diff --git a/resources/static/include_js/include.js b/resources/static/include_js/include.js
index ebbdbb57851563a0aba8c3d78f02ee3cd7f98a6d..d02808d77505676c8b223749df617ef943ab121d 100644
--- a/resources/static/include_js/include.js
+++ b/resources/static/include_js/include.js
@@ -814,80 +814,12 @@
-        },
-        onOpen: function(cb) {
-          var o = "*";
-          var msgTarget = isIE ? findRelay() : window.opener;
-          if (!msgTarget) throw "can't find relay frame";
-          function doPost(msg) {
-            msg = JSON.stringify(msg);
-            if (isIE) msgTarget.doPost(msg, o);
-            else msgTarget.postMessage(msg, o);
-          }
-          function onMessage(e) {
-            // only one message gets through
-            removeListener(window, 'message', onMessage);
-            var d;
-            o = e.origin;
-            try {
-              d = JSON.parse(e.data);
-            } catch(err) { }
-            if (cb) {
-              // this setTimeout is critically important for IE8 -
-              // in ie8 sometimes addListener for 'message' can synchronously
-              // cause your callback to be invoked.  awesome.
-              setTimeout(function() {
-                cb(o, d.d, function(r) {
-                  cb = undefined;
-                  doPost({a: 'response', d: r});
-                });
-              }, 0);
-            }
-          }
-          function onDie(e) {
-            if (e.data === CLOSE_CMD) {
-              try { window.close(); } catch (o_O) {}
-            }
-          }
-          addListener(isIE ? msgTarget : window, 'message', onMessage);
-          addListener(isIE ? msgTarget : window, 'message', onDie);
-          // we cannot post to our parent that we're ready before the iframe
-          // is loaded. (IE specific possible failure)
-          try {
-            doPost({a: "ready"});
-          } catch(e) {
-            // this code should never be exectued outside IE
-            addListener(msgTarget, 'load', function(e) {
-              doPost({a: "ready"});
-            });
-          }
-          // if window is unloaded and the client hasn't called cb, it's an error
-          var onUnload = function() {
-            removeListener(isIE ? msgTarget : window, 'message', onDie);
-            if (cb) doPost({ a: 'error', d: 'client closed window' });
-            cb = undefined;
-            // explicitly close the window, in case the client is trying to reload or nav
-            try { window.close(); } catch (e) { }
-          };
-          addListener(window, 'unload', onUnload);
-          return {
-            detach: function() {
-              removeListener(window, 'unload', onUnload);
-            }
-          };
     } else {
       return {
         open: function(url, winopts, arg, cb) {
           setTimeout(function() { cb("unsupported browser"); }, 0);
-        },
-        onOpen: function(cb) {
-          setTimeout(function() { cb("unsupported browser"); }, 0);