From 0024667d37234420f6651bc6628795221be74786 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Silas Davis <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2018 22:48:02 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Refactor execution (finally get rid of GOTO)

Signed-off-by: Silas Davis <>
 blockchain/blockchain.go                    |   10 +-
 client/websocket_client.go                  |    2 +-
 core/kernel.go                              |    4 +-
 event/emitter.go                            |    6 +
 execution/errors/errors.go                  |    8 +
 execution/execution.go                      | 1173 ++-----------------
 execution/execution_test.go                 |  156 ++-
 execution/executors/call.go                 |  246 ++++
 execution/executors/name.go                 |  185 +++
 execution/executors/permissions.go          |  153 +++
 execution/executors/send.go                 |   81 ++
 execution/executors/shared.go               |  250 ++++
 execution/{ => names}/namereg.go            |    2 +-
 execution/{ => names}/namereg_cache.go      |    2 +-
 execution/{ => names}/namereg_cache_test.go |    2 +-
 execution/state.go                          |   16 +-
 execution/transactor.go                     |    6 +-
 rpc/filters/namereg.go                      |   10 +-
 rpc/result.go                               |    5 +-
 rpc/service.go                              |   15 +-
 rpc/tm/client/client.go                     |    4 +-
 rpc/tm/integration/shared.go                |    4 +-
 rpc/tm/integration/websocket_helpers.go     |   12 +-
 rpc/tm/methods.go                           |    4 +-
 rpc/v0/methods.go                           |    7 +-
 25 files changed, 1126 insertions(+), 1237 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 execution/executors/call.go
 create mode 100644 execution/executors/name.go
 create mode 100644 execution/executors/permissions.go
 create mode 100644 execution/executors/send.go
 create mode 100644 execution/executors/shared.go
 rename execution/{ => names}/namereg.go (98%)
 rename execution/{ => names}/namereg_cache.go (99%)
 rename execution/{ => names}/namereg_cache_test.go (98%)

diff --git a/blockchain/blockchain.go b/blockchain/blockchain.go
index ec125ea7..98e48b14 100644
--- a/blockchain/blockchain.go
+++ b/blockchain/blockchain.go
@@ -33,9 +33,7 @@ const DefaultValidatorsWindowSize = 10
 var stateKey = []byte("BlockchainState")
-type BlockchainInfo interface {
-	GenesisHash() []byte
-	GenesisDoc() genesis.GenesisDoc
+type TipInfo interface {
 	ChainID() string
 	LastBlockHeight() uint64
 	LastBlockTime() time.Time
@@ -43,6 +41,12 @@ type BlockchainInfo interface {
 	AppHashAfterLastBlock() []byte
+type BlockchainInfo interface {
+	TipInfo
+	GenesisHash() []byte
+	GenesisDoc() genesis.GenesisDoc
 type Root struct {
 	genesisHash []byte
 	genesisDoc  genesis.GenesisDoc
diff --git a/client/websocket_client.go b/client/websocket_client.go
index b06b2fec..5d425344 100644
--- a/client/websocket_client.go
+++ b/client/websocket_client.go
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ func (burrowNodeWebsocketClient *burrowNodeWebsocketClient) WaitForConfirmation(
-					if eventDataTx.Exception != nil {
+					if eventDataTx.Exception != nil && eventDataTx.Exception.Code != errors.ErrorCodeExecutionReverted {
 						confirmationChannel <- Confirmation{
 							BlockHash:   latestBlockHash,
 							EventDataTx: eventDataTx,
diff --git a/core/kernel.go b/core/kernel.go
index eceaec85..18f52126 100644
--- a/core/kernel.go
+++ b/core/kernel.go
@@ -94,10 +94,10 @@ func NewKernel(ctx context.Context, keyClient keys.KeyClient, privValidator tm_t
 	tmGenesisDoc := tendermint.DeriveGenesisDoc(genesisDoc)
-	checker := execution.NewBatchChecker(state, tmGenesisDoc.ChainID, blockchain.Tip, logger)
+	checker := execution.NewBatchChecker(state, blockchain.Tip, logger)
 	emitter := event.NewEmitter(logger)
-	committer := execution.NewBatchCommitter(state, tmGenesisDoc.ChainID, blockchain.Tip, emitter, logger, exeOptions...)
+	committer := execution.NewBatchCommitter(state, blockchain.Tip, emitter, logger, exeOptions...)
 	tmNode, err := tendermint.NewNode(tmConf, privValidator, tmGenesisDoc, blockchain, checker, committer, tmLogger)
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/event/emitter.go b/event/emitter.go
index ec9f1e31..738104fd 100644
--- a/event/emitter.go
+++ b/event/emitter.go
@@ -42,6 +42,12 @@ type Publisher interface {
 	Publish(ctx context.Context, message interface{}, tags map[string]interface{}) error
+type PublisherFunc func(ctx context.Context, message interface{}, tags map[string]interface{}) error
+func (pf PublisherFunc) Publish(ctx context.Context, message interface{}, tags map[string]interface{}) error {
+	return pf(ctx, message, tags)
 type Emitter interface {
diff --git a/execution/errors/errors.go b/execution/errors/errors.go
index 4f2e2ab8..20248d40 100644
--- a/execution/errors/errors.go
+++ b/execution/errors/errors.go
@@ -121,6 +121,14 @@ func ErrorCodef(errorCode ErrorCode, format string, a ...interface{}) CodedError
 	return NewCodedError(errorCode, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...))
+func (e *Exception) AsError() error {
+	// thanks go, you dick
+	if e == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	return e
 func (e *Exception) ErrorCode() ErrorCode {
 	return e.Code
diff --git a/execution/execution.go b/execution/execution.go
index c97fd2fb..56d69d3b 100644
--- a/execution/execution.go
+++ b/execution/execution.go
@@ -25,27 +25,25 @@ import (
 	bcm ""
-	""
-	""
+	""
-	""
-	ptypes ""
-// TODO: make configurable
-const GasLimit = uint64(1000000)
+type Executor interface {
+	Execute(txEnv *txs.Envelope) error
 type BatchExecutor interface {
 	// Provides access to write lock for a BatchExecutor so reads can be prevented for the duration of a commit
 	// Execute transaction against block cache (i.e. block buffer)
-	Execute(txEnv *txs.Envelope) error
+	Executor
 	// Reset executor to underlying State
 	Reset() error
@@ -60,55 +58,105 @@ type BatchCommitter interface {
 type executor struct {
-	chainID      string
-	tip          *bcm.Tip
 	runCall      bool
 	state        *State
 	stateCache   state.Cache
-	nameRegCache *NameRegCache
-	publisher    event.Publisher
+	nameRegCache *names.NameRegCache
 	eventCache   *event.Cache
 	logger       *logging.Logger
 	vmOptions    []func(*evm.VM)
+	txExecutors  map[payload.Type]Executor
 var _ BatchExecutor = (*executor)(nil)
 // Wraps a cache of what is variously known as the 'check cache' and 'mempool'
-func NewBatchChecker(backend *State, chainID string, tip *bcm.Tip, logger *logging.Logger,
+func NewBatchChecker(backend *State, tip *bcm.Tip, logger *logging.Logger,
 	options ...ExecutionOption) BatchExecutor {
-	return newExecutor("CheckCache", false, backend, chainID, tip, event.NewNoOpPublisher(),
+	return newExecutor("CheckCache", false, backend, tip, event.NewNoOpPublisher(),
 		logger.WithScope("NewBatchExecutor"), options...)
-func NewBatchCommitter(backend *State, chainID string, tip *bcm.Tip, publisher event.Publisher, logger *logging.Logger,
+func NewBatchCommitter(backend *State, tip *bcm.Tip, publisher event.Publisher, logger *logging.Logger,
 	options ...ExecutionOption) BatchCommitter {
-	return newExecutor("CommitCache", true, backend, chainID, tip, publisher,
+	return newExecutor("CommitCache", true, backend, tip, publisher,
 		logger.WithScope("NewBatchCommitter"), options...)
-func newExecutor(name string, runCall bool, backend *State, chainID string, tip *bcm.Tip, publisher event.Publisher,
+func newExecutor(name string, runCall bool, backend *State, tip *bcm.Tip, publisher event.Publisher,
 	logger *logging.Logger, options ...ExecutionOption) *executor {
 	exe := &executor{
-		chainID:      chainID,
-		tip:          tip,
 		runCall:      runCall,
 		state:        backend,
 		stateCache:   state.NewCache(backend, state.Name(name)),
-		nameRegCache: NewNameRegCache(backend),
-		publisher:    publisher,
 		eventCache:   event.NewEventCache(publisher),
+		nameRegCache: names.NewNameRegCache(backend),
 		logger:       logger.With(structure.ComponentKey, "Executor"),
 	for _, option := range options {
+	exe.txExecutors = map[payload.Type]Executor{
+		payload.TypeSend: &executors.SendContext{
+			StateWriter:    exe.stateCache,
+			EventPublisher: exe.eventCache,
+			Logger:         exe.logger,
+		},
+		payload.TypeCall: &executors.CallContext{
+			StateWriter:    exe.stateCache,
+			EventPublisher: exe.eventCache,
+			Tip:            tip,
+			RunCall:        runCall,
+			VMOptions:      exe.vmOptions,
+			Logger:         exe.logger,
+		},
+		payload.TypeName: &executors.NameContext{
+			StateWriter:    exe.stateCache,
+			EventPublisher: exe.eventCache,
+			NameReg:        exe.nameRegCache,
+			Tip:            tip,
+			Logger:         exe.logger,
+		},
+		payload.TypePermissions: &executors.PermissionsContext{
+			StateWriter:    exe.stateCache,
+			EventPublisher: exe.eventCache,
+			Logger:         exe.logger,
+		},
+	}
 	return exe
+// If the tx is invalid, an error will be returned.
+// Unlike ExecBlock(), state will not be altered.
+func (exe *executor) Execute(txEnv *txs.Envelope) (err error) {
+	defer func() {
+		if r := recover(); r != nil {
+			err = fmt.Errorf("recovered from panic in executor.Execute(%s): %v\n%s", txEnv.String(), r,
+				debug.Stack())
+		}
+	}()
+	logger := exe.logger.WithScope("executor.Execute(tx txs.Tx)").With(
+		"run_call", exe.runCall,
+		"tx_hash", txEnv.Tx.Hash())
+	logger.TraceMsg("Executing transaction", "tx", txEnv.String())
+	// Verify transaction signature against inputs
+	err = txEnv.Verify(exe.stateCache)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if txExecutor, ok := exe.txExecutors[txEnv.Tx.Type()]; ok {
+		return txExecutor.Execute(txEnv)
+	}
+	return fmt.Errorf("unknown transaction type: %v", txEnv.Tx.Type())
 // executor exposes access to the underlying state cache protected by a RWMutex that prevents access while locked
 // (during an ABCI commit). while access can occur (and needs to continue for CheckTx/DeliverTx to make progress)
 // through calls to Execute() external readers will be blocked until the executor is unlocked that allows the Transactor
@@ -161,1088 +209,3 @@ func (exe *executor) Reset() error {
 	return nil
-// If the tx is invalid, an error will be returned.
-// Unlike ExecBlock(), state will not be altered.
-func (exe *executor) Execute(txEnv *txs.Envelope) (err error) {
-	defer func() {
-		if r := recover(); r != nil {
-			err = fmt.Errorf("recovered from panic in executor.Execute(%s): %v\n%s", txEnv.String(), r,
-				debug.Stack())
-		}
-	}()
-	logger := exe.logger.WithScope("executor.Execute(tx txs.Tx)").With(
-		"run_call", exe.runCall,
-		"tx_hash", txEnv.Tx.Hash())
-	logger.TraceMsg("Executing transaction", "tx", txEnv.String())
-	// TODO: do something with fees
-	fees := uint64(0)
-	// Verify transaction signature against inputs
-	err = txEnv.Verify(exe.stateCache)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// Exec tx
-	switch tx := txEnv.Tx.Payload.(type) {
-	case *payload.SendTx:
-		accounts, err := getInputs(exe.stateCache, tx.Inputs)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		// ensure all inputs have send permissions
-		if !hasSendPermission(exe.stateCache, accounts, logger) {
-			return fmt.Errorf("at least one input lacks permission for SendTx")
-		}
-		// add outputs to accounts map
-		// if any outputs don't exist, all inputs must have CreateAccount perm
-		accounts, err = getOrMakeOutputs(exe.stateCache, accounts, tx.Outputs, logger)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		inTotal, err := validateInputs(accounts, tx.Inputs)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		outTotal, err := validateOutputs(tx.Outputs)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		if outTotal > inTotal {
-			return payload.ErrTxInsufficientFunds
-		}
-		fee := inTotal - outTotal
-		fees += fee
-		// Good! Adjust accounts
-		err = adjustByInputs(accounts, tx.Inputs, logger)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		err = adjustByOutputs(accounts, tx.Outputs)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		for _, acc := range accounts {
-			exe.stateCache.UpdateAccount(acc)
-		}
-		if exe.eventCache != nil {
-			for _, i := range tx.Inputs {
-				events.PublishAccountInput(exe.eventCache, i.Address, txEnv.Tx, nil, nil)
-			}
-			for _, o := range tx.Outputs {
-				events.PublishAccountOutput(exe.eventCache, o.Address, txEnv.Tx, nil, nil)
-			}
-		}
-		return nil
-	case *payload.CallTx:
-		var inAcc acm.MutableAccount
-		var outAcc acm.Account
-		// Validate input
-		inAcc, err := state.GetMutableAccount(exe.stateCache, tx.Input.Address)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		if inAcc == nil {
-			logger.InfoMsg("Cannot find input account",
-				"tx_input", tx.Input)
-			return payload.ErrTxInvalidAddress
-		}
-		// Calling a nil destination is defined as requesting contract creation
-		createContract := tx.Address == nil
-		if createContract {
-			if !hasCreateContractPermission(exe.stateCache, inAcc, logger) {
-				return fmt.Errorf("account %s does not have CreateContract permission", tx.Input.Address)
-			}
-		} else {
-			if !hasCallPermission(exe.stateCache, inAcc, logger) {
-				return fmt.Errorf("account %s does not have Call permission", tx.Input.Address)
-			}
-		}
-		err = validateInput(inAcc, tx.Input)
-		if err != nil {
-			logger.InfoMsg("validateInput failed",
-				"tx_input", tx.Input, structure.ErrorKey, err)
-			return err
-		}
-		if tx.Input.Amount < tx.Fee {
-			logger.InfoMsg("Sender did not send enough to cover the fee",
-				"tx_input", tx.Input)
-			return payload.ErrTxInsufficientFunds
-		}
-		if !createContract {
-			// check if its a native contract
-			if evm.IsRegisteredNativeContract(tx.Address.Word256()) {
-				return fmt.Errorf("attempt to call a native contract at %s, "+
-					"but native contracts cannot be called using CallTx. Use a "+
-					"contract that calls the native contract or the appropriate tx "+
-					"type (eg. PermissionsTx, NameTx)", tx.Address)
-			}
-			// Output account may be nil if we are still in mempool and contract was created in same block as this tx
-			// but that's fine, because the account will be created properly when the create tx runs in the block
-			// and then this won't return nil. otherwise, we take their fee
-			// Note: tx.Address == nil iff createContract so dereference is okay
-			outAcc, err = exe.stateCache.GetAccount(*tx.Address)
-			if err != nil {
-				return err
-			}
-		}
-		logger.Trace.Log("output_account", outAcc)
-		// Good!
-		value := tx.Input.Amount - tx.Fee
-		logger.TraceMsg("Incrementing sequence number for CallTx",
-			"tag", "sequence",
-			"account", inAcc.Address(),
-			"old_sequence", inAcc.Sequence(),
-			"new_sequence", inAcc.Sequence()+1)
-		inAcc, err = inAcc.IncSequence().SubtractFromBalance(tx.Fee)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		exe.stateCache.UpdateAccount(inAcc)
-		// The logic in runCall MUST NOT return.
-		if exe.runCall {
-			// VM call variables
-			var (
-				gas     uint64             = tx.GasLimit
-				err     error              = nil
-				caller  acm.MutableAccount = acm.AsMutableAccount(inAcc)
-				callee  acm.MutableAccount = nil // initialized below
-				code    []byte             = nil
-				ret     []byte             = nil
-				txCache                    = state.NewCache(exe.stateCache, state.Name("TxCache"))
-				params                     = evm.Params{
-					BlockHeight: exe.tip.LastBlockHeight(),
-					BlockHash:   binary.LeftPadWord256(exe.tip.LastBlockHash()),
-					BlockTime:   exe.tip.LastBlockTime().Unix(),
-					GasLimit:    GasLimit,
-				}
-			)
-			if !createContract && (outAcc == nil || len(outAcc.Code()) == 0) {
-				// if you call an account that doesn't exist
-				// or an account with no code then we take fees (sorry pal)
-				// NOTE: it's fine to create a contract and call it within one
-				// block (sequence number will prevent re-ordering of those txs)
-				// but to create with one contract and call with another
-				// you have to wait a block to avoid a re-ordering attack
-				// that will take your fees
-				if outAcc == nil {
-					logger.InfoMsg("Call to address that does not exist",
-						"caller_address", inAcc.Address(),
-						"callee_address", tx.Address)
-				} else {
-					logger.InfoMsg("Call to address that holds no code",
-						"caller_address", inAcc.Address(),
-						"callee_address", tx.Address)
-				}
-				err = payload.ErrTxInvalidAddress
-			}
-			// get or create callee
-			if createContract {
-				// We already checked for permission
-				callee = evm.DeriveNewAccount(caller, state.GlobalAccountPermissions(exe.state),
-					logger.With(
-						"tx", tx.String(),
-						"tx_hash", txEnv.Tx.Hash(),
-						"run_call", exe.runCall,
-					))
-				code = tx.Data
-				logger.TraceMsg("Creating new contract",
-					"contract_address", callee.Address(),
-					"init_code", code)
-			} else {
-				callee = acm.AsMutableAccount(outAcc)
-				code = callee.Code()
-				logger.TraceMsg("Calling existing contract",
-					"contract_address", callee.Address(),
-					"input", tx.Data,
-					"contract_code", code)
-			}
-			logger.Trace.Log("callee", callee.Address().String())
-			// Run VM call and sync txCache to exe.blockCache.
-			{ // Capture scope for goto.
-				// Write caller/callee to txCache.
-				txCache.UpdateAccount(caller)
-				txCache.UpdateAccount(callee)
-				vmach := evm.NewVM(params, caller.Address(), txEnv.Tx.Hash(), logger, exe.vmOptions...)
-				vmach.SetPublisher(exe.eventCache)
-				// NOTE: Call() transfers the value from caller to callee iff call succeeds.
-				ret, err = vmach.Call(txCache, caller, callee, code, tx.Data, value, &gas)
-				if err != nil {
-					// Failure. Charge the gas fee. The 'value' was otherwise not transferred.
-					logger.InfoMsg("Error on execution",
-						structure.ErrorKey, err)
-					goto CALL_COMPLETE
-				}
-				logger.TraceMsg("Successful execution")
-				if createContract {
-					callee.SetCode(ret)
-				}
-				txCache.Sync(exe.stateCache)
-			}
-		CALL_COMPLETE: // err may or may not be nil.
-			// Create a receipt from the ret and whether it erred.
-			logger.TraceMsg("VM call complete",
-				"caller", caller,
-				"callee", callee,
-				"return", ret,
-				structure.ErrorKey, err)
-			// Fire Events for sender and receiver
-			// a separate event will be fired from vm for each additional call
-			if exe.eventCache != nil {
-				events.PublishAccountInput(exe.eventCache, tx.Input.Address, txEnv.Tx, ret, errors.AsCodedError(err))
-				if tx.Address != nil {
-					events.PublishAccountOutput(exe.eventCache, *tx.Address, txEnv.Tx, ret, errors.AsCodedError(err))
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			// The mempool does not call txs until
-			// the proposer determines the order of txs.
-			// So mempool will skip the actual .Call(),
-			// and only deduct from the caller's balance.
-			inAcc, err = inAcc.SubtractFromBalance(value)
-			if err != nil {
-				return err
-			}
-			if createContract {
-				// This is done by DeriveNewAccount when runCall == true
-				logger.TraceMsg("Incrementing sequence number since creates contract",
-					"tag", "sequence",
-					"account", inAcc.Address(),
-					"old_sequence", inAcc.Sequence(),
-					"new_sequence", inAcc.Sequence()+1)
-				inAcc.IncSequence()
-			}
-			exe.stateCache.UpdateAccount(inAcc)
-		}
-		return nil
-	case *payload.NameTx:
-		// Validate input
-		inAcc, err := state.GetMutableAccount(exe.stateCache, tx.Input.Address)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		if inAcc == nil {
-			logger.InfoMsg("Cannot find input account",
-				"tx_input", tx.Input)
-			return payload.ErrTxInvalidAddress
-		}
-		// check permission
-		if !hasNamePermission(exe.stateCache, inAcc, logger) {
-			return fmt.Errorf("account %s does not have Name permission", tx.Input.Address)
-		}
-		err = validateInput(inAcc, tx.Input)
-		if err != nil {
-			logger.InfoMsg("validateInput failed",
-				"tx_input", tx.Input, structure.ErrorKey, err)
-			return err
-		}
-		if tx.Input.Amount < tx.Fee {
-			logger.InfoMsg("Sender did not send enough to cover the fee",
-				"tx_input", tx.Input)
-			return payload.ErrTxInsufficientFunds
-		}
-		// validate the input strings
-		if err := tx.ValidateStrings(); err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		value := tx.Input.Amount - tx.Fee
-		// let's say cost of a name for one block is len(data) + 32
-		costPerBlock := names.NameCostPerBlock(names.NameBaseCost(tx.Name, tx.Data))
-		expiresIn := value / uint64(costPerBlock)
-		lastBlockHeight := exe.tip.LastBlockHeight()
-		logger.TraceMsg("New NameTx",
-			"value", value,
-			"cost_per_block", costPerBlock,
-			"expires_in", expiresIn,
-			"last_block_height", lastBlockHeight)
-		// check if the name exists
-		entry, err := exe.nameRegCache.GetNameRegEntry(tx.Name)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		if entry != nil {
-			var expired bool
-			// if the entry already exists, and hasn't expired, we must be owner
-			if entry.Expires > lastBlockHeight {
-				// ensure we are owner
-				if entry.Owner != tx.Input.Address {
-					return fmt.Errorf("permission denied: sender %s is trying to update a name (%s) for "+
-						"which they are not an owner", tx.Input.Address, tx.Name)
-				}
-			} else {
-				expired = true
-			}
-			// no value and empty data means delete the entry
-			if value == 0 && len(tx.Data) == 0 {
-				// maybe we reward you for telling us we can delete this crap
-				// (owners if not expired, anyone if expired)
-				logger.TraceMsg("Removing NameReg entry (no value and empty data in tx requests this)",
-					"name", entry.Name)
-				err := exe.nameRegCache.RemoveNameRegEntry(entry.Name)
-				if err != nil {
-					return err
-				}
-			} else {
-				// update the entry by bumping the expiry
-				// and changing the data
-				if expired {
-					if expiresIn < names.MinNameRegistrationPeriod {
-						return fmt.Errorf("Names must be registered for at least %d blocks", names.MinNameRegistrationPeriod)
-					}
-					entry.Expires = lastBlockHeight + expiresIn
-					entry.Owner = tx.Input.Address
-					logger.TraceMsg("An old NameReg entry has expired and been reclaimed",
-						"name", entry.Name,
-						"expires_in", expiresIn,
-						"owner", entry.Owner)
-				} else {
-					// since the size of the data may have changed
-					// we use the total amount of "credit"
-					oldCredit := (entry.Expires - lastBlockHeight) * names.NameBaseCost(entry.Name, entry.Data)
-					credit := oldCredit + value
-					expiresIn = uint64(credit / costPerBlock)
-					if expiresIn < names.MinNameRegistrationPeriod {
-						return fmt.Errorf("names must be registered for at least %d blocks", names.MinNameRegistrationPeriod)
-					}
-					entry.Expires = lastBlockHeight + expiresIn
-					logger.TraceMsg("Updated NameReg entry",
-						"name", entry.Name,
-						"expires_in", expiresIn,
-						"old_credit", oldCredit,
-						"value", value,
-						"credit", credit)
-				}
-				entry.Data = tx.Data
-				err := exe.nameRegCache.UpdateNameRegEntry(entry)
-				if err != nil {
-					return err
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			if expiresIn < names.MinNameRegistrationPeriod {
-				return fmt.Errorf("Names must be registered for at least %d blocks", names.MinNameRegistrationPeriod)
-			}
-			// entry does not exist, so create it
-			entry = &NameRegEntry{
-				Name:    tx.Name,
-				Owner:   tx.Input.Address,
-				Data:    tx.Data,
-				Expires: lastBlockHeight + expiresIn,
-			}
-			logger.TraceMsg("Creating NameReg entry",
-				"name", entry.Name,
-				"expires_in", expiresIn)
-			err := exe.nameRegCache.UpdateNameRegEntry(entry)
-			if err != nil {
-				return err
-			}
-		}
-		// TODO: something with the value sent?
-		// Good!
-		logger.TraceMsg("Incrementing sequence number for NameTx",
-			"tag", "sequence",
-			"account", inAcc.Address(),
-			"old_sequence", inAcc.Sequence(),
-			"new_sequence", inAcc.Sequence()+1)
-		inAcc.IncSequence()
-		inAcc, err = inAcc.SubtractFromBalance(value)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		exe.stateCache.UpdateAccount(inAcc)
-		// TODO: maybe we want to take funds on error and allow txs in that don't do anythingi?
-		if exe.eventCache != nil {
-			events.PublishAccountInput(exe.eventCache, tx.Input.Address, txEnv.Tx, nil, nil)
-			events.PublishNameReg(exe.eventCache, txEnv.Tx)
-		}
-		return nil
-		// Consensus related Txs inactivated for now
-		// TODO!
-		/*
-			case *payload.BondTx:
-						valInfo := exe.blockCache.State().GetValidatorInfo(tx.PublicKey().Address())
-						if valInfo != nil {
-							// TODO: In the future, check that the validator wasn't destroyed,
-							// add funds, merge UnbondTo outputs, and unbond validator.
-							return errors.New("Adding coins to existing validators not yet supported")
-						}
-						accounts, err := getInputs(exe.blockCache, tx.Inputs)
-						if err != nil {
-							return err
-						}
-						// add outputs to accounts map
-						// if any outputs don't exist, all inputs must have CreateAccount perm
-						// though outputs aren't created until unbonding/release time
-						canCreate := hasCreateAccountPermission(exe.blockCache, accounts)
-						for _, out := range tx.UnbondTo {
-							acc := exe.blockCache.GetAccount(out.Address)
-							if acc == nil && !canCreate {
-								return fmt.Errorf("At least one input does not have permission to create accounts")
-							}
-						}
-						bondAcc := exe.blockCache.GetAccount(tx.PublicKey().Address())
-						if !hasBondPermission(exe.blockCache, bondAcc) {
-							return fmt.Errorf("The bonder does not have permission to bond")
-						}
-						if !hasBondOrSendPermission(exe.blockCache, accounts) {
-							return fmt.Errorf("At least one input lacks permission to bond")
-						}
-						signBytes := acm.SignBytes(exe.chainID, tx)
-						inTotal, err := validateInputs(accounts, signBytes, tx.Inputs)
-						if err != nil {
-							return err
-						}
-						if !tx.PublicKey().VerifyBytes(signBytes, tx.Signature) {
-							return payload.ErrTxInvalidSignature
-						}
-						outTotal, err := validateOutputs(tx.UnbondTo)
-						if err != nil {
-							return err
-						}
-						if outTotal > inTotal {
-							return payload.ErrTxInsufficientFunds
-						}
-						fee := inTotal - outTotal
-						fees += fee
-						// Good! Adjust accounts
-						adjustByInputs(accounts, tx.Inputs)
-						for _, acc := range accounts {
-							exe.blockCache.UpdateAccount(acc)
-						}
-						// Add ValidatorInfo
-						_s.SetValidatorInfo(&txs.ValidatorInfo{
-							Address:         tx.PublicKey().Address(),
-							PublicKey:          tx.PublicKey(),
-							UnbondTo:        tx.UnbondTo,
-							FirstBondHeight: _s.lastBlockHeight + 1,
-							FirstBondAmount: outTotal,
-						})
-						// Add Validator
-						added := _s.BondedValidators.Add(&txs.Validator{
-							Address:     tx.PublicKey().Address(),
-							PublicKey:      tx.PublicKey(),
-							BondHeight:  _s.lastBlockHeight + 1,
-							VotingPower: outTotal,
-							Accum:       0,
-						})
-						if !added {
-							PanicCrisis("Failed to add validator")
-						}
-						if exe.eventCache != nil {
-							// TODO: fire for all inputs
-							exe.eventCache.Fire(txs.EventStringBond(), txs.EventDataTx{tx, nil, ""})
-						}
-						return nil
-					case *payload.UnbondTx:
-						// The validator must be active
-						_, val := _s.BondedValidators.GetByAddress(tx.Address)
-						if val == nil {
-							return payload.ErrTxInvalidAddress
-						}
-						// Verify the signature
-						signBytes := acm.SignBytes(exe.chainID, tx)
-						if !val.PublicKey().VerifyBytes(signBytes, tx.Signature) {
-							return payload.ErrTxInvalidSignature
-						}
-						// tx.Height must be greater than val.LastCommitHeight
-						if tx.Height <= val.LastCommitHeight {
-							return errors.New("Invalid unbond height")
-						}
-						// Good!
-						_s.unbondValidator(val)
-						if exe.eventCache != nil {
-							exe.eventCache.Fire(txs.EventStringUnbond(), txs.EventDataTx{tx, nil, ""})
-						}
-						return nil
-					case *txs.RebondTx:
-						// The validator must be inactive
-						_, val := _s.UnbondingValidators.GetByAddress(tx.Address)
-						if val == nil {
-							return payload.ErrTxInvalidAddress
-						}
-						// Verify the signature
-						signBytes := acm.SignBytes(exe.chainID, tx)
-						if !val.PublicKey().VerifyBytes(signBytes, tx.Signature) {
-							return payload.ErrTxInvalidSignature
-						}
-						// tx.Height must be in a suitable range
-						minRebondHeight := _s.lastBlockHeight - (validatorTimeoutBlocks / 2)
-						maxRebondHeight := _s.lastBlockHeight + 2
-						if !((minRebondHeight <= tx.Height) && (tx.Height <= maxRebondHeight)) {
-							return errors.New(Fmt("Rebond height not in range.  Expected %v <= %v <= %v",
-								minRebondHeight, tx.Height, maxRebondHeight))
-						}
-						// Good!
-						_s.rebondValidator(val)
-						if exe.eventCache != nil {
-							exe.eventCache.Fire(txs.EventStringRebond(), txs.EventDataTx{tx, nil, ""})
-						}
-						return nil
-		*/
-	case *payload.PermissionsTx:
-		// Validate input
-		inAcc, err := state.GetMutableAccount(exe.stateCache, tx.Input.Address)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		if inAcc == nil {
-			logger.InfoMsg("Cannot find input account",
-				"tx_input", tx.Input)
-			return payload.ErrTxInvalidAddress
-		}
-		err = tx.PermArgs.EnsureValid()
-		if err != nil {
-			return fmt.Errorf("PermissionsTx received containing invalid PermArgs: %v", err)
-		}
-		permFlag := tx.PermArgs.PermFlag
-		// check permission
-		if !HasPermission(exe.stateCache, inAcc, permFlag, logger) {
-			return fmt.Errorf("account %s does not have moderator permission %s (%b)", tx.Input.Address,
-				permFlag.String(), permFlag)
-		}
-		err = validateInput(inAcc, tx.Input)
-		if err != nil {
-			logger.InfoMsg("validateInput failed",
-				"tx_input", tx.Input,
-				structure.ErrorKey, err)
-			return err
-		}
-		value := tx.Input.Amount
-		logger.TraceMsg("New PermissionsTx",
-			"perm_args", tx.PermArgs.String())
-		var permAcc acm.Account
-		switch tx.PermArgs.PermFlag {
-		case ptypes.HasBase:
-			// this one doesn't make sense from txs
-			return fmt.Errorf("HasBase is for contracts, not humans. Just look at the blockchain")
-		case ptypes.SetBase:
-			permAcc, err = mutatePermissions(exe.stateCache, *tx.PermArgs.Address,
-				func(perms *ptypes.AccountPermissions) error {
-					return perms.Base.Set(*tx.PermArgs.Permission, *tx.PermArgs.Value)
-				})
-		case ptypes.UnsetBase:
-			permAcc, err = mutatePermissions(exe.stateCache, *tx.PermArgs.Address,
-				func(perms *ptypes.AccountPermissions) error {
-					return perms.Base.Unset(*tx.PermArgs.Permission)
-				})
-		case ptypes.SetGlobal:
-			permAcc, err = mutatePermissions(exe.stateCache, acm.GlobalPermissionsAddress,
-				func(perms *ptypes.AccountPermissions) error {
-					return perms.Base.Set(*tx.PermArgs.Permission, *tx.PermArgs.Value)
-				})
-		case ptypes.HasRole:
-			return fmt.Errorf("HasRole is for contracts, not humans. Just look at the blockchain")
-		case ptypes.AddRole:
-			permAcc, err = mutatePermissions(exe.stateCache, *tx.PermArgs.Address,
-				func(perms *ptypes.AccountPermissions) error {
-					if !perms.AddRole(*tx.PermArgs.Role) {
-						return fmt.Errorf("role (%s) already exists for account %s",
-							*tx.PermArgs.Role, *tx.PermArgs.Address)
-					}
-					return nil
-				})
-		case ptypes.RemoveRole:
-			permAcc, err = mutatePermissions(exe.stateCache, *tx.PermArgs.Address,
-				func(perms *ptypes.AccountPermissions) error {
-					if !perms.RmRole(*tx.PermArgs.Role) {
-						return fmt.Errorf("role (%s) does not exist for account %s",
-							*tx.PermArgs.Role, *tx.PermArgs.Address)
-					}
-					return nil
-				})
-		default:
-			return fmt.Errorf("invalid permission function: %v", permFlag)
-		}
-		// TODO: maybe we want to take funds on error and allow txs in that don't do anythingi?
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		// Good!
-		logger.TraceMsg("Incrementing sequence number for PermissionsTx",
-			"tag", "sequence",
-			"account", inAcc.Address(),
-			"old_sequence", inAcc.Sequence(),
-			"new_sequence", inAcc.Sequence()+1)
-		inAcc.IncSequence()
-		inAcc, err = inAcc.SubtractFromBalance(value)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		exe.stateCache.UpdateAccount(inAcc)
-		if permAcc != nil {
-			exe.stateCache.UpdateAccount(permAcc)
-		}
-		if exe.eventCache != nil {
-			events.PublishAccountInput(exe.eventCache, tx.Input.Address, txEnv.Tx, nil, nil)
-			events.PublishPermissions(exe.eventCache, permFlag, txEnv.Tx)
-		}
-		return nil
-	default:
-		// binary decoding should not let this happen
-		return fmt.Errorf("unknown Tx type: %#v", tx)
-	}
-func mutatePermissions(stateReader state.Reader, address crypto.Address,
-	mutator func(*ptypes.AccountPermissions) error) (acm.Account, error) {
-	account, err := stateReader.GetAccount(address)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	if account == nil {
-		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get account at address %s in order to alter permissions", address)
-	}
-	mutableAccount := acm.AsMutableAccount(account)
-	return mutableAccount, mutator(mutableAccount.MutablePermissions())
-// ExecBlock stuff is now taken care of by the consensus engine.
-// But we leave here for now for reference when we have to do validator updates
-// NOTE: If an error occurs during block execution, state will be left
-// at an invalid state.  Copy the state before calling ExecBlock!
-func ExecBlock(s *State, block *txs.Block, blockPartsHeader txs.PartSetHeader) error {
-	err := execBlock(s, block, blockPartsHeader)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// State.Hash should match block.StateHash
-	stateHash := s.Hash()
-	if !bytes.Equal(stateHash, block.StateHash) {
-		return errors.New(Fmt("Invalid state hash. Expected %X, got %X",
-			stateHash, block.StateHash))
-	}
-	return nil
-// executes transactions of a block, does not check block.StateHash
-// NOTE: If an error occurs during block execution, state will be left
-// at an invalid state.  Copy the state before calling execBlock!
-func execBlock(s *State, block *txs.Block, blockPartsHeader txs.PartSetHeader) error {
-	// Basic block validation.
-	err := block.ValidateBasic(s.chainID, s.lastBlockHeight, s.lastBlockAppHash, s.LastBlockParts, s.lastBlockTime)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// Validate block LastValidation.
-	if block.Height == 1 {
-		if len(block.LastValidation.Precommits) != 0 {
-			return errors.New("Block at height 1 (first block) should have no LastValidation precommits")
-		}
-	} else {
-		if len(block.LastValidation.Precommits) != s.LastBondedValidators.Size() {
-			return errors.New(Fmt("Invalid block validation size. Expected %v, got %v",
-				s.LastBondedValidators.Size(), len(block.LastValidation.Precommits)))
-		}
-		err := s.LastBondedValidators.VerifyValidation(
-			s.chainID, s.lastBlockAppHash, s.LastBlockParts, block.Height-1, block.LastValidation)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-	}
-	// Update Validator.LastCommitHeight as necessary.
-	for i, precommit := range block.LastValidation.Precommits {
-		if precommit == nil {
-			continue
-		}
-		_, val := s.LastBondedValidators.GetByIndex(i)
-		if val == nil {
-			PanicCrisis(Fmt("Failed to fetch validator at index %v", i))
-		}
-		if _, val_ := s.BondedValidators.GetByAddress(val.Address); val_ != nil {
-			val_.LastCommitHeight = block.Height - 1
-			updated := s.BondedValidators.Update(val_)
-			if !updated {
-				PanicCrisis("Failed to update bonded validator LastCommitHeight")
-			}
-		} else if _, val_ := s.UnbondingValidators.GetByAddress(val.Address); val_ != nil {
-			val_.LastCommitHeight = block.Height - 1
-			updated := s.UnbondingValidators.Update(val_)
-			if !updated {
-				PanicCrisis("Failed to update unbonding validator LastCommitHeight")
-			}
-		} else {
-			PanicCrisis("Could not find validator")
-		}
-	}
-	// Remember LastBondedValidators
-	s.LastBondedValidators = s.BondedValidators.Copy()
-	// Create BlockCache to cache changes to state.
-	blockCache := NewBlockCache(s)
-	// Execute each tx
-	for _, tx := range block.Data.Txs {
-		err := ExecTx(blockCache, tx, true, s.eventCache)
-		if err != nil {
-			return InvalidTxError{tx, err}
-		}
-	}
-	// Now sync the BlockCache to the backend.
-	blockCache.Sync()
-	// If any unbonding periods are over,
-	// reward account with bonded coins.
-	toRelease := []*txs.Validator{}
-	s.UnbondingValidators.Iterate(func(index int, val *txs.Validator) bool {
-		if val.UnbondHeight+unbondingPeriodBlocks < block.Height {
-			toRelease = append(toRelease, val)
-		}
-		return false
-	})
-	for _, val := range toRelease {
-		s.releaseValidator(val)
-	}
-	// If any validators haven't signed in a while,
-	// unbond them, they have timed out.
-	toTimeout := []*txs.Validator{}
-	s.BondedValidators.Iterate(func(index int, val *txs.Validator) bool {
-		lastActivityHeight := MaxInt(val.BondHeight, val.LastCommitHeight)
-		if lastActivityHeight+validatorTimeoutBlocks < block.Height {
-			log.Notice("Validator timeout", "validator", val, "height", block.Height)
-			toTimeout = append(toTimeout, val)
-		}
-		return false
-	})
-	for _, val := range toTimeout {
-		s.unbondValidator(val)
-	}
-	// Increment validator AccumPowers
-	s.BondedValidators.IncrementAccum(1)
-	s.lastBlockHeight = block.Height
-	s.lastBlockAppHash = block.Hash()
-	s.LastBlockParts = blockPartsHeader
-	s.lastBlockTime = block.Time
-	return nil
-// The accounts from the TxInputs must either already have
-// acm.PublicKey().(type) != nil, (it must be known),
-// or it must be specified in the TxInput.  If redeclared,
-// the TxInput is modified and input.PublicKey() set to nil.
-func getInputs(accountGetter state.AccountGetter,
-	ins []*payload.TxInput) (map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount, error) {
-	accounts := map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount{}
-	for _, in := range ins {
-		// Account shouldn't be duplicated
-		if _, ok := accounts[in.Address]; ok {
-			return nil, payload.ErrTxDuplicateAddress
-		}
-		acc, err := state.GetMutableAccount(accountGetter, in.Address)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		if acc == nil {
-			return nil, payload.ErrTxInvalidAddress
-		}
-		accounts[in.Address] = acc
-	}
-	return accounts, nil
-func getOrMakeOutputs(accountGetter state.AccountGetter, accs map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount,
-	outs []*payload.TxOutput, logger *logging.Logger) (map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount, error) {
-	if accs == nil {
-		accs = make(map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount)
-	}
-	// we should err if an account is being created but the inputs don't have permission
-	var checkedCreatePerms bool
-	for _, out := range outs {
-		// Account shouldn't be duplicated
-		if _, ok := accs[out.Address]; ok {
-			return nil, payload.ErrTxDuplicateAddress
-		}
-		acc, err := state.GetMutableAccount(accountGetter, out.Address)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		// output account may be nil (new)
-		if acc == nil {
-			if !checkedCreatePerms {
-				if !hasCreateAccountPermission(accountGetter, accs, logger) {
-					return nil, fmt.Errorf("at least one input does not have permission to create accounts")
-				}
-				checkedCreatePerms = true
-			}
-			acc = acm.ConcreteAccount{
-				Address:     out.Address,
-				Sequence:    0,
-				Balance:     0,
-				Permissions: permission.ZeroAccountPermissions,
-			}.MutableAccount()
-		}
-		accs[out.Address] = acc
-	}
-	return accs, nil
-func validateInputs(accs map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount, ins []*payload.TxInput) (uint64, error) {
-	total := uint64(0)
-	for _, in := range ins {
-		acc := accs[in.Address]
-		if acc == nil {
-			return 0, fmt.Errorf("validateInputs() expects account in accounts, but account %s not found", in.Address)
-		}
-		err := validateInput(acc, in)
-		if err != nil {
-			return 0, err
-		}
-		// Good. Add amount to total
-		total += in.Amount
-	}
-	return total, nil
-func validateInput(acc acm.MutableAccount, in *payload.TxInput) error {
-	// Check TxInput basic
-	if err := in.ValidateBasic(); err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// Check sequences
-	if acc.Sequence()+1 != uint64(in.Sequence) {
-		return payload.ErrTxInvalidSequence{
-			Got:      in.Sequence,
-			Expected: acc.Sequence() + uint64(1),
-		}
-	}
-	// Check amount
-	if acc.Balance() < uint64(in.Amount) {
-		return payload.ErrTxInsufficientFunds
-	}
-	return nil
-func validateOutputs(outs []*payload.TxOutput) (uint64, error) {
-	total := uint64(0)
-	for _, out := range outs {
-		// Check TxOutput basic
-		if err := out.ValidateBasic(); err != nil {
-			return 0, err
-		}
-		// Good. Add amount to total
-		total += out.Amount
-	}
-	return total, nil
-func adjustByInputs(accs map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount, ins []*payload.TxInput, logger *logging.Logger) error {
-	for _, in := range ins {
-		acc := accs[in.Address]
-		if acc == nil {
-			return fmt.Errorf("adjustByInputs() expects account in accounts, but account %s not found", in.Address)
-		}
-		if acc.Balance() < in.Amount {
-			panic("adjustByInputs() expects sufficient funds")
-			return fmt.Errorf("adjustByInputs() expects sufficient funds but account %s only has balance %v and "+
-				"we are deducting %v", in.Address, acc.Balance(), in.Amount)
-		}
-		acc, err := acc.SubtractFromBalance(in.Amount)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		logger.TraceMsg("Incrementing sequence number for SendTx (adjustByInputs)",
-			"tag", "sequence",
-			"account", acc.Address(),
-			"old_sequence", acc.Sequence(),
-			"new_sequence", acc.Sequence()+1)
-		acc.IncSequence()
-	}
-	return nil
-func adjustByOutputs(accs map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount, outs []*payload.TxOutput) error {
-	for _, out := range outs {
-		acc := accs[out.Address]
-		if acc == nil {
-			return fmt.Errorf("adjustByOutputs() expects account in accounts, but account %s not found",
-				out.Address)
-		}
-		_, err := acc.AddToBalance(out.Amount)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-	}
-	return nil
-// Get permission on an account or fall back to global value
-func HasPermission(accountGetter state.AccountGetter, acc acm.Account, perm ptypes.PermFlag, logger *logging.Logger) bool {
-	if perm > ptypes.AllPermFlags {
-		logger.InfoMsg(
-			fmt.Sprintf("HasPermission called on invalid permission 0b%b (invalid) > 0b%b (maximum) ",
-				perm, ptypes.AllPermFlags),
-			"invalid_permission", perm,
-			"maximum_permission", ptypes.AllPermFlags)
-		return false
-	}
-	v, err := acc.Permissions().Base.Compose(state.GlobalAccountPermissions(accountGetter).Base).Get(perm)
-	if err != nil {
-		logger.TraceMsg("Error obtaining permission value (will default to false/deny)",
-			"perm_flag", perm.String(),
-			structure.ErrorKey, err)
-	}
-	if v {
-		logger.TraceMsg("Account has permission",
-			"account_address", acc.Address,
-			"perm_flag", perm.String())
-	} else {
-		logger.TraceMsg("Account does not have permission",
-			"account_address", acc.Address,
-			"perm_flag", perm.String())
-	}
-	return v
-// TODO: for debug log the failed accounts
-func hasSendPermission(accountGetter state.AccountGetter, accs map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount,
-	logger *logging.Logger) bool {
-	for _, acc := range accs {
-		if !HasPermission(accountGetter, acc, ptypes.Send, logger) {
-			return false
-		}
-	}
-	return true
-func hasNamePermission(accountGetter state.AccountGetter, acc acm.Account,
-	logger *logging.Logger) bool {
-	return HasPermission(accountGetter, acc, ptypes.Name, logger)
-func hasCallPermission(accountGetter state.AccountGetter, acc acm.Account,
-	logger *logging.Logger) bool {
-	return HasPermission(accountGetter, acc, ptypes.Call, logger)
-func hasCreateContractPermission(accountGetter state.AccountGetter, acc acm.Account,
-	logger *logging.Logger) bool {
-	return HasPermission(accountGetter, acc, ptypes.CreateContract, logger)
-func hasCreateAccountPermission(accountGetter state.AccountGetter, accs map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount,
-	logger *logging.Logger) bool {
-	for _, acc := range accs {
-		if !HasPermission(accountGetter, acc, ptypes.CreateAccount, logger) {
-			return false
-		}
-	}
-	return true
-func hasBondPermission(accountGetter state.AccountGetter, acc acm.Account,
-	logger *logging.Logger) bool {
-	return HasPermission(accountGetter, acc, ptypes.Bond, logger)
-func hasBondOrSendPermission(accountGetter state.AccountGetter, accs map[crypto.Address]acm.Account,
-	logger *logging.Logger) bool {
-	for _, acc := range accs {
-		if !HasPermission(accountGetter, acc, ptypes.Bond, logger) {
-			if !HasPermission(accountGetter, acc, ptypes.Send, logger) {
-				return false
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return true
-type InvalidTxError struct {
-	Tx     txs.Tx
-	Reason error
-func (txErr InvalidTxError) Error() string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf("Invalid tx: [%v] reason: [%v]", txErr.Tx, txErr.Reason)
diff --git a/execution/execution_test.go b/execution/execution_test.go
index 6a92abe4..d506f48e 100644
--- a/execution/execution_test.go
+++ b/execution/execution_test.go
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ import (
-	exe_events ""
 	. ""
@@ -140,9 +139,10 @@ func newBlockchain(genesisDoc *genesis.GenesisDoc) *bcm.Blockchain {
 	return bc
-func makeExecutor(state *State) *executor {
-	return newExecutor("makeExecutorCache", true, state, testChainID,
-		newBlockchain(testGenesisDoc).Tip, event.NewEmitter(logger), logger)
+func makeExecutor(state *State) (*executor, event.Emitter) {
+	emitter := event.NewEmitter(logger)
+	return newExecutor("makeExecutorCache", true, state,
+		newBlockchain(testGenesisDoc).Tip, emitter, logger), emitter
 func newBaseGenDoc(globalPerm, accountPerm ptypes.AccountPermissions) genesis.GenesisDoc {
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ func TestSendFails(t *testing.T) {
 	genDoc.Accounts[3].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.CreateContract, true)
 	st, err := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
 	require.NoError(t, err)
-	batchCommitter := makeExecutor(st)
+	batchCommitter, _ := makeExecutor(st)
 	// send txs
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ func TestName(t *testing.T) {
 	genDoc.Accounts[1].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Name, true)
 	st, err := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
 	require.NoError(t, err)
-	batchCommitter := makeExecutor(st)
+	batchCommitter, _ := makeExecutor(st)
 	// name txs
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ func TestCallFails(t *testing.T) {
 	genDoc.Accounts[3].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.CreateContract, true)
 	st, err := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
 	require.NoError(t, err)
-	batchCommitter := makeExecutor(st)
+	batchCommitter, _ := makeExecutor(st)
 	// call txs
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ func TestSendPermission(t *testing.T) {
 	genDoc.Accounts[0].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Send, true) // give the 0 account permission
 	st, err := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
 	require.NoError(t, err)
-	batchCommitter := makeExecutor(st)
+	batchCommitter, _ := makeExecutor(st)
 	// A single input, having the permission, should succeed
 	tx := payload.NewSendTx()
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ func TestCallPermission(t *testing.T) {
 	genDoc.Accounts[0].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Call, true) // give the 0 account permission
 	st, err := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
 	require.NoError(t, err)
-	batchCommitter := makeExecutor(st)
+	batchCommitter, emitter := makeExecutor(st)
 	// call to simple contract
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ func TestCallPermission(t *testing.T) {
 	require.NoError(t, txEnv.Sign(users[0]))
 	// we need to subscribe to the Call event to detect the exception
-	_, err = execTxWaitEvent(t, batchCommitter, txEnv, evm_events.EventStringAccountCall(caller1ContractAddr)) //
+	_, err = execTxWaitAccountCall(t, batchCommitter, emitter, txEnv, caller1ContractAddr) //
 	require.Error(t, err)
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ func TestCallPermission(t *testing.T) {
 	require.NoError(t, txEnv.Sign(users[0]))
 	// we need to subscribe to the Call event to detect the exception
-	_, err = execTxWaitEvent(t, batchCommitter, txEnv, evm_events.EventStringAccountCall(caller1ContractAddr)) //
+	_, err = execTxWaitAccountCall(t, batchCommitter, emitter, txEnv, caller1ContractAddr) //
 	require.NoError(t, err)
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ func TestCallPermission(t *testing.T) {
 	txEnv = txs.Enclose(testChainID, tx)
 	require.NoError(t, txEnv.Sign(users[0]))
 	// we need to subscribe to the Call event to detect the exception
-	_, err = execTxWaitEvent(t, batchCommitter, txEnv, evm_events.EventStringAccountCall(caller1ContractAddr)) //
+	_, err = execTxWaitAccountCall(t, batchCommitter, emitter, txEnv, caller1ContractAddr) //
 	require.Error(t, err)
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ func TestCallPermission(t *testing.T) {
 	require.NoError(t, txEnv.Sign(users[0]))
 	// we need to subscribe to the Call event to detect the exception
-	_, err = execTxWaitEvent(t, batchCommitter, txEnv, evm_events.EventStringAccountCall(caller1ContractAddr)) //
+	_, err = execTxWaitAccountCall(t, batchCommitter, emitter, txEnv, caller1ContractAddr) //
 	require.NoError(t, err)
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ func TestCreatePermission(t *testing.T) {
 	genDoc.Accounts[0].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.Call, true)           // give the 0 account permission
 	st, err := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
 	require.NoError(t, err)
-	batchCommitter := makeExecutor(st)
+	batchCommitter, emitter := makeExecutor(st)
 	// create a simple contract
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ func TestCreatePermission(t *testing.T) {
 	txEnv := txs.Enclose(testChainID, tx)
 	require.NoError(t, txEnv.Sign(users[0]))
 	// we need to subscribe to the Call event to detect the exception
-	_, err = execTxWaitEvent(t, batchCommitter, txEnv, evm_events.EventStringAccountCall(contractAddr)) //
+	_, err = execTxWaitAccountCall(t, batchCommitter, emitter, txEnv, contractAddr) //
 	require.Error(t, err)
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ func TestCreatePermission(t *testing.T) {
 	txEnv = txs.Enclose(testChainID, tx)
 	require.NoError(t, txEnv.Sign(users[0]))
 	// we need to subscribe to the Call event to detect the exception
-	_, err = execTxWaitEvent(t, batchCommitter, txEnv, evm_events.EventStringAccountCall(contractAddr)) //
+	_, err = execTxWaitAccountCall(t, batchCommitter, emitter, txEnv, contractAddr) //
 	require.NoError(t, err)
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ func TestCreatePermission(t *testing.T) {
 	txEnv = txs.Enclose(testChainID, tx)
 	require.NoError(t, txEnv.Sign(users[0]))
 	// we need to subscribe to the Call event to detect the exception
-	_, err = execTxWaitEvent(t, batchCommitter, txEnv, evm_events.EventStringAccountCall(crypto.Address{})) //
+	_, err = execTxWaitAccountCall(t, batchCommitter, emitter, txEnv, crypto.Address{}) //
 	require.NoError(t, err)
 	zeroAcc := getAccount(batchCommitter.stateCache, crypto.Address{})
 	if len(zeroAcc.Code()) != 0 {
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ func TestCreateAccountPermission(t *testing.T) {
 	genDoc.Accounts[0].Permissions.Base.Set(ptypes.CreateAccount, true) // give the 0 account permission
 	st, err := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
 	require.NoError(t, err)
-	batchCommitter := makeExecutor(st)
+	batchCommitter, emitter := makeExecutor(st)
 	// SendTx to unknown account
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ func TestCreateAccountPermission(t *testing.T) {
 	// we need to subscribe to the Call event to detect the exception
-	_, err = execTxWaitEvent(t, batchCommitter, txCallEnv, evm_events.EventStringAccountCall(caller1ContractAddr)) //
+	_, err = execTxWaitAccountCall(t, batchCommitter, emitter, txCallEnv, caller1ContractAddr) //
 	require.Error(t, err)
 	// NOTE: for a contract to be able to CreateAccount, it must be able to call
@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ func TestCreateAccountPermission(t *testing.T) {
 	// we need to subscribe to the Call event to detect the exception
-	_, err = execTxWaitEvent(t, batchCommitter, txCallEnv, evm_events.EventStringAccountCall(caller1ContractAddr)) //
+	_, err = execTxWaitAccountCall(t, batchCommitter, emitter, txCallEnv, caller1ContractAddr) //
 	require.NoError(t, err)
@@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ func TestSNativeCALL(t *testing.T) {
 	st, err := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
 	require.NoError(t, err)
-	batchCommitter := makeExecutor(st)
+	batchCommitter, emitter := makeExecutor(st)
 	// Test CALL to SNative contracts
@@ -714,8 +714,8 @@ func TestSNativeCALL(t *testing.T) {
 	fmt.Println("\n#### HasBase")
 	// HasBase
 	snativeAddress, pF, data := snativePermTestInputCALL("hasBase", users[3], ptypes.Bond, false)
-	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, batchCommitter, doug, snativeAddress, data)
-	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
+	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, snativeAddress, data)
+	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
 		// return value should be true or false as a 32 byte array...
 		if !IsZeros(ret[:31]) || ret[31] != byte(1) {
 			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 1. Got %X", ret)
@@ -726,10 +726,10 @@ func TestSNativeCALL(t *testing.T) {
 	fmt.Println("\n#### SetBase")
 	// SetBase
 	snativeAddress, pF, data = snativePermTestInputCALL("setBase", users[3], ptypes.Bond, false)
-	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, batchCommitter, doug, snativeAddress, data)
-	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error { return nil })
+	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, snativeAddress, data)
+	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error { return nil })
 	snativeAddress, pF, data = snativePermTestInputCALL("hasBase", users[3], ptypes.Bond, false)
-	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
+	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
 		// return value should be true or false as a 32 byte array...
 		if !IsZeros(ret) {
 			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 0. Got %X", ret)
@@ -737,9 +737,9 @@ func TestSNativeCALL(t *testing.T) {
 		return nil
 	snativeAddress, pF, data = snativePermTestInputCALL("setBase", users[3], ptypes.CreateContract, true)
-	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error { return nil })
+	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error { return nil })
 	snativeAddress, pF, data = snativePermTestInputCALL("hasBase", users[3], ptypes.CreateContract, false)
-	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
+	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
 		// return value should be true or false as a 32 byte array...
 		if !IsZeros(ret[:31]) || ret[31] != byte(1) {
 			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 1. Got %X", ret)
@@ -750,10 +750,10 @@ func TestSNativeCALL(t *testing.T) {
 	fmt.Println("\n#### UnsetBase")
 	// UnsetBase
 	snativeAddress, pF, data = snativePermTestInputCALL("unsetBase", users[3], ptypes.CreateContract, false)
-	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, batchCommitter, doug, snativeAddress, data)
-	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error { return nil })
+	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, snativeAddress, data)
+	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error { return nil })
 	snativeAddress, pF, data = snativePermTestInputCALL("hasBase", users[3], ptypes.CreateContract, false)
-	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
+	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
 		if !IsZeros(ret) {
 			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 0. Got %X", ret)
@@ -763,10 +763,10 @@ func TestSNativeCALL(t *testing.T) {
 	fmt.Println("\n#### SetGlobal")
 	// SetGlobalPerm
 	snativeAddress, pF, data = snativePermTestInputCALL("setGlobal", users[3], ptypes.CreateContract, true)
-	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, batchCommitter, doug, snativeAddress, data)
-	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error { return nil })
+	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, snativeAddress, data)
+	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error { return nil })
 	snativeAddress, pF, data = snativePermTestInputCALL("hasBase", users[3], ptypes.CreateContract, false)
-	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
+	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
 		// return value should be true or false as a 32 byte array...
 		if !IsZeros(ret[:31]) || ret[31] != byte(1) {
 			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 1. Got %X", ret)
@@ -777,8 +777,8 @@ func TestSNativeCALL(t *testing.T) {
 	fmt.Println("\n#### HasRole")
 	// HasRole
 	snativeAddress, pF, data = snativeRoleTestInputCALL("hasRole", users[3], "bumble")
-	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, batchCommitter, doug, snativeAddress, data)
-	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
+	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, snativeAddress, data)
+	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
 		if !IsZeros(ret[:31]) || ret[31] != byte(1) {
 			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 1. Got %X", ret)
@@ -788,17 +788,17 @@ func TestSNativeCALL(t *testing.T) {
 	fmt.Println("\n#### AddRole")
 	// AddRole
 	snativeAddress, pF, data = snativeRoleTestInputCALL("hasRole", users[3], "chuck")
-	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
+	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
 		if !IsZeros(ret) {
 			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 0. Got %X", ret)
 		return nil
 	snativeAddress, pF, data = snativeRoleTestInputCALL("addRole", users[3], "chuck")
-	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, batchCommitter, doug, snativeAddress, data)
-	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error { return nil })
+	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, snativeAddress, data)
+	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error { return nil })
 	snativeAddress, pF, data = snativeRoleTestInputCALL("hasRole", users[3], "chuck")
-	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
+	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
 		if !IsZeros(ret[:31]) || ret[31] != byte(1) {
 			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 1. Got %X", ret)
@@ -808,10 +808,10 @@ func TestSNativeCALL(t *testing.T) {
 	fmt.Println("\n#### RemoveRole")
 	// RemoveRole
 	snativeAddress, pF, data = snativeRoleTestInputCALL("removeRole", users[3], "chuck")
-	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, batchCommitter, doug, snativeAddress, data)
-	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error { return nil })
+	testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, snativeAddress, data)
+	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error { return nil })
 	snativeAddress, pF, data = snativeRoleTestInputCALL("hasRole", users[3], "chuck")
-	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
+	testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, pF, snativeAddress, data, func(ret []byte) error {
 		if !IsZeros(ret) {
 			return fmt.Errorf("Expected 0. Got %X", ret)
@@ -829,7 +829,7 @@ func TestSNativeTx(t *testing.T) {
 	st, err := MakeGenesisState(stateDB, &genDoc)
 	require.NoError(t, err)
-	batchCommitter := makeExecutor(st)
+	batchCommitter, _ := makeExecutor(st)
 	// Test SNativeTx
@@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ func TestNameTxs(t *testing.T) {
-	validateEntry := func(t *testing.T, entry *NameRegEntry, name, data string, addr crypto.Address, expires uint64) {
+	validateEntry := func(t *testing.T, entry *names.NameRegEntry, name, data string, addr crypto.Address, expires uint64) {
 		if entry == nil {
 			t.Fatalf("Could not find name %s", name)
@@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@ func TestSelfDestruct(t *testing.T) {
 	tx := payload.NewCallTxWithSequence(acc0PubKey, addressPtr(acc1), nil, sendingAmount, 1000, 0, acc0.Sequence()+1)
 	// we use cache instead of execTxWithState so we can run the tx twice
-	exe := NewBatchCommitter(state, testChainID, newBlockchain(testGenesisDoc).Tip, event.NewNoOpPublisher(), logger)
+	exe := NewBatchCommitter(state, newBlockchain(testGenesisDoc).Tip, event.NewNoOpPublisher(), logger)
 	signAndExecute(t, false, exe, testChainID, tx, privAccounts[0])
 	// if we do it again, we won't get an error, but the self-destruct
@@ -1599,7 +1599,7 @@ func signAndExecute(t *testing.T, shoudlFail bool, exe BatchExecutor, chainID st
 func execTxWithStateAndBlockchain(state *State, tip *bcm.Tip, txEnv *txs.Envelope) error {
-	exe := newExecutor("execTxWithStateAndBlockchainCache", true, state, testChainID, tip,
+	exe := newExecutor("execTxWithStateAndBlockchainCache", true, state, tip,
 		event.NewNoOpPublisher(), logger)
 	if err := exe.Execute(txEnv); err != nil {
 		return err
@@ -1658,38 +1658,27 @@ var ExceptionTimeOut = errors.NewCodedError(errors.ErrorCodeGeneric, "timed out
 // run ExecTx and wait for the Call event on given addr
 // returns the msg data and an error/exception
-func execTxWaitEvent(t *testing.T, batchCommitter *executor, txEnv *txs.Envelope, eventid string) (interface{}, error) {
-	emitter := event.NewEmitter(logger)
-	ch := make(chan interface{})
-	emitter.Subscribe(context.Background(), "test", event.QueryForEventID(eventid), ch)
-	evc := event.NewEventCache(emitter)
-	batchCommitter.eventCache = evc
-	go func() {
-		if err := batchCommitter.Execute(txEnv); err != nil {
-			ch <- err
-		}
-		evc.Flush()
-	}()
+func execTxWaitAccountCall(t *testing.T, batchCommitter *executor, emitter event.Emitter, txEnv *txs.Envelope,
+	address crypto.Address) (*evm_events.EventDataCall, error) {
+	ch := make(chan *evm_events.EventDataCall)
+	ctx := context.Background()
+	const subscriber = "exexTxWaitEvent"
+	//emitter.Subscribe(ctx, subscriber, event.QueryForEventID(eventid), ch)
+	evm_events.SubscribeAccountCall(ctx, emitter, subscriber, address, txEnv.Tx.Hash(), -1, ch)
+	defer emitter.UnsubscribeAll(ctx, subscriber)
+	err := batchCommitter.Execute(txEnv)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	batchCommitter.Commit()
 	ticker := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Second)
 	select {
-	case msg := <-ch:
-		switch ev := msg.(type) {
-		case *exe_events.EventDataTx:
-			if ev.Exception != nil {
-				return nil, ev.Exception
-			}
-			return ev, nil
-		case *evm_events.EventDataCall:
-			if ev.Exception != nil {
-				return nil, ev.Exception
-			}
-			return ev, nil
-		case error:
-			return nil, ev
-		default:
-			return ev, nil
-		}
+	case eventDataCall := <-ch:
+		fmt.Println("MSG: ", eventDataCall)
+		return eventDataCall, eventDataCall.Exception.AsError()
 	case <-ticker.C:
 		return nil, ExceptionTimeOut
@@ -1697,18 +1686,18 @@ func execTxWaitEvent(t *testing.T, batchCommitter *executor, txEnv *txs.Envelope
 // give a contract perms for an snative, call it, it calls the snative, but shouldn't have permission
-func testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t *testing.T, batchCommitter *executor, doug acm.MutableAccount,
+func testSNativeCALLExpectFail(t *testing.T, batchCommitter *executor, emitter event.Emitter, doug acm.MutableAccount,
 	snativeAddress crypto.Address, data []byte) {
-	testSNativeCALL(t, false, batchCommitter, doug, 0, snativeAddress, data, nil)
+	testSNativeCALL(t, false, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, 0, snativeAddress, data, nil)
 // give a contract perms for an snative, call it, it calls the snative, ensure the check funciton (f) succeeds
-func testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t *testing.T, batchCommitter *executor, doug acm.MutableAccount, snativePerm ptypes.PermFlag,
+func testSNativeCALLExpectPass(t *testing.T, batchCommitter *executor, emitter event.Emitter, doug acm.MutableAccount, snativePerm ptypes.PermFlag,
 	snativeAddress crypto.Address, data []byte, f func([]byte) error) {
-	testSNativeCALL(t, true, batchCommitter, doug, snativePerm, snativeAddress, data, f)
+	testSNativeCALL(t, true, batchCommitter, emitter, doug, snativePerm, snativeAddress, data, f)
-func testSNativeCALL(t *testing.T, expectPass bool, batchCommitter *executor, doug acm.MutableAccount,
+func testSNativeCALL(t *testing.T, expectPass bool, batchCommitter *executor, emitter event.Emitter, doug acm.MutableAccount,
 	snativePerm ptypes.PermFlag, snativeAddress crypto.Address, data []byte, f func([]byte) error) {
 	if expectPass {
 		doug.MutablePermissions().Base.Set(snativePerm, true)
@@ -1722,14 +1711,13 @@ func testSNativeCALL(t *testing.T, expectPass bool, batchCommitter *executor, do
 	txEnv := txs.Enclose(testChainID, tx)
 	require.NoError(t, txEnv.Sign(users[0]))
 	t.Logf("subscribing to %v", evm_events.EventStringAccountCall(snativeAddress))
-	ev, err := execTxWaitEvent(t, batchCommitter, txEnv, evm_events.EventStringAccountCall(snativeAddress))
+	ev, err := execTxWaitAccountCall(t, batchCommitter, emitter, txEnv, snativeAddress)
 	if err == ExceptionTimeOut {
 		t.Fatal("Timed out waiting for event")
 	if expectPass {
 		require.NoError(t, err)
-		evv := ev.(*evm_events.EventDataCall)
-		ret := evv.Return
+		ret := ev.Return
 		if err := f(ret); err != nil {
diff --git a/execution/executors/call.go b/execution/executors/call.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..caf19a5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/execution/executors/call.go
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+package executors
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	acm ""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+// TODO: make configurable
+const GasLimit = uint64(1000000)
+type CallContext struct {
+	Tip            blockchain.TipInfo
+	StateWriter    state.Writer
+	EventPublisher event.Publisher
+	RunCall        bool
+	VMOptions      []func(*evm.VM)
+	Logger         *logging.Logger
+	tx             *payload.CallTx
+	txEnv          *txs.Envelope
+func (ctx *CallContext) Execute(txEnv *txs.Envelope) error {
+	var ok bool
+	ctx.tx, ok = txEnv.Tx.Payload.(*payload.CallTx)
+	if !ok {
+		return fmt.Errorf("payload must be CallTx, but is: %v", txEnv.Tx.Payload)
+	}
+	ctx.txEnv = txEnv
+	inAcc, outAcc, err := ctx.Precheck()
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	// That the fee less than the input amount is checked by Precheck
+	value := ctx.tx.Input.Amount - ctx.tx.Fee
+	if ctx.RunCall {
+		ctx.Deliver(inAcc, outAcc, value)
+	} else {
+		ctx.Check(inAcc, value)
+	}
+	return nil
+func (ctx *CallContext) Precheck() (acm.MutableAccount, acm.Account, error) {
+	var outAcc acm.Account
+	// Validate input
+	inAcc, err := state.GetMutableAccount(ctx.StateWriter, ctx.tx.Input.Address)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, nil, err
+	}
+	if inAcc == nil {
+		ctx.Logger.InfoMsg("Cannot find input account",
+			"tx_input", ctx.tx.Input)
+		return nil, nil, payload.ErrTxInvalidAddress
+	}
+	err = validateInput(inAcc, ctx.tx.Input)
+	if err != nil {
+		ctx.Logger.InfoMsg("validateInput failed",
+			"tx_input", ctx.tx.Input, structure.ErrorKey, err)
+		return nil, nil, err
+	}
+	if ctx.tx.Input.Amount < ctx.tx.Fee {
+		ctx.Logger.InfoMsg("Sender did not send enough to cover the fee",
+			"tx_input", ctx.tx.Input)
+		return nil, nil, payload.ErrTxInsufficientFunds
+	}
+	ctx.Logger.TraceMsg("Incrementing sequence number for CallTx",
+		"tag", "sequence",
+		"account", inAcc.Address(),
+		"old_sequence", inAcc.Sequence(),
+		"new_sequence", inAcc.Sequence()+1)
+	inAcc, err = inAcc.IncSequence().SubtractFromBalance(ctx.tx.Fee)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, nil, err
+	}
+	// Calling a nil destination is defined as requesting contract creation
+	createContract := ctx.tx.Address == nil
+	if createContract {
+		if !hasCreateContractPermission(ctx.StateWriter, inAcc, ctx.Logger) {
+			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("account %s does not have CreateContract permission", ctx.tx.Input.Address)
+		}
+	} else {
+		if !hasCallPermission(ctx.StateWriter, inAcc, ctx.Logger) {
+			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("account %s does not have Call permission", ctx.tx.Input.Address)
+		}
+		// check if its a native contract
+		if evm.IsRegisteredNativeContract(ctx.tx.Address.Word256()) {
+			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("attempt to call a native contract at %s, "+
+				"but native contracts cannot be called using CallTx. Use a "+
+				"contract that calls the native contract or the appropriate tx "+
+				"type (eg. PermissionsTx, NameTx)", ctx.tx.Address)
+		}
+		// Output account may be nil if we are still in mempool and contract was created in same block as this tx
+		// but that's fine, because the account will be created properly when the create tx runs in the block
+		// and then this won't return nil. otherwise, we take their fee
+		// Note: ctx.tx.Address == nil iff createContract so dereference is okay
+		outAcc, err = ctx.StateWriter.GetAccount(*ctx.tx.Address)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, nil, err
+		}
+	}
+	err = ctx.StateWriter.UpdateAccount(inAcc)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, nil, err
+	}
+	return inAcc, outAcc, nil
+func (ctx *CallContext) Check(inAcc acm.MutableAccount, value uint64) error {
+	createContract := ctx.tx.Address == nil
+	// The mempool does not call txs until
+	// the proposer determines the order of txs.
+	// So mempool will skip the actual .Call(),
+	// and only deduct from the caller's balance.
+	inAcc, err := inAcc.SubtractFromBalance(value)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if createContract {
+		// This is done by DeriveNewAccount when runCall == true
+		ctx.Logger.TraceMsg("Incrementing sequence number since creates contract",
+			"tag", "sequence",
+			"account", inAcc.Address(),
+			"old_sequence", inAcc.Sequence(),
+			"new_sequence", inAcc.Sequence()+1)
+		inAcc.IncSequence()
+	}
+	return ctx.StateWriter.UpdateAccount(inAcc)
+func (ctx *CallContext) Deliver(inAcc, outAcc acm.Account, value uint64) error {
+	createContract := ctx.tx.Address == nil
+	// VM call variables
+	var (
+		gas     uint64             = ctx.tx.GasLimit
+		caller  acm.MutableAccount = acm.AsMutableAccount(inAcc)
+		callee  acm.MutableAccount = nil // initialized below
+		code    []byte             = nil
+		ret     []byte             = nil
+		txCache                    = state.NewCache(ctx.StateWriter, state.Name("TxCache"))
+		params                     = evm.Params{
+			BlockHeight: ctx.Tip.LastBlockHeight(),
+			BlockHash:   binary.LeftPadWord256(ctx.Tip.LastBlockHash()),
+			BlockTime:   ctx.Tip.LastBlockTime().Unix(),
+			GasLimit:    GasLimit,
+		}
+	)
+	// get or create callee
+	if createContract {
+		// We already checked for permission
+		callee = evm.DeriveNewAccount(caller, state.GlobalAccountPermissions(ctx.StateWriter), ctx.Logger)
+		code = ctx.tx.Data
+		ctx.Logger.TraceMsg("Creating new contract",
+			"contract_address", callee.Address(),
+			"init_code", code)
+	} else {
+		if outAcc == nil || len(outAcc.Code()) == 0 {
+			// if you call an account that doesn't exist
+			// or an account with no code then we take fees (sorry pal)
+			// NOTE: it's fine to create a contract and call it within one
+			// block (sequence number will prevent re-ordering of those txs)
+			// but to create with one contract and call with another
+			// you have to wait a block to avoid a re-ordering attack
+			// that will take your fees
+			if outAcc == nil {
+				ctx.Logger.InfoMsg("Call to address that does not exist",
+					"caller_address", inAcc.Address(),
+					"callee_address", ctx.tx.Address)
+			} else {
+				ctx.Logger.InfoMsg("Call to address that holds no code",
+					"caller_address", inAcc.Address(),
+					"callee_address", ctx.tx.Address)
+			}
+			ctx.FireCallEvents(nil, payload.ErrTxInvalidAddress)
+			return nil
+		}
+		callee = acm.AsMutableAccount(outAcc)
+		code = callee.Code()
+		ctx.Logger.TraceMsg("Calling existing contract",
+			"contract_address", callee.Address(),
+			"input", ctx.tx.Data,
+			"contract_code", code)
+	}
+	ctx.Logger.Trace.Log("callee", callee.Address().String())
+	txCache.UpdateAccount(caller)
+	txCache.UpdateAccount(callee)
+	vmach := evm.NewVM(params, caller.Address(), ctx.txEnv.Tx.Hash(), ctx.Logger, ctx.VMOptions...)
+	vmach.SetPublisher(ctx.EventPublisher)
+	// NOTE: Call() transfers the value from caller to callee iff call succeeds.
+	ret, exception := vmach.Call(txCache, caller, callee, code, ctx.tx.Data, value, &gas)
+	if exception != nil {
+		// Failure. Charge the gas fee. The 'value' was otherwise not transferred.
+		ctx.Logger.InfoMsg("Error on execution",
+			structure.ErrorKey, exception)
+	} else {
+		ctx.Logger.TraceMsg("Successful execution")
+		if createContract {
+			callee.SetCode(ret)
+		}
+		err := txCache.Sync(ctx.StateWriter)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	// Create a receipt from the ret and whether it erred.
+	ctx.Logger.TraceMsg("VM call complete",
+		"caller", caller,
+		"callee", callee,
+		"return", ret,
+		structure.ErrorKey, exception)
+	ctx.FireCallEvents(ret, exception)
+	return nil
+func (ctx *CallContext) FireCallEvents(ret []byte, exception errors.CodedError) {
+	// Fire Events for sender and receiver
+	// a separate event will be fired from vm for each additional call
+	if ctx.EventPublisher != nil {
+		events.PublishAccountInput(ctx.EventPublisher, ctx.tx.Input.Address, ctx.txEnv.Tx, ret, errors.AsCodedError(exception))
+		if ctx.tx.Address != nil {
+			events.PublishAccountOutput(ctx.EventPublisher, *ctx.tx.Address, ctx.txEnv.Tx, ret, errors.AsCodedError(exception))
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/execution/executors/name.go b/execution/executors/name.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..da825636
--- /dev/null
+++ b/execution/executors/name.go
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+package executors
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+type NameContext struct {
+	Tip            blockchain.TipInfo
+	StateWriter    state.Writer
+	EventPublisher event.Publisher
+	NameReg        names.NameRegWriter
+	Logger         *logging.Logger
+	tx             *payload.NameTx
+func (ctx *NameContext) Execute(txEnv *txs.Envelope) error {
+	var ok bool
+	ctx.tx, ok = txEnv.Tx.Payload.(*payload.NameTx)
+	if !ok {
+		return fmt.Errorf("payload must be NameTx, but is: %v", txEnv.Tx.Payload)
+	}
+	// Validate input
+	inAcc, err := state.GetMutableAccount(ctx.StateWriter, ctx.tx.Input.Address)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if inAcc == nil {
+		ctx.Logger.InfoMsg("Cannot find input account",
+			"tx_input", ctx.tx.Input)
+		return payload.ErrTxInvalidAddress
+	}
+	// check permission
+	if !hasNamePermission(ctx.StateWriter, inAcc, ctx.Logger) {
+		return fmt.Errorf("account %s does not have Name permission", ctx.tx.Input.Address)
+	}
+	err = validateInput(inAcc, ctx.tx.Input)
+	if err != nil {
+		ctx.Logger.InfoMsg("validateInput failed",
+			"tx_input", ctx.tx.Input, structure.ErrorKey, err)
+		return err
+	}
+	if ctx.tx.Input.Amount < ctx.tx.Fee {
+		ctx.Logger.InfoMsg("Sender did not send enough to cover the fee",
+			"tx_input", ctx.tx.Input)
+		return payload.ErrTxInsufficientFunds
+	}
+	// validate the input strings
+	if err := ctx.tx.ValidateStrings(); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	value := ctx.tx.Input.Amount - ctx.tx.Fee
+	// let's say cost of a name for one block is len(data) + 32
+	costPerBlock := names.NameCostPerBlock(names.NameBaseCost(ctx.tx.Name, ctx.tx.Data))
+	expiresIn := value / uint64(costPerBlock)
+	lastBlockHeight := ctx.Tip.LastBlockHeight()
+	ctx.Logger.TraceMsg("New NameTx",
+		"value", value,
+		"cost_per_block", costPerBlock,
+		"expires_in", expiresIn,
+		"last_block_height", lastBlockHeight)
+	// check if the name exists
+	entry, err := ctx.NameReg.GetNameRegEntry(ctx.tx.Name)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if entry != nil {
+		var expired bool
+		// if the entry already exists, and hasn't expired, we must be owner
+		if entry.Expires > lastBlockHeight {
+			// ensure we are owner
+			if entry.Owner != ctx.tx.Input.Address {
+				return fmt.Errorf("permission denied: sender %s is trying to update a name (%s) for "+
+					"which they are not an owner", ctx.tx.Input.Address, ctx.tx.Name)
+			}
+		} else {
+			expired = true
+		}
+		// no value and empty data means delete the entry
+		if value == 0 && len(ctx.tx.Data) == 0 {
+			// maybe we reward you for telling us we can delete this crap
+			// (owners if not expired, anyone if expired)
+			ctx.Logger.TraceMsg("Removing NameReg entry (no value and empty data in tx requests this)",
+				"name", entry.Name)
+			err := ctx.NameReg.RemoveNameRegEntry(entry.Name)
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		} else {
+			// update the entry by bumping the expiry
+			// and changing the data
+			if expired {
+				if expiresIn < names.MinNameRegistrationPeriod {
+					return fmt.Errorf("Names must be registered for at least %d blocks", names.MinNameRegistrationPeriod)
+				}
+				entry.Expires = lastBlockHeight + expiresIn
+				entry.Owner = ctx.tx.Input.Address
+				ctx.Logger.TraceMsg("An old NameReg entry has expired and been reclaimed",
+					"name", entry.Name,
+					"expires_in", expiresIn,
+					"owner", entry.Owner)
+			} else {
+				// since the size of the data may have changed
+				// we use the total amount of "credit"
+				oldCredit := (entry.Expires - lastBlockHeight) * names.NameBaseCost(entry.Name, entry.Data)
+				credit := oldCredit + value
+				expiresIn = uint64(credit / costPerBlock)
+				if expiresIn < names.MinNameRegistrationPeriod {
+					return fmt.Errorf("names must be registered for at least %d blocks", names.MinNameRegistrationPeriod)
+				}
+				entry.Expires = lastBlockHeight + expiresIn
+				ctx.Logger.TraceMsg("Updated NameReg entry",
+					"name", entry.Name,
+					"expires_in", expiresIn,
+					"old_credit", oldCredit,
+					"value", value,
+					"credit", credit)
+			}
+			entry.Data = ctx.tx.Data
+			err := ctx.NameReg.UpdateNameRegEntry(entry)
+			if err != nil {
+				return err
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		if expiresIn < names.MinNameRegistrationPeriod {
+			return fmt.Errorf("Names must be registered for at least %d blocks", names.MinNameRegistrationPeriod)
+		}
+		// entry does not exist, so create it
+		entry = &names.NameRegEntry{
+			Name:    ctx.tx.Name,
+			Owner:   ctx.tx.Input.Address,
+			Data:    ctx.tx.Data,
+			Expires: lastBlockHeight + expiresIn,
+		}
+		ctx.Logger.TraceMsg("Creating NameReg entry",
+			"name", entry.Name,
+			"expires_in", expiresIn)
+		err := ctx.NameReg.UpdateNameRegEntry(entry)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	// TODO: something with the value sent?
+	// Good!
+	ctx.Logger.TraceMsg("Incrementing sequence number for NameTx",
+		"tag", "sequence",
+		"account", inAcc.Address(),
+		"old_sequence", inAcc.Sequence(),
+		"new_sequence", inAcc.Sequence()+1)
+	inAcc.IncSequence()
+	inAcc, err = inAcc.SubtractFromBalance(value)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	ctx.StateWriter.UpdateAccount(inAcc)
+	// TODO: maybe we want to take funds on error and allow txs in that don't do anythingi?
+	if ctx.EventPublisher != nil {
+		events.PublishAccountInput(ctx.EventPublisher, ctx.tx.Input.Address, txEnv.Tx, nil, nil)
+		events.PublishNameReg(ctx.EventPublisher, txEnv.Tx)
+	}
+	return nil
diff --git a/execution/executors/permissions.go b/execution/executors/permissions.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06dbd8c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/execution/executors/permissions.go
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+package executors
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	acm ""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	ptypes ""
+	""
+	""
+type PermissionsContext struct {
+	StateWriter    state.Writer
+	EventPublisher event.Publisher
+	Logger         *logging.Logger
+	tx             *payload.PermissionsTx
+func (ctx *PermissionsContext) Execute(txEnv *txs.Envelope) error {
+	var ok bool
+	ctx.tx, ok = txEnv.Tx.Payload.(*payload.PermissionsTx)
+	if !ok {
+		return fmt.Errorf("payload must be PermissionsTx, but is: %v", txEnv.Tx.Payload)
+	}
+	// Validate input
+	inAcc, err := state.GetMutableAccount(ctx.StateWriter, ctx.tx.Input.Address)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if inAcc == nil {
+		ctx.Logger.InfoMsg("Cannot find input account",
+			"tx_input", ctx.tx.Input)
+		return payload.ErrTxInvalidAddress
+	}
+	err = ctx.tx.PermArgs.EnsureValid()
+	if err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("PermissionsTx received containing invalid PermArgs: %v", err)
+	}
+	permFlag := ctx.tx.PermArgs.PermFlag
+	// check permission
+	if !HasPermission(ctx.StateWriter, inAcc, permFlag, ctx.Logger) {
+		return fmt.Errorf("account %s does not have moderator permission %s (%b)", ctx.tx.Input.Address,
+			permFlag.String(), permFlag)
+	}
+	err = validateInput(inAcc, ctx.tx.Input)
+	if err != nil {
+		ctx.Logger.InfoMsg("validateInput failed",
+			"tx_input", ctx.tx.Input,
+			structure.ErrorKey, err)
+		return err
+	}
+	value := ctx.tx.Input.Amount
+	ctx.Logger.TraceMsg("New PermissionsTx",
+		"perm_args", ctx.tx.PermArgs.String())
+	var permAcc acm.Account
+	switch ctx.tx.PermArgs.PermFlag {
+	case ptypes.HasBase:
+		// this one doesn't make sense from txs
+		return fmt.Errorf("HasBase is for contracts, not humans. Just look at the blockchain")
+	case ptypes.SetBase:
+		permAcc, err = mutatePermissions(ctx.StateWriter, *ctx.tx.PermArgs.Address,
+			func(perms *ptypes.AccountPermissions) error {
+				return perms.Base.Set(*ctx.tx.PermArgs.Permission, *ctx.tx.PermArgs.Value)
+			})
+	case ptypes.UnsetBase:
+		permAcc, err = mutatePermissions(ctx.StateWriter, *ctx.tx.PermArgs.Address,
+			func(perms *ptypes.AccountPermissions) error {
+				return perms.Base.Unset(*ctx.tx.PermArgs.Permission)
+			})
+	case ptypes.SetGlobal:
+		permAcc, err = mutatePermissions(ctx.StateWriter, acm.GlobalPermissionsAddress,
+			func(perms *ptypes.AccountPermissions) error {
+				return perms.Base.Set(*ctx.tx.PermArgs.Permission, *ctx.tx.PermArgs.Value)
+			})
+	case ptypes.HasRole:
+		return fmt.Errorf("HasRole is for contracts, not humans. Just look at the blockchain")
+	case ptypes.AddRole:
+		permAcc, err = mutatePermissions(ctx.StateWriter, *ctx.tx.PermArgs.Address,
+			func(perms *ptypes.AccountPermissions) error {
+				if !perms.AddRole(*ctx.tx.PermArgs.Role) {
+					return fmt.Errorf("role (%s) already exists for account %s",
+						*ctx.tx.PermArgs.Role, *ctx.tx.PermArgs.Address)
+				}
+				return nil
+			})
+	case ptypes.RemoveRole:
+		permAcc, err = mutatePermissions(ctx.StateWriter, *ctx.tx.PermArgs.Address,
+			func(perms *ptypes.AccountPermissions) error {
+				if !perms.RmRole(*ctx.tx.PermArgs.Role) {
+					return fmt.Errorf("role (%s) does not exist for account %s",
+						*ctx.tx.PermArgs.Role, *ctx.tx.PermArgs.Address)
+				}
+				return nil
+			})
+	default:
+		return fmt.Errorf("invalid permission function: %v", permFlag)
+	}
+	// TODO: maybe we want to take funds on error and allow txs in that don't do anythingi?
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	// Good!
+	ctx.Logger.TraceMsg("Incrementing sequence number for PermissionsTx",
+		"tag", "sequence",
+		"account", inAcc.Address(),
+		"old_sequence", inAcc.Sequence(),
+		"new_sequence", inAcc.Sequence()+1)
+	inAcc.IncSequence()
+	inAcc, err = inAcc.SubtractFromBalance(value)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	ctx.StateWriter.UpdateAccount(inAcc)
+	if permAcc != nil {
+		ctx.StateWriter.UpdateAccount(permAcc)
+	}
+	if ctx.EventPublisher != nil {
+		events.PublishAccountInput(ctx.EventPublisher, ctx.tx.Input.Address, txEnv.Tx, nil, nil)
+		events.PublishPermissions(ctx.EventPublisher, permFlag, txEnv.Tx)
+	}
+	return nil
+func mutatePermissions(stateReader state.Reader, address crypto.Address,
+	mutator func(*ptypes.AccountPermissions) error) (acm.Account, error) {
+	account, err := stateReader.GetAccount(address)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	if account == nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get account at address %s in order to alter permissions", address)
+	}
+	mutableAccount := acm.AsMutableAccount(account)
+	return mutableAccount, mutator(mutableAccount.MutablePermissions())
diff --git a/execution/executors/send.go b/execution/executors/send.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c79eba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/execution/executors/send.go
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+package executors
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+type SendContext struct {
+	StateWriter    state.Writer
+	EventPublisher event.Publisher
+	Logger         *logging.Logger
+	tx             *payload.SendTx
+func (ctx *SendContext) Execute(txEnv *txs.Envelope) error {
+	var ok bool
+	ctx.tx, ok = txEnv.Tx.Payload.(*payload.SendTx)
+	if !ok {
+		return fmt.Errorf("payload must be NameTx, but is: %v", txEnv.Tx.Payload)
+	}
+	accounts, err := getInputs(ctx.StateWriter, ctx.tx.Inputs)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	// ensure all inputs have send permissions
+	if !hasSendPermission(ctx.StateWriter, accounts, ctx.Logger) {
+		return fmt.Errorf("at least one input lacks permission for SendTx")
+	}
+	// add outputs to accounts map
+	// if any outputs don't exist, all inputs must have CreateAccount perm
+	accounts, err = getOrMakeOutputs(ctx.StateWriter, accounts, ctx.tx.Outputs, ctx.Logger)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	inTotal, err := validateInputs(accounts, ctx.tx.Inputs)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	outTotal, err := validateOutputs(ctx.tx.Outputs)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	if outTotal > inTotal {
+		return payload.ErrTxInsufficientFunds
+	}
+	// Good! Adjust accounts
+	err = adjustByInputs(accounts, ctx.tx.Inputs, ctx.Logger)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	err = adjustByOutputs(accounts, ctx.tx.Outputs)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	for _, acc := range accounts {
+		ctx.StateWriter.UpdateAccount(acc)
+	}
+	if ctx.EventPublisher != nil {
+		for _, i := range ctx.tx.Inputs {
+			events.PublishAccountInput(ctx.EventPublisher, i.Address, txEnv.Tx, nil, nil)
+		}
+		for _, o := range ctx.tx.Outputs {
+			events.PublishAccountOutput(ctx.EventPublisher, o.Address, txEnv.Tx, nil, nil)
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
diff --git a/execution/executors/shared.go b/execution/executors/shared.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8843249b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/execution/executors/shared.go
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+package executors
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	acm ""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	ptypes ""
+	""
+// The accounts from the TxInputs must either already have
+// acm.PublicKey().(type) != nil, (it must be known),
+// or it must be specified in the TxInput.  If redeclared,
+// the TxInput is modified and input.PublicKey() set to nil.
+func getInputs(accountGetter state.AccountGetter,
+	ins []*payload.TxInput) (map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount, error) {
+	accounts := map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount{}
+	for _, in := range ins {
+		// Account shouldn't be duplicated
+		if _, ok := accounts[in.Address]; ok {
+			return nil, payload.ErrTxDuplicateAddress
+		}
+		acc, err := state.GetMutableAccount(accountGetter, in.Address)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		if acc == nil {
+			return nil, payload.ErrTxInvalidAddress
+		}
+		accounts[in.Address] = acc
+	}
+	return accounts, nil
+func getOrMakeOutputs(accountGetter state.AccountGetter, accs map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount,
+	outs []*payload.TxOutput, logger *logging.Logger) (map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount, error) {
+	if accs == nil {
+		accs = make(map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount)
+	}
+	// we should err if an account is being created but the inputs don't have permission
+	var checkedCreatePerms bool
+	for _, out := range outs {
+		// Account shouldn't be duplicated
+		if _, ok := accs[out.Address]; ok {
+			return nil, payload.ErrTxDuplicateAddress
+		}
+		acc, err := state.GetMutableAccount(accountGetter, out.Address)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		// output account may be nil (new)
+		if acc == nil {
+			if !checkedCreatePerms {
+				if !hasCreateAccountPermission(accountGetter, accs, logger) {
+					return nil, fmt.Errorf("at least one input does not have permission to create accounts")
+				}
+				checkedCreatePerms = true
+			}
+			acc = acm.ConcreteAccount{
+				Address:     out.Address,
+				Sequence:    0,
+				Balance:     0,
+				Permissions: permission.ZeroAccountPermissions,
+			}.MutableAccount()
+		}
+		accs[out.Address] = acc
+	}
+	return accs, nil
+func validateInputs(accs map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount, ins []*payload.TxInput) (uint64, error) {
+	total := uint64(0)
+	for _, in := range ins {
+		acc := accs[in.Address]
+		if acc == nil {
+			return 0, fmt.Errorf("validateInputs() expects account in accounts, but account %s not found", in.Address)
+		}
+		err := validateInput(acc, in)
+		if err != nil {
+			return 0, err
+		}
+		// Good. Add amount to total
+		total += in.Amount
+	}
+	return total, nil
+func validateInput(acc acm.MutableAccount, in *payload.TxInput) error {
+	// Check TxInput basic
+	if err := in.ValidateBasic(); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	// Check sequences
+	if acc.Sequence()+1 != uint64(in.Sequence) {
+		return payload.ErrTxInvalidSequence{
+			Got:      in.Sequence,
+			Expected: acc.Sequence() + uint64(1),
+		}
+	}
+	// Check amount
+	if acc.Balance() < uint64(in.Amount) {
+		return payload.ErrTxInsufficientFunds
+	}
+	return nil
+func validateOutputs(outs []*payload.TxOutput) (uint64, error) {
+	total := uint64(0)
+	for _, out := range outs {
+		// Check TxOutput basic
+		if err := out.ValidateBasic(); err != nil {
+			return 0, err
+		}
+		// Good. Add amount to total
+		total += out.Amount
+	}
+	return total, nil
+func adjustByInputs(accs map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount, ins []*payload.TxInput, logger *logging.Logger) error {
+	for _, in := range ins {
+		acc := accs[in.Address]
+		if acc == nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("adjustByInputs() expects account in accounts, but account %s not found", in.Address)
+		}
+		if acc.Balance() < in.Amount {
+			panic("adjustByInputs() expects sufficient funds")
+			return fmt.Errorf("adjustByInputs() expects sufficient funds but account %s only has balance %v and "+
+				"we are deducting %v", in.Address, acc.Balance(), in.Amount)
+		}
+		acc, err := acc.SubtractFromBalance(in.Amount)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		logger.TraceMsg("Incrementing sequence number for SendTx (adjustByInputs)",
+			"tag", "sequence",
+			"account", acc.Address(),
+			"old_sequence", acc.Sequence(),
+			"new_sequence", acc.Sequence()+1)
+		acc.IncSequence()
+	}
+	return nil
+func adjustByOutputs(accs map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount, outs []*payload.TxOutput) error {
+	for _, out := range outs {
+		acc := accs[out.Address]
+		if acc == nil {
+			return fmt.Errorf("adjustByOutputs() expects account in accounts, but account %s not found",
+				out.Address)
+		}
+		_, err := acc.AddToBalance(out.Amount)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
+// Get permission on an account or fall back to global value
+func HasPermission(accountGetter state.AccountGetter, acc acm.Account, perm ptypes.PermFlag, logger *logging.Logger) bool {
+	if perm > ptypes.AllPermFlags {
+		logger.InfoMsg(
+			fmt.Sprintf("HasPermission called on invalid permission 0b%b (invalid) > 0b%b (maximum) ",
+				perm, ptypes.AllPermFlags),
+			"invalid_permission", perm,
+			"maximum_permission", ptypes.AllPermFlags)
+		return false
+	}
+	v, err := acc.Permissions().Base.Compose(state.GlobalAccountPermissions(accountGetter).Base).Get(perm)
+	if err != nil {
+		logger.TraceMsg("Error obtaining permission value (will default to false/deny)",
+			"perm_flag", perm.String(),
+			structure.ErrorKey, err)
+	}
+	if v {
+		logger.TraceMsg("Account has permission",
+			"account_address", acc.Address,
+			"perm_flag", perm.String())
+	} else {
+		logger.TraceMsg("Account does not have permission",
+			"account_address", acc.Address,
+			"perm_flag", perm.String())
+	}
+	return v
+// TODO: for debug log the failed accounts
+func hasSendPermission(accountGetter state.AccountGetter, accs map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount,
+	logger *logging.Logger) bool {
+	for _, acc := range accs {
+		if !HasPermission(accountGetter, acc, ptypes.Send, logger) {
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	return true
+func hasNamePermission(accountGetter state.AccountGetter, acc acm.Account,
+	logger *logging.Logger) bool {
+	return HasPermission(accountGetter, acc, ptypes.Name, logger)
+func hasCallPermission(accountGetter state.AccountGetter, acc acm.Account,
+	logger *logging.Logger) bool {
+	return HasPermission(accountGetter, acc, ptypes.Call, logger)
+func hasCreateContractPermission(accountGetter state.AccountGetter, acc acm.Account,
+	logger *logging.Logger) bool {
+	return HasPermission(accountGetter, acc, ptypes.CreateContract, logger)
+func hasCreateAccountPermission(accountGetter state.AccountGetter, accs map[crypto.Address]acm.MutableAccount,
+	logger *logging.Logger) bool {
+	for _, acc := range accs {
+		if !HasPermission(accountGetter, acc, ptypes.CreateAccount, logger) {
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	return true
+func hasBondPermission(accountGetter state.AccountGetter, acc acm.Account,
+	logger *logging.Logger) bool {
+	return HasPermission(accountGetter, acc, ptypes.Bond, logger)
+func hasBondOrSendPermission(accountGetter state.AccountGetter, accs map[crypto.Address]acm.Account,
+	logger *logging.Logger) bool {
+	for _, acc := range accs {
+		if !HasPermission(accountGetter, acc, ptypes.Bond, logger) {
+			if !HasPermission(accountGetter, acc, ptypes.Send, logger) {
+				return false
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return true
diff --git a/execution/namereg.go b/execution/names/namereg.go
similarity index 98%
rename from execution/namereg.go
rename to execution/names/namereg.go
index 0c57b351..157fe2f4 100644
--- a/execution/namereg.go
+++ b/execution/names/namereg.go
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 // limitations under the License.
-package execution
+package names
 import ""
diff --git a/execution/namereg_cache.go b/execution/names/namereg_cache.go
similarity index 99%
rename from execution/namereg_cache.go
rename to execution/names/namereg_cache.go
index 5cb0c63a..d21c110b 100644
--- a/execution/namereg_cache.go
+++ b/execution/names/namereg_cache.go
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 // limitations under the License.
-package execution
+package names
 import (
diff --git a/execution/namereg_cache_test.go b/execution/names/namereg_cache_test.go
similarity index 98%
rename from execution/namereg_cache_test.go
rename to execution/names/namereg_cache_test.go
index 7671133b..7b52912c 100644
--- a/execution/namereg_cache_test.go
+++ b/execution/names/namereg_cache_test.go
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 // limitations under the License.
-package execution
+package names
 import (
diff --git a/execution/state.go b/execution/state.go
index da8ce205..d70646fc 100644
--- a/execution/state.go
+++ b/execution/state.go
@@ -271,9 +271,9 @@ func (s *State) IterateStorage(address crypto.Address,
 // State.nameReg
-var _ NameRegIterable = &State{}
+var _ names.NameRegIterable = &State{}
-func (s *State) GetNameRegEntry(name string) (*NameRegEntry, error) {
+func (s *State) GetNameRegEntry(name string) (*names.NameRegEntry, error) {
 	_, valueBytes := s.tree.Get(prefixedKey(nameRegPrefix, []byte(name)))
 	if valueBytes == nil {
 		return nil, nil
@@ -282,13 +282,13 @@ func (s *State) GetNameRegEntry(name string) (*NameRegEntry, error) {
 	return DecodeNameRegEntry(valueBytes), nil
-func (s *State) IterateNameRegEntries(consumer func(*NameRegEntry) (stop bool)) (stopped bool, err error) {
+func (s *State) IterateNameRegEntries(consumer func(*names.NameRegEntry) (stop bool)) (stopped bool, err error) {
 	return s.tree.IterateRange(nameRegStart, nameRegEnd, true, func(key []byte, value []byte) (stop bool) {
 		return consumer(DecodeNameRegEntry(value))
 	}), nil
-func (s *State) UpdateNameRegEntry(entry *NameRegEntry) error {
+func (s *State) UpdateNameRegEntry(entry *names.NameRegEntry) error {
 	w := new(bytes.Buffer)
 	var n int
 	var err error
@@ -315,19 +315,19 @@ func (s *State) Copy(db dbm.DB) *State {
 	return state
-func DecodeNameRegEntry(entryBytes []byte) *NameRegEntry {
+func DecodeNameRegEntry(entryBytes []byte) *names.NameRegEntry {
 	var n int
 	var err error
 	value := NameRegDecode(bytes.NewBuffer(entryBytes), &n, &err)
-	return value.(*NameRegEntry)
+	return value.(*names.NameRegEntry)
 func NameRegEncode(o interface{}, w io.Writer, n *int, err *error) {
-	wire.WriteBinary(o.(*NameRegEntry), w, n, err)
+	wire.WriteBinary(o.(*names.NameRegEntry), w, n, err)
 func NameRegDecode(r io.Reader, n *int, err *error) interface{} {
-	return wire.ReadBinary(&NameRegEntry{}, r, names.MaxDataLength, n, err)
+	return wire.ReadBinary(&names.NameRegEntry{}, r, names.MaxDataLength, n, err)
 func prefixedKey(prefix string, suffices ...[]byte) []byte {
diff --git a/execution/transactor.go b/execution/transactor.go
index 2a855dc3..042eb11b 100644
--- a/execution/transactor.go
+++ b/execution/transactor.go
@@ -29,9 +29,11 @@ import (
+	""
 	exe_events ""
 	evm_events ""
+	""
@@ -235,7 +237,7 @@ func (trans *Transactor) TransactAndHold(sequentialSigningAccount *SequentialSig
 	case <-timer.C:
 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("transaction timed out TxHash: %X", expectedReceipt.TxHash)
 	case eventDataCall := <-ch:
-		if eventDataCall.Exception != nil {
+		if eventDataCall.Exception != nil && eventDataCall.Exception.Code != errors.ErrorCodeExecutionReverted {
 			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error when transacting: %v", eventDataCall.Exception)
 		} else {
 			return eventDataCall, nil
@@ -392,6 +394,6 @@ func vmParams(tip *blockchain.Tip) evm.Params {
 		BlockHeight: tip.LastBlockHeight(),
 		BlockHash:   binary.LeftPadWord256(tip.LastBlockHash()),
 		BlockTime:   tip.LastBlockTime().Unix(),
-		GasLimit:    GasLimit,
+		GasLimit:    executors.GasLimit,
diff --git a/rpc/filters/namereg.go b/rpc/filters/namereg.go
index 10634e71..df617a24 100644
--- a/rpc/filters/namereg.go
+++ b/rpc/filters/namereg.go
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import (
-	""
+	""
 func NewNameRegFilterFactory() *FilterFactory {
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ func (nrnf *NameRegNameFilter) Configure(fd *FilterData) error {
 func (nrnf *NameRegNameFilter) Match(v interface{}) bool {
-	nre, ok := v.(*execution.NameRegEntry)
+	nre, ok := v.(*names.NameRegEntry)
 	if !ok {
 		return false
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ func (nrof *NameRegOwnerFilter) Configure(fd *FilterData) error {
 func (nrof *NameRegOwnerFilter) Match(v interface{}) bool {
-	nre, ok := v.(*execution.NameRegEntry)
+	nre, ok := v.(*names.NameRegEntry)
 	if !ok {
 		return false
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ func (nrdf *NameRegDataFilter) Configure(fd *FilterData) error {
 func (nrdf *NameRegDataFilter) Match(v interface{}) bool {
-	nre, ok := v.(*execution.NameRegEntry)
+	nre, ok := v.(*names.NameRegEntry)
 	if !ok {
 		return false
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ func (nref *NameRegExpiresFilter) Configure(fd *FilterData) error {
 func (nref *NameRegExpiresFilter) Match(v interface{}) bool {
-	nre, ok := v.(*execution.NameRegEntry)
+	nre, ok := v.(*names.NameRegEntry)
 	if !ok {
 		return false
diff --git a/rpc/result.go b/rpc/result.go
index 8fd7a96f..06a70a36 100644
--- a/rpc/result.go
+++ b/rpc/result.go
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import (
 	exeEvents ""
 	evmEvents ""
+	""
@@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ type ResultPeers struct {
 type ResultListNames struct {
 	BlockHeight uint64
-	Names       []*execution.NameRegEntry
+	Names       []*names.NameRegEntry
 type ResultGeneratePrivateAccount struct {
@@ -205,7 +206,7 @@ type ResultListUnconfirmedTxs struct {
 type ResultGetName struct {
-	Entry *execution.NameRegEntry
+	Entry *names.NameRegEntry
 type ResultGenesis struct {
diff --git a/rpc/service.go b/rpc/service.go
index 7348118e..72b40f1c 100644
--- a/rpc/service.go
+++ b/rpc/service.go
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import (
+	""
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ const AccountsRingMutexCount = 100
 type Service struct {
 	ctx             context.Context
 	state           state.Iterable
-	nameReg         execution.NameRegIterable
+	nameReg         names.NameRegIterable
 	mempoolAccounts *execution.Accounts
 	subscribable    event.Subscribable
 	blockchain      *bcm.Blockchain
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ type Service struct {
 	logger          *logging.Logger
-func NewService(ctx context.Context, state state.Iterable, nameReg execution.NameRegIterable,
+func NewService(ctx context.Context, state state.Iterable, nameReg names.NameRegIterable,
 	checker state.Reader, subscribable event.Subscribable, blockchain *bcm.Blockchain, keyClient keys.KeyClient,
 	transactor *execution.Transactor, nodeView *query.NodeView, logger *logging.Logger) *Service {
@@ -330,17 +331,17 @@ func (s *Service) GetName(name string) (*ResultGetName, error) {
 	return &ResultGetName{Entry: entry}, nil
-func (s *Service) ListNames(predicate func(*execution.NameRegEntry) bool) (*ResultListNames, error) {
-	var names []*execution.NameRegEntry
-	s.nameReg.IterateNameRegEntries(func(entry *execution.NameRegEntry) (stop bool) {
+func (s *Service) ListNames(predicate func(*names.NameRegEntry) bool) (*ResultListNames, error) {
+	var nms []*names.NameRegEntry
+	s.nameReg.IterateNameRegEntries(func(entry *names.NameRegEntry) (stop bool) {
 		if predicate(entry) {
-			names = append(names, entry)
+			nms = append(nms, entry)
 	return &ResultListNames{
 		BlockHeight: s.blockchain.Tip.LastBlockHeight(),
-		Names:       names,
+		Names:       nms,
 	}, nil
diff --git a/rpc/tm/client/client.go b/rpc/tm/client/client.go
index 8dbdc716..0083da72 100644
--- a/rpc/tm/client/client.go
+++ b/rpc/tm/client/client.go
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import (
 	acm ""
-	""
+	""
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ func Call(client RPCClient, fromAddress, toAddress crypto.Address, data []byte)
 	return res, nil
-func GetName(client RPCClient, name string) (*execution.NameRegEntry, error) {
+func GetName(client RPCClient, name string) (*names.NameRegEntry, error) {
 	res := new(rpc.ResultGetName)
 	_, err := client.Call(tm.GetName, pmap("name", name), res)
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/rpc/tm/integration/shared.go b/rpc/tm/integration/shared.go
index 9939c1e3..2263a193 100644
--- a/rpc/tm/integration/shared.go
+++ b/rpc/tm/integration/shared.go
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import (
-	""
+	""
 	tmClient ""
 	rpcClient ""
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ func callContract(t *testing.T, client tmClient.RPCClient, fromAddress, toAddres
 // get the namereg entry
-func getNameRegEntry(t *testing.T, client tmClient.RPCClient, name string) *execution.NameRegEntry {
+func getNameRegEntry(t *testing.T, client tmClient.RPCClient, name string) *names.NameRegEntry {
 	entry, err := tmClient.GetName(client, name)
 	if err != nil {
diff --git a/rpc/tm/integration/websocket_helpers.go b/rpc/tm/integration/websocket_helpers.go
index 0844f0e7..9355829e 100644
--- a/rpc/tm/integration/websocket_helpers.go
+++ b/rpc/tm/integration/websocket_helpers.go
@@ -254,8 +254,8 @@ func unmarshalValidateSend(amt uint64, toAddr crypto.Address, resultEvent *rpc.R
 	if data == nil {
 		return fmt.Errorf("event data %v is not EventDataTx", resultEvent)
-	if data.Exception != "" {
-		return fmt.Errorf(data.Exception)
+	if data.Exception == nil {
+		return data.Exception.AsError()
 	tx := data.Tx.Payload.(*payload.SendTx)
 	if tx.Inputs[0].Address != privateAccounts[0].Address() {
@@ -278,8 +278,8 @@ func unmarshalValidateTx(amt uint64, returnCode []byte) resultEventChecker {
 		if data == nil {
 			return true, fmt.Errorf("event data %v is not EventDataTx", *resultEvent)
-		if data.Exception != "" {
-			return true, fmt.Errorf(data.Exception)
+		if data.Exception != nil {
+			return true, data.Exception.AsError()
 		tx := data.Tx.Payload.(*payload.CallTx)
 		if tx.Input.Address != privateAccounts[0].Address() {
@@ -304,8 +304,8 @@ func unmarshalValidateCall(origin crypto.Address, returnCode []byte, txid *[]byt
 		if data == nil {
 			return true, fmt.Errorf("event data %v is not EventDataTx", *resultEvent)
-		if data.Exception != "" {
-			return true, fmt.Errorf(data.Exception)
+		if data.Exception != nil {
+			return true, data.Exception.AsError()
 		if data.Origin != origin {
 			return true, fmt.Errorf("origin does not match up! Got %s, expected %s", data.Origin, origin)
diff --git a/rpc/tm/methods.go b/rpc/tm/methods.go
index 12807a64..6c815b38 100644
--- a/rpc/tm/methods.go
+++ b/rpc/tm/methods.go
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import (
 	acm ""
-	""
+	""
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ func GetRoutes(service *rpc.Service, logger *logging.Logger) map[string]*server.
 		// Names
 		GetName: server.NewRPCFunc(service.GetName, "name"),
 		ListNames: server.NewRPCFunc(func() (*rpc.ResultListNames, error) {
-			return service.ListNames(func(*execution.NameRegEntry) bool {
+			return service.ListNames(func(*names.NameRegEntry) bool {
 				return true
 		}, ""),
diff --git a/rpc/v0/methods.go b/rpc/v0/methods.go
index 26e788dd..a0ffe912 100644
--- a/rpc/v0/methods.go
+++ b/rpc/v0/methods.go
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import (
 	acm ""
+	""
@@ -257,11 +258,11 @@ func GetMethods(codec rpc.Codec, service *rpc.Service, logger *logging.Logger) m
 			if err != nil {
 				return nil, rpc.INVALID_PARAMS, err
-			ce, err := service.Transactor().TransactAndHold(inputAccount, address, param.Data, param.GasLimit, param.Fee)
+			eventDataCall, err := service.Transactor().TransactAndHold(inputAccount, address, param.Data, param.GasLimit, param.Fee)
 			if err != nil {
 				return nil, rpc.INTERNAL_ERROR, err
-			return ce, 0, nil
+			return eventDataCall, 0, nil
 		SEND: func(request *rpc.RPCRequest, requester interface{}) (interface{}, int, error) {
 			param := &SendParam{}
@@ -347,7 +348,7 @@ func GetMethods(codec rpc.Codec, service *rpc.Service, logger *logging.Logger) m
 			if err != nil {
 				return nil, rpc.INVALID_PARAMS, err
-			list, err := service.ListNames(func(entry *execution.NameRegEntry) bool {
+			list, err := service.ListNames(func(entry *names.NameRegEntry) bool {
 				return filter.Match(entry)
 			if err != nil {