#!/usr/bin/env node

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

// I sign keys.  That's what I do.

path = require('path'),
express = require('express'),
statsd = require('../lib/statsd');

config = require('../lib/configuration.js'),
httputils = require('../lib/httputils.js'),
validate = require('../lib/validate.js'),
logger = require('../lib/logging.js').logger,
heartbeat = require('../lib/heartbeat'),
shutdown = require('../lib/shutdown'),
computecluster = require('compute-cluster'),
urlparse = require('urlparse');

const HOSTNAME = urlparse(config.get('public_url')).host;
logger.info("Certs will be issued from: " + HOSTNAME);

// create an express server
var app = express.createServer();

// respond to health checks (before logging)

// our server will log
  format: config.get('express_log_format'),
  stream: {
    write: function(x) {
      logger.info(typeof x === 'string' ? x.trim() : x);

var statsd_config = config.get('statsd');
if (statsd_config && statsd_config.enabled) {
  var logger_statsd = require("connect-logger-statsd");
    host: statsd_config.hostname || "localhost",
    port: statsd_config.port || 8125,
    prefix: statsd_config.prefix || "browserid.keysigner."

// parse POST bodies

try {
  // explicitly relay VAR_PATH to children
  process.env['VAR_PATH'] = config.get('var_path');

  // allocate a compute cluster
  var cc = new computecluster({
    module: path.join(__dirname, "..", "lib", "keysigner", "keysigner-compute.js"),
    max_processes: config.get('max_compute_processes')
  }).on('error', function(e) {
    logger.error("error detected in keysigning computation process!  fatal: " + e.toString());
    setTimeout(function() { process.exit(1); }, 0);
  }).on('info', function(msg) {
    logger.info("(compute cluster): " + msg);
  }).on('debug', function(msg) {
    logger.debug("(compute cluster): " + msg);
} catch(e) {
  process.stderr.write("can't allocate compute cluster: " + e + "\n");

// and our single function
app.post('/wsapi/cert_key', validate({ 'email': 'email', 'pubkey': 'pubkey', 'ephemeral': 'boolean' }), function(req, resp) {
  var startTime = new Date();
    pubkey: req.params.pubkey,
    email: req.params.email,
    validityPeriod: (req.params.ephemeral ? config.get('ephemeral_session_duration_ms') : config.get('certificate_validity_ms')),
    hostname: HOSTNAME
  }, function (err, r) {
    var reqTime = new Date - startTime;
    statsd.timing('certification_time', reqTime);

    // consider "application" errors to be the same as harder errors
    if (!err && r && r.error) err = r.error;
    else if (!r || !r.success) err = "no certificate returned from child process";

    if (err) {
      logger.error("certification generation error: " + err);
      httputils.serverError(resp, "certification generation error");
    } else {
      resp.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});

// shutdown nicely on signals
shutdown.handleTerminationSignals(app, function() {

var bindTo = config.get('bind_to');
app.listen(bindTo.port, bindTo.host, function() {
  logger.info("running on http://" + app.address().address + ":" + app.address().port);