<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. --> <div id="hAlign" class="display_always"> <div id="vAlign"> <!-- XXX this form submits to nowhere --> <form id="signUpForm" class="cf authform" novalidate> <h1 id="title"><%- gettext('Sign In') %></h1> <ul class="notifications"> <li class="notification emailsent"> <h2><%- gettext('Confirm your email address') %></h2> <p> <%- format(gettext('Check your email at <strong %(emailId)></strong>.'), { emailId: 'id="sentToEmail"' }) %> </p> <p> <%- gettext('Click the link in the confirmation email. You\'ll then immediately be signed into Persona.') %> </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="inputs forminputs"> <li> <label for="email"><%- gettext('To sign in with Persona, please enter your email address.') %></label> <input id="email" autofocus placeholder="<%- gettext('enter email address') %>" type="email" autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off" spellcheck="false" maxlength="254" /> <div id="email_format" class="tooltip" for="email"> <%- gettext('This field must be an email address.') %> </div> <div id="email_required" class="tooltip" for="email"> <%- gettext('The email field is required.') %> </div> <div id="could_not_add" class="tooltip" for="email"> <%- gettext('We just sent an email to that address! If you really want to send another, wait a minute or two and try again.') %> </div> <div id="cannot_authenticate" class="tooltip" for="email"> <%- gettext('This email address and password do not match.') %> </div> </li> <li class="password_entry vpassword_entry"> <a class="forgot right" href="/forgot"><%- gettext('forgot your password?') %></a> <label for="password" class="password_entry"><%- gettext('Password') %></label> <label for="password" class="vpassword_entry"><%- gettext('Your email address is new to us. Please create a password to use with Persona.') %></label> <input id="password" placeholder="<%- gettext('password') %>" type="password" maxlength="80"> <div id="password_required" class="tooltip" for="password"> <%- gettext('The password field is required.') %> </div> <div class="tooltip" id="password_length" for="password"> <%- gettext('Password must be between 8 and 80 characters long.') %> </div> <div class="tooltip" id="passwords_no_match" for="password"> <%- gettext('These passwords don\'t match!') %> </div> </li> <li class="vpassword_entry"> <label for="vpassword" class="hidden"><%- gettext('Verify Password') %></label> <input id="vpassword" placeholder="<%- gettext('verify password') %>" type="password" maxlength="80"> <div id="password_required" class="tooltip" for="vpassword"> <%- gettext('Verification password is required.') %> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="submit cf forminputs start"> <button id="next"><%- gettext('Next') %></button> </div> <div class="submit cf forminputs password_entry"> <button id="signIn"><%- gettext('Sign In') %></button> </div> <div class="submit cf forminputs vpassword_entry"> <p class="cf"> <button id="verifyEmail"><%- gettext('Verify Email') %></button> </p> <p class="tospp cf"> <%- format( gettext('By proceeding, you agree to %(persona)\'s <a %(termsLink)>Terms</a> and <a %(privacyLink)>Privacy Policy</a>.'), { persona: "Persona", termsLink: 'href="https://login.persona.org/tos" target="_new"', privacyLink: 'href="https://login.persona.org/privacy" target="_new"', }) %> </p> </div> <div class="submit cf forminputs verify_primary"> <%- format(gettext('To verify that you own <strong %(emailId)>this address</strong>, you must sign in with your provider. A new window will be opened.'), { emailId: 'id="primary_email"' }) %> <p class="submit"> <button id="authWithPrimary"><%- gettext('Verify') %></button> </p> </div> </form> </div> </div> <noscript> <%- gettext('We\'re sorry, Persona requires that Javascript is enabled.') %> </noscript>