')
+  def decrypt(self, plaintext: bytes, associated_data: bytes) -> bytes:
+    raise core.TinkError('decrypt failed.')
+class BadAead1(aead.Aead):
+  def encrypt(self, plaintext: bytes, associated_data: bytes) -> bytes:
+    return b'ciphertext'
+  def decrypt(self, plaintext: bytes, associated_data: bytes) -> bytes:
+    return b'plaintext'
+class BadAead2(aead.Aead):
+  def encrypt(self, plaintext: bytes, associated_data: bytes) -> bytes:
+    return b'ciphertext'
+  def decrypt(self, plaintext: bytes, associated_data: bytes) -> bytes:
+    return tink_pb2.Keyset(primary_key_id=42).SerializeToString()
+def _master_key_aead():
+  return core.Registry.primitive(
+      core.Registry.new_key_data(aead.aead_key_templates.AES128_EAX),
+      aead.Aead)
+class KeysetHandleTest(googletest.TestCase):
+  def test_generate_new(self):
+    keyset_info = core.new_keyset_handle(
+        mac.mac_key_templates.HMAC_SHA256_128BITTAG).keyset_info()
+    self.assertLen(keyset_info.key_info, 1)
+    key_info = keyset_info.key_info[0]
+    self.assertEqual(key_info.status, tink_pb2.ENABLED)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        key_info.output_prefix_type,
+        mac.mac_key_templates.HMAC_SHA256_128BITTAG.output_prefix_type)
+    self.assertEqual(keyset_info.primary_key_id, key_info.key_id)
+  def test_generate_new_key_id_is_randomized(self):
+    handle1 = core.new_keyset_handle(
+        mac.mac_key_templates.HMAC_SHA256_128BITTAG)
+    handle2 = core.new_keyset_handle(
+        mac.mac_key_templates.HMAC_SHA256_128BITTAG)
+    self.assertNotEqual(handle1.keyset_info().key_info[0].key_id,
+                        handle2.keyset_info().key_info[0].key_id)
+  def test_write_encrypted(self):
+    handle = core.new_keyset_handle(
+        mac.mac_key_templates.HMAC_SHA256_128BITTAG)
+    # Encrypt the keyset with Aead.
+    master_key_aead = _master_key_aead()
+    output_stream = io.BytesIO()
+    writer = core.BinaryKeysetWriter(output_stream)
+    handle.write(writer, master_key_aead)
+    reader = core.BinaryKeysetReader(output_stream.getvalue())
+    handle2 = core.read_keyset_handle(reader, master_key_aead)
+    # Check that handle2 has the same primitive as handle.
+    handle2.primitive(mac.Mac).verify_mac(
+        handle.primitive(mac.Mac).compute_mac(b'data'), b'data')
+  def test_write_raises_error_when_encrypt_failed(self):
+    handle = core.new_keyset_handle(
+        mac.mac_key_templates.HMAC_SHA256_128BITTAG)
+    writer = core.BinaryKeysetWriter(io.BytesIO())
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError, 'encrypt failed'):
+      handle.write(writer, FaultyAead())
+  def test_write_raises_error_when_decrypt_not_possible(self):
+    handle = core.new_keyset_handle(
+        mac.mac_key_templates.HMAC_SHA256_128BITTAG)
+    writer = core.BinaryKeysetWriter(io.BytesIO())
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError,
+                                'invalid keyset, corrupted key material'):
+      handle.write(writer, BadAead1())
+  def test_write_raises_error_when_decrypt_to_wrong_keyset(self):
+    handle = core.new_keyset_handle(
+        mac.mac_key_templates.HMAC_SHA256_128BITTAG)
+    writer = core.BinaryKeysetWriter(io.BytesIO())
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError, 'cannot encrypt keyset:'):
+      handle.write(writer, BadAead2())
+  def test_read_empty_keyset_fails(self):
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError, 'No keyset found'):
+      core.read_keyset_handle(
+          core.BinaryKeysetReader(b''), _master_key_aead())
+  def test_public_keyset_handle(self):
+    private_handle = core.new_keyset_handle(
+        hybrid.hybrid_key_templates.ECIES_P256_HKDF_HMAC_SHA256_AES128_GCM)
+    public_handle = private_handle.public_keyset_handle()
+    hybrid_dec = private_handle.primitive(hybrid.HybridDecrypt)
+    hybrid_enc = public_handle.primitive(hybrid.HybridEncrypt)
+    self.assertEqual(public_handle.keyset_info().primary_key_id,
+                     private_handle.keyset_info().primary_key_id)
+    self.assertLen(public_handle.keyset_info().key_info, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        public_handle.keyset_info().key_info[0].type_url,
+        'type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.EciesAeadHkdfPublicKey')
+    ciphertext = hybrid_enc.encrypt(b'some plaintext', b'some context info')
+    self.assertEqual(
+        hybrid_dec.decrypt(ciphertext, b'some context info'), b'some plaintext')
+  def test_primitive_success(self):
+    keyset = tink_pb2.Keyset()
+    key = keyset.key.add()
+    key.key_data.CopyFrom(
+        core.Registry.new_key_data(aead.aead_key_templates.AES128_EAX))
+    key.output_prefix_type = tink_pb2.TINK
+    key.key_id = 1
+    key.status = tink_pb2.ENABLED
+    keyset.primary_key_id = 1
+    handle = core.KeysetHandle(keyset)
+    aead_primitive = handle.primitive(aead.Aead)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        aead_primitive.decrypt(
+            aead_primitive.encrypt(b'message', b'aad'), b'aad'), b'message')
+  def test_primitive_fails_on_empty_keyset(self):
+    keyset = tink_pb2.Keyset()
+    keyset.key.extend([helper.fake_key(key_id=1, status=tink_pb2.DESTROYED)])
+    keyset.primary_key_id = 1
+    handle = core.KeysetHandle(keyset)
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError, 'empty keyset'):
+      handle.primitive(aead.Aead)
+  def test_primitive_fails_on_key_without_keydata(self):
+    keyset = tink_pb2.Keyset()
+    key = helper.fake_key(key_id=123)
+    key.ClearField('key_data')
+    keyset.key.extend([key])
+    keyset.primary_key_id = 123
+    handle = core.KeysetHandle(keyset)
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError,
+                                'key 123 has no key data'):
+      handle.primitive(aead.Aead)
+  def test_primitive_fails_on_key_with_unknown_prefix(self):
+    keyset = tink_pb2.Keyset()
+    keyset.key.extend([
+        helper.fake_key(key_id=12, output_prefix_type=tink_pb2.UNKNOWN_PREFIX)
+    ])
+    keyset.primary_key_id = 12
+    handle = core.KeysetHandle(keyset)
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError,
+                                'key 12 has unknown prefix'):
+      handle.primitive(aead.Aead)
+  def test_primitive_fails_on_key_with_unknown_status(self):
+    keyset = tink_pb2.Keyset()
+    keyset.key.extend(
+        [helper.fake_key(key_id=1234, status=tink_pb2.UNKNOWN_STATUS)])
+    keyset.primary_key_id = 1234
+    handle = core.KeysetHandle(keyset)
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError,
+                                'key 1234 has unknown status'):
+      handle.primitive(aead.Aead)
+  def test_primitive_fails_on_multiple_primary_keys(self):
+    keyset = tink_pb2.Keyset()
+    keyset.key.extend(
+        [helper.fake_key(key_id=12345),
+         helper.fake_key(key_id=12345)])
+    keyset.primary_key_id = 12345
+    handle = core.KeysetHandle(keyset)
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError,
+                                'keyset contains multiple primary keys'):
+      handle.primitive(aead.Aead)
+  def test_primitive_fails_without_primary_key_present(self):
+    keyset = tink_pb2.Keyset()
+    key = keyset.key.add()
+    key.key_data.CopyFrom(
+        core.Registry.new_key_data(aead.aead_key_templates.AES128_EAX))
+    key.output_prefix_type = tink_pb2.TINK
+    key.key_id = 2
+    key.status = tink_pb2.ENABLED
+    keyset.primary_key_id = 1
+    handle = core.KeysetHandle(keyset)
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError,
+                                'keyset does not contain a valid primary key'):
+      handle.primitive(aead.Aead)
+  def test_primitive_fails_on_wrong_primitive_class(self):
+    keyset = tink_pb2.Keyset()
+    key = keyset.key.add()
+    key.key_data.CopyFrom(
+        core.Registry.new_key_data(aead.aead_key_templates.AES128_EAX))
+    key.output_prefix_type = tink_pb2.TINK
+    key.key_id = 1
+    key.status = tink_pb2.ENABLED
+    keyset.primary_key_id = 1
+    handle = core.KeysetHandle(keyset)
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError, 'Wrong primitive class'):
+      handle.primitive(mac.Mac)
+  def test_primitive_wrapped_correctly(self):
+    keydata2 = core.Registry.new_key_data(
+        aead.aead_key_templates.AES128_EAX)
+    keyset = tink_pb2.Keyset()
+    key = keyset.key.add()
+    key.key_data.CopyFrom(
+        core.Registry.new_key_data(aead.aead_key_templates.AES128_EAX))
+    key.output_prefix_type = tink_pb2.TINK
+    key.key_id = 1
+    key.status = tink_pb2.ENABLED
+    key = keyset.key.add()
+    key.key_data.CopyFrom(keydata2)
+    key.output_prefix_type = tink_pb2.RAW
+    key.key_id = 2
+    key.status = tink_pb2.ENABLED
+    keyset.primary_key_id = 1
+    handle = core.KeysetHandle(keyset)
+    aead_primitive = handle.primitive(aead.Aead)
+    aead_primitive2 = core.Registry.primitive(keydata2, aead.Aead)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        aead_primitive.decrypt(
+            aead_primitive2.encrypt(b'message', b'aad'), b'aad'), b'message')
+  def test_keyset_info(self):
+    keyset = tink_pb2.Keyset(primary_key_id=2)
+    keyset.key.extend([
+        helper.fake_key(
+            value=b'v1',
+            type_url='t1',
+            key_id=1,
+            status=tink_pb2.ENABLED,
+            output_prefix_type=tink_pb2.TINK),
+        helper.fake_key(
+            value=b'v2',
+            type_url='t2',
+            key_id=2,
+            status=tink_pb2.DESTROYED,
+            output_prefix_type=tink_pb2.RAW)
+    ])
+    handle = core.KeysetHandle(keyset)
+    expected_keyset_info = tink_pb2.KeysetInfo(primary_key_id=2)
+    info1 = expected_keyset_info.key_info.add()
+    info1.type_url = 't1'
+    info1.status = tink_pb2.ENABLED
+    info1.output_prefix_type = tink_pb2.TINK
+    info1.key_id = 1
+    info2 = expected_keyset_info.key_info.add()
+    info2.type_url = 't2'
+    info2.status = tink_pb2.DESTROYED
+    info2.output_prefix_type = tink_pb2.RAW
+    info2.key_id = 2
+    self.assertEqual(expected_keyset_info, handle.keyset_info())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  googletest.main()
diff --git a/python/core/keyset_reader.py b/python/core/keyset_reader.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ef69644652744dffb5d77e484d6b08e40a64bd25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/core/keyset_reader.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Reads KeySets from File."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import google_type_annotations
+from __future__ import print_function
+import abc
+from typing import Text
+from tink.proto import tink_pb2
+from tink.python.core import tink_error
+from google3.net.proto2.python.public import json_format
+from google3.net.proto2.python.public import message
+class KeysetReader(object):
+  """Reads a Keyset."""
+  __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
+  @abc.abstractmethod
+  def read(self) -> tink_pb2.Keyset:
+    """Reads and returns a (cleartext) tink_pb2.Keyset from its source."""
+    pass
+  @abc.abstractmethod
+  def read_encrypted(self) -> tink_pb2.EncryptedKeyset:
+    """Reads and returns an tink_pb2.EncryptedKeyset from its source."""
+    pass
+class JsonKeysetReader(KeysetReader):
+  """Reads a JSON Keyset."""
+  def __init__(self, serialized_keyset: Text):
+    self._serialized_keyset = serialized_keyset
+  def read(self) -> tink_pb2.Keyset:
+    try:
+      return json_format.Parse(self._serialized_keyset, tink_pb2.Keyset())
+    except json_format.ParseError as e:
+      raise tink_error.TinkError(e)
+  def read_encrypted(self) -> tink_pb2.EncryptedKeyset:
+    try:
+      return json_format.Parse(self._serialized_keyset,
+                               tink_pb2.EncryptedKeyset())
+    except json_format.ParseError as e:
+      raise tink_error.TinkError(e)
+class BinaryKeysetReader(KeysetReader):
+  """Reads a binary Keyset."""
+  def __init__(self, serialized_keyset: bytes):
+    self._serialized_keyset = serialized_keyset
+  def read(self) -> tink_pb2.Keyset:
+    if not self._serialized_keyset:
+      raise tink_error.TinkError('No keyset found')
+    try:
+      keyset = tink_pb2.Keyset()
+      keyset.ParseFromString(self._serialized_keyset)
+      return keyset
+    except message.DecodeError as e:
+      raise tink_error.TinkError(e)
+  def read_encrypted(self) -> tink_pb2.EncryptedKeyset:
+    if not self._serialized_keyset:
+      raise tink_error.TinkError('No keyset found')
+    try:
+      encrypted_keyset = tink_pb2.EncryptedKeyset()
+      encrypted_keyset.ParseFromString(self._serialized_keyset)
+      return encrypted_keyset
+    except message.DecodeError as e:
+      raise tink_error.TinkError(e)
diff --git a/python/core/keyset_reader_test.py b/python/core/keyset_reader_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b7880d591fe422d40e955f1f3d5365009f9ce4f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/core/keyset_reader_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for tink.python.keyset_reader."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import unittest
+from tink.proto import tink_pb2
+from tink.python import core
+class JsonKeysetReaderTest(googletest.TestCase):
+  def test_read(self):
+    json_keyset = """
+        {
+          "primaryKeyId": 42,
+          "key": [
+            {
+              "keyData": {
+                "typeUrl": "type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesGcmKey",
+                "keyMaterialType": "SYMMETRIC",
+                "value": "GhCS/1+ejWpx68NfGt6ziYHd"
+              },
+              "outputPrefixType": "TINK",
+              "keyId": 42,
+              "status": "ENABLED"
+            }
+          ]
+        }"""
+    reader = core.JsonKeysetReader(json_keyset)
+    keyset = reader.read()
+    self.assertEqual(keyset.primary_key_id, 42)
+    self.assertLen(keyset.key, 1)
+  def test_read_invalid(self):
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError, 'Failed to load JSON'):
+      reader = core.JsonKeysetReader('not json')
+      reader.read()
+  def test_read_encrypted(self):
+    # encryptedKeyset is a base64-encoding of 'some ciphertext with keyset'
+    json_encrypted_keyset = """
+        {
+          "encryptedKeyset": "c29tZSBjaXBoZXJ0ZXh0IHdpdGgga2V5c2V0",
+          "keysetInfo": {
+            "primaryKeyId": 42,
+            "keyInfo": [
+              {
+                "typeUrl": "type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesGcmKey",
+                "outputPrefixType": "TINK",
+                "keyId": 42,
+                "status": "ENABLED"
+              }
+            ]
+          }
+        }"""
+    reader = core.JsonKeysetReader(json_encrypted_keyset)
+    enc_keyset = reader.read_encrypted()
+    self.assertEqual(enc_keyset.encrypted_keyset,
+                     b'some ciphertext with keyset')
+    self.assertLen(enc_keyset.keyset_info.key_info, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(enc_keyset.keyset_info.key_info[0].type_url,
+                     'type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesGcmKey')
+  def test_read_encrypted_invalid(self):
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError, 'Failed to load JSON'):
+      reader = core.JsonKeysetReader('not json')
+      reader.read_encrypted()
+class BinaryKeysetReaderTest(googletest.TestCase):
+  def test_read(self):
+    keyset = tink_pb2.Keyset()
+    keyset.primary_key_id = 42
+    key = keyset.key.add()
+    key.key_data.type_url = 'type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesGcmKey'
+    key.key_data.key_material_type = tink_pb2.KeyData.SYMMETRIC
+    key.key_data.value = b'GhCS/1+ejWpx68NfGt6ziYHd'
+    key.output_prefix_type = tink_pb2.TINK
+    key.key_id = 42
+    key.status = tink_pb2.ENABLED
+    reader = core.BinaryKeysetReader(keyset.SerializeToString())
+    self.assertEqual(keyset, reader.read())
+  def test_read_none(self):
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError, 'No keyset found'):
+      reader = core.BinaryKeysetReader(None)
+      reader.read()
+  def test_read_empty(self):
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError, 'No keyset found'):
+      reader = core.BinaryKeysetReader('')
+      reader.read()
+  def test_read_invalid(self):
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError, 'Wrong wire type'):
+      reader = core.BinaryKeysetReader(b'some weird data')
+      reader.read()
+  def test_read_encrypted(self):
+    encrypted_keyset = tink_pb2.EncryptedKeyset()
+    encrypted_keyset.encrypted_keyset = b'c29tZSBjaXBoZXJ0ZXh0IHdpdGgga2V5c2V0'
+    encrypted_keyset.keyset_info.primary_key_id = 42
+    key_info = encrypted_keyset.keyset_info.key_info.add()
+    key_info.type_url = 'type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesGcmKey'
+    key_info.output_prefix_type = tink_pb2.TINK
+    key_info.key_id = 42
+    key_info.status = tink_pb2.ENABLED
+    reader = core.BinaryKeysetReader(
+        encrypted_keyset.SerializeToString())
+    self.assertEqual(encrypted_keyset, reader.read_encrypted())
+  def test_read_encrypted_none(self):
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError, 'No keyset found'):
+      reader = core.BinaryKeysetReader(None)
+      reader.read_encrypted()
+  def test_read_encrypted_empty(self):
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError, 'No keyset found'):
+      reader = core.BinaryKeysetReader('')
+      reader.read_encrypted()
+  def test_read_encrypted_invalid(self):
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError, 'Wrong wire type'):
+      reader = core.BinaryKeysetReader(b'some weird data')
+      reader.read_encrypted()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  googletest.main()
diff --git a/python/core/keyset_writer.py b/python/core/keyset_writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aaae8844b254668e72ef896aab4ad3d4bfb3270b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/core/keyset_writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Reads KeySets from File."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import google_type_annotations
+from __future__ import print_function
+import abc
+import io
+from google3.net.proto2.python.public import json_format
+from tink.proto import tink_pb2
+from tink.python.core import tink_error
+class KeysetWriter(object):
+  """Knows how to write keysets to some storage system."""
+  __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
+  @abc.abstractmethod
+  def write(self, keyset: tink_pb2.Keyset) -> None:
+    """Tries to write a tink_pb2.Keyset to some storage system."""
+    pass
+  @abc.abstractmethod
+  def write_encrypted(self, encrypted_keyset: tink_pb2.EncryptedKeyset) -> None:
+    """Tries to write an tink_pb2.EncryptedKeyset to some storage system."""
+    pass
+class JsonKeysetWriter(KeysetWriter):
+  """Writes keysets in proto JSON wire format to some storage system.
+  cf. https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding
+  """
+  def __init__(self, text_io_stream: io.TextIOBase):
+    self._io_stream = text_io_stream
+  def write(self, keyset: tink_pb2.Keyset) -> None:
+    if not isinstance(keyset, tink_pb2.Keyset):
+      raise tink_error.TinkError('invalid keyset.')
+    json_keyset = json_format.MessageToJson(keyset)
+    # Needed for python 2.7 compatibility. StringIO expects unicode, but
+    # MessageToJson outputs UTF-8.
+    if isinstance(json_keyset, bytes):
+      json_keyset = json_keyset.decode('utf-8')
+    self._io_stream.write(json_keyset)
+    self._io_stream.flush()
+  def write_encrypted(self, encrypted_keyset: tink_pb2.EncryptedKeyset) -> None:
+    if not isinstance(encrypted_keyset, tink_pb2.EncryptedKeyset):
+      raise tink_error.TinkError('invalid encrypted keyset.')
+    json_keyset = json_format.MessageToJson(encrypted_keyset)
+    # Needed for python 2.7 compatibility. StringIO expects unicode, but
+    # MessageToJson outputs UTF-8.
+    if isinstance(json_keyset, bytes):
+      json_keyset = json_keyset.decode('utf-8')
+    self._io_stream.write(json_keyset)
+    self._io_stream.flush()
+class BinaryKeysetWriter(KeysetWriter):
+  """Writes keysets in proto binary wire format to some storage system.
+  cf. https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding
+  """
+  def __init__(self, binary_io_stream: io.BufferedIOBase):
+    self._io_stream = binary_io_stream
+  def write(self, keyset: tink_pb2.Keyset) -> None:
+    if not isinstance(keyset, tink_pb2.Keyset):
+      raise tink_error.TinkError('invalid keyset.')
+    self._io_stream.write(keyset.SerializeToString())
+    self._io_stream.flush()
+  def write_encrypted(self, encrypted_keyset: tink_pb2.EncryptedKeyset) -> None:
+    if not isinstance(encrypted_keyset, tink_pb2.EncryptedKeyset):
+      raise tink_error.TinkError('invalid encrypted keyset.')
+    self._io_stream.write(encrypted_keyset.SerializeToString())
+    self._io_stream.flush()
diff --git a/python/core/keyset_writer_test.py b/python/core/keyset_writer_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6297341aaee3f26cdc703349ee0188342972d834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/core/keyset_writer_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for tink.python.core."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import google_type_annotations
+from __future__ import print_function
+import io
+import unittest
+from tink.proto import tink_pb2
+from tink.python import core
+def example_keyset():
+  keyset = tink_pb2.Keyset()
+  keyset.primary_key_id = 42
+  key = keyset.key.add()
+  key.key_data.type_url = u'type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesGcmKey'
+  key.key_data.key_material_type = tink_pb2.KeyData.SYMMETRIC
+  key.key_data.value = b'GhCS/1+ejWpx68NfGt6ziYHd'
+  key.output_prefix_type = tink_pb2.TINK
+  key.key_id = 42
+  key.status = tink_pb2.ENABLED
+  return keyset
+def example_encrypted_keyset():
+  encrypted_keyset = tink_pb2.EncryptedKeyset()
+  encrypted_keyset.encrypted_keyset = b'c29tZSBjaXBoZXJ0ZXh0IHdpdGgga2V5c2V0'
+  encrypted_keyset.keyset_info.primary_key_id = 42
+  key_info = encrypted_keyset.keyset_info.key_info.add()
+  key_info.type_url = 'type.googleapis.com/google.crypto.tink.AesGcmKey'
+  key_info.output_prefix_type = tink_pb2.TINK
+  key_info.key_id = 42
+  key_info.status = tink_pb2.ENABLED
+  return encrypted_keyset
+class JsonKeysetWriterTest(googletest.TestCase):
+  def test_write_read(self):
+    keyset = example_keyset()
+    stream = io.StringIO()
+    writer = core.JsonKeysetWriter(stream)
+    writer.write(keyset)
+    reader = core.JsonKeysetReader(stream.getvalue())
+    self.assertEqual(keyset, reader.read())
+  def test_write_encrypted_read_encrypted(self):
+    encrypted_keyset = example_encrypted_keyset()
+    stream = io.StringIO()
+    writer = core.JsonKeysetWriter(stream)
+    writer.write_encrypted(encrypted_keyset)
+    reader = core.JsonKeysetReader(stream.getvalue())
+    self.assertEqual(encrypted_keyset, reader.read_encrypted())
+  def test_write_read_with_unicode_chars(self):
+    keyset = tink_pb2.Keyset()
+    key = keyset.key.add()
+    key.key_data.type_url = (
+        u'\xe3\x82\xb3\xe3\x83\xb3\xe3\x83\x8b\xe3\x83\x81\xe3\x83\x8f')
+    stream = io.StringIO()
+    writer = core.JsonKeysetWriter(stream)
+    writer.write(keyset)
+    reader = core.JsonKeysetReader(stream.getvalue())
+    self.assertEqual(keyset, reader.read())
+  def test_write_invalid_fails(self):
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError, 'invalid keyset'):
+      stream = io.StringIO()
+      writer = core.JsonKeysetWriter(stream)
+      writer.write(example_encrypted_keyset())
+  def test_write_encrypted_invalid_fails(self):
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError, 'invalid encrypted keyset'):
+      stream = io.StringIO()
+      writer = core.JsonKeysetWriter(stream)
+      writer.write_encrypted(example_keyset())
+class BinaryKeysetReaderTest(googletest.TestCase):
+  def test_write_read(self):
+    keyset = example_keyset()
+    stream = io.BytesIO()
+    writer = core.BinaryKeysetWriter(stream)
+    writer.write(keyset)
+    reader = core.BinaryKeysetReader(stream.getvalue())
+    self.assertEqual(keyset, reader.read())
+  def test_write_encrypted_read_encrypted(self):
+    encrypted_keyset = example_encrypted_keyset()
+    stream = io.BytesIO()
+    writer = core.BinaryKeysetWriter(stream)
+    writer.write_encrypted(encrypted_keyset)
+    reader = core.BinaryKeysetReader(stream.getvalue())
+    self.assertEqual(encrypted_keyset, reader.read_encrypted())
+  def test_write_invalid_fails(self):
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError, 'invalid keyset'):
+      stream = io.BytesIO()
+      writer = core.BinaryKeysetWriter(stream)
+      writer.write(example_encrypted_keyset())
+  def test_write_encrypted_invalid_fails(self):
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError, 'invalid encrypted keyset'):
+      stream = io.BytesIO()
+      writer = core.BinaryKeysetWriter(stream)
+      writer.write_encrypted(example_keyset())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  googletest.main()
diff --git a/python/core/primitive_set.py b/python/core/primitive_set.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..69a15a6f74178677b903bc6a5e29267443b47f2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/core/primitive_set.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""A container class for a set of primitives."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import google_type_annotations
+from __future__ import print_function
+import collections
+from typing import Generic, List, Type, TypeVar
+from tink.proto import tink_pb2
+from tink.python.core import crypto_format
+from tink.python.core import tink_error
+P = TypeVar('P')
+Entry = collections.namedtuple(
+    'Entry', 'primitive, identifier, status, output_prefix_type')
+def new_primitive_set(primitive_class):
+  return PrimitiveSet(primitive_class)
+class PrimitiveSet(Generic[P]):
+  """A container class for a set of primitives.
+  PrimitiveSet is an auxiliary class used for supporting key rotation:
+  primitives in a set correspond to keys in a keyset. Users will usually work
+  with primitive instances, which essentially wrap primitive sets. For example
+  an instance of an Aead-primitive for a given keyset holds a set of
+  Aead-primitives corresponding to the keys in the keyset, and uses the set
+  members to do the actual crypto operations: to encrypt data the primary
+  Aead-primitive from the set is used, and upon decryption the ciphertext's
+  prefix determines the id of the primitive from the set.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, primitive_class: Type[P]):
+    # map from identifier to a list of Entry
+    self._primitives = {}
+    self._primary = None
+    self._primitive_class = primitive_class
+  def primitive_class(self) -> Type[P]:
+    return self._primitive_class
+  def primitive_from_identifier(self, identifier: bytes) -> List[P]:
+    """Returns a copy of the list of entries for a given identifier."""
+    # Copy the list so that if the user modifies the list, it does not affect
+    # the internal data structure.
+    return self._primitives.get(identifier, [])[:]
+  def primitive(self, key: tink_pb2.Keyset.Key) -> List[P]:
+    """Returns a copy of the list of primitives for a given identifier."""
+    return self.primitive_from_identifier(crypto_format.output_prefix(key))
+  def raw_primitives(self) -> List[P]:
+    """Returns a copy of the list of primitives for a given identifier."""
+    # All raw keys have the same identifier, which is just b''.
+    return self.primitive_from_identifier(crypto_format.RAW_PREFIX)
+  def add_primitive(self, primitive: P, key: tink_pb2.Keyset.Key) -> Entry:
+    """Adds a new primitive and key entry to the set, and returns the entry."""
+    if not isinstance(primitive, self._primitive_class):
+      raise tink_error.TinkError(
+          'The primitive is not an instance of {}'.format(
+              self._primitive_class))
+    identifier = crypto_format.output_prefix(key)
+    entry = Entry(primitive, identifier, key.status, key.output_prefix_type)
+    entries = self._primitives.setdefault(identifier, [])
+    entries.append(entry)
+    return entry
+  def set_primary(self, entry: Entry) -> None:
+    self._primary = entry
+  def primary(self) -> Entry:
+    return self._primary
diff --git a/python/core/primitive_set_test.py b/python/core/primitive_set_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f803e3c15c35c17fba50b59cf58b67e283a88065
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/core/primitive_set_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for tink.python.core."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import unittest
+from tink.proto import tink_pb2
+from tink.python import aead
+from tink.python import core
+from tink.python import mac
+from tink.python.core import crypto_format
+from tink.python.testing import helper
+class PrimitiveSetTest(googletest.TestCase):
+  def test_primitive_returns_entry(self):
+    key = helper.fake_key(key_id=1)
+    fake_mac = helper.FakeMac('FakeMac')
+    primitive_set = core.new_primitive_set(mac.Mac)
+    primitive_set.add_primitive(fake_mac, key)
+    entries = primitive_set.primitive(key)
+    self.assertLen(entries, 1)
+    entry = entries[0]
+    self.assertEqual(fake_mac, entry.primitive)
+    self.assertEqual(tink_pb2.ENABLED, entry.status)
+    self.assertEqual(crypto_format.output_prefix(key), entry.identifier)
+  def test_unknown_key_returns_empty_list(self):
+    primitive_set = core.new_primitive_set(mac.Mac)
+    unknown_key = helper.fake_key(key_id=1)
+    self.assertEqual(primitive_set.primitive(unknown_key), [])
+  def test_primitive_from_identifier_returns_entry(self):
+    primitive_set = core.new_primitive_set(mac.Mac)
+    key = helper.fake_key(key_id=1)
+    fake_mac = helper.FakeMac('FakeMac')
+    primitive_set.add_primitive(fake_mac, key)
+    ident = crypto_format.output_prefix(key)
+    entries = primitive_set.primitive_from_identifier(ident)
+    self.assertLen(entries, 1)
+    entry = entries[0]
+    self.assertEqual(fake_mac, entry.primitive)
+    self.assertEqual(tink_pb2.ENABLED, entry.status)
+    self.assertEqual(ident, entry.identifier)
+  def test_list_of_entries_can_be_modified(self):
+    primitive_set = core.new_primitive_set(mac.Mac)
+    key = helper.fake_key(key_id=1)
+    primitive_set.add_primitive(helper.FakeMac('FakeMac'), key)
+    entries = primitive_set.primitive(key)
+    entries.append('Something')
+    self.assertLen(primitive_set.primitive(key), 1)
+  def test_primary_returns_primary(self):
+    primitive_set = core.new_primitive_set(mac.Mac)
+    key = helper.fake_key(key_id=1)
+    fake_mac = helper.FakeMac('FakeMac')
+    entry = primitive_set.add_primitive(fake_mac, key)
+    primitive_set.set_primary(entry)
+    entry = primitive_set.primary()
+    self.assertEqual(fake_mac, entry.primitive)
+    self.assertEqual(tink_pb2.ENABLED, entry.status)
+    self.assertEqual(crypto_format.output_prefix(key), entry.identifier)
+  def test_primary_returns_none(self):
+    primitive_set = core.new_primitive_set(mac.Mac)
+    primitive_set.add_primitive(
+        helper.FakeMac('FakeMac'), helper.fake_key(key_id=1))
+    self.assertEqual(primitive_set.primary(), None)
+  def test_same_key_id_and_prefix_type(self):
+    primitive_set = core.new_primitive_set(mac.Mac)
+    key1 = helper.fake_key(key_id=1, status=tink_pb2.ENABLED)
+    fake_mac1 = helper.FakeMac('FakeMac1')
+    primitive_set.add_primitive(fake_mac1, key1)
+    key2 = helper.fake_key(key_id=1, status=tink_pb2.DISABLED)
+    fake_mac2 = helper.FakeMac('FakeMac2')
+    primitive_set.add_primitive(fake_mac2, key2)
+    expected_ident = crypto_format.output_prefix(key1)
+    entries = primitive_set.primitive(key1)
+    self.assertLen(entries, 2)
+    self.assertEqual(fake_mac1, entries[0].primitive)
+    self.assertEqual(fake_mac2, entries[1].primitive)
+    self.assertEqual(tink_pb2.ENABLED, entries[0].status)
+    self.assertEqual(tink_pb2.DISABLED, entries[1].status)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_ident, entries[0].identifier)
+    self.assertEqual(expected_ident, entries[1].identifier)
+    self.assertLen(primitive_set.primitive(key2), 2)
+  def test_same_key_id_but_different_prefix_type(self):
+    primitive_set = core.new_primitive_set(mac.Mac)
+    key1 = helper.fake_key(key_id=1, output_prefix_type=tink_pb2.TINK)
+    fake_mac1 = helper.FakeMac('FakeMac1')
+    primitive_set.add_primitive(fake_mac1, key1)
+    key2 = helper.fake_key(key_id=1, output_prefix_type=tink_pb2.LEGACY)
+    fake_mac2 = helper.FakeMac('FakeMac2')
+    primitive_set.add_primitive(fake_mac2, key2)
+    entries1 = primitive_set.primitive(key1)
+    self.assertLen(entries1, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(fake_mac1, entries1[0].primitive)
+    self.assertEqual(tink_pb2.ENABLED, entries1[0].status)
+    self.assertEqual(crypto_format.output_prefix(key1), entries1[0].identifier)
+    entries2 = primitive_set.primitive(key2)
+    self.assertLen(entries2, 1)
+    self.assertEqual(fake_mac2, entries2[0].primitive)
+    self.assertEqual(tink_pb2.ENABLED, entries2[0].status)
+    self.assertEqual(crypto_format.output_prefix(key2), entries2[0].identifier)
+  def test_add_invalid_key_fails(self):
+    primitive_set = core.new_primitive_set(mac.Mac)
+    key = helper.fake_key()
+    key.ClearField('output_prefix_type')
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError, 'invalid OutputPrefixType'):
+      primitive_set.add_primitive(helper.FakeMac(), key)
+  def test_add_wrong_primitive_fails(self):
+    primitive_set = core.new_primitive_set(aead.Aead)
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError,
+                                'The primitive is not an instance of '):
+      primitive_set.add_primitive(helper.FakeMac(), helper.fake_key())
+  def test_primitive_class(self):
+    primitive_set = core.new_primitive_set(mac.Mac)
+    self.assertEqual(primitive_set.primitive_class(), mac.Mac)
+  def test_raw_primitives(self):
+    primitive_set = core.new_primitive_set(mac.Mac)
+    primitive_set.add_primitive(
+        helper.FakeMac('FakeMac1'), helper.fake_key(key_id=1))
+    key2 = helper.fake_key(key_id=1, output_prefix_type=tink_pb2.RAW)
+    fake_mac2 = helper.FakeMac('FakeMac2')
+    primitive_set.add_primitive(fake_mac2, key2)
+    key3 = helper.fake_key(
+        key_id=3, status=tink_pb2.DISABLED, output_prefix_type=tink_pb2.RAW)
+    fake_mac3 = helper.FakeMac('FakeMac3')
+    primitive_set.add_primitive(fake_mac3, key3)
+    entries = primitive_set.raw_primitives()
+    self.assertLen(entries, 2)
+    self.assertEqual(fake_mac2, entries[0].primitive)
+    self.assertEqual(tink_pb2.ENABLED, entries[0].status)
+    self.assertEqual(crypto_format.RAW_PREFIX, entries[0].identifier)
+    self.assertEqual(fake_mac3, entries[1].primitive)
+    self.assertEqual(tink_pb2.DISABLED, entries[1].status)
+    self.assertEqual(crypto_format.RAW_PREFIX, entries[1].identifier)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  googletest.main()
diff --git a/python/core/primitive_wrapper.py b/python/core/primitive_wrapper.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f19a1f9af9aeac8faccc9233ec83c5549712d54f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/core/primitive_wrapper.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Basic interface for wrapping a primitive."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import google_type_annotations
+from __future__ import print_function
+import abc
+from typing import Generic, Type, TypeVar
+from tink.python.core import primitive_set
+P = TypeVar('P')
+class PrimitiveWrapper(Generic[P]):
+  """Basic interface for wrapping a primitive.
+  A PrimitiveSet can be wrapped by a single primitive in order to fulfill a
+  cryptographic task. This is done by the PrimitiveWrapper. Whenever a new
+  primitive type is added to Tink, the user should define a new PrimitiveWrapper
+  and register it by calling registry.registerPrimitiveWrapper().
+  """
+  __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
+  @abc.abstractmethod
+  def wrap(self, pset: primitive_set.PrimitiveSet) -> P:
+    """Wraps a PrimitiveSet and returns a single primitive instance."""
+    pass
+  @abc.abstractmethod
+  def primitive_class(self) -> Type[P]:
+    """Returns the primitive class of the primitive managed."""
+    pass
diff --git a/python/core/registry.py b/python/core/registry.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b91c3ee448b7a698850cd4828ccdcf5dd33c63c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/core/registry.py
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tink Registry."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import google_type_annotations
+from __future__ import print_function
+from typing import Any, Text, Tuple, Type, TypeVar
+from tink.proto import tink_pb2
+from tink.python.core import key_manager as km_module
+from tink.python.core import primitive_set as pset_module
+from tink.python.core import primitive_wrapper
+from tink.python.core import tink_error
+P = TypeVar('P')
+class Registry(object):
+  """A global container of key managers.
+  Registry maps supported key types to a corresponding KeyManager object,
+  which 'understands' the key type (i.e., the KeyManager can instantiate the
+  primitive corresponding to given key, or can generate new keys of the
+  supported key type). Keeping KeyManagers for all primitives in a single
+  Registry (rather than having a separate KeyManager per primitive) enables
+  modular construction of compound primitives from 'simple' ones,
+  e.g., AES-CTR-HMAC AEAD encryption uses IND-CPA encryption and a MAC.
+  Registry is initialized at startup, and is later used to instantiate
+  primitives for given keys or keysets.
+  """
+  _key_managers = {}  # type: dict[Text, Tuple[km_module.KeyManager, bool]]
+  _wrappers = {}  # type: dict[Type, primitive_wrapper.PrimitiveWrapper]
+  @classmethod
+  def reset(cls) -> None:
+    """Resets the registry."""
+    cls._key_managers = {}
+    cls._wrappers = {}
+  @classmethod
+  def _key_manager_internal(
+      cls, type_url: Text) -> Tuple[km_module.KeyManager, bool]:
+    """Returns a key manager, new_key_allowed pair for the given type_url."""
+    if type_url not in cls._key_managers:
+      raise tink_error.TinkError(
+          'No manager for type {} has been registered.'.format(type_url))
+    return cls._key_managers[type_url]
+  @classmethod
+  def key_manager(cls, type_url: Text) -> km_module.KeyManager:
+    """Returns a key manager for the given type_url and primitive_class.
+    Args:
+      type_url: Key type string
+    Returns:
+      A KeyManager object
+    """
+    key_mgr, _ = cls._key_manager_internal(type_url)
+    return key_mgr
+  @classmethod
+  def register_key_manager(cls,
+                           key_manager: km_module.KeyManager,
+                           new_key_allowed: bool = True) -> None:
+    """Tries to register a key_manager for the given key_manager.key_type().
+    Args:
+      key_manager: A KeyManager object
+      new_key_allowed: If new_key_allowed is true, users can generate new keys
+        with this manager using Registry.new_key()
+    """
+    key_managers = cls._key_managers
+    type_url = key_manager.key_type()
+    primitive_class = key_manager.primitive_class()
+    if not key_manager.does_support(type_url):
+      raise tink_error.TinkError(
+          'The manager does not support its own type {}.'.format(type_url))
+    if type_url in key_managers:
+      existing, existing_new_key = key_managers[type_url]
+      if (type(existing) != type(key_manager) or  # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
+          existing.primitive_class() != primitive_class):
+        raise tink_error.TinkError(
+            'A manager for type {} has been already registered.'.format(
+                type_url))
+      else:
+        if not existing_new_key and new_key_allowed:
+          raise tink_error.TinkError(
+              ('A manager for type {} has been already registered '
+               'with forbidden new key operation.').format(type_url))
+        key_managers[type_url] = (existing, new_key_allowed)
+    else:
+      key_managers[type_url] = (key_manager, new_key_allowed)
+  @classmethod
+  def primitive(cls, key_data: tink_pb2.KeyData, primitive_class: Type[P]) -> P:
+    """Creates a new primitive for the key given in key_data.
+    It looks up a KeyManager identified by key_data.type_url,
+    and calls manager's primitive(key_data) method.
+    Args:
+      key_data: KeyData object
+      primitive_class: The expected primitive class
+    Returns:
+      A primitive for the given key_data
+    Raises:
+      Error if primitive_class does not match the registered primitive class.
+    """
+    key_mgr = cls.key_manager(key_data.type_url)
+    if key_mgr.primitive_class() != primitive_class:
+      raise tink_error.TinkError(
+          'Wrong primitive class: type {} uses primitive {}, and not {}.'
+          .format(key_data.type_url, key_mgr.primitive_class().__name__,
+                  primitive_class.__name__))
+    return key_mgr.primitive(key_data)
+  @classmethod
+  def new_key_data(cls, key_template: tink_pb2.KeyTemplate) -> tink_pb2.KeyData:
+    """Generates a new key for the specified key_template."""
+    key_mgr, new_key_allowed = cls._key_manager_internal(
+        key_template.type_url)
+    if not new_key_allowed:
+      raise tink_error.TinkError(
+          'KeyManager for type {} does not allow for creation of new keys.'
+          .format(key_template.type_url))
+    return key_mgr.new_key_data(key_template)
+  @classmethod
+  def public_key_data(cls,
+                      private_key_data: tink_pb2.KeyData) -> tink_pb2.KeyData:
+    """Generates a new key for the specified key_template."""
+    if (private_key_data.key_material_type !=
+        tink_pb2.KeyData.ASYMMETRIC_PRIVATE):
+      raise tink_error.TinkError('The keyset contains a non-private key')
+    key_mgr = cls.key_manager(private_key_data.type_url)
+    if not isinstance(key_mgr, km_module.PrivateKeyManager):
+      raise tink_error.TinkError(
+          'manager for key type {} is not a PrivateKeyManager'
+          .format(private_key_data.type_url))
+    return key_mgr.public_key_data(private_key_data)
+  @classmethod
+  def register_primitive_wrapper(
+      cls, wrapper: primitive_wrapper.PrimitiveWrapper) -> None:
+    """Tries to register a PrimitiveWrapper.
+    Args:
+      wrapper: A PrimitiveWrapper object.
+    Raises:
+      Error if a different wrapper has already been registered for the same
+      Primitive.
+    """
+    if (wrapper.primitive_class() in cls._wrappers and
+        type(cls._wrappers[wrapper.primitive_class()]) != type(wrapper)):  # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck
+      raise tink_error.TinkError(
+          'A wrapper for primitive {} has already been added.'.format(
+              wrapper.primitive_class().__name__))
+    wrapped = wrapper.wrap(
+        pset_module.PrimitiveSet(wrapper.primitive_class()))
+    if not isinstance(wrapped, wrapper.primitive_class()):
+      raise tink_error.TinkError(
+          'Wrapper for primitive {} generates incompatibe primitve of type {}'
+          .format(wrapper.primitive_class().__name__,
+                  type(wrapped).__name__))
+    cls._wrappers[wrapper.primitive_class()] = wrapper
+  @classmethod
+  def wrap(
+      cls, primitive_set: pset_module.PrimitiveSet) -> Any:  # -> Primitive
+    """Tries to register a PrimitiveWrapper.
+    Args:
+      primitive_set: A PrimitiveSet object.
+    Returns:
+      A primitive that wraps the primitives in primitive_set.
+    Raises:
+      Error if no wrapper for this primitive class is registered.
+    """
+    if primitive_set.primitive_class() not in cls._wrappers:
+      raise tink_error.TinkError(
+          'No PrimitiveWrapper registered for primitive {}.'
+          .format(primitive_set.primitive_class() .__name__))
+    wrapper = cls._wrappers[primitive_set.primitive_class()]
+    return wrapper.wrap(primitive_set)
diff --git a/python/core/registry_test.py b/python/core/registry_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..152bc8ab9269783c098bd82aece2fef6d893cf3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/core/registry_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for tink.python.registry."""
+import unittest
+from tink.proto import tink_pb2
+from tink.python import aead
+from tink.python import core
+from tink.python import mac
+from tink.python.testing import helper
+class DummyKeyManager(core.KeyManager):
+  def __init__(self, type_url, primitive_class=aead.Aead):
+    self._type_url = type_url
+    self._primitive_class = primitive_class
+  def primitive_class(self):
+    return self._primitive_class
+  def primitive(self, key_data):
+    return helper.FakeAead()
+  def key_type(self):
+    return self._type_url
+  def new_key_data(self, key_template):
+    return tink_pb2.KeyData(type_url=key_template.type_url)
+class DummyPrivateKeyManager(core.PrivateKeyManager):
+  def __init__(self, type_url):
+    self._type_url = type_url
+  def primitive_class(self):
+    return None
+  def primitive(self, key_data):
+    return None
+  def key_type(self):
+    return self._type_url
+  def new_key_data(self, key_template):
+    return None
+  def public_key_data(self, private_key_data):
+    return tink_pb2.KeyData(type_url='public_' + private_key_data.type_url)
+class DummyMacWrapper(core.PrimitiveWrapper):
+  def wrap(self, _):
+    return helper.FakeMac()
+  def primitive_class(self):
+    return mac.Mac
+class InconsistentWrapper(core.PrimitiveWrapper):
+  def wrap(self, _):
+    return helper.FakeAead()
+  def primitive_class(self):
+    return mac.Mac
+def _mac_set(mac_list):
+  """Converts a List of Mac in a PrimitiveSet and sets the last primary."""
+  mac_set = core.new_primitive_set(mac.Mac)
+  for i, primitive in enumerate(mac_list):
+    mac_set.set_primary(
+        mac_set.add_primitive(
+            primitive,
+            helper.fake_key(key_id=i, output_prefix_type=tink_pb2.RAW)))
+  return mac_set
+class RegistryTest(googletest.TestCase):
+  def setUp(self):
+    super(RegistryTest, self).setUp()
+    self.reg = core.Registry()
+    self.reg.reset()
+  def test_key_manager_no_exist(self):
+    with self.assertRaises(core.TinkError):
+      self.reg.key_manager('invalid')
+  def test_key_manager_register(self):
+    dummy_key_manager = DummyKeyManager('dummy_type_url')
+    self.reg.register_key_manager(dummy_key_manager)
+    self.assertEqual(dummy_key_manager, self.reg.key_manager('dummy_type_url'))
+  def test_key_manager_reset(self):
+    dummy_key_manager = DummyKeyManager('dummy_type_url')
+    self.reg.register_key_manager(dummy_key_manager)
+    self.reg.reset()
+    with self.assertRaises(core.TinkError):
+      self.reg.key_manager('dummy_type_url')
+  def test_register_same_key_manager_twice(self):
+    self.reg.register_key_manager(DummyKeyManager('dummy_type_url', aead.Aead))
+    self.reg.register_key_manager(DummyKeyManager('dummy_type_url', aead.Aead))
+  def test_key_manager_replace_fails(self):
+    self.reg.register_key_manager(DummyKeyManager('dummy_type_url', aead.Aead))
+    # Replacing the primitive_class for a type_url not allowed.
+    with self.assertRaises(core.TinkError):
+      self.reg.register_key_manager(
+          DummyKeyManager('dummy_type_url', mac.Mac), new_key_allowed=False)
+  def test_key_manager_disable_new_key_enable_fails(self):
+    self.reg.register_key_manager(DummyKeyManager('dummy_type_url'))
+    # Disable new keys.
+    self.reg.register_key_manager(
+        DummyKeyManager('dummy_type_url'), new_key_allowed=False)
+    # Check new keys can't be enabled again.
+    with self.assertRaises(core.TinkError):
+      self.reg.register_key_manager(
+          DummyKeyManager('dummy_type_url'), new_key_allowed=True)
+  def test_primitive_ok(self):
+    self.reg.register_key_manager(DummyKeyManager('dummy_type_url', aead.Aead))
+    primitive = self.reg.primitive(
+        tink_pb2.KeyData(type_url='dummy_type_url'), aead.Aead)
+    self.assertIsInstance(primitive, helper.FakeAead)
+  def test_primitive_fails_on_wrong_primitive(self):
+    self.reg.register_key_manager(DummyKeyManager('dummy_type_url', aead.Aead))
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError,
+                                'uses primitive Aead, and not Mac'):
+      self.reg.primitive(tink_pb2.KeyData(type_url='dummy_type_url'), mac.Mac)
+  def test_primitive_fails_on_subclass(self):
+    self.reg.register_key_manager(
+        DummyKeyManager('dummy_type_url', helper.FakeAead))
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError,
+                                'uses primitive FakeAead, and not Aead'):
+      self.reg.primitive(tink_pb2.KeyData(type_url='dummy_type_url'), aead.Aead)
+  def test_new_key_data_success(self):
+    self.reg.register_key_manager(DummyKeyManager('dummy_type_url'))
+    key_template = tink_pb2.KeyTemplate(type_url='dummy_type_url')
+    key_data = self.reg.new_key_data(key_template)
+    self.assertEqual(key_data.type_url, 'dummy_type_url')
+  def test_new_key_data_wrong_type_url(self):
+    self.reg.register_key_manager(DummyKeyManager('dummy_type_url'))
+    unknown_key_template = tink_pb2.KeyTemplate(type_url='unknown_type_url')
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError,
+                                'No manager for type unknown_type_url'):
+      self.reg.new_key_data(unknown_key_template)
+  def test_new_key_data_no_new_key_allowed(self):
+    self.reg.register_key_manager(
+        DummyKeyManager('dummy_type_url'), new_key_allowed=False)
+    key_template = tink_pb2.KeyTemplate(type_url='dummy_type_url')
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError,
+                                'does not allow for creation of new keys'):
+      self.reg.new_key_data(key_template)
+  def test_public_key_data_success(self):
+    self.reg.register_key_manager(DummyPrivateKeyManager('dummy_type_url'))
+    key_data = tink_pb2.KeyData(
+        type_url='dummy_type_url',
+        key_material_type=tink_pb2.KeyData.ASYMMETRIC_PRIVATE)
+    public_key_data = self.reg.public_key_data(key_data)
+    self.assertEqual(public_key_data.type_url, 'public_dummy_type_url')
+  def test_public_key_data_fails_for_non_asymmetric_private_key(self):
+    self.reg.register_key_manager(DummyPrivateKeyManager('dummy_type_url'))
+    key_data = tink_pb2.KeyData(
+        type_url='dummy_type_url',
+        key_material_type=tink_pb2.KeyData.ASYMMETRIC_PUBLIC)
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError,
+                                'contains a non-private key'):
+      self.reg.public_key_data(key_data)
+  def test_public_key_data_fails_for_non_private_key_manager(self):
+    self.reg.register_key_manager(DummyKeyManager('dummy_type_url'))
+    key_data = tink_pb2.KeyData(
+        type_url='dummy_type_url',
+        key_material_type=tink_pb2.KeyData.ASYMMETRIC_PRIVATE)
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(core.TinkError,
+                                'is not a PrivateKeyManager'):
+      self.reg.public_key_data(key_data)
+  def test_wrap_success(self):
+    self.reg.register_primitive_wrapper(mac.MacWrapper())
+    mac1 = helper.FakeMac('FakeMac1')
+    mac2 = helper.FakeMac('FakeMac2')
+    wrapped_mac = self.reg.wrap(_mac_set([mac1, mac2]))
+    wrapped_mac.verify_mac(mac1.compute_mac(b'data1'), b'data1')
+    wrapped_mac.verify_mac(mac2.compute_mac(b'data2'), b'data2')
+    wrapped_mac.verify_mac(wrapped_mac.compute_mac(b'data'), b'data')
+  def test_wrap_unknown_primitive(self):
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(
+        core.TinkError,
+        'No PrimitiveWrapper registered for primitive Mac.'):
+      self.reg.wrap(_mac_set([helper.FakeMac()]))
+  def test_primitive_wrapper_reset(self):
+    self.reg.register_primitive_wrapper(mac.MacWrapper())
+    self.reg.reset()
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(
+        core.TinkError,
+        'No PrimitiveWrapper registered for primitive Mac.'):
+      self.reg.wrap(_mac_set([helper.FakeMac()]))
+  def test_register_same_primitive_wrapper_twice(self):
+    self.reg.register_primitive_wrapper(mac.MacWrapper())
+    self.reg.register_primitive_wrapper(mac.MacWrapper())
+  def test_register_different_primitive_wrappers_twice_fails(self):
+    self.reg.register_primitive_wrapper(mac.MacWrapper())
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(
+        core.TinkError,
+        'A wrapper for primitive Mac has already been added.'):
+      self.reg.register_primitive_wrapper(DummyMacWrapper())
+  def test_register_inconsistent_wrapper_fails(self):
+    with self.assertRaisesRegex(
+        core.TinkError,
+        'Wrapper for primitive Mac generates incompatibe primitve'):
+      self.reg.register_primitive_wrapper(InconsistentWrapper())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  googletest.main()
diff --git a/python/core/tink_config.py b/python/core/tink_config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0ba8523cc023b5f85b4cb72e03b9437b3f8b1287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/core/tink_config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Static methods for handling of Tink configurations."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+from tink.python import aead
+from tink.python import daead
+from tink.python import hybrid
+from tink.python import mac
+from tink.python import signature
+from tink.python.aead import aead_key_manager
+from tink.python.cc.clif import cc_tink_config
+from tink.python.core import registry
+from tink.python.daead import deterministic_aead_key_manager
+from tink.python.hybrid import hybrid_decrypt_key_manager
+from tink.python.hybrid import hybrid_encrypt_key_manager
+from tink.python.mac import mac_key_manager
+from tink.python.signature import public_key_sign_key_manager
+from tink.python.signature import public_key_verify_key_manager
+    'Aead': aead_key_manager.from_cc_registry,
+    'DeterministicAead': deterministic_aead_key_manager.from_cc_registry,
+    'HybridDecrypt': hybrid_decrypt_key_manager.from_cc_registry,
+    'HybridEncrypt': hybrid_encrypt_key_manager.from_cc_registry,
+    'Mac': mac_key_manager.from_cc_registry,
+    'PublicKeySign': public_key_sign_key_manager.from_cc_registry,
+    'PublicKeyVerify': public_key_verify_key_manager.from_cc_registry,
+def register():
+  cc_tink_config.register()
+  _register_key_managers()
+  _register_primitive_wrappers()
+def latest():
+  return cc_tink_config.latest()
+def _register_key_managers():
+  for entry in cc_tink_config.latest().entry:
+    if entry.primitive_name in KEY_MANAGER_GENERATORS:
+      registry.Registry.register_key_manager(
+          KEY_MANAGER_GENERATORS[entry.primitive_name](entry.type_url),
+          entry.new_key_allowed)
+def _register_primitive_wrappers():
+  """Registers all primitive wrappers."""
+  register_primitive_wrapper = registry.Registry.register_primitive_wrapper
+  register_primitive_wrapper(aead.AeadWrapper())
+  register_primitive_wrapper(daead.DeterministicAeadWrapper())
+  register_primitive_wrapper(hybrid.HybridDecryptWrapper())
+  register_primitive_wrapper(hybrid.HybridEncryptWrapper())
+  register_primitive_wrapper(mac.MacWrapper())
+  register_primitive_wrapper(signature.PublicKeySignWrapper())
+  register_primitive_wrapper(signature.PublicKeyVerifyWrapper())
diff --git a/python/core/tink_config_test.py b/python/core/tink_config_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2ef5fbdba4ca30054db19c35c4b24a1b493b0f91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/core/tink_config_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests for tink.python.tink_config."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import unittest
+from tink.proto import tink_pb2
+from tink.python import aead
+from tink.python import core
+from tink.python import daead
+from tink.python import hybrid
+from tink.python import mac
+from tink.python import signature
+from tink.python.core import tink_config
+def setUpModule():
+  tink_config.register()
+def _primitive_and_key(key_data, primitive_class, output_prefix_type):
+  primitive = core.Registry.primitive(key_data, primitive_class)
+  key = tink_pb2.Keyset.Key(
+      key_id=1, status=tink_pb2.ENABLED, output_prefix_type=output_prefix_type)
+  key.key_data.CopyFrom(key_data)
+  return primitive, key
+def _new_primitive_and_key(template, primitive_class, output_prefix_type):
+  return _primitive_and_key(
+      core.Registry.new_key_data(template), primitive_class, output_prefix_type)
+def _public_primitive_and_key(private_key, primitive_class, output_prefix_type):
+  return _primitive_and_key(
+      core.Registry.public_key_data(private_key.key_data), primitive_class,
+      output_prefix_type)
+class TinkConfigTest(googletest.TestCase):
+  def test_all_aead_templates_are_registered(self):
+    for template in [
+        aead.aead_key_templates.AES128_EAX,
+        aead.aead_key_templates.AES256_EAX,
+        aead.aead_key_templates.AES128_GCM,
+        aead.aead_key_templates.AES256_GCM,
+        aead.aead_key_templates.AES128_CTR_HMAC_SHA256,
+        aead.aead_key_templates.AES256_CTR_HMAC_SHA256,
+        aead.aead_key_templates.XCHACHA20_POLY1305
+    ]:
+      key_data = core.Registry.new_key_data(template)
+      primitive = core.Registry.primitive(key_data, aead.Aead)
+      self.assertEqual(
+          primitive.decrypt(primitive.encrypt(b'message', b'ad'), b'ad'),
+          b'message')
+  def test_all_mac_templates_are_registered(self):
+    for template in [
+        mac.mac_key_templates.HMAC_SHA256_128BITTAG,
+        mac.mac_key_templates.HMAC_SHA256_256BITTAG
+    ]:
+      key_data = core.Registry.new_key_data(template)
+      primitive = core.Registry.primitive(key_data, mac.Mac)
+      self.assertIsNone(
+          primitive.verify_mac(primitive.compute_mac(b'data'), b'data'))
+  def test_all_deterministic_aead_templates_are_registered(self):
+    key_data = core.Registry.new_key_data(
+        daead.deterministic_aead_key_templates.AES256_SIV)
+    daead_primitive = core.Registry.primitive(key_data, daead.DeterministicAead)
+    ciphertext = daead_primitive.encrypt_deterministically(b'message', b'ad')
+    self.assertEqual(
+        daead_primitive.decrypt_deterministically(ciphertext, b'ad'),
+        b'message')
+  def test_aead_wrapper_is_correctly_registered(self):
+    aead1, key1 = _new_primitive_and_key(aead.aead_key_templates.AES128_EAX,
+                                         aead.Aead, tink_pb2.RAW)
+    aead2, key2 = _new_primitive_and_key(aead.aead_key_templates.AES256_GCM,
+                                         aead.Aead, tink_pb2.TINK)
+    pset = core.PrimitiveSet(aead.Aead)
+    pset.add_primitive(aead1, key1)
+    pset.set_primary(pset.add_primitive(aead2, key2))
+    wrapped_aead = core.Registry.wrap(pset)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        wrapped_aead.decrypt(aead1.encrypt(b'plaintext1', b'ad1'), b'ad1'),
+        b'plaintext1')
+    self.assertEqual(
+        wrapped_aead.decrypt(
+            wrapped_aead.encrypt(b'plaintext2', b'ad2'), b'ad2'), b'plaintext2')
+  def test_mac_wrapper_is_correctly_registered(self):
+    mac1, key1 = _new_primitive_and_key(
+        mac.mac_key_templates.HMAC_SHA256_128BITTAG, mac.Mac, tink_pb2.RAW)
+    mac2, key2 = _new_primitive_and_key(
+        mac.mac_key_templates.HMAC_SHA256_256BITTAG, mac.Mac, tink_pb2.TINK)
+    pset = core.PrimitiveSet(mac.Mac)
+    pset.add_primitive(mac1, key1)
+    pset.set_primary(pset.add_primitive(mac2, key2))
+    wrapped_mac = core.Registry.wrap(pset)
+    self.assertIsNone(
+        wrapped_mac.verify_mac(mac1.compute_mac(b'data1'), b'data1'))
+    self.assertIsNone(
+        wrapped_mac.verify_mac(wrapped_mac.compute_mac(b'data2'), b'data2'))
+  def test_deterministic_aead_wrapper_is_correctly_registered(self):
+    daead1, key1 = _new_primitive_and_key(
+        daead.deterministic_aead_key_templates.AES256_SIV,
+        daead.DeterministicAead, tink_pb2.RAW)
+    daead2, key2 = _new_primitive_and_key(
+        daead.deterministic_aead_key_templates.AES256_SIV,
+        daead.DeterministicAead, tink_pb2.TINK)
+    pset = core.PrimitiveSet(daead.DeterministicAead)
+    pset.add_primitive(daead1, key1)
+    pset.set_primary(pset.add_primitive(daead2, key2))
+    wrapped_daead = core.Registry.wrap(pset)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        wrapped_daead.decrypt_deterministically(
+            daead1.encrypt_deterministically(b'plaintext1', b'ad1'), b'ad1'),
+        b'plaintext1')
+    self.assertEqual(
+        wrapped_daead.decrypt_deterministically(
+            wrapped_daead.encrypt_deterministically(b'plaintext2', b'ad2'),
+            b'ad2'), b'plaintext2')
+  def test_hybrid_wrappers_are_correctly_registered(self):
+    dec1, dec1_key = _new_primitive_and_key(
+        hybrid.hybrid_key_templates.ECIES_P256_HKDF_HMAC_SHA256_AES128_GCM,
+        hybrid.HybridDecrypt, tink_pb2.RAW)
+    enc1, enc1_key = _public_primitive_and_key(dec1_key, hybrid.HybridEncrypt,
+                                               tink_pb2.RAW)
+    dec2, dec2_key = _new_primitive_and_key(
+        hybrid.hybrid_key_templates.ECIES_P256_HKDF_HMAC_SHA256_AES128_GCM,
+        hybrid.HybridDecrypt, tink_pb2.RAW)
+    enc2, enc2_key = _public_primitive_and_key(dec2_key, hybrid.HybridEncrypt,
+                                               tink_pb2.RAW)
+    dec_pset = core.PrimitiveSet(hybrid.HybridDecrypt)
+    dec_pset.add_primitive(dec1, dec1_key)
+    dec_pset.set_primary(dec_pset.add_primitive(dec2, dec2_key))
+    wrapped_dec = core.Registry.wrap(dec_pset)
+    enc_pset = core.PrimitiveSet(hybrid.HybridEncrypt)
+    enc_pset.add_primitive(enc1, enc1_key)
+    enc_pset.set_primary(enc_pset.add_primitive(enc2, enc2_key))
+    wrapped_enc = core.Registry.wrap(enc_pset)
+    self.assertEqual(
+        wrapped_dec.decrypt(enc1.encrypt(b'plaintext1', b'ad1'), b'ad1'),
+        b'plaintext1')
+    self.assertEqual(
+        wrapped_dec.decrypt(wrapped_enc.encrypt(b'plaintext2', b'ad2'), b'ad2'),
+        b'plaintext2')
+  def test_key_managers_for_signature_templates_are_registered(self):
+    key_templates = signature.signature_key_templates
+    for template in [
+        key_templates.ECDSA_P256, key_templates.ECDSA_P384,
+        key_templates.ECDSA_P521, key_templates.ECDSA_P256_IEEE_P1363,
+        key_templates.ECDSA_P256_IEEE_P1363,
+        key_templates.ECDSA_P521_IEEE_P1363, key_templates.ED25519,
+        key_templates.RSA_SSA_PSS_3072_SHA256_SHA256_32_F4,
+        key_templates.RSA_SSA_PSS_4096_SHA512_SHA512_64_F4,
+        key_templates.RSA_SSA_PKCS1_3072_SHA256_F4,
+        key_templates.RSA_SSA_PKCS1_4096_SHA512_F4
+    ]:
+      key_data = core.Registry.new_key_data(template)
+      primitive = core.Registry.primitive(key_data, signature.PublicKeySign)
+      sig = primitive.sign(b'data')
+      public_key = core.Registry.public_key_data(key_data)
+      primitive_verify = core.Registry.primitive(public_key,
+                                                 signature.PublicKeyVerify)
+      primitive_verify.verify(sig, b'data')
+  def test_signature_wrapper_is_correctly_registered(self):
+    sig1, key1 = _new_primitive_and_key(
+        signature.signature_key_templates.ECDSA_P256, signature.PublicKeySign,
+        tink_pb2.TINK)
+    sig2, key2 = _new_primitive_and_key(
+        signature.signature_key_templates.ECDSA_P256, signature.PublicKeySign,
+        tink_pb2.TINK)
+    ver1, pubkey1 = _public_primitive_and_key(key1, signature.PublicKeyVerify,
+                                              tink_pb2.TINK)
+    ver2, pubkey2 = _public_primitive_and_key(key2, signature.PublicKeyVerify,
+                                              tink_pb2.TINK)
+    pset = core.PrimitiveSet(signature.PublicKeySign)
+    pset.add_primitive(sig1, key1)
+    pset.set_primary(pset.add_primitive(sig2, key2))
+    wrapped_sig = core.Registry.wrap(pset)
+    pset_verify = core.new_primitive_set(signature.PublicKeyVerify)
+    pset_verify.add_primitive(ver1, pubkey1)
+    pset_verify.set_primary(pset_verify.add_primitive(ver2, pubkey2))
+    wrapped_ver = core.Registry.wrap(pset_verify)
+    sig = wrapped_sig.sign(b'data')
+    wrapped_ver.verify(sig, b'data')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  googletest.main()
diff --git a/python/core/tink_error.py b/python/core/tink_error.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c20581e4b15c0096b757305dc4354dcd2ce2a004
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/core/tink_error.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""This module defines basic exceptions in tink."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+from tink.util import error as clif_error
+def use_tink_errors(func):
+  """Transforms StatusNotOk errors into TinkErrors."""
+  def wrapper(*args):
+    try:
+      return func(*args)
+    except clif_error.StatusNotOk as e:
+      raise TinkError(e)
+  return wrapper
+class TinkError(Exception):
+  """Common exception in Tink."""