diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 8181691a4075c67b187fd3f4c874886167e3b7ea..5027b0300902b0cbc4968947fc9af206ff14557c 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -7,5 +7,6 @@ /npm-debug.log /resources/static/build /resources/static/production +/resources/static/i18n .DS_Store /locale diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/af/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/af/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 07053831737120b0a5657549a9b8a6ea97d9832d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/af/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,239 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-04 23:58+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Friedel <friedel@translate.org.za>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " af", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Kommunikasiefout" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Meld aan met" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Nuwe e-posadres" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Dié veld moet 'n e-posadres wees." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Die e-posadresveld is nodig." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Ons het pas 'n e-pos na daai adres gestuur! As u werklik nog een wil laat stuur, wag 'n paar minute en probeer weer." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Daardie adres is reeds by u rekening gevoeg!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "voeg by" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "kanselleer" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "E-pos" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Gee u e-posadres om aan te meld by <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Welkom by BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Dié e-posadres lyk nuut. Laat ons dit gou opstel." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Wagwoord" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "wagwoord vergeet?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Die wagwoordveld is nodig." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Kan nie aanmeld by die rekening met dié gebruikernaam en wagwoord nie." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "volgende" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "bevestig e-posadres" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "meld aan" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Kan nie %s bevestig nie" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Kyk gou e-pos!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Ons het 'n boodskap vir bevestiging gestuur aan <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Om klaar in te skryf, klik die bevestigingskakel wat na u e-posadres gestuur is." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "As dit 'n fout is, ignoreer die gestuurde boodskap en <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">kanselleer</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "As dit 'n fout is, ignoreer die gestuurde boodskap en <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">gebruik 'n ander e-posadres</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Om voort te gaan, sluit die venster en gee 'n geldige e-posadres." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Dié werf vra dat u aanmeld met" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "Stel wagwoord terug" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* is nie ’n geldige e-posadres nie." - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Om voort te gaan, sluit die venster en gee 'n geldige e-posadres." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Dis nie ek nie..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Gebruik 'n ander e-posadres" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Meld altyd aan met dié e-posadres" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Adres is bevestig!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "U identiteit is bevestig met u e-posverskaffer. Ons gaan nou voort na aanmelding." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "U moet aanmeld met u e-posverskaffer om eienaarskap van dié adres te bevestig. Dié venster gaan aanstuur na" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "Bevestig" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Bevestig met e-posverskaffer" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "kies e-posadres" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Ons kan ongelukkig nie met BrowserID kommunikeer terwyl u vanlyn is nie.\"" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Kanselleer" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/af/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/af/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 34741911d88e2cb4c6d411199668033481d42f8b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/af/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-04 23:58+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Friedel <friedel@translate.org.za>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " af", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Voltooi aanmelding by %s m.b.v. BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Kon nie die e-posadres bevestig nie. Het u dit al vroeër bevestig?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Kon nie registrasie voltooi nie." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Voltooi aanmelding by:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "E-posbevestiging" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "E-posadres" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "U e-posadres" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Nuwe wagwoord" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Gee 'n wagwoord" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "'n Wagwoord word benodig" - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Die wagwoord moet tussen 8 en 80 karakters lank wees." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Bevestig wagwoord" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Herhaal wagwoord" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Wagwoord vir bevestiging is nodig." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Wagwoorde stem nie ooreen nie." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">U adres</strong> is bevestig!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Die nuwe adres is opgestel en u kan nou aanmeld. Sluit gerus dié venster en gaan terug na" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Tuiste van BrowserID" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Kommunikeer tans met bediener" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Net 'n oomblik terwyl ons praat met die bediener." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID is die vinnige en veilige manier om mee aan te meld — <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/about\">Meer inligting</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "Tuiste van BrowserID" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Hoe dit werk" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Programmeerders" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Meld aan" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Meld af" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Deur die <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Identiteitspan</a> by <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Privaatheid" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Diensbepalings" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Benodig hulp?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Daar was 'n probleem met die inskrywingskakel. Is dié adres dalk reeds geregistreer?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Fout met kommunikasie met bediener." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Laaste stap!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Dankie dat u inskryf vir <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Gebruik gerus nou u <strong>BrowserID</strong>-rekening om <em>Aan te meld</em> of <em>In te skryf</em> by webwerwe regoor die web!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Dankie vir bevestiging van u e-posadres. Dié boodskap word gestuur om u aanmelding by %s te voltooi." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Voltooi registrasie deur dié skakel te klik:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Indien u nié probeer aanmeld by dié werf nie, ignoreer bloot dié boodskap." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Dankie," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "('n Beter manier om mee aan te meld)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/ca/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/ca/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 385b518b00e2b955ab4a1b793d00015bdc5229f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/ca/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,391 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-04 17:44+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Eduard <edu@eduard-gamonal.net>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " ca", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Disculpeu. El BrowserID necessita utilitzar galetes" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Tanqueu aquesta finestra, <a %s>habiliteu les galetes</a> i torneu-ho a provar" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "S'ha produït un error en la comunicació" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "S'està acabant l'inici de sessió..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "En un moment haureu iniciat la sessió al BrowserID." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Espereu uns segons mentre iniciem la sessió al lloc." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Lamentem que la petició tardi tanta estona." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Aquest missatge marxarà quan s'hagi acabat la sol·licitud. En cas que tardi massa, tanqueu aquesta finestra i torneu a provar-ho." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Inicieu una sessió utilitzant" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Nova adreça electrònica" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Cal que el camp contingui una adreça electrònica." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "El camp d'adreça electrònica és obligatori." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Acabem d'enviar un correu a aquesta adreça. Si realment en voleu enviar un altre, espereu un minut o dos i torneu-ho a provar." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Ja heu afegit aquesta adreça al vostre compte." - ], - "add": [ - null, - "afegeix" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "cancel·la" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "Adreça electrònica" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Introduïu la vostra adreça electrònica per registrar-vos a <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Benvinguts al BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Aquesta adreça electrònica sembla nova. Configurem el vostre compte." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Contrasenya" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "heu oblidat la contrasenya?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "El camp de contrasenya és obligatori." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "No es pot iniciar una sessió al compte amb aquest nom d'usuari i contrasenya." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "Si cliqueu en %s, estareu confirmant que accepteu les <a %s>Condicions d'ús</a> i la <a %s>PolÃtica de privadesa</a>." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "següent" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "verifiqueu l'adreça electrònica" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "inici de sessió" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "No s'ha pogut verificar %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s és una adreça obligatòria però no podem verificar que en sigueu el propietari." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Comproveu el vostre correu!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Hem enviat un missatge de confirmació a <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Per finalitzar l'inici de sessió, simplement feu clic a l'enllaç de verificació que us vam enviar per correu electrònic." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Si això és un error, ignoreu el correu enviat i <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel·leu-ho</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Si això és un error, ignoreu el correu enviat i <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">utilitzeu una altra adreça electrònica</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "És lamentable, el servidor està molt carregat." - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "S'ha produït un error." - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Actualitzeu la pà gina i torneu-ho a provar." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Tanqueu aquesta finestra i torneu-ho a provar." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Més informació" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "El lloc ha sol·licitat que inicieu una sessió utilitzant" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "Reinicia la contrasenya" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* no és una adreça electrònica và lida" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Per continuar, tanqueu la finestra i introduïu una adreça và lida." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "No sóc jo..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Utilitzeu una adreça electrònica diferent" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Inicieu una sessió sempre amb aquesta adreça electrònica" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "S'ha verificat l'adreça." - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "S'ha verificat la vostra identitat amb el proveïdor de correu electrònic. Ara intentarem iniciar la sessió." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Cal que inicieu la sessió amb el vostre proveïdor de correu electrònic per verificar que aquesta adreça és vostra. Aquesta finestra serà redirigida a" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "Verifica" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Comprova amb el proveïdor de correu electrònic" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Per operar el BrowserID necessita que el vostre navegador tingui \"#~ \"habilitades les galetes. Habiliteu-les i torneu a provar-ho\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "No esteu connectat" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "El BrowserID no es pot comunicar si esteu connectat." - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "seleccioneu l'adreça electrònica" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "No podem comunicar-nos amb el BrowserID quan esteu desconnectat." - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "S'està autenticant l'usuari" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "S'està afegint l'adreça" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "S'està afegint l'adreça principal de correu electrònic a l'usuari" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "S'estan comprovant ĺes dades de l'adreça" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Autenticació amb asserció" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "S'està cancel·lant el compte de l'usuari" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "S'està comprovant l'autenticació" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "S'està comprovant la versió de l'script" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "S'està finalitzant el registre de l'usuari" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "S'està comprovant si les galetes estan habilitades" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "S'està creant el compte" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "S'està comprovant l'asserció" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "S'està comprovant el testimoni de registre" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Comprovació de l'adreça electrònica" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Comprovació de si l'usuari s'està autenticant amb IdP" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Ha fallat la sortida de sessió" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "S'està autenticant amb el proveïdor d'identitat" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Tenim problemes per comunicar-nos amb el vostre proveïdor de correu. \"#~ \"Torneu a provar-ho.\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "S'està comprovant el proveïdor d'identitat" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "S'està provant un proveïdor d'identitat incompatible" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Desafortunadament, l'adreça electrònica que heu indicat no pot actuar com \"#~ \"a proveïdor d'identitat primari.\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Ha fallat el registre" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "S'està establint la comunicació" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "No s'ha pogut trobar el marc de comunicacions" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "S'està reiniciant la contrasenya" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "S'està suprimint l'adreça electrònica del compte" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "S'està establint la contrasenya" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Ha fallat l'inici de sessió" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Ha fallat el registre de l'usuari" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "S'estan sincronitzant les adreces" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "S'estan sincronitzant les adreces electròniques" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Sincronitza les claus per l'adreça" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "S'està obtenint informació del testimoni" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "S'està actualitzant la contrasenya" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "S'està validant l'adreça electrònica" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Cancel·la" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/ca/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/ca/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 27392b8b0fe0f2d8a1a23758f8a399c8be0b1dee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/ca/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-04 00:34+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Eduard <edu@eduard-gamonal.net>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " ca", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Completa l'inici de la sessió a %s amb el BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "S'ha trobat un error mentre s'intentava confirmar l'adreça. L'heu verificat prèviament?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "S'ha trobat un error en intentar completar el registre." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Acaba l'inici de sessió a:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Comprovació de l'adreça electrònica" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "Adreça electrònica" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "La vostra adreça electrònica" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Contrasenya nova" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Introduïu una contrasenya" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Cal una contrasenya." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "La contrasenya ha de tenir entre 8 i 80 carà cters." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Verifica la contrasenya" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Repetiu la contrasenya" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Cal una verificació de la contrasenya." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Les contrasenyes no coincideixen." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "Finalitza" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "S'ha comprovat satisfactòriament la <strong class=\"email\">vostra adreça electrònica</strong>." - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Ja s'ha configurat satisfactòriament la vostra adreça electrònica nova i heu iniciat una sessió. Tanqueu aquesta finestra per tornar a" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "El BrowserID necessita utilitzar galetes" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Tanqueu aquesta finestra, <a %s>habiliteu les galetes</a> i torneu a provar-ho" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "S'està comunicant amb el servidor" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Espereu un moment mentre s'inicia una comunicació amb el servidor." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "El BrowserID és la manera rà pida i segura per iniciar una sessió — <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/about\">més informació</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "Pà gina inicial del BrowserID" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Com funciona" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Desenvolupadors" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Inicia una sessió" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Surt de la sessió" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Desenvolupat per l'<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">equip d'identitat</a> @ <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Privacitat" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Condicions del servei" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Necessiteu ajuda?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Hi ha un problema amb l'enllaç per registrar-se. Potser havÃeu registrat aquesta adreça abans?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "S'ha produït un error en comunicar-se amb el servidor." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Últim pas" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Grà cies per registrar-vos al <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Ara podeu utilitzar el vostre compte de <strong>BrowserID</strong> per <em>Iniciar una sessió</em> o per <em>Registrar-vos</em> en tot tipus de llocs arreu d'Internet!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Grà cies per verificar la vostra adreça electrònica. Aquest missatge l'heu rebut per completar el procés de registre al lloc web %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Feu clic en aquest enllaç per acabar el registre:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Si NO esteu intentant iniciar sessió en aquest lloc, ignoreu aquest correu electrònic." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Grà cies," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Una forma millor d'iniciar una sessió)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/cs/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/cs/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 11eeee0d7dd71506643003433fc3321cfd760cd2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/cs/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,395 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-09 20:58+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Pavel <jasnapaka@jasnapaka.com>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " cs", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID vyžaduje cookies" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "ZavÅ™ete prosÃm okno, <a %s>povolte cookies</a> a zkuste to znovu." - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Chyba pÅ™i komunikaci" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "ProbÃhá dokonÄovánà pÅ™ihlaÅ¡ovánÃ" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Za chvÃli budete pÅ™ihlášeni k BrowserID." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "PoÄkejte prosÃm nÄ›kolik sekund, probÃhá pÅ™ihlášenà k webu." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Omlouváme se, tento požadavek trvá DLOUHO." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Tato zpráva zmizÃ, jakmile se požadavek dokonÄà (doufejme brzy). Pokud Äekáte pÅ™ÃliÅ¡ dlouho, zavÅ™ete toto okno a zkuste to znovu." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "PÅ™ihlášenà pomocÃ" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Nová e-mailová adresa" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Pole musà obsahovat e-mailovou adresu." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Pole s e-mailem je vyžadováno." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "PrávÄ› jsme poslali e-mail na vaÅ¡i adresu! Pokud skuteÄnÄ› chcete poslat dalÅ¡Ã, poÄkejte minutu Äi dvÄ› a zkuste to znovu." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Tato adresa již byla k vaÅ¡emu úÄtu pÅ™idána!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "pÅ™idat" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "zruÅ¡it" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "E-mail" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Vložte svou e-mailovou adresou a pÅ™ihlaÅ¡te se k <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "VÃtá vás BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "E-mail vypadá novÄ›. ProveÄte jeho nastavenÃ." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Heslo" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "zapomnÄ›l(a) jste heslo?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Pole s heslem je vyžadováno." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "K úÄtu se nemůžete pÅ™ihlásit s tÃmto uživatelským jménem a heslem." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "KlepnutÃm na %s potvrzujete, že souhlasÃte se <a %s>zásadami použitÃ</a> a <a %s>zásadami pro soukromÃ</a> webu." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "dalÅ¡Ã" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "ověřenà e-mailu" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "pÅ™ihlášenÃ" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Nelze ověřit %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s je požadovaná adresa, ale my nemůžeme ověřit, že je to vaÅ¡e adresa." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Zkontrolujte si svůj e-mail" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Poslali jsme vám ověřovacà e-mail na adresu <strong>%s</strong>." - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Pro dokonÄenà ověřovánà jednoduÅ¡e klepnÄ›te na odkaz, který jsme zaslali na vaÅ¡i e-mailovou adresu." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Pokud je to omyl, jednoduÅ¡e zaslaný e-mail ignorujte a <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">zruÅ¡te jej</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Pokud je to omyl, jednoduÅ¡e zaslaný e-mail ignorujte a <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">použijte jinou e-mailovou adresu</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Velice se omlouváme, ale server je momentálnÄ› pÅ™etÞen." - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Velice se omlouváme, ale vyskytla se chyba." - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Obnovte prosÃm stránku a zkuste to znovu." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "ZavÅ™ete prosÃm okno a zkuste to znovu." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Zobrazenà vÃce informacÃ" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Stránka, ke které se chcete pÅ™ihlásit, použÃvá" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "obnova hesla" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* nenà platnou e-mailovou adresou!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Pro pokraÄovánà prosÃm zavÅ™ete okno a vložte platnou e-mailovou adresu." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Nejsem to já..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "PoužÃt jiný e-mail" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Vždy se pÅ™ihlaÅ¡ovat pomocà tohoto e-mailu" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Adresa ověřena!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "VaÅ¡e identita byla pomocà poskytovatele poÅ¡ty ověřena. Nynà vás zkusÃme pÅ™ihlásit." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Nynà musÃte ověřit, že zvolená e-mailová adresa je skuteÄnÄ› vaÅ¡e. Toto okno bude pÅ™esmÄ›rováno na" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "ověřenÃ" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Ověřenà pomocà poskytovatele poÅ¡ty" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Pro fungovánà BrowserID je nutné mÃt v prohlÞeÄi povolené cookies. \"#~ \"Povolte prosÃm ve svém prohlÞeÄi cookies a zkuste to znovu.\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Jste offline!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "BrowserID bohužel nemůže komunikovat, když jste offline!" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "volba e-mailu" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Omlouváme se, ale nemůže komunikovat s BrowserID v situaci, kdy jste \"#~ \"offline.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Ověřovánà uživatele" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "PÅ™idávánà adresy" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "PÅ™idávánà primárnà e-mailové adresy k uživateli" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Kontrola informacà o adrese" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Autentizace s potvrzenÃm" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "RuÅ¡enà uživatelského úÄtu" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Kontrola autentifikace" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Kontrola verze skriptu" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "DokonÄovánà registrace uživatele" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Kontrola, zda jsou cookies povoleny" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Vytvářenà úÄtu" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "ZÃskánà potvrzenÃ" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Kontrola registraÄnÃho tokenu" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Kontrola e-mailové adresy" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Kontrola, zde je uživatel autentizován pomocà IdP" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Odhlášenà selhalo" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Autentizace pomocà poskytovatele identity" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Vyskytl se problém pÅ™i komunikaci s vaÅ¡Ãm poskytovatelem poÅ¡ty. Zkuste to \"#~ \"prosÃm znovu!\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "ZprovoznÄ›nà poskytovatele identity" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "ZprovoznÄ›nà nepodporovaného poskytovatele identity" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Zadaná e-mailová adresa nemůže bohužel sloužit jako primárnà poskytovatel \"#~ \"identity\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Registrace selhala" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "Navazovánà pÅ™enosu" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "Rámec pÅ™enosu se nepodaÅ™ilo najÃt" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Obnova hesla" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "Odebránà e-mailové adresy z úÄtu" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Nastavenà hesla" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "PÅ™ihlášenà selhalo" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Odhlášenà selhalo" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Synchronizace adresy" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "Synchronizace e-mailových adres" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Synchronizace klÃÄů adresy" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "ZÃskánà informace o tokenu" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Aktualizace hesla" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "Ověřenà e-mailové adresy" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "ZruÅ¡it" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Tento e-mail nenà ověřen. ProveÄte prosÃm jeho ověřenÃ." - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/cs/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/cs/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 210ddef98c0153ebb91c2336816dc5ea8afa20f5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/cs/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-09 21:00+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Pavel <jasnapaka@jasnapaka.com>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " cs", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "DokonÄenà pÅ™ihlášenà k %s pomocà BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "PÅ™i pokusu o dokonÄenà registrace nastala chyba. Neověřoval(a) jste dÅ™Ãve tuto adresu?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "PÅ™i pokusu o dokonÄenà registrace nastala chyba." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "DokonÄenà pÅ™ihlášenà k:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Ověřenà e-mailu" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "E-mailová adresa" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Váš e-mail" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Nové heslo" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Vložte heslo" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Heslo je vyžadováno." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Délka hesla musà být v rozmezà 8 až 80 znaků." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Ověřenà hesla" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Znovu heslo" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Ověřenà hesla je vyžadováno." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Hesla si neodpovÃdajÃ." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "dokonÄit" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">VaÅ¡e adresa</strong> byla ověřena!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Nová adresa je nastavena a vy se nynà můžete pÅ™ihlásit. Můžete toto okno zavÅ™Ãt a pÅ™ejÃt zpÄ›t na" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID vyžaduje cookies" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "ZavÅ™ete prosÃm toto okno, <a %s>povolte cookies</a> a zkuste to znovu." - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "ProbÃhá komunikace se serverem" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "ChviliÄku strpenÃ. ProbÃhá komunikace se serverem." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID je rychlý a bezpeÄný způsob pro pÅ™ihlaÅ¡ovánà — <a %s>dozvÄ›dÄ›t se vÃce</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "Domovská stránka BrowserID" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Jak to funguje" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Vývojáři" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "PÅ™ihlášenÃ" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "OdhlášenÃ" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Od <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Zásady ochrany soukromÃ" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "TOS" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "PotÅ™ebujete pomoci?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "U pÅ™ihlaÅ¡ovacÃho odkazu se vyskytl problém. Nebyla tato adresa již zaregistrována?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Chyba pÅ™i komunikaci se serverem." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Poslednà krok!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "DÄ›kujeme za pÅ™ihlášenà k <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Nynà můžete použÃt svůj úÄet <strong>BrowserID</strong> k <em>PÅ™ihlášenÃ</em> Äi <em>OdhlášenÃ</em> k webovým stránkám po celém svÄ›tÄ›!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "DÄ›kujeme za ověřenà vaÅ¡Ã e-mailové adresy. Tato zpráva je vám zaslána z důvodu dokonÄenà pÅ™ihlášenà k %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Pro dokonÄenà registrace klepnÄ›te na následujÃcà odkaz:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Pokud se nepokouÅ¡el(a) pÅ™ihlásit k uvedené stránce, jednoduÅ¡e tento e-mail ignorujte." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "DÄ›kujeme," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(LepÅ¡Ã způsob pÅ™ihlaÅ¡ovánÃ)" - ], - "Browser ID": [ - null, - "Browser ID" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/da/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/da/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index fbda975bc098f3d54892ff0fa75522f16affb1a7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/da/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,245 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-27 18:36+0100", - "Last-Translator": " Dan Storm <storm@catalystcode.net>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " ", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Vi beklager, men BrowserID kræver cookies" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Kommunikationsfejl" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Afslutter log ind..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Om et øjeblik vil du være logget ind via BrowserID." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Vent et øjeblik mens vi logger dig ind pÃ¥ sitet." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Vi beklager at forespørgslen tager sÃ¥ LAAAAANG tid." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Denne besked vil forsvinde nÃ¥r forespørgslen er færdig (hvilket forhÃ¥bentligt er snart). Hvis du har ventet for længe, sÃ¥ luk dette vindue og prøv igen." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Log ind med" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Ny mailadresse" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Dette felt skal være en mailadresse." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Mailfeltet er pÃ¥krævet." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Vi har netop sendt en mail den adresse. Hvis du virkelig vil sende en til, sÃ¥ vent et minut eller to og prøv igen." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Den adresse er allerede tilknyttet din konto." - ], - "add": [ - null, - "tilføj" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "annuller" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "Mailadresse" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Indtast din mailadresse for at logge ind pÃ¥ <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Velkommen til BrowserID" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Denne mailadresse ser ny ud, sÃ¥ lad os fÃ¥ dig i gang." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Adgangskode" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "Glemt din adgangskode?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Adgangskodefeltet er pÃ¥krævet." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Du kan ikke logge ind pÃ¥ denne konto med det angivne brugernavn og adgangskode." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "næste" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "bekræft mailadresse" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "log ind" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Kan ikke bekræfte %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s er en pÃ¥krævet adresse, men vi kan ikke bekræfte, at du ejer den." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Check din mail!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Vi har sendt en bekræftelsesmail til <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "For at færdiggøre dit log ind, skal du klikke pÃ¥ det bekræftelseslink, vi sendte til din mailadresse." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Hvis dette er en fejl, kan du ignorere den sendte mail og <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">annullere</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Hvis dette er en fejl, kan du ignorere den sendte mail og <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">bruge en anden mailadresse</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Vi beklager virkelig, men serveren er under ekstremt pres!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Vi beklager meget, men der opstod en fejl!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "For at prøve igen, skal du genindlæse siden og prøve pÃ¥ ny." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "For at fortsætte skal du lukke vinduet og prøve pÃ¥ ny." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Se flere oplysninger" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Websitet ønsker, at du logger ind ved at bruge" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "nulstil adgangskode" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* er ikke en gyldig mailadresse!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "For at fortsætte skal du lukke vinduet og indtaste en gyldig adresse." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Dette er ikke mig..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Brug en anden mailadresse" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Brug altid denne mailadresse" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Adresse bekræftet!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "Din identitet er blevet bekræftet med din mailudbyder. Vi vil nu forsøge at logge dig ind." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Du skal logge ind med din mailudbyder for at bekræfte ejerskab over denne adresse. Dette vindue vil nu stille videre til" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "bekræft" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Bekræft med mailudbyder" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"BrowserID kræver, at din browser accepterer cookies, for at virke. \"#~ \"Aktiver cookies i din browser, og prøv igen.\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Du er offline!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "BrowserID kan beklageligvis ikke kommunikere i offline tilstand!" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "vælg mailadresse" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Vi kan beklageligvis ikke kommunikere med BrowserID mens du er offline.\"" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/da/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/da/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 89246c5f7ed9bc0b91e0f8583140dfd6b56a3b13..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/da/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,189 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-05 14:29+0100", - "Last-Translator": " Dan Storm <storm@catalystcode.net>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " ", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Fuldfør log ind til %s gennem BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Der opstod en fejl under bekræftelsen af din adresse. Har du tidligere bekræftet denne adresse?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Der opstod en fejl under registreringen." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Log ind pÃ¥:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Bekræftelse af mailadresse" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "Mailadresse" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Din mailadresse" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Ny adgangskode" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Indtast en adgangskode" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Adgangskode er pÃ¥krævet." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Adgangskoden skal være mellem 8 og 80 tegn lang." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Bekræft adgangskode" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Gentag adgangskode" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Bekræftelse af adgangskode er pÃ¥krævet." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Adgangskoder stemmer ikke overens." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "afslut" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">Din adresse</strong> er blevet bekræftet!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Din nye adresse er nu sat op og du skulle nu være logget ind. Du kan lukke dette vindue og gÃ¥ tilbage til" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID Hjem" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Kommunikerer med serveren" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Vent et øjeblik mens vi snakker med serveren." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID er den hurtige og sikre mÃ¥de at logge ind pÃ¥ — <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/about\">lær mere</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "BrowserID Hjem" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Hvordan det virker" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Udviklere" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Log ind" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Log ud" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Af <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Identity Team</a> @ <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Persondata" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Betingelser" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Brug for hjælp?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Der opstod en fejl med dit tilmeldingslink. Er denne adresse allerede registreret?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Der opstod en fejl under kommunikationen med serveren." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Sidste trin!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Tak fordi du tilmeldte dig <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Du kan nu bruge din <strong>BrowserID</strong>-konto til at <em>logge ind</em> eller <em>logge ud</em> pÃ¥ adskillige sites pÃ¥ nettet!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Tak for at du bekræftede din e-mail adresse. Denne besked er sendt til dig, sÃ¥ du kan logge ind pÃ¥ %s" - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Afslut tilmeldingen ved at klikke pÃ¥ dette link:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Hvis du IKKE ønsker at logge ind pÃ¥ dette website, kan du blot ignorere denne mail." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Tak," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(En bedre mÃ¥de at logge ind pÃ¥)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/db_LB/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/db_LB/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index bbf82744100508a3c69c46127334b47d41cba986..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/db_LB/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,225 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " ", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=CHARSET", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "‮ÔɹoÊsÇɹIá—¡ ɹÇbnıɹÇs É”ooʞıÇs" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "‮ԀʅÇÉsÇ É”Ê…osÇ Ê‡É¥Ä±s ÊıupoÊ´ <É %s‮>ÇuÉqÊ…Ç É”ooʞıÇs</a>‮ Éup ʇɹʎ ÉƃÉıu" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "‮ↃoɯɯnuıɔÉʇıou Ǝɹɹoɹ" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "‮Ⅎıuısɥıuƃ Sıƃu Iu···" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "‮Iu ɾnsʇ É É¯oɯÇuʇ ÊŽon,Ê…Ê… qÇ sıƃuÇp ıuʇo ÔɹoÊsÇɹIᗡ·" - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "‮ԀʅÇÉsÇ ÊÉıʇ É ÉŸÇÊ sÇÉ”oups ÊÉ¥Ä±Ê…Ç ÊÇ sıƃu ÊŽon ıuʇo Ê‡É¥Ç sıʇÇ·" - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "‮ï¼Ç ÉÉ¹Ç soɹɹʎ´ ʇɥıs ɹÇbnÇsʇ ıs ʇÉʞıuƃ É â…‚OOONâ… Ê‡Ä±É¯Ç·" - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "‮⊥ɥıs ɯÇssÉÆƒÇ Êıʅʅ ƃo ÉÊÉÊŽ ÊÉ¥Çu Ê‡É¥Ç É¹ÇbnÇsʇ É”oɯdÊ…ÇʇÇs (É¥odÇÉŸnÊ…Ê…ÊŽ soou)· IÉŸ ÊŽon ÊÉıʇ ʇoo Ê…ouƃ´ ɔʅosÇ Ê‡É¥Ä±s ÊıupoÊ Éup ʇɹʎ ÉƃÉıu·" - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "‮Sıƃu ıu nsıuƃ" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "‮NÇÊ ÇɯÉıʅ ÉppɹÇss" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "‮⊥ɥıs ɟıÇÊ…p ɯnsʇ qÇ Éu ÇɯÉıʅ ÉppɹÇss·" - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "â€®âŠ¥É¥Ç ÇɯÉıʅ ɟıÇÊ…p ıs ɹÇbnıɹÇp·" - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "‮ï¼Ç ɾnsʇ sÇuʇ Éu ÇɯÉıʅ ʇo ʇɥÉʇ ÉppɹÇss¡ IÉŸ ÊŽon ɹÇÉÊ…Ê…ÊŽ ÊÉuʇ ʇo sÇup ÉuoʇɥÇɹ´ ÊÉıʇ É É¯Ä±unÊ‡Ç oɹ ʇÊo Éup ʇɹʎ ÉƃÉıu·" - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "‮⊥ɥÉʇ ÉppɹÇss ıs ÉʅɹÇÉpÊŽ ÉppÇp ʇo ÊŽonɹ Éɔɔonuʇ¡" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "‮Épp" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "‮ɔÉuÉ”ÇÊ…" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "‮ƎɯÉıʅ" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "‮ƎuʇÇɹ ÊŽonɹ ÇɯÉıʅ ÉppɹÇss ʇo sıƃu ıu ʇo <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "‮ï¼ÇÊ…É”oÉ¯Ç Ê‡o ÔɹoÊsÇɹIᗡ¡" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "‮⊥ɥıs ÇɯÉıʅ Ê…ooÊžs uÇÊ´ so Ê…Çʇ,s ƃÇʇ ÊŽon sÇʇ nd·" - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "‮ԀÉssÊoɹp" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "‮ɟoɹƃoʇ ÊŽonɹ dÉssÊoɹp?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "â€®âŠ¥É¥Ç dÉssÊoɹp ɟıÇÊ…p ıs ɹÇbnıɹÇp·" - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "â€®âŠ¥É¥Ç Éɔɔonuʇ É”Éuuoʇ qÇ Ê…oƃƃÇp ıu Êıʇɥ ʇɥıs nsÇɹuÉÉ¯Ç Éup dÉssÊoɹp·" - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "‮ÔÊŽ ɔʅıɔʞıuƃ %s‮´ ÊŽon É”ouɟıɹɯ ʇɥÉʇ ÊŽon ÉɔɔÇdʇ ʇɥıs sıʇÇ,s <É %s‮>⊥Çɹɯs oÉŸ ∩sÇ</a>‮ Éup <É %s‮>ԀɹıʌÉɔʎ Ô€oʅıɔʎ</a>‮·" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "‮uÇxʇ" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "‮ʌÇɹıɟʎ ÇɯÉıʅ" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "‮sıƃu ıu" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "‮ↃÉuuoʇ ÊŒÇɹıɟʎ %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s‮ ıs É É¹ÇbnıɹÇp ÉppɹÇss´ qnʇ ÊÇ É”Éuuoʇ ÊŒÇɹıɟʎ ʇɥÉʇ ÊŽon oÊu ʇɥıs ÉppɹÇss·" - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "‮ↃɥÇɔʞ ÊŽonɹ ÇɯÉıʅ¡" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "‮ï¼Ç sÇuʇ É É”ouɟıɹɯÉʇıou ÇɯÉıʅ ʇo <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "‮⊥o ɟıuısÉ¥ sıƃuıuƃ ıu ɾnsʇ ɔʅıɔʞ Ê‡É¥Ç ÊŒÇɹıɟʎ ʅıuÊž ÊÇ sÇuʇ ʇo ÊŽonɹ ÇɯÉıʅ ÉppɹÇss·" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "‮IÉŸ ʇɥıs ıs É É¯Ä±sʇÉʞǴ ɾnsʇ ıƃuoÉ¹Ç Ê‡É¥Ç sÇuʇ ÇɯÉıʅ Éup <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">‮ɔÉuÉ”ÇÊ…</a>‮·" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "‮IÉŸ ʇɥıs ıs É É¯Ä±sʇÉʞǴ ɾnsʇ ıƃuoÉ¹Ç Ê‡É¥Ç sÇuʇ ÇɯÉıʅ Éup <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">‮nsÇ ÉuoʇɥÇɹ ÇɯÉıʅ ÉppɹÇss</a>‮·" - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "‮ï¼Ç ÉÉ¹Ç ÊŒÇɹʎ soɹɹʎ´ Ê‡É¥Ç sÇɹʌÇɹ ıs nupÇɹ ÇxʇɹÇÉ¯Ç Ê…oÉp¡" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "‮ï¼Ç ÉÉ¹Ç ÊŒÇɹʎ soɹɹʎ´ ʇɥÇÉ¹Ç É¥És qÇÇu Éu Çɹɹoɹ¡" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "‮ԀʅÇÉsÇ É¹ÇÊ…oÉp Ê‡É¥Ç dÉÆƒÇ Éup ʇɹʎ ÉƃÉıu·" - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "‮ԀʅÇÉsÇ É”Ê…osÇ Ê‡É¥Ä±s ÊıupoÊ Éup ʇɹʎ ÉƃÉıu·" - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "‮SÇÇ É¯oÉ¹Ç Ä±uÉŸo" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "â€®âŠ¥É¥Ç sÄ±Ê‡Ç É¹ÇbnÇsʇÇp ÊŽon sıƃu ıu nsıuƃ" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "‮ɹÇsÇʇ dÉssÊoɹp" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "‮âŽ%s‮⎠ıs uoʇ É ÊŒÉʅıp ÇɯÉıʅ ÉppɹÇss¡" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "‮⊥o É”ouʇıunÇ´ dÊ…ÇÉsÇ É”Ê…osÇ Ê‡É¥Ç ÊıupoÊ Éup ÇuʇÇɹ É ÊŒÉʅıp ÉppɹÇss·" - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "‮⊥ɥıs ıs uoʇ ɯÇ···" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "‮∩sÇ É pıɟɟÇɹÇuʇ ÇɯÉıʅ" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "‮∀ʅÊÉÊŽs sıƃu ıu nsıuƃ ʇɥıs ÇɯÉıʅ" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "‮∀ppɹÇss É…ÇɹıɟıÇp¡" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "‮⅄onɹ ıpÇuʇıʇʎ É¥És qÇÇu ÊŒÇɹıɟıÇp Êıʇɥ ÊŽonɹ ÇɯÉıʅ dɹoʌıpÇɹ´ ÊÇ Êıʅʅ uoÊ Ê‡É¹ÊŽ ʇo sıƃu ÊŽon ıu·" - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "‮⅄on ɯnsʇ sıƃu ıu Êıʇɥ ÊŽonɹ ÇɯÉıʅ dɹoʌıpÇɹ ʇo ÊŒÇɹıɟʎ oÊuÇɹsɥıd oÉŸ ʇɥıs ÉppɹÇss· ⊥ɥıs ÊıupoÊ Êıʅʅ qÇ É¹ÇpıɹÇɔʇÇp ʇo" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "‮ʌÇɹıɟʎ" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "‮ɅÇɹıɟʎ ï¼Ä±Ê‡É¥ ƎɯÉıʅ ԀɹoʌıpÇɹ" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/db_LB/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/db_LB/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 28f5101ac21acdc092da433457c82fcb19ce9dcc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/db_LB/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,189 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " ", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=CHARSET", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "‮ↃoɯdÊ…ÇÊ‡Ç â…‚oƃıu ʇo %s‮ nsıuƃ ÔɹoÊsÇɹIá—¡" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "‮Ǝɹɹoɹ ÇuÉ”onuʇÇɹÇp ÊÉ¥Ä±Ê…Ç ÉʇʇÇɯdʇıuƃ ʇo É”ouɟıɹɯ ÊŽonɹ ÉppɹÇss· HÉÊŒÇ ÊŽon dɹÇʌıonsÊ…ÊŽ ÊŒÇɹıɟıÇp ʇɥıs ÉppɹÇss?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "‮Ǝɹɹoɹ ÇuÉ”onuʇÇɹÇp ʇɹʎıuƃ ʇo É”oɯdÊ…ÇÊ‡Ç É¹ÇƃısʇɹÉʇıou·" - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "‮ℲıuısÉ¥ sıƃuıuƃ ıuʇo:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "‮ƎɯÉıʅ É…ÇɹıɟıɔÉʇıou" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "‮ƎɯÉıʅ ∀ppɹÇss" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "‮⅄onɹ ƎɯÉıʅ" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "‮NÇÊ Ô€ÉssÊoɹp" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "‮ƎuʇÇɹ É Ô€ÉssÊoɹp" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "‮ԀÉssÊoɹp ıs ɹÇbnıɹÇp·" - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "‮ԀÉssÊoɹp ɯnsʇ qÇ qÇʇÊÇÇu 8‮ Éup 80‮ ɔɥÉɹÉɔʇÇɹs Ê…ouƃ·" - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "‮ɅÇɹıɟʎ Ô€ÉssÊoɹp" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "‮ᴚÇdÇÉʇ Ô€ÉssÊoɹp" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "‮ɅÇɹıɟıɔÉʇıou dÉssÊoɹp ıs ɹÇbnıɹÇp·" - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "‮ԀÉssÊoɹps po uoʇ ɯÉʇɔɥ·" - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "‮ɟıuısÉ¥" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">‮⅄onɹ ÉppɹÇss</strong>‮ É¥És qÇÇu ÊŒÇɹıɟıÇp¡" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "‮⅄onɹ uÇÊ ÉppɹÇss ıs sÇʇ nd Éup ÊŽon sÉ¥onÊ…p uoÊ qÇ sıƃuÇp ıu· â…„on ɯÉÊŽ uoÊ É”Ê…osÇ Ê‡É¥Ä±s ÊıupoÊ Éup ƃo qÉɔʞ ʇo" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "‮ÔɹoÊsÇɹIá—¡ ɹÇbnıɹÇs É”ooʞıÇs" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "‮ԀʅÇÉsÇ É”Ê…osÇ Ê‡É¥Ä±s ÊıupoÊ´ <É %s‮>ÇuÉqÊ…Ç É”ooʞıÇs</a>‮ Éup ʇɹʎ ÉƃÉıu" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "‮ↃoɯɯnuıɔÉʇıuƃ Êıʇɥ sÇɹʌÇɹ" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "‮ſnsʇ É É¯oɯÇuʇ ÊÉ¥Ä±Ê…Ç ÊÇ Ê‡ÉÊ…Êž Êıʇɥ Ê‡É¥Ç sÇɹʌÇɹ·" - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "‮ÔɹoÊsÇɹIá—¡" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "‮ÔɹoÊsÇɹIá—¡ ıs Ê‡É¥Ç ÉŸÉsʇ Éup sÇÉ”nÉ¹Ç ÊÉÊŽ ʇo sıƃu ıu —‮ <É %s‮>Ê…ÇÉɹu ɯoɹÇ</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "‮ÔɹoÊsÇɹIá—¡: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "‮ÔɹoÊsÇɹIá—¡ HoɯÇ" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "‮HoÊ Ä±Ê‡ Êoɹʞs" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "‮ᗡÇÊŒÇÊ…odÇɹs" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "‮Sıƃu Iu" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "‮Sıƃu Onʇ" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "‮ÔÊŽ Ê‡É¥Ç <É %s‮>IpÇuʇıʇʎ ⊥ÇÉɯ</a>‮ @ <É %s‮>WozÄ±Ê…Ê…É â…‚Éqs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "‮ԀɹıʌÉɔʎ" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "‮⊥OS" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "‮NÇÇp HÇÊ…d?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "‮⊥ɥÇÉ¹Ç ÊÉs É dɹoqÊ…Çɯ Êıʇɥ ÊŽonɹ sıƃund ʅıuʞ· HÉs ʇɥıs ÉppɹÇss ÉʅɹÇÉpÊŽ qÇÇu ɹÇƃısʇÇɹÇp?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "‮Ǝɹɹoɹ É”oɯɯnuıɔÉʇıuƃ Êıʇɥ sÇɹʌÇɹ·" - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "‮⅂Ésʇ sʇÇd¡" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "‮⊥ɥÉuÊž ÊŽon ÉŸoɹ sıƃuıuƃ nd Êıʇɥ <strong>‮ÔɹoÊsÇɹIá—¡</strong>‮· â…„on É”Éu uoÊ nsÇ ÊŽonɹ <strong>‮ÔɹoÊsÇɹIá—¡</strong>‮ Éɔɔonuʇ ʇo <em>‮Sıƃu Iu</em>‮ oɹ <em>‮Sıƃu ∩d</em>‮ ʇo ÊÇqsıʇÇs ÉÊ…Ê… Éɔɹoss Ê‡É¥Ç ÊÇq¡" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "‮⊥ɥÉuÊžs ÉŸoɹ ÊŒÇɹıɟʎıuƃ ÊŽonɹ ÇɯÉıʅ ÉppɹÇss· ⊥ɥıs ɯÇssÉÆƒÇ Ä±s qÇıuƃ sÇuʇ ʇo ÊŽon ʇo É”oɯdÊ…ÇÊ‡Ç ÊŽonɹ sıƃu-ıu ʇo %s‮·" - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "‮ℲıuısÉ¥ ɹÇƃısʇɹÉʇıou qÊŽ ɔʅıɔʞıuƃ ʇɥıs ʅıuÊž:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "‮IÉŸ ÊŽon ÉÉ¹Ç NO⊥ ʇɹʎıuƃ ʇo sıƃu ıuʇo ʇɥıs sıʇÇ´ ɾnsʇ ıƃuoÉ¹Ç Ê‡É¥Ä±s ÇɯÉıʅ·" - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "‮⊥ɥÉuÊžs´" - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "‮(∀ qÇʇʇÇɹ ÊÉÊŽ ʇo sıƃu ıu)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/de/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/de/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index fc3d0ed30c05b1fe6b55c8c5162ce1627a95f243..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/de/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,403 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-02 17:13+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Michael <michael.koehler1@gmx.de>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " de", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID erfordert Cookies" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Bitte schließen Sie dieses Fenster, <a %s>aktivieren Sie Cookies</a> und versuchen Sie es erneut" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Kommunikationsfehler" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Anmeldung abschließen …" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Einen Moment noch, dann sind Sie bei BrowserID angemeldet." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Bitte warten Sie ein paar Sekunden, während wir Sie bei der Website anmelden." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Es tut uns Leid, diese Anfrage dauert LAAANGE." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Diese Nachricht wird verschwinden, wenn die Anfrage abgeschlossen ist (hoffentlich bald). Wenn Sie zu lange warten, schließen Sie dieses Fenster und versuchen Sie es erneut." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Anmeldung mit" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Neue E-Mail-Adresse" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Dieses Feld muss eine E-Mail-Adresse sein." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Das E-Mail-Adressfeld muss ausgefüllt werden." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Wir haben gerade eine E-Mail an diese Adresse verschickt! Wenn Sie wirklich noch eine senden möchten, warten Sie ein oder zwei Minuten und versuchen Sie es dann erneut." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Diese Adresse wurde Ihrem Konto bereits hinzugefügt!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "Hinzufügen" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "Abbrechen" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "E-Mail-Adresse" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein, um sich bei <strong>%s</strong> anzumelden." - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Willkommen zu BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Diese E-Mail-Adresse sieht neu aus, also richten wir Sie mal ein." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Passwort" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "Haben Sie Ihr Passwort vergessen?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Das Passwort-Feld muss ausgefüllt werden." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Zu diesem Benutzerkonto können Sie sich nicht mit diesem Benutzernamen und Passwort anmelden." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "Indem Sie %s anklicken, bestätigen Sie, dass Sie die <a %s>Nutzungsbedingungen</a> und die <a %s>Datenschutzerklärung</a> dieser Website akzeptieren." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "Weiter" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "E-Mail-Adresse bestätigen" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "Anmelden" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "%s kann nicht bestätigt werden" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s ist eine erforderliche Adresse, aber wir können nicht bestätigen, dass diese Adresse Ihnen gehört." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Sehen Sie nach Ihren E-Mails!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Wir haben eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail an <strong>%s</strong> geschickt." - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Um die Anmeldung abzuschließen, klicken Sie einfach auf den Aktivierungslink, den wir an Ihre E-Mail-Adresse geschickt haben." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Wenn das ein Fehler ist, ignorieren Sie die verschickte E-Mail einfach und <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">brechen Sie ab</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Wenn das ein Fehler ist, ignorieren Sie die verschickte E-Mail einfach und <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">verwenden Sie eine andere E-Mail-Adresse</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Es tut uns sehr Leid, der Server steht unter extremer Last!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Es tut uns sehr Leid, es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Bitte laden Sie die Seite neu und versuchen Sie es erneut." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Bitte schließen Sie dieses Fenster und versuchen Sie es erneut." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Weitere Informationen erhalten" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Die Website verlangt, dass Sie sich anmelden mit" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "Passwort zurücksetzen" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* ist keine gültige E-Mail-Adresse!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Um fortzufahren schließen Sie bitte dieses Fenster und geben Sie eine gültige Adresse ein." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Das bin ich nicht …" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Eine andere E-Mail-Adresse verwenden" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Immer mit dieser E-Mail-Adresse anmelden" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Adresse verifiziert!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "Ihre Identität wurde bei Ihrem E-Mail-Anbieter bestätigt. Wir versuchen jetzt, Sie anzumelden." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Sie müssen sich bei Ihrem E-Mail-Anbieter anmelden, um zu bestätigen, dass diese Adresse Ihnen gehört. Dieses Fenster wird weitergeleitet zu" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "Bestätigen" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Beim E-Mail-Anbieter bestätigen" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Für BrowserID müssen Cookies in Ihrem Browser aktiviert sein. Bitte \"#~ \"aktivieren Sie die Cookies in Ihrem Browser und versuchen Sie es erneut.\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Sie sind offline!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "Leider kann BrowserID nicht kommunizieren, wenn Sie offline sind!" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "E-Mail-Adresse auswählen" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Es tut uns Leid, aber wir können nicht mit BrowserID kommunizieren, \"#~ \"während Sie offline sind.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Benutzer wird authentifiziert" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Adresse wird hinzugefügt" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Primäre E-Mail-Adresse wird zum Benutzer hinzugefügt" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Adressdaten werden überprüft" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Authentifizierung mit Versicherung" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Benutzerkonto wird entfernt" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Authentifizierung wird überprüft" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Skript-Version wird überprüft" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Benutzerregistrierung wird abgeschlossen" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Ãœberprüfung, ob Cookies aktiviert sind" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Benutzerkonto wird erstellt" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Versicherung wird geholt" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Registrierungsschlüssel wird überprüft" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "E-Mail-Adresse wird überprüft" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "#~ \"Ãœberprüfung, ob der Benutzer bei Identitätsanbieter authentifiziert ist\"" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Abmeldung fehlgeschlagen" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Authentifizierung mit Identitätsanbieter" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Wir hatten Schwierigkeiten, mit Ihrem E-Mail-Anbieter zu kommunizieren, \"#~ \"bitte versuchen Sie es erneut!\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Identitätsanbieter wird bereitgestellt" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Bereitstellung von nicht unterstütztem Identitätsanbieter" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Leider kann die angegebene E-Mail-Adresse nicht als primärer \"#~ \"Identitätsanbieter fungieren\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Registrierung fehlgeschlagen" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "Ãœbertragung wird eingerichtet" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "Ãœbertragungsrahmen konnte nicht gefunden werden" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Passwort wird zurückgesetzt" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "E-Mail-Adresse von Benutzerkonto entfernen" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Passwort wird gesetzt" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Registrierung fehlgeschlagen" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Adresse wird synchronisiert" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "E-Mail-Adressen werden synchronisiert" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Synchronisierungsschlüssel für Adresse" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Schlüsseldaten werden geholt" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Passwort wird aktualisiert" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "E-Mail-Adresse wird verifiziert" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Abbrechen" - ], - "#~ \"We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send \"#~ \"another, wait a minute or two and try again.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Wir haben gerade eine E-Mail an diese Adresse verschickt! Wenn Sie \"#~ \"wirklich noch eine senden möchten, warten Sie ein oder zwei Minuten und \"#~ \"versuchen Sie es dann erneut.\"" - ], - "#~ \"To verify that you own <strong id='primary_email'>%s</strong>, you must \"#~ \"sign in with your provider. This window will be redirected to\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Um zu bestätigen, dass Ihnen <strong id='primary_email'>%s</strong> \"#~ \"gehört, müssen Sie sich bei Ihrem Anbieter anmelden. Dieses Fenster wird \"#~ \"weitergeleitet zu\"" - ], - "translated text": [ - null, - "Ãœbersetzter Text" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/de/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/de/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2b695d79163e8fed5fb91cea176d12b790a40d3e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/de/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-02 17:15+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Michael <michael.koehler1@gmx.de>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " de", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Anmeldung bei %s mit BrowserID abschließen" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten beim Versuch Ihre Adresse zu bestätigen. Haben Sie Ihre Adresse zuvor bereits verifiziert?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten beim Versuch die Registrierung abzuschließen." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Anmeldung wird abgeschlossen bei:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Verifizierung der E-Mail-Adresse" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "E-Mail-Adresse" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Ihre E-Mail-Adresse" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Neues Passwort" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Geben Sie ein Passwort ein" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Passwort ist erforderlich." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Passwort muss zwischen 8 und 80 Zeichen lang sein." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Passwort bestätigen" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Passwort wiederholen" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Bestätigung des Passworts ist erforderlich." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Passwörter stimmen nicht überein." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "Abschließen" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">Ihre Adresse</strong> wurde verifiziert!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Ihre neue Adresse wurde eingerichtet und Sie sollten jetzt angemeldet sein. Sie können dieses Fenster jetzt schließen und zurückkehren zu" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID erfordert Cookies" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Bitte schließen Sie dieses Fenster, <a %s>aktivieren Sie Cookies</a> und versuchen Sie es erneut" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Kommunikation mit dem Server" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Einen Moment bitte, während wir mit dem Server sprechen." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID ist die schnelle und sichere Möglichkeit zur Anmeldung — <a %s>erfahren Sie mehr</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "Startseite von BrowserID" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Wie es funktioniert" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Entwickler" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Anmelden" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Abmelden" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Vom <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Datenschutz" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Nutzungsbedingungen" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Benötigen Sie Hilfe?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Bei Ihrem Registrierungslink ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Wurde diese Adresse bereits registriert?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Fehler bei Kommunikation mit dem Server." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Letzter Schritt!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Danke für Ihre Registrierung bei <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Sie können jetzt Ihr Konto bei <strong>BrowserID</strong> verwenden, um sich bei Websites im ganzen Internet <em>anzumelden</em> oder <em>zu registrieren</em>." - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Danke für die Bestätigung Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse. Diese Nachricht wird Ihnen gesendet, um Ihre Anmeldung bei %s abzuschließen." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Schließen Sie die Registrierung durch Klick auf diesen Link ab:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Wenn Sie sich NICHT bei dieser Website anmelden möchten, ignorieren Sie einfach diese E-Mail." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Danke," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Eine bessere Möglichkeit zur Anmeldung)" - ], - "Browser ID": [ - null, - "Browser-ID" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/el/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/el/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 0c80dd3867f48a2166ed6dd244dacf7a219b54cf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/el/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,394 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-03 01:57+0200", - "Last-Translator": " ΓιώÏγος Φιωτάκης <fiotakis@otenet.gr>", - "Language-Team": " Greek <fiotakis@otenet.gr>", - "Language": " el", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6", - "X-Poedit-SourceCharset": " utf-8", - "X-Poedit-Language": " Greek", - "X-Poedit-Country": " GREECE" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Το BrowserID απαιτεί cookies" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "ΠαÏακαλοÏμε κλείστε αυτό το παÏάθυÏο, <a %s>ενεÏγοποιήστε τα cookies</a> και δοκιμάστε ξανά." - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Σφάλμα επικοινωνίας" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "ΟλοκληÏώνεται η σÏνδεση..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Σε μια στιγμή θα Îχετε συνδεθεί στο BrowserID" - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "ΠαÏακαλοÏμε πεÏιμÎνετε μεÏικά δευτεÏόλεπτα καθώς σας συνδÎουμε με τον ιστότοπο." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "ΛυποÏμαστε αλλά το αίτημα απαιτεί υπεÏβολικό χÏόνο" - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Αυτό το μήνυμα θα εξαφανιστεί όταν ολοκληÏωθεί το αίτημα (ελπίζουμε σÏντομα). Αν η αναμονή διαÏκεί πολÏ, κλείστε αυτό το παÏάθυÏο και Ï€Ïοσπαθήστε ξανά." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "ΣÏνδεση με χÏήση" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "ÎÎα διεÏθυνση ηλ. ταχυδÏομείου" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Αυτό το πεδίο Ï€ÏÎπει να είναι διεÏθυνση ηλ. ταχυδÏομείου." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Απαιτείται μια διεÏθυνση." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Μόλις στείλαμε μήνυμα σ' αυτή τη διεÏθυνση! Αν Ï€Ïαγματικά θÎλετε να στείλετε κι άλλο, πεÏιμÎνετε Îνα-δυο λεπτά και Ï€Ïοσπαθήστε ξανά." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Αυτή η διεÏθυνση Îχει ήδη Ï€Ïοστεθεί στο λογαÏιασμό σας!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "Î Ïοσθήκη" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "ΑκÏÏωση" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "ΔιεÏθυνση ηλεκτÏÎ¿Î½Î¹ÎºÎ¿Ï Ï„Î±Ï‡Ï…Î´Ïομείου" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Εισάγετε τη διεÏθυνση ηλ. ταχυδÏομείου σας για να συνδεθείτε στο <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Καλώς οÏίσατε στο BrowserID" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Αυτή η διεÏθυνση ηλ. ταχυδÏομείου φαίνεται καινοÏÏια, ας κάνουμε λοιπόν τις Ïυθμίσεις." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Κωδικός" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "Ξεχάσατε τον κωδικό σας;" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Απαιτείται κωδικός." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Δεν είναι δυνατή η σÏνδεση στο λογαÏιασμό με αυτό τον κωδικό και το όνομα χÏήστη." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "Κάνοντας κλικ στο %s, συμφωνείτε ότι αποδÎχεστε τους <a %s>ÏŒÏους χÏήσης</a> και την <a %s>πολιτική αποÏÏήτου</a> του ιστότοπου." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "Επόμενο" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "Επαλήθευση διεÏθυνσης" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "ΣÏνδεση" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Δεν είναι δυνατή η επαλήθευση της %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "Η %s είναι η απαιτοÏμενη διεÏθυνση αλλά δεν μποÏοÏμε να επαληθεÏσουμε ότι σας ανήκει." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "ΕλÎγξτε το ηλεκτÏονικό σας ταχυδÏομείο!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Στείλαμε Îνα μήνυμα επιβεβαίωσης στη διεÏθυνση <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Για να ολοκληÏώσετε τη σÏνδεση σας, κάντε κλικ στο δεσμό επιβεβαίωσης που στείλαμε στη διεÏθυνση σας." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Αν Ï€Ïόκειται για λάθος, απλά αγνοήστε το μήνυμα που σας στείλαμε και πατήστε <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">ακÏÏωση</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Αν Ï€Ïόκειται για λάθος, απλά αγνοήστε το μήνυμα που σας στείλαμε και <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">χÏησιμοποιήστε άλλη διεÏθυνση ηλ. ταχυδÏομείου</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Ο διακομιστής Îχει υπεÏβολικό φόÏτο, σας ζητάμε συγνώμη!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "ΠαÏουσιάστηκε σφάλμα, ζητάμε συγνώμη!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "ΠαÏακαλοÏμε ανανεώστε τη σελίδα και Ï€Ïοσπαθήστε ξανά." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "ΠαÏακαλοÏμε κλείστε το παÏάθυÏο και Ï€Ïοσπαθήσετε ξανά." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Δείτε πεÏισσότεÏες πληÏοφοÏίες" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Ο ιστότοπος απαιτεί να συνδεθείτε ως" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "ΕπαναφοÏά κωδικοÏ" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "Δεν είναι ÎγκυÏη η διεÏθυνση *%s*!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Για να συνεχίσετε, σας παÏακαλοÏμε να κλείσετε το παÏάθυÏο και να εισάγετε μια ÎγκυÏη διεÏθυνση ηλ. ταχυδÏομείου." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Δεν είμαι εγώ..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "ΧÏήση διαφοÏετικής διεÏθυνσης ηλ. ταχυδÏομείου" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Îα γίνεται πάντα σÏνδεση με αυτή τη διεÏθυνση." - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Η διεÏθυνση επαληθεÏτηκε!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "Η ταυτότητα σας επαληθεÏτηκε από τον παÏοχÎα του ηλεκτÏÎ¿Î½Î¹ÎºÎ¿Ï ÏƒÎ±Ï‚ ταχυδÏομείου, θα Ï€Ïοσπαθήσουμε Ï„ÏŽÏα να σας συνδÎσουμε." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Θα Ï€ÏÎπει να συνδεθείτε στην υπηÏεσία ηλεκτÏÎ¿Î½Î¹ÎºÎ¿Ï Ï„Î±Ï‡Ï…Î´Ïομείου σας για να επιβεβαιωθεί ότι σας ανήκει η διεÏθυνση. Αυτό το παÏάθυÏο θα σας ανακατευθÏνει στο" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "Επαλήθευση" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Επιβεβαίωση μÎσω παÏοχÎα ηλ. ταχυδÏομείου" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Το BrowserID απαιτεί την ενεÏγοποίηση των cookies στον πεÏιηγητή για να \"#~ \"λειτουÏγήσει. Σας παÏακαλοÏμε να ενεÏγοποιήσετε τα cookies στον πεÏιηγητή \"#~ \"σας και να Ï€Ïοσπαθήσετε ξανά.\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Έχετε αποσυνδεθεί!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "Δυστυχώς το BrowserID δεν μποÏεί να επικοινωνήσει εκτός σÏνδεσης!" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "Επιλογή διεÏθυνσης" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"ΛυποÏμαστε αλλά δεν μποÏοÏμε να επικοινωνήσουμε με το BrowserID εφόσον \"#~ \"είστε εκτός σÏνδεσης.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Γίνεται πιστοποίηση χÏήστη" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Î Ïοστίθεται διεÏθυνση" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Î Ïοστίθεται Ï€ÏωτεÏουσα διεÏθυνση ηλ. ταχυδÏομείου χÏήστη" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Γίνεται Îλεγχος διεÏθυνσης" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Πιστοποίηση μÎσω διαβεβαίωσης" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "ΑκυÏώνεται ο λογαÏιασμός χÏήστη" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Γίνεται Îλεγχος πιστοποίησης" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Γίνεται Îλεγχος Îκδοσης σεναÏίου εντολών" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "ΟλοκληÏώνεται η εγγÏαφή χÏήστη" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Γίνεται Îλεγχος ενεÏγοποίησης cookies" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Γίνεται δημιουÏγία λογαÏιασμοÏ" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Γίνεται λήψη διαβεβαίωσης" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Γίνεται Îλεγχος token εγγÏαφής" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Γίνεται Îλεγχος διεÏθυνσης ηλ. ταχυδÏομείου" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Γίνεται Îλεγχος πιστοποίησης χÏήστη μÎσω IdP" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "ΑπÎτυχε η αποσÏνδεση" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Γίνεται πιστοποίηση μÎσω πάÏοχου ταυτοποίησης" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"ΠαÏουσιάστηκε Ï€Ïόβλημα στην επικοινωνία μας με τον παÏοχÎα ηλ. \"#~ \"ταχυδÏομείου σας, παÏακαλοÏμε Ï€Ïοσπαθήστε ξανά!\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "ΤÏοφοδοσία παÏόχου ταυτοποίησης" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "ΤÏοφοδοσία μη υποστηÏιζόμενου παÏόχου ταυτοποίησης" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Δυστυχώς η διεÏθυνση ηλ. ταχυδÏομείου που δώσατε δεν μποÏεί να \"#~ \"χÏησιμοποιηθεί σαν βασικός πάÏοχος ταυτοποίησης\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "ΑπÎτυχε η εγγÏαφή" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "ΔημιουÏγείται ο συσχετισμός" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "Δεν βÏÎθηκε το πλαίσιο συσχÎτισης" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Γίνεται επαναφοÏά κωδικοÏ" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "ΑφαίÏεση διεÏθυνσης ηλ. ταχυδÏομείου από τον λογαÏιασμό" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Γίνεται οÏισμός κωδικοÏ" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "ΑπÎτυχε η σÏνδεση" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "ΑπÎτυχε η εγγÏαφή" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Γίνεται συγχÏονισμός διεÏθυνσης" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "Γίνεται συγχÏονισμός διεÏθυνσης ηλ. ταχυδÏομείου" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "ΣυγχÏονισμός κλειδιών για τη διεÏθυνση" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Γίνεται λήψη πληÏοφοÏιών token" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Γίνεται ενημÎÏωση κωδικοÏ" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "Γίνεται επαλήθευση διεÏθυνσης ηλ. ταχυδÏομείου" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "ΑκÏÏωση" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/el/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/el/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2d5ade27cab188124683c94c5c2330f1de1008f4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/el/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,192 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-03 02:01+0200", - "Last-Translator": " ΓιώÏγος Φιωτάκης <fiotakis@otenet.gr>", - "Language-Team": " el locale <fiotakis@otenet.gr>", - "Language": " el", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6", - "X-Poedit-SourceCharset": " utf-8" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "ΟλοκλήÏωση σÏνδεσης στο %s μÎσω του BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "ΠαÏουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την επικÏÏωση της διεÏθυνσης σας. Την Îχετε επαληθεÏσει;" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "ΠαÏουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά την ολοκλήÏωση της εγγÏαφής" - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "ΟλοκληÏώστε την σÏνδεσή σας στο: " - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Επιβεβαίωση διεÏθυνσης" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "ΔιεÏθυνση ηλ. ταχυδÏομείου" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Η διεÏθυνση σας" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "ÎÎος κωδικός" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Εισάγετε κωδικό" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Απαιτείται κωδικός." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Ο κωδικός Ï€ÏÎπει να είναι από 8 Îως 80 χαÏακτήÏες." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Επαλήθευση κωδικοÏ" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Επανάληψη κωδικοÏ" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Απαιτείται κωδικός επαλήθευσης" - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Οι κωδικοί δεν ταιÏιάζουν." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "ΟλοκλήÏωση" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">Η διεÏθυνσή σας</strong> Îχει επαληθευθεί!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Η νÎα σας διεÏθυνση Ïυθμίστηκε και κανονικά Îχετε συνδεθεί. ΜποÏείτε Ï„ÏŽÏα να κλείσετε αυτό το παÏάθυÏο και να πάτε πίσω στο" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Το BrowserID απαιτεί τη χÏήση cookies." - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "ΠαÏακαλοÏμε κλείστε το παÏάθυÏο, <a %s>ενεÏγοποιήστε τα cookies</a> και Ï€Ïοσπαθήστε ξανά." - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Γίνεται επικοινωνία με τον διακομιστή" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "ΠαÏακαλοÏμε πεÏιμÎνετε όσο επικοινωνοÏμε με το διακομιστή." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "Το BrowserID είναι ο γÏήγοÏος και ασφαλής Ï„Ïόπος να συνδÎεστε — <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/about\">μάθετε πεÏισσότεÏα</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "ΑÏχική σελίδα BrowserID" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Πως λειτουÏγεί" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "ΔημιουÏγοί" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "ΣÏνδεση" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "ΑποσÏνδεση" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Από την ομάδα <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Ιδιωτικό απόÏÏητο" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "ÎŒÏοι υπηÏεσίας" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "ΧÏειάζεστε βοήθεια;" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "ΠαÏουσιάστηκε σφάλμα με το δεσμό εγγÏαφής. Μήπως Îχετε ήδη εγγÏαφεί με αυτή τη διεÏθυνση;" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Σφάλμα επικοινωνίας με το διακομιστή." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Τελευταίο βήμα!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Σας ευχαÏιστοÏμε που εγγÏαφήκατε στο <strong>BrowserID</strong>. ΤώÏα μποÏείτε να χÏησιμοποιήσετε το λογαÏιασμό σας στο <strong>BrowserID</strong> για να <em>συνδεθείτε</em> ή να <em>εγγÏαφείτε</em> σε όλους του ιστότοπους του παγκόσμιου ιστοÏ!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Σας ευχαÏιστοÏμε που επαληθεÏσατε τη διεÏθυνση ηλ. ταχυδÏομείου σας. Αυτό το μήνυμα στάλθηκε για να μποÏÎσετε να ολοκληÏώσετε τη σÏνδεση σας στο %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "ΟλοκληÏώστε την εγγÏαφή κάνοντας κλικ σ' αυτό το δεσμό:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Αν δεν επιχειÏήσατε να συνδεθείτε σ' αυτό τον ιστότοπο, απλά αγνοήστε αυτό το μήνυμα." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Σας ευχαÏιστοÏμε," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Ο καλÏτεÏος Ï„Ïόπος για να συνδÎεστε)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/en_US/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/en_US/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index b0016b84cba02899f034906ed80f215a72f235a5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/en_US/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,230 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-01-10 17:32-0800", - "Last-Translator": " Austin King <ozten@mozilla.com>", - "Language-Team": " English", - "Language": " ", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "reset password" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "verify" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "cancel" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/en_US/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/en_US/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index a8c15822a451d4115eae686b566c26d47ff9d75f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/en_US/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,189 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " ", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "finish" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "" - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/eo/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/eo/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 3b7e8f1ac55adf9d01a1805d19dbfb87bfd132ed..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/eo/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,306 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-06 16:51+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Eduardo <eduardo@esperanto.org.uy>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " eo", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Ni bedaÅras, BrowserID postulas kuketojn" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Sin anonci per" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Tiu teksto devas esti retpoÅta adreso." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "La teksto \"RetpoÅta adreso\" estas deviga." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "RetpoÅta adreso" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Bonvolu tajpi vian retpoÅtadreson por anonci vin al <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Bonvenon al BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Pasvorto" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "ĉu vi forgesis vian pasvorton?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Kontrolu vian retpoÅton!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Ni sendis konfirman retmesaÄon al <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Por fini, alklaku la ligilon kiu troviÄas en la retmesaÄo kiun ni sendis." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "Pasvorto" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"BrowserID postulas ke kuketoj estu aktivaj en via retesplorilo. Bonvolu \"#~ \"aktivigi la kuketojn kaj klopodi denove.\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Vi ne estas konektita!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "BedaÅrinde BrowserID ne povas komunikiÄi se vi ne estas konektita!" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Aldonado de adreso" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Aldonado de ĉefa adreso de la uzanto" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Kontrolado de la informo de la adreso" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "AÅtentikigado kun aserto" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Nuligado de la konto de uzanto" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Kontrolado de aÅtentikigado" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Kontrolado de la versio de skripto" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Finado de la registrado de uzanto" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Kontrolado de la aktiveco de kuketoj" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Kreado de konto" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Akirado de aserto" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Kontrolado de la registra ĵetono" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Kontrolado de la retpoÅta adreso" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Ĉu la uzanto estis aÅtentikigita de IdP?" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "MalkonektiÄo malsukcesa" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "AÅtentikigado kun provizanto de idento" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Ni havis problemojn komunikajn kun via retpoÅtprovizanto, bonvolu klopodi \"#~ \"denove!\"" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/eo/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/eo/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 7a0434995436219b9d61f248cc7ac5967846257a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/eo/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " eo", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "X-Generator": " Translate Toolkit 1.9.0" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "" - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/es/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/es/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index cafbc9ae5f9f5859980dcaa8cf6fa1a1545bf2a9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/es/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,391 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-03 15:05+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Inma <inma.barrios@mozilla-hispano.org>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " es", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID necesita cookies" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Por favor, cierra esta ventana, <a %s>habilita las cookies</a> y vuelve a intentarlo" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Error en la comunicación" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Finalizando el registro..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "En sólo un momento te habrás registrado en BrowserID." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Por favor, espera unos segundos mientras te registramos en el sitio." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Lo sentimos, esta solicitud está tardando MUUUCHO." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Este mensaje desaparecerá cuando la solicitud se haya completado. Si ves que tarda demasiado tiempo, cierra esta ventana y vuelve a intentarlo." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Conectarse usando" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Nueva dirección de correo" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Este campo debe ser una dirección de correo electrónico." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "El campo de correo electrónico es obligatorio." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "¡Acabamos de enviar un correo a esa dirección! Si realmente deseas enviar otro correo, espera un minuto o dos e intenta nuevamente." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "¡Esa dirección ya está agregada a tu cuenta!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "agregar" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "cancelar" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "Correo electrónico" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Escribe tu dirección de correo para conectarte a <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "¡Bienvenido a BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Este correo parece que es nuevo, asà que vamos a configurar tu cuenta." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Contraseña" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "¿olvidaste tu contraseña?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "El campo de contraseña es obligatorio." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "No es posible acceder a la cuenta con ese usuario y contraseña." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "Al hacer clic en %s, confirmas que aceptas las <a %s>Condiciones de uso</a> y la <a %s>PolÃtica de privacidad</a> de este sitio web." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "siguiente" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "verificar el correo electrónico" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "conectar" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "No podemos verificar %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s es una dirección obligatoria, pero no podemos verificar que esta dirección sea tuya." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "¡Revisa tu correo!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Hemos enviado un correo electrónico de confirmación a <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Para terminar de registrarte no tienes más que hacer clic en el enlace de verificación que hemos enviado a tu dirección de correo electrónico." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Si esto es un error, simplemente ignora el mensaje enviado y <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancela</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Si esto es un error, simplemente ignora el mensaje enviado y <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">usa otra dirección de correo</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Lo lamentamos, pero el servidor está sobrecargado." - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Lo lamentamos, pero ha habido un error." - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Por favor, recarga la página y vuelve a intentarlo." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Por favor, cierra esta ventana y vuelve a intentarlo." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Mira más información" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "El sitio pidió que te conectes usando" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "reiniciar contraseña" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "¡*%s* no es una dirección de correo electrónico válida!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Para continuar, por favor, cierra la ventana y escribe una dirección válida." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "No soy yo..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Usar un correo electrónico diferente" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Conectarse usando siempre este correo" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "¡Dirección verificada!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "Tu identidad ha sido verificada con tu proveedor de correo electrónico, ahora intentaremos iniciar tu sesión." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Debes conectarte usando tu proveedor de correo electrónico para verificar que esta dirección es tuya. Esta ventana sera redirigida a" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "verificar" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Verificar con el proveedor de correo electrónico" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"BrowserID necesita que las cookies de tu navegador estén habilitadas para \"#~ \"operar. Por favor, habilita las cookies de tu navegador e inténtalo otra \"#~ \"vez.\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "¡Estás desconectado!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "#~ \"¡Lamentablemente BrowserID no puede establecer comunicación si no hay \"#~ \"conexión!\"" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "seleccionar correo electrónico" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Lo sentimos, pero no podemos comunicarnos con BrowserID si no tienes \"#~ \"conexión.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Autenticando al usuario" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Agregando la dirección" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Agregando la dirección de correo electrónico principal al usuario" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Comprobando los datos de la dirección" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Autenticando con aseveración" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Cancelando la cuenta del usuario" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Comprobando autenticación" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Verificando la versión del script" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Completando el registro del usuario" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Comprobando si las cookies están habilitadas" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Creando una cuenta" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Obteniendo la aseveración" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Verificando el token de registro" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Comprobando la dirección de correo" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Verificando si el usuario está autentificado con IdP" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Falló la salida de la sesión" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Autenticando con el proveedor de identidad" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Hemos tenido problemas al comunicarnos con tu proveedor de correo \"#~ \"electrónico, ¡por favor, inténtalo de nuevo!\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Aprovisionando con el proveedor de identidad" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Aprovisionando con un proveedor de identidad no compatible" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Desafortunadamente, la dirección de correo electrónico proporcionada no \"#~ \"puede usarse como proveedor de identidad primario\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Registro fallido" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "Estableciendo servidor de correo" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "No se ha podido encontrar el grupo de servidores" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Restableciendo la contraseña" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "Eliminar de la cuenta la dirección de correo" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Configurando la contraseña" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Inicio de sesión fallido" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Registro fallido" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Sincronizando la dirección" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "Sincronizando las direcciones de correo" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Sincronizar claves de esa dirección" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Obteniendo información del token" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Actualizando la contraseña" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "Verificando la dirección de correo" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Cancelar" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/es/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/es/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 64766bb850c5cf2d0ec5736a89ee5c9450ecd3df..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/es/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-02 19:17+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Inma <inma.barrios@mozilla-hispano.org>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " es", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Completa el proceso de identificación en %s usando BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Se encontró un error al intentar confirmar tu dirección. ¿Has verificado esta dirección anteriormente?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Se encontró un error al intentar completar el registro." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Finalizar el registro en:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Verificación de correo electrónico" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "Dirección de correo electrónico" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Tu correo electrónico" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Nueva contraseña" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Escribir una contraseña" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Se requiere una contraseña." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "La contraseña debe tener entre 8 y 80 caracteres." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Verificar contraseña" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Repetir contraseña" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Es necesaria una contraseña de verificación." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Las contraseñas no coinciden." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "finalizar" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "¡<strong class=\"email\">Tu dirección</strong> ha sido verificada!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Tu nueva dirección ya está configurada y ahora deberÃa iniciarse tu sesión. Puedes cerrar esta ventana y regresar a" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID necesita cookies" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Por favor, cierra esta ventana, <a %s>habilita las cookies</a> y vuelve a intentarlo" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Comunicando con el servidor" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Danos un momento mientras hablamos con el servidor." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID es la forma rápida y segura de identificación desde el navegador — <a %s>descubre más</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "Inicio de BrowserID" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Cómo funciona" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Desarrolladores" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Conectar" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Desconectar" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Creado por el <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Privacidad" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Términos del servicio" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "¿Necesitas ayuda?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Hubo un problema con el enlace de tu registro. ¿Estaba esta dirección registrada ya?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Error al comunicarse con el servidor." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "¡Último paso!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Gracias por registrarte con <strong>BrowserID</strong>. ¡Ahora puedes usar tu cuenta de <strong>BrowserID</strong> para <em>Conectarte</em> o <em>Registrarte</em> en sitios de toda la red!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Gracias por verificar tu dirección de correo. Este mensaje se envÃa para que completes tu identificación en %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Finaliza el proceso haciendo clic en este enlace:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Si NO estás intentando identificarte en este sitio, simplemente ignora este correo." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Gracias," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(La identificación desde el navegador)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/es_MX/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/es_MX/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index cb1cde598a37da8931b1e7abebf8d67afcd0c6cf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/es_MX/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,226 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " es_MX", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "X-Generator": " Translate Toolkit 1.9.0" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/es_MX/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/es_MX/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 0831a041ca54f856d7012e73d31970d192cd2bd3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/es_MX/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " es_MX", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "X-Generator": " Translate Toolkit 1.9.0" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "" - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/et/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/et/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index acf62b8caa0d0ece8eea6dd5cb3bfad8be347c7b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/et/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,391 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-06 18:54+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Merike <merike.sell@eesti.ee>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " et", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID vajab küpsiseid" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Palun sulge see aken, <a %s>luba küpsised</a> ja proovi uuesti" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Kommunikatsiooni viga" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Sisse logimise lõpetamine..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Hetke pärast logitakse sind BrowserID-sse." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Palun oota mõni sekund, kuni sind leheküljele sisse logime." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Vabandust, antud päring kestab VÄGA KAUA." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Sõnum kaob, kui päring on lõpetatud (loodetavasti varsti). Kui ooteaeg on olnud liiga pikk, soovitame akna sulgeda ja uuesti proovida." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Logi sisse kasutades" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Uus e-posti aadress" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Sellel väljal peab olema e-posti aadress." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "E-posti väli on nõutav." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Me alles saatsime e-kirja sellele aadressile! Kui soovid saata veel üht, siis oota mõni minut ja proovi uuesti." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Antud aadress on juba kontole lisatud!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "Lisa" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "Loobu" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "E-posti aadress" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "<strong>%s</strong> sisse logimiseks sisesta e-posti aadress" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Tere tulemast BrowserID-sse!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "See e-post tundub uus, nii et seadistame selle ära." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Parool" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "unustasid parooli?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Parooli väli on nõutav." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Selle kasutajanime ja parooliga ei ole võimalik kontosse siseneda." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "Klõpsates %s, kinnitad nõustumise lehekülje <a %s>Kasutamistingimuste</a> ja <a %s>Privaatsuspoliitikaga</a>." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "Edasi" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "Kontrolli e-posti" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "Logi sisse" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Ei ole võimalik kontrollida %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s on nõutav, aga pole võimalik kontrollida, kas oled antud aadressi omanik." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Vaata oma e-posti!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Saatsime kinnituskirja aadressile <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Registreerumise lõpetamiseks klõpsa lihtsalt kinnitamislinki, mille saatsime sinu e-posti aadressile." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Kui see on eksitus, siis lihtsalt ignoreeri saadetud e-kirja ja <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">loobu</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Kui see on eksitus, siis lihtsalt ignoreeri saadetud e-kirja ja <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">kasuta teist e-posti aadressi</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Meil on väga kahju, server on väga ülekoormatud!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Meil on väga kahju, on tekkinud viga!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Uuesti proovimiseks tuleb leht uuesti laadida." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Palun sulge aken ja proovi siis uuesti." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Rohkem infot" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Lehekülg nõuab sisse logimist kasutades" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "Lähtesta parool" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* ei ole kehtiv e-posti aadress!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Jätkamiseks, palun sulge aken ja sisesta kehtiv aadress." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "See ei ole mina..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Kasuta teist e-posti aadressi" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Logi alati sisse selle e-posti aadressiga" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Aadress on kontrollitud!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "Sinu identiteet on kontrollitud e-posti teenusepakkuja poolt, me proovime sind nüüd sisse logida." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Et kontrollida, kas oled antud e-posti aadressi omanik, peaksid sisse logima oma e-posti teenusesse. See aken suunatakse" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "Kontrolli" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "E-posti aadressi kontrollimine teenusepakkujaga" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"BrowserID vajab, et brauseri küpsised oleks lubatud. Palun luba brauseril \"#~ \"küpsiste kasutamine ja proovi uuesti\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Arvutil puudub internetiühendus!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "BrowserID ei saa kahjuks internetiühenduseta suhelda!" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "Vali e-posti aadress" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Vabandust, BrowserID'ga ei ole võimalik suhelda, kuna arvutil puudub \"#~ \"interneti ühendus.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Kasutaja autentimine" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "E-posti aadressi lisamine" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Peamise e-posti aadressi lisamine kasutajale" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Aadressi kontrollimine" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Kinnitusega autentimine" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Kasutaja konto tühistamine" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Autentimise kontrollimine" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Skripti versiooni kontrollimine" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Kasutaja registreerimise lõpetamine" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Kontrollitakse, kas küpsised on lubatud" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Konto loomine" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Kinnituse hankimine" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Registreerimisloa kontrollimine" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "E-posti aadressi kontrollimine" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Kontrollimine, kas kasutaja on autenditud IdP-ga" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Väljalogimine ebaõnnestus" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Autentimine koos identiteedipakkujaga" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Suhtlemisel sinu e-posti teenusepakkujaga tekkis probleem, palun proovi \"#~ \"uuesti!\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Identiteedi kontrollimine identiteedipakkuja poolt" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Identiteedi kontrollimine toetamata identiteedipakkuja poolt" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Kahjuks ei saa antud e-posti aadress olla peamiseks identiteedipakkujaks\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Registreerimine ebaõnnestus" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "Ãœlekande loomine" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "Ãœlekandepaketti ei leitud" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Parooli lähtestamine" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "E-posti aadressi eemaldamine kontolt" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Parooli seadistamine" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Sisenemine ebaõnnestus" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Registreerimine ebaõnnestus" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Aadressi sünkroonimine" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "E-posti aadresside sünkroonimine" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Aadressile võtmete sünkroonimine" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Loa hankimine" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Parooli uuendamine" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "E-posti aadressi kontrollimine" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Loobu" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/et/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/et/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index df937975636e2627a03d8f1a69a7c9945cd6bf98..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/et/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-06 18:54+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Merike <merike.sell@eesti.ee>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " et", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Sisse logimise lõpetamine aadressile %s BrowserID kasutades" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Tekkis viga aadressi kinnitamisel. Kas oled antud aadressi varem kontrollinud?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Registreerimise lõpetamisel tekkis viga." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Sisselogimise lõpetamine:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "E-posti aadressi kontrollimine" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "E-posti aadress" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Sinu e-posti aadress" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Uus parool" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Sisesta parool" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Parool on nõutav." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Parooli pikkus peab olema vahemikus 8 kuni 80 tähemärki." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Parooli kontrollimine" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Korda parooli" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Kontrollparool on nõutav." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Paroolid ei kattu." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "Valmis" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">Aadress</strong> on kontrollitud!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Uus aadress on seadistatud ja peaksid nüüd olema sisse logitud. Võid selle akna sulgeda ja minna tagasi" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID vajab küpsiseid" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Palun sulge see aken, <a %s>luba küpsised</a> ja proovi uuesti" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Suheldakse serveriga" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Ãœks hetk, toimub suhtlemine serveriga." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID on kiire ja turvaline viis sisselogimiseks — <a %s>loe lähemalt</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "BrowserID avaleht" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Kuidas see töötab" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Arendajad" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Logi sisse" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Logi välja" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Autor: <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Privaatsus" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Kasutamistingimused" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Vajad abi?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Registreerumise lingiga oli probleeme. Kas oled varem antud aadressiga registreerunud?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Tekkis viga serveriga suhtlemisel." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Viimane samm!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Täname registreerumast <strong>BrowserID</strong>-ga. Nüüd saad <strong>BrowserID</strong> kontot kasutada <em>sisse logimiseks</em> või <em>registreerumiseks</em> paljudel erinevatel veebilehtedel!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Täname, et kontrollisid oma e-posti aadressi. See sõnum saadeti %s sisse logimise lõpetamiseks." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Registreerumise lõpetamiseks klõpsa seda linki:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Kui sa EI soovinud registreeruda antud veebilehel, siis eira saadetud e-kirja." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Täname," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Parem viis sisse logimiseks)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/eu/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/eu/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 27766565df92715cd04e9d79d04a79061952c18b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/eu/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,391 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-20 00:15+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Julen <julenx@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " eu", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Barkatu, BrowserID-k cookie-ak behar ditu" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Komunikazio-errorea" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Saio-hasiera amaitzen..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Une batetik bestera hasiko duzu saioa BrowserID-n." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Itxaron segundo batzuk gunean saioa hasten dugun bitartean." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Sentitzen dugu, eskaera hau oso LUUUZE doa." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Eskaera burutzean (laster espero dugu) desagertuko da mezu hau. Oso luze itxaroten baduzu, itxi leiho hau eta saiatu berriro." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Hasi saioa hau erabiliz" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Helbide elektroniko berria" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Eremu honek helbide elektronikoa izan behar du" - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Helbide elektronikoaren eremua beharrezkoa da." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Mezu bat bidali berri dugu helbide horretara! Benetan beste bat bidaltzea nahi baduzu, itxaron minutu bat edo bi eta saiatu berriro." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Helbide hori dagoeneko gehituta dago zure kontuan!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "gehitu" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "utzi" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "Helbide elektronikoa" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Idatzi zure helbide elektronikoa <strong>%s</strong> gunean saioa hasteko" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Ongi etorri BrowserID-ra!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Helbide elektroniko honek berria dirudi; konfigura dezagun zure kontua." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Pasahitza" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "pasahitza ahaztu duzu?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Pasahitzaren eremua beharrezkoa da." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Ezin da kontuaren saio-hasiera burutu erabiltzaile-izen eta pasahitz hauekin." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "hurrengoa" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "egiaztatu helbide elektronikoa" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "hasi saioa" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Ezin da %s egiaztatu" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s beharrezko helbidea da baina ezin dugu egiaztatu zure jabetzakoa denik." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Egiaztatu zure posta elektronikoa!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Berrespen-mezua bidali dugu <strong>%s</strong> helbidera" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Saio-hasiera amaitzeko, egin klik zure helbide elektronikora bidali dugun egiaztapen-loturan." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Hau akatsa baldin bada, besterik gabe ezikusi bidalitako mezua eta <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">utzi</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Hau akatsa baldin bada, besterik gabe ezikusi bidalitako mezua eta <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">erabili beste helbide elektroniko bat</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Sentitzen dugu, zerbitzariak ikaragarrizko karga dauka!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Sentitzen dugu, errore bat gertatu da!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Orria berritu beharko duzu berriro saiatzeko." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Leiho hau itxi beharko duzu berriro saiatzeko." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Informazio gehiago" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Ondorengoa erabiliz saioa has dezazun eskatu du guneak" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "berrezarri pasahitza" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* ez da baliozko helbide elektronikoa!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Jarraitzeko, itxi leihoa eta idatzi baliozko helbidea." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Ez naiz ni..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Erabili beste helbide elektroniko bat" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Hasi saioa beti helbide elektroniko hau erabiliz" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Helbidea egiaztatuta!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "Zure identitatea egiaztatu egin da posta-hornitzailearekin, saioa hasten saiatuko gara orain." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Zure posta-hornitzailearekin hasi behar duzu saioa helbide honen jabetza egiaztatzeko. Leiho hau hona berbideratuko da:" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "egiaztatu" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Egiaztatu posta-hornitzailearekin" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"BrowserID ibiltzeko nabigatzailearen cookie-ak gaituta egon behar dute. \"#~ \"Gaitu nabigatzailearen cookie-ak eta saiatu berriro\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Lineaz kanpo zaude!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "BrowserID-k ezin du komunikatu lineaz kanpo badago!" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "hautatu helbide elektronikoa" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Sentitzen dugu baina ezin dugu BrowserID-rekin komunikatu lineaz kanpo \"#~ \"zauden bitartean.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Erabiltzailea autentifikatzen" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Helbidea gehitzen" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Erabiltzaileari helbide elektroniko nagusia gehitzen" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Helbidearen informazioa egiaztatzen" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Baieztapenarekin autentifikatzen" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Erabiltzaile-kontua bertan behera uzten" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Autentifikazioa egiaztatzen" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Script-aren bertsioa egiaztatzen" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Erabiltzailearen erregistroa burutzen" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Cookie-ak gaituta dauden egiaztatzen" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Kontua sortzen" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Baieztapena eskuratzen" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Erregistratze-tokena egiaztatzen" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Helbide elektronikoa egiaztatzen" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "#~ \"Erabiltzailea identitate-hornitzailearekin autentifikatuta dagoen \"#~ \"egiaztatzen\"" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Saioa ixteak huts egin du" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Identitate-hornitzailearekin autentifikatzen" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Arazoak izan ditugu zure posta elektronikoaren hornitzailearekin \"#~ \"komunikatzean, saiatu berriro mesedez!\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Identitate-hornitzailearekin hornitzen" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Onartzen ez den identitate-hornitzailearekin hornitzen" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Emandako helbide elektronikoa ezin da identitate-hornitzaile nagusi gisa \"#~ \"erabili\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Erregistroak huts egin du" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "Helaraztea ezartzen" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "Ezin da helarazteko markoa aurkitu" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Pasahitza berrezartzen" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "Kendu helbide elektronikoa kontutik" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Pasahitza ezartzen" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Saio-hasierak huts egin du" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Erregistroak huts egin du" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Helbidea sinkronizatzen" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "Helbide elektronikoa sinkronizatzen" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Sinkronizatu helbidearen gakoak" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Tokenaren informazioa eskuratzen" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Pasahitza eguneratzen" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "Helbide elektronikoa egiaztatzen" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Utzi" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/eu/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/eu/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index cf4c4f93b8783c9b0f7781788bcf0e3ac83f2577..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/eu/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-13 01:22+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Julen <julenx@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " eu", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Burutu %s guneko saio-hasiera BrowserID erabiliz" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Errorea aurkitu da zure helbide elektronikoa berresten saiatzean. Aurretik egiaztatu duzu helbide hau?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Errorea aurkitu da erregistroa burutzen saiatzean." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Saio-hasiera amaitzen: " - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Helbide elektronikoaren egiaztapena" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "Helbide elektronikoa" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Zure helbide elektronikoa" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Pasahitz berria" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Idatzi pasahitza" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Pasahitza beharrezkoa da." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Pasahitzak 8 eta 80 karaktere artekoa izan behar du." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Egiaztatu pasahitza" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Errepikatu pasahitza" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Egiaztapen-pasahitza beharrezkoa da." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Pasahitzak ez datoz bat." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "amaitu" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">Zure helbidea</strong> egiaztatu egin da!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Zure helbide berria konfiguratuta dago eta saioa hasita behar zenuke orain. Leiho hau itxi eta atzera joan zaitezke" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID hasiera-orria" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Zerbitzariarekin komunikatzen" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Itxaron pixka bat zerbitzariarekin hitz egiten dugun bitartean." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "Saioa hasteko modu azkar eta segurua da BrowserID — <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/about\">argibide gehiago</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "BrowserID hasiera-orria" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Nola dabilen" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Garatzaileak" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Hasi saioa" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Amaitu saioa" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Mozilla Labs</a>eko <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Identitate Taldea</a>k egina" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Pribatutasuna" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Erabiltzeko baldintzak" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Laguntza behar duzu?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Arazoa egon da zure erregistrorako loturarekin. Helbide hau dagoeneko erregistratu da?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Errorea zerbitzariarekin komunikatzean." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Azken urratsa!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Eskerrik asko <strong>BrowserID</strong> zerbitzuan erregistratzeagatik. Zure <strong>BrowserID</strong> kontua erabil dezakezu orain web guztian zehar webguneetan <em>erregistratu</em> edo <em>saioa hasteko</em>!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Eskerrik asko zure helbide elektronikoa egiaztatzeagatik. Mezu hau %s gunerako saio-hasiera burutzeko bidali zaizu." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Erregistroa amaitzeko, egin klik ondorengo loturan:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Gune honetan saiorik hasi nahi EZ baduzu, ezikusi mezu hau." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Eskerrik asko." - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Saioa hasteko modu hobe bat)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/fi/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/fi/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index dc3a1b4dfcd1541da3497a583f34e0eadf08df62..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/fi/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,391 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-19 14:21+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Konsta <konstar@nic.fi>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " fi", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Ikävä kyllä BrowserID-palvelu ei toimi ilman evästeitä" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Kommunikointivirhe" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Viimeistellään kirjautumista..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Kirjaudut sisään BrowserID-palveluun hetken päästä." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Odota hetki, kun kirjaamme sinut sisään sivustolle." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Olemme pahoillamme, tämä pyyntö kestää piiitkään." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Tämä viesti häviää kun pyyntö valmistuu (toivottavasti pian). Jos olet odottanut liian kauan, sulje tämä ikkuna ja yritä uudestaan." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Kirjaudu sisään käyttäen" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Uusi sähköpostiosoite" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Tämän kentän täytyy olla sähköpostiosoite." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Sähköpostikenttä on pakollinen." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Lähetimme juuri sähköpostin tähän osoitteeseen! Jos todella haluat lähettää uuden, kokeile parin minuutin päästä uudelleen." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Tämä osoite on jo lisätty tiliisi!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "Lisää" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "Peruuta" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "Sähköpostia" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Syötä sähköpostiosoitteesi kirjautuaksesi <strong>%s</strong> -sivustolle" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Tervetuloa käyttämään BrowserID-palvelua!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Tämä sähköpostiosoite näyttää uudelta, joten luodaan sille asetukset." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Salasana" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "unohditko salasanasi?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Salasana-kenttä on pakollinen." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Käyttäjätilille ei voida kirjautua tällä käyttäjänimellä ja salasanalla." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "Seuraava" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "Vahvista sähköpostiosoite" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "Kirjaudu sisään" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Ei voida vahvistaa %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "Annoit osoitteen %s, mutta emme ole onnistuneet vahvistamaan, että tämä osoite on sinun." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Tarkista sähköpostisi!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Lähetimme vahvistusviestin osoitteeseen <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Viimeistelläksesi rekisteröitymisen avaa linkki, jonka lähetimme sähköpostiisi." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Jos tämä on virhe, älä välitä lähetetystä sähköpostista ja valitse <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">peruuta</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Jos tämä on virhe, älä välitä lähetetystä sähköpostista ja <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">käytä toista sähköpostiosoitetta</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Olemme pahoillamme, mutta palvelin on kovassa kuormituksessa!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Olemme pahoillamme, mutta on tapahtunut virhe!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Sinun täytyy päivittää sivu yrittääksesi uudelleen." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Sulje ikkuna ja syötä toimiva osoite jatkaaksesi." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Katso lisätietoja" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Sivusto ehdotti kirjautumista käyttäen" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "Nollaa salasana" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* ei ole kelvollinen sähköpostiosoite!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Sulje ikkuna ja syötä toimiva osoite jatkaaksesi." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Tämä ei ole minun..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Käytä eri sähköpostiosoitetta" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Kirjaudu aina tällä sähköpostiosoitteella" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Osoite varmistettu!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "Sähköinen henkilöllisyytesi on varmistettu sähköpostipalveluntarjoajallasi, yritämme nyt kirjata sinut sisään." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Sinun tulee kirjautua sisään sähköpostipalveluntarjoajallesi varmistaaksesi tämän osoitteen omistajuuden. Tämä ikkuna ohjautuu sivustolle" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "Vahvista" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Vahvista sähköpostin palveluntarjoajalla" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Toimiakseen BrowserID-palvelu vaatii, että selaimesi sallii evästeet. \"#~ \"Aseta evästeet sallituksi selaimessasi ja kokeile uudelleen\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Olet yhteydettömässä tilassa!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "Valitettavasti BrowserID-palvelu ei toimi yhteydettömässä tilassa!" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "Valitse sähköpostiosoite" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Olemme pahoillamme, mutta emme voi keskustella BrowserID-palvelun kanssa \"#~ \"kun olet yhteydettömässä tilassa.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Todennetaan käyttäjää" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Lisätään osoitetta" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Lisätään ensisijaista sähköpostiosoitetta käyttäjälle" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Tarkistetaan osoitetiedot" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Varmennetaan vakuudella" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Peruutetaan käyttäjätiliä" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Tarkistetaan todennus" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Tarkistetaan komentosarjan versiota" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Viimeistellään käyttäjän rekisteröitymistä" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Tarkistetaan, voidaanko asettaa evästeitä" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Luodaan käyttäjätiliä" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Vastaanotetaan vakuutta" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Tarkistetaan rekisteröintitunnistetta" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Tarkistetaan sähköpostiosoitetta" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Tarkistetaan, onko käyttäjä todennettu IdP:llä" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Kirjautuminen ulos epäonnistui" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Varmennetaan sähköisen henkilöllisyyden tarjoajalla" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Keskustelu sähköpostin palveluntarjoajan kanssa epäonnistui, yritä \"#~ \"uudelleen!\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Varmennetaan sähköisen henkilöllisyyden tarjoajan kanssa" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Varmennetaan ei-tuetun sähköisen henkilöllisyyden tarjoajan kanssa" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Valitettavasti annettu sähköpostiosoite ei voi toimia ensisijaisena \"#~ \"sähköisen henkilöllisyyden varmentajana.\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Rekisteröinti epäonnistui" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "Muodostetaan välityskanavaa" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "Välityskanavan kehystä ei löytynyt" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Nollataan salasana" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "Poista tiliin liitetty sähköpostiosoite" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Asetetaan salasanaa" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Kirjautuminen epäonnistui" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Rekisteröityminen epäonnistui" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Synkronoidaan osoitetta" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "Synkronoidaan sähköpostiosoitteita" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Synkronoi avaimet osoitteelle" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Haetaan tunnistetietoja" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Päivitetään salasana" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "Varmistetaan sähköpostiosoitetta" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Peruuta" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/fi/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/fi/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index f6fde5afa2b2337e5eb1da29d665a81edd033513..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/fi/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-19 14:05+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Konsta <konstar@nic.fi>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " fi", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Viimeistele kirjautuminen sivulle %s käyttäen BrowserID-palvelua" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Osoitteesi vahvistamisessa tapahtui virhe. Oletko vahvistanut tämän osoitteen aikaisemmin?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Rekisteröinnin viimeistelyssä tapahtui virhe." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Viimeistele sisäänkirjautuminen sivulle:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Sähköpostivarmistus" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "Sähköpostiosoite" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Sinun sähköpostisi" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Uusi salasana" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Syötä salasana" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Salasana on pakollinen." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Salasanan täytyy olla 8-80 merkkiä pitkä." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Vahvista salasana" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Toista salasana" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Salasanan vahvistus vaaditaan." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Salasanat eivät täsmää." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "Valmis" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">Sinun osoitteesi</strong> on vahvistettu!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Uusi osoitteesi on asetettu ja sinun pitäisi olla nyt kirjautuneena sisään. Voit nyt sulkea tämän ikkunan ja mennä takaisin sivulle" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID Koti" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Kommunikoidaan serverin kanssa." - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Odota hetki kun keskustelemme serverin kanssa." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID on nopea ja turvallinen tapa kirjautua — <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/about\">lue lisää</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "BrowserID Koti" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Kuinka tämä toimii" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Kehittäjät" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Kirjaudu sisään" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Kirjaudu ulos" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Tehnyt <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Identity Team</a> @ <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Tietosuoja" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Käyttöehdot" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Tarvitsetko apua?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Rekisteröitymislinkkisi kanssa oli ongelmia. Onko tämä osoite jo rekisteröity?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Virhe keskustellessa serverin kanssa." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Viimeinen askel!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Kiitos rekisteröitymisestä <strong>BrowserID</strong>-palvelun käyttäjäksi. Voit nyt käyttää <strong>BrowserID</strong>-tiliäsi <em>Kirjautuaksesi</em> tai <em>Rekisteröityäksesi</em> sivustoille ympäri Internetiä!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Kiitos että vahvistit sähköpostiosoitteesi. Tämän sähköpostin tarkoitus on varmistaa kirjautumisesi sivulle %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Vahvistat rekisteröitymisen avaamalla tämän linkin:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Jos ET yritä kirjautua tälle sivulle, voit poistaa tämän viestin." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Kiittäen," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Parempi tapa kirjautua)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/fr/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/fr/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index b9d08b93ff78a91c691712a22a67c6c68bf70964..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/fr/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,391 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-02 16:58+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Benoit <benoit.leseul@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " fr", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID nécessite l'utilisation de cookies" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Veuillez fermer cette fenêtre, <a %s>activer les cookies</a> et réessayer" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Erreur de communication" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Fin de l'enregistrement…" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Dans un instant, vous serez identifié dans BrowserID." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Veuillez patienter quelques secondes pendant que nous envoyons votre identification au site." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Nous sommes désolés. Cette requête prend BEAUCOUP de temps." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Ce message disparaîtra lorsque la requête sera achevée. Si cela dure trop longtemps, fermez cette fenêtre et essayez à nouveau." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Identifiez-vous en utilisant" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Nouvelle adresse électronique" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Ce champ doit contenir une adresse électronique." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Le champ « Adresse électronique » est obligatoire." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Nous venons d'envoyer un courriel à cette adresse ! Si vous voulez vraiment en envoyer un autre, patientez une minute ou deux et essayez à nouveau." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Cette adresse a déjà été ajoutée à votre compte !" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "ajouter" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "annuler" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "Adresse électronique" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Saisissez votre adresse de courrier électronique pour vous enregistrer dans <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Bienvenue dans BrowserID !" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Cette adresse électronique semble nouvelle, commençons à la paramétrer." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Mot de passe" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "Mot de passe oublié ?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Le champ « Mot de passe » est obligatoire." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Vous ne pouvez vous connecter à ce compte avec ce nom d'utilisateur et ce mot de passe." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "En cliquant sur %s, vous confirmez que vous acceptez les <a %s>conditions d'utilisation</a> de ce site et sa <a %s>politique de confidentialité</a>." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "suivant" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "vérifiez l'adresse électronique" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "identification" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Impossible de vérifier %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s est une adresse requise mais nous ne pouvons vérifier qu'elle vous appartient." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Vérifiez votre messagerie !" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Nous avons envoyé un courriel de confirmation à <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Pour terminer votre enregistrement, cliquez sur le lien « vérification » dans le courriel que nous avons envoyé." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "S'il s'agit d'une erreur, ignorez ce courriel et cliquez sur <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">annuler</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "S'il s'agit d'une erreur, ignorez le courriel envoyé et <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">utilisez une autre adresse électronique</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Nous sommes vraiment désolés, mais le serveur est extrêmement sollicité !" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Nous sommes vraiment désolés : il y a eu une erreur !" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Veuillez actualiser la page et essayer à nouveau." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Veuillez fermer cette fenêtre et essayer à nouveau." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Plus de détails" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Le site requiert que vous vous identifiiez en utilisant" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "réinitialiser le mot de passe" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* n'est pas une adresse électronique valide !" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Pour continuer, veuillez fermer la fenêtre et saisir une adresse électronique valide." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Ce n'est pas moi…" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Utiliser une adresse électronique différente" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Toujours m'identifier en utilisant cette adresse électronique" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Adresse électronique vérifiée !" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "Votre identité a été vérifiée auprès de votre fournisseur, nous allons maintenant essayer de vous identifier sur le site." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Vous devez vous identifier auprès de votre fournisseur pour la vérification de l'appartenance de cette adresse. Cette fenêtre sera redirigée vers" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "vérification" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Vérification auprès du fournisseur de l'adresse électronique" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"BrowserID nécessite que la gestion des cookies soit activée dans votre \"#~ \"navigateur. Veuillez activer la gestion des cookies et essayer à nouveau.\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Vous n'êtes pas connecté !" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "#~ \"Malheureusement, BrowserID ne peut pas communiquer en mode déconnecté !\"" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "sélectionnez l'adresse électronique" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Nous sommes désolés, mais nous ne pouvons pas communiquer avec BrowserID \"#~ \"lors que vous n'êtes pas connecté.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Authentification de l'utilisateur" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Ajout d'une adresse" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Ajout de l'adresse électronique principale de l'utilisateur" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Vérification des informations de l'adresse" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Authentification avec affirmation" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Annulation du compte utilisateur" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Vérification de l'authentification" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Vérification de la version du script" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Fin de l'enregistrement utilisateur" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Vérification de l'activation des cookies" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Création de compte" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Obtention de l'affirmation" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Vérification du jeton d'enregistrement" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Vérification de l'adresse électronique" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "L'utilisateur est-il authentifié avec un fournisseur d'identité ?" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "La déconnexion a échoué" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Authentification avec un fournisseur d'identité" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Nous avons eu des problèmes de communication avec votre fournisseur \"#~ \"d'adresse électronique. Veuillez essayer à nouveau !\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Enregistrement avec fournisseur d'identité" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Enregistrement non géré avec fournisseur d'identité" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Malheureusement, l'adresse électronique fournie ne peut être utilisée \"#~ \"comme fournisseur d'identité principal\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "L'enregistrement a échoué" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "Établissement de relais" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "Le relais n'a pu être trouvé" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Réinitialisation du mot de passe" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "Supprimer l'adresse électronique du compte" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Définition du mot de passe" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "L'identification a échoué" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "L'identification a échoué" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Synchronisation de l'adresse" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "Synchronisation des adresses électroniques" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Synchronisation des clés pour l'adresse" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Obtention des informations du jeton" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Mise à jour du mot de passe" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "Vérification de l'adresse électronique" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Annuler" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/fr/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/fr/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index f9bce61a75074e4ccca98468ee375c8fa24d236e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/fr/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-02 17:00+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Benoit <benoit.leseul@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " fr", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Connexion à %s en utilisant BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Une erreur est survenue en tentant de confirmer votre adresse. Avez-vous précédemment vérifié cette adresse ?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Une erreur est survenue en tentant de terminer l'enregistrement." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Fin de l'identification pour :" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Vérification de l'adresse élctronique" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "Adresse électronique" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Votre adresse électronique" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Nouveau mot de passe" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Saisissez un mot de passe" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Un mot de passe est obligatoire" - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Le mot de passe doit contenir entre 8 et 80 caractères." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Vérification du mot de passe" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Ressaisissez le mot de passe" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "La vérification du mot de passe est obligatoire." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Les mots de passe ne correspondent pas." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "terminer" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">Votre adresse électronique</strong> a été vérifiée !" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Votre nouvelle adresse est définie et vous pouvez être à présent identifié. Vous pouvez maintenant fermer cette fenêtre et retourner sur" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID nécessite l'utilisation de cookies" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Veuillez fermer cette fenêtre, <a %s>activer les cookies</a> et réessayer" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Communication avec le serveur" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Veuillez patienter pendant la communication avec le serveur." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID est un moyen rapide et sûr de s'identifier — <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/about\">en apprendre plus</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID : %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "Accueil de BrowserID" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Comment ça fonctionne" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Développeurs" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Connexion" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Déconnexion" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Par l'<a %s>Équipe Identité</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Confidentialité" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Conditions d'utilisation" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Besoin d'aide ?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Il y a eu un problème avec votre lien de confirmation. Cette adresse a-t-elle déjà été enregistrée ?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Erreur de communication avec le serveur." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Dernière étape !" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Merci d'utiliser <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Vous pouvez à présent utiliser votre compte <strong>BrowserID</strong> pour vous <em>connecter</em> ou vous <em>identifier</em> sur les sites Web ! " - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Merci d'avoir vérifié votre adresse électronique. Ce message va vous être envoyé pour terminer votre enregistrement à %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Terminer l'enregistrement en cliquant sur ce lien :" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Si vous n'essayez PAS de vous identifier sur ce site, veuillez ignorer ce courriel." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Merci," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Une meilleure manière de s'identifier)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/fy/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/fy/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index ddb51765e27bf17fe19f2ff3c62bde74e8c1553d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/fy/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,403 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " BrowserID 1.0", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-08 19:25+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Wim <fryskefirefox@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " fy", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID fereasket cookies" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Slút dit finster, <a %s>skeakel cookies yn</a> en probearje it nochris" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Kommunikaasjeflater" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Oanmelden foltôge…" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Oer inkele mominten binne jo by BrowserID oanmeld." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Wacht inkele sekonden wylst wy jo oanmelde by de website." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Sorry, dit fersyk kost IN PROTTE tiid." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Dit berjocht sil ferdwine sa gau as jo fersyk foltôge is (hooplik fluch). As jo te lang wachte, slút dan dit finster en probearje it opnij." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Oanmelde mei" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Nij e-mailadres" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Dit fjild moat in e-mailadres wêze." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "It e-mailfjild is ferplichte." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Wy hawwe sa krekt in e-mail nei dat adres stjoerd! As jo wier noch ien stjoere wolle, wacht dan in minút of twa en probearje it opnij." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Dat adres is al oan jo account tafoege!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "tafoegje" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "annulearje" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "E-mail" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Fier jo e-mailadres yn om jo oan te melden by <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Wolkom by BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Dit e-mailadres liket nij, dus litte wy de boel ynstelle." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Wachtwurd" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "wachtwurd ferjitten?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "It wachtwurdfjild is ferplichte." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "It account kin mei dizze brûkersnamme en dit wachtwurd net oanmeld wurde." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "Troch op %s te klikken befêstigje jo dat jo de <a %s>brûkersbetingsten</a> en it <a %s>privacybelied</a> fan dizze webstee akseptearje." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "folgjende" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "e-mailadres ferifiearje" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "oanmelde" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Kin %s net ferifiearje" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s is in ferplicht adres mar wy kinne net ferifiearje dat it adres fan jo is." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Kontrolearje jo e-mail!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Wy hawwe in befestigings-e-mail stjoerd nei <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Klik op de ferifikaasjekeppeling dy't wy nei jo e-mailadres stjoerd hawwe om it oanmelden te foltôgjen." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Negear de ferstjoerde e-mail as dit in fersin is en <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">annulearje</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Negear de ferstjoerde e-mail as dit in fersin is en <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">brûk in oar e-mailadres</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "It spyt ús, de tsjinner hat it bysûnder drok!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "It spyt ús, der is in flater bard!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Laad de side opnij en probearje it nochris." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Slút it finster en probearje it nochris." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Mear ynfo besjen" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "De website freget jo jo oan te melden mei" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "wachtwurd werinisjalisearje" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* is gjin jildich e-mailadres!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Slút it finster en fier in jildich adres yn om troch te gean." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Dit bin ik net…" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Brûk in oar e-mailadres" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Altyd oanmelde mei dit e-mailadres" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Adres ferifiearre!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "Jo identiteit is ferifiearre fia jo e-mailprovider, wy sille no probearje jo oan te melden." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Om te ferifiearjen dat jo de eigener fan dit adres binne moatte jo jo oanmelde mei jo provider. Dit finster wurdt trochstjoerd nei" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "ferifiearje" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Ferifiearje mei e-mailprovider" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Foar BrowserID moatte de cookies fan jo browser ynskeakele wêze. Skeakel \"#~ \"de cookies fan jo browser yn en probearje it opnij\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Jo binne offline!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "Spitigernôch kin BrowserID net offline kommunisearje!" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "e-mailadres selektearje" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Sorry, wy kinne net mei BrowserID kommunisearje wylst jo offline binne.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Brûker ferifiearje" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Adres tafoegje" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Primêr e-mailadres oan brûker tafoegje" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Adresynformaasje kontrolearje" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Ferifiearje mei befestiging" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Brûkersaccount annulearje" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Autentikaasje kontrolearje" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Skriptferzje kontrolearje" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Brûkersregistraasje foltôgje" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Kontrolearje of cookies ynskeakele binne" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Account oanmeitsje" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Befestiging krije" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Registraasjetoken kontrolearje" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "E-mailadres kontrolearje" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Kontrolearje oft brûker ferifiearre is mei IdP" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Ofmelden mislearre" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Ferifiearjen mei Identityprovider" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Wy hienen in probleem mei it kommunisearjen mei jo e-mailprovider, \"#~ \"probearje it opnij!\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Provisioning mei Identityprovider" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Provisioning net-stipe Identityprovider" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Spitich, it opjûne e-mailadres kin net as primêr Identityprovider brûkt \"#~ \"wurde\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Registraasje mislearre" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "Relay opsette" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "Relayframe is net fûn" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Wachtwurd werinisjalisearje" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "E-mailadres út account fuortsmite" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Wachtwurd ynstelle" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Oanmelden mislearre" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Registraasje mislearre" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Adres syngronisearje" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "E-mailadres syngronisearje" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Sync-kaaien foar adres" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Tokenynformaasje krije" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Wachtwurd bywurkje" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "E-mailadres ferifiearje" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Annulearje" - ], - "#~ \"We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send \"#~ \"another, wait a minute or two and try again.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Wy hawwe sa krekt in e-mail nei dat adres stjoerd! As jo wier noch ien \"#~ \"stjoere wolle, wacht dan in minút of twa en probearje it opnij.\"" - ], - "#~ \"To verify that you own <strong id='primary_email'>%s</strong>, you must \"#~ \"sign in with your provider. This window will be redirected to\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Om te ferifiearjen dat jo de eigner fan <strong id='primary_email'>%s</\"#~ \"strong> binne moatte jo sich oanmelde mei jo provider. Dit finster wurdt \"#~ \"trochstjoerd nei\"" - ], - "translated text": [ - null, - "oersette tekst" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/fy/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/fy/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index f754f75799c35e306b49677691a246e695153247..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/fy/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " BrowserID 1.0", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-08 19:51+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Matjaž <m@owca.info>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " fy", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Oanmelde by %s mei BrowserID foltôgje" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Der is in flater bard by it befestigjen fan jo e-mailadres. Hawwe jo dit adres earder ferifiearre?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Der is in flater bard by it foltôgjen fan de registraasje." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Oanmelden foltôgje by: " - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "E-mailferifikaasje" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "E-mailadres" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Jo e-mail" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Nij wachtwurd" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Fier in wachtwurd yn" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Wachtwurd is fereaske." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Wachtwurd moat tusken 8 en 80 tekens lang wêze." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Wachtwurd kontrolearje" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Wachtwurd werhelje" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Ferifikaasjewachtwurd is fereaske." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Wachtwurden komme net oerien." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "foltôgje" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">Jo adres</strong> is ferifiearre!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Jo nije e-mailadres is ynsteld en jo binne no oanmeld. Jo kinne dit finster no slute en weromgean nei" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID fereasket cookies" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Slút dit finster, <a %s>skeakel cookies yn</a> en probearje it nochris" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Kommunisearje mei tsjinner" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Ien momint wylst wy prate mei de tsjinner." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID is de flugge en feilige manier fan oanmelden – <a %s>mear ynfo</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "BrowserID Home" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Hoe it wurket" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Untwikkelers" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Oanmelde" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Ofmelde" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Troch it <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Privacy" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "TOS" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Help nedich?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Der is in probleem mei jo registraasjekeppeling. Is dit adres al registrearre?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Flater by kommunikaasje mei tsjinner." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Lêste stap!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Tank foar it registrearjen by <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Jo kinne jo <strong>BrowserID</strong>-account no brûke om jo <em>oan te melden</em> of om jo oeral op it web by websites te <em>registrearjen</em>!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Tank foar it ferifiearjen fan jo e-mailadres. Dit berjocht is nei jo tastjoerd om jo oanmelding by %s te foltôgjen." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Foltôgje de registraasje troch op de folgjende keppeling te klikken:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Negearje dizze e-mail as jo sich NET by dizze website probearje oan te melden." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Tank," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(In bettere manier fan oanmelden)" - ], - "Browser ID": [ - null, - "Browser ID" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/ga/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/ga/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 8d97f99fbcb9cd3ef686859c6d079f2839872a2d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/ga/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,404 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:27+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Caithfidh tú fianáin a cheadú chun BrowserID a úsáid" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Dún an fhuinneog seo, <a %s>cumasaigh fianáin</a> agus bain triail eile as" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Earráid Chumarsáide" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Ag Logáil Isteach..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Ar baillÃn beidh tú logáilte isteach i mBrowserID." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Fan nóiméad agus beidh tú logáilte isteach sa suÃomh." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Tá brón orm, tá an t-iarratas seo AN-MHALL." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Imeoidh an teachtaireacht seo nuair a chrÃochnóidh an t-iarratas (go luath, le cúnamh Dé). Is é sin, nó dún an fhuinneog agus bain triail eile as." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Logáil isteach trÃ" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "RÃomhphost nua" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Caithfidh tú seoladh rÃomhphoist a chur sa réimse seo." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Tá gá le seoladh rÃomhphoist." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Táimid tar éis teachtaireacht rÃomhphoist a chur chuig an seoladh sin! Más mian leat ceann eile a sheoladh, fan nóiméad agus bain triail eile as." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Tá an seoladh sin ceangailte le do chuntas cheana!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "cuir leis" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "cealaigh" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "RÃomhphost" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Cuir isteach do sheoladh rÃomhphoist chun logáil isteach i <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Fáilte go BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Is seoladh nua é seo, mar sin socróimid do chuntas anois." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Focal Faire" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "an ndearna tú dearmad de d'fhocal faire?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Tá gá le focal faire." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Nà féidir logáil isteach leis an ainm úsáideora seo agus leis an focal faire seo." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "Má chliceálann tú %s, dearbhaÃonn tú go nglacann tú le <a %s>Téarmaà Úsáide</a> agus le <a %s>Polasaà PrÃobháideachta</a> an tsuÃmh seo." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "ar aghaidh" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "deimhnigh do rÃomhphost" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "logáil isteach" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Nà féidir %s a dhearbhú" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "Is seoladh riachtanach é %s, ach nà féidir linn a bheith cinnte gur leatsa é." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Féach i do bhosca rÃomhphoist!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Sheolamar teachtaireacht dheimhnithe chuig <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Chun an próiseas logála isteach a chrÃochnú, cliceáil an nasc sa teachtaireacht rÃomhphoist a sheolamar chugat." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Más botún é seo, ná bac leis an teachtaireacht agus <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cealaigh</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Más botún é seo, ná bac leis an teachtaireacht agus <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">úsáid seoladh rÃomhphoist eile</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Tá brón orainn, tá an freastalaà an-ghnóthach faoi láthair!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Tá brón orainn, tharla earráid!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Athluchtaigh an leathanach agus bain triail eile as." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Dún an fhuinneog seo agus bain triail eile as." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Tuilleadh eolais" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Tá an suÃomh ag iarraidh ort logáil isteach trÃ" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "athshocraigh an focal faire" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "Nà seoladh bailà é *%s*!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Chun dul ar aghaidh, dún an fhuinneog agus cuir seoladh bailà isteach." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Nà mise é seo..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Úsáid seoladh rÃomhphoist eile" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Logáil isteach leis an seoladh seo i gcónaÃ" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Seoladh Deimhnithe!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "Dheimhnigh do sholáthraà rÃomhphoist d'aitheantas. Déanfaimid iarracht tusa a logáil isteach anois." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Chun bheith cinnte gur leatsa an seoladh rÃomhphoist seo, caithfidh tú logáil isteach le do sholáthraà rÃomhphoist. AthdhÃreofar an fhuinneog seo chuig" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "deimhnigh" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Deimhnigh le Soláthraà RÃomhphoist" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Úsáideann BrowserID fianáin i do bhrabhsálaÃ. Nà mór duit fianáin a \"#~ \"chumasú, ansin bain triail eile as\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Tá tú as lÃne!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "#~ \"Faraor, nÃl BrowserID in ann cumarsáid a dhéanamh nuair a bhÃonn tú as \"#~ \"lÃne!\"" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "roghnaigh seoladh rÃomhphoist" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Nà féidir linn dul i dteagmháil le BrowserID nuair a bhÃonn tú as lÃne.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Úsáideoir á FhÃordheimhniú" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Seoladh á Chur Leis" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "PrÃomhsheoladh RÃomhphoist á chur le hÚsáideoir" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Seoladh á Sheiceáil" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "à FhÃordheimhniú tràAssertion" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Cuntas Úsáideora á Chealú" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "FÃordheimhniú á Sheiceáil" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Leagan na Scripte á Sheiceáil" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Clárú Úsáideora á Chur i gCrÃch" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Fianáin á Seiceáil" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Cuntas á Chruthú" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Dearbhú á Fháil" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Ceadchomhartha Cláraithe á Sheiceáil" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Seoladh RÃomhphoist á Sheiceáil" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Ag seiceáil an bhfuil an t-úsáideoir fÃordheimhnithe trà IdP" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Theip ar Logáil Amach" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "FÃordheimhniú trà Sholáthraà Aitheantais" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Bhà fadhb againn ag dul i dteagmháil le do sholáthraà rÃomhphoist; bain \"#~ \"triail eile as!\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Faisnéis á fáil ó Sholáthraà Aitheantais" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Faisnéis á fáil ó Sholáthraà Aitheantais gan tacaÃocht" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Faraor, nà féidir an seoladh rÃomhphoist a úsáid mar PhrÃomhsholáthraà \"#~ \"Aitheantais\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Theip ar Chlárú" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "Seachadán á Bhunú" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "NÃorbh fhéidir fráma seachadáin a aimsiú" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Focal Faire á Athshocrú" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "Bain Seoladh RÃomhphoist ón Chuntas" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Focal Faire á Shocrú" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Theip ar Logáil Isteach" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Theip ar Chlárú" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Seoladh á Shioncrónú" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "Seoltaà RÃomhphoist á Sioncrónú" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Eochracha á Sioncrónú" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Faisnéis Cheadchomhartha á Fáil" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Focal faire á nuashonrú" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "Seoladh rÃomhphoist á dheimhniú" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Cealaigh" - ], - "#~ \"We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send \"#~ \"another, wait a minute or two and try again.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Táimid tar éis teachtaireacht rÃomhphoist a chur chuig an seoladh sin! \"#~ \"Más mian leat ceann eile a sheoladh, fan nóiméad agus bain triail eile as.\"" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Is seoladh nua é seo, mar sin socróimid do chuntas anois." - ], - "#~ \"To verify that you own <strong id='primary_email'>%s</strong>, you must \"#~ \"sign in with your provider. This window will be redirected to\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Chun bheith cinnte gur leatsa an seoladh <strong id='primary_email'>%s</\"#~ \"strong>, caithfidh tú logáil isteach le do sholáthraÃ. AthdhÃreofar an \"#~ \"fhuinneog seo chuig\"" - ], - "translated text": [ - null, - "téacs aistrithe" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/ga/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/ga/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index ba747f6b8a2d2d7835c7431ff45f890f4e4da77e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/ga/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,192 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:27+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Logáil isteach i %s trà BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Tharla earráid agus do sheoladh á dheimhniú. Ar dheimhnigh tú an seoladh seo cheana?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Tharla earráid agus an clárú á chur i gcrÃch." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "CrÃochnaigh logáil isteach i:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Deimhniú RÃomhphoist" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "Seoladh RÃomhphoist" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Do Sheoladh RÃomhphoist" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Focal Faire Nua" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Cuir Focal Faire Isteach" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Tá gá le focal faire." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Nà mór don fhocal faire a bheith idir 8 agus 80 carachtar." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Deimhnigh an Focal Faire" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Focal Faire ArÃs" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Is gá duit an focal faire a dheimhniú." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Nà ionann na focail fhaire." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "crÃochnaigh" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "DeimhnÃodh <strong class=\"email\">do sheoladh</strong>!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Tá do sheoladh nua socraithe agus tá tú logáilte isteach anois. Tá cead agat an fhuinneog seo a dhúnadh anois agus filleadh ar" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Caithfidh tú fianáin a cheadú chun BrowserID a úsáid" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Dún an fhuinneog seo, <a %s>cumasaigh fianáin</a> agus bain triail eile as" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Ag caint leis an bhfreastalaÃ" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Fan nóiméad, táimid ag caint leis an bhfreastalaÃ." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "Logáil isteach go tapaidh agus go sábháilte le BrowserID — <a %s>tuilleadh eolais</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "Baile BrowserID" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Conas a oibrÃonn sé" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "ForbróirÃ" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Logáil Isteach" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Logáil Amach" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Cruthaithe ag an <a %s>Foireann Aitheantais</a> i <a %s>Saotharlann Mhozilla</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "PrÃobháideacht" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "TéarmaÃ" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Cabhair Uait?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Bhà fadhb le do nasc cláraithe. An raibh an seoladh seo cláraithe cheana?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Earráid chumarsáide leis an bhfreastalaÃ." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "An chéim dheiridh!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Go raibh maith agat as clárú le <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Anois is féidir leat do chuntas <strong>BrowserID</strong> a úsáid chun <em>Logáil Isteach</em> nó <em>Clárú</em> le suÃmh Ghréasáin timpeall an domhain!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Go raibh maith agat as do sheoladh rÃomhphoist a dhearbhú. Sheolamar an teachtaireacht seo chugat chun an logáil isteach i %s a chur i gcrÃch." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Cuir an clárú i gcrÃch trà an nasc seo a chliceáil:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Mura bhfuil tú ag iarraidh logáil isteach sa suÃomh seo, ná bac leis an teachtaireacht seo." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Go raibh maith agat," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Logáil isteach nÃos éasca)" - ], - "Browser ID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/gd/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/gd/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index b51302712036cc9fc37328c220fb0752b31c5477..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/gd/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,226 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " gd", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "X-Generator": " Translate Toolkit 1.9.0" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/gd/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/gd/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index e462238b2291f5268ddea462b80ad99e7e6e7e48..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/gd/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " gd", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "X-Generator": " Translate Toolkit 1.9.0" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "" - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/gl/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/gl/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2cc40eb97a15b63b577dca381ecfad3a077734fe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/gl/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,226 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " gl", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "X-Generator": " Translate Toolkit 1.9.0" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/gl/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/gl/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index b65be455d58b69945cb29bae7c3edf6e7188dd4e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/gl/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " gl", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "X-Generator": " Translate Toolkit 1.9.0" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "" - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/he/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/he/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 61a192320666666355526c76c6aa161d7ef99acb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/he/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,227 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-02 18:11+0200", - "Last-Translator": " amire80 <amir.aharoni@mail.huji.ac.il>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " he", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "להפעלת BrowserID × ×“×¨×©×•×ª עוגיות" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "בבקשה לסגור ×ת החלון ×”×–×”, <a %s>ל×פשר עוגיות</a> ×•×œ× ×¡×•×ª שוב" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "תקלת תקשורת" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "ההתחברות מסתיימת..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "בעוד ×¨×’×¢×™× ×¡×¤×•×¨×™× × ×”×™×” ×ž×—×•×‘×¨×™× ×ל BrowserID." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "× × ×œ×”×ž×ª×™×Ÿ מספר ×©× ×™×•×ª בזמן ש×× ×• ×ž×—×‘×¨×™× ×ותך ל×תר." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "×× ×• מצטערי×, הבקשה ×”×–×ת לוקחת המווון זמן." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "ההודעה ×”×–×ת ×ª×™×¢×œ× ×›×©×”×‘×§×©×” ×ª×•×©×œ× (בתקווה בקרוב). ×× × ×¨××” לך שחיכית יותר מדי, × × ×œ×¡×’×•×¨ ×ת החלון ×•×œ× ×¡×•×ª שוב." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "התחברות ב×מצעות" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "כתובת דו×ר ××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™ חדשה" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "בשדה ×”×–×” חייבת להיות כתובת דו×ר ××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "× ×“×¨×© מילוי שדה הדו×ר ×”××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "×–×” עתה ×©×œ×—× ×• מכתב לכתובת ×”×–×ת! ×× ×‘×¨×¦×•× ×š לקבל עוד ×חד, × × ×œ×—×›×•×ª דקה ×ו ×©×ª×™×™× ×•×œ× ×¡×•×ª שוב." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "הכתובת ×”×–×ת כבר × ×•×¡×¤×” ×œ×—×©×‘×•× ×š!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "הוספה" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "ביטול" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "דו×ר ××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "× × ×œ×”×›× ×™×¡ ×ת כתובת הדו×ר ×”××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™ שלך כדי להתחבר ×ל <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "ברוך בו×ך ×ל BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "× ×¨××” שזו כתובת דו×ר ××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™ חדשה, ולכן × ×¦×˜×¨×š להגדיר ×ותה עבורך." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "ססמה" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "×”×× ×©×›×—×ª ×ת ססמתך?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "שדה הססמה × ×“×¨×©." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "×œ× × ×™×ª×Ÿ להתחבר לחשבון ×¢× ×©× ×”×ž×©×ª×ž×© והססמה הללו." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "לחיצה על %s ×”×™× ×ישור שקיבלת ×ת <a %s>×ª× ××™ השימוש</a> ו×ת <a %s>×ž×“×™× ×™×•×ª הפרטיות</a>." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "הב×" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "×ימות דו×ר ××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "×›× ×™×¡×”" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "×œ× × ×™×ª×Ÿ ל×מת ×ת %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s ×”×™× ×›×ª×•×‘×ª × ×“×¨×©×ª, ×בל ××™× × ×• ×™×›×•×œ×™× ×œ×•×•×“× ×©×”×™× ×©×œ×š." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "× × ×œ×‘×“×•×§ ×ת תיבת הדו×ר ×”××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "×©×œ×—× ×• הודעת ×ימות בדו×ר ×”××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™ ×ל <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "×œ×¡×™×•× ×”×›× ×™×¡×” × × ×œ×œ×—×•×¥ על קישור ×”×ימות ×©×©×œ×—× ×• לכתובת הדו×ר ×”××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™ שלך." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "×× ×–×ת טעות, ×פשר פשוט ×œ×”×ª×¢×œ× ×ž×”×ž×›×ª×‘ ×©×©×œ×—× ×• ו<a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">לבטל</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "×× ×–×ת טעות, ×פשר פשוט ×œ×”×ª×¢×œ× ×ž×”×ž×›×ª×‘ ×©×©×œ×—× ×• ו<a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">להשתמש בכתובת דו×ר ××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™ ×חרת</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "סליחה, ×בל השרת תחת עומס ×§×™×¦×•× ×™!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "סליחה, ×ירעה תקלה!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "× × ×œ×¨×¢× ×Ÿ ×ת הדף ×•×œ× ×¡×•×ª שוב." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "× × ×œ×¡×’×•×¨ ×ת החלון ×•×œ× ×¡×•×ª שוב." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "מידע × ×•×¡×£" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "×”×תר ביקש ×œ×”×™×›× ×¡ ב×מצעות" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "×יפוס ססמה" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* ××™× ×” כתובת דו×ר ××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™ ×ª×§×™× ×”!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "להמשך, × × ×œ×¡×’×•×¨ ×ת החלון ולזין כתובת ×ª×§×™× ×”." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "×–×” ×œ× ×× ×™..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "× × ×œ×”×©×ª×ž×© בכתובת דו×ר ××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™ ×חרת" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "תמיד ×œ×”×™×›× ×¡ ב×מצעות הדו×ר ×”××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™ ×”×–×”" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "הכתובת ×ומתה!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "הזהות שלך ×ומתה מול ספק הדו×ר ×”××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™ שלך, עכשיו × × ×¡×” ×œ×”×›× ×™×¡ ×ותך." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "יש ×œ×”×™×›× ×¡ ב×מצעות ספק הדו×ר ×”××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™ שלך כדי ל×מת ×ת הבעלות על הכתובת ×”×–×ת. החלון ×”×–×” ×™×•×¤× ×” ×ל" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "×ימות" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "×ימות ×¢× ×¡×¤×§ דו×ר ××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/he/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/he/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 730084e43090fc5090325de24fc286df0c1f1d6c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/he/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-02 18:11+0200", - "Last-Translator": " amire80 <amir.aharoni@mail.huji.ac.il>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " he", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "השלמת ×”×›× ×™×¡×” ×ל %s ב×מצעות BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "×ירעה שגי××” בעת × ×™×¡×™×•×Ÿ ל×מת ×ת כתובתך. ×”×× ×™×™×ª×›×Ÿ שכתובת זו ×ומתה בעבר?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "×ירעה שגי××” בעת × ×™×¡×™×•×Ÿ ×œ×”×©×œ×™× ×ת הרישו×." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "×œ×¡×™×™× ×›× ×™×¡×” ×ל:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "×ימות דו×ר ××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "כתובת דו×ר ××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "כתובת הדו×ר ×”××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™ שלך" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "ססמה חדשה" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "× × ×œ×”×›× ×™×¡ ססמה" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "× ×“×¨×©×ª ססמה." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "ססמ×ות חייבות להיות ב×ורך שבין 8 ל־80 תווי×." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "×ימות ססמה" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "× × ×œ×—×–×•×¨ על הססמה" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "× ×“×¨×©×ª ססמת ×ימות." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "×ין הת×מה בין הססמ×ות." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "סיו×" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">כתובת הדו×ר ×”××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™ שלך</strong> ×ומתה!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "הכתובת החדשה שלך הוגדרה ו×× ×”×›×•×œ בסדר, × ×›× ×¡×ª לחשבון. עכשיו ×פשר לסגור ×ת החלון ×”×–×” ולחזור ×ל" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID דורש עוגיות" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "× × ×œ×¡×’×•×¨ ×ת החלון, <a %s>להפעיל עוגיות</a> ×•×œ× ×¡×•×ª שוב" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "מתבצעת תקשורת ×¢× ×”×©×¨×ª" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "× × ×œ×”×ž×ª×™×Ÿ רק רגע בזמן ש×× ×—× ×• ×ž×“×‘×¨×™× ×¢× ×”×©×¨×ª." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID ×”×™× ×”×“×¨×š המהירה והמ×ובטחת ×œ×”×™×›× ×¡ – <a %s>מידע × ×•×¡×£</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "דף הבית של BrowserId" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "כיצד ×–×” עובד" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "מפתחי×" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "×›× ×™×¡×”" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "יצי××”" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "מ×ת <a %s>צוות זהות</a> של <a %s>מעבדות מוזילה</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "פרטיות" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "×ª× ××™ שימוש" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "דרושה לך עזרה?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "הייתה בעיה ×¢× ×§×™×©×•×¨ ×”×¨×™×©×•× ×©×œ×š. ×”×× ×”×›×ª×•×‘×ª ×”×–×ת כבר × ×¨×©×ž×”?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "שגי××” בתקשורת ×¢× ×”×©×¨×ª." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "צעד ×חרון!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "תודה ×©× ×¨×©×ž×ª ×¢× <strong>BrowserID</strong>. × ×™×ª×Ÿ מעתה להשתמש בחשבון <strong>BrowserID</strong> שלך כדי <em>להירש×</em> ×ו <em>×œ×”×™×›× ×¡</em> ל××ª×¨×™× ×‘×›×œ רחבי הרשת!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "תודה על ×ימות כתובת הדו×ר ×”××œ×§×˜×¨×•× ×™. הודעה זו × ×©×œ×—×” ×ליך כדי ×œ×”×©×œ×™× ×ת ×›× ×™×¡×ª×š ×ל %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "× × ×œ×¡×™×™× ×ת ההרשמה ב×מצעות לחיצה על הקישור הב×:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "×× ×œ× × ×™×¡×™×ª ×œ×”×™×›× ×¡ ל×תר ×–×”, ×פשר ×œ×”×ª×¢×œ× ×ž×”×•×“×¢×” זו." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "תודה," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(דרך טובה יותר להתחבר ל×תרי×)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/hr/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/hr/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index eba0e68663de02366619e34ec40a46ac1367d207..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/hr/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,391 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-02 18:29+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Vedran <vedran.kovacevic@mozilla-hr.org>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " hr", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID zahtijeva kolaÄiće" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Molimo zatvorite ovaj prozor, <a %s>dozvolite kolaÄiće</a> i pokuÅ¡ajte ponovno" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "GreÅ¡ka pri komunikaciji" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "ZavrÅ¡avanje prijave..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Za koji trenutak bit ćete prijavljeni na BrowserID." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Molimo priÄekajte prijavu na stranicu nekoliko sekundi." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Žao nam je, ovaj zahtjev traje JAAAKO dugo." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Ova poruka će nestati kada se zahtjev zavrÅ¡i (nadamo se uskoro). Ako Äekate predugo, zatvorite ovaj prozor i pokuÅ¡ajte ponovno." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Prijavi se koristeći" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Nova email adresa" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "U ovo polje potrebno je unijeti email adresu." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Email polje je obavezno." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Upravo smo poslali email na tu adresu! Ako zaista želite poslati joÅ¡ jedan, priÄekajte minutu ili dvije i pokuÅ¡ajte ponovno." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Ta adresa je već dodana vaÅ¡em korisniÄkom raÄunu!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "dodaj" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "odustani" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "Email" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Unesite email adresu kako biste se prijavili na <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "DobrodoÅ¡li u BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Ova email adresa izgleda novo, tako da je prvo moramo postaviti." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Lozinka" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "zaboravili ste lozinku?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Polje za lozinku je obavezno." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Nije moguće prijaviti se sa ovim korisniÄkim imenom i lozinkom." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "Klikom na %s, potvrÄ‘ujuete da prihvaćate <a %s>Uvjete koriÅ¡tenja</a> i <a %s>Pravila privatnosti</a>." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "sljedeći" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "potvrdite email" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "prijava" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Nije moguće potvrditi %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s je potrebna adresa, ali ne možemo potvrditi posjedujete li ovu adresu." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Provjerite svoj email!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Poslali smo mail za potvrdu na <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Kako biste dovrÅ¡ili prijavu, kliknite na link koji je poslan na VaÅ¡u email adresu." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Ako postoji greÅ¡ka, zanemari poslan mail i <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">odustani</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Ako postoji greÅ¡ka, zanemari poslan mail i <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">koristi drugu email adresu</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Žao nam je, ali poslužitelj je pod velikim opterećenjem!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Žao nam je, ali doÅ¡lo je do pogreÅ¡ke!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Molimo uÄitajte stranicu iznova i pokuÅ¡ajte ponovno." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Molimo zatvorite ovaj prozor i pokuÅ¡ajte ponovno." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Vidi viÅ¡e informacija" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Stranica zahtjeva da se prijavite koristeći" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "restiraj lozinku" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* nije važeća email adresa!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Da biste nastavili, molimo Vas da zatvorite prozor i unesete ispravnu adresu." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Ovo nisam ja..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Koristi drugi email" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Uvijek se prijavi koristeći ovaj email" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Adresa potvrÄ‘ena!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "VaÅ¡ identitet je potvrÄ‘en s email dobavljaÄem. Sada ćemo Vas pokuÅ¡ati prijaviti." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Kako biste potvrdili vlasniÅ¡tvo ove adrese, morate se prijaviti sa VaÅ¡im email dobavljaÄem. Ovaj prozor će biti preusmjeren na" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "potvrdi" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Potvrdi s email dobavljaÄem" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"BrowserID zahtjeva da su KolaÄići u vaÅ¡em pregledniku ukljuÄeni kako bi \"#~ \"radio. Molimo ukljuÄite KolaÄiće u vaÅ¡em pregledniku i pokuÅ¡ajte ponovno\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Niste povezani na mrežu!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "Nažalost, BrowserID ne radi ako niste povezani na mrežu!" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "odaberite email" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Žao nam je, ali ne možemo komunicirati s BrowserID-om ako niste spojeni \"#~ \"na mrežu.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Provjera Korisnika" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Dodavanje adrese" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Dodavanje primarne email adrese Korisniku" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Provjera informacija adrese" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Provjera autentiÄnosti s tvrdnjom" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Otkazivanje korisniÄkog raÄuna" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Provjera autentiÄnosti" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Provjera inaÄice skripte" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "ZavrÅ¡avanje registracije Korisnika" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Provjera jesu li KolaÄići ukljuÄeni" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Stvaranje korisniÄkog raÄuna" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Dobivanje tvrdnje" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Provjera registracijske oznake" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Provjera email adrese" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Provjera autentifikacije Korisnika s DobavljaÄem Identiteta" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Odjava nije uspjela" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Autentifikacija s DobavljaÄem Identiteta" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Komunikacija s VaÅ¡im pružateljem email usluga nije uspjela. PokuÅ¡ajte \"#~ \"ponovo!\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Omogućavanje uporabe DobavljaÄa Identiteta" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Omogućavanje uporabe nepodržanog DobavljaÄa Identiteta" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Nažalost, email adresa koju ste dali ne može poslužiti kao glavni \"#~ \"DobavljaÄ Identiteta\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Registracija nije uspjela" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "Uspostavljanje posrednika" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "Blok za posredovanje nije moguće pronaći" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Resetiranje lozinke" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "Uklonite email adresu s VaÅ¡eg korisniÄkog raÄuna" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Postavljanje lozinke" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Prijava nije uspjela" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Registracija nije uspjela" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Sinkronizacija adrese" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "Sinkronizacija email adresa" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Uskladi kljuÄeve za adrese" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Dobivanje informacija o oznakama" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Ažuriranje lozinke" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "Provjera email adrese" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Odustani" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/hr/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/hr/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 45bcfc541c2a9824d30bc486c1c6c0d68f142808..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/hr/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-02 18:34+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Vedran <vedran.kovacevic@mozilla-hr.org>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " hr", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Cijela prijava na %s koristeći BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Pri potvrdi VaÅ¡e adrese doÅ¡lo je do pogreÅ¡ke. Jeste li već potvrdili ovu adresu?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Pri dovrÅ¡enju registracije doÅ¡lo je do pogreÅ¡ke." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "ZavrÅ¡i prijavu na:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Email potvrda" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "Email adresa" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "VaÅ¡ email" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Nova lozinka" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Unesi lozinku" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Lozinka je potrebna." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Lozinka mora sadržavati najmanje 8, a najviÅ¡e 80 znakova." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Potvrdi lozinku" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Ponovi lozinku" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Potrebna je potvrda lozinke." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Unesene lozinke se ne podudaraju." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "kraj" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">VaÅ¡a adresa</strong> je potvrÄ‘ena!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "VaÅ¡a nova adresa je postavljena i trebali biste biti prijavljeni. Sada možete zatvoriti ovaj prozor i vratiti se na" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID zahtijeva kolaÄiće" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Molimo zatvorite ovaj prozor, <a %s>omogućite kolaÄiće</a> i pokuÅ¡ajte ponovno" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Komunikacija s poslužiteljem" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Samo trenutak dok se ne obavi razgovor s poslužiteljem." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowsedID je brz i siguran naÄin za prijavu — <a %s>saznajte viÅ¡e</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "BrowserID PoÄetna strana" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Kako radi" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Programeri" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Prijavi se" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Odjavi se" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Od strane <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Privatnost" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Uvjeti koriÅ¡tenja" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Trebate li pomoć?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "DoÅ¡lo je do problema s VaÅ¡im linkom za prijavu. Je li ova adresa već registrirana?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "PogreÅ¡ka pri komunikaciji s poslužiteljem." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Zadnji korak!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Hvala Vam Å¡to ste se registrirali na <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Sada možete koristiti svoj <strong>BrowserID</strong> korisniÄki raÄun za <em>prijavu</em> ili <em>registraciju</em> na internet stranice Å¡irom svijeta!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Hvala Å¡to ste potvrdili VaÅ¡u email adresu. Ova poruka bit će Vam poslana da zavrÅ¡ite s prijavom na %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "ZavrÅ¡ite registraciju klikom na ovaj link:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Ako se NE pokuÅ¡avate prijaviti na ovu stranicu, ignorirajte ovaj email." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Hvala," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Bolji naÄin da se prijavite)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/hu/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/hu/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index f98c2ab533cbc6dfb185d449d71afe100d0e0dbe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/hu/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,226 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " hu", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "X-Generator": " Translate Toolkit 1.9.0" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/hu/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/hu/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index a3b92be70a1f4250bdb6d3b8c9a3c886d0ccfec0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/hu/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " hu", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "X-Generator": " Translate Toolkit 1.9.0" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "" - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/it/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/it/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index ee7306127ead4d3528c915f0907d9f1f60297f60..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/it/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,403 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-08 12:38+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Sandro <gialloporpora@mozillaitalia.org>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " it", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Per utilizzare BrowserID è necessario attivare i cookie" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Chiudi questa finestra, <a %s>abilita i cookie</a> e riprova" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Errore di comunicazione" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Completamento accesso" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Entro qualche momento avrai accesso a BrowserID" - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Attendi qualche secondo mentre l'accesso al sito viene completato." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Siamo spiacenti, ma questa operazione sta richiedendo un tempo molto lungo." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Questo messaggio scomparirà quando l'operazione sarà completata (speriamo presto). Se stai attendendo da molto, chiudi questa finestra e prova di nuovo." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Accedi" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Nuovo indirizzo email" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Il campo deve contenere un indirizzo email." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Il campo email è obbligatorio." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Abbiamo appena inviato una email a questo indirizzo. Se veramente desideri invarne un'altra, attendi uno o due minuti e prova di nuovo." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Questo indirizzo email è stato aggiunto al tuo account." - ], - "add": [ - null, - "Aggiungi" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "Annulla" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "Email" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Inserisci il tuo indirizzo email per accedere a <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Benvenuto in BrowserID" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Questo indirizzo email sembra nuovo, perciò cerchiamo di configurarlo." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Password" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "Hai dimenticato la password?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Il campo password è obbligatorio." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Impossibile accedere all'account con questo nome utente e password." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "Facendo clic su %s confermi di accettare i <a %s>termini d'uso</a> e la <a %s>politica sulla privacy</a> di questo sito." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "Avanti" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "email di verifica" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "accedi" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Impossibile verificare %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "L'indirizzo email %s è obbligatorio, ma non riusciamo a verificare che tu sia il proprietario di questo indirizzo." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Controlla la tua posta" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "È stata inviata una mail di conferma a <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Per completare l'iscrizione fai clic sul link di verifica che è stato inviato al tuo indirizzo email." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Se si tratta di un errore, ignora semplicemente l'email inviata e <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">annulla</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Se si tratta di un errore, ignora semplicemente l'email inviata e <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">usa un altro indirizzo email</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Siamo spiacenti ma in questo momento il server è sovraccarico." - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Siamo spiacenti, si è verificato un errore." - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Ricarica la pagina e riprova." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Chiudi questa finestra e riprova." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Ulteriori informazioni" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Il sito ha richiesto l'accesso utilizzando" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "Reimposta la password" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* non è un indirizzo email valido!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Per continuare chiudi la finestra e inserisci un indirizzo email valido." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Non sono io…" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Usa un altro indirizzo email" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Accedi sempre usando questa email" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Indirizzo verificato." - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "La tua identità è stata verificata mediante il fornitore della tua email, ora cercheremo di farti accedere." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Per confermare la proprietà di questo indirizzo email devi accedere con il fornitore della tua posta. Questa finestra sarà reindirizzata verso" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "Verifica" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Verifica con fornitore email" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Per funzionare correttamente BrowserID ha bisogno che la gestione dei \"#~ \"cookie sia attivata sul browser. Attivali e riprova\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Sei scollegato." - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "#~ \"Sfortunatamente BrowserID non è in grado di comunicare mentre sei \"#~ \"scollegato.\"" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "seleziona email" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Siamo spiacenti ma ci è impossibile comunicare con BrowserID mentre sei \"#~ \"scollegato.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Autenticazione utente" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Aggiunta indirizzo" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Aggiunta dell'indirizzo email primario all'utente" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Controllo delle informazioni relative all'ndirizzo" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Autenticazione con asserzione" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Eliminazione account utente" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Controllo autenticazione" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Verifica versione dello script" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Completamento della registrazione utente" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Verifica dell'attivazione dei cookie" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Creazione dell'account" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Ricezione asserzione" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Verifica del token di registrazione" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Verifica indirizzo email" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Verifica dell'autenticazione IdP dell'utente" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Disconnessione fallita" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Autenticazione con Identity Provider" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Abbiamo riscontrato un problema comunicando con il fornitore della tua \"#~ \"email, riprova.\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Provisioning con l'Identity Provider" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Provisioning Identity Provider non supportato." - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Sfortunatamente l'indirizzo email fornito non può funzionare da Identity \"#~ \"Provider primario\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Registrazione non riuscita" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "Creazione delle relazioni" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "Impossibile trovare il frame di inoltro" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Reimpostazione password" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "Rimozione dell'indirizzo email dall'account" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Impostazione password" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Accesso non riuscito" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Registrazione non riuscita" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Sincronizzazione indirizzo" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "Sincronizzazione indirizzo email" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Sincronizzazione chiavi per indirizzo" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Recupero informazioni per il token" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Aggiornamento password" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "Verifica dell'indirizzo email in corso" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Annulla" - ], - "#~ \"We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send \"#~ \"another, wait a minute or two and try again.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Abbiamo appena inviato una email a questo indirizzo. Se desideri \"#~ \"veramente l'invio di un altro messaggio, attendi un minuto o due e prova \"#~ \"di nuovo.\"" - ], - "#~ \"To verify that you own <strong id='primary_email'>%s</strong>, you must \"#~ \"sign in with your provider. This window will be redirected to\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Per confermare che l'indirizzo <strong id='primary_email'>%s</strong> sia \"#~ \"effettivamente tuo, devi accedere col tuo fornitore. Questa finestra sarà \"#~ \"reindirizzata verso\"" - ], - "translated text": [ - null, - "testo tradotto" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/it/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/it/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index e311129205a294cc2bf732b1a6a42c973b241d15..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/it/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-19 21:51+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Sandro <gialloporpora@mozillaitalia.org>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " it", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Completa la procedura di accesso a %s utilizzando BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di conferma del tuo indirizzo email. Sei sicuro di non aver già verificato questo indirizzo in precedenza?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di completare la registrazione." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Identificazione completata per: " - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Verifica dell'indirizzo email" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "Indirizzo email" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Il tuo indirizzo email" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Nuova password" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Inserisci una password" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "La password è obbligatoria." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "La lunghezza della password deve essere compresa tra 8 e 80 caratteri." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Verifica password" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Conferma password" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "La password di conferma è obbligatoria." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Le password inserite non corrispondono." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "Fine" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "Il <strong class=\"email\">tuo indirizzo email</strong> è stato verificato." - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Il tuo nuovo indirizzo è stato impostato e puoi utilizzarlo per l'accesso. Adesso puoi chiudere questa finestra e ritornare a" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Home BrowserID" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Comunicazione con il server" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Solo un momento, stiamo cercando di comunicare con il server." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID è un modo sicuro e veloce per identificarsi sui siti web — <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/about\">per saperne di più</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "Home BrowserID" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Come funziona" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Sviluppatori" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Accedi" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Disconnetti" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Realizzato da <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Identity Team</a> @ <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Privacy" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Condizioni d'uso" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Hai bisogno di assistenza?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Si è verificato un problema con il link per l'iscrizione. Avevi già registrato questo indirizzo email?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Errore durante la connessione con il server." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Ultimo passaggio" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Grazie per aver scelto di utilizzare BrowserID. Ora puoi <strong>Accedere</strong> o <strong>Iscriverti</strong> sui siti web utilizzando <strong>BrowserID</strong>." - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Grazie per aver verificato il tuo indirizzo email. Questo messaggio ti è stato inviato per permetterti di completare la procedura di iscrizione a %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Completa la registrazione facendo clic su questo link:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Se non stavi cercando di accedere a questo sito ignora questo messaggio." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Grazie," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Un modo migliore per identificarsi sui siti web)" - ], - "Browser ID": [ - null, - "Browser ID" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/it_CH/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/it_CH/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/ja/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/ja/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 501f8561d5f139f5a673b6ad4b6abf3337948754..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/ja/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,387 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-03 14:06+0200", - "Last-Translator": " OHZEKI <saneyuki.s.snyk@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " ja", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=1; plural=0;", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "申ã—訳ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“ãŒã€BrowserID を利用ã™ã‚‹ã«ã¯ Cookie を有効ã«ã™ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "ã“ã®ã‚¦ã‚£ãƒ³ãƒ‰ã‚¦ã‚’é–‰ã˜ã¦ã€<a %s>Cookie を有効ã«ã—ã¦ã‹ã‚‰</a>å†åº¦è©¦ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "通信エラー" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³ãŒå®Œäº†ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "é–“ã‚‚ãªã BrowserID ã«ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³ã—ã¾ã™" - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "サイトã¸ã®ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³å‡¦ç†ã®é–“ã€æ•°ç§’ãŠå¾…ã¡ãã ã•ã„" - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "申ã—訳ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。ã“ã®ãƒªã‚¯ã‚¨ã‚¹ãƒˆã¯éžå¸¸ã«é•·ã„時間ãŒã‹ã‹ã£ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "ã“ã®ãƒ¡ãƒƒã‚»ãƒ¼ã‚¸ã¯ãƒªã‚¯ã‚¨ã‚¹ãƒˆãŒå®Œäº†ã—ãŸæ™‚ã«æ¶ˆãˆã¾ã™ (é–“ã‚‚ãªã)。長ã„時間待ã£ã¦ã„ã‚‹å ´åˆã¯ã€ã“ã®ã‚¦ã‚£ãƒ³ãƒ‰ã‚¦ã‚’é–‰ã˜ã¦å†ã³è©¦ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。" - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³æƒ…å ±ã®é¸æŠž" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "æ–°ã—ã„メールアドレス" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "ã“ã®æ¬„ã«ã¯ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã‚’入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。" - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "メールアドレスã®å…¥åŠ›ãŒå¿…è¦ã§ã™ã€‚" - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "ã“ã®ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã«ç¢ºèªã®ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚’é€ä¿¡ã—ã¾ã—ãŸï¼ ä»–ã®ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã«ã—ãŸã„ã¨ãã¯ã€æ•°åˆ†å¾…ã£ã¦ã‹ã‚‰å†åº¦è¡Œã£ã¦ãã ã•ã„。" - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "ã“ã®ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã¯ã€ã™ã§ã«ã‚ãªãŸã®ã‚¢ã‚«ã‚¦ãƒ³ãƒˆã«è¿½åŠ ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ï¼" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "è¿½åŠ " - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "ã‚ャンセル" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "メールアドレス" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "<strong>%s</strong> ã¸ã®ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³ã«ä½¿ã†ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã‚’入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "BrowserID ã«ã‚ˆã†ã“ãï¼" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "æ–°ã—ã„メールアドレスã®å ´åˆã¯ã€è¨å®šã‚’完了ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„" - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "パスワード" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "パスワードを忘れãŸå ´åˆ" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "パスワードã®å…¥åŠ›ãŒå¿…è¦ã§ã™ã€‚" - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "ã“ã®ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶åã¨ãƒ‘スワードã§ã¯ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“。" - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "%s をクリックã™ã‚‹å‰ã«ã€<a %s>利用è¦ç´„</a>ãŠã‚ˆã³<a %s>プライãƒã‚·ãƒ¼ãƒãƒªã‚·ãƒ¼</a>ã®ç¢ºèªã¨åŒæ„ã‚’ãŠé¡˜ã„ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "次ã¸" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "メールアドレスをèªè¨¼ã™ã‚‹" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "%s ã‚’èªè¨¼ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s ãŒè¦æ±‚ã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã§ã™ãŒã€ã‚ãªãŸã®ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã§ã‚ã‚‹ã¨èªè¨¼ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“。" - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "èªè¨¼ç”¨ã®ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚’確èªã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "確èªã®ãŸã‚ã®ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚’ <strong>%s</strong> ã«é€ä¿¡ã—ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "ç§é”ã‹ã‚‰é€ã‚‰ã‚Œã¦ããŸãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã«è¨˜è¼‰ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹èªè¨¼ç”¨ã®ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ã‚’é–‹ãã€ç™»éŒ²ã‚’完了ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "ã“ã‚ŒãŒé–“é•ã„ã§ã‚ã£ãŸå ´åˆã€é€ã‚‰ã‚Œã¦ããŸãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã¯ç„¡è¦–ã—ã¦<a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">ã‚ャンセル</a>ã‚’ãŠé¡˜ã„ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "ã“ã‚ŒãŒé–“é•ã„ã§ã‚ã£ãŸå ´åˆã€é€ã‚‰ã‚Œã¦ããŸãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚’無視ã—ã¦ã€<a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">別ã®ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã‚’使用ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„</a>。" - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "申ã—訳ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。サーãƒãƒ¼ãŒé«˜è² è·ãªçŠ¶æ…‹ã§ã™ã€‚" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "申ã—訳ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。エラーãŒç™ºç”Ÿã—ã¾ã—ãŸ" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "ページをå†èªã¿è¾¼ã¿ã—ã¦ã‹ã‚‰ã€ã‚‚ã†ä¸€åº¦ãŠè©¦ã—ãã ã•ã„。" - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "一度ウィンドウを閉ã˜ã¦ã€å†ã³è©¦ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。" - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "ã‚‚ã£ã¨è©³ã—ã„æƒ…å ±ã‚’è¦‹ã‚‹" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "サイトã¸ã®ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³ã«ä½¿ã†ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "パスワードã®ãƒªã‚»ãƒƒãƒˆ" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* ã¯æ£ã—ã„メールアドレスã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“ï¼" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "続ã‘ã‚‹ã«ã¯ã€ã‚¦ã‚£ãƒ³ãƒ‰ã‚¦ã‚’é–‰ã˜ã¦æ£ã—ã„アドレスを入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。" - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "BrowserID ã‚’ãƒã‚°ã‚¢ã‚¦ãƒˆ" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "別ã®ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã‚’ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³ã«ä½¿ã†" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "常ã«ã“ã®ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã‚’ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³ã«ä½¿ã†" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "アドレスãŒèªè¨¼ã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸ" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "メールプãƒãƒã‚¤ãƒ€ã«ã‚ˆã£ã¦ã€ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã®æ‰€æŒè€…本人ã§ã‚ã‚‹ã“ã¨ãŒèªè¨¼ã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸã€‚BrowserID ã¸ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚" - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "メールプãƒãƒã‚¤ãƒ€ã«ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³ã—ã€ã“ã®ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã®æ‰€æŒè€…ã§ã‚ã‚‹ã“ã¨ã‚’èªè¨¼ã—ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ãªã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。ã“ã®ã‚¦ã‚£ãƒ³ãƒ‰ã‚¦ã¯ãƒªãƒ€ã‚¤ãƒ¬ã‚¯ãƒˆã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ã€‚" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "èªè¨¼" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "メールプãƒãƒã‚¤ãƒ€ã«ã‚ˆã‚‹èªè¨¼" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"BrowserID を利用ã™ã‚‹ã«ã¯ã€ãƒ–ラウザ㮠Cookie を有効ã«ã™ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ \"#~ \"ブラウザã®è¨å®šã§ Cookie を有効ã«ã—ã¦å†åº¦è©¦ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "ç¾åœ¨ã€ã‚ãªãŸã¯ã‚ªãƒ•ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ³ã§ã™ï¼" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "#~ \"申ã—訳ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“ãŒã€BorwserID ã¯ã‚ªãƒ•ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒ¢ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã§ã¯åˆ©ç”¨ã§ãã¾ã›ã‚“ï¼\"" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "メールアドレスをé¸ã¶" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"申ã—訳ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。オフライン状態ã«ã‚ã‚‹ãŸã‚ BrowserID ã¨ã®é€šä¿¡ãŒã§ãã¾ã›\"#~ \"ん。\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "ユーザーをèªè¨¼ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã‚’è¿½åŠ ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "ユーザーãŒãƒ¡ã‚¤ãƒ³ã§ä½¿ã†ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã‚’è¿½åŠ ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹æƒ…å ±ã‚’ç¢ºèªã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "検証çµæžœã‚’å…ƒã«èªè¨¼ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "ã‚ãªãŸã®ãƒ¦ãƒ¼ã‚¶ãƒ¼ã‚¢ã‚«ã‚¦ãƒ³ãƒˆã‚’削除ã™ã‚‹" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "èªè¨¼æƒ…å ±ã‚’ç¢ºèªã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "スクリプトã®ãƒãƒ¼ã‚¸ãƒ§ãƒ³ã‚’確èªã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "ユーザーã®ç™»éŒ²ãŒå®Œäº†ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Cookie ãŒæœ‰åŠ¹ã‹ã©ã†ã‹ç¢ºèªã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "アカウントを作æˆã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "検証çµæžœã‚’å–å¾—ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "登録トークンを確èªã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "メールアドレスを確èªã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "ユーザ㌠ID プãƒãƒã‚¤ãƒ€ã§èªè¨¼ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã‚‹ã‹ç¢ºèªã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "ãƒã‚°ã‚¢ã‚¦ãƒˆã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "ID プãƒãƒã‚¤ãƒ€ ã¨èªè¨¼ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"ã‚ãªãŸã®ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ãƒ—ãƒãƒã‚¤ãƒ€ã¨ã®é€šä¿¡ã«å•é¡ŒãŒç™ºç”Ÿã—ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚ã‚‚ã†ä¸€åº¦ã‚„ã‚Šç›´ã—ã¦ã\"#~ \"ã ã•ã„\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "ID プãƒãƒã‚¤ãƒ€ ã‚’è¨å®šã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "未サãƒãƒ¼ãƒˆã® ID プãƒãƒã‚¤ãƒ€ã‚’è¨å®šã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "登録ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "ä¸ç¶™ã‚’確立ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³ã®ä¸ç¶™ãƒ•ãƒ¬ãƒ¼ãƒ ãŒè¦‹ã¤ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "パスワードをリセットã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "アカウントã‹ã‚‰ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã‚’削除ã™ã‚‹" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "パスワードをè¨å®šã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³ã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "サインアップã«å¤±æ•—ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "アドレスをåŒæœŸã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "メールアドレスをåŒæœŸã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "ãã‚Œãžã‚Œã®ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã¨å¯¾ã«ãªã‚‹ã‚ーをåŒæœŸã—ã¾ã™" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "ãƒˆãƒ¼ã‚¯ãƒ³æƒ…å ±ã‚’å–å¾—ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "パスワードを更新ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "メールアドレスを検証ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "ã‚ャンセル" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/ja/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/ja/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index adb5c63f65e78e9ae402d73847357d07b6205ac6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/ja/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-03 14:07+0200", - "Last-Translator": " OHZEKI <saneyuki.s.snyk@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " ja", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=1; plural=0;", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID ã«ã‚ˆã‚‹ %s ã¸ã®ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³ãŒå®Œäº†ã—ã¾ã—ãŸ" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "メールアドレスã®ç¢ºèªä¸ã«ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼ãŒç™ºç”Ÿã—ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚ã“ã®ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã¯æ¤œè¨¼æ¸ˆã¿ã§ã¯ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“ã‹ï¼Ÿ" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "登録処ç†ä¸ã«ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼ãŒç™ºç”Ÿã—ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚" - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "å³ã®ã‚µã‚¤ãƒˆã¸ã®ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³ãŒå®Œäº†ã—ã¾ã—ãŸï¼š" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "メールã®æ¤œè¨¼" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "メールアドレス" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "ã‚ãªãŸã®ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "æ–°ã—ã„パスワード" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "パスワードを入力ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "パスワードã®å…¥åŠ›ãŒå¿…è¦ã§ã™ã€‚" - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "パスワードã®é•·ã•ã¯ 8 æ–‡å—以上ã€80 æ–‡å—以下ã§ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ãªã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。" - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "パスワードã®æ¤œè¨¼" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "パスワード (確èªã®ãŸã‚å†å…¥åŠ›)" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "確èªã®ãƒ‘スワードã®å…¥åŠ›ãŒå¿…è¦ã§ã™ã€‚" - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "パスワードãŒä¸€è‡´ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“。" - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "登録を完了" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">ã‚ãªãŸã®ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹</strong>ã¯æ¤œè¨¼ã•ã‚Œã¾ã—ãŸï¼" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "æ–°ãŸã«ã‚»ãƒƒãƒˆã‚¢ãƒƒãƒ—ã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã§ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。ã“ã®ã‚¦ã‚£ãƒ³ãƒ‰ã‚¦ã‚’é–‰ã˜ã¦æˆ»ã‚Šã¾ã™: " - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID を使ã†ã«ã¯ Cookie を有効ã«ã™ã‚‹å¿…è¦ãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "ウィンドウを閉ã˜ã¦ã€<a %s>Cookie を有効ã«ã—ã¦</a> ã‚‚ã†ä¸€åº¦è©¦ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "サーãƒã¨é€šä¿¡ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "サーãƒã¨é€šä¿¡ã—ã¦ã„ã‚‹é–“ã€å°‘々ãŠå¾…ã¡ãã ã•ã„。" - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BroserID ã¯é€Ÿã安全ãªãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³æ‰‹æ®µã§ã™ã€‚— <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/about\">詳ã—ãã¯ã“ã¡ã‚‰</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "BrowserID ホーム" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "使ã„æ–¹" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "開発者å‘ã‘資料" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "ãƒã‚°ã‚¢ã‚¦ãƒˆ" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "By the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Identity Team</a> @ <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "プライãƒã‚·ãƒ¼" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "サービス利用è¦ç´„" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "ヘルプ" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "ã“ã®ç™»éŒ²ç¢ºèªç”¨ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ã«ã¯å•é¡ŒãŒã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ãŒå±Šã„ãŸãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚¢ãƒ‰ãƒ¬ã‚¹ã¯æ—¢ã«ç™»éŒ²ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã›ã‚“ã‹ï¼Ÿ" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "サーãƒã¨ã®é€šä¿¡ã«ã‚¨ãƒ©ãƒ¼ãŒç™ºç”Ÿã—ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚" - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "パスワードを決ã‚ã‚‹" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "<strong>BrowserID</strong> ã®ã”登録ã‚ã‚ŠãŒã¨ã†ã”ã–ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚ã‚ãªãŸã® <strong>BrowserID</strong> アカウントを使用ã—ã¦æ§˜ã€…㪠Web サイト㫠<em>ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³</em> ã¾ãŸã¯ <em>アカウント登録</em> ã§ãã¾ã™ï¼" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "メールアドレスã®ç™»éŒ²ç¢ºèªã‚ã‚ŠãŒã¨ã†ã”ã–ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚ã“ã®ãƒ¡ãƒƒã‚»ãƒ¼ã‚¸ã¯ %s ã¸ã®ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³ã‚’完了ã™ã‚‹ãŸã‚ã«é€ä¿¡ã•ã‚Œã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚" - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "登録を完了ã™ã‚‹ã«ã¯ã€ã“ã®ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ã‚’クリックã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "ã“ã®ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã«å¿ƒå½“ãŸã‚ŠãŒãªã„å ´åˆã€ä½•ã‚‚è¡Œã‚ãšã«ã“ã®ãƒ¡ãƒ¼ãƒ«ã‚’ç ´æ£„ã—ã¦ãã ã•ã„。" - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "登録ã‚ã‚ŠãŒã¨ã†ã”ã–ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚" - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "ãƒã‚°ã‚¤ãƒ³ã®ãŸã‚ã®ã‚ˆã‚Šè‰¯ã„方法" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/ko/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/ko/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index ba2a0e5a73187445b3cad8656ea0cbc9acc6d426..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/ko/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,387 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-18 05:52+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Channy <channy@mozilla.or.kr>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " ko", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=1; plural=0;", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID는 ì¿ í‚¤ë¥¼ ì‚¬ìš©ì„ ì§€ì •í•´ì•¼ 합니다." - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "현재 ì°½ì„ ë‹«ì•„ ì£¼ì‹œê³ , <a %s>ì¿ í‚¤ 사용하기</a>를 ì„¤ì •í•œ 후 다시 í•´ 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤." - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "í†µì‹ ì—러" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "ë¡œê·¸ì¸ ì™„ë£Œ 중..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "곧 BrowserIDì— ë¡œê·¸ì¸í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "웹 사ì´íŠ¸ë¡œ ë¡œê·¸ì¸ ì²˜ë¦¬ 중... ìž ì‹œë§Œ ê¸°ë‹¤ë ¤ 주세요!" - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "죄송합니다. ìš”ì²ì´ 너무 오래 걸립니다." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "ìš”ì²ì´ 완료ë˜ë ¤ë©´ ì‹œê°„ì´ ê±¸ë¦½ë‹ˆë‹¤. 만약 너무 오래 기다리시면, ì°½ì„ ë‹«ê³ ë‹¤ì‹œ ì‹œë„í•´ 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "ë¡œê·¸ì¸ ì •ë³´ ì„ íƒ" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "새 ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œ" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "ì´ ëž€ì—는 ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œë¥¼ ìž…ë ¥í•´ 주세요." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œì˜ ìž…ë ¥ì´ í•„ìš”í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "ì´ ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œë¡œ í™•ì¸ ë©”ì¼ì„ ì†¡ì‹ í–ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤! 다른 ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œë¥¼ 사용 í•˜ê³ ì‹¶ì„ ë•ŒëŠ”ëª‡ 분 ê¸°ë‹¤ë¦¬ê³ ë‚˜ì„œ 다시 ì‹œë„í•´ 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "ì´ ì£¼ì†ŒëŠ” ì´ë¯¸ ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì˜ ê³„ì •ì— ì¶”ê°€ë˜ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "추가" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "취소" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œ" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "<strong>%s</strong> 로그ì¸ì— 사용하는 ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œë¥¼ ìž…ë ¥í•´ 주세요." - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "BrowserIDì— ì–´ì„œ 오ì‹ì‹œì˜¤!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "새로운 ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œì˜ ê²½ìš°, ë¨¼ì € ì„¤ì • í•´ 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "암호" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "암호 분실" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "암호 ìž…ë ¥ì´ í•„ìš”í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "현재 사용ìžëª…ê³¼ 암호로 로그ì¸í• 수 없습니다." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "%s를 누르면, ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì€ í˜„ìž¬ 사ì´íŠ¸ì˜ <a %s>ì‚¬ìš©ìž ì•½ê´€</a> ë° <a %s>ê°œì¸ ì •ë³´ ì •ì±…</a>ì— ë™ì˜í•˜ëŠ” 것입니다." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "다ìŒ" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œ ì¸ì¦" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "로그ì¸" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "%s를 ì¸ì¦í• 수 없습니다" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s ê°€ ìš”êµ¬ëœ ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œì´ë‚˜ ìžì‹ ì´ ì†Œìœ í•œ ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œì¸ì§€ ì¸ì¦í•˜ê¸° ì–´ë µìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "ì¸ì¦ ë©”ì¼ì„ 확ì¸í•˜ì‹ì‹œì˜¤!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "ì¸ì¦ 확ì¸ì„ 위한 ë©”ì¼ì„ <strong>%s</strong>ì— ë³´ëƒˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤." - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "ë°›ì€ ì¸ì¦ í™•ì¸ ë©”ì¼ì— 기재ë˜ì–´ 있는 ì¸ì¦ìš© ë§í¬ë¥¼ í´ë¦í•˜ì—¬ 등ë¡ì„ 완료해 주시기 ë°”ëžë‹ˆë‹¤." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "만약 ì‹¤ìˆ˜ì˜€ì„ ê²½ìš°, 보낸 ë©”ì¼ì€ ë¬´ì‹œí•˜ì‹œê³ <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">취소</a>를 ì„ íƒí•˜ì„¸ìš”." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "만약 ì‹¤ìˆ˜ì˜€ì„ ê²½ìš°, 보낸 ë©”ì¼ì€ ë¬´ì‹œí•˜ì‹œê³ <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">다른 ì´ë©”ì¼ ì‚¬ìš©</a>를 ì„ íƒí•˜ì„¸ìš”." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "죄송합니다. ì„œë²„ì— ìš”ì²ì´ 많아 처리하기 힘ë“니다!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "죄송합니다. 무언가 오류가 있네요!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "페ì´ì§€ë¥¼ 새로 ê³ ì¹¨í•˜ê³ ë‹¤ì‹œ ì‹œë„í•´ 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "ì°½ì„ ë‹«ê³ ë‹¤ì‹œ ì‹œë„í•´ 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "ìžì„¸ížˆ 보기" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "ë¡œê·¸ì¸ ì‚¬ìš© ìš”ì²í•œ 웹 사ì´íŠ¸" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "암호 ìž¬ì„¤ì •" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s*는 올바른 ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œê°€ 아닙니다!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "계ì†í•˜ë ¤ë©´, ì°½ì„ ë‹«ê³ ì˜¬ë°”ë¥¸ ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œë¥¼ ìž…ë ¥í•´ 주세요." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "로그아웃" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "다른 ì´ë©”ì¼ ì‚¬ìš©" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "í•ìƒ 현재 ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œë¥¼ 사용" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "주소가 ì¸ì¦ë˜ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "ì´ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œ ì œê³µìžë¡œ 부터 ì¸ì¦ì´ 확ì¸ë˜ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤. ì´ì œ ë“±ë¡ ì ˆì°¨ë¥¼ 시작합니다." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "ì´ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œ ì œê³µìžì— 로그ì¸í•˜ì—¬ ì†Œìœ ê¶Œì„ í™•ì¸í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ì•„ëž˜ 주소로 다시 ëŒì•„갑니다." - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "ì¸ì¦" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "ë©”ì¼ ì œê³µìžì— ì˜í•œ ì¸ì¦" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"BrowserID 를 ì´ìš©í•˜ë ¤ë©´ , 브ë¼ìš°ì €ì˜ Cookie 를 ìœ íš¨í•˜ê²Œ í• í•„ìš”ê°€ 있습니다. \"#~ \"브ë¼ìš°ì €ì˜ ì„¤ì •ìœ¼ë¡œ Cookie 를 ìœ íš¨í•˜ê²Œ í•´ 재차 시험해 주세요.\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "오프 ë¼ì¸ìž…니다!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "#~ \"죄송합니다만, BorwserID 는 오프 ë¼ì¸ 모드ì—서는 ì´ìš©í• 수 없습니다!\"" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œë¥¼ ì„ íƒí•œë‹¤" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"죄송합니다.오프 ë¼ì¸ ìƒíƒœì— 있기 위해 BrowserID ì™€ì˜ í†µì‹ Â‚ãƒ…\"#~ \"ì‘.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "ìœ ì €ë¥¼ ì¸ì¦í•˜ê³ 있습니다" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œë¥¼ ì¶”ê°€í•˜ê³ ìžˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "ìœ ì €ê°€ ë©”ì¸ì—ì„œ 사용하는 주소를 ì¶”ê°€í•˜ê³ ìžˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œ ì •ë³´ë¥¼ 확ì¸í•˜ê³ 있습니다" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "ê²€ì¦ ê²°ê³¼ë¥¼ 바탕으로 ì¸ì¦í•˜ê³ 있습니다" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ìœ ì € 어카운트를 ì‚ì œí•œë‹¤" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "ì¸ì¦ ì •ë³´ë¥¼ 확ì¸í•˜ê³ 있습니다" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "스í¬ë¦½íŠ¸ì˜ ë²„ì ¼ì„ í™•ì¸í•˜ê³ 있습니다" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "ìœ ì €ì˜ ë“±ë¡ì´ 완료했습니다" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Cookie ê°€ ìœ íš¨í• ì§€ 확ì¸í•˜ê³ 있습니다" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "어카운트를 작성합니다" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "ê²€ì¦ ê²°ê³¼ë¥¼ ì·¨ë“í•˜ê³ ìžˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "ë“±ë¡ í† í°ì„ 확ì¸í•˜ê³ 있습니다" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œë¥¼ 확ì¸í•˜ê³ 있습니다" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "ìœ ì €ê°€ ID 프로바ì´ë”ë¡œ ì¸ì¦ë˜ê³ 있ì„까 확ì¸í•˜ê³ 있습니다" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "ë¡œê·¸ì•„ì›ƒì— ì‹¤íŒ¨í–ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "ID 프로바ì´ë”와 ì¸ì¦í•˜ê³ 있습니다" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"ë‹¹ì‹ ì˜ ë©”ì¼ í”„ë¡œë°”ì´ë”ì™€ì˜ í†µì‹ ì— ë¬¸ì œê°€ ë°œìƒí–ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.한번 ë” ë‹¤ì‹œ í•´ 간다\"#~ \"(ì´)다 ì°¨ì´\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "ID 프로바ì´ë”를 ì„¤ì •í•´ 있습니다" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "미서í¬íŠ¸ì˜ ID 프로바ì´ë”를 ì„¤ì •í•´ 있습니다" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "등ë¡ì— 실패했습니다" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "중계를 확립해 있습니다" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "로그ì¸ì˜ 중계 í”„ë ˆìž„ì´ ë°œê²¬ë˜ì§€ 않습니다" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "패스워드를 리셋트 í•˜ê³ ìžˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "어카운트로부터 ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œë¥¼ ì‚ì œí•œë‹¤" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "패스워드를 ì„¤ì •í•´ 있습니다" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "로그ì¸ì— 실패했습니다" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "ì‹¸ì¸ ì—…ì— ì‹¤íŒ¨í–ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "주소를 ë™ê¸° í•˜ê³ ìžˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œë¥¼ ë™ê¸° í•˜ê³ ìžˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "ê°ê°ì˜ 주소와 대가 ë˜ëŠ” 키를 ë™ê¸° 합니다" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "í† í° ì •ë³´ë¥¼ ì·¨ë“í•˜ê³ ìžˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "패스워드를 ê°±ì‹ í•˜ê³ ìžˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œë¥¼ ê²€ì¦í•˜ê³ 있습니다" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "취소" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/ko/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/ko/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index fd24b108f779a6909a197941c51debfa675ee4b1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/ko/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-18 05:52+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Channy <channy@mozilla.or.kr>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " ko", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=1; plural=0;", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID 사용해 %s ë¡œê·¸ì¸ ì™„ë£Œ" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œ 확ì¸ì¤‘ì— ì—러가 ë°œìƒí–ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤.ì´ ì£¼ì†ŒëŠ” ê²€ì¦ì´ ëë‚œ ìƒíƒœ 입니까?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "ë“±ë¡ ì²˜ë¦¬ì¤‘ì— ì—러가 ë°œìƒí–ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "ë¡œê·¸ì¸ ì™„ë£Œï¼š" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "ë©”ì¼ ê²€ì¦" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "ì´ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œ" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "ì´ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œ" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "새 암호" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "암호 ìž…ë ¥" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "암호 ìž…ë ¥ 필수입니다." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "암호 길ì´ëŠ” 8 ë¬¸ìž ì´ìƒ 80 ë¬¸ìž ì´í•˜ì—¬ì•¼ 합니다." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "암호 ê²€ì¦" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "암호 재확ì¸" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "암호 ìž¬ìž…ë ¥ì´ í•„ìš”í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "암호가 ì¼ì¹˜í•˜ì§€ 않습니다." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "완료" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œ</strong>는 ê²€ì¦ë˜ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "새ë¡ê²Œ ì„¤ì •ëœ ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œë¡œ 로그ì¸í•´ 주세요.현재 ì°½ì„ ë‹«ê³ ëŒì•„옵니다: " - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID는 ì¿ í‚¤ë¥¼ 필요로 합니다" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "ì°½ì„ ë‹«ê³ <a %s>ì¿ í‚¤ 사용 허용</a>í•œ 후 다시 ì‹œë„í•´ 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤." - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "서버와 í†µì‹ í•˜ê³ ìžˆëŠ” 중" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "서버와 í†µì‹ í•˜ê³ ìžˆëŠ” ë™ì•ˆ 조금 ê¸°ë‹¤ë ¤ 주세요." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BroserID는 ë¹ ë¥´ê³ ì•ˆì „í•œ ë¡œê·¸ì¸ ìˆ˜ë‹¨ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. — <a %s>ìžì„¸ížˆ 보기</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "BrowserID 첫호면" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "사용법" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "ê°œë°œìž ë¬¸ì„œ" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "로그ì¸" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "로그아웃" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "개발: <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a> <a %s>ì¸ì¦íŒ€</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "ê°œì¸ ì •ë³´ 보호 ì •ì±…" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "서비스 ì´ìš© 약관" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "ë„움ë§" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "ë“±ë¡ í™•ì¸ìš© ë§í¬ì— ë¬¸ì œê°€ 있습니다. ì´ ë§í¬ê°€ 있는 ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†ŒëŠ” 등ë¡ë˜ì–´ 있지 않습니까?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "서버와 í†µì‹ ì‹œì— ì—러가 ë°œìƒí–ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "마지막 단계!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "<strong>BrowserID</strong> 등ë¡ì„ ê°ì‚¬í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì—¬ëŸ¬ë¶„ì´ ë§Œë“œì‹ <strong>BrowserID</strong> ê³„ì •ì„ ì‚¬ìš©í•´ 여러 웹 사ì´íŠ¸ì— <em>로그ì¸</em> ë˜ëŠ” <em>ê³„ì • 등ë¡</em>ì„ í• ìˆ˜ 있습니다!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "ë©”ì¼ ì£¼ì†Œ ë“±ë¡ í™•ì¸ ê°ì‚¬í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤. ì´ ë©”ì„¸ì§€ëŠ” %s 로그ì¸ì„ 완료하기 위해서 ì „ë‹¬ ë˜ì—ˆìŠµë‹ˆë‹¤." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "등ë¡ì„ ì™„ë£Œí•˜ë ¤ë©´ ì´ ë§í¬ë¥¼ í´ë¦í•´ 주세요:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "현재 사ì´íŠ¸ì— 등ë¡í• ì˜í–¥ì´ 없는 경우, ì´ ë©”ì¼ì„ 무시해 주ì‹ì‹œì˜¤." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "ë“±ë¡ ê°ì‚¬í•©ë‹ˆë‹¤." - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(로그ì¸ì˜ ë˜ ë‹¤ë¥¸ 방법)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/lij/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/lij/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 5ffa1d91e5a7be90ccd97053437def1bde2e440d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/lij/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,403 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-02 17:24+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Alessio <alessio.gastaldi@libero.it>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " lij", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "O BrowserID o veu i cookie" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Pe favô særa o barcón, <a %s>abìlita i cookie</a> e prêuva tórna" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Erô de comunicaçión" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Finìscio de intrâ..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "inte 'n moménto ti saiæ drénto o BrowserID." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Pe favô aspêta quà rche segóndo fintà nto che niâtri te fémmo intrâ into scîto." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Sémmo despiaxûi, sta domà nda sta pigià ndo davéi TRÃ’PPO ténpo." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Sta notìçia a spariâ quà nde l'operaçión a saiâ finiâ (sperémmo fîto). Se ti t'aspêti da tà nto ténpo, særa sto barcón e prêuva tórna." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "ÃŒntra con" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Nêuvo indirìsso email" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Sto cà npo o dêve êse 'n'indirìsso email." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "O cà npo da email o va inpîo." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Niâtri émmo mandòu 'na email a st'indirìsso! Se ti veu mandâne 'n'âtra, aspêta in menûto ò doî e prêuva tórna." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "St'indirìsso email o l'é stæto azónto a-o teu account." - ], - "add": [ - null, - "azónzi" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "anùlla" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "Email" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Scrîvi o teu indirìsso email chi pe intrâ into <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Benvegnûo into BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "St'indirìsso email o pâ nêuvo, dónca configorémmolo" - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Paròlla segrétta" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "T'æ ascordòu a teu paròlla segrétta?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "O cà npo da paròlla segrétta o va inpîo." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Paròlla segrétta ò nómme ùtente sbaliòu." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "Sciacà ndo %s, t'ê d'acòrdio co-i <a %s>Tèrmini d'ûzo</a> do scîto e-a <a %s>Polìtica da Privacy</a>." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "pròscimo" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "verìfica email" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "ìntra" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "No pòsso verificâ %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "O %s o domà nda l'indirìsso, ma niâtri no poémmo verificâ che st'indirìsso o ségge o teu." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Contròlla a teu emal!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Niâtri émmo mandòu 'na email de confèrma a <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Pe finî l'iscriçión, scià cca pe verifcâ o colegaménto ch'émmo mandòu a-o teu indirìsso email." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Se l'é 'n erô, bà sta che ti ignòri sta email e <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">t'adêuvi 'n'âtro indirìsso email</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Se l'é 'n erô, bà sta che ti ignòri sta email e <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">t'adêuvi 'n'âtro indirìsso email</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Sémmo despiaxûi, o server o l'é bén bén indafaròu!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Sémmo despiaxûi, gh'é stæto 'n'erô!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Pe favô recaregâ a pà gina e provâ ancón." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Pe favô særa o barcón e provâ ancón." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Pe savéine de ciù" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "O scîto ol'à domandòu che quande t'ìntri t'ûzi" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "Scancélla paròlla segrétta" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* o no l'é 'n'indirìsso email và lido!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Pe continoâ særa o barcón e inserìsci 'n nêuvo indirìsso email ch'o và dde bén." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Sto chi no són mîga mi..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Adêuvia 'n'âtra email" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "ÃŒntra de lóngo con sta email" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Indirìsso verificòu!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "A teu identitæ a l'é stæta verificâ co-o fornitô da teu email, òua provémmo a fâte acêde." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Pe confermâ a propietæ de st'indirìsso email ti dêvi acêde co-o teu fornitô da pòsta. Sto barcón saiâ indirisòu a" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "Verìfica" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Verìfica co-o fornitô da email" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Pe fonçionâ bén o BrowserID o l'à bezéugno che ghe ségge a gestión di \"#~ \"cookie atîva in sciô navegatô. Atîvali e prêuva tórna\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Ti ê scolegòu!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "#~ \"Pe desfortùnn-a o BrowserID o no l'é in grà ddo de comunicâ fintà nto che \"#~ \"t'ê scolegòu.\"" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "seleçionn-a email" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Sémmo despiaxûi, ma niâtri no poémmo comunicâ co-o BrowserID fintà nto che \"#~ \"ti ê scolegòu.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Aotenticaçión de l'ùtente" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Azónta de l'indirìsso" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Azónta de l'indirìsso email primâio de l'ùtente." - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Contròllo de informaçioìn in sce l'indirìsso" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Aotenticaçión con l'aserçión" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Scancéllo l'account de l'ùtente" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Contròllo l'aotenticaçión" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Verìfica a versción do script" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Finìscio a registraçión de l'ùtente" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Contròlla se i cookie son atîvi" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Creaçión de l'account" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Riceçión de l'aserçión" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Contròllo o token de registraçión" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Contròllo l'indirìsso email" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Contòllo se l'ùtente o l'é aotenticòu co-o IdP" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Disconesción falîa" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Aotenticaçión con Identity Provider" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Niâtri émmo atrovòu in problêma inta comonicaçión co-o fornitô da teu \"#~ \"email, pe favô prêuva tórna.\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Provisioning con l'Identity Provider" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Provisioning Identity Provider no soportòu." - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Pe desfortùnn-a l'indirìsso email che ti me dæto o no peu fonçionâ da \"#~ \"l'Identity Provider primâio\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Registraçión no ariêscia" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "Creaçión de relaçoìn" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "No l'é poscìbile atrovâ o frame d'invîo" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Reinpòsto a paròlla segrétta" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "Rimoçión de l'indirìsso email de l'account" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Inpostaçión da paròlla segrétta" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Acésso no ariêscio" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Registraçión no ariêscia" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Sincronizaçión de l'indirìsso" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "Sincronizaçión de l'indirìsso email" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Sincronizaçión de ciâvi pe l'indirìsso" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Repìggio informaçioìn pe-o token" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Agiórno a paròlla segrétta" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "Verìfico l'indirìsso email" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Anùlla" - ], - "#~ \"We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send \"#~ \"another, wait a minute or two and try again.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Niâtri t'émmo mandòu 'na email a st'indirìsso! Se ti t'eu mandâne \"#~ \"'n'âtra, aspêta 'n menûto ò doî e prêuva tórna.\"" - ], - "#~ \"To verify that you own <strong id='primary_email'>%s</strong>, you must \"#~ \"sign in with your provider. This window will be redirected to\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Pe confermâ che l'indirìsso <strong id='primary_email'>%s</strong> o \"#~ \"ségge pròpio o teu, ti dêvi acêde co-o teu fornitô. Sto barcón o saiâ \"#~ \"indirisòu a\"" - ], - "translated text": [ - null, - "Tésto tradûto" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/lij/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/lij/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2a3c8381f9678079280d8c4e29f38e3338f150f9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/lij/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-02 17:21+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Alessio <alessio.gastaldi@libero.it>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " lij", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Conplêta a proçedûa de acésso a %s con BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "S'é verificòu 'n'erô inta confèrma do teu indirìsso email. T'æ mîga za verifcòu sto indirìsso into passòu?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "S'é verificòu 'n'erô into conpletâ a registraçión." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Identificaçión conpletâ pe:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Verìfica de l'email" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "Indirìsso email" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "A teu email" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Nêuva paròlla segrétta" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Dà mme 'na paròlla segrétta" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "A paròlla segrétta a l'é obligatöia." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "A longhéssa da paròlla segrétta a dêve êse tra 8 e 80 carà teri." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Verìfica a paròlla segrétta" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Confèrma a paròlla segrétta" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "A paròlla segrétta de confèrma a l'é obligatöia." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "E paròlle segrétte no corispóndan." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "Fìn" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "O <strong class=\"email\">teu indirìsso email</strong> o l'é stæto verificòu." - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "O teu nêuvo indirìsso o l'é stæto scistemòu e ti peu adêuviâlo pe acêde. Ã’ua ti peu serâ sto barcón e tornâ a" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "O BrowserID o domà nda i cookie" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Pe favô særa o barcón, <a %s>abìlita i cookie</a> e prêuva tórna" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Comunicaçión co-o server" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Aspêta in moménto, sémmo aprêuvo a comunicâ co-o server." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID o l'è in mòddo segûo e velôce pe identificâse — <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/about\">pe savéine de ciù</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "Câza do BrowserID" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Cómme fonçionn-a" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Svilopatoî" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Acêdi" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Sciòrti" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Fæto da <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Privacy" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Condiçioìn d'ûzo" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "T'æ bezéugno de agiùtto?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "S'é verificòu un problêma co-o colegaménto pe l'iscriçión. T'à ivi za registròu st'indirìsso email?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Erô inta conesción co-o server." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Ùrtimo pà sso!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Grà çie asæ de avéi scélto o <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Ã’ua ti peu <em>Acêde</em> ò <em>Abonâte</em> in sci scîti web in gîo pe-a ræ con <strong>BrowserID</strong>!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Grà çie de avéi verificòu o teu indirìsso email. Sta notìçia a t'é stæta spédia pe conpletâ a teu registraçión a %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Finìsci a registraçión sciacà ndo in sto colegaménto:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Se NO ti çèrchi de acêde a sto scîto ignòra sta notìçia." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Grà çie," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Un mêgio mòddo de identificâse in sci scîti da ræ)" - ], - "Browser ID": [ - null, - "Browser ID" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/lt/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/lt/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 7ec31e1118c63a5340921e227fadb3079c6457b4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/lt/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,375 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-24 17:12+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Rimas <rq@akl.lt>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " lt", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "AtsipraÅ¡ome, bet „BrowserID“ veikimui bÅ«tini slapukai" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "RyÅ¡io klaida" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Prisijungimas užbaigiamas…" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Už kelių akimirkų bÅ«site prijungti prie „BrowserID“." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "LuktelÄ—kite keletÄ… sekundžių, kol bÅ«site prijungti prie svetainÄ—s." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "AtsipraÅ¡ome, Å¡i užklausa trunka gerooookai ilgiau nei turÄ—tų." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Å is praneÅ¡imas turÄ—tų iÅ¡nykti, įvykdžius užklausÄ… (tikimÄ—s, jog netrukus). Jeigu manote, jog laukiate jau per ilgai, užverkite šį langÄ… ir bandykite iÅ¡ naujo." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Prisijungti naudojant" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Naujas el. paÅ¡to adresas" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Å io lauko reikÅ¡mÄ— turi bÅ«ti el. paÅ¡to adresas." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "El. paÅ¡tÄ… nurodyti bÅ«tina." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Å iuo adresu kÄ… tik jau iÅ¡siuntÄ—me laiÅ¡kÄ…! Jeigu tikrai norite, kad iÅ¡siųstume dar vienÄ…, luktelÄ—kite porÄ… minuÄių ir bandykite vÄ—l." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Å is adresas jau pridÄ—tas į JÅ«sų paskyrÄ…!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "pridÄ—ti" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "atsisakyti" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "El. paÅ¡tas" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Ä®veskite savo el. paÅ¡to adresÄ…, kad prisijungtumÄ—te prie <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Sveiki! ÄŒia – „BrowserID“!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Å is el. paÅ¡to adresas mums atrodo naujas, tad pirmiausia sukonfigÅ«ruokime JÅ«sų paskyrÄ…." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Slaptažodis" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "UžmirÅ¡ote slaptažodį?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Slaptažodį įvesti bÅ«tina." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Prisijungti prie paskyros su Å¡iuo naudotojo vardu ir slaptažodžiu negalima." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "toliau" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "patvirtinkite el. paÅ¡to adresÄ…" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "prisijungti" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Nepavyko patvirtinti %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "Adresas %s yra bÅ«tinas, taÄiau mums nepavyko patvirtinti, jog jis priklauso Jums." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Pasitikrinkite savo el. paÅ¡tÄ…!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Adresu <strong>%s</strong> mes iÅ¡siuntÄ—me patvirtinimo laiÅ¡kÄ…." - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Kad užbaigtumÄ—te registracijÄ…, tiesiog atverkite Jums el. paÅ¡tu iÅ¡siųstÄ… el. paÅ¡to patvirtinimo saitÄ…." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Jeigu tai klaida, galite tiesiog nepaisyti iÅ¡siųsto laiÅ¡ko ir <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">nutraukti registracijÄ…</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Jeigu tai klaida, galite tiesiog nepaisyti iÅ¡siųsto laiÅ¡ko ir <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">nurodyti kitÄ… el. paÅ¡to adresÄ…</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Apgailestaujame, serveris Å¡iuo metu perkrautas!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Apgailestaujame, taÄiau įvyko klaida!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "NorÄ—dami bandyti dar kartÄ…, įkelkite šį tinklalapį iÅ¡ naujo." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "NorÄ—dami bandyti dar kartÄ…, užverkite šį langÄ…." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "IÅ¡samesnÄ— informacija" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "SvetainÄ— praÅ¡o prisijungti naudojant" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "perkurti slaptažodį" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* nÄ—ra leistinas el. paÅ¡to adresas!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Jeigu norite tÄ™sti, užverkite šį langÄ… ir įveskite galiojantį el. paÅ¡to adresÄ…." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Tai ne aš…" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Naudoti kitÄ… el. paÅ¡to adresÄ…" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Visuomet prisijungti naudojantis Å¡iuo el. paÅ¡to adresu" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Adresas patvirtintas!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "JÅ«sų tapatybÄ— patvirtinta el. paÅ¡to teikÄ—jo. Dabar pabandysime Jus prijungti." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Kad patvirtintumÄ—te, jog Å¡is adresas priklauso Jums, turÄ—site prisijungti prie savo el. paÅ¡to paslaugos teikÄ—jo. Å is langas netrukus bus nukreiptas adresu" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "patvirtinti" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Patvirtinti per paÅ¡to paslaugos teikÄ—jÄ…" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Kad „BrowserID“ veiktų, narÅ¡yklÄ—je turi bÅ«ti įgalinti slapukai. \"#~ \"Ä®galinkite slapukus savo narÅ¡yklÄ—je ir bandykite dar kartÄ….\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "JÅ«s nesate prisijungÄ™ prie tinklo!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "#~ \"Deja, „BrowserID“ tarnyba negali bÅ«ti naudojama atsijungus nuo tinklo!\"" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "iÅ¡sirinkite el. paÅ¡to adresÄ…" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Apgailestaujame, bet susisiekti su „BrowserID“, kol nesate prisijungÄ™ \"#~ \"prie tinklo, negalima.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Nustatoma naudotojo tapatybÄ—" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Pridedamas adresas" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Pridedamas pagrindinis naudotojo el. paÅ¡to adresas" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Tikrinama adreso informacija" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Su patvirtinimu nustatoma tapatybÄ—" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Anuliuojama naudotojo paskyra" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Tikrinamas tapatybÄ—s nustatymas" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Tikrinama scenarijaus versija" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Užbaigiama naudotojo registracija" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Tikrinama, ar įgalinti slapukai" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Kuriama paskyra" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Gaunamas patvirtinimas" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Tikrinamas registracijos prieigos raktas" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Tikrinamas el. paÅ¡to adresas" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Tikrinama, ar naudotojo tapatybÄ— nustatyta per tapatybÄ—s teikÄ—jÄ…" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Atsijungti nepavyko" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Nustatoma tapatybÄ— per tapatybÄ—s teikÄ—jÄ…" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Susisiekiant su JÅ«sų el. paÅ¡to paslaugos teikÄ—ju, įvyko klaida, Bandykite \"#~ \"dar kartÄ…!\"" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Deja, pateiktas el. paÅ¡to adresas negali bÅ«ti naudojamas kaip pagrindinis \"#~ \"tapatybÄ—s teikÄ—jas\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Registracija nepavyko" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Perkuriamas slaptažodis" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "PaÅ¡alinti el. paÅ¡to adresÄ… iÅ¡ paskyros" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Nustatomas slaptažodis" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Prisijungti nepavyko" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Užsiregistruoti nepavyko" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Sinchronizuojamas adresas" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "Sinchronizuojami el. paÅ¡to adresai" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Sinchronizuoti adreso raktus" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Gaunama prieigos rakto informacija" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "KeiÄiamas slaptažodis" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "Patvirtinamas slaptažodis" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Atsisakyti" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/lt/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/lt/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 5671f967a45fd6b0a5da2c1849f48305878de540..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/lt/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-24 14:30+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Rimas <rq@akl.lt>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " lt", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Užbaikite prisijungimÄ… prie %s, naudodamiesi „BrowserID“" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Bandant patvirtinti JÅ«sų el. paÅ¡to adresÄ…, įvyko klaida. Ar šį adresÄ… jau esate patvirtinÄ™?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Bandant užbaigti registracijÄ…, įvyko klaida." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Užbaigti prisijungimÄ… prie: " - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "El. paÅ¡to adreso patvirtinimas" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "El. paÅ¡to adresas" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "JÅ«sų el. paÅ¡to adresas" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Naujasis slaptažodis" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Ä®veskite slaptažodį" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Slaptažodį įvesti privaloma." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Slaptažodis turi bÅ«ti nuo 8 iki 80 simbolių ilgio." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Patvirtinkite slaptažodį" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Pakartokite slaptažodį" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Slaptažodį patvirtinti bÅ«tina." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Slaptažodžiai nesutampa." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "užbaigti" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">JÅ«sų adresas</strong> patvirtintas!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "JÅ«sų naujasis adresas sukonfigÅ«ruotas ir dabar turÄ—tumÄ—te bÅ«ti prisijungÄ™. Dabar galite užverti šį langÄ… ir grįžti į" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "„BrowserID“ pradžios tinklalapis" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Susisiekiama su serveriu" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "LuktelÄ—kite, kol bus susisiekta su serveriu." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "„BrowserID“ yra spartus ir saugus bÅ«das prisijungti prie svetainių — <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/about\">plaÄiau…</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "„BrowserID“ pradžios tinklalapis" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Kaip tai veikia" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Programuotojams" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Prisijungti" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Atsijungti" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Sukurta <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">asmens tapatybÄ—s komandos</a> prie <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">„Mozilla Labs“</a> projekto" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Privatumas" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Paslaugos teikimo nuostatai" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Reikia pagalbos?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Su JÅ«sų registracijos nuoroda iÅ¡kilo problemų. Gal Å¡is adresas jau buvo užregistruotas?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Klaida susisiekiant su serveriu." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Paskutinis žingsnis!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "DÄ—kojame, kad naudojatÄ—s <strong>„BrowserID“</strong>. Dabar galite naudotis savo <strong>„BrowserID“</strong> paskyra <em>prisijungimui</em> ir <em>registracijai</em> paÄiose įvairiausiose saityno svetainÄ—se!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "DÄ—kojame, kad patvirtinote savo el. paÅ¡to adresÄ…. Å is laiÅ¡kas iÅ¡siųstas, kad galÄ—tumÄ—te užbaigti registracijÄ… į %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Užbaikite registracijÄ…, spustelÄ—dami šį saitÄ…:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Jeigu JÅ«s NEBANDÄ–TE prisijungti prie Å¡ios svetainÄ—s, tiesiog ignoruokite šį laiÅ¡kÄ…." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "AÄiÅ«," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Geresnis bÅ«das registruotis)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/ml/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/ml/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 731e70c7528127f00fc867778d22eca4770db4ba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/ml/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,226 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " ml", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "X-Generator": " Translate Toolkit 1.9.0" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/ml/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/ml/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 14fddcfb4ab86d4b9dd9ff16bdabbe4f30deef34..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/ml/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " ml", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "X-Generator": " Translate Toolkit 1.9.0" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "" - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/nl/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/nl/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index ce39422ec1debba11b07073ed1a8de7ef4c25e40..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/nl/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,403 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-03 17:23+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Ton <tonnes.mb@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " nl", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID vereist cookies" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Sluit dit venster, <a %s>schakel cookies in</a> en probeer het nogmaals" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Communicatiefout" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Aanmelden voltooien…" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Over enkele ogenblikken bent u bij BrowserID aangemeld." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Wacht enkele seconden terwijl we u aanmelden bij de website." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Sorry, dit verzoek kost VEEEEL tijd." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Dit bericht zal verdwijnen zodra uw verzoek is voltooid (hopelijk snel). Als u te lang wacht, sluit dan dit venster en probeer het opnieuw." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Aanmelden met" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Nieuw e-mailadres" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Dit veld moet een e-mailadres zijn." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Het e-mailveld is verplicht." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "We hebben zojuist een e-mailbericht naar dat adres gestuurd! Als u er echt nog een wilt sturen, wacht dan een paar minuten en probeer het opnieuw." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Dat adres is al aan uw account toegevoegd!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "toevoegen" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "annuleren" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "E-mailadres" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Voer uw e-mailadres in om u aan te melden bij <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Welkom bij BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Dit e-mailadres lijkt nieuw, dus laten we de boel instellen." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Wachtwoord" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "wachtwoord vergeten?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Het wachtwoordveld is verplicht." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "De account kan met deze gebruikersnaam en dit wachtwoord niet worden aangemeld." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "Door op %s te klikken bevestigt u dat u de <a %s>gebruiksvoorwaarden</a> en het <a %s>privacybeleid</a> van deze website accepteert." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "volgende" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "e-mailadres verifiëren" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "aanmelden" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Kan %s niet verifiëren" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s is een verplicht adres, maar we kunnen niet verifiëren dat dit adres van u is." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Controleer uw e-mail!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "We hebben een bevestigings-e-mailbericht naar <strong>%s</strong> gestuurd" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Klik op de verificatiekoppeling die we naar uw e-mailadres hebben gestuurd om het aanmelden te voltooien." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Als dit een vergissing is, negeer dan het verzonden e-mailbericht en <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">annuleer</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Als dit een vergissing is, negeer dan het verzonden e-mailbericht en <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">gebruik een ander e-mailadres</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Het spijt ons zeer, de server heeft het bijzonder druk!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Het spijt ons zeer, er is een fout opgetreden!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Laad de pagina opnieuw en probeer het nogmaals." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Sluit dit venster en probeer het nogmaals." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Meer info bekijken" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "De website vroeg u zich aan te melden met" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "wachtwoord herinitialiseren" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* is geen geldig e-mailadres!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Sluit het venster en voer een geldig adres in om door te gaan." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Dit ben ik niet…" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Gebruik een ander e-mailadres" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Altijd aanmelden met dit e-mailadres" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Adres geverifieerd!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "Uw identiteit is geverifieerd via uw e-mailprovider. We gaan u nu proberen aan te melden." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Om te verifiëren dat u de eigenaar van dit adres bent moet u zich aanmelden met uw e-mailprovider. Dit venster wordt doorgestuurd naar" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "verifiëren" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Verifiëren met e-mailprovider" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Voor BrowserID moeten cookies van uw browser zijn ingeschakeld en actief \"#~ \"zijn. Schakel cookies van uw browser in en probeer het opnieuw\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "U bent offline!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "Helaas kan BrowserID niet offline communiceren!" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "e-mailadres selecteren" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Sorry, we kunnen niet met BrowserID communiceren terwijl u offline bent.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Gebruiker verifiëren" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Adres toevoegen" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Primair e-mailadres aan gebruiker toevoegen" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Adresinformatie controleren" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Verifiëren met bevestiging" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Gebruikersaccount annuleren" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Verificatie controleren" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Scriptversie controleren" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Gebruikersregistratie voltooien" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Controleren of cookies zijn ingeschakeld" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Account aanmaken" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Bevestiging verkrijgen" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Registratietoken controleren" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "E-mailadres controleren" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Controleren of gebruiker is geverifieerd met IdP" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Afmelden mislukt" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Verifiëren met identityprovider" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Er was een probleem bij het communiceren met uw e-mailprovider, probeer \"#~ \"het opnieuw!\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Provisioning met identityprovider" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Provisioning met niet-ondersteunde identityprovider" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Helaas kan het opgegeven e-mailadres niet als primaire identityprovider \"#~ \"worden gebruikt\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Registratie mislukt" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "Relay opzetten" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "Relayframe is niet gevonden" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Wachtwoord herinitialiseren" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "E-mailadres van account verwijderen" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Wachtwoord instellen" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Aanmelden mislukt" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Registratie mislukt" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Adres synchroniseren" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "E-mailadres synchroniseren" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Sync-sleutels voor adres" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Tokeninformatie verkrijgen" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Wachtwoord bijwerken" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "E-mailadres verifiëren" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Annuleren" - ], - "#~ \"We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send \"#~ \"another, wait a minute or two and try again.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"We hebben zojuist een e-mail naar dat adres gestuurd! Als u er echt nog \"#~ \"een wilt sturen, wacht dan een minuut of twee en probeer het opnieuw.\"" - ], - "#~ \"To verify that you own <strong id='primary_email'>%s</strong>, you must \"#~ \"sign in with your provider. This window will be redirected to\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Om te verifiëren dat u de eigenaar van <strong id='primary_email'>%s</\"#~ \"strong> bent moet u zich aanmelden met uw provider. Dit venster wordt \"#~ \"doorgestuurd naar\"" - ], - "translated text": [ - null, - "vertaalde tekst" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/nl/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/nl/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2194cff51b6f91e71f607e73d53ce0b4ead94105..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/nl/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-03 17:22+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Ton <tonnes.mb@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " nl", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Aanmelden bij %s met BrowserID voltooien" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het bevestigen van uw e-mailadres. Hebt u dit adres eerder geverifieerd?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het voltooien van de registratie." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Aanmelden voltooien bij:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "E-mailverificatie" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "E-mailadres" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Uw e-mailadres" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Nieuw wachtwoord" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Voer een wachtwoord in" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Wachtwoord is vereist." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Wachtwoord moet tussen 8 en 80 tekens lang zijn." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Wachtwoord verifiëren" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Wachtwoord herhalen" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Verificatiewachtwoord is vereist." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Wachtwoorden komen niet overeen." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "voltooien" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">Uw adres</strong> is geverifieerd!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Uw nieuwe e-mailadres is ingesteld en u bent nu aangemeld. U kunt dit venster nu sluiten en teruggaan naar" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID vereist cookies" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Sluit dit venster, <a %s>schakel cookies in</a> en probeer het nogmaals" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Communiceren met server" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Even geduld, er wordt gewacht op de server." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID is de snelle en veilige manier van aanmelden – <a %s>meer info</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "BrowserID Home" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Hoe het werkt" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Ontwikkelaars" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Aanmelden" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Afmelden" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Door het <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Privacy" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "TOS" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Hulp nodig?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Er is een probleem met uw registratiekoppeling. Is dit adres al geregistreerd?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Fout bij communicatie met server." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Laatste stap!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Bedankt voor het registreren bij <strong>BrowserID</strong>. U kunt uw <strong>BrowserID</strong>-account nu gebruiken om u <em>aan te melden</em> of om u overal op het internet bij websites te <em>registreren</em>!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Bedankt voor het verifiëren van uw e-mailadres. Dit bericht wordt naar u verzonden om uw aanmelding bij %s te voltooien." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Voltooi de registratie door op de volgende koppeling te klikken:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Negeer dit e-mailbericht als u zich NIET bij deze website probeert aan te melden." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Bedankt," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Een betere manier van aanmelden)" - ], - "Browser ID": [ - null, - "Browser ID" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/pa/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/pa/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 4cb42d944c0dfba2e8a0defa3cfadb9dc98da1e7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/pa/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,391 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-27 18:00+0200", - "Last-Translator": " A S <amanpreet.alam@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " pa", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1) ;", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "ਸਾਨੂੰ ਅਫਸੋਸ ਹੈ, ਪਰ BrowserID ਲਈ ਕੂਕੀਜ਼ ਚਾਹੀਦੇ ਹਨ" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "ਕਮਿਊਨੀਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਗਲਤੀ" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "ਸਾਇਨ ਇਨ ਨੂੰ ਪੂਰਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "ਕà©à¨ ਕ੠ਪਲਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¨à©‚à©° BrowserID ਵਿੱਚ ਸਾਇਨ ਇਨ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।" - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "ਕà©à¨ ਕ੠ਪਲਾਂ ਲਈ ਉਡੀਕੋ ਤਾਂ ਕਿ ਅਸੀਂ ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¨à©‚à©° ਸਾਈਟ ਉੱਤੇ ਸਾਇਨ ਕਰ ਸਕੀà¨à¥¤" - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "ਸਾਨੂੰ ਅਫਸੋਸ ਹੈ ਪਰ ਇਹ ਮੰਗ ਬਹà©à¨¤ ਲੰਮਾ ਸਮਾਂ ਲੈ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ।" - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "ਇਹ ਸà©à¨¨à©‡à¨¹à¨¾ ਹੱਟ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ, ਜਦੋਂ ਮੰਗ ਪੂਰੀ ਹੋ ਗਈ (ਉਮੀਦ ਹੈ ਛੇਤੀ ਹੀ)। ਜੇ ਤà©à¨¸à©€à¨‚ ਬਹà©à¨¤ ਲੰਮਾ ਸਮਾਂ ਉਡੀਕ ਕੀਤੀ ਹੈ ਤਾਂ ਇਹ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਬੰਦ ਕਰਕੇ ਫੇਰ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ।" - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "ਇਹ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਨਾਲ ਸਾਇਨ ਇਨ" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "ਨਵਾਂ ਈਮੇਲ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "ਇਹ ਖੇਤਰ ਇੱਕ ਈਮੇਲ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਹੋਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ।" - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "ਈਮੇਲ ਖੇਤਰ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ।" - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "ਅਸੀਂ ਹà©à¨£à©‡ ਹੀ ਉਸ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਉੱਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਈਮੇਲ à¨à©‡à¨œà©€ ਹੈ! ਜੇ ਤà©à¨¸à©€à¨‚ ਹੋਰ à¨à©‡à¨œà¨£à©€ ਚਾਹà©à©°à¨¦à©‡ ਹੋ ਤਾਂ ਇੱਕ ਜਾਂ ਦੋ ਮਿੰਟ ਦੀ ਉਡੀਕ ਕਰੋ ਅਤੇ ਫੇਰ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ।" - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "ਉਹ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¡à©‡ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਵਿੱਚ ਜੋੜਿਆ ਹੋਇਆ ਹੈ!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "ਸ਼ਾਮਲ" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "ਰੱਦ ਕਰੋ" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "ਈਮੇਲ" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "<strong>%s</strong> ਵਿੱਚ ਸਾਇਨ ਇਨ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਆਪਣਾ ਈਮੇਲ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਦਿਉ" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "BrowserID ਵਲੋਂ ਜੀ ਆਇਆਂ ਨੂੰ!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "ਇਹ ਈਮੇਲ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਨਵਾਂ ਲੱਗਦਾ ਹੈ, ਇਸਕਰਕੇ ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¡à©‡ ਲਈ ਸੈਟਅੱਪ ਕਰੀà¨à¥¤" - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "ਆਪਣਾ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ à¨à©à©±à¨² ਗà¨?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਖੇਤਰ ਦੀ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ।" - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "ਇਸ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਨਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਨਾਲ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਲਾਗਇਨ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ।" - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "ਅੱਗੇ" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "ਈਮੇਲ ਦੀ ਪੜਤਾਲ" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "ਸਾਇਨ-ਇਨ" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "%s ਦੀ ਜਾਂਚ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੋ ਸਕਦੀ" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s ਇੱਕ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਹੈ, ਪਰ ਅਸੀਂ ਪà©à¨¸à¨¼à¨Ÿà©€ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਕਿ ਤà©à¨¸à©€à¨‚ ਇਹ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਰੱਖਦੇ ਹੋ।" - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¡à©€ ਈਮੇਲ ਚੈੱਕ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "ਅਸੀਂ <strong>%s</strong> ਨੂੰ ਇੱਕ ਪà©à¨¸à¨¼à¨Ÿà©€ ਈਮੇਲ à¨à©‡à¨œà©€ ਹੈ" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "ਸਾਇਨ ਇਨ ਕਰਨ ਨੂੰ ਪੂਰਾ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸਾਡੇ ਵਲੋਂ ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¡à©‡ ਈਮੇਲ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਉੱਤੇ à¨à©‡à¨œà©‡ ਲਿੰਕ ਉੱਤੇ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕਰੋ।" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "ਜੇ ਇਹ ਗਲਤੀ ਹੈ ਤਾਂ à¨à©‡à¨œà©€ ਹੋਈ ਈਮੇਲ ਨੂਂ ਅਣਡਿੱਠਾ ਕਰ ਦਿਉ ਅਤੇ <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">ਰੱਦ ਕਰੋ</a>।" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "ਜੇ ਇਹ ਗਲਤੀ ਹੈ ਤਾਂ à¨à©‡à¨œà©€ ਹੋਈ ਈਮੇਲ ਨੂਂ ਅਣਡਿੱਠਾ ਕਰ ਦਿਉ ਅਤੇ <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">ਹੋਰ ਈਮੇਲ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà©±à¨¸ ਵਰਤੋਂ</a>।" - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "ਸਾਨੂੰ ਅਫਸੋਸ ਹੈ, ਸਰਵਰ ਕੋਲ à¨à¨¾à¨°à©€ ਲੋਡ ਹੈ!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "ਸਾਨੂੰ ਅਫਸੋਸ ਹੈ, ਇੱਕ ਗਲਤੀ ਆਈ ਹੈ!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "ਫੇਰ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰਨੀ ਲਈ, ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¨à©‚à©° ਸਫ਼ਾ ਫੇਰ ਲੋਡ ਕਰਕੇ ਫੇਰ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰਨੀ ਚਾਹੀਦੀ ਹੈ।" - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "ਜਾਰੀ ਰੱਖਣ ਲਈ, ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¨à©‚à©° ਇਹ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਬੰਦ ਕਰਕੇ ਫੇਰ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰਨੀ ਚਾਹੀਦੀ ਹੈ।" - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "ਹੋਰ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਵੇਖੋ" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "ਸਾਇਟ ਨੇ ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¨à©‚à©° ਸਾਇਨ ਇਨ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਮੰਗ ਕੀਤੀ ਹੈ, ਇਸ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਨਾਲ" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਮà©à©œ-ਸੈੱਟ" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* ਸਹੀਂ ਈਮੇਲ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "ਜਾਰੀ ਰੱਖਣ ਲਈ, ਵਿੰਡੋ ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ ਅਤੇ ਠੀਕ ਈਮੇਲ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਦਿਉ ਜੀ।" - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "ਇਹ ਮੈਂ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਾਂ..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "ਵੱਖਰਾ ਈਮੇਲ ਵਰਤੋਂ" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "ਹਮੇਸ਼ਾ ਇਹ ਈਮੇਲ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਕੇ ਸਾਈਨ ਇਨ ਕਰੋ" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਜਾਂਚਿਆ!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¡à©€ ਪਛਾਣ ਦੀ ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¡à©‡ ਈਮੇਲ ਪਰੋਵਾਇਡਰ ਨਾਲ ਜਾਂਚ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਚà©à©±à¨•à©€ ਹੈ, ਅਸੀਂ ਹà©à¨£ ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¨à©‚à©° ਸਾਇਨ ਇਨ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰਾਂਗੇ।" - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¨à©‚à©° ਇਹ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਦੇ ਮਾਲਕ ਹੋਣ ਦੀ ਜਾਂਚ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¨à©‚à©° ਈਮੇਲ ਪਰੋਵਾਇਡਰ ਨਾਲ ਸਾਇਨ ਇਨ ਕਰਨਾ ਪਵੇਗਾ। ਇਹ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਮà©à©œ-à¨à©‡à¨œà©‡à¨—à©€" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "ਜਾਂਚ" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "ਈਮੇਲ ਪਰੋਵਾਇਡਰ ਨਾਲ ਜਾਂਚ" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"BrowserID ਨੂੰ ਕੰਮ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¡à©‡ ਬਰਾਊਜ਼ਰ ਦੇ ਕੂਕੀਜ਼ ਚਾਲੂ ਹਾਲਤ 'ਚ ਹੋਣੇ ਚਾਹੀਦੇ ਹਨ। ਆਪਣੇ \"#~ \"ਬਰਾਊਜ਼ਰ ਦੇ ਕੂਕੀਜ਼ ਚਾਲੂ ਕਰਕੇ ਫੇਰ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ।\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "ਤà©à¨¸à©€à¨‚ ਆਫਲਾਈਨ ਹੋ!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "ਅਫਸੋਸ, BrowserID ਆਫਲਾਈਨ ਦੇ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਕੰਮ ਕਰਨ ਨਹੀਂ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ!" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "ਈਮੇਲ ਚà©à¨£à©‹" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"ਸਾਨੂੰ ਅਫਸੋਸ ਹੈ, ਪਰ ਅਸੀਂ BrowserID ਨਾਲ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਾਂ, ਜਦੋਂ ਤà©à¨¸à©€à¨‚ ਆਫਲਾਈਨ ਹੋ।\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਨੂੰ ਪਰਮਾਣਿਤ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਜੋੜਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਲਈ ਪà©à¨°à¨¾à¨‡à¨®à¨°à©€ ਈਮੇਲ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਜੋੜਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਚੈੱਕ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "ਅਸਿਰਟੇਸ਼ਨ ਨਾਲ ਪਰਮਾਣਿਤ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਰੱਦ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "ਪਰਮਾਣਕਿਤਾ ਚੈੱਕ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "ਸਕà©à¨°à¨¿à¨ªà¨Ÿ ਵਰਜਨ ਚੈੱਕ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਰਜਿਸਟੇਸ਼ਨ ਪੂਰੀ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "ਚੈੱਕ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਕੀ ਕੂਕੀਜ਼ ਚਾਲੂ ਹਨ।" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "ਅਸਰਟੇਸ਼ਨ ਲਿਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "ਰਜਿਸਟੇਰਸ਼ਨ ਟੋਕਨ ਚੈੱਕ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "ਈਮੇਲ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਚੈੱਕ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "ਚੈੱਕ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਕੀ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ IdP ਰਾਹੀਂ ਪਰਮਾਣਿਤ ਹੈ" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "ਲਾਗਆਉਟ ਫੇਲà©à¨¹ ਹੋਇਆ" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "ਪਛਾਣ ਪਰੋਵਾਇਡਰ ਨਾਲ ਪਰਮਾਣਿਤ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "ਸਾਨੂੰ ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¡à©‡ ਈਮੇਲ ਪਰੋਵਾਇਡਰ ਨਾਲ ਸੰਚਾਰ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਆਈ ਹੈ, ਫੇਰ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ ਜੀ!" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "ਪਛਾਣ ਪਰੋਵਾਇਡਰ ਨਾਲ ਪਰਬੰਧ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "ਗ਼ੈਰ-ਸਹਾਇਕ ਪਛਾਣ ਪਰੋਵਾਇਡਰ ਨਾਲ ਪਰਬੰਧ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "ਅਫਸੋਸ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਈਮੇਲ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਪà©à¨°à¨¾à¨‡à¨®à¨°à©€ ਪਛਾਣ ਪਰੋਵਾਇਡਰ ਵਜੋਂ ਕੰਮ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰ ਸਕਦਾ।" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "ਰਜਿਸਟੇਸ਼ਨ ਫੇਲà©à¨¹ ਹੋਈ" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "ਮà©à©œ ਸ਼à©à¨°à©‚ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਤਿਆਰ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "ਮà©à©œ-ਸ਼à©à¨°à©‚ ਕਰਨ ਫਰੇਮ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱà¨à¨¿à¨† ਜਾ ਸਕਿਆ" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਮà©à©œ-ਸੈੱਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਤੋਂ ਈਮੇਲ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਹਟਾਉ" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਸੈੱਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "ਸਾਇਨ-ਇਨ ਫੇਲà©à¨¹ ਹੈ" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "ਸਾਈਨ ਅੱਪ ਫੇਲà©à¨¹ ਹੈ" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਸਿੰਕ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "ਈਮੇਲ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਸਿੰਕ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਲਈ ਸਿੰਕ ਕà©à©°à¨œà©€à¨†à¨‚" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "ਟੋਕਨ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਲਈ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "ਈਮੇਲ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà©±à¨¸ ਦੀ ਜਾਂਚ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "ਰੱਦ ਕਰੋ" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/pa/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/pa/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index d2436591e7ee5b2e7c7b2d5bef225eb6659a70f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/pa/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-27 18:02+0200", - "Last-Translator": " A S <amanpreet.alam@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " pa", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1) ;", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "%s ਲਈ BrowserID ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਕੇ ਲਾਗਇਨ ਕਰਨਾ ਪੂਰਾ" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¡à©‡ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਦੀ ਪà©à¨¸à¨¼à¨Ÿà©€ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਗਲਤੀ ਆਈ ਹੈ। ਕੀ ਤà©à¨¸à©€à¨‚ ਇਹ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਦੀ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਵੀ ਜਾਂਚ ਕਰਵਾ ਚà©à©±à¨•à©‡ ਹੋ?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "ਰਜਿਸਟਰੇਸ਼ਨ ਪੂਰੀ ਕਰਨ ਦੇ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਗਲਤੀ ਆਈ ਹੈ।" - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "ਇਸ 'ਚ ਸਾਇਨ ਕਰਨਾ ਮà©à¨•à©°à¨®à¨²: " - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "ਈਮੇਲ ਜਾਂਚ" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "ਈਮੇਲ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà©±à¨¸" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¡à¨¾ ਈਮੇਲ" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "ਨਵਾਂ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਦਿਉ" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ।" - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ 8 ਤੋਂ 80 ਅੱਖਰਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਵਿੱਚ ਹੋਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ।" - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਪà©à¨¸à¨¼à¨Ÿà©€" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਪà©à¨¸à¨¼à¨Ÿà©€" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਜਾਂਚ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ।" - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਮਿਲਦੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਨ।" - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "ਮà©à¨•à©°à¨®à¨²" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¡à©‡ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸</strong> ਦੀ ਜਾਂਚ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾ ਚà©à©±à¨•à©€ ਹੈ!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¡à¨¾ ਨਵਾਂ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਸੈੱਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਚà©à©±à¨•à¨¾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਹà©à¨£ ਤà©à¨¸à©€à¨‚ ਸਾਇਨ ਇਨ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ। ਤà©à¨¸à©€à¨‚ ਹà©à¨£ ਇਹ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਬੰਦ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ ਅਤੇ ਪਿੱਛੇ ਜਾ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID ਮà©à©±à¨– ਪੇਜ਼" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "ਸਰਵਰ ਨਾਲ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "ਸਾਡੇ ਵਲੋਂ ਸਰਵਰ ਨਾਲ ਸੰਚਾਰ ਕਰਨ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਕà©à¨ ਕ੠ਪਲ ਉਡੀਕੋ।" - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID ਸਾਇਨ ਇਨ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਤੇਜ਼ ਅਤੇ ਸà©à¨°à©±à¨–ਿਅਤ ਢੰਗ ਹੈ — <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/about\">ਹੋਰ ਜਾਣੋ</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "BrowserID ਮà©à©±à¨– ਪੇਜ਼" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "ਇਹ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਕੰਮ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "ਡਿਵੈਲਪਰ" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "ਸਾਇਨ ਇਨ" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "ਸਾਈਨ-ਆਉਟ" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">ਪਛਾਣ ਟੀਮ</a> @ <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">ਮੋਜ਼ੀਲਾ ਲੈਬ</a> ਵਲੋਂ" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "ਪਰਾਈਵੇਸੀ" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "TOS" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "ਮੱਦਦ ਚਾਹੀਦੀ ਹੈ?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¡à©‡ ਸਾਇਨ ਅੱਪ ਲਿੰਕ ਨਾਲ ਇੱਕ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਸੀ। ਕੀ ਇਹ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਰਜਿਸਟਰ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਚà©à©±à¨•à¨¾ ਹੈ?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "ਸਰਵਰ ਨਾਲ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਗਲਤੀ।" - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "ਆਖਰੀ ਪੜਾਅ!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "<strong>BrowserID</strong> ਨਾਲ ਸਾਇਨ-ਅੱਪ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¡à¨¾ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ। ਤà©à¨¸à©€à¨‚ ਹà©à¨£ ਆਪਣੇ <strong>BrowserID</strong> ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਵਿੱਚ <em>ਸਾਇਨ ਇਨ</em> ਜਾਂ <em>ਸਾਇਨ ਅੱਪ</em> ਕਰਕੇ ਵੈੱਬ ਉੱਤੇ ਸਠਵੈੱਬਸਾਇਟ ਉੱਤੇ ਲਾਗਇਨ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਵਰਤ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "ਆਪਣੇ ਈਮੇਲ à¨à¨¡à¨°à©ˆà¨¸ ਦੀ ਜਾਂਚ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਧੰਨਵਾਦ। ਇਹ ਸà©à¨¨à©‡à¨¹à©‡ ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¨à©‚à©° %s ਵਿੱਚ ਤà©à¨¹à¨¾à¨¨à©‚à©° ਸਾਇਨ-ਇਨ ਪੂਰਾ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ à¨à©‡à¨œà¨¿à¨† ਗਿਆ ਹੈ।" - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "ਇਹ ਲਿੰਕ ਉੱਤੇ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕਰਕੇ ਰਜਿਸਟਰੇਸ਼ਨ ਪੂਰੀ ਕਰੋ:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "ਜੇ ਤà©à¨¸à©€à¨‚ ਇਹ ਸਾਇਟ ਉੱਤੇ ਸਾਇਨ ਇਨ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ *ਨਹੀਂ* ਕਰ ਰਹੇ ਹੋ ਤਾਂ ਇਹ ਈਮੇਲ ਅਣਡਿੱਠੀ ਕਰੋ।" - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "ਧੰਨਵਾਦ," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(ਸਾਇਨ ਇਨ ਕਰਨ ਦਾ ਵਧੀਆ ਢੰਗ)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/pl/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/pl/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 360dc66a168183d3895b34b7aa6f4ed256d8cfa1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/pl/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,227 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " 1.0", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-02 23:49+0100", - "Last-Translator": " Leszek Å»yczkowski <leszekz@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " pl <leszekz@gmail.com>", - "Language": " pl", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Do obsÅ‚ugi BrowserID wymagana jest akceptacja ciasteczek" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Zamknij to okno, <a %s>wÅ‚Ä…cz akceptacjÄ™ ciasteczek</a> i ponów próbÄ™" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "BÅ‚Ä…d komunikacji" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Finalizowanie rejestracji…" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Za chwilÄ™ zalogujesz siÄ™ w BrowserID." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Za chwilÄ™ nastÄ…pi zalogowanie do witryny." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Przepraszamy, ale wykonanie tego żądania zajmie dÅ‚uższÄ… chwilÄ™." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Komunikat ten zniknie, gdy żądanie zakoÅ„czy siÄ™ – miejmy nadziejÄ™ – wkrótce. JeÅ›li czekasz zbyt dÅ‚ugo, zamknij to okno i ponów próbÄ™." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Zaloguj siÄ™ używajÄ…c" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Nowy adres e-mail" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "W tym polu należy podać adres e-mail" - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Podanie adresu e-mail jest obowiÄ…zkowe." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Na ten adres zostaÅ‚a już wysÅ‚ana wiadomość! JeÅ›li chcesz wysÅ‚ać inny, odczekaj chwilÄ™ i ponów próbÄ™." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Ten adres jest już skojarzony z twoim kontem!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "dodaj" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "anuluj" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "Adres e-mail" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Podaj adres e-mail sÅ‚użący do logowania do <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Witamy w BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Ten adres e-mail wyglÄ…da na nowy, wiÄ™c można dokonać konfiguracji." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "HasÅ‚o" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "Nie pamiÄ™tasz hasÅ‚a?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Trzeba podać hasÅ‚o." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Nie można zalogować siÄ™ do konta, używajÄ…c tej nazwy użytkownika i hasÅ‚a." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "KlikajÄ…c %s akceptujesz <a %s>regulamin korzystania z serwisu</a> i <a %s>zasady ochrony prywatnoÅ›ci</a>." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "dalej" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "weryfikuj adres e-mail" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "zaloguj siÄ™" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Nie można zweryfikować %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "Adres %s jest konieczny, ale nie można potwierdzić, że należy on do ciebie." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Sprawdź swój adres e-mail!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Wiadomość zawierajÄ…ca odnoÅ›nik do potwierdzenia zostaÅ‚a wysÅ‚ana do <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Aby zakoÅ„czyć rejestracjÄ™, kliknij odnoÅ›nik weryfikacyjny znajdujÄ…cy siÄ™ w wiadomoÅ›ci wysÅ‚anej na twój adres e-mail." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "JeÅ›li jest to pomyÅ‚ka, zignoruj wiadomość i <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">użyj innego adresu e-mail</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "JeÅ›li jest to pomyÅ‚ka, zignoruj wiadomość i <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">użyj innego adresu e-mail</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Przepraszamy, ale serwer jest bardzo przeciążony!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Przepraszamy bardzo, wystÄ…piÅ‚ bÅ‚Ä…d!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "OdÅ›wież stronÄ™ i spróbuj jeszcze raz." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Zamknij to okno i spróbuj jeszcze raz." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Zobacz wiÄ™cej informacji" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Witryna wymaga zalogowania za pomocÄ…" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "resetuj hasÅ‚o" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* nie jest prawidÅ‚owym adresem e-mail!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Aby kontynuować, zamknij okno i podaj prawidÅ‚owy adres e-mail." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "To nie ja…" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Użyj innego adresu e-mail" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Loguj siÄ™, używajÄ…c zawsze tego adresu e-mail" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Adres e-mail zostaÅ‚ zweryfikowany!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "Twoja tożsamość zostaÅ‚a zweryfikowana przez twojego dostawcÄ™ usÅ‚ugi pocztowej. Spróbujemy teraz ciÄ™ zalogować." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Aby sprawdzić, czy ten adres e-mail należy do ciebie, musisz siÄ™ zalogować u swojego dostawcy usÅ‚ugi pocztowej. To okno zostanie przekierowane do" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "weryfikuj" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Sprawdź za poÅ›rednictwem dostarczyciela usÅ‚ugi pocztowej" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/pl/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/pl/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index a3308674ef6ee4123965399bc82f5583c9f4defd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/pl/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " 1.0", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-02 23:46+0100", - "Last-Translator": " Leszek Å»yczkowski <leszekz@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " pl <leszekz@gmail.com>", - "Language": " pl", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Zaloguj siÄ™ do %s za pomocÄ… BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Podczas potwierdzania twojego adresu wystÄ…piÅ‚ bÅ‚Ä…d. Czy wczeÅ›niej ten adres byÅ‚ zweryfikowany?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Podczas koÅ„czenia procesu rejestracji wystÄ…piÅ‚ bÅ‚Ä…d." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "ZakoÅ„cz rejestracjÄ™ do: " - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Weryfikacja adresu e-mail" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "Adres e-mail" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Twój adres e-mail" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Nowe hasÅ‚o" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Podaj hasÅ‚o" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "HasÅ‚o jest wymagane" - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "DÅ‚ugość hasÅ‚a musi zawierać siÄ™ w zakresie od 8 do 80 znaków." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Weryfikuj hasÅ‚o" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Powtórz hasÅ‚o" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Wymagana jest weryfikacja hasÅ‚a." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "HasÅ‚a sÄ… niezgodne." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "zakoÅ„cz" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">Twój adres</strong> zostaÅ‚ zweryfikowany!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Nowy adres zostaÅ‚ okreÅ›lony i rejestracja zostaÅ‚a dokonana. Możesz teraz zamknąć to okno i powrócić do" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Do dziaÅ‚ania BrowserID wymagane jest akceptowanie ciasteczek" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Zamknij to okno, <a %s>wÅ‚Ä…cz akceptowanie ciasteczek</a> i ponów próbÄ™" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "ÅÄ…czenie z serwerem" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Poczekaj chwilÄ™ na poÅ‚Ä…czenie z serwerem." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID jest szybkÄ… i bezpiecznÄ… metodÄ… logowania – <a %s>dowiedz siÄ™ wiÄ™cej</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "Strona BrowserID" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Jak to dziaÅ‚a?" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Twórcy" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Zaloguj siÄ™" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Wyloguj siÄ™" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Przez <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Prywatność" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Zasady" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Potrzebujesz pomocy?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "WystÄ…piÅ‚ problem z twoim odnoÅ›nikiem potwierdzajÄ…cym rejestracjÄ™. Czy ten adres e-mail byÅ‚ już zarejestrowany?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Nie można skontaktować siÄ™ z serwerem." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Ostatni etap!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "DziÄ™kujemy za zarejestrowanie siÄ™ w <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Teraz możesz używać swojego konta <strong>BrowserID</strong> do <em>logowania</em> i <em>wylogowywania</em> do wszystkich witryn w internecie!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "DziÄ™kujemy za dokonanie weryfikacji swojego adresu e-mail. Ta wiadomość jest wysyÅ‚ana do ciebie, aby zakoÅ„czyć proces logowania do %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "ZakoÅ„cz rejestracjÄ™, klikajÄ…c ten odnoÅ›nik:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "JeÅ›li nie próbowaÅ‚eÅ›/próbowaÅ‚aÅ› zarejestrować siÄ™ na tej witrynie, zignoruj tÄ™ wiadomość." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "DziÄ™kujÄ™." - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Lepsza metoda logowania)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/pt/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/pt/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 72bbf7c02ed988d7cb6b49f4c18b75c55bf71241..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/pt/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,225 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " ", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/pt/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/pt/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index ec790afc110aeb2d40b7f763ef307f58705b1312..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/pt/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,189 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " ", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "" - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/pt_BR/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/pt_BR/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index f9d8baba270c4b98fe7d0a1dc009461cca419e43..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/pt_BR/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,355 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-21 16:01+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Reuben <reuben.morais@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " pt_BR", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Habilite os cookies" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Falha na comunicação" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Conectando..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Em segundos você estará conectado a sua conta BrowserID." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Aguarde um momento enquanto o conectamos ao site." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Desculpe-nos, esta operação está demorando muito." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Essa mensagem desaparecerá quando a operação estiver concluÃda. Se estiver demorando demais, feche essa janela e tente novamente." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Acesse utilizando" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Novo endereço de e-mail" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Este campo precisa ser um endereço de e-mail." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "O campo de e-mail é necessário." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Nós já enviamos um e-mail para este endereço! Se você deseja que seja enviado outro, aguarde alguns minutos e tente novamente." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Este endereço já está adicionado a sua conta!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "adicionar" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "cancelar" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "E-mail" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Digite seu endereço de e-mail para entrar em <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Bem-vindo ao BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Este parece ser um novo e-mail, vamos te ajudar a configurá-lo." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Senha" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "esqueceu sua senha?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "O campo senha é necessário." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Este conta não pode ser acessada com este usuário e senha." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "próximo" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "verificar e-mail" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "entrar" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Não foi possÃvel verificar %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s é um endereço necessário, mas não foi possÃvel verificar se o mesmo pertence a você." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Confira seu e-mail!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Nós enviamos um e-mail de confirmação para <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Para completar seu cadastro clique no link de verificação que enviamos para seu e-mail." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Se foi um engano, ignore o email enviado e <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancele</a> a operação." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Se foi um engano, ignore o e-mail enviado e <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use outro</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Desculpe, o servidor está sobrecarregado!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Desculpe, houve um erro!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Recarregue esta página e tente novamente." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Feche essa janela e tente novamente." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Mais informações" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Este site solicitou que você conecte-se utilizando" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "criar uma nova senha" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* não é um e-mail válido!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Para continuar, por favor feche esta janela e digite um e-mail válido." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Este não sou eu..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Usar um e-mail diferente" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Sempre utilizar este e-mail para conectar" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Endereço verificado!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "Sua identidade foi confirmada pelo seu servidor de e-mail, vamos tentar conectar você agora." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Você precisa se conectar ao seu provedor de e-mail para verificar este endereço. Esta janela será redirecionada para" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "verificar" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Verifique com o seu provedor de e-mail" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"É preciso habilitar cookies em seu navegador para usar o BrowserID. Por \"#~ \"favor habilite esta função e tente novamente\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Você está desconectado!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "#~ \"Infelizmente o BrowserID não pode funcionar se você não está conectado à \"#~ \"Internet!\"" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "selecione o e-mail" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Desculpe-nos, mas não conseguimos conectar ao BrowserID sem uma conexão \"#~ \"com a Internet.\"" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Adicionando Endereço" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Adicionando um e-mail principal para o usuário" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Checando informações do endereço" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Cancelando conta do usuário" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Checando autenticação" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Checando a versão do script" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Concluindo o registro de usuário" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Checando se cookies estão habilidados" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Criando conta" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Checando o código de registro" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Checando seu endereço de e-mail" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Não foi possÃvel desconectar" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Autenticando com o Provedor de Identidades" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Tivemos um problema ao conectar com o seu provedor de e-mail. Por favor, \"#~ \"tente novamente!\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Conversando com o Provedor de Identidades" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Conversando com Provedor de Identidades desconhecido" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Infelizmente o e-mail inserido não pode ser utilizado como um \"#~ \"Identificador Primário de Identidade\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Não foi possÃvel concluir o cadastro." - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "Removendo o endereço de e-mail desta conta" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Criando uma senha" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Não foi possÃvel conectar" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Não foi possÃvel concluir o cadastro" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "Sincronizando endereços de e-mail" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Chaves de sincronização do endereço" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Recebendo informações do código de registro" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Atualizando senha" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "Verificando endereço de e-mail" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/pt_BR/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/pt_BR/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index e24c12367e13168ded6ba5f8500ae62d4d40b235..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/pt_BR/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-12 18:48+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Reuben <reuben.morais@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " pt_BR", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Conclua o acesso em %s usando o BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Erro encontrado ao tentar confirmar seu endereço. Você já verificou este endereço?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Erro encontrado ao concluir o cadastro." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Conclua o acesso a:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Verificação de e-mail" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "Endereço de e-mail" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Seu e-mail" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Nova senha" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Digite uma senha" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "A senha é necessária." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "A senha deve ter entre 8 e 80 caracteres." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Verifique a senha" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Repita a senha" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Verificação da senha é necessária." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "As senhas não coincidem." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "finalizar" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">Seu endereço</strong> foi verificado!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Seu novo endereço está configurado e você está conectado. Agora você pode fechar esta janela e voltar para" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Habilite cookies para usar o BrowserID" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Por favor, feche esta janela, <a %s>habilite os cookies</a> e tente novamente" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Comunicando com o servidor" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Aguarde um momento enquanto conversamos com o servidor." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID é o modo mais rápido e seguro de se conectar a — <a %s>aprenda mais</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "Home" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Como funciona" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Desenvolvedores" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Entrar" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Sair" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "By <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Privacidade" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Termos de Serviço" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Precisa de ajuda?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Houve um problema com seu link de cadastro. Esse e-mail já está cadastrado?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Erro ao comunicar com o servidor." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Último passo!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Obrigado por se cadastrar no <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Você agora pode usar a sua conta <strong>BrowserID</strong> para <em>Entrar</em> ou <em>Registrar-se</em> em websites por toda a rede!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Obrigado por verificar seu endereço de e-mail. Esta mensagem está sendo enviada a você para concluir o acesso em %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Conclua o cadastro clicando neste link:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Se você NÃO está tentando se cadastrar neste site, apenas ignore este e-mail." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Obrigado," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Um modo melhor de logar-se)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/rm/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/rm/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 30ea508bf4e4bcbff01bc6185bc064f2836a76de..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/rm/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,351 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-27 23:38+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Gion-Andri <gion-andri@gmx.ch>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " rm", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1) ;", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Perstgisa, ma BrowserID utilisescha cookies" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Errur da communicaziun" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Terminar da s'annunziar" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "En curt mument vegns ti ad esser s'annunzià tar BrowserID." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Spetga in per secundas enfin nus t'annunziain tar la pagina." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Perstgisa, questa dumonda dura FITG ditg." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Quest messadi sparescha sche la dumonda è cumplettada (speranza prest). Sche ti spetgas gia memia ditg, serra la fanestra ed emprova danovamain." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "S'annunziar cun" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Nova adressa dad e-mail" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Quest champ sto esser ina adressa dad e-mail." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Il champ dad e-mail è necessari." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Nus avain gist tramess in e-mail a questa adressa. Sche ti vuls propi trametter anc in, spetga ina minuta u duas ed emprova danovamain." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Questa adressa è gia agiuntada a tes conto!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "agiuntar" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "interrumper" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "E-mail" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Endatescha tia adressa dad e-mail per s'annunziar tar <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Bainvegni tar BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Questa adressa dad e-mail para nova, lain registrar ella." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Pled-clav" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "Emblidà il pled-clav?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Il champ da pled-clav è necessari." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Ti na pos betg t'annunziar tar quest conto cun quest num d'utilisader e quest pled-clav." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "enavant" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "verifitgar l'adressa dad e-mail" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "s'annunziar" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Impussibel da verifitgar %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s è ina adressa necessaria, ma nus na pudain betg verifitgar che ti possedas ella." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Legia tes e-mails!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Nus avain tramess in e-mail da confermaziun a <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Per terminar il process da registraziun, clicca simplamain sin la colliaziun che nus t'avain tramess per e-mail." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Sch'i sa tracta d'in sbagl, ignorescha l'e-mail tramess ed <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">interrumpa</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Sch'i sa tracta d'in sbagl, ignorescha l'e-mail tramess ed <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">utilisescha ina autra adressa d'e-mail</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Perstgisa, noss servers èn surchargiads!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Perstgisa, ma ina errur è capitada!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Per cuntinuar stos ti rechargiar la pagina ed empruvar danovamain." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Per cuntinuar, serra p.pl. la fanestra ed emprova danovamain." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Mussar dapli infurmaziuns" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "La pagina dumonda che ti t'annunzias cun" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "Redefinir il pled-clav" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* n'è betg ina adressa dad e-mail valida!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Per cuntinuar, serra p.pl. la fanestra ed endatescha ina adressa valida." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Quai na sun betg jau…" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Utilisar in'autra adressa dad e-mail" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Adina s'annunziar cun questa adressa dad e-mail" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Verifitgà l'adressa." - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "Tia identitad è vegnida verifitgada cun tes provider dad e-mail. Nus empruvain ussa dad annunziar tai." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Ti stos s'annunziar tar tes provider dad e-mail per verifitgar che ti possedas questa adressa. Questa fanestra vegn renviada a" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "Verifitgar" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Verifitgar cun il provider dad e-mails" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Per che BrowserID funcziunescha correctamain èsi necessari che cookies èn \"#~ \"activads en tes navigatur. Activescha p.pl. ils cookies ed emprova \"#~ \"danovamain.\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Ti es offline!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "#~ \"Deplorablamain na po BrowserID betg communitgar sche ti es en il modus \"#~ \"offline.\"" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "tscherner l'adressa dad e-mail" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Perstgisa, ma nus na pudain betg communitgar cun BrowserID durant che ti \"#~ \"es offline.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Autentifitgar l'utilisader" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Agiuntar ina adressa" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Agiuntar ina adressa dad e-mail principala a l'utilisader" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Controlla da las infurmaziuns d'adressa" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Il conto d'utilisader vegn allontanà " - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Controllar l'autentificaziun" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Controllar la versiun dal script" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Cumpletar la registraziun da l'utilisader" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Controllar sche cookies èn activads" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Crear in conto" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Controllar il token da registraziun" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Controllar l'adressa dad e-mail" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Errur cun partir" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Errur durant la registraziun" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Redefinir il pled-clav" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "Allontanar l'adressa dad e-mail dal conto" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Definir il pled-clav" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Errur cun s'annunziar" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Errur cun registrar" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Sincronisar l'adressa" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "Sincronisar las adressas dad e-mail" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Actualisar il pled-clav" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "Verifitgar l'adressa dad e-mail" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Interrumper" - ], - "#~ \"We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send \"#~ \"another, wait a minute or two and try again.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Nus avain gist tramess in e-mail a questa adressa. Sche ti vuls propi \"#~ \"trametter anc in, spetga ina minuta u duas ed emprova danovamain.\"" - ], - "translated text": [ - null, - "text translatà " - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/rm/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/rm/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 12534f67c0f6d59adeb45280dfbf808eaf15e39e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/rm/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-27 23:41+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Gion-Andri <gion-andri@gmx.ch>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " rm", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1) ;", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "S'annunziar tar %s cun BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Ina errur è cumparida durant confermar tia adressa. Has ti gia confermà pli baud questa adressa?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Ina errur è cumparida durant l'emprova da terminar la registraziun." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Terminar da s'annunziar tar: " - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Verificaziun da l'adressa dad e-mail" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "Adressa dad e-mail" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Tia adressa dad e-mail" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Nov pled-clav" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Endatescha in pled-clav" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Il pled-clav è necessari." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Il pled-clav sto cuntegnair tranter 8 ed 80 caracters." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Verifitgar il pled-clav" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Repeter il pled-clav" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "La verificaziun dal pled-clav è necessaria." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Ils pleds-clav na correspundan betg." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "Terminar" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">Tia adressa</strong> è vegnida verifitgada!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Tia nova adressa è registrada e ti duessas ussa esser t'annunzià . Ti pos ussa serrar questa fanestra e returnar a " - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Partenza da BrowserID" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Communitgar cun il server" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Be in mument durant che nus communitgain cun il server." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID è la via sperta e segira per s'annunziar — <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/about\">ulteriuras infurmaziuns</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "Partenza da BrowserID" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Co ch'i funcziunescha" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Sviluppaders" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "S'annunziar" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Partir" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Dal <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Identity Team</a> @ <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Sfera privata" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Cundiziuns d'utilisaziun" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Dovras agid?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Ina errur è cumparida cun tes link da s'annunziar. È questa adressa gia vegnida registrada?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Errur durant communitgar cun il server." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Ultim pass!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Grazia per sa registrar tar <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Ti pos ussa utilisar tes conto da <strong>BrowserID</strong> per <em>s'annunziar</em> u <em>ta registrar</em> tar websites en l'entir internet!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Grazia per verifitgar tia adressa dad e-mail. Quest messadi ta vegn tramess per cumplettar tia annunzia tar %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Terminescha la registraziun cun suandar a questa colliaziun:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Sche ti n'emprovas BETG da s'annunziar tar questa pagina, ignorescha simplamain quest e-mail." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Grazia," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Ina meglra via per s'annunziar)" - ], - "Browser ID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/ro/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/ro/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 7fbd1f6f02acca6c3f56b9b442b22fc22759267f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/ro/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,311 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " browserid.org", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-02 07:26-0800", - "Last-Translator": " Alexandru Szasz <alexxed@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " Romanian <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " ro", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "X-Generator": " Narro 2.0 on http://tradu.softwareliber.ro", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100 > 0 && n%100 < 20)) ? 1 : 2;" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Ne pare rău, BrowserID are nevoie de cookie-uri" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Se finalizează procesul de autentificare..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "AutentificaÈ›i-vă folosind" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Adresă nouă de email" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Acest câmp trebuie să fie o adresă de email." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Adresa de email este necesară." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Adresa este deja adăugată la contul dumneavoastră!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "adaugă" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "anulează" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "Email" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "IntroduceÈ›i adresa dumneavoastră de email pentru a vă autentifica pe <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Bun venit la BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Adresa de email pare nouă, aÈ™a că haideÈ›i să continuăm." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Parolă" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "aÈ›i uitat parola?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Parola este necesară." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Nu puteÈ›i intra în cont cu utilizatorul È™i parola aceasta." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "înainte" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "verificare email" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "autentificare" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "VerificaÈ›i-vă emailul!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "V-am trimis un email de confirmare la <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Pentru a finaliza autentificarea cu un singur clic, verificaÈ›i legătura pe care v-am trimis-o pe adresa de email." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Pentru a continua, vă rugăm închideÈ›i fereastra È™i introduceÈ›i o adresă validă de email." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Saitul a cerut să vă autentificaÈ›i folosind" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "Resetează parola" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* nu este o adresă validă de email!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Pentru a continua, vă rugăm închideÈ›i fereastra È™i introduceÈ›i o adresă validă de email." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Nu sunt eu..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "FolosiÈ›i o adresă diferită de email" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "AutentificaÈ›i-vă folosind întotdeauna această adresă" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "Verificare" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Verificare cu furnizorul de email" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "SunteÈ›i deconectat!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "#~ \"Din păcate, BrowserID nu poate comunica când sunteÈ›i deconectat de la \"#~ \"internet!\"" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "alegere email" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Ne pare rău, dar nu putem comunica cu BrowserID în timp ce sunteÈ›i \"#~ \"deconectat de la internet.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Autentificare utilizator" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Adăugare adresă" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Se adaugă adresa principală de email pentru utilizator" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Se verifică informaÈ›ii despre adresă" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Autentificare cu aserÈ›iune" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Anulare cont de utilizator" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Se verifică autentificarea" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Se verifică versiunea scriptului" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Se finalizează înregistrarea utilizatorului" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Se verifică dacă cookie-urile sunt activate" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Se creează contul" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Se obÈ›ine aserÈ›iunea" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Se verifică adresa de email" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Deconectare eÈ™uată" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Anulează" - ], - "#~ \"We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send \"#~ \"another, wait a minute or two and try again.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Tocmai v-am trimis un email la această adresă! Dacă chiar doriÈ›i să vă \"#~ \"trimitem altul, aÈ™teptaÈ›i un minut sau două È™i încercaÈ›i din nou.\"" - ], - "translated text": [ - null, - "text tradus" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/ro/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/ro/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 82f86a1bab236c16a4beccbd0482dedfe44775fa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/ro/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " browserid.org", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-02 07:26-0800", - "Last-Translator": " Alexandru Szasz <alexxed@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " Romanian <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " ro", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "X-Generator": " Narro 2.0 on http://tradu.softwareliber.ro", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100 > 0 && n%100 < 20)) ? 1 : 2;" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Continuă autentificarea pe %s folosind BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "A intervenit o eroare în timp ce se încerca confirmarea adresei dumneavoastră. AÈ›i verificat în trecut această adresă?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "A intervenit o eroare în timp ce se încerca finalizarea înregistrării." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Se încheie procesul de autentificare pe: " - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Verificare email" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "Adresă de mail" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Adresa dumneavoastră de email" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Parolă nouă" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "IntroduceÈ›i o parolă" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Este necesară parola." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Parola trebuie să aibă o lungime între 8 È™i 80 de caractere." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Verificare parolă" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "RescrieÈ›i parola" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Verificarea parolei e necesară." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Parolele nu se potrivesc." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "Finalizează" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">Adresa dumneavoastră</strong> a fost verificată!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Noua dumneavoastră adresa e setată È™i acum ar trebui să fiÈ›i autentificat(ă). PuteÈ›i să închideÈ›i această fereastră È™i să vă întoarceÈ›i la" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID - pagina de start" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Comunicare cu serverul" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "AÈ™teptaÈ›i un moment în timp ce comunicăm cu serverul." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID este un mod rapid È™i sigur de autentificare — <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/about\">aflaÈ›i mai multe</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "BrowserID - pagina de start" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Cum funcÈ›ionează" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Dezvoltatori" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Autentificare" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "IeÈ™ire" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "ConfidenÈ›ialitate" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Termeni de utilizare a serviciului" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "A intervenit o problemă cu legătura de înregistrare. S-ar putea ca adresa aceasta să mai fi fost înregistrată." - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Eroare la comunicarea cu serverul." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Ultimul pas!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "FinalizaÈ›i înregistrarea cu un clic pe această legătură:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Dacă NU aÈ›i încercat să vă autentificaÈ›i pe acest sait, ignoraÈ›i acest email." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Vă mulÈ›umim," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Un mod mai bun de autentificare)" - ], - "Browser ID": [ - null, - "Browser ID" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/ru/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/ru/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 37d0077757d16f4e0f131b4a27e0ef0a6199a1e5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/ru/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,403 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-03 20:10+0300", - "Last-Translator": " Alexander Slovesnik <unghost@mozilla-russia.org>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " ru", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Ð”Ð»Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð±Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ‹ BrowserID требуютÑÑ ÐºÑƒÐºÐ¸" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "ПожалуйÑта, закройте Ñто окно, <a %s>включите куки</a> и попробуйте Ñнова" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Ошибка ÑвÑзи" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Закончить вход..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Ð’Ñего через мгновение вы войдёте в BrowserID." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Подождите неÑколько Ñекунд, пока мы будем региÑтрировать Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð½Ð° Ñайте." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Извините, но Ñтот Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð¸Ñходит СЛИШКОМ долго." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Ðто Ñообщение пропадёт, как только завершитÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ (надеемÑÑ Ñкоро). ЕÑли ожидание затÑнетÑÑ, закройте Ñто окно и попробуйте Ñнова." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Войти, иÑпользуÑ" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Ðовый Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñл. почты" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Ðто поле должно быть адреÑом Ñл. почты." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Заполните поле адреÑа Ñл. почты." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Мы только что поÑлали пиÑьмо на Ñтот адреÑ! ЕÑли вы дейÑтвительно хотите поÑлать ещё одно, подождите минуту или две и попробуйте Ñнова." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Ðтот Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ ÑƒÐ¶Ðµ добавлен в вашу учётную запиÑÑŒ!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "добавить" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "отмена" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "ÐÐ´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñл. почты" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Введите ваш Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñл. почты, чтобы войти на <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Добро пожаловать в BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Ðтот Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñл. почты выглÑдит новым, так что давайте вам его наÑтроим." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Пароль" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "забыли Ñвой пароль?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Заполните поле паролÑ." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Ð’ Ñту учётную запиÑÑŒ Ð½ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ·Ñ Ð²Ð¾Ð¹Ñ‚Ð¸ Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ логина и паролÑ." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "Ðажав %s, вы подтверждаете, что вы принимаете <a %s>УÑÐ»Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ÑпользованиÑ</a> и <a %s>Политику приватноÑти</a> Ñтого Ñайта." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "далее" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "подтвердить Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñл. почты" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "войти" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Ðе удалоÑÑŒ подтвердить %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s ÑвлÑетÑÑ Ð½ÐµÐ¾Ð±Ñ…Ð¾Ð´Ð¸Ð¼Ñ‹Ð¼ адреÑом, но мы не можем подтвердить, что вы владеете Ñтим адреÑом." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Проверьте вашу Ñл. почту!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Мы поÑлали пиÑьмо Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñ‚Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¶Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð° <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ñ…Ð¾Ð´Ð° проÑто нажмите на ÑÑылку Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñ‚Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¶Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ, поÑланную на ваш Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñл. почты." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "ЕÑли Ñто ошибка, проÑто проигнорируйте отправленное пиÑьмо и <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">иÑпользуйте другой Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñл. почты</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "ЕÑли Ñто ошибка, проÑто проигнорируйте отправленное пиÑьмо и <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">иÑпользуйте другой Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñл. почты</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Ðам очень жаль, но Ñервер Ñильно перегружен!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Ðам очень жаль, но произошла ошибка!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "ПожалуйÑта, обновите Ñту Ñтраницу и попробуйте Ñнова. " - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "ПожалуйÑта, закройте Ñто окно и попробуйте Ñнова. " - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Подробнее" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Сайт попроÑил, чтобы вы вошли, иÑпользуÑ" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "ÑброÑить пароль" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* не ÑвлÑетÑÑ ÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ñ€ÐµÐºÑ‚Ð½Ñ‹Ð¼ адреÑом Ñл. почты!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Чтобы продолжить, пожалуйÑта закройте окно и введите корректный адреÑ." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Ðто не Ñ..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "ИÑпользовать другой Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñл. почты" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Ð’Ñегда входить, иÑÐ¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·ÑƒÑ Ñтот Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñл. почты" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "ÐÐ´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñ‚Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¶Ð´Ñ‘Ð½!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "Ваша личноÑÑ‚ÑŒ была удоÑтоверена вашим провайдером Ñл. почты, теперь мы попытаемÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ€ÐµÐ³Ð¸Ñтрировать." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñ‚Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¶Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð»Ð°Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñтим адреÑом вы должны войти Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ вашего провайдера Ñл. почты. Ðто окно будет перенаправлено на" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "подтвердить" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Подтвердить Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð¹Ð´ÐµÑ€Ð¾Ð¼ Ñл. почты" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Ð”Ð»Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð±Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ‹ BrowserID необходимо, чтобы в вашем браузере были включены \"#~ \"куки. ПожалуйÑта, включите в вашем браузере куки и попробуйте Ñнова\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Ð’Ñ‹ не подключены к Ñети!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "#~ \"К Ñожалению, BrowserID не может уÑтановить ÑвÑзь без Ð¿Ð¾Ð´ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ðº Ñети!\"" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "выбрать Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñл. почты" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Извините, но мы не можем ÑвÑзатьÑÑ Ñ BrowserID, еÑли вы не подключены к \"#~ \"Ñети.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "ÐÑƒÑ‚ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Добавление адреÑа" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Добавление первичного адреÑа Ñл. почты Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ»Ñ" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Проверка информации об адреÑе" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "ÐÑƒÑ‚ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ утверждениÑ" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Отмена учётной запиÑи пользователÑ" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Проверка аутентификации" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Проверка верÑии Ñкрипта" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Завершение региÑтрации пользователÑ" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Проверка, включены ли куки" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Создание учётной запиÑи" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Получение утверждениÑ" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Проверка токена региÑтрации" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Проверка адреÑа Ñл. почты" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Проверка, аутентифицирован ли пользователь Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ IdP" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Выход не удалÑÑ" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "ÐÑƒÑ‚ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ„Ð¸ÐºÐ°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð¹Ð´ÐµÑ€Ð¾Ð¼ идентификации" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"При попытке ÑвÑзи Ñ Ð²Ð°ÑˆÐ¸Ð¼ провайдером Ñл. почты возникли проблемы, \"#~ \"пожалуйÑта попробуйте ещё раз!\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Ð˜Ð½Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ð°Ð»Ð¸Ð·Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ провайдера аутентификации" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Ð˜Ð½Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ð°Ð»Ð¸Ð·Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ неподдерживаемого провайдера аутентификации" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"К Ñожалению, предоÑтавленный Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñл. почты не может выÑтупать в роли \"#~ \"Первичного Провайдера Идентификации\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "РегиÑÑ‚Ñ€Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ðµ удалаÑÑŒ" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "УÑтановка релеÑ" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "Ðе удалоÑÑŒ найти фрейм релеÑ" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Ð¡Ð±Ñ€Ð¾Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "Удалить Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñл. почты из учётной запиÑи" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "УÑтановка паролÑ" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Вход не удалÑÑ" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Заведение не удалоÑÑŒ" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Ð¡Ð¸Ð½Ñ…Ñ€Ð¾Ð½Ð¸Ð·Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑа" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "Ð¡Ð¸Ð½Ñ…Ñ€Ð¾Ð½Ð¸Ð·Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑов Ñл. почты" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Ð¡Ð¸Ð½Ñ…Ñ€Ð¾Ð½Ð¸Ð·Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ñ ÐºÐ»ÑŽÑ‡ÐµÐ¹ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑа" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Получение информации о токене" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Обновление паролÑ" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "Проверка адреÑа Ñл. почты" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Отмена" - ], - "#~ \"We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send \"#~ \"another, wait a minute or two and try again.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Мы только что поÑлали пиÑьмо на Ñтот адреÑ! ЕÑли вы дейÑтвительно хотите \"#~ \"поÑлать ещё одно, подождите минуту или две и попробуйте Ñнова.\"" - ], - "#~ \"To verify that you own <strong id='primary_email'>%s</strong>, you must \"#~ \"sign in with your provider. This window will be redirected to\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Чтобы проверить, что вы владеете <strong id='primary_email'>%s</strong>, \"#~ \"вы должны войти Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ вашего провайдера. Ðто окно будет \"#~ \"перенаправлено на\"" - ], - "translated text": [ - null, - "переведённый текÑÑ‚" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/ru/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/ru/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e2ba815536c3f9005ac882f2b915b623667902e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/ru/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,194 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-03 20:18+0300", - "Last-Translator": " Alexander Slovesnik <unghost@mozilla-russia.org>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " ru", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "X-Generator": " Translate Toolkit 1.9.0" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Завершите вход на %s Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¾Ñ‰ÑŒÑŽ BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "При попытке Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñ‚Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¶Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð°ÑˆÐµÐ³Ð¾ адреÑа произошла ошибка. Ранее вы подтверждали Ñтот адреÑ?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "При попытке Ð·Ð°Ð²ÐµÑ€ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñ€ÐµÐ³Ð¸Ñтрации произошла ошибка." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Завершите вход в:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Подтверждение адреÑа Ñл. почты" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "ÐÐ´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñл. почты" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Ваш Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ñл. почты" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Ðовый пароль" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Введите пароль" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "ТребуетÑÑ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»ÑŒ." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Длина Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶Ð½Ð° быть от 8 до 80 Ñимволов." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Подтвердите пароль" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Повторите пароль" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "ТребуетÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ñ‚Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð¶Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ðµ паролÑ." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Пароли не Ñовпадают." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "закончить" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">Ваш адреÑ</strong> был подтвержден!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Ваш новый Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ Ð½Ð°Ñтроен и вы ÑÐµÐ¹Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¶Ð½Ñ‹ быть зарегиÑтрированы. Теперь вы можете закрыть Ñто окно и вернутьÑÑ Ð²" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Ð”Ð»Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ð±Ð¾Ñ‚Ñ‹ BrowserID требуютÑÑ ÐºÑƒÐºÐ¸" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "ПожалуйÑта, закройте Ñто окно, <a %s>включите куки</a> и попробуйте Ñнова" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Соединение Ñ Ñервером" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Подождите чуть-чуть, пока мы поговорим Ñ Ñервером." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID — Ñто быÑтрый и безопаÑный ÑпоÑоб региÑтрации — <a %s>подробнее</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "ДомашнÑÑ Ñтраница BrowserID" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Как Ñто работает" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Разработчики" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Войти" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Выйти" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "От <a %s>Identity Team</a> из <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "ПриватноÑÑ‚ÑŒ" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "TOS" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Ðужна помощь?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "С вашей ÑÑылкой Ð´Ð»Ñ Ñ€ÐµÐ³Ð¸Ñтрации возникли проблемы. Ðтот Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑ ÑƒÐ¶Ðµ был зарегиÑтрирован?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Ошибка при попытке ÑÐ¾ÐµÐ´Ð¸Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ñервером." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "ПоÑледний шаг!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "СпаÑибо за то, что начали иÑпользовать <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Теперь вы можете иÑпользовать вашу учётную запиÑÑŒ <strong>BrowserID</strong> Ð´Ð»Ñ <em>РегиÑтрации</em> или <em>Входа</em> на веб-Ñайты по вÑему миру!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "СпаÑибо за подтверждение вашего адреÑа Ñл. почты. Ðто Ñообщение было поÑлано вам, чтобы вы Ñмогли завершить региÑтрацию на %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Завершите региÑтрацию, нажав на Ñту ÑÑылку:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "ЕÑли вы ÐЕ пытаетеÑÑŒ войти на Ñтот Ñайт, проÑто проигнорируйте Ñто пиÑьмо." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "СпаÑибо," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Лучший ÑпоÑоб региÑтрации)" - ], - "Browser ID": [ - null, - "Browser ID" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/sk/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/sk/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 7402e51e69537e2e197d3defe061f0e39cb3412d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/sk/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,391 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-10 21:38+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Branislav <sektormaster@atlas.sk>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " sk", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID vyžaduje cookies" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Zatvorte okno, <a %s>povoľte cookies</a> a skúste to znova." - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Chyba pri komunikáciÃ" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Prebieha dokonÄovanie prihlasovania" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Za chvÃľku budete prihlásený k BrowserID." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "PoÄkajte prosÃm pár sekúnd, prebieha prihlásenie do siete." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Ospravedlňujeme sa, táto požiadavka Äaká už moc DLHO." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Táto správa zmizne okamžite, ako bude požiadavka ukonÄená (dúfame že skoro). Ak Äakáte moc dlho, zavrite toto okno a skúste to znova." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Prihlásenie pomocou" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Nová e-mailová adresa" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Táto položka musà obsahovaÅ¥ e-mailovú adresu." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "E-mail je vyžadovaná položka." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Práve sme na vaÅ¡u adresu odoslali e-mail! Ak naozaj chcete odoslaÅ¥ ÄalÅ¡Ã, poÄkajte jednu alebo dve minúty a skúste to znova." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Táto adresa už bola k vášmu úÄtu pridelená!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "pridaÅ¥" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "zruÅ¡iÅ¥" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "E-mail" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Zadajte svoju e-mailovú adresu a prihláste sa k <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "VÃta vás BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "E-mail vyzerá byÅ¥ nový. Vykonajte jeho nastavenie." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Heslo" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "zabudli ste heslo?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Položka s heslom je povinná." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "K úÄtu sa nemôžete prihlásiÅ¥ s týmto použÃvateľským menom a heslom." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "KliknutÃm na %s potvrdzujete, že súhlasÃte s <a %s>pravidlami použÃvania</a> a <a %s>zásadami pre súkromie</a> na webe." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "Äalej" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "overenie e-mailu" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "prihlásenie" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Nemožno overiÅ¥ %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s je požadovaná adresa, ale nemôžeme overiÅ¥ Äi je to naozaj vaÅ¡a adresa." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Skontrolujte si svoj e-mail" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Poslali sme vám overovacà e-mail na adresu <strong>%s</strong>." - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Pre dokonÄenie overovania jednoducho kliknite na odkaz, ktorý sme zaslali na vaÅ¡u e-mailovú adresu." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Ak je to omyl, jednoducho zaslaný e-mail ignorujte a <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">zruÅ¡te ho</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Ak je to omyl, jednoducho zaslaný e-mail ignorujte a <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">použite inú e-mailovou adresu</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Ospravedlňujeme sa, ale server je momentálne preÅ¥ažený!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Ospravedlňujeme sa, ale nastala chyba!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Obnovte túto stránku a skúste to znova." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Zatvorte prosÃm okno a skúste to znova." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "ZobraziÅ¥ viac informáciÃ" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Stránka, ku ktorej sa chcete prihlásiÅ¥ použÃva" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "obnovenie hesla" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* nie je platnou e-mailovou adresou!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Pre pokraÄovanie prosÃm zatvorte okno a zadajte platnú e-mailovú adresu." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Toto nie som ja..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "PoužiÅ¥ iný e-mail" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Vždy sa prihlasovaÅ¥ pomocou tohto e-mailu" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Adresa bola overená!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "VaÅ¡e identita bola overená pomocou poskytovateľa poÅ¡ty. Teraz vás skúsime prihlásiÅ¥." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Teraz musÃme skontrolovaÅ¥, Äi je vybraná e-mailová adresa naozaj vaÅ¡a. Toto okno bude presmerované na" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "overenie" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Overenie pomocou poskytovateľa poÅ¡ty" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Pre správne fungovanie BrowserID je nutné maÅ¥ v prehliadaÄi povolené \"#~ \"cookies. Povoľte prosÃm vo vaÅ¡om prehliadaÄi cookies a skúste to znova\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Teraz ste offline!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "BrowserID nemôže komunikovaÅ¥, ak ste offline!" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "výber e-mailu" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Ospravedlňujeme sa, ale BrowserID nemôže komunikovaÅ¥, ak ste v režime \"#~ \"offline. \"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Overenie použÃvateľa" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Pridávanie adresy" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Pridávanie primárnej e-mailovej adresy k použÃvateľovi" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Kontrola informácià o adrese" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Overovanie s potvrdenÃm" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "RuÅ¡enie použÃvateľského úÄtu" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Kontrola overenia" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Kontrola verzie skriptu" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "DokonÄovanie registrácie použÃvateľa" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Kontrola, Äi sú v povolené cookies" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Vytváranie úÄtu" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "ZÃskanie potvrdenia" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Kontrola registraÄného tokenu" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Kontrola e-mailovej adresy" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Kontrola, Äi je použÃvateľ overený pomocou IdP" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Odhlásenie zlyhalo" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Overenie pomocou poskytovateľa identity" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Nastal problém pri komunikácià s poskytovateľom vaÅ¡ej poÅ¡ty. Vyskúšajte \"#~ \"to prosÃm znovu!\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Zavedenie poskytovateľa identity" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Zavedenie nepodporovaného poskytovateľa identity" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Zadaná e-mailová adresa nemôže bohužiaľ slúžiÅ¥ ako primárny poskytovateľ \"#~ \"identity\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Registrácia zlyhala" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "Zahájenie prenosu" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "Rámec prenosu sa nepodarilo nájsÅ¥" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Obnova hesla" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "Odstránenie e-mailovej adresy z úÄtu" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Nastavenie hesla" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Prihlásenie zlyhalo" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Odhlásenie zlyhalo" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Synchronizácia adresy" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "Synchronizácia e-mailových adries" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Synchronizácia kľúÄov adresy" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "ZÃskanie informácie o tokene" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Aktualizácia hesla" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "Overenie e-mailovej adresy" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "ZruÅ¡iÅ¥" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/sk/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/sk/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 7fbadb79265a5d35a01822a4d0eb4a9593b3948f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/sk/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-10 23:35+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Branislav <sektormaster@atlas.sk>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " sk", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "DokonÄenie prihlásenia k %s pomocou BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Pri pokuse o dokonÄenie registrácie nastala chyba. Neoverovali ste túto adresu už niekedy?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Pri pokuse o dokonÄenie registrácie nastala chyba." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "DokonÄenie prihlásenia k:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Overenie e-mailovej adresy" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "E-mailová adresa" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Váš e-mail" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Nové heslo" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Zadajte heslo" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Heslo je požadované." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Dĺžka hesla musà byÅ¥ v rozsahu 8 až 80 znakov." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Overenie hesla" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Znovu heslo" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Overenie hesla je vyžadované." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Heslá sa nezhodujú." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "dokonÄiÅ¥" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">VaÅ¡a adresa</strong> bola overená!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Nová adresa je nastavená a vy sa teraz môžete prihlásiÅ¥. Môžete toto okno zavrieÅ¥ a prejsÅ¥ späť na" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID vyžaduje cookies" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Zatvorte prosÃm toto okno, <a %s>povoľte cookies</a> a skúste to znova." - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Prebieha komunikácia so serverom" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "PoÄkajte chvÃľku. Prebieha komunikácia so serverom." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID je rýchly a bezpeÄný spôsob prihlasovania — <a %s>zÃskaÅ¥ viac informáciÃ</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "Domovská stránka BrowserID" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Ako to funguje" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Vývojári" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Prihlásenie" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Odhlásenie" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Od <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Zásady ochrany súkromia" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "TOS" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Potrebujete pomoc? " - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Problém s prihlasovacÃm odkazom. Nebola táto adresa už zaregistrovaná?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Chyba pri komunikácià so serverom." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Posledný krok!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "ÄŽakujeme za prihlásenie k <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Teraz môžete použiÅ¥ svoj úÄet <strong>BrowserID</strong> k <em>Prihláseniu</em> alebo <em>Odhláseniu</em> na webových stránkach po celom svete!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "ÄŽakujeme za overenie vaÅ¡ej e-mailovej adresy. Táto správa je vám zaslaná z dôvodu dokonÄenia prihlásenia k %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Pre dokonÄenie registrácie kliknite na nasledujúci odkaz:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Ak ste sa nepokúšali prihlásiÅ¥ na uvedenú stránku, jednoducho tento e-mail ignorujte." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "ÄŽakujeme," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(LepÅ¡Ã spôsob prihlasovania)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/sl/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/sl/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index f5fe0b6dd7fd4ea1d1cd88d4def2c27babd65fd3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/sl/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,403 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-02 16:58+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Matjaž <m@owca.info>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " sl", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID potrebuje piÅ¡kote" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Prosimo vas, da zaprete okno, <a %s>omogoÄite piÅ¡kote</a> in poskusite znova" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Napaka pri pogovoru" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "DokonÄevanje prijave..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "ÄŒez nekaj trenutkov boste prijavljeni v BrowserID." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "PoÄakajte nekaj trenutkov, da se prijava na stran konÄa." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "OpraviÄujemo se, da zahteva traja TAKOOO dolgo." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "To sporoÄilo bo odstranjeno, ko se bo zahteva konÄala (upajmo, da kmalu). ÄŒe Äakate predolgo, zaprite okno in poskusite znova." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Prijava" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Nov e-poÅ¡tni naslov" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "V to polje morate vnesti e-poÅ¡tni naslov." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Polje z e-poÅ¡to je obvezno." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Pravkar smo poslali e-poÅ¡tno sporoÄilo na ta naslov! ÄŒe res želite poslati Å¡e enega, poÄakajte minuto ali dve in poskusite znova." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Ta naslov je že bil dodan v vaÅ¡ raÄun!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "dodaj" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "prekliÄi" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "E-poÅ¡ta" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Vnesite vaÅ¡ e-poÅ¡tni naslov za prijavo na <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Pozdravljeni v BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Ta e-poÅ¡tni naslov je nov, zato ga moramo najprej nastaviti." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Geslo" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "ste pozabili geslo?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Polje z geslom je obvezno." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "RaÄuna s tem uporabniÅ¡kim imenom in geslom ni mogoÄe prijaviti." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "S klikom na %s boste potrdili, da sprejemate <a %s>pogoje uporabe</a> in <a %s>politiko zasebnosti</a>." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "naprej" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "potrdi naslov" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "prijava" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Ni mogoÄe potrditi %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s je zahtevan naslov, vendar ni mogoÄe preveriti, ali si ga res lastite." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Preverite e-poÅ¡to!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Poslali smo vam potrditveno e-poÅ¡tno sporoÄilo na <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Za potrditev prijave kliknite na povezavo, ki smo vam jo poslali na vaÅ¡ e-poÅ¡tni naslov." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "ÄŒe gre za napako, prezrite poslano sporoÄilo in ga <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">prekliÄite</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "ÄŒe gre za napako, prezrite poslano sporoÄilo in <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">uporabite drug e-poÅ¡tni naslov</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "OpraviÄujemo se, toda strežnik je pod veliko obremenitvijo!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "OpraviÄujemo se, toda priÅ¡lo je do napake!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Ponovno naložite stran in poskusite znova." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Za ponovni poskus boste morali zapreti to okno." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "VeÄ o tem" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Stran zahteva, da se prijavite kot" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "ponastavi geslo" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* ni veljaven e-poÅ¡tni naslov!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Za nadaljevanje zaprite okno in vnesite veljaven naslov." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "To nisem jaz..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Uporabi drug e-poÅ¡tni naslov" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Vedno se prijavi s tem e-poÅ¡tnim naslovom" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Naslov potrjen!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "VaÅ¡a identiteta je bila potrjena pri vaÅ¡em ponudniku e-poÅ¡te. Zdaj vas bomo poskusili prijaviti." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Za potrditev lastniÅ¡tva tega naslova, se morate prijaviti pri svojem ponudniku. To okno bo preusmerjeno na" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "potrdi" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Potrdi s ponudnikom e-poÅ¡te" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"BrowserID za delovanje potrebuje piÅ¡kote vaÅ¡ega brskalnika. OmogoÄite \"#~ \"piÅ¡kote v vaÅ¡em brskalniku in poskusite znova\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Nimate povezave!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "BrowserID na žalost ne deluje, ko nimate povezave!" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "izberi naslov" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "OpraviÄujemo se, toda BrowserID ne deluje, ko nimate povezave." - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Preverjanje pristnosti uporabnika" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Dodajanje naslova" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Dodajanje glavnega e-poÅ¡tnega naslova uporabniku" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Preverjanje podatkov o naslovu" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Preverjanje pristnosti s trditvijo" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Preklic uporabniÅ¡kega raÄuna" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Preverjanje pristnosti" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Preverjanje razliÄice skripta" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "DokonÄevanje registracije uporabnika" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Preverjanje, ali so piÅ¡koti omogoÄeni" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Ustvarjanje raÄuna" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Pridobivanje trditve" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Preverjanje žetona za registracijo" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Preverjanje e-poÅ¡tnega naslova" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Preverjanje pristnosti uporabnika pri ponudniku identitete" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Odjava ni uspela" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Preverjanje pristnosti pri ponudniku identitete" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "Pogovor z vaÅ¡im ponudnikom e-poÅ¡te ni uspel. Poskusite znova!" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "OmogoÄanje uporabe pri ponudniku identitete" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "OmogoÄanje uporabe pri nepodprtem ponudniku identitete" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Žal navedeni e-poÅ¡tni naslov ne more služiti kot glavni ponudnik \"#~ \"identitete\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Registracija ni uspela" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "Vzpostavljanje posrednika" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "Bloka za posredovanje ni bilo mogoÄe najti" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Ponastavljanje gesla" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "Odstrani e-poÅ¡tni naslov iz raÄuna" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Nastavljanje gesla" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Prijava ni uspela" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Registracija ni uspela" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Usklajevanje naslova" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "Usklajevanje e-poÅ¡tnih naslovov" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Uskladi kljuÄe naslova" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Pridobivanje podatkov žetona" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Posodabljanje gesla" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "Potrjevanje e-poÅ¡tnega naslova" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "PrekliÄi" - ], - "#~ \"We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send \"#~ \"another, wait a minute or two and try again.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Pravkar smo poslali e-poÅ¡tno sporoÄilo na ta naslov! ÄŒe res želite \"#~ \"poslati Å¡e enega, poÄakajte minuto ali dve in poskusite znova.\"" - ], - "#~ \"To verify that you own <strong id='primary_email'>%s</strong>, you must \"#~ \"sign in with your provider. This window will be redirected to\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Za potrditev lastniÅ¡tva naslova <strong id='primary_email'>%s</strong>, \"#~ \"se morate prijaviti pri svojem ponudniku. To okno bo preusmerjeno na\"" - ], - "translated text": [ - null, - "prevedeno besedilo" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/sl/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/sl/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 24becd3ce22f421ff0f68d65421b65deb85f6a41..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/sl/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-02 16:55+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Matjaž <m@owca.info>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " sl", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Potrditev prijave z BrowserID na %s" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Pri potrjevanju vaÅ¡ega naslova je priÅ¡lo do napake. Ali ste že kdaj preverili ta naslov?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Med poskusom registracije je priÅ¡lo do napake." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "DokonÄevanje prijave na:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Potrditev e-poÅ¡te" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "E-poÅ¡tni naslov" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "VaÅ¡a e-poÅ¡ta" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Novo geslo" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Vnesite geslo" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Geslo je obvezno." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Geslo mora biti dolgo 8 do 80 znakov." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Potrditev gesla" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Ponovite geslo" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Potrditev gesla je obvezna." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Gesli se ne ujemata." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "konÄaj" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">VaÅ¡ naslov</strong> je potrjen!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "VaÅ¡ novi naslov je nastavljen in morali bi biti prijavljeni. Lahko zaprete to okno in se vrnete na" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID potrebuje piÅ¡kote" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Prosimo vas, da zaprete okno, <a %s>omogoÄite piÅ¡kote</a> in poskusite znova" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Pogovor s strežnikom" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "PoÄakajte trenutek, dokler poteka pogovor s strežnikom." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID omogoÄa hitro in varno prijavo — <a %s>veÄ o tem</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "DomaÄa stran BrowserID" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Kako deluje" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Razvijalci" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Prijava" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Odjava" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Avtorji: <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Zasebnost" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Pogoji" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Potrebujete pomoÄ?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "PriÅ¡lo je do napake pri vaÅ¡i povezavi za registracijo. Ali je bil ta naslov že kdaj registriran?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Napaka pri pogovoru s strežnikom." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Zadnji korak!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Hvala za registracijo z <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Odslej lahko uporabljate vaÅ¡ raÄun <strong>BrowserID</strong> za <em>prijavo</em> ali <em>registracijo</em> na spletne strani po celem spletu!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Hvala, da ste potrdili vaÅ¡ e-poÅ¡tni naslov. To sporoÄilo vam poÅ¡iljamo za dokonÄanje vaÅ¡e prijave na %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "KonÄajte registracijo s klikom na to povezavo:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "ÄŒe se NE želite prijaviti na to stran, prezrite to sporoÄilo." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Hvala," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Hitra in varna prijava)" - ], - "Browser ID": [ - null, - "Browser ID" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/son/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/son/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 36052c1fbef3607c2a90a1d1dec370fc3bad5eb3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/son/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,226 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " son", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "X-Generator": " Translate Toolkit 1.9.0" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/son/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/son/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 60b8ef8eb2be3e7e28aa449bd9301190611fa569..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/son/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE", - "Last-Translator": " FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " son", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "X-Generator": " Translate Toolkit 1.9.0" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "" - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/sq/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/sq/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index be08895c4ed3cb2363aaacad3d163278c97ead67..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/sq/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,383 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-23 02:26+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Besnik Bleta <besnik@programeshqip.org>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " sq", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Na ndjeni, BrowserID lyp \"cookies\"" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Gabim Ndërlidhjeje" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Po përfundohet Hyrja..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Do të jeni futur te BrowserID në çast." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Ju lutem prisni pak sekonda, ndërkohë që ju fusim te "site"-i." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Na ndjeni, kjo kërkesë po merr SHUUUUMË kohë." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Ky mesazh do të zhduket kur të plotësohet kërkesa (shpresojmë sa më shpejt). Nëse prisni shumë gjatë, mbylleni këtë dritare dhe riprovoni." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Hyni duke përdorur" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Adresë email e re" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Kjo fushë duhet plotësuar me një adresë email." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Fusha e email-it është e domosdoshme." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Sapo dërguam një email te ajo adresë! Nëse doni vërtet të dërgohet një tjetër, prisni një a dy minuta dhe riprovoni." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Ajo adresë është shtuar një herë te llogaria juaj!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "shtoni" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "anuloje" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "Email" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Jepni adresën tuaj email që të hyni te <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Mirë se vini te BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Ky email duket i ri, ndaj le t"ju shërbejmë." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Fjalëkalim" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "harruat fjalëkalimin tuaj?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Fusha e fjalëkalimit është e domosdoshme." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Te llogaria nuk hyhet dot me këtë emër përdoruesi dhe fjalëkalim." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "pasuesi" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "verifikoni email-in" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "hyni" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Nuk verifikohet dot %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s është adresë e domosdoshme, por nuk verifikojmë dot që jeni i zoti i kësaj adrese." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Kontrolloni email-in tuaj!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Ju dërguam një email ripohimi te <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Për të përfunduar hyrjen, thjesht klikoni lidhjen e verifikimit që ju dërguam te adresa juaj email." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Nëse bëhet fjalë për gabim, thjesht shpërfilleni email-ine dërguar dhe <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">anulojeni</a> krejt këtë." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Nëse bëhet fjalë për gabim, thjesht shpërfilleni email-ine dërguar dhe <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">përdorni një tjetër adresë email</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Na vjen shumë keq, shërbyesi gjendet nën ngarkesë të skajshme!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Na vjen shumë keq, pati një gabim!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Që të riprovoni, lypset të ringarkoni faqen dhe të riprovoni." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Që të riprovoni, lypset ta mbyllni këtë dritare dhe të riprovoni." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Shihni më tepër të dhëna" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Site-i kërkoi që të hyni duke përdorur" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "ricaktoni fjalëkalimin" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* nuk është adresë email e vlefshme!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Që të vazhdohet, ju lutem, mbylleni dritaren dhe jepni si adresë të vlefshme." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Ky nuk jam unë..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Përdorni një email tjetër" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Hyni gjithmonë duke përdorur këtë email" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Adresa u Verifikua!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "Identiteti juaj është verifikuar me mundësuesin tuaj të email-it , tani do të përpiqemi të bëjmë hyrjen tuaj." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Që të verifikohet pronësia e kësaj adrese, duhet të hyni me të dhënat nga mundësuesi juaj i email-i. Kjo dritare do t'ju ridrejtojë tek" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "verifikoje" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Verifikoje me Mundësuesin e Email-it" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"BrowserID lyp që "cookie"-t te shfletuesi juaj të jenë në \"#~ \"gjendje të funksionojnë. Ju lutem, aktivizoni "cookie"-t te \"#~ \"shfletuesi juaj dhe riprovoni\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Jeni \"offline\"!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "#~ \"Për fat të keq, BrowserID nuk mund të komunikojë po nuk qetë të lidhur!\"" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "përzgjidhni email" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Na ndjeni, por nuk mund të lidhemi me BrowserID sa kohë që nuk jeni i \"#~ \"lidhur.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Po Kryhet Mirëfilltësimi i Përdoruesit" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Po Shtohet Adresa" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Po Shtohet Te Përdoruesi Adresa Email Parësore" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Po Kontrollohen Të Dhëna Adrese" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Mirëfilltësim me Pohim" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Po Anulohet Llogaria e Përdoruesit" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Po Kontrollohet Mirëfilltësimi" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Po Kontrollohet Versioni i Programit" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Po Plotësohet Regjistrimi i Përdoruesit" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Po Kontrollohet Nëse Cookie-t Janë të Aktivizuara" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Po krijohet Llogaria" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Po Merret Pohimi" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Po Kontrollohet Token-i i Regjistrimit" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Po Kontrollohet Adresa Email" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Po Kontrollohet Nëse Përdoruesi është Mirëfilltësuar me IdP" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Dalja Dështoi" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Po Mirëfilltësohet me Mundësuesin e Identitetit" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Patëm probleme në komunikimin me mundësuesin tuaj të email-it, ju lutem, \"#~ \"riprovoni!\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Po bëhet me Mundësuesin e Identitetit" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Po bëhet nga Mundësues i Pambuluar Identiteti" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Për fat të keq, adresa email e dhënë nuk mund të funksionojë si Mundësues \"#~ \"Parësor Identiteti\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Regjistrimi Dështoi" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Po Ricaktohet Fjalëkalimi" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "Hiqe Adresën Email Prej Llogarisë" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Po Caktohet Fjalëkalimi" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Hyrja Dështoi" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Regjistrimi Dështoi" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Po Njëkohësohet Adresa" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "Po Njëkohësohen Adresat Email" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Njëkohëso Kyça për Adresën" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Po Merren të Dhëna Token-i" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Po përditësohet fjalëkalimi" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "Po verifikohet adresa email" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Anuloje" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/sq/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/sq/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index fd503c8ed335cfe0c5847dc06144a6776ae631a2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/sq/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-23 02:28+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Besnik <besnik@programeshqip.org>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " sq", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Plotësoni Hyrjen te %s duke përdorur BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "U has në një gabim ndërkohë që provohej të konfirmohej adresa juaj. E keni verifikuar më parë këtë adresë?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "U has në një gabim ndërkohë që provohej të plotësohej regjistrimi." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Përfundoni me hyrjen te:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Verifikim Email-i" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "Adresë Email" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Email-i Juaj" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Fjalëkalim i Ri" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Jepni një Fjalëkalim" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Fjalëkalimi është i domosdoshëm." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Fjalëkalimi duhet të jetë nga 8 deri në 80 shenja i gjatë." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Verifikoni Fjalëkalimin" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Rijepeni Fjalëkalimin" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Verifikimi i fjalëkalimit është i domosdoshëm." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Fjalëkalimet nuk përputhen." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "përfundoje" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">Adresa juaj</strong> është verifikuar!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Adresa juaj e re është rregulluar dhe do të duhej që tani të bënit hyrjen me të. Tani mund ta mbyllni këtë dritare dhe të ktheheni te" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Faqja Hyrëse e BrowserID-së" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Po komunikohet me shërbyesin" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Një sekondë, ndërkohë që po komunikojmë me shërbyesin." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID është një mënyrë e sigurt dhe e shpejtë për të hyrë në llogaritë tuaja në "site"-e — <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/about\">mësoni më tepër rretj tij</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "Faqja Hyrëse e BrowserID-së" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Si funksionon" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Zhvilluesë" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Hyni" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Dilni" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Nga <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Ekipi i Identitetit</a> @ <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Privatësi" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "TOS" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Ju Duhet Ndihmë?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Pati një problem me lidhjen tuaj të regjistrimit. Mos është e regjistruar një kjo adresë?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Gabim gjatë komunikimit me shërbyesin." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Hapi i fundit!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Faleminderit që u regjistruar për <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Tani mund të përdorni llogarinë tuaj <strong>BrowserID</strong> që të <em>Hyni</em> ose <em>Regjistroheni</em> në "site"-e web kudo në web!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Ju faleminderit për verifikimin e adresës suaj email. Ky mesazh ju është dërguar që të plotësoni hyrjen te %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Përfundojeni regjistrimin duke klikuar mbi këtë lidhje:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Nëse NUK po përpiqeshit të hynit në këtë "site"m thjesht shpërfilleni këtë email." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Faleminderit," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Një mënyrë më e mirë për hyrjet)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/sr/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/sr/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index fcce9c5c80d7d4d09cd33fb5891d2cbd74111d7a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/sr/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,403 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-27 21:39+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Milos <mdinic@mozilla.com>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " sr", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Жао нам је, али BrowserID захтева омогућене колачиће у Вашем прегледачу" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Грешка у комуникацији" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Завршавам пријављивање..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "УÑкоро ћете бити пријављени на BrowserID." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Молимо Ñачекајте неколико Ñекунди док Ð’Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¸Ñ˜Ð°Ð²Ð¸Ð¼Ð¾ на Ñајт." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Жао нам је, овај захтев траје предуго." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Ова порука ће неÑтати када Ñе захтев изврши(надамо Ñе уÑкоро). Ðко предуго чекате, затворите овај прозор и пробајте поново." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Пријавите Ñе кориÑтећи" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Ðова адреÑа ел. поште" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "У ово поље мора бити унета адреÑа ел. поште." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Поље за адреÑу ел. поште је обавезно." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Управо Ñмо поÑлали поруку на ту адреÑу ел. поште! Ðко заиÑта желите да пошаљемо још једну, Ñачекајте неколико минута и пробајте поново." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Та адреÑа је већ повезана Ñа Вашим налогом!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "додај" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "откажи" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "ÐдреÑа ел. поште" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "УнеÑите Ñвоју адреÑу ел. поште да биÑте Ñе пријавили на <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Добродошли на BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Ова адреÑа ел. поште изгледа као нова, па хајмо да покренемо Ñтвари." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Лозинка" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "заборавили Ñте лозинку?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Поље за ÑƒÐ½Ð¾Ñ Ð»Ð¾Ð·Ð¸Ð½ÐºÐµ је обавезно." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Ðе можете Ñе пријавити под датим кориÑничким именом и лозинком." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "Ñледеће" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "потврдите адреÑу ел. поште" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "пријавите Ñе" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Ðе могу потврдити %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s је адреÑа ел. поште која је обавезна, али ниÑмо могли потврдити да је она у Вашем влаÑништву." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Проверите Ñвоју ел. пошту!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "ПоÑлали Ñмо ел. поруку Ñа потврдом на <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Да биÑте завршили пријављивање, Ñамо кликните на везу коју Ñмо Вам поÑлали у електронÑкој поруци." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Уколико је ово грешка, молимо игноришите поÑлату поруку и <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">кориÑтите нову адреÑу ел.поште</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Уколико је ово грешка, молимо игноришите поÑлату поруку и <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">кориÑтите нову адреÑу ел.поште</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Жао нам је, наш Ñервер је преоптерећен." - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Жао нам је, дошло је до грешке." - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Да биÑте поновили, учитајте Ñтраницу и покушајте поново." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Да биÑте наÑтавили, молимо зазворите прозор и покушајте поново." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Погледајте више информација." - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Сајт захтева да Ñе пријавите кориÑтећи" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "Обновите лозинку" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* није иÑправна адреÑа ел. поште!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Да биÑте наÑтавили, молимо зазворите прозор и унеÑите иÑправну адреÑу." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Ово ниÑам ја..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "КориÑти другу адреÑу ел. поште" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Увек ме пријави кориÑтећи ову адреÑу ел. поште" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "ÐдреÑа потврђена!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "Ваш идентитет је потврђен Ñа пруђаоцем уÑлуга Ваше ел. поште. Сада ћемо покушати пријаву." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Да биÑте доказали да је ово Ваша адреÑа, морате Ñе пријавити преко Ñвог пружаоца уÑлуга. Овај прозор ће Ð’Ð°Ñ Ð¾Ð´Ð²ÐµÑти на" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "Потврди" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Потврди преко пружаоца уÑлуга ел. поште" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"BrowserID захтева омогућене колачиће у Вашем прегледачу како би могао да \"#~ \"ради. Молимо омогућите колачиће и покушајте поново.\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "ÐиÑте повезани на интернет!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "Ðа жалоÑÑ‚, BrowserID не може да комуницира када Ñте ван мреже!" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "одаберите адреÑу ел. поште" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Жао нам је, али не можемо комуницирати Ñа BrowserID ÑервиÑом ако ниÑте \"#~ \"повезани на Интернет.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Ðутентификација кориÑника" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Додавање адреÑе" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Додавање примарне адреÑе ел. поште кориÑнику" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Проверавање адреÑе" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Добављање потврде" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Отказивање Вашег налога" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Провера аутентификације" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Провера верзије Ñкрипте" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Завршница региÑтрације налога" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Проверавам да ли Ñу колачићи омогућени" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Правим налог" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Добављање потврде" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Провера Ñимбола региÑтрације" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Провера адреÑе ел. поште" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Проверавам да ли је кориÑник пријављен на IdP" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Одјава неуÑпела" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Ðутентификација Ñа пружаоцем уÑлуге индентитета" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Дошло је до грешке у комуникацији Ñа пружаоцем уÑлуга ел. поште код кога \"#~ \"Ñте пријављени. Молимо пробајте поново.\"" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "ОÑпоÑобљавање пружаоца уÑлуга идентитета" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "ОÑпоÑобљавање пружаоца уÑлуга идентитета који није подржан" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Ðа жалоÑÑ‚, дата адреÑа ел. поштене може бити примарни пружаоц идентитета \"#~ \"на мрежи\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "РегиÑтрација није уÑпела" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "Повезивање Ñа поÑредником" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "ПоÑреднички Ñервер није нађен" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Обнављање лозинке" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "Уклоните адреÑу ел. поште Ñа овог налога" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "ПоÑтављање лозинке" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Пријава није уÑпела" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "РегиÑтрација није уÑпела" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Синхронизујем адреÑу" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "Синхронизујем адреÑе ел. поште" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Синхронизуј кључеве адреÑа" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Добављам информације о Ñимболу" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Ðжурирање лозинке" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "Потрврђивање адреÑе ел. поште" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Откажи" - ], - "#~ \"We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send \"#~ \"another, wait a minute or two and try again.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Управо Ñмо поÑлали поруку на ту адреÑу ел. поште! Ðко заиÑта желите да \"#~ \"пошаљемо још једну, Ñачекајте неколико минута и пробајте поново.\"" - ], - "#~ \"To verify that you own <strong id='primary_email'>%s</strong>, you must \"#~ \"sign in with your provider. This window will be redirected to\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Да биÑте потврдили да је <strong id='primary_email'>%s</strong> Ваша \"#~ \"адреÑа ел. поште, морате Ñе пријавити преко пружаоца уÑлуга ел. поште за \"#~ \"дату адреÑу. Овај прозор ће Ð’Ð°Ñ Ð¾Ð´Ð²ÐµÑти на\"" - ], - "translated text": [ - null, - "преведени текÑÑ‚" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/sr/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/sr/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index ef789b1f3d97e98f6321463f572c2e74430edf88..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/sr/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-02-27 21:38+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Milos <mdinic@mozilla.com>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " sr", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Завршите пријаву на %s кориÑтећи BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Дошло је до грешке приликом покушаја да Ñе потврди Ваша адреÑа ел. поште. Да ли Ñте можда већ потврдили ову адреÑу ел. поште?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Дошло је до грешке приликом покушаја да Ñе заврши региÑтрација." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Завршите пријављивање на: " - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "Потврда адреÑе ел. поште" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "ÐдреÑа ел. поште" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Ваша адреÑа ел. поште" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Ðова лозинка" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "УнеÑите лозинку" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Лозинка је неопходна." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Дужина лозинке мора бити између 8 и 80 карактера." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Потврдите лозинку" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Поновите лозинку" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Лозинка за верификацију је неопходна." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Лозинке ниÑу иÑте." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "Заврши" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">Ваша адреÑа</strong> је потврђена!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Ваша нова адреÑа је подешена и Ñада биÑте требали бити у могућноÑти да Ñе пријавите. Сада можете затворити овај прозор и отићи поново на" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID почетак" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Комуницирам Ñа Ñервером" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Само још један тренутак док комуницирамо Ñа Ñервером." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID је брз и Ñигуран начин да Ñе пријавите — <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/about\">Ñазнајте више</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "BrowserID почетак" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Како ово ради" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Програмери" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Пријавите Ñе" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Одјавите Ñе" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Од <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">’Идентитет’ тима</a> при <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Мозила лабораторији</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "ПриватноÑÑ‚" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "УÑлови коришћења" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Потребна Вам је помоћ?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "ПоÑтоји проблем Ñа Вашом везом за региÑтрацију. Да ли је ова адреÑа ел. поште већ региÑтрована?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Грешка при комуникацији Ñа Ñервером." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Задњи корак!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Хвала Вам што Ñе Ñе региÑтровали на <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Сада можете кориÑтити Ñвој <strong>BrowserID</strong> налог како биÑте Ñе <em>пријавили</em> или <em>региÑтровали</em> на Ñајтове широм Интернета!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Хвала што Ñе потврдили Ñвоју адреÑу ел. поште. Ова порука Вам је поÑлата да биÑте потврдили пријављивање на Ñајт: %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Завршите региÑтрацију тако што ћете кликнути на ову везу:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Ðко ниÑте покушали да Ñе пријавите на овај Ñајт, молимо игноришите ову поруку." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Хвала," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Бољи начин за пријављивање)" - ], - "Browser ID": [ - null, - "Browser ID" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/sv/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/sv/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index a970f0b996172825c8114a7ef5f667d6e5f60276..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/sv/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,390 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " BrowserID 1", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-03 15:29+0100", - "Last-Translator": " Hans Wallanger <hasse@jasajudeju.se>", - "Language-Team": " Swedish", - "Language": " sv", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID använder kakor" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Stäng det här fönstret, <a %s>aktivera kakor</a> och försök igen" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Kommunikationsfel" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Slutför inloggning …" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Du kommer snart att vara inloggad pÃ¥ BrowserID." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Vänta nÃ¥gra sekunder medan vi loggar in dig pÃ¥ webbplatsen." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Tyvärr tar den här begäran en VÄÄÄLDIGT lÃ¥ng tid." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Det här meddelandet kommer att försvinna när begäran har slutförts (snart, förhoppningsvis). Om väntan blir för lÃ¥ng kan du stänga det här fönstret och försöka igen." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Logga in med" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Ny e-postadress" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Det här fältet mÃ¥ste innehÃ¥lla en e-postadress." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "E-postfältet är ett krav." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Vi har precis skickat ett mejl till den adressen! Om du verkligen vill skicka ett till, vänta nÃ¥gon minut och försök igen." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Den adressen finns redan i ditt konto!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "lägg till" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "avbryt" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "E-post" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Skriv in din e-postadress för att logga in till <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "Välkommen till BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Den här e-postadressen verkar ny sÃ¥ den kan du använda." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Lösenord" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "har du glömt lösenordet?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Lösenordsfältet är ett krav." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Du kan inte logga in kontot med det här användarnamnet och lösenordet." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "Genom att klicka pÃ¥ %s godkänner du webbplatsens <a %s>användarvillkor</a> och <a %s>sekretesspolicy</a>." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "nästa" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "verifiera e-postadress" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "logga in" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Kan inte verifiera %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s är en erforderlig adress, men vi kan inte verifiera att du äger den." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Kontrollera din e-post!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Vi har skickat ett bekräftelsemejl till <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Slutför inloggningen genom att klicka pÃ¥ bekräftelselänken vi skickade till din e-postadress." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Om det här är ett misstag, ignorera det skickade mejlet och <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">avbryt</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Om det här är ett misstag, ignorera det skickade mejlet och <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">använd en annan e-postadress</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Vi är ledsna, men servern är under hÃ¥rd belastning!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Vi är ledsna, men ett fel har uppstÃ¥tt" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Uppdatera sidan för att försöka igen." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Stäng fönstret och försök igen." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Se mer info" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Webbplatsen vill att du loggar in med" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "Ã¥terställ lösenord" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* är inte en giltig e-postadress!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Stäng fönstret och ange en giltig e-postadress för att fortsätta." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Det där är inte jag …" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Använd en annan e-postadress" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Logga alltid in med denna e-postadress" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Adressen är verifierad!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "Din identitet har verifierats av din e-postleverantör. Vi kommer nu att försöka logga in dig." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "För att verifiera att du äger den här adressen mÃ¥ste du logga in till din e-postleverantör. Det här fönstret kommer att dirigeras om till" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "verifiera" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Verifiera med e-postleverantören" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"För att BrowserID ska fungera mÃ¥ste kakor i webbläsaren användas. TillÃ¥t \"#~ \"kakor i webbläsaren och försök igen\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Du är nedkopplad!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "Tyvärr kan inte BrowserID kommunicera när du är nedkopplad!" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "välj e-postadress" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "Tyvärr kan vi inte kommunicera med BrowserID när du nedkopplad." - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Autentiserar användaren" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Lägger till adress" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Lägger till en primär e-postadress till användaren" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Kontrollerar adressuppgifter" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "Autentiserar med pÃ¥stÃ¥ende" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Ã…terkallar användarkonto" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "Kontrollerar autentisering" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Kontrollerar skriptversion" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Slutför användarregistrering" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Kontrollerar om kakor är aktiverade" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Skapar konto" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Tar emot pÃ¥stÃ¥ende" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Kontrollerar registreringstoken" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "Kontrollerar e-postadress" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Kontrollerar om användaren är autentiserad med IdP" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Utloggning misslyckades" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Autentiserar med identitetsleverantör" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "Vi kunde inte kommunicera med din e-postleverantör, försök igen!" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Förbereder med identitetsleverantören" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Förbereder ej stödd identitetsleverantör" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Tyvärr kan inte e-postadressen användas som en primär identitetsleverantör\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Registreringen misslyckades" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "Etablerar vidaresändning" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "Vidaresändningsramen kunde inte hittas" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Ã…terställer lösenord" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "Ta bort e-postadress frÃ¥n kontot" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Ställer in lösenord" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Inloggningen misslyckades" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Anmälan misslyckades" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Synkar adress" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "Synkar e-postadresser" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Synkar nycklar för adress" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Hämtar tokeninformation" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Uppdaterar lösenord" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "Verifierar e-postadress" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Avbryt" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/sv/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/sv/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index e5f6dbef2e12b340e504de7c26b4702569aa375f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/sv/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " BrowserID 1", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-03 15:30+0100", - "Last-Translator": " Hans Wallanger <hasse@jasajudeju.se>", - "Language-Team": " Swedish", - "Language": " sv", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "X-Generator": " Translate Toolkit 1.9.0", - "X-Poedit-Language": " Swedish" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Slutför inloggning till %s med BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Ett fel uppstod vid bekräftandet av din e-postadress. Har du tidigare verifierat den här adressen?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Ett fel uppstod vid slutförandet av registreringen." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Slutför inloggning till:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "E-postverifiering" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "E-postadress" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Din e-postadress." - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Nytt lösenord" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Ange ett lösenord" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Ett lösenord krävs." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Lösenordet mÃ¥ste vara mellan 8 och 80 tecken lÃ¥ng." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Verifiera lösenordet" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Upprepa lösenordet" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Ett verifieringslösenord krävs." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Det är olika lösenord." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "slutför" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">Din adress</strong> har verifierats!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Din nya adress är klar och du bör nu vara inloggad. Du kan nu stänga det här fönstret och Ã¥tervända till" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID använder kakor" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Stäng fönstret, <a %s>aktivera kakor</a> och försök igen" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Kommunicerar med servern" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Vänta lite medan vi talar med servern." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID är det snabba och säkra sättet att logga in — <a %s>läs mer</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "BrowserID webbplats" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Hur det fungerar" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Utvecklare" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Logga in" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Logga ut" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Av <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Sekretess" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Tjänstevillkor" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Behöver du hjälp?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Det uppstod ett problem med din anmälningslänk. Är den här adressen redan registrerad?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Ett fel uppstod vid kommunikation med servern." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Sista steget!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "Tack för att du loggar in med <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Du kan nu använda ditt <strong>BrowserID</strong>-konto för att <em>logga in</em> eller <em>anmäla dig</em> till webbplatser pÃ¥ hela nätet!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "Tack för att du verifierat din e-postadress. Det här meddelandet skickades till dig för att du ska kunna slutföra inloggningen till %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Slutför registreringen genom att klicka pÃ¥ denna länk:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Ignorera det här meddelandet om du INTE försöker logga in pÃ¥ den här webbplatsen." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "Tack," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Ett bättre sätt att logga in)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/tr/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/tr/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9a1de288a8d1a678b2c7ead03780842d767d3e40..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/tr/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,391 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-02 17:28+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Selim <selim@sum.lu>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " tr", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=1; plural=0;", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID için çerez kullanımı ÅŸarttır" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Lütfen bu pencereyi kapatın, <a %s>çerezleri etkinleÅŸtirin</a> ve tekrar deneyin" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Ä°letiÅŸim hatası" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Oturum açma tamamlanıyor..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "Birazdan BrowserID oturumunuz açılacak." - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Sitedeki oturumunuz açılırken lütfen birkaç saniye bekleyin." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Ãœzgünüz, bu istek biraz FAZLA uzun sürdü." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Ä°stek tamamlandığında (umuyoruz ki kısa sürede) bu mesaj kaybolacaktır. Çok fazla beklerseniz bu pencereyi kapatıp tekrar deneyin." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Bunu kullanarak oturum aç" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Yeni e-posta adresi" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Bu alanda bir e-posta adresi olmalıdır." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "E-posta alanını doldurmak zorunludur." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Bu adrese biraz önce e-posta gönderdik! Gerçekten bir tane daha göndermek istiyorsanız birkaç dakika bekleyip tekrar deneyin." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Bu adres zaten hesabınızda mevcut!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "ekle" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "iptal" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "E-posta" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "<strong>%s</strong> adresine oturum açmak için e-posta adresinizi girin" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "BrowserID'ye hoÅŸ geldiniz!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Bu e-posta yeni görünüyor. Kuruluma geçelim." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Parola" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "parolanızı mı unuttunuz?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Parola alanını doldurmanız zorunludur." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Bu kullanıcı adı ve parola ile hesaba giriÅŸ yapılamadı." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "%s düğmesine tıklayarak, bu sitenin <a %s>Kullanım KoÅŸullarını</a> ve <a %s>Gizlilik Ä°lkelerini</a> kabul etmiÅŸ olursunuz." - ], - "next": [ - null, - "ileri" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "e-postayı doÄŸrulayın" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "oturum aç" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "%s doÄŸrulanamadı" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s gerekli bir adres, fakat bu adresin size ait olduÄŸunu doÄŸrulayamadık." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "E-postanızı kontrol edin!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "<strong>%s</strong> adresine bir onay e-postası gönderdik" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Kaydınızı tamamlamak için e-posta adresinize gönderilen doÄŸrulama baÄŸlantısına tıklayın." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Bunun bir hata olduÄŸunu düşünüyorsanız, gönderilen e-postayı görmezden gelin ve <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">iptal edin</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Bunun bir hata olduÄŸunu düşünüyorsanız, gönderilen e-postayı görmezden gelin ve <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">baÅŸka bir e-posta adresi kullanın</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Ãœzgünüz, sunucu aşırı yük altında!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Ãœzgünüz, bir hata oluÅŸtu!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Lütfen sayfayı tazeleyip yeniden deneyin." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Lütfen bu pencereyi kapatıp tekrar deneyin." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Daha fazla bilgi al" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Site, ÅŸunu kullanarak oturum açmanızı istedi" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "parolayı sıfırla" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* geçerli bir e-posta adresi deÄŸil!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Devam etmek için lütfen pencereyi kapatın ve geçerli bir adres girin." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Bu ben deÄŸilim..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "Farklı bir e-posta kullan" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Her zaman bu e-posta adresiyle oturum aç" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "Adres doÄŸrulandı!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "E-posta saÄŸlayıcınız üzerinden kimliÄŸiniz doÄŸrulandı. Åžimdi oturumunuzu açmayı deneyeceÄŸiz." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Bu adresin sahipliÄŸi doÄŸrulamak için e-posta saÄŸlayıcınızla oturum açmalısınız. Bu pencere ÅŸuray yönlendirilecek:" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "doÄŸrula" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "E-posta saÄŸlayıcısı ile doÄŸrula" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"BrowserID'nin çalışması için tarayıcınızda çerezleri etkinleÅŸtirmeniz \"#~ \"gerekir. Lütfen çerezleri etkinleÅŸtirip tekrar deneyin\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Çevrim dışısınız!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "Ne yazık ki çevrim dışıyken BrowserID ile iletiÅŸim kurulamaz." - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "e-posta seçin" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Ãœzgünüz, çevrim dışı olduÄŸunuzda BrowserID ile iletiÅŸim kurulması mümkün \"#~ \"deÄŸildir.\"" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "Kullanıcı doÄŸrulanıyor" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "Adres ekleniyor" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "Kullanıcıya birincil e-posta adresi ekleniyor" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "Adres bilgisi denetleniyor" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "DoÄŸrulama teyit ediliyor" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "Kullanıcı hesabı iptal ediliyor" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "DoÄŸrulama denetleniyor" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "Betik sürümü denetleniyor" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "Kullanıcı kaydı tamamlanıyor" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "Çerezlerin etkin olup olmadığı denetleniyor" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "Hesap açılıyor" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "Tasdik alınıyor" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "Kayıt jetonu denetleniyor" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "E-posta adresi denetleniyor" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "Kullanıcının IdP ile doÄŸrulanıp doÄŸrulanmadığı denetleniyor" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "Çıkış baÅŸarısız oldu" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Kimlik SaÄŸlayıcısı ile doÄŸrulanıyor" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "E-posta saÄŸlayıcınıza eriÅŸemedik. Lütfen tekrar deneyin!" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Kimlik SaÄŸlayıcısından provizyon alınıyor" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "Desteklenmeyen Kimlik SaÄŸlayıcısından provizyon alınıyor" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Belirtilen e-posta adresi ne yazık ki Birincil Kimlik SaÄŸlayıcı olarak \"#~ \"görev yapamaz\"" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "Kayıt baÅŸarısız oldu" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "Röle kuruluyor" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "Röle çerçevesi bulunamadı" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "Parola sıfırlanıyor" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "E-posta adresini hesaptan kaldır" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "Parola ayarlanıyor" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "Oturum açma baÅŸarısız oldu" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "Kayıt baÅŸarısız oldu" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "Adres eÅŸitleniyor" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "E-posta adresleri eÅŸitleniyor" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "Adres anahtarlarını eÅŸitle" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "Jeton bilgisi alınıyor" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "Parola güncelleniyor" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "E-posta adresi güncelleniyor" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "Vazgeç" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/tr/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/tr/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 2023cabe0fa5b517a2f6f25a7f931fcbffeef70a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/tr/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-02 17:30+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Selim <selim@sum.lu>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " tr", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=1; plural=0;", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "%s giriÅŸini BrowserID ile tamamla" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Adresiniz doÄŸrulanmaya çalışılırken hata oluÅŸtu. Bu adresi daha önce doÄŸrulamış olabilir misiniz?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Kayıt tamamlanmaya çalışılırken hata oluÅŸtu." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Oturum açmayı tamamla: " - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "E-posta doÄŸrulaması" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "E-posta adresi" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "E-posta adresiniz" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Yeni parola" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Bir parola girin" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Parola zorunludur." - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Parolanız 8 ile 80 karakter arasında olmalıdır." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Parolayı doÄŸrulayın" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Parolayı tekrarlayın" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "DoÄŸrulama parolası zorunludur." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Parolalar eÅŸleÅŸmiyor." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "bitir" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">Adresiniz</strong> doÄŸrulanmıştır!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Yeni adresiniz kuruldu ve oturumunuz açıldı. Artık bu pencereyi kapatıp ÅŸuraya dönebilirsiniz:" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID çerez kullanımını gerektirir" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "Lütfen bu pencereyi kapatın, <a %s>çerezleri etkinleÅŸtirin</a> ve tekrar deneyin" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Sunucuya baÄŸlanılıyor" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Sunucuyla iletiÅŸim kurulurken lütfen bekleyin." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID, oturum açmanın hızlı ve güvenli yoludur. <a %s>daha fazla bilgi alın</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "BrowserID Ana Sayfası" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Nasıl çalışır" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "GeliÅŸtiriciler" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Oturum aç" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Oturumu kapat" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "GeliÅŸtiren: <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "Gizlilik" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "Hizmet Åžartları" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Yardım mı lazım?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "Kayıt baÄŸlantınızda bir sorun var. Bu adres zaten kayıtlı olabilir mi?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Sunucuya baÄŸlantıda sorun oluÅŸtu." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "Son adım!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "<strong>BrowserID</strong>'ye kaydolduÄŸunuz için teÅŸekkür ederiz. Artık <strong>BrowserID</strong> hesabınızı pek çok web sitesine <em>giriÅŸ yapmak</em> veya <em>kaydolmak</em> için kullanabilirsiniz!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "E-posta adresinizi doÄŸruladığınız için teÅŸekkürler. Bu mesaj, %s giriÅŸinizi tamamlamak için gönderilmiÅŸtir." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Bu baÄŸlantıya tıklayarak kaydınızı tamamlayın:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Bu siteye giriÅŸ yapmaya ÇALIÅžMIYORSANIZ, bu e-postayı görmezden gelebilirsiniz." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "TeÅŸekkürler," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Oturum açmanın daha iyi yolu)" - ], - "Browser ID": [ - null, - "Browser ID" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/uk/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/uk/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 891b32e90a2fae359e255cf1cb969da680a98e8c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/uk/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,245 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "Last-Translator": " Tim Babych <tim.babych@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " Ukrainian", - "Language": " uk", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Перепрошуємо, але BrowserID потребує кук" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "Помилка зв’Ñзку" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "Завершуємо вхід…" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "За хвильку ви увійдете у BrowserID" - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "Заждіть пару Ñекунд, поки ми реєÑтруємо Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð½Ð° Ñайті." - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "Перепрошуємо, щоÑÑŒ цей запит йде ДООООВГО." - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Це Ð¿Ð¾Ð²Ñ–Ð´Ð¾Ð¼Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð½Ð¸ÐºÐ½Ðµ коли запит завершитьÑÑ (ÑподіваємоÑÑŒ, Ñкоро). Якщо ви чекаєте занадто довго, закрийте це вікно Ñ– Ñпробуйте ще раз." - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "Увійти, викориÑтовуючи" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "Ðову email-адреÑу" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "Це поле має бути email-адреÑою." - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "Заповніть поле email." - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "Ми щойно поÑлати на цю адреÑу лиÑта! Якщо ви дійÑно хочете поÑлати ще одного, заждіть хвилинку-другу Ñ– Ñпробуйте ще раз." - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "Ð¦Ñ Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑа вже додана до вашого профілю!" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "додати" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "ÑкаÑувати" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "Email" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Введіть ваш email щоб зайти на <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "ЛаÑкаво проÑимо до BrowserID!" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "Схоже, це новий email, тож давайте його налаштуємо." - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "Пароль" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "забули ваш пароль?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "Заповніть поле паролÑ." - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "Ð’ цей профіль неможливо увійти з цим логіном та паролем." - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "далі" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "перевірити email" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "увійти" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "Ðе вийшло перевірити %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s Ñ” необхідною адреÑою, але ми не можемо перевірити що вона належить вам." - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "Перевірте вашу пошту!" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "Ми поÑлати лиÑта з підтвердженнÑм на <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "Щоб завершити проÑто клацніть по лінку підтвердженнÑ, котрий ми поÑлали на вашу email-адреÑу." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "Якщо це помилка, проÑто ігноруйте поÑланого лиÑта Ñ– <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">ÑкаÑуйте</a>." - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "Якщо це помилка, проÑто ігноруйте поÑланого лиÑта Ñ– <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">ÑкориÑтайтеÑÑŒ іншим email’ом</a>." - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "Ðам дуже шкода — Ñервер Ñильно перевантажено!" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "Ðам дуже шкода — ÑталаÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ð»ÐºÐ°!" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "Щоб повторити, вам доведетьÑÑ Ð¿ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ³Ñ€ÑƒÐ·Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸ Ñторінку Ñ– Ñпробувати ще раз." - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "Щоб повторити, вам доведетьÑÑ Ð·Ð°ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸ це вікно Ñ– Ñпробувати ще раз." - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "Докладніше" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "Сайт вимкає щоб ви увійшли з допомогою" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "Ñкинути пароль" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* не Ñ” дійÑною emai-адреÑою!" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "Щоб продовжити, закрийте це вікно Ñ– введіть дійÑну адреÑу." - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "Це не Ñ…" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "ВикориÑтати інший email" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "Завжди входити викориÑтовуючи цей email" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "ÐдреÑу підтверджено!" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "Ваша ідентичніÑÑ‚ÑŒ була підтверджена вашим email-провайдером, тож ми зараз Ñпробуємо Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð·Ð°Ñ€ÐµÑ”Ñтрувати." - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "Ви муÑите зайти з допомогою вашого email-провайдера щоб підтвердити Ð²Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð´Ñ–Ð½Ð½Ñ Ñ†Ñ–Ñ”ÑŽ адреÑою. Це вікно буде перенаправлене на" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "підтвердити" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "Підтвердити email-провайдером" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Ð”Ð»Ñ Ñ€Ð¾Ð±Ð¾Ñ‚Ð¸ BrowserID потрібно щоб у вашому браузері куки були увімкнені. \"#~ \"Увімкніть Ñ—Ñ… та Ñпробуйте ще раз\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "Ви не підключені до мережі!" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "Ðа жаль, BrowserID не працює поза мережею!" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "вибрати email" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"Перепрошуємо, але ми не можемо зв’ÑзатиÑÑŒ з BrowserID поки ви поза \"#~ \"мережею.\"" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/uk/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/uk/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 17e743a5c9759754cc12aee3691a4623a1cb3bc0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/uk/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,189 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "Last-Translator": " Tim Babych <tim.babych@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " Ukrainian", - "Language": " uk", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "Завершіть вхід до %s з допомогою BrowserID" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "Під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби підтвердити вашу адреÑу ÑталаÑÑŒ помилка. Ви раніше підтверджували цю адреÑу?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "Під Ñ‡Ð°Ñ Ñпроби завершити реєÑтрацію ÑталаÑÑŒ помилка." - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "Завершіть вхід до: " - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "ÐŸÑ–Ð´Ñ‚Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð´Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ email" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "ÐдреÑа email" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "Ваш email" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "Ðовий пароль" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "Введіть пароль" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "Потрібний пароль" - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "Пароль має бути від 8 до 80 Ñимволів завдовшки." - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "Підтвердіть пароль" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "Повторіть пароль" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "Потрібне Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ñ‚Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð´Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð»Ñ." - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "Паролі не збігаютьÑÑ." - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "завершити" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "<strong class=\"email\">Вашу адреÑу</strong> було підтверджено!" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "Ваша нова адреÑа налаштована Ñ– ви маєте бути вже зареєÑтроовані. Ви можете закрити це вікно Ñ– повернутиÑÑŒ до" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "Домівка BrowserID" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "Зв’Ñзок з Ñервером" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "Заждіть хвильку, поки ми говоримо з Ñервером." - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID — це швидкий та безпечний ÑпроÑіб реєÑтрації — <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/about\">докладніше</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "Домівка BrowserID" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "Як воно працює" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "Розробникам" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "Увійти" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "Вийти" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "Від <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Identity Team</a> @ <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Mozilla Labs</a>" - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "ПриватніÑÑ‚ÑŒ" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "TOS" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "Помогти?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "З вашим реєÑтраційним лінком негаразд. Може, Ñ†Ñ Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑа вже зареєÑтрована?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "Помилка зв’Ñзку з Ñервером." - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "ОÑтанній крок!" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "ДÑкуємо, що зареєÑтрувалиÑÑŒ у <strong>BrowserID</strong>. Тепер ви можете викориÑтовувати ваш профіль <strong>BrowserID</strong> щоб <em>Входити</em> чи <em>РеєÑтруватиÑÑŒ</em> на Ñайтах по вÑій мережі!" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "ДÑкуємо за Ð¿Ñ–Ð´Ñ‚Ð²ÐµÑ€Ð´Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð²Ð°ÑˆÐ¾Ñ— email-адреÑи. Цей лиÑÑ‚ було поÑлано вам щоб завершити ваш вхід до %s." - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "Завершіть реєÑтрацію клацнувши по цьому лінку:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "Якщо ви ÐЕ намагаєтеÑÑŒ увійти на цей Ñайт, проÑто ігноруйте цей лиÑÑ‚." - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "ДÑкуємо," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(Кращий ÑпоÑіб реєÑтрації)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/zh_CN/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/zh_CN/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 377f10f7ad84d1fdb8d0bc8b9177b1e87a7199c9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/zh_CN/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,391 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-03 23:07+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Shaohua <shaohua.wen@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " zh_CN", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=1; plural=0;", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID å¿…é¡»å¯ç”¨ Cookie æ‰èƒ½ä½¿ç”¨" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "请关é—æ¤çª—å£ï¼Œç„¶åŽ<a %s>å¼€å¯ cookie 功能</a> 并å†è¯•ä¸€æ¬¡" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "ä¼ è¾“é”™è¯¯" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨å®Œæˆç™»å½•â€¦" - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "åªè¦å†ä¸€ä¼šæ‚¨å°±å¯ä»¥ç™»å½• BrowserID 了。" - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "请ç¨å€™å‡ 秒钟让我们将您登录æ¤ç½‘站。" - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "抱æ‰ï¼Œæ¤è¯·æ±‚花费了较长时间。" - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "æ¤æ¶ˆæ¯å°†åœ¨è¯·æ±‚完æˆæ—¶æ¶ˆå¤±ï¼ˆå¸Œæœ›å¾ˆå¿«ï¼‰ã€‚如果您ç‰å¾ˆä¹…了,请关é—æ¤çª—å£å¹¶é‡è¯•ã€‚" - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "登录方å¼" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "新电å邮件地å€" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "æ¤åŸŸå¿…须填写电å邮件地å€ã€‚" - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "请输入电å邮件地å€ã€‚" - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "我们刚寄出电å邮件到该地å€ï¼ 如果您真的想è¦å†å¯„一å°ï¼Œè¯·ç¨ç‰å‡ 分钟然åŽå†è¯•ã€‚" - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "该地å€å·²æ·»åŠ 到å¸å·ä¸äº†ï¼" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "新增" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "å–消" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "电å邮件" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "请输入您的电å邮件地å€ä»¥ç™»å½• <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "欢迎使用 BrowserIDï¼" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "æ¤ç”µå邮件地å€çœ‹æ¥æ˜¯æ–°å»ºçš„,让我们带您æ¥è¿›è¡Œåˆå§‹è®¾ç½®å§ã€‚" - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "密ç " - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "忘记密ç 了å—?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "请输入密ç 。" - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "æ— æ³•ä½¿ç”¨è¯¥ç”¨æˆ·å和密ç 登录" - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "点下 %s 就代表您接å—这个网站的 <a %s>使用æ¡æ¬¾</a>以åŠ<a %s>éšç§æƒä¿æŠ¤æ”¿ç–</a>。" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "下一æ¥" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "验è¯ç”µå邮件" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "登录" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "æ— æ³•éªŒè¯ %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s 是必è¦çš„电å邮件地å€ï¼Œä½†æˆ‘ä»¬æ— æ³•ç¡®è®¤è¯¥åœ°å€å½’您所有。" - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "请检查您的邮箱ï¼" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "我们å‘é€äº†ä¸€å°ç¡®è®¤ä¿¡åˆ° <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "请点击我们寄给您的确认电å邮件ä¸çš„链接以完æˆç™»å½•ã€‚" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "如果这是个错误,请忽略这å°ä¿¡å¹¶ <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">å–消</a>。" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "如果这是个错误,请忽略这å°ä¿¡å¹¶ <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">使用其他电å邮件地å€</a>。" - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "很抱æ‰ï¼ŒæœåŠ¡å™¨ç›®å‰è´Ÿè½½è¿‡é‡ï¼" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "抱æ‰ï¼Œå‡ºé”™äº†ï¼" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "请é‡æ–°è½½å…¥é¡µé¢å¹¶å†è¯•ä¸€æ¬¡ã€‚" - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "请关é—窗å£å¹¶é‡è¯•ã€‚" - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "查看更多信æ¯" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "网站è¦æ±‚您登录åŽä½¿ç”¨" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "é‡ç½®å¯†ç " - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "*%s* æ˜¯æ— æ•ˆçš„ç”µå邮件地å€ï¼" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "请关é—窗å£å¹¶è¾“入有效的电å邮件地å€ä»¥ç»§ç»ã€‚" - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "è¿™ä¸æ˜¯æˆ‘…" - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "使用其他电å邮件地å€" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "总是使用æ¤ç”µå邮件地å€ç™»å½•" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "已验è¯ç”µå邮件地å€ï¼" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "å·²å‘您的电å邮件æœåŠ¡æ供商确认您的身份,我们现在将å°è¯•å¸®æ‚¨ç™»å½•ã€‚" - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "为了è¦éªŒè¯æ‚¨æ˜¯çœŸçš„拥有æ¤ç”µå邮件地å€ï¼Œæ‚¨å¿…须先回到这个信箱æœåŠ¡å¹¶ç™»å½•ã€‚本窗å£å°†è¢«é‡å®šå‘至" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "验è¯" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "通过电å邮件验è¯" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"您必须å¯ç”¨ Cookie æ‰èƒ½ä½¿ç”¨ BrowserID。请å¯ç”¨æ‚¨æµè§ˆå™¨çš„ cookie 并é‡è¯•ã€‚\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "您已离线ï¼" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "ä¸å¹¸çš„是,BrowserID æ— æ³•åœ¨ç¦»çº¿æ—¶ä½¿ç”¨ï¼" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "选择电å邮件" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "抱æ‰ï¼Œæˆ‘ä»¬æ— æ³•åœ¨æ‚¨ç¦»çº¿æ—¶ä¸Ž BrowserID æœåŠ¡å™¨é€šè®¯ã€‚" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨éªŒè¯ç”¨æˆ·" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨æ·»åŠ 地å€" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨ä¸ºç”¨æˆ·æ·»åŠ 主è¦ç”µå邮件地å€" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨æ£€æŸ¥ç”µå邮件地å€ä¿¡æ¯" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨ä½¿ç”¨çŒœæµ‹çš„结果验è¯" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨å–消用户å¸å·" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨æ£€æŸ¥æŽˆæƒ" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨æ£€æŸ¥è„šæœ¬ç‰ˆæœ¬" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨å®Œæˆç”¨æˆ·æ³¨å†Œ" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨æ£€æŸ¥ Cookie 是å¦å·²å¯ç”¨" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨åˆ›å»ºå¸å·" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨çŒœæµ‹" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨æ£€æŸ¥æ³¨å†Œä»¤ç‰Œï¼ˆToken)" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨æ£€æŸ¥ç”µå邮件地å€" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨æ£€æŸ¥ç”¨æˆ·æ˜¯å¦å·²å®ŒæˆæœåŠ¡å•†éªŒè¯" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "登出失败" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨å‘身份æ供者验è¯" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "我们é‡åˆ°é—®é¢˜ï¼Œæ— 法å‘您的电å邮件æ供商进行验è¯ï¼Œè¯·é‡è¯•ï¼" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨ä¾›å¼€é€šè¯†åˆ«èº«ä»½" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨å¼€é€šä¸æ”¯æŒçš„识别身份" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "éžå¸¸ä¸è¡Œï¼Œæ‚¨æ供的电å邮件地å€æ— 法当作主è¦è¯†åˆ«èº«ä»½" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "注册失败" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨å‡†å¤‡è½¬å‘" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "æ— æ³•æ‰¾åˆ°è½¬å‘框架" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨é‡ç½®å¯†ç " - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "从å¸å·ä¸ç§»é™¤ç”µå邮件地å€" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨è®¾ç½®å¯†ç " - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "登录失败" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "注册失败" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨åŒæ¥ç”µå邮件地å€" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨åŒæ¥ç”µå邮件地å€" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "åŒæ¥ç”µå邮件地å€å¯†é’¥" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨èŽ·å–令牌(Token)信æ¯" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨æ›´æ–°å¯†ç " - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨ç¡®è®¤ç”µå邮件地å€" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "å–消" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/zh_CN/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/zh_CN/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 051b73af591d4f23ab81987bca25a3889f7b921b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/zh_CN/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,191 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-03 23:09+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Shaohua <shaohua.wen@gmail.com>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " zh_CN", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=1; plural=0;", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "使用 BrowserID 登录至 %s" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "å°è¯•ç¡®è®¤æ‚¨çš„电å邮件地å€æ—¶å‘生错误。您曾ç»éªŒè¯è¿‡è¯¥åœ°å€å—?" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "å°è¯•å®Œæˆæ³¨å†Œæ—¶å‘生错误。" - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "完æˆç™»å½•è‡³ï¼š" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "电å邮件验è¯" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "电å邮件地å€" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "您的电å邮件" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "新密ç " - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "请输入密ç " - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "必须输入密ç 。" - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "密ç 长度必须在 8 到 80 个å—符数之间。" - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "验è¯å¯†ç " - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "é‡æ–°è¾“入密ç " - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "需è¦è¾“入验è¯å¯†ç " - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "输入的密ç ä¸ç›¸åŒã€‚" - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "完æˆ" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "å·²éªŒè¯ <strong class=\"email\">您的电å邮件地å€</strong>ï¼" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "您的新电å邮件地å€å·²ç»è®¾ç½®å®Œæˆï¼ŒçŽ°åœ¨åº”该也已ç»ç™»å½•äº†ã€‚您现在å¯ä»¥å…³é—æ¤çª—å£å¹¶å›žåˆ°" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID éœ€è¦ cookie 功能" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "请关é—æ¤çª—å£ç„¶åŽ<a %s>å¼€å¯ cookie </a> 并å†è¯•ä¸€æ¬¡" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨ä¸ŽæœåŠ¡å™¨é€šè®¯" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "我们æ£åœ¨è”络æœåŠ¡å™¨ï¼Œè¯·ç¨å€™ã€‚" - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID 是ç§æ›´å¿«ã€æ›´å®‰å…¨çš„ç™»å½•ç½‘ç«™çš„æ–¹å¼ — <a %s>了解更多信æ¯</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "BrowserID 主页" - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "技术原ç†" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "å¼€å‘者" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "登录" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "登出" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "ç”± <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a> çš„ <a %s>Identity Team</a> æ‰“é€ " - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "éšç§" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "æœåŠ¡æ¡æ¬¾" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "需è¦å¸®åŠ©å—?" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "您的注册链接有问题。这个电å邮件地å€å·²æ³¨å†Œè¿‡äº†å—?" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "与æœåŠ¡å™¨é€šè®¯æ—¶å‘生错误。" - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "最åŽä¸€æ¥äº†ï¼" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "感谢您注册 <strong>BrowserID</strong>。您现在å¯ä»¥ä½¿ç”¨ <strong>BrowserID</strong> å¸å·ä»¥ <em>登录</em> 或 <em>注册</em> 网站ï¼" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "感谢您验è¯æ‚¨çš„电å邮件地å€ã€‚æ¤æ¶ˆæ¯å·²å‘é€ç»™æ‚¨ä»¥å®Œæˆç™»å½•è‡³ %s 的过程。" - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "请点击æ¤é“¾æŽ¥å®Œæˆæ³¨å†Œã€‚" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "如果您没有è¦ç™»å½•æ¤ç½‘站,请忽略æ¤ç”µå邮件。" - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "感谢您," - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(更好的登录机制)" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/zh_TW/client.json b/resources/static/i18n/zh_TW/client.json deleted file mode 100644 index 40bf26e02545deae554b333c5c96076af329c2d0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/zh_TW/client.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,403 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "client": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-02 17:19+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Peter <petercpg@mail.moztw.org>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " zh_TW", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=1; plural=0;", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID éœ€è¦ Cookie 功能æ‰èƒ½ä½¿ç”¨" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "請關閉æ¤è¦–窗然後 <a %s>é–‹å•Ÿ Cookie 功能</a> 並å†è©¦ä¸€æ¬¡" - ], - "Communication Error": [ - null, - "傳輸錯誤" - ], - "Finishing Sign In...": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨å®Œæˆç™»å…¥..." - ], - "In just a moment you'll be signed into BrowserID.": [ - null, - "åªè¦å†ä¸€ä¸‹ä¸‹æ‚¨å°±å¯ä»¥ç™»å…¥ BrowserID 了。" - ], - "Please wait a few seconds while we sign you into the site.": [ - null, - "è«‹ç¨å¾…幾秒é˜è®“我們將您登入æ¤ç¶²ç«™ã€‚" - ], - "We are sorry, this request is taking a LOOONG time.": [ - null, - "抱æ‰ï¼Œé€™è«‹æ±‚花了比較久的時間。" - ], - "This message will go away when the request completes (hopefully soon). If you wait too long, close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "æ¤è¨Šæ¯å°‡æœƒåœ¨è«‹æ±‚完æˆæ™‚消失(希望很快)。若您已經ç‰å¾ˆä¹…了,請關閉æ¤è¦–窗並å†è©¦ä¸€æ¬¡ã€‚" - ], - "Sign in using": [ - null, - "使用" - ], - "New email address": [ - null, - "æ–°é›»å郵件地å€" - ], - "This field must be an email address.": [ - null, - "æ¤æ¬„ä½å¿…é ˆç‚ºé›»å郵件地å€ã€‚" - ], - "The email field is required.": [ - null, - "å¿…é ˆè¼¸å…¥é›»å郵件欄ä½ã€‚" - ], - "We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.": [ - null, - "我們剛寄出電å郵件到那個地å€ï¼è‹¥æ‚¨çœŸçš„想è¦å†å¯„一å°ï¼Œè«‹ç‰å¹¾åˆ†é˜å¾Œå†è©¦ä¸€æ¬¡ã€‚" - ], - "That address is already added to your account!": [ - null, - "該地å€å·²ç¶“åŠ åˆ°å¸³è™Ÿç•¶ä¸äº†ï¼" - ], - "add": [ - null, - "新增" - ], - "cancel": [ - null, - "å–消" - ], - "Email": [ - null, - "é›»å郵件登入" - ], - "Enter your email address to sign in to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "請輸入您的電å郵件地å€ä»¥ç™»å…¥ <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "Welcome to BrowserID!": [ - null, - "æ¡è¿Žä½¿ç”¨ BrowserIDï¼" - ], - "This email looks new, so let's get you set up.": [ - null, - "這個電å郵件地å€çœ‹ä¾†æ˜¯æ–°çš„,讓我們帶您來è¨å®šå¸³è™Ÿå§ã€‚" - ], - "Password": [ - null, - "密碼" - ], - "forgot your password?": [ - null, - "忘記密碼了嗎?" - ], - "The password field is required.": [ - null, - "å¿…é ˆè¼¸å…¥å¯†ç¢¼æ¬„ä½ã€‚" - ], - "The account cannot be logged in with this username and password.": [ - null, - "無法使用æ¤ä½¿ç”¨è€…å稱與密碼登入帳號" - ], - "By clicking %s, you confirm that you accept this site's <a %s>Terms of Use</a> and <a %s>Privacy Policy</a>.": [ - null, - "點下 %s 就代表您接å—這個網站的 <a %s>使用æ¢æ¬¾</a> 與 <a %s>éš±ç§æ¬Šä¿è·æ”¿ç–</a>。" - ], - "next": [ - null, - "下一æ¥" - ], - "verify email": [ - null, - "é©—è‰é›»å郵件地å€" - ], - "sign in": [ - null, - "登入" - ], - "Cannot verify %s": [ - null, - "ç„¡æ³•é©—è‰ %s" - ], - "%s is a required address, but we cannot verify that you own this address.": [ - null, - "%s 是必è¦çš„é›»å郵件地å€ï¼Œä½†æˆ‘們無法確èªè©²åœ°å€ç”±æ‚¨ä½¿ç”¨ã€‚" - ], - "Check your email!": [ - null, - "請收信ï¼" - ], - "We sent a confirmation email to <strong>%s</strong>": [ - null, - "我們已寄出確èªä¿¡åˆ° <strong>%s</strong>" - ], - "To finish signing in just click the verify link we sent to your email address.": [ - null, - "請點下我們寄給您的確èªé›»å郵件當ä¸çš„éˆçµä»¥å®Œæˆç™»å…¥ã€‚" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">cancel</a>.": [ - null, - "若這是個錯誤,請忽略這å°ä¿¡ä¸¦ <a href=\"#\" id=\"cancel\">å–消</a>。" - ], - "If this is a mistake, just ignore the sent email and <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">use another email address</a>.": [ - null, - "若這是個錯誤,請忽略這å°ä¿¡ä¸¦ <a href=\"#\" id=\"back\">使用其他電å郵件地å€</a>。" - ], - "We are very sorry, the server is under extreme load!": [ - null, - "很抱æ‰ï¼Œä¼ºæœå™¨ç›®å‰è² 載éŽé‡ï¼" - ], - "We are very sorry, there has been an error!": [ - null, - "抱æ‰ï¼Œç™¼ç”ŸéŒ¯èª¤äº†ï¼" - ], - "Please reload the page and try again.": [ - null, - "è«‹é‡æ–°è¼‰å…¥é é¢ä¸¦å†è©¦ä¸€æ¬¡ã€‚" - ], - "Please close this window and try again.": [ - null, - "請關閉æ¤è¦–窗並å†è©¦ä¸€æ¬¡ã€‚" - ], - "See more info": [ - null, - "檢視更多資訊" - ], - "The site requested you sign in using": [ - null, - "網站è¦æ±‚您使用" - ], - "reset password": [ - null, - "é‡è¨å¯†ç¢¼" - ], - "*%s* is not a valid email address!": [ - null, - "「%sã€æ˜¯ç„¡æ•ˆçš„é›»å郵件地å€ï¼" - ], - "To continue, please close the window and enter a valid address.": [ - null, - "請關閉視窗並輸入有效的電å郵件地å€ä»¥ç¹¼çºŒã€‚" - ], - "This is not me...": [ - null, - "這ä¸æ˜¯æˆ‘..." - ], - "Use a different email": [ - null, - "使用ä¸åŒçš„é›»å郵件地å€" - ], - "Always sign in using this email": [ - null, - "總是使用æ¤é›»å郵件地å€ç™»å…¥" - ], - "Address Verified!": [ - null, - "已驗è‰é›»å郵件地å€ï¼" - ], - "Your identity has been verified with your email provider, we will now try to sign you in.": [ - null, - "å·²å‘您的電å郵件æœå‹™ä¾›æ‡‰å•†ç¢ºèªæ‚¨çš„身分,我們ç¾åœ¨å°‡å˜—試將您登入。" - ], - "You must sign in with your email provider to verify ownership of this address. This window will be redirected to": [ - null, - "為了è¦é©—è‰æ‚¨çœŸçš„æ“有這個電å郵件地å€ï¼Œæ‚¨å¿…é ˆå…ˆå›žåˆ°é€™å€‹ä¿¡ç®±æœå‹™ä¸¦ç™»å…¥ã€‚這個畫é¢å³å°‡æœƒè½‰å€åˆ°" - ], - "verify": [ - null, - "é©—è‰" - ], - "Verify With Email Provider": [ - null, - "é€éŽé›»å郵件供應商驗è‰" - ], - "#~ \"BrowserID requires your browser's cookies to be enabled to operate. \"#~ \"Please enable your browser's cookies and try again\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"æ‚¨å¿…é ˆé–‹å•Ÿç€è¦½å™¨çš„ cookie 功能æ‰èƒ½ä½¿ç”¨ BrowserID 。請打開您ç€è¦½å™¨çš„ \"#~ \"cookie 並å†è©¦ä¸€æ¬¡\"" - ], - "You are offline!": [ - null, - "您ä¸åœ¨ç·šä¸Šï¼" - ], - "Unfortunately, BrowserID cannot communicate while offline!": [ - null, - "很å¯æƒœåœ°ï¼ŒBrowserID 無法於離線時使用ï¼" - ], - "select email": [ - null, - "é¸æ“‡é›»å郵件信箱" - ], - "#~ \"We are sorry, but we cannot communicate with BrowserID while you are \"#~ \"offline.\"": [ - null, - "很抱æ‰ï¼Œæˆ‘們無法在您離線的時候跟 BrowserID 通訊。" - ], - "Authenticating User": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨é©—è‰ä½¿ç”¨è€…" - ], - "Adding Address": [ - null, - "新增電å郵件地å€" - ], - "Adding Primary Email Address to User": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨ç‚ºä½¿ç”¨è€…新增主è¦é›»å郵件地å€" - ], - "Checking Address Info": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨æª¢æŸ¥é›»å郵件地å€è³‡è¨Š" - ], - "Authenticating with Assertion": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨ä½¿ç”¨çŒœæ¸¬çš„çµæžœé©—è‰" - ], - "Cancelling User Account": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨å–消使用者帳號" - ], - "Checking Authentication": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨æª¢æŸ¥æŽˆæ¬Š" - ], - "Checking Script Version": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨æª¢æŸ¥æŒ‡ä»¤ç¢¼ç‰ˆæœ¬" - ], - "Completing User Registration": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨å®Œæˆä½¿ç”¨è€…註冊" - ], - "Checking if Cookies are Enabled": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨æª¢æŸ¥ Cookie 功能是å¦å·²é–‹å•Ÿ" - ], - "Creating Account": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨å»ºç«‹å¸³è™Ÿ" - ], - "Getting Assertion": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨çŒœæ¸¬" - ], - "Checking Registration Token": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨æª¢æŸ¥è¨»å†Šä»¤ç‰Œ (Token)" - ], - "Checking Email Address": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨æª¢æŸ¥é›»å郵件地å€" - ], - "Checking Whether User is Authenticated with IdP": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨æª¢æŸ¥ä½¿ç”¨è€…是å¦å·²å®Œæˆæœå‹™ä¾›æ‡‰å•†é©—è‰" - ], - "Logout Failed": [ - null, - "登出失敗" - ], - "Authenticating with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨å‘æœå‹™æ供者驗è‰" - ], - "#~ \"We had trouble communicating with your email provider, please try again!\"": [ - null, - "我們é‡åˆ°å•é¡Œï¼Œç„¡æ³•å‘您的電å郵件æœå‹™æ供者進行驗è‰ï¼Œè«‹é‡è©¦ï¼" - ], - "Provisioning with Identity Provider": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨é–‹é€šè˜åˆ¥èº«åˆ†" - ], - "Provisioning Unsupported Identity Provider": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨é–‹é€šä¸æ”¯æ´çš„è˜åˆ¥èº«åˆ†" - ], - "#~ \"Unfortunately, the email address provided cannot act as a Primary \"#~ \"Identity Provider\"": [ - null, - "很å¯æƒœåœ°ï¼Œæ‚¨æ‰€æŒ‡å®šçš„é›»å郵件地å€ç„¡æ³•ç•¶ä½œä¸»è¦è˜åˆ¥èº«åˆ†" - ], - "Registration Failed": [ - null, - "註冊失敗" - ], - "Establishing Relay": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨æº–備轉發" - ], - "Relay frame could not be found": [ - null, - "找ä¸åˆ°è½‰ç™¼æ¡†æž¶" - ], - "Resetting Password": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨é‡è¨å¯†ç¢¼" - ], - "Remove Email Address from Account": [ - null, - "自帳號當ä¸ç§»é™¤é›»å郵件地å€" - ], - "Setting Password": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨è¨å®šå¯†ç¢¼" - ], - "Signin Failed": [ - null, - "登入失敗" - ], - "Signup Failed": [ - null, - "註冊失敗" - ], - "Syncing Address": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨åŒæ¥é›»å郵件地å€" - ], - "Syncing Email Addresses": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨åŒæ¥é›»å郵件地å€" - ], - "Sync Keys for Address": [ - null, - "åŒæ¥é›»å郵件地å€çš„金鑰" - ], - "Getting Token Info": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨å–得令牌 (Token) 資訊" - ], - "Updating password": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨æ›´æ–°å¯†ç¢¼" - ], - "Verifying email address": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨ç¢ºèªé›»å郵件地å€" - ], - "Cancel": [ - null, - "å–消" - ], - "#~ \"We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send \"#~ \"another, wait a minute or two and try again.\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"我們剛寄出電å郵件到那個地å€ï¼è‹¥æ‚¨çœŸçš„想è¦å†å¯„一å°ï¼Œè«‹ç‰å¹¾åˆ†é˜å¾Œå†è©¦ä¸€æ¬¡ã€‚\"" - ], - "#~ \"To verify that you own <strong id='primary_email'>%s</strong>, you must \"#~ \"sign in with your provider. This window will be redirected to\"": [ - null, - "#~ \"為了è¦é©—è‰æ‚¨çœŸçš„æ“有 <strong id='primary_email'>%s</strong>ï¼Œæ‚¨å¿…é ˆå…ˆå›žåˆ°\"#~ \"這個信箱æœå‹™ä¸¦ç™»å…¥ã€‚這個畫é¢å³å°‡æœƒè½‰å€åˆ°\"" - ], - "translated text": [ - null, - "已翻è¯å—串" - ] - } -} -; diff --git a/resources/static/i18n/zh_TW/messages.json b/resources/static/i18n/zh_TW/messages.json deleted file mode 100644 index 4b46b49794a81a835fed8a10192ed10e4ec576a0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/resources/static/i18n/zh_TW/messages.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,195 +0,0 @@ -;var json_locale_data = { - "messages": { - "": { - "Project-Id-Version": " PACKAGE VERSION", - "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To": " ", - "POT-Creation-Date": " 2012-03-02 15:24+0100", - "PO-Revision-Date": " 2012-03-02 17:20+0200", - "Last-Translator": " Peter <petercpg@mail.moztw.org>", - "Language-Team": " LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>", - "Language": " zh_TW", - "MIME-Version": " 1.0", - "Content-Type": " text/plain; charset=UTF-8", - "Content-Transfer-Encoding": " 8bit", - "Plural-Forms": " nplurals=1; plural=0;", - "X-Generator": " Pootle 2.1.6" - }, - "Complete Login to %s using BrowserID": [ - null, - "使用 BrowserID 登入至 %s" - ], - "Error encountered while attempting to confirm your address. Have you previously verified this address?": [ - null, - "嘗試確èªæ‚¨çš„é›»å郵件地å€æ™‚發生錯誤。您曾經驗è‰éŽé€™å€‹åœ°å€å—Žï¼Ÿ" - ], - "Error encountered trying to complete registration.": [ - null, - "嘗試完æˆè¨»å†Šæ™‚發生錯誤。" - ], - "Finish signing into:": [ - null, - "æ£å®Œæˆç™»å…¥è‡³:" - ], - "Email Verification": [ - null, - "é›»å郵件驗è‰" - ], - "Email Address": [ - null, - "é›»å郵件地å€" - ], - "Your Email": [ - null, - "您的電å郵件地å€" - ], - "New Password": [ - null, - "新密碼" - ], - "Enter a Password": [ - null, - "輸入一組密碼" - ], - "Password is required.": [ - null, - "å¿…é ˆè¼¸å…¥å¯†ç¢¼ã€‚" - ], - "Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.": [ - null, - "å¯†ç¢¼é•·åº¦å¿…é ˆåœ¨ 8 到 80 個å—元符號之間。" - ], - "Verify Password": [ - null, - "é©—è‰å¯†ç¢¼" - ], - "Repeat Password": [ - null, - "é‡æ–°è¼¸å…¥å¯†ç¢¼" - ], - "Verification password is required.": [ - null, - "需è¦è¼¸å…¥å…©æ¬¡å¯†ç¢¼ã€‚" - ], - "Passwords do not match.": [ - null, - "輸入的密碼ä¸ç›¸åŒã€‚" - ], - "finish": [ - null, - "完æˆ" - ], - "<strong class=\"email\">Your address</strong> has been verified!": [ - null, - "å·²é©—è‰ <strong class=\"email\">您的電å郵件地å€</strong>ï¼" - ], - "Your new address is set up and you should now be signed in. You may now close this window and go back to": [ - null, - "您新的電å郵件地å€å·²ç¶“è¨å®šå®Œæˆï¼Œç¾åœ¨æ‡‰è©²ä¹Ÿå·²ç¶“登入了。您ç¾åœ¨å¯ä»¥é—œé–‰æ¤è¦–窗並回到" - ], - "BrowserID requires cookies": [ - null, - "BrowserID éœ€è¦ cookie 功能" - ], - "Please close this window, <a %s>enable cookies</a> and try again": [ - null, - "請關閉æ¤è¦–窗然後 <a %s>é–‹å•Ÿ Cookie 功能</a> 並å†è©¦ä¸€æ¬¡" - ], - "Communicating with server": [ - null, - "æ£åœ¨èˆ‡ä¼ºæœå™¨é€šè¨Š" - ], - "Just a moment while we talk with the server.": [ - null, - "我們æ£åœ¨é€£çµ¡ä¼ºæœå™¨ï¼Œè«‹ç¨å€™ã€‚" - ], - "BrowserID": [ - null, - "BrowserID" - ], - "BrowserID is the fast and secure way to sign in — <a %s>learn more</a>": [ - null, - "BrowserID 是個能讓您更快ã€æ›´å®‰å…¨åœ°ç™»å…¥ç¶²ç«™çš„æ–¹å¼ — <a %s>了解更多資訊</a>" - ], - "BrowserID: %s": [ - null, - "BrowserID: %s" - ], - "BrowserID Home": [ - null, - "BrowserID 首é " - ], - "How it works": [ - null, - "技術原ç†" - ], - "Developers": [ - null, - "開發者" - ], - "Sign In": [ - null, - "登入" - ], - "Sign Out": [ - null, - "登出" - ], - "By the <a %s>Identity Team</a> @ <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a>": [ - null, - "ç”± <a %s>Mozilla Labs</a> çš„ <a %s>Identity Team</a> æ‰“é€ " - ], - "Privacy": [ - null, - "éš±ç§" - ], - "TOS": [ - null, - "æœå‹™æ¢æ¬¾" - ], - "Need Help?": [ - null, - "需è¦å¹«åŠ©å—Žï¼Ÿ" - ], - "There was a problem with your signup link. Has this address already been registered?": [ - null, - "您的註冊éˆçµæœ‰é»žå•é¡Œã€‚這個電å郵件地å€è¨»å†ŠéŽäº†å—Žï¼Ÿ" - ], - "Error communicating with server.": [ - null, - "與伺æœå™¨é€šè¨Šæ™‚發生錯誤。" - ], - "Last step!": [ - null, - "最後一æ¥äº†ï¼" - ], - "Thank you for signing up with <strong>BrowserID</strong>. You can now use your <strong>BrowserID</strong> account to <em>Sign In</em> or <em>Sign Up</em> to websites all across the web!": [ - null, - "æ„Ÿè¬æ‚¨è¨»å†Š <strong>BrowserID</strong>。您ç¾åœ¨å¯ä»¥ä½¿ç”¨ <strong>BrowserID</strong> 帳號以 <em>登入</em> 或 <em>註冊</em> 其他網站ï¼" - ], - "Thanks for verifying your email address. This message is being sent to you to complete your sign-in to %s.": [ - null, - "æ„Ÿè¬æ‚¨é©—è‰æ‚¨çš„é›»å郵件地å€ã€‚該訊æ¯å·²å¯„é€çµ¦æ‚¨ä»¥å®Œæˆç™»å…¥è‡³ %s çš„éŽç¨‹ã€‚" - ], - "Finish registration by clicking this link:": [ - null, - "請點下æ¤éˆçµå®Œæˆè¨»å†Š:" - ], - "If you are NOT trying to sign into this site, just ignore this email.": [ - null, - "若您沒有è¦ç™»å…¥è©²ç¶²ç«™ï¼Œè«‹å¿½ç•¥æ¤é›»å郵件。" - ], - "Thanks,": [ - null, - "æ„Ÿè¬æ‚¨" - ], - "(A better way to sign in)": [ - null, - "(更好的登入機制)" - ], - "Browser ID": [ - null, - "Browser ID" - ] - } -} -;