diff --git a/automation-tests/lib/convert_results.js b/automation-tests/lib/convert_results.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fb7a78929a4debba68afe4d1f179435891df190c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation-tests/lib/convert_results.js
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+ * Converts html reports into nice, machine readable JSON
+ * Run: $ ./convert_result.js result/index.html
+ */
+const fs         = require('fs'),
+      path       = require('path'),
+      jsonselect = require('JSONSelect'),
+      htmlparser = require('htmlparser');
+function main (args) {
+  var file = fs.readFile(path.resolve(args[2]), "utf8", function (err, html) {
+    if (err) throw err;
+    parseReport(html);
+  });
+function parseReport (html) {
+  var report = {};
+  var handler = new htmlparser.DefaultHandler(function(err, dom) {
+    if (err) {
+      console.error("Error: " + err);
+    } else {
+      var results = jsonselect.match(':has(:root > .attribs > .id:val("results")) .children :has(:root > .name:val("tr"))', dom);
+      // remove header row
+      results.shift();
+      results.forEach(function (node, i, array) {
+        var url;
+        var result = node.children[1].attribs.class;
+        // skip traceback rows
+        if (!result) return;
+        try {
+          url = result === 'error' ?
+                  findJobUrl(array[i+1].children[1].children[1].children) :
+                  node.children[9].children[0].attribs.href;
+        } catch (e) {
+          url = '';
+        }
+        var name = node.children[5].children[0].data;
+        report[name] = {
+          success: result === 'passed',
+          class: node.children[3].children[0].data,
+          duration: node.children[7].children[0].data,
+          url: url
+        };
+      });
+    }
+  });
+  var parser = new htmlparser.Parser(handler);
+  parser.parseComplete(html);
+  return report;
+// extract saucelab url from error report
+function findJobUrl (children) {
+  var result;
+  children.forEach(function (node) {
+    var match = node.raw.match(/https:\/\/saucelabs.com\/jobs\/[a-f0-9]+/);
+    if (match) result = match[0];
+  });
+  return result;
+exports.parseReport = parseReport;
+if (process.argv[1] === __filename) main(process.argv);
diff --git a/automation-tests/run_saucelabs b/automation-tests/run_saucelabs
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..68e34ebd9976613f6f2d9af643def86920845bab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation-tests/run_saucelabs
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+var child_process = require('child_process'),
+    path = require('path'),
+    _ = require('underscore'),
+    fs = require('fs'),
+    glob = require('minimatch'),
+    temp = require('temp'),
+    which = require('which'),
+    parseReport = require('./lib/convert_results.js').parseReport,
+    events = require('events'),
+    util = require('util'),
+    mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
+function runCmd(cmd, opts, cb) {
+  if (!cb) {
+    cb = opts;
+    opts = { cwd: path.dirname(__dirname) };
+  }
+  var cp = child_process.exec(cmd, opts, function(err, stdout, stderr) {
+    cb(err, stdout, stderr);
+  });
+function TestRunner() {
+  events.EventEmitter.call(this);
+util.inherits(TestRunner, events.EventEmitter);
+// path to automation_tests
+const testPath = path.join(path.dirname(__dirname), "automation-tests");
+// ephemeral files to hold various credentials desired by py.test gunk
+const sauceYAMLPath = temp.path({suffix: '.yaml'}),
+      credentialsYAMLPath = temp.path({suffix: '.yaml'});
+// python arguments common to all tests
+var globalPythonArgs = {
+  "-m": "py.test",
+  "--credentials": credentialsYAMLPath,
+  "--saucelabs": sauceYAMLPath,
+  "--webqatimeout": 90,
+  "--destructive": null,
+  "-q": null,
+  '--capabilities': JSON.stringify({ "avoid-proxy":"true"})
+// python arguments specific to different test classes
+var testSpecificPythonArgs = {
+  "123done": {
+    "--baseurl": "http://dev.123done.org"
+  },
+  "browserid": {
+    "--baseurl": "http://dev.123done.org"
+  },
+  "myfavoritebeer": {
+    "--baseurl": "http://dev.myfavoritebeer.org"
+  }
+var browserSpecificPythonArgs = {
+  "linux_firefox_13": {
+    '--platform': 'LINUX',
+    '--browsername': 'firefox',
+    '--browserver': '13'
+  },
+  "linux_opera_12": {
+    '--platform': 'LINUX',
+    '--browsername': 'opera',
+    '--browserver': '12'
+  },
+  "osx_firefox_14": {
+    '--platform': 'MAC',
+    '--browsername':'firefox',
+    '--browserver':'14'
+  },
+  "vista_chrome": {
+    '--platform':'VISTA',
+    '--browsername':'chrome'
+  },
+  "vista_firefox_13": {
+    '--platform':'VISTA',
+    '--browsername':'firefox',
+    '--browserver':'13'
+  },
+  "vista_ie_9": {
+    '--platform':'VISTA',
+    '--browsername':'internet explorer',
+    '--browserver':'9'
+  },
+  "xp_ie_8": {
+    '--platform':'XP',
+    '--browsername': 'internet explorer',
+    '--browserver':'8'
+  }
+function escape(val) {
+  return '"'+val.replace(/(["'$`\\])/g,'\\$1')+'"';
+// now write a yaml file with sauce creds
+function writeSauceYAML() {
+  var envVars = {
+    'PERSONA_SAUCE_USER': 'username',
+    'PERSONA_SAUCE_PASSWORD': 'password',
+    'PERSONA_SAUCE_APIKEY': 'api-key'
+  };
+  var fileContents = "";
+  Object.keys(envVars).forEach(function(key) {
+    if (!process.env[key]) throw "missing sauce labs creds from environment";
+    fileContents += envVars[key] + ": " + process.env[key] + "\n"
+  });
+  fs.writeFileSync(sauceYAMLPath, fileContents);
+// now write a yaml file with sauce creds
+function writeCredsYAML() {
+  var envVars = {
+    'PERSONA_EMAIL': 'email',
+    'PERSONA_PASSWORD': 'password'
+  };
+  var fileContents = "default:\n";
+  Object.keys(envVars).forEach(function(key) {
+    if (!process.env[key]) throw "missing exisiting users creds from environment: " + key;
+    fileContents += "    " + envVars[key] + ": " + process.env[key] + "\n"
+  });
+  fs.writeFileSync(credentialsYAMLPath, fileContents);
+// setup python testing environment iff required, return path to python
+TestRunner.prototype._setupPythonEnv = function(cb) {
+  var binPath = path.join(testPath, "bid_selenium", "bin");
+  function isSetup(lcb) {
+    var pathToPython = path.join(binPath, "python");
+    fs.stat(pathToPython, function(err, r) {
+      if (!err && r.isFile()) lcb(null, { pathToPython: pathToPython });
+      else lcb("not setup");
+    });
+  }
+  function findExecutable(names, cb) {
+    if (!names.length) return cb("not found");
+    var n = names.shift();
+    which(n, function(err, p) {
+      if (err) return findExecutable(names, cb);
+      cb(null, p);
+    });
+  }
+  isSetup(function(err, r) {
+    if (!err) return cb(null, r);
+    // time to set it up!
+    findExecutable([ 'virtualenv-2.7', 'virtualenv2', 'virtualenv' ], function(err, virtualenv) {
+      if (err) return cb("cannot find virtualenv");
+      runCmd(virtualenv + " " + path.join(testPath, "bid_selenium"), function(err, stdout) {
+        if (err) return cb("cannot run virtualenv: " + err);
+        runCmd(path.join(binPath, "pip") + " install -Ur requirements.txt", { cwd: testPath }, function(err, stdout) {
+          if (err) cb(err);
+          else isSetup(cb);
+        });
+      });
+    });
+  });
+TestRunner.prototype.run = function(opts, cb) {
+  var self = this;
+  var processesRunning = 0;
+  var testReports = [];
+  var overallStartTime = new Date();
+  // once all tests are complete, crawl through the data and write
+  // summary information
+  function addSummaryInfo(results) {
+    // XXX: calculcate browser and tests summary information
+    return {
+      duration: ((new Date() - overallStartTime) / 1000.0),
+      reports: results
+    };
+  }
+  opts = opts || {};
+  writeSauceYAML();
+  writeCredsYAML();
+  this._setupPythonEnv(function(err, testEnvDetails) {
+    if (err) {
+      console.log("ERROR: couldn't setup python environment");
+      return cb(err);
+    }
+    Object.keys(browserSpecificPythonArgs).forEach(function(browser) {
+      if (opts.browser && !glob(browser, opts.browser.toString())) return;
+      var browserArgs = browserSpecificPythonArgs[browser];
+      Object.keys(testSpecificPythonArgs).forEach(function(test) {
+        if (opts['test-group'] && !glob(test, (opts['test-group']).toString())) return;
+        var htmlReportPath = temp.path({suffix: '.html'});
+        var testArgs = testSpecificPythonArgs[test];
+        // build up the command line arguments
+        var cmdargsObj = {};
+        _.extend(cmdargsObj, globalPythonArgs, testArgs, browserArgs,
+                 { '--webqareport': htmlReportPath });
+        var cmdargs = "";
+        Object.keys(cmdargsObj).forEach(function(flag) {
+          var spc = " ";
+          if (flag.substr(2) === '--') spc = "=";
+          if (null === cmdargsObj[flag]) {
+            cmdargs += flag + " ";
+          } else {
+            cmdargs += flag + spc + escape(cmdargsObj[flag].toString()) + " ";
+          }
+        });
+        if (opts.single) {
+          cmdargs += " " + path.relative(testPath, opts.single);
+        } else {
+          cmdargs += " " + test;
+        }
+        self.emit('started', { browser: browser, test: test });
+        var startTime = new Date();
+        processesRunning++;
+        runCmd(testEnvDetails.pathToPython + " " + cmdargs, { cwd: testPath }, function(err, stdout, stderr) {
+          var report = {
+            browser: browser,
+            test: test,
+            duration: ((new Date() - startTime) / 1000.0),
+            stdout: stdout,
+            stderr: stderr,
+            err: err,
+            passed: !err
+          };
+          try {
+            report.htmlReport = fs.readFileSync(htmlReportPath);
+          } catch(e) { }
+          // extract key information from the html report and attach it to the report object
+          report.results = parseReport(report.htmlReport);
+          self.emit('finished', report);
+          testReports.push(report);
+          // remove artifacts
+          fs.unlink(htmlReportPath);
+          if (--processesRunning === 0) {
+            fs.unlink(sauceYAMLPath);
+            fs.unlink(credentialsYAMLPath);
+            if (cb) cb(null, addSummaryInfo(testReports));
+          }
+        });
+      });
+    });
+  });
+module.exports = TestRunner;
+// if we're invoked from the command line, do command liney things
+if (process.argv[1] === __filename) {
+  process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) {
+    console.log("OH NOES", err);
+    process.exit(1);
+  });
+  var argv = require('optimist')
+    .usage('Run selenium tests via sauce labs.\nUsage: $0')
+    .alias('help', 'h')
+    .describe('help', 'display this usage message')
+    .alias('list-browsers', 'lb')
+    .describe('lb', 'list available browsers to test on')
+    .alias('browser', 'b')
+    .describe('browser', 'specify which browser to run tests on (globs supported)')
+    .alias('list-test-groups', 'lt')
+    .describe('list-test-groups', 'list available groups of tests that can be run')
+    .alias('test-group', 't')
+    .describe('test-group', 'specify which test groups to run (globs supported)')
+    .describe('single', 'run a single test within the specified test group')
+    .alias('single', 's')
+    .default('browser', "linux_firefox_13") // default to a specific browser + test group
+    .default("test-group", "123done");  // lest folks accidentally launch large #s of || jobs
+  var args = argv.argv;
+  if (args.h) {
+    argv.showHelp();
+    process.exit(0);
+  }
+  if (args.lb) {
+    console.log("available browsers:");
+    console.log("   * " + Object.keys(browserSpecificPythonArgs).join("\n   * "));
+    process.exit(0);
+  }
+  if (args.lt) {
+    console.log("available tests:");
+    console.log("   * " + Object.keys(testSpecificPythonArgs).join("\n   * "));
+    process.exit(0);
+  }
+  // nice file names
+  var startTime = new Date();
+  function testFileName(browser, test) {
+    function pad(n){return n<10 ? '0'+n : n}
+    var d = startTime;
+    var name = "" +
+      d.getFullYear() +
+      "." +  pad(d.getMonth()+1)+'.'
+      + pad(d.getDate())+'-'
+      + pad(d.getHours())+':'
+      + pad(d.getMinutes())+':'
+      + pad(d.getSeconds());
+    name += "-" + browser + "-" + test;
+    return name;
+  }
+  var tester = new TestRunner();
+  tester.on('started', function(e) {
+    console.log("STARTED:", e.browser + "/" + e.test);
+  });
+  tester.on('finished', function(report) {
+    // save off the report files
+    var basename = testFileName(report.browser, report.test);
+    var resultsPath = path.join(testPath, "results", basename);
+    mkdirp.sync(path.join(testPath, "results"));
+    fs.writeFileSync(resultsPath + ".html", report.htmlReport);
+    if (report.stderr.length) fs.writeFileSync(resultsPath + ".stderr.txt", report.stderr);
+    if (report.stdout.length) fs.writeFileSync(resultsPath + ".stdout.txt", report.stdout);
+    var what = report.passed ? "PASSED" : "FAILED";
+    console.log(what + ": " + report.browser + "/" + report.test +
+                " - " + report.duration.toFixed(2) + "s (" +
+               path.relative(process.cwd, resultsPath + ".html") + ")");
+    if (!report.passed) {
+      Object.keys(report.results).forEach(function (resultName) {
+        var result = report.results[resultName];
+        if (result.success) return;
+        console.log("   " + result.class + ": " + result.url);
+      });
+      if (report.stderr.length) {
+        console.log("   ERRORS:\n     > " +  report.stderr.split("\n").join("\n     >  "));
+      }
+    }
+  });
+  tester.run(args, function(report) {
+    // We would like to summarize:
+    //   1. total test duration
+    //   2. number of browsers failing
+    //   3. number of tests failing
+    // XXX: after ALL tests complete output a short summary
+//    console.log(JSON.stringify(report, null, "  "));
+  });
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 97519eb6f52cd5f80825df93cbfa2a41134c5be2..a58c81dcc0e612b5a1e2d25e5d3dbdeb66e66908 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -40,7 +40,10 @@
         "vows": "0.5.13",
         "awsbox": "0.2.15",
         "irc": "0.3.3",
-        "jshint": "0.7.1"
+        "jshint": "0.7.1",
+        "minimatch": "0.2.6",
+        "which": "1.0.5",
+        "htmlparser": "1.7.6"
     "scripts": {
         "postinstall": "node ./scripts/generate_ephemeral_keys.js",