// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "proxy-iostate.h"

#include <fbl/auto_lock.h>
#include "../shared/log.h"
#include "connection-destroyer.h"
#include "zx-device.h"

namespace devmgr {

ProxyIostate::~ProxyIostate() {
    fbl::AutoLock guard(&dev->proxy_ios_lock);
    ZX_ASSERT(dev->proxy_ios != this);

// Handling RPC From Proxy Devices to BusDevs
void ProxyIostate::HandleRpc(fbl::unique_ptr<ProxyIostate> conn, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
                             async::WaitBase* wait, zx_status_t status,
                             const zx_packet_signal_t* signal) {
    auto handle_destroy = [&conn]() {
        fbl::AutoLock guard(&conn->dev->proxy_ios_lock);
        // If proxy_ios is not |conn|, then it's had a packet queued already to
        // destroy it, so we should let the queued destruction handle things.
        // Otherwise we should destroy it.
        if (conn->dev->proxy_ios == conn.get()) {
            // Mark proxy_ios as disconnected, so that CancelLocked doesn't try to
            // destroy it too
            conn->dev->proxy_ios = nullptr;
            // The actual destruction will happen when |conn| goes out of scope.
        } else {
            __UNUSED auto ptr = conn.release();
    if (status != ZX_OK) {
        return handle_destroy();

    if (conn->dev == nullptr) {
        log(RPC_SDW, "proxy-rpc: stale rpc? (ios=%p)\n", conn.get());
        // Do not re-issue the wait here
        return handle_destroy();
    if (signal->observed & ZX_CHANNEL_READABLE) {
        log(RPC_SDW, "proxy-rpc: rpc readable (ios=%p,dev=%p)\n", conn.get(), conn->dev.get());
        zx_status_t r = conn->dev->ops->rxrpc(conn->dev->ctx, wait->object());
        if (r != ZX_OK) {
            log(RPC_SDW, "proxy-rpc: rpc cb error %d (ios=%p,dev=%p)\n", r, conn.get(),
            return handle_destroy();
        BeginWait(std::move(conn), dispatcher);
    if (signal->observed & ZX_CHANNEL_PEER_CLOSED) {
        log(RPC_SDW, "proxy-rpc: peer closed (ios=%p,dev=%p)\n", conn.get(), conn->dev.get());
        return handle_destroy();
    log(ERROR, "devhost: no work? %08x\n", signal->observed);
    BeginWait(std::move(conn), dispatcher);

zx_status_t ProxyIostate::Create(const fbl::RefPtr<zx_device_t>& dev, zx::channel rpc,
                                 async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) {
    // This must be held for the adding of the channel to the port, since the
    // async loop may run immediately after that point.
    fbl::AutoLock guard(&dev->proxy_ios_lock);

    if (dev->proxy_ios) {

    auto ios = std::make_unique<ProxyIostate>(dev);
    if (ios == nullptr) {
        return ZX_ERR_NO_MEMORY;


    // |ios| is will be owned by the async loop.  |dev| holds a reference that will be
    // cleared prior to destruction.
    dev->proxy_ios = ios.get();

    zx_status_t status = BeginWait(std::move(ios), dispatcher);
    if (status != ZX_OK) {
        dev->proxy_ios = nullptr;
        return status;

    return ZX_OK;

void ProxyIostate::CancelLocked(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) {
    ZX_ASSERT(this->dev->proxy_ios == this);
    this->dev->proxy_ios = nullptr;
    // TODO(teisenbe): We should probably check the return code in case the
    // queue was full
    ConnectionDestroyer::Get()->QueueProxyConnection(dispatcher, this);

} // namespace devmgr