From 0a368e1bf0f1b50f2595fdaf85a336b0a088e3f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Silas Davis <>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2016 17:03:13 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Some narrative comments and avoidance of a panic if we have
 unexpected events

 event/events.go               | 20 +++++++++++---------
 rpc/tendermint/test/common.go |  5 +++++
 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/event/events.go b/event/events.go
index fa56644e..fab36968 100644
--- a/event/events.go
+++ b/event/events.go
@@ -24,16 +24,18 @@ import (
+	log ""
 	go_events ""
 	tm_types ""
-// TODO improve
-// TODO: [ben] yes please ^^^
-// [ben] To improve this we will switch out go-events with eris-db/event so
-// that there is no need anymore for this poor wrapper.
+// TODO: [Silas] this is a compatibility layer between our event types and
+// TODO: go-events. Our ultimate plan is to replace go-events with our own pub-sub
+// TODO: code that will better allow us to manage and multiplex events from different
+// TODO: subsystems
 // Oh for a sum type
+// We are using this as a marker interface for the
 type anyEventData interface{}
 type EventEmitter interface {
@@ -63,8 +65,9 @@ func (this *events) Subscribe(subId, event string,
 	cb := func(evt go_events.EventData) {
 		eventData, err := mapToOurEventData(evt)
 		if err != nil {
-			panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to map go-events EventData to our EventData %v",
-				err))
+			log.WithError(err).
+				WithFields(log.Fields{"event": event}).
+				Error("Failed to map go-events EventData to our EventData")
@@ -138,9 +141,8 @@ func GenerateSubId() (string, error) {
 func mapToOurEventData(eventData anyEventData) (txs.EventData, error) {
-	// While we depend on go-events in the way we do, we don't have much choice
-	// than to use a generic interface like anyEventData with a type switch.
+	// TODO: [Silas] avoid this with a better event pub-sub system of our own
+	// TODO: that maybe involves a registry of events
 	switch eventData := eventData.(type) {
 	case txs.EventData:
 		return eventData, nil
diff --git a/rpc/tendermint/test/common.go b/rpc/tendermint/test/common.go
index 98ab3b16..b0d2f07e 100644
--- a/rpc/tendermint/test/common.go
+++ b/rpc/tendermint/test/common.go
@@ -29,6 +29,11 @@ func TestWrapper(runner func() int) int {
 	return runner()
+// This main function exists as a little convenience mechanism for running the
+// delve debugger which doesn't work well from go test yet. In due course it can
+// be removed, but it's flux between pull requests should be considered
+// inconsequential, so feel free to insert your own code if you want to use it
+// as an application entry point for delve debugging.
 func DebugMain() {
 	t := &testing.T{}
 	TestWrapper(func() int {