diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6ab5699c9d45c45fe520221497e62c526f46dcbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Eris-db changelog
+## v0.16.0
+This is a consolidation release that fixes various bugs and improves elements
+of the architecture across the Eris Platform to support a quicker release
+#### Features and improvements (among others)
+- [pull-510](https://github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/pull/510) upgrade consensus engine to Tendermint v0.8.0
+- [pull-507](https://github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/pull/507) use sha3 for snative addresses for future-proofing
+- [pull-506](https://github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/pull/506) alignment and consolidation for genesis and config between tooling and chains
+- [pull-504](https://github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/pull/504) relicense eris-db to Apache 2.0
+- [pull-500](https://github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/pull/500) introduce more strongly types secure native contracts
+- [pull-499](https://github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/pull/499) introduce word256 and remove dependency on tendermint/go-common
+- [pull-493](https://github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/pull/493) re-introduce GenesisTime in GenesisDoc
+- Logging system overhauled based on the central logging interface of go-kit log. Configuration lacking in this release but should be in 0.16.1. Allows powerful routing, filtering, and output options for better operations and increasing the observability of an eris blockchain. More to follow.
+- Genesis making is improved and moved into eris-db.
+- Config templating is moved into eris-db for better synchronisation of server config between the consumer of it (eris-db) and the producers of it (eris cli and other tools).
+- Some documentation updates in code and in specs.
+- [pull-462](https://github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/pull/499) Makefile added to capture conventions around building and testing and replicate them across different environments such as continuous integration systems.
+#### Bugfixes (among others)
+- [pull-516](https://github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/pull/516) Organize and add unit tests for rpc/v0
+- [pull-453](https://github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/pull/453) Fix deserialisation for BroadcastTx on rpc/v0
+- [pull-476](https://github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/pull/476) patch EXTCODESIZE for native contracts as solc ^v0.4 performs a safety check for non-zero contract code
+- [pull-468](https://github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/pull/468) correct specifications for params on unsubscribe on rpc/tendermint
+- [pull-465](https://github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/pull/465) fix divergence from JSON-RPC spec for Response object
+- [pull-366](https://github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/pull/366) correction to circle ci script
+- [pull-379](https://github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/pull/379) more descriptive error message for eris-client
+## v0.12.0
+This release marks the start of Eris-DB as the full permissioned blockchain node
+ of the Eris platform with the Tendermint permissioned consensus engine.
+ This involved significant refactoring of almost all parts of the code,
+ but provides a solid foundation to build the next generation of advanced
+ permissioned smart contract blockchains.
+ Many changes are under the hood but here are the main externally
+ visible changes:
+- Features and improvements
+  - Upgrade to Tendermint 0.6.0 in-process consensus
+  - Support DELEGATECALL opcode in Ethereum Virtual Machine (important for solidity library calls)
+  - ARM support
+  - Docker image size reduced
+  - Introduction of eris-client companion library for interacting with
+  eris:db
+  - Improved single configuration file for all components written by eris-cm
+  - Allow multiple event subscriptions from same host under rpc/tendermint
+- Tool changes  
+  - Use glide instead of godeps for dependencies
+- Testing
+  - integration tests over simulated RPC calls
+  - significantly improved unit tests
+  - the ethereum virtual machine and the consensus engine are now top-level
+  components and are exposed to continuous integration tests
+- Bugfixes (incomplete list)
+  - [EVM] Fix calculation of child CALL gaslimit (allowing solidity library calls to work properly)
+  - [RPC/v0] Fix blocking event subscription in transactAndHold (preventing return in Javascript libraries)
+  - [Blockchain] Fix getBlocks to respect block height cap
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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-# Eris DB
+# Eris-DB v0.16
 |[![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/eris-db?status.png)](https://godoc.org/github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db) | Linux |
 | Master | [![Circle CI](https://circleci.com/gh/eris-ltd/eris-db/tree/master.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/eris-ltd/eris-db/tree/master) |
 | Develop | [![Circle CI (develop)](https://circleci.com/gh/eris-ltd/eris-db/tree/develop.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/eris-ltd/eris-db/tree/develop) |
-Eris DB is Eris' blockchain client. It includes a permissions layer, an implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine, and uses Tendermint Consensus. Most functionality is provided by `eris chains`, exposed through [eris-cli](https://monax.io/docs/documentation/cli), the entry point for the Eris Platform.
+Eris-db is Monax' permissioned blockchain client. It executes Ethereum smart contracts on a permissioned virtual machine. Eris-db provides transaction finality and high transaction throughput on proof-of-stake Tendermint consensus engine. For smart contract development most functionality is provided by `eris chains`, exposed through [eris](https://monax.io/docs/documentation/cli), the entry point for the Eris Platform.
 ## Table of Contents
-- [Background](#background)
+- [What is Eris-db](#what-is-eris-db)
 - [Installation](#installation)
+- [For developers](#for-developers)
 - [Usage](#usage)
-  - [Security](#security)
+- [Configuration](#configuration)
 - [Contribute](#contribute)
 - [License](#license)
+- [Future work](#future-work)
-## Background
+## What is Eris-db ?
+Eris-db is a permissioned blockchain node that executes smart contract code following the Ethereum specification.  Eris-db is built for a multi-chain universe with application specific optimization in mind. Eris-db as a node is constructed out of three main components; the consensus engine, the permissioned Ethereum virtual machine and the rpc gateway.  More specifically Eris-db consists of the following:
+- **Consensus Engine:** transactions are ordered and finalised with the Byzantine fault-tolerant Tendermint protocol.  The Tendermint protocol provides high transaction throughput over a set of known validators and prevents the blockchain from forking.
+- **Application Blockchain Interface (ABCI):** The smart contract application interfaces with the consensus engine over the ABCI. The ABCI allows for the consensus engine to remain agnostic from the smart contract application.
+- **Smart Contract Application:** transactions are validated and applied to the application state in the order that the consensus engine has finalised them.  The application state consists of all accounts, the validator set and the name registry. Accounts in eris-db have permissions and either contain smart contract code or correspond to a public-private key pair. A transaction that calls on the smart contract code in a given account will activate the execution of that account’s code in a permissioned virtual machine.
+- **Permissioned Ethereum Virtual Machine:** This virtual machine is built to observe the Ethereum operation code specification and additionally asserts the correct permissions have been granted. Permissioning is enforced through secure native functions and underlies all smart contract code. An arbitrary but finite amount of gas is handed out for every execution to ensure a finite execution duration - “You don’t need money to play, when you have permission to play”.
+- **Application Binary Interface (ABI):** transactions need to be formulated in a binary format that can be processed by the blockchain node.  Currently tooling provides functionality to compile, deploy and link solidity smart contracts and formulate transactions to call smart contracts on the chain.  For proof-of-concept purposes we provide a eris-contracts.js library that automatically mirrors the smart contracts deployed on the chain and to develop middleware solutions against the blockchain network.  Future work on the light client will be aware of the ABI to natively translate calls on the API into signed transactions that can be broadcast on the network.
+- **API Gateway:** eris-db exposes REST and JSON-RPC endpoints to interact with the blockchain network and the application state through broadcasting transactions, or querying the current state of the application. Websockets allow to subscribe to events, which is particularly valuable as the consensus engine and smart contract application can give unambiguously finalised results to transactions within one blocktime of about one second.
+Eris-db has been architected with a longer term vision on security and data privacy from the outset:
+- **Cryptographically Secured Consensus:** proof-of-stake Tendermint protocol achieves consensus over a known set of validators where every block is closed with cryptographic signatures from a majority of validators only.  No unknown variables come into play while reaching consensus on the network (as is the case for proof-of-work consensus). This guarantees that all actions on the network are fully cryptographically verified and traceable.
+- **Remote Signing:** transactions can be signed by elliptic curve cryptographic algorithms, either ed25519/sha512 or secp256k1/sha256 are currently supported. Eris-db connects to a remote signing solution to generate key pairs and request signatures. Eris-keys is a placeholder for a reverse proxy into your secure signing solution. This has always been the case for transaction formulation and work continues to enable remote signing for the validator block signatures too.
+- **Secure Signing:** Monax is a legal engineering company; we partner with expert companies to natively support secure signing solutions going forward.
+- **Multi-chain Universe (Step 1 of 3):** from the start the eris platform has been conceived for orchestrating many chains, as exemplified by the command “eris chains make” or by that transactions are only valid on the intended chain. Separating state into different chains is only the first of three steps towards privacy on smart contract chains (see future work below).
 See the [eris-db documentation](https://monax.io/docs/documentation/db/) for more information.
 ## Installation
-`eris-db` is intended to be used by the `eris chains` command via [eris-cli](https://monax.io/docs/documentation/cli/latest/eris_chains). Available commands such as `make | start | stop | logs | inspect | update` are used for chain lifecycle management.
+`eris-db` is intended to be used by the `eris chains` command via [eris](https://monax.io/docs/documentation/cli/latest/eris_chains). Available commands such as `make | start | stop | logs | inspect | update` are used for chain lifecycle management.
 ### For Developers
 Dependency management for eris-db is managed with [glide](github.com/Masterminds/glide), and you can build eris-db from source by following
-1. [Install go](https://golang.org/doc/install)
-2. Ensure you have `gmp` installed (`sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev || brew install gmp`)
-3. and execute following commands in a terminal:
-go get github.com/Masterminds/glide
-go get -d github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db
-cd $REPO && glide install
-cd $REPO/cmd/eris-db && go install
+- [Install go](https://golang.org/doc/install)
+- Ensure you have `gmp` installed (`sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev || brew install gmp`)
+- and execute following commands in a terminal:
+- `go get github.com/Masterminds/glide`
+- `go get -d github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db`
+- `REPO=$($GOPATH/src/github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db)`
+- `cd $REPO && glide install`
+- `cd $REPO/cmd/eris-db && go install`
-To run `eris-db`, just type `$ eris-db serve --work-dir <path to chain directory>`, where the chain directory needs to contain the configuration files as generated by `eris chains make`.
+To run `eris-db`, just type `$ eris-db serve --work-dir <path to chain directory>`, where the chain directory needs to contain the configuration, genesis file, and private validator file as generated by `eris chains make`.
-This will start the node using the provided folder as working dir. If the path is omitted it defaults to `~/.erisdb`
+This will start the node using the provided folder as working dir. If the path is omitted it defaults to `~/.erisdb`.
+For a Vagrant file see [eris-vagrant](https://github.com/eris-ltd/eris-vagrant) for drafts or soon this repo for [Vagrant](https://github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/issues/514) and Packer files.
 ## Usage
@@ -54,7 +71,17 @@ A commented template config will be written as part of the `eris chains make` [p
 ## Contribute
-See the [CONTRIBUTING.md](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) for more details.
+We welcome all contributions and have submitted the code base to the Hyperledger project governance during incubation phase.  As an integral part of this effort we want to invite new contributors, not just to maintain but also to steer the future direction of the code in an active and open process.
+You can find us on:
+- [the Marmot Den (slack)](http://slack.monax.io)
+- [here on Github](http://github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/issues)
+- [support.monax.io](http://support.monax.io)
+- read the [Contributor file](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md)
+## Future work
+Some burrows marmots have already started digging to build the enterprise ecosystem applications of the future are listed in [docs/proposals](./docs/PROPOSALS.md).  Marmots live in groups we welcome your help on these or other improvement proposals. Please help us by joining the conversation on what features matter to you.
 ## License
diff --git a/circle.yml b/circle.yml
index 54189a8cb08cbfc6968115f0be520cec9f7918a1..12e7160c86c7b8b536bceb55f01f0d5a63246c4b 100644
--- a/circle.yml
+++ b/circle.yml
@@ -84,3 +84,6 @@ deployment:
       - docker push quay.io/eris/db
       # push the updated documentation
       - docs/build.sh
diff --git a/config/config.go b/config/config.go
index 243a67ed835b54b133211e431433ce868e0ba3b5..e49db3d10337f9e67149fc81de0b0ff0084bf6a6 100644
--- a/config/config.go
+++ b/config/config.go
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ func GetConfigurationFileBytes(chainId, moniker, seeds string, chainImageName st
 	chainConsensusModule := &ConfigChainModule{
 		Name:               "tendermint",
 		MajorVersion:       uint8(0),
-		MinorVersion:       uint8(6),
+		MinorVersion:       uint8(8),
 		ModuleRelativeRoot: "tendermint",
 	chainApplicationManagerModule := &ConfigChainModule{
diff --git a/config/templates.go b/config/templates.go
index c292eb1feb7533715fd7a6a96d9e8812a07716cb..27372813daa38d25aac68b3b7619090eb155abeb 100644
--- a/config/templates.go
+++ b/config/templates.go
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ const separatorChainConsensus = `
 const sectionChainConsensus = `  [chain.consensus]
   # consensus defines the module to use for consensus and
   # this will define the peer-to-peer consensus network;
-  # accepted values are ("noops", "tmsp",) "tendermint"
+  # accepted values are ("noops", "abci",) "tendermint"
   name = "{{.Name}}"
   # version is the major and minor semantic version;
   # the version will be asserted on
@@ -180,29 +180,12 @@ const separatorModules = `
-// TODO: [ben] make configurable
-const sectionTmsp = `
-## Tendermint Socket Protocol (TMSP)
-## version 0.6.0
-## TMSP expects a tendermint consensus process to run and connect to Eris-DB
-# listener address for accepting tendermint socket protocol connections
-listener = "tcp://"
 // TODO: [ben] minimal fields have been made configurable; expand where needed
 const sectionTendermint = `
 ## Tendermint
-## version 0.6
+## version 0.8
 ## in-process execution of Tendermint consensus engine
@@ -241,7 +224,7 @@ private_validator_file = "priv_validator.json"
 	# NOTE: value is ignored when run in-process as RPC is
 	# handled by [servers.tendermint]
   rpc_laddr = ""
-  # proxy application address - used for tmsp connections,
+  # proxy application address - used for abci connections,
   # and this port should not be exposed for in-process Tendermint
   proxy_app = "tcp://"
diff --git a/consensus/config.go b/consensus/config.go
index c2a7cdf4977e27fa38fed5ca92e310048c19842c..05cc488f158d93dde57ec0ab46326d29b76b13a5 100644
--- a/consensus/config.go
+++ b/consensus/config.go
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ package consensus
 import (
 	// noops      "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/consensus/noops"
 	tendermint "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/consensus/tendermint"
-	tmsp "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/consensus/tmsp"
@@ -29,8 +28,6 @@ func AssertValidConsensusModule(name, minorVersionString string) bool {
 		// noops should not have any external interfaces that can change
 		// over iterations
 		return true
-	case "tmsp":
-		return minorVersionString == tmsp.GetTmspVersion().GetMinorVersionString()
 	case "tendermint":
 		return minorVersionString == tendermint.GetTendermintVersion().GetMinorVersionString()
 	case "bigchaindb":
diff --git a/consensus/tendermint/config.go b/consensus/tendermint/config.go
index c55115f7254527da1dce0549f07224ce72e6473a..b8c89d241d175d442b1550b09619b852a37f7b2c 100644
--- a/consensus/tendermint/config.go
+++ b/consensus/tendermint/config.go
@@ -51,6 +51,10 @@ func GetTendermintConfig(loadedConfig *viper.Viper) *TendermintConfig {
 // Tendermint defaults
+// Contract
 func (tmintConfig *TendermintConfig) AssertTendermintDefaults(chainId, workDir,
 	dataDir, rootDir string) {
@@ -64,6 +68,8 @@ func (tmintConfig *TendermintConfig) AssertTendermintDefaults(chainId, workDir,
 	tmintConfig.SetDefault("fast_sync", true)
 	tmintConfig.SetDefault("skip_upnp", false)
 	tmintConfig.SetDefault("addrbook_file", path.Join(rootDir, "addrbook.json"))
+	tmintConfig.SetDefault("addrbook_strict", true) // disable to allow connections locally
+	tmintConfig.SetDefault("pex_reactor", false)    // enable for peer exchange
 	tmintConfig.SetDefault("priv_validator_file", path.Join(rootDir, "priv_validator.json"))
 	tmintConfig.SetDefault("db_backend", "leveldb")
 	tmintConfig.SetDefault("db_dir", dataDir)
@@ -71,10 +77,12 @@ func (tmintConfig *TendermintConfig) AssertTendermintDefaults(chainId, workDir,
 	tmintConfig.SetDefault("rpc_laddr", "")
 	tmintConfig.SetDefault("prof_laddr", "")
 	tmintConfig.SetDefault("revision_file", path.Join(workDir, "revision"))
-	tmintConfig.SetDefault("cswal", path.Join(dataDir, "cswal"))
-	tmintConfig.SetDefault("cswal_light", false)
+	tmintConfig.SetDefault("cs_wal_dir", path.Join(dataDir, "cs.wal"))
+	tmintConfig.SetDefault("cs_wal_light", false)
+	tmintConfig.SetDefault("filter_peers", false)
-	tmintConfig.SetDefault("block_size", 10000)
+	tmintConfig.SetDefault("block_size", 10000)      // max number of txs
+	tmintConfig.SetDefault("block_part_size", 65536) // part size 64K
 	tmintConfig.SetDefault("disable_data_hash", false)
 	tmintConfig.SetDefault("timeout_propose", 3000)
 	tmintConfig.SetDefault("timeout_propose_delta", 500)
@@ -83,9 +91,12 @@ func (tmintConfig *TendermintConfig) AssertTendermintDefaults(chainId, workDir,
 	tmintConfig.SetDefault("timeout_precommit", 1000)
 	tmintConfig.SetDefault("timeout_precommit_delta", 500)
 	tmintConfig.SetDefault("timeout_commit", 1000)
+	// make progress asap (no `timeout_commit`) on full precommit votes
+	tmintConfig.SetDefault("skip_timeout_commit", false)
 	tmintConfig.SetDefault("mempool_recheck", true)
 	tmintConfig.SetDefault("mempool_recheck_empty", true)
 	tmintConfig.SetDefault("mempool_broadcast", true)
+	tmintConfig.SetDefault("mempool_wal_dir", path.Join(dataDir, "mempool.wal"))
diff --git a/consensus/tendermint/local_client.go b/consensus/tendermint/local_client.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a2cd873018966cfb318a4d7fe080f06bb8b30d1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/consensus/tendermint/local_client.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Monax Industries Limited
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package tendermint
-// This file is originally based on github.com/tendermint/tmsp/client/...
-// .../local_client.go
-import (
-	"sync"
-	tmsp_client "github.com/tendermint/tmsp/client"
-	tmsp_types "github.com/tendermint/tmsp/types"
-	manager_types "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/manager/types"
-// NOTE [ben] Compiler check to ensure localClient successfully implements
-// tendermint/tmsp/client
-var _ tmsp_client.Client = (*localClient)(nil)
-type localClient struct {
-	mtx         *sync.Mutex
-	Application manager_types.Application
-	Callback    tmsp_client.Callback
-func NewLocalClient(mtx *sync.Mutex, app manager_types.Application) *localClient {
-	if mtx == nil {
-		mtx = new(sync.Mutex)
-	}
-	return &localClient{
-		mtx:         mtx,
-		Application: app,
-	}
-func (app *localClient) SetResponseCallback(cb tmsp_client.Callback) {
-	app.mtx.Lock()
-	defer app.mtx.Unlock()
-	app.Callback = cb
-// TODO: change manager_types.Application to include Error()?
-func (app *localClient) Error() error {
-	return nil
-func (app *localClient) Stop() bool {
-	return true
-func (app *localClient) FlushAsync() *tmsp_client.ReqRes {
-	// Do nothing
-	return newLocalReqRes(tmsp_types.ToRequestFlush(), nil)
-func (app *localClient) EchoAsync(msg string) *tmsp_client.ReqRes {
-	return app.callback(
-		tmsp_types.ToRequestEcho(msg),
-		tmsp_types.ToResponseEcho(msg),
-	)
-func (app *localClient) InfoAsync() *tmsp_client.ReqRes {
-	app.mtx.Lock()
-	info := app.Application.Info()
-	app.mtx.Unlock()
-	return app.callback(
-		tmsp_types.ToRequestInfo(),
-		tmsp_types.ToResponseInfo(info),
-	)
-func (app *localClient) SetOptionAsync(key string, value string) *tmsp_client.ReqRes {
-	app.mtx.Lock()
-	log := app.Application.SetOption(key, value)
-	app.mtx.Unlock()
-	return app.callback(
-		tmsp_types.ToRequestSetOption(key, value),
-		tmsp_types.ToResponseSetOption(log),
-	)
-func (app *localClient) AppendTxAsync(tx []byte) *tmsp_client.ReqRes {
-	app.mtx.Lock()
-	res := app.Application.AppendTx(tx)
-	app.mtx.Unlock()
-	return app.callback(
-		tmsp_types.ToRequestAppendTx(tx),
-		tmsp_types.ToResponseAppendTx(res.Code, res.Data, res.Log),
-	)
-func (app *localClient) CheckTxAsync(tx []byte) *tmsp_client.ReqRes {
-	app.mtx.Lock()
-	res := app.Application.CheckTx(tx)
-	app.mtx.Unlock()
-	return app.callback(
-		tmsp_types.ToRequestCheckTx(tx),
-		tmsp_types.ToResponseCheckTx(res.Code, res.Data, res.Log),
-	)
-func (app *localClient) QueryAsync(tx []byte) *tmsp_client.ReqRes {
-	app.mtx.Lock()
-	res := app.Application.Query(tx)
-	app.mtx.Unlock()
-	return app.callback(
-		tmsp_types.ToRequestQuery(tx),
-		tmsp_types.ToResponseQuery(res.Code, res.Data, res.Log),
-	)
-func (app *localClient) CommitAsync() *tmsp_client.ReqRes {
-	app.mtx.Lock()
-	res := app.Application.Commit()
-	app.mtx.Unlock()
-	return app.callback(
-		tmsp_types.ToRequestCommit(),
-		tmsp_types.ToResponseCommit(res.Code, res.Data, res.Log),
-	)
-func (app *localClient) InitChainAsync(validators []*tmsp_types.Validator) *tmsp_client.ReqRes {
-	app.mtx.Lock()
-	if bcApp, ok := app.Application.(tmsp_types.BlockchainAware); ok {
-		bcApp.InitChain(validators)
-	}
-	reqRes := app.callback(
-		tmsp_types.ToRequestInitChain(validators),
-		tmsp_types.ToResponseInitChain(),
-	)
-	app.mtx.Unlock()
-	return reqRes
-func (app *localClient) BeginBlockAsync(height uint64) *tmsp_client.ReqRes {
-	app.mtx.Lock()
-	if bcApp, ok := app.Application.(tmsp_types.BlockchainAware); ok {
-		bcApp.BeginBlock(height)
-	}
-	app.mtx.Unlock()
-	return app.callback(
-		tmsp_types.ToRequestBeginBlock(height),
-		tmsp_types.ToResponseBeginBlock(),
-	)
-func (app *localClient) EndBlockAsync(height uint64) *tmsp_client.ReqRes {
-	app.mtx.Lock()
-	var validators []*tmsp_types.Validator
-	if bcApp, ok := app.Application.(tmsp_types.BlockchainAware); ok {
-		validators = bcApp.EndBlock(height)
-	}
-	app.mtx.Unlock()
-	return app.callback(
-		tmsp_types.ToRequestEndBlock(height),
-		tmsp_types.ToResponseEndBlock(validators),
-	)
-func (app *localClient) FlushSync() error {
-	return nil
-func (app *localClient) EchoSync(msg string) (res tmsp_types.Result) {
-	return tmsp_types.OK.SetData([]byte(msg))
-func (app *localClient) InfoSync() (res tmsp_types.Result) {
-	app.mtx.Lock()
-	info := app.Application.Info()
-	app.mtx.Unlock()
-	return tmsp_types.OK.SetData([]byte(info))
-func (app *localClient) SetOptionSync(key string, value string) (res tmsp_types.Result) {
-	app.mtx.Lock()
-	log := app.Application.SetOption(key, value)
-	app.mtx.Unlock()
-	return tmsp_types.OK.SetLog(log)
-func (app *localClient) AppendTxSync(tx []byte) (res tmsp_types.Result) {
-	app.mtx.Lock()
-	res = app.Application.AppendTx(tx)
-	app.mtx.Unlock()
-	return res
-func (app *localClient) CheckTxSync(tx []byte) (res tmsp_types.Result) {
-	app.mtx.Lock()
-	res = app.Application.CheckTx(tx)
-	app.mtx.Unlock()
-	return res
-func (app *localClient) QuerySync(query []byte) (res tmsp_types.Result) {
-	app.mtx.Lock()
-	res = app.Application.Query(query)
-	app.mtx.Unlock()
-	return res
-func (app *localClient) CommitSync() (res tmsp_types.Result) {
-	app.mtx.Lock()
-	res = app.Application.Commit()
-	app.mtx.Unlock()
-	return res
-func (app *localClient) InitChainSync(validators []*tmsp_types.Validator) (err error) {
-	app.mtx.Lock()
-	if bcApp, ok := app.Application.(tmsp_types.BlockchainAware); ok {
-		bcApp.InitChain(validators)
-	}
-	app.mtx.Unlock()
-	return nil
-func (app *localClient) BeginBlockSync(height uint64) (err error) {
-	app.mtx.Lock()
-	if bcApp, ok := app.Application.(tmsp_types.BlockchainAware); ok {
-		bcApp.BeginBlock(height)
-	}
-	app.mtx.Unlock()
-	return nil
-func (app *localClient) EndBlockSync(height uint64) (changedValidators []*tmsp_types.Validator, err error) {
-	app.mtx.Lock()
-	if bcApp, ok := app.Application.(tmsp_types.BlockchainAware); ok {
-		changedValidators = bcApp.EndBlock(height)
-	}
-	app.mtx.Unlock()
-	return changedValidators, nil
-func (app *localClient) callback(req *tmsp_types.Request, res *tmsp_types.Response) *tmsp_client.ReqRes {
-	app.Callback(req, res)
-	return newLocalReqRes(req, res)
-func newLocalReqRes(req *tmsp_types.Request, res *tmsp_types.Response) *tmsp_client.ReqRes {
-	reqRes := tmsp_client.NewReqRes(req)
-	reqRes.Response = res
-	reqRes.SetDone()
-	return reqRes
diff --git a/consensus/tendermint/tendermint.go b/consensus/tendermint/tendermint.go
index b4d9046b7b9fd37418babecbab1904d80dd14774..2eda6171daa4742efe486bb1c958128299fb99e0 100644
--- a/consensus/tendermint/tendermint.go
+++ b/consensus/tendermint/tendermint.go
@@ -18,15 +18,14 @@ import (
-	"sync"
+	abci_types "github.com/tendermint/abci/types"
 	crypto "github.com/tendermint/go-crypto"
 	p2p "github.com/tendermint/go-p2p"
 	tendermint_consensus "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/consensus"
 	node "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/node"
 	proxy "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/proxy"
 	tendermint_types "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
-	tmsp_types "github.com/tendermint/tmsp/types"
 	edb_event "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/event"
@@ -120,10 +119,8 @@ func NewTendermint(moduleConfig *config.ModuleConfig,
 		tmintConfig.Set("rpc_laddr", "")
-	newNode := node.NewNode(tmintConfig, privateValidator, func(_, _ string,
-		hash []byte) proxy.AppConn {
-		return NewLocalClient(new(sync.Mutex), application)
-	})
+	newNode := node.NewNode(tmintConfig, privateValidator,
+		proxy.NewLocalClientCreator(application))
 	listener := p2p.NewDefaultListener("tcp", tmintConfig.GetString("node_laddr"),
@@ -230,7 +227,7 @@ func (tendermint *Tendermint) Events() edb_event.EventEmitter {
 func (tendermint *Tendermint) BroadcastTransaction(transaction []byte,
-	callback func(*tmsp_types.Response)) error {
+	callback func(*abci_types.Response)) error {
 	return tendermint.tmintNode.MempoolReactor().BroadcastTx(transaction, callback)
diff --git a/consensus/tendermint/version.go b/consensus/tendermint/version.go
index a759e54411942593e4e2f7ba41661190a3b20d7f..78ed5dea5ec3df5e07a19520959e371e8f2ece73 100644
--- a/consensus/tendermint/version.go
+++ b/consensus/tendermint/version.go
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ const (
 	// Major version component of the current release
 	tendermintVersionMajorConst uint8 = 0
 	// Minor version component of the current release
-	tendermintVersionMinorConst uint8 = 6
+	tendermintVersionMinorConst uint8 = 8
 	// Patch version component of the current release
 	tendermintVersionPatchConst uint8 = 0
diff --git a/consensus/tmsp/server.go b/consensus/tmsp/server.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e961bc50c6d50bb01e12a1eb7a62d95e05cdad40..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/consensus/tmsp/server.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Monax Industries Limited
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package tmsp
-// Taken originally from github.com/tendermint/tmsp/server.go
-import (
-	"bufio"
-	"fmt"
-	"io"
-	"net"
-	"strings"
-	"sync"
-	. "github.com/tendermint/go-common"
-	tmsp_types "github.com/tendermint/tmsp/types"
-	manager_types "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/manager/types"
-// var maxNumberConnections = 2
-type Server struct {
-	QuitService
-	proto    string
-	addr     string
-	listener net.Listener
-	appMtx sync.Mutex
-	app    manager_types.Application
-func NewServer(protoAddr string, app manager_types.Application) (*Server, error) {
-	parts := strings.SplitN(protoAddr, "://", 2)
-	proto, addr := parts[0], parts[1]
-	s := &Server{
-		proto:    proto,
-		addr:     addr,
-		listener: nil,
-		app:      app,
-	}
-	s.QuitService = *NewQuitService(nil, "TMSPServer", s)
-	_, err := s.Start() // Just start it
-	return s, err
-func (s *Server) OnStart() error {
-	s.QuitService.OnStart()
-	ln, err := net.Listen(s.proto, s.addr)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	s.listener = ln
-	go s.acceptConnectionsRoutine()
-	return nil
-func (s *Server) OnStop() {
-	s.QuitService.OnStop()
-	s.listener.Close()
-func (s *Server) acceptConnectionsRoutine() {
-	// semaphore := make(chan struct{}, maxNumberConnections)
-	for {
-		// semaphore <- struct{}{}
-		// Accept a connection
-		fmt.Println("Waiting for new connection...")
-		conn, err := s.listener.Accept()
-		if err != nil {
-			if !s.IsRunning() {
-				return // Ignore error from listener closing.
-			}
-			Exit("Failed to accept connection: " + err.Error())
-		} else {
-			fmt.Println("Accepted a new connection")
-		}
-		closeConn := make(chan error, 2)                   // Push to signal connection closed
-		responses := make(chan *tmsp_types.Response, 1000) // A channel to buffer responses
-		// Read requests from conn and deal with them
-		go s.handleRequests(closeConn, conn, responses)
-		// Pull responses from 'responses' and write them to conn.
-		go s.handleResponses(closeConn, responses, conn)
-		go func() {
-			// Wait until signal to close connection
-			errClose := <-closeConn
-			if errClose != nil {
-				fmt.Printf("Connection error: %v\n", errClose)
-			} else {
-				fmt.Println("Connection was closed.")
-			}
-			// Close the connection
-			err := conn.Close()
-			if err != nil {
-				fmt.Printf("Error in closing connection: %v\n", err)
-			}
-			// <-semaphore
-		}()
-	}
-// Read requests from conn and deal with them
-func (s *Server) handleRequests(closeConn chan error, conn net.Conn, responses chan<- *tmsp_types.Response) {
-	var count int
-	var bufReader = bufio.NewReader(conn)
-	for {
-		var req = &tmsp_types.Request{}
-		err := tmsp_types.ReadMessage(bufReader, req)
-		if err != nil {
-			if err == io.EOF {
-				closeConn <- fmt.Errorf("Connection closed by client")
-			} else {
-				closeConn <- fmt.Errorf("Error in handleRequests: %v", err.Error())
-			}
-			return
-		}
-		s.appMtx.Lock()
-		count++
-		s.handleRequest(req, responses)
-		s.appMtx.Unlock()
-	}
-func (s *Server) handleRequest(req *tmsp_types.Request, responses chan<- *tmsp_types.Response) {
-	switch r := req.Value.(type) {
-	case *tmsp_types.Request_Echo:
-		responses <- tmsp_types.ToResponseEcho(r.Echo.Message)
-	case *tmsp_types.Request_Flush:
-		responses <- tmsp_types.ToResponseFlush()
-	case *tmsp_types.Request_Info:
-		data := s.app.Info()
-		responses <- tmsp_types.ToResponseInfo(data)
-	case *tmsp_types.Request_SetOption:
-		so := r.SetOption
-		logStr := s.app.SetOption(so.Key, so.Value)
-		responses <- tmsp_types.ToResponseSetOption(logStr)
-	case *tmsp_types.Request_AppendTx:
-		res := s.app.AppendTx(r.AppendTx.Tx)
-		responses <- tmsp_types.ToResponseAppendTx(res.Code, res.Data, res.Log)
-	case *tmsp_types.Request_CheckTx:
-		res := s.app.CheckTx(r.CheckTx.Tx)
-		responses <- tmsp_types.ToResponseCheckTx(res.Code, res.Data, res.Log)
-	case *tmsp_types.Request_Commit:
-		res := s.app.Commit()
-		responses <- tmsp_types.ToResponseCommit(res.Code, res.Data, res.Log)
-	case *tmsp_types.Request_Query:
-		res := s.app.Query(r.Query.Query)
-		responses <- tmsp_types.ToResponseQuery(res.Code, res.Data, res.Log)
-	case *tmsp_types.Request_InitChain:
-		if app, ok := s.app.(tmsp_types.BlockchainAware); ok {
-			app.InitChain(r.InitChain.Validators)
-			responses <- tmsp_types.ToResponseInitChain()
-		} else {
-			responses <- tmsp_types.ToResponseInitChain()
-		}
-	case *tmsp_types.Request_EndBlock:
-		if app, ok := s.app.(tmsp_types.BlockchainAware); ok {
-			validators := app.EndBlock(r.EndBlock.Height)
-			responses <- tmsp_types.ToResponseEndBlock(validators)
-		} else {
-			responses <- tmsp_types.ToResponseEndBlock(nil)
-		}
-	default:
-		responses <- tmsp_types.ToResponseException("Unknown request")
-	}
-// Pull responses from 'responses' and write them to conn.
-func (s *Server) handleResponses(closeConn chan error, responses <-chan *tmsp_types.Response, conn net.Conn) {
-	var count int
-	var bufWriter = bufio.NewWriter(conn)
-	for {
-		var res = <-responses
-		err := tmsp_types.WriteMessage(res, bufWriter)
-		if err != nil {
-			closeConn <- fmt.Errorf("Error in handleResponses: %v", err.Error())
-			return
-		}
-		if _, ok := res.Value.(*tmsp_types.Response_Flush); ok {
-			err = bufWriter.Flush()
-			if err != nil {
-				closeConn <- fmt.Errorf("Error in handleValue: %v", err.Error())
-				return
-			}
-		}
-		count++
-	}
diff --git a/consensus/tmsp/version.go b/consensus/tmsp/version.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a5422c211433acb164359eb4cb8a426e748a4bc1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/consensus/tmsp/version.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2017 Monax Industries Limited
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package tmsp
-import (
-	version "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/version"
-const (
-	// Client identifier to advertise over the network
-	tmspClientIdentifier = "tmsp"
-	// Major version component of the current release
-	tmspVersionMajor = 0
-	// Minor version component of the current release
-	tmspVersionMinor = 6
-	// Patch version component of the current release
-	tmspVersionPatch = 0
-func GetTmspVersion() *version.VersionIdentifier {
-	return version.New(tmspClientIdentifier, tmspVersionMajor, tmspVersionMinor,
-		tmspVersionPatch)
diff --git a/consensus/types/consensus_engine.go b/consensus/types/consensus_engine.go
index 0ca7bd481b905c2e074341a3b244fcd285ce7461..191bc6e4cbd771803d56d889b8bcc22508ba6386 100644
--- a/consensus/types/consensus_engine.go
+++ b/consensus/types/consensus_engine.go
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ package types
 import (
+	abci_types "github.com/tendermint/abci/types"
-	tmsp_types "github.com/tendermint/tmsp/types"
 type ConsensusEngine interface {
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ type ConsensusEngine interface {
 	// Memory pool
 	BroadcastTransaction(transaction []byte,
-		callback func(*tmsp_types.Response)) error
+		callback func(*abci_types.Response)) error
 	// Events
 	// For consensus events like NewBlock
diff --git a/core/core.go b/core/core.go
index decb567c78eeffce45b95d4d2361fc59697db0f6..14725b6c2ac137df77f856577f25e897ddc432c2 100644
--- a/core/core.go
+++ b/core/core.go
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import (
 // Core is the high-level structure
 type Core struct {
 	chainId        string
-	evsw           *events.EventSwitch
+	evsw           events.EventSwitch
 	pipe           definitions.Pipe
 	tendermintPipe definitions.TendermintPipe
diff --git a/docs/CHANGELOG.md b/docs/CHANGELOG.md
deleted file mode 100644
index bac2584e400bdc88cc063d775a6917021abee1f1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/CHANGELOG.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# Eris-DB changelog
-## 0.16.0
-This is a consolidation release that fixes various bugs and improves elements
-of the architecture across the Eris Platform to support a quicker release 
-- Features and improvements
-  - Logging system overhauled based on the central logging interface of go-kit log. Configuration lacking in this release but should be in 0.16.1. Allows powerful routing, filtering, and output options for better operations and increasing the observability of an eris blockchain. More to follow.
-  - Genesis making is improved and moved into eris-db.
-  - Config templating is moved into eris-db for better synchronisation of server config between the consumer of it (eris-db) and the producers of it (eris cli and other tools).
-  - Some documentation updates in code and in specs.
-  - Makefile added to capture conventions around building and testing and replicate them across different environments such as continuous integration systems.
-- Bugfixes
-  - [RPC/v0] #464 fix divergence from JSON-RPC spec
-  - [CI] #366 correction to circle ci script
-  - [eris-client] #378 more descriptive error message
-## 0.12.0-RC3
-This release marks the start of Eris-DB as the full permissioned blockchain node
- of the Eris platform with the Tendermint permissioned consensus engine.
- This involved significant refactoring of almost all parts of the code,
- but provides a solid foundation to build the next generation of advanced
- permissioned smart contract blockchains.
- Many changes are under the hood but here are the main externally
- visible changes:
-- Features and improvements
-  - Upgrade to Tendermint 0.6.0 in-process consensus
-  - Support DELEGATECALL opcode in Ethereum Virtual Machine (important for solidity library calls)
-  - ARM support
-  - Docker image size reduced
-  - Introduction of eris-client companion library for interacting with
-  eris:db
-  - Improved single configuration file for all components written by eris-cm
-  - Allow multiple event subscriptions from same host under rpc/tendermint
-- Tool changes  
-  - Use glide instead of godeps for dependencies
-- Testing
-  - integration tests over simulated RPC calls
-  - significantly improved unit tests
-  - the ethereum virtual machine and the consensus engine are now top-level
-  components and are exposed to continuous integration tests
-- Bugfixes (incomplete list)
-  - [EVM] Fix calculation of child CALL gaslimit (allowing solidity library calls to work properly)
-  - [RPC/v0] Fix blocking event subscription in transactAndHold (preventing return in Javascript libraries)
-  - [Blockchain] Fix getBlocks to respect block height cap
diff --git a/docs/PROPOSALS.md b/docs/PROPOSALS.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..35cf450a7e304dd78522939496a6ff4bea93d504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/PROPOSALS.md
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Eris-db proposals for future work
+The following list is extra-ordinarily uncommitted to and deliberately incomplete, but we thought it may be worthwhile sharing with you for soliciting your input and collaboration going forward:
+#### Security, Identity and Privacy
+- **Advanced security framework:** Functionality preceding Monax’s Nightsky (see multi-chain universe continuation below) to enable global encryption of transactions, genesis files and account storage at rest.
+- **Identity Management and Whitelisting:** write protection is inherent to the permissioning scheme but read protection will be enabled by integrating certificates for restricting connectivity access to the peer-to-peer network for validators, verifiers or light clients.  This is in addition to normal VPN and firewall solutions and a precursor of Monax’s Nightsky, which restricts read-access through selective decryption.
+- **Multi-chain Universe (Step 2 of 3):** The second step towards enabling the multi-chain universe is well-underway with the Tendermint Cosmos proposal for interblockchain communication.  
+- **Multi-chain Universe (Step 3 of 3):** The third and final step is the Monax’s Nightsky proposal for inherent encryption of transactions and allowing only partial reconstruction of the smart contract application state for verifiers or light clients (for mobile or IoT devices). Together Cosmos and Nightsky allow smart contracts to orchestrate where information flows and who has the ability to decypher what part of the data.
+#### Scalability and Governance
+- **Read-cache Optimisation and Queryability:** subjectively pipe the application state and event logs to a data warehousing solution.  Building upon the read-cache the SQLsol prototype can be integrated as an SQL-opinionated transformation layer of smart contract events and  data into a relational database.
+- **Chain life-cycle management:** the tooling is the starting point for chain life-cycle management and will be extended with exporting snapshots of chain state.  These snapshots can be used to administratively start a new network with an updated version of eris-db software as cold upgrade.  In a second phase the Cosmos proposal is ideally suited to run a new version of the node software in parallel to existing chain and the validators of the network can atomically cast their vote of approval through the Cosmos hub to dynamically move the voting power over to the updated chain (hot upgrade) until a full vote of confidence is achieved.  It is important to note that chain life-cycle management is complementary to and will support smart contract life-cycle management, known to some as DOUG, our marmot mascot.
+- **Sharding and scalability framework:** interblockchain communication through the exchange of proofs leverages the peer-to-peer network - rather than oracles - to distribute the load across parallel chains and removes oracle-bridges as potential bottlenecks and security risks.
+- **Light-client and ABI integration:** a significant usability upgrade of smart contract chains will be achieved through the ability for the ABI definition of the deployed smart contracts to be verifiably linked to the smart contract accounts. The introduction of the EIP-141 will enable the injection of an ABI fingerprint into smart contract code such that a light client, eris-worker can dynamically expose the smart contract functionality through API calls. As an aside it is worth noting that the tendermint consensus protocol provides a distinctive advantage for light-clients as the last block signed by a majority of validators is unambiguously the current state;
diff --git a/event/events.go b/event/events.go
index 4ef6ddac0e0db621043a08155bf3728afc51da04..5ada94a52e994f7497c111300c65205a86894d12 100644
--- a/event/events.go
+++ b/event/events.go
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ type EventEmitter interface {
 	Unsubscribe(subId string) error
-func NewEvents(eventSwitch *go_events.EventSwitch, logger loggers.InfoTraceLogger) *events {
+func NewEvents(eventSwitch go_events.EventSwitch, logger loggers.InfoTraceLogger) *events {
 	return &events{eventSwitch: eventSwitch, logger: logging.WithScope(logger, "Events")}
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ func Multiplex(events ...EventEmitter) *multiplexedEvents {
 // The events struct has methods for working with events.
 type events struct {
-	eventSwitch *go_events.EventSwitch
+	eventSwitch go_events.EventSwitch
 	logger      loggers.InfoTraceLogger
diff --git a/glide.lock b/glide.lock
index 62620c5ded26d6461e28801b4c5ce280fdfcb974..6887d752d90fc9ab64b4b6d7181b92262ed992d3 100644
--- a/glide.lock
+++ b/glide.lock
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-hash: f1f85c5d4b9520217cc6fa9fd7b7e97790e737def9bc08ab45d53d5db729c779
-updated: 2016-09-14T20:54:48.289839938+02:00
+hash: 310aa7c7435ad7dd1c3eb6772a42065b5f506e38e195107bdbfb1584833add9a
+updated: 2017-02-21T01:43:41.814044634Z
 - name: github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm
   version: 388960b655244e76e24c75f48631564eaefade62
   - winterm
 - name: github.com/btcsuite/btcd
-  version: 7de7bddba9d9a8b0b7490931e346e8f10d0bdb7f
+  version: 153dca5c1e4b5d1ea1523592495e5bedfa503391
   - btcec
 - name: github.com/btcsuite/fastsha256
@@ -20,9 +20,15 @@ imports:
 - name: github.com/bugsnag/panicwrap
   version: d6191e27ad06236eaad65d79e49a08b03b9f8029
 - name: github.com/BurntSushi/toml
-  version: f0aeabca5a127c4078abb8c8d64298b147264b55
+  version: 99064174e013895bbd9b025c31100bd1d9b590ca
 - name: github.com/davecgh/go-spew
   version: 5215b55f46b2b919f50a1df0eaa5886afe4e3b3d
+- name: github.com/eapache/channels
+  version: 47238d5aae8c0fefd518ef2bee46290909cf8263
+- name: github.com/eapache/queue
+  version: 44cc805cf13205b55f69e14bcb69867d1ae92f98
+- name: github.com/ebuchman/fail-test
+  version: c1eddaa09da2b4017351245b0d43234955276798
 - name: github.com/eris-ltd/eris-keys
   version: 114ebc77443db9a153692233294e48bc7e184215
 - name: github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify
@@ -32,37 +38,53 @@ imports:
   - binding
   - render
+- name: github.com/go-kit/kit
+  version: f66b0e13579bfc5a48b9e2a94b1209c107ea1f41
+  subpackages:
+  - log
+- name: github.com/go-logfmt/logfmt
+  version: 390ab7935ee28ec6b286364bba9b4dd6410cb3d5
 - name: github.com/go-stack/stack
   version: 100eb0c0a9c5b306ca2fb4f165df21d80ada4b82
+- name: github.com/gogo/protobuf
+  version: f9114dace7bd920b32f943b3c73fafbcbab2bf31
 - name: github.com/golang/protobuf
-  version: 0c1f6d65b5a189c2250d10e71a5506f06f9fa0a0
+  version: 8ee79997227bf9b34611aee7946ae64735e6fd93
   - proto
 - name: github.com/golang/snappy
   version: d9eb7a3d35ec988b8585d4a0068e462c27d28380
 - name: github.com/gorilla/websocket
-  version: a68708917c6a4f06314ab4e52493cc61359c9d42
+  version: 17634340a83afe0cab595e40fbc63f6ffa1d8915
 - name: github.com/hashicorp/hcl
   version: da486364306ed66c218be9b7953e19173447c18b
   - hcl/ast
   - hcl/parser
-  - hcl/token
-  - json/parser
   - hcl/scanner
   - hcl/strconv
+  - hcl/token
+  - json/parser
   - json/scanner
   - json/token
+- name: github.com/inconshreveable/log15
+  version: 46a701a619de90c65a78c04d1a58bf02585e9701
+  subpackages:
+  - term
 - name: github.com/inconshreveable/mousetrap
   version: 76626ae9c91c4f2a10f34cad8ce83ea42c93bb75
+- name: github.com/jmhodges/levigo
+  version: c42d9e0ca023e2198120196f842701bb4c55d7b9
 - name: github.com/magiconair/properties
   version: c265cfa48dda6474e208715ca93e987829f572f8
 - name: github.com/manucorporat/sse
   version: ee05b128a739a0fb76c7ebd3ae4810c1de808d6d
+- name: github.com/Masterminds/glide
+  version: 84607742b10f492430762d038e954236bbaf23f7
 - name: github.com/mattn/go-colorable
-  version: 9056b7a9f2d1f2d96498d6d146acd1f9d5ed3d59
+  version: d228849504861217f796da67fae4f6e347643f15
 - name: github.com/mattn/go-isatty
-  version: 56b76bdf51f7708750eac80fa38b952bb9f32639
+  version: 30a891c33c7cde7b02a981314b4228ec99380cca
 - name: github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure
   version: d2dd0262208475919e1a362f675cfc0e7c10e905
 - name: github.com/naoina/toml
@@ -72,7 +94,7 @@ imports:
   - difflib
 - name: github.com/Sirupsen/logrus
-  version: f3cfb454f4c209e6668c95216c4744b8fddb2356
+  version: d26492970760ca5d33129d2d799e34be5c4782eb
 - name: github.com/spf13/cast
   version: 27b586b42e29bec072fe7379259cc719e1289da6
 - name: github.com/spf13/cobra
@@ -80,117 +102,133 @@ imports:
 - name: github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman
   version: 33c24e77fb80341fe7130ee7c594256ff08ccc46
 - name: github.com/spf13/pflag
-  version: 367864438f1b1a3c7db4da06a2f55b144e6784e0
+  version: 25f8b5b07aece3207895bf19f7ab517eb3b22a40
 - name: github.com/spf13/viper
   version: c1ccc378a054ea8d4e38d8c67f6938d4760b53dd
+- name: github.com/streadway/simpleuuid
+  version: 6617b501e485b77e61b98cd533aefff9e258b5a7
 - name: github.com/stretchr/testify
   version: d77da356e56a7428ad25149ca77381849a6a5232
   - assert
 - name: github.com/syndtr/goleveldb
-  version: fa5b5c78794bc5c18f330361059f871ae8c2b9d6
+  version: 23851d93a2292dcc56e71a18ec9e0624d84a0f65
   - leveldb
-  - leveldb/errors
-  - leveldb/opt
   - leveldb/cache
   - leveldb/comparer
+  - leveldb/errors
   - leveldb/filter
   - leveldb/iterator
   - leveldb/journal
   - leveldb/memdb
+  - leveldb/opt
   - leveldb/storage
   - leveldb/table
   - leveldb/util
+- name: github.com/tendermint/abci
+  version: 699d45bc678865b004b90213bf88a950f420973b
+  subpackages:
+  - client
+  - example/counter
+  - example/dummy
+  - example/nil
+  - server
+  - types
 - name: github.com/tendermint/ed25519
-  version: fdac6641497281ed1cc368687ec6377e96e02b24
+  version: 1f52c6f8b8a5c7908aff4497c186af344b428925
   - edwards25519
   - extra25519
 - name: github.com/tendermint/flowcontrol
   version: 84d9671090430e8ec80e35b339907e0579b999eb
+- name: github.com/tendermint/go-autofile
+  version: 0416e0aa9c68205aa44844096f9f151ada9d0405
 - name: github.com/tendermint/go-clist
-  version: 634527f5b60fd7c71ca811262493df2ad65ee0ca
+  version: 3baa390bbaf7634251c42ad69a8682e7e3990552
 - name: github.com/tendermint/go-common
-  version: dcfa46af1341d03b80d32e4901019d1668b978b9
+  version: e289af53b6bf6af28da129d9ef64389a4cf7987f
+  subpackages:
+  - test
 - name: github.com/tendermint/go-config
-  version: cfcef384d64b94e50909596e39b32ffb3cc20573
+  version: e64b424499acd0eb9856b88e10c0dff41628c0d6
 - name: github.com/tendermint/go-crypto
-  version: 41cfb7b677f4e16cdfd22b6ce0946c89919fbc7b
+  version: 4b11d62bdb324027ea01554e5767b71174680ba0
 - name: github.com/tendermint/go-db
-  version: 31fdd21c7eaeed53e0ea7ca597fb1e960e2988a5
+  version: 72f6dacd22a686cdf7fcd60286503e3aceda77ba
 - name: github.com/tendermint/go-events
-  version: 7b75ca7bb55aa25e9ef765eb8c0b69486b227357
+  version: fddee66d90305fccb6f6d84d16c34fa65ea5b7f6
+- name: github.com/tendermint/go-flowrate
+  version: a20c98e61957faa93b4014fbd902f20ab9317a6a
+  subpackages:
+  - flowrate
 - name: github.com/tendermint/go-logger
-  version: 529efe50eab1a8a9c111d55f4de4ecd95f482761
+  version: cefb3a45c0bf3c493a04e9bcd9b1540528be59f2
 - name: github.com/tendermint/go-merkle
-  version: 05042c6ab9cad51d12e4cecf717ae68e3b1409a8
+  version: 7a86b4486f2cd84ac885c5bbc609fdee2905f5d1
 - name: github.com/tendermint/go-p2p
-  version: 5bd7692323ec60d6461678f09b5024a952164151
+  version: 3d98f675f30dc4796546b8b890f895926152fa8d
   - upnp
 - name: github.com/tendermint/go-rpc
-  version: 479510be0e80dd9e5d6b1f941adad168df0af85f
+  version: fcea0cda21f64889be00a0f4b6d13266b1a76ee7
   - client
   - server
   - types
 - name: github.com/tendermint/go-wire
-  version: 3b0adbc86ed8425eaed98516165b6788d9f4de7a
+  version: 2f3b7aafe21c80b19b6ee3210ecb3e3d07c7a471
 - name: github.com/tendermint/log15
-  version: 9545b249b3aacafa97f79e0838b02b274adc6f5f
+  version: ae0f3d6450da9eac7074b439c8e1c3cabf0d5ce6
   - term
 - name: github.com/tendermint/tendermint
-  version: aaea0c5d2e3ecfbf29f2608f9d43649ec7f07f50
+  version: 764091dfbb035f1b28da4b067526e04c6a849966
-  - node
-  - proxy
-  - types
-  - version
-  - consensus
-  - rpc/core/types
   - blockchain
+  - consensus
   - mempool
+  - node
+  - proxy
   - rpc/core
+  - rpc/core/types
   - state
-- name: github.com/tendermint/tmsp
-  version: 73e5c3cb7bbee2f9c49792e5a0fcbcab442bf7dc
-  subpackages:
-  - client
   - types
-  - example/dummy
-  - example/nil
+  - version
 - name: github.com/tommy351/gin-cors
   version: dc91dec6313ae4db53481bf3b29cf6b94bf80357
 - name: golang.org/x/crypto
-  version: f3241ce8505855877cc8a9717bd61a0f7c4ea83c
+  version: 7c6cc321c680f03b9ef0764448e780704f486b51
-  - ripemd160
+  - curve25519
+  - nacl/box
   - nacl/secretbox
   - openpgp/armor
-  - nacl/box
+  - openpgp/errors
   - poly1305
+  - ripemd160
   - salsa20/salsa
-  - openpgp/errors
-  - curve25519
 - name: golang.org/x/net
-  version: de35ec43e7a9aabd6a9c54d2898220ea7e44de7d
+  version: 60c41d1de8da134c05b7b40154a9a82bf5b7edb9
-  - http2
   - context
-  - netutil
-  - trace
+  - http2
   - http2/hpack
   - idna
-  - lex/httplex
   - internal/timeseries
 - name: golang.org/x/sys
-  version: 62bee037599929a6e9146f29d10dd5208c43507d
+  version: d75a52659825e75fff6158388dddc6a5b04f9ba5
   - unix
+- name: golang.org/x/text
+  version: 44f4f658a783b0cee41fe0a23b8fc91d9c120558
+  subpackages:
+  - secure/bidirule
+  - transform
+  - unicode/bidi
+  - unicode/norm
 - name: google.golang.org/grpc
-  version: e78224b060cf3215247b7be455f80ea22e469b66
+  version: 50955793b0183f9de69bd78e2ec251cf20aab121
   - codes
   - credentials
@@ -198,8 +236,10 @@ imports:
   - internal
   - metadata
   - naming
-  - transport
   - peer
+  - stats
+  - tap
+  - transport
 - name: gopkg.in/fatih/set.v0
   version: 27c40922c40b43fe04554d8223a402af3ea333f3
 - name: gopkg.in/go-playground/validator.v8
@@ -208,26 +248,4 @@ imports:
   version: ecde8c8f16df93a994dda8936c8f60f0c26c28ab
 - name: gopkg.in/yaml.v2
   version: a83829b6f1293c91addabc89d0571c246397bbf4
-- name: github.com/go-kit/kit
-  version: f66b0e13579bfc5a48b9e2a94b1209c107ea1f41
-  subpackages:
-  - log
-- name: github.com/eapache/channels
-  version: 47238d5aae8c0fefd518ef2bee46290909cf8263
-- name: github.com/eapache/queue
-  version: 44cc805cf13205b55f69e14bcb69867d1ae92f98
-- name: github.com/go-logfmt/logfmt
-  version: 390ab7935ee28ec6b286364bba9b4dd6410cb3d5
-- name: github.com/go-stack/stack
-  version: 100eb0c0a9c5b306ca2fb4f165df21d80ada4b82
-- name: github.com/Sirupsen/logrus
-  version: d26492970760ca5d33129d2d799e34be5c4782eb
-- name: github.com/inconshreveable/log15
-  version: 46a701a619de90c65a78c04d1a58bf02585e9701
-  subpackages:
-  - term
-- name: github.com/streadway/simpleuuid
-  version: 6617b501e485b77e61b98cd533aefff9e258b5a7
-- name: github.com/Masterminds/glide
-  version: 84607742b10f492430762d038e954236bbaf23f7
-devImports: []
+testImports: []
diff --git a/glide.yaml b/glide.yaml
index d832bc2213309b201c8c52bda69fbb9e87ef52f5..ed8e097c2828278365c0e7d158acd11a5a9fb6f5 100644
--- a/glide.yaml
+++ b/glide.yaml
@@ -3,11 +3,12 @@ import:
 - package: github.com/eris-ltd/eris-keys
 - package: github.com/spf13/cobra
 - package: github.com/spf13/viper
-- package: github.com/tendermint/tendermint
 - package: github.com/gin-gonic/gin
 - package: github.com/gorilla/websocket
 - package: github.com/naoina/toml
 - package: github.com/stretchr/testify
+- package: github.com/tendermint/tendermint
+  version: ~0.8.0
 - package: github.com/tommy351/gin-cors
 - package: golang.org/x/crypto
@@ -30,4 +31,4 @@ import:
   version: ^0.11.0
 - package: github.com/streadway/simpleuuid
 - package: github.com/Masterminds/glide
-  version: ~0.12.3
\ No newline at end of file
+  version: ~0.12.3
diff --git a/manager/eris-mint/eris-mint.go b/manager/eris-mint/eris-mint.go
index fe3948e12feb8a29536ea2865632012781255157..9ba18441832ecf6bce0b500ba99fca9bc41b3a40 100644
--- a/manager/eris-mint/eris-mint.go
+++ b/manager/eris-mint/eris-mint.go
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ import (
+	abci "github.com/tendermint/abci/types"
 	tendermint_events "github.com/tendermint/go-events"
 	wire "github.com/tendermint/go-wire"
-	tmsp "github.com/tendermint/tmsp/types"
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ type ErisMint struct {
 	checkCache *sm.BlockCache // for CheckTx (eg. so we get nonces right)
 	evc  *tendermint_events.EventCache
-	evsw *tendermint_events.EventSwitch
+	evsw tendermint_events.EventSwitch
 	nTxs   int // count txs in a block
 	logger loggers.InfoTraceLogger
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ type ErisMint struct {
 // eris-db/manager/types.Application
 var _ manager_types.Application = (*ErisMint)(nil)
-// NOTE: [ben] also automatically implements tmsp.Application,
+// NOTE: [ben] also automatically implements abci.Application,
 // undesired but unharmful
-// var _ tmsp.Application = (*ErisMint)(nil)
+// var _ abci.Application = (*ErisMint)(nil)
 func (app *ErisMint) GetState() *sm.State {
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ func (app *ErisMint) GetCheckCache() *sm.BlockCache {
 	return app.checkCache
-func NewErisMint(s *sm.State, evsw *tendermint_events.EventSwitch, logger loggers.InfoTraceLogger) *ErisMint {
+func NewErisMint(s *sm.State, evsw tendermint_events.EventSwitch, logger loggers.InfoTraceLogger) *ErisMint {
 	return &ErisMint{
 		state:      s,
 		cache:      sm.NewBlockCache(s),
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ func NewErisMint(s *sm.State, evsw *tendermint_events.EventSwitch, logger logger
 // Implements manager/types.Application
-func (app *ErisMint) Info() (info string) {
-	return "ErisDB"
+func (app *ErisMint) Info() (info abci.ResponseInfo) {
+	return abci.ResponseInfo{}
 // Implements manager/types.Application
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ func (app *ErisMint) SetOption(key string, value string) (log string) {
 // Implements manager/types.Application
-func (app *ErisMint) AppendTx(txBytes []byte) tmsp.Result {
+func (app *ErisMint) DeliverTx(txBytes []byte) abci.Result {
 	app.nTxs += 1
 	// XXX: if we had tx ids we could cache the decoded txs on CheckTx
@@ -104,45 +104,45 @@ func (app *ErisMint) AppendTx(txBytes []byte) tmsp.Result {
 	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(txBytes)
 	wire.ReadBinaryPtr(tx, buf, len(txBytes), &n, &err)
 	if err != nil {
-		return tmsp.NewError(tmsp.CodeType_EncodingError, fmt.Sprintf("Encoding error: %v", err))
+		return abci.NewError(abci.CodeType_EncodingError, fmt.Sprintf("Encoding error: %v", err))
 	err = sm.ExecTx(app.cache, *tx, true, app.evc)
 	if err != nil {
-		return tmsp.NewError(tmsp.CodeType_InternalError, fmt.Sprintf("Internal error: %v", err))
+		return abci.NewError(abci.CodeType_InternalError, fmt.Sprintf("Internal error: %v", err))
 	receipt := txs.GenerateReceipt(app.state.ChainID, *tx)
 	receiptBytes := wire.BinaryBytes(receipt)
-	return tmsp.NewResultOK(receiptBytes, "Success")
+	return abci.NewResultOK(receiptBytes, "Success")
 // Implements manager/types.Application
-func (app *ErisMint) CheckTx(txBytes []byte) tmsp.Result {
+func (app *ErisMint) CheckTx(txBytes []byte) abci.Result {
 	var n int
 	var err error
 	tx := new(txs.Tx)
 	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(txBytes)
 	wire.ReadBinaryPtr(tx, buf, len(txBytes), &n, &err)
 	if err != nil {
-		return tmsp.NewError(tmsp.CodeType_EncodingError, fmt.Sprintf("Encoding error: %v", err))
+		return abci.NewError(abci.CodeType_EncodingError, fmt.Sprintf("Encoding error: %v", err))
-	// TODO: map ExecTx errors to sensible TMSP error codes
+	// TODO: map ExecTx errors to sensible abci error codes
 	err = sm.ExecTx(app.checkCache, *tx, false, nil)
 	if err != nil {
-		return tmsp.NewError(tmsp.CodeType_InternalError, fmt.Sprintf("Internal error: %v", err))
+		return abci.NewError(abci.CodeType_InternalError, fmt.Sprintf("Internal error: %v", err))
 	receipt := txs.GenerateReceipt(app.state.ChainID, *tx)
 	receiptBytes := wire.BinaryBytes(receipt)
-	return tmsp.NewResultOK(receiptBytes, "Success")
+	return abci.NewResultOK(receiptBytes, "Success")
 // Implements manager/types.Application
 // Commit the state (called at end of block)
 // NOTE: CheckTx/AppendTx must not run concurrently with Commit -
 //  the mempool should run during AppendTxs, but lock for Commit and Update
-func (app *ErisMint) Commit() (res tmsp.Result) {
+func (app *ErisMint) Commit() (res abci.Result) {
 	app.mtx.Lock() // the lock protects app.state
 	defer app.mtx.Unlock()
@@ -173,10 +173,9 @@ func (app *ErisMint) Commit() (res tmsp.Result) {
 	// NOTE: set internal time as two seconds per block
 	app.state.LastBlockTime = app.state.LastBlockTime.Add(time.Duration(2) * time.Second)
 	appHash := app.state.Hash()
-	// return tmsp.NewResultOK(app.state.Hash(), "Success")
-	return tmsp.NewResultOK(appHash, "Success")
+	return abci.NewResultOK(appHash, "Success")
-func (app *ErisMint) Query(query []byte) (res tmsp.Result) {
-	return tmsp.NewResultOK(nil, "Success")
+func (app *ErisMint) Query(query []byte) (res abci.Result) {
+	return abci.NewResultOK(nil, "Success")
diff --git a/manager/eris-mint/evm/abi/types.go b/manager/eris-mint/evm/abi/types.go
index 40c12f545016703b863a37d89fb9f0812be16e23..09ac0e4c364b73a48514b1f5007fe3704b7e182d 100644
--- a/manager/eris-mint/evm/abi/types.go
+++ b/manager/eris-mint/evm/abi/types.go
@@ -18,24 +18,36 @@ package abi
 // (application binary interface) here: https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Ethereum-Contract-ABI
 // We make a start of representing them here
-type Type string
+// We use TypeName rather than Type to reserve 'Type' for a possible future
+// ABI type the can hold an ABI-native type mapping
+type TypeName string
 type Arg struct {
-	Name string
-	Type Type
+	Name     string
+	TypeName TypeName
 type Return struct {
-	Name string
-	Type Type
+	Name     string
+	TypeName TypeName
 const (
 	// We don't need to be exhaustive here, just make what we used strongly typed
-	Address Type = "address"
-	Int     Type = "int"
-	Uint64  Type = "uint64"
-	Bytes32 Type = "bytes32"
-	String  Type = "string"
-	Bool    Type = "bool"
+	AddressTypeName TypeName = "address"
+	IntTypeName     TypeName = "int"
+	Uint64TypeName  TypeName = "uint64"
+	Bytes32TypeName TypeName = "bytes32"
+	StringTypeName  TypeName = "string"
+	BoolTypeName    TypeName = "bool"
+const (
+	FunctionSelectorLength = 4
+	AddressLength          = 20
+type (
+	Address          [AddressLength]byte
+	FunctionSelector [FunctionSelectorLength]byte
diff --git a/manager/eris-mint/evm/native.go b/manager/eris-mint/evm/native.go
index a5740c6ca7a7076cecc3eb0a5f4302433d1a9672..e569474586834661d64d6ba9ee37e2babe90406f 100644
--- a/manager/eris-mint/evm/native.go
+++ b/manager/eris-mint/evm/native.go
@@ -54,10 +54,6 @@ func registerNativeContracts() {
 type NativeContract func(appState AppState, caller *Account, input []byte, gas *int64) (output []byte, err error)
-const FuncIDLength = 4
-type FuncID [FuncIDLength]byte
 /* Removed due to C dependency
 func ecrecoverFunc(appState AppState, caller *Account, input []byte, gas *int64) (output []byte, err error) {
 	// Deduct gas
diff --git a/manager/eris-mint/evm/snative.go b/manager/eris-mint/evm/snative.go
index b15d51de5961ee5f6d5f5246b54ab7593ba5278a..b30858109c1356304b1d46394969c4f82df2479c 100644
--- a/manager/eris-mint/evm/snative.go
+++ b/manager/eris-mint/evm/snative.go
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ type SNativeContractDescription struct {
 	Comment string
 	// Name of the SNative contract
 	Name          string
-	functionsByID map[FuncID]*SNativeFunctionDescription
+	functionsByID map[abi.FunctionSelector]*SNativeFunctionDescription
 	functions     []*SNativeFunctionDescription
@@ -59,20 +59,20 @@ type SNativeFunctionDescription struct {
 	// Permissions required to call function
 	PermFlag ptypes.PermFlag
 	// Native function to which calls will be dispatched when a containing
-	// contract is called with a FuncID matching this NativeContract
+	// contract is called with a FunctionSelector matching this NativeContract
 	F NativeContract
 func registerSNativeContracts() {
 	for _, contract := range SNativeContracts() {
-		registeredNativeContracts[contract.Address()] = contract.Dispatch
+		registeredNativeContracts[contract.AddressWord256()] = contract.Dispatch
 // Returns a map of all SNative contracts defined indexed by name
 func SNativeContracts() map[string]*SNativeContractDescription {
-	permFlagType := abi.Uint64
-	roleType := abi.Bytes32
+	permFlagTypeName := abi.Uint64TypeName
+	roleTypeName := abi.Bytes32TypeName
 	contracts := []*SNativeContractDescription{
 		* Interface for managing Secure Native authorizations.
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ func SNativeContracts() map[string]*SNativeContractDescription {
-					arg("_account", abi.Address),
-					arg("_role", roleType),
+					arg("_account", abi.AddressTypeName),
+					arg("_role", roleTypeName),
-				ret("result", abi.Bool),
+				ret("result", abi.BoolTypeName),
@@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ func SNativeContracts() map[string]*SNativeContractDescription {
-					arg("_account", abi.Address),
-					arg("_role", roleType),
+					arg("_account", abi.AddressTypeName),
+					arg("_role", roleTypeName),
-				ret("result", abi.Bool),
+				ret("result", abi.BoolTypeName),
@@ -117,10 +117,10 @@ func SNativeContracts() map[string]*SNativeContractDescription {
-					arg("_account", abi.Address),
-					arg("_role", roleType),
+					arg("_account", abi.AddressTypeName),
+					arg("_role", roleTypeName),
-				ret("result", abi.Bool),
+				ret("result", abi.BoolTypeName),
@@ -133,11 +133,11 @@ func SNativeContracts() map[string]*SNativeContractDescription {
-					arg("_account", abi.Address),
-					arg("_permission", permFlagType),
-					arg("_set", abi.Bool),
+					arg("_account", abi.AddressTypeName),
+					arg("_permission", permFlagTypeName),
+					arg("_set", abi.BoolTypeName),
-				ret("result", permFlagType),
+				ret("result", permFlagTypeName),
@@ -149,9 +149,9 @@ func SNativeContracts() map[string]*SNativeContractDescription {
-					arg("_account", abi.Address),
-					arg("_permission", permFlagType)},
-				ret("result", permFlagType),
+					arg("_account", abi.AddressTypeName),
+					arg("_permission", permFlagTypeName)},
+				ret("result", permFlagTypeName),
@@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ func SNativeContracts() map[string]*SNativeContractDescription {
-					arg("_account", abi.Address),
-					arg("_permission", permFlagType)},
-				ret("result", permFlagType),
+					arg("_account", abi.AddressTypeName),
+					arg("_permission", permFlagTypeName)},
+				ret("result", permFlagTypeName),
@@ -177,9 +177,9 @@ func SNativeContracts() map[string]*SNativeContractDescription {
-					arg("_permission", permFlagType),
-					arg("_set", abi.Bool)},
-				ret("result", permFlagType),
+					arg("_permission", permFlagTypeName),
+					arg("_set", abi.BoolTypeName)},
+				ret("result", permFlagTypeName),
@@ -187,6 +187,12 @@ func SNativeContracts() map[string]*SNativeContractDescription {
 	contractMap := make(map[string]*SNativeContractDescription, len(contracts))
 	for _, contract := range contracts {
+		if _, ok := contractMap[contract.Name]; ok {
+			// If this happens we have a pseudo compile time error that will be caught
+			// on native.go init()
+			panic(fmt.Errorf("Duplicate contract with name %s defined. "+
+				"Contract names must be unique.", contract.Name))
+		}
 		contractMap[contract.Name] = contract
 	return contractMap
@@ -197,7 +203,7 @@ func SNativeContracts() map[string]*SNativeContractDescription {
 func NewSNativeContract(comment, name string,
 	functions ...*SNativeFunctionDescription) *SNativeContractDescription {
-	functionsByID := make(map[FuncID]*SNativeFunctionDescription, len(functions))
+	functionsByID := make(map[abi.FunctionSelector]*SNativeFunctionDescription, len(functions))
 	for _, f := range functions {
 		fid := f.ID()
 		otherF, ok := functionsByID[fid]
@@ -220,7 +226,7 @@ func NewSNativeContract(comment, name string,
 // So it can be looked up by SNative address
 func (contract *SNativeContractDescription) Dispatch(appState AppState,
 	caller *Account, args []byte, gas *int64) (output []byte, err error) {
-	if len(args) < FuncIDLength {
+	if len(args) < abi.FunctionSelectorLength {
 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("SNatives dispatch requires a 4-byte function "+
 			"identifier but arguments are only %s bytes long", len(args))
@@ -230,7 +236,7 @@ func (contract *SNativeContractDescription) Dispatch(appState AppState,
 		return nil, err
-	remainingArgs := args[FuncIDLength:]
+	remainingArgs := args[abi.FunctionSelectorLength:]
 	// check if we have permission to call this function
 	if !HasPermission(appState, caller, function.PermFlag) {
@@ -247,14 +253,28 @@ func (contract *SNativeContractDescription) Dispatch(appState AppState,
 	return function.F(appState, caller, remainingArgs, gas)
-// We define the address of an SNative contact as the simplest possible hash of
-// its canonical name
-func (contract *SNativeContractDescription) Address() Word256 {
-	return LeftPadWord256([]byte(contract.Name))
+// We define the address of an SNative contact as the last 20 bytes of the sha3
+// hash of its name
+func (contract *SNativeContractDescription) Address() abi.Address {
+	var address abi.Address
+	hash := sha3.Sha3([]byte(contract.Name))
+	copy(address[:], hash[len(hash)-abi.AddressLength:])
+	return address
+// Get address as a byte slice
+func (contract *SNativeContractDescription) AddressBytes() []byte {
+	address := contract.Address()
+	return address[:]
+// Get address as a left-padded Word256
+func (contract *SNativeContractDescription) AddressWord256() Word256 {
+	return LeftPadWord256(contract.AddressBytes())
-// Get function by calling identifier FuncID
-func (contract *SNativeContractDescription) FunctionByID(id FuncID) (*SNativeFunctionDescription, error) {
+// Get function by calling identifier FunctionSelector
+func (contract *SNativeContractDescription) FunctionByID(id abi.FunctionSelector) (*SNativeFunctionDescription, error) {
 	f, ok := contract.functionsByID[id]
 	if !ok {
 		return nil,
@@ -286,16 +306,16 @@ func (contract *SNativeContractDescription) Functions() []*SNativeFunctionDescri
 // Get function signature
 func (function *SNativeFunctionDescription) Signature() string {
-	argTypes := make([]string, len(function.Args))
+	argTypeNames := make([]string, len(function.Args))
 	for i, arg := range function.Args {
-		argTypes[i] = string(arg.Type)
+		argTypeNames[i] = string(arg.TypeName)
 	return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s)", function.Name,
-		strings.Join(argTypes, ","))
+		strings.Join(argTypeNames, ","))
-// Get function calling identifier FuncID
-func (function *SNativeFunctionDescription) ID() FuncID {
+// Get function calling identifier FunctionSelector
+func (function *SNativeFunctionDescription) ID() abi.FunctionSelector {
 	return firstFourBytes(sha3.Sha3([]byte(function.Signature())))
@@ -304,17 +324,17 @@ func (function *SNativeFunctionDescription) NArgs() int {
 	return len(function.Args)
-func arg(name string, abiType abi.Type) abi.Arg {
+func arg(name string, abiTypeName abi.TypeName) abi.Arg {
 	return abi.Arg{
-		Name: name,
-		Type: abiType,
+		Name:     name,
+		TypeName: abiTypeName,
-func ret(name string, abiType abi.Type) abi.Return {
+func ret(name string, abiTypeName abi.TypeName) abi.Return {
 	return abi.Return{
-		Name: name,
-		Type: abiType,
+		Name:     name,
+		TypeName: abiTypeName,
diff --git a/manager/eris-mint/evm/snative_test.go b/manager/eris-mint/evm/snative_test.go
index 200f37bbf5d04a6a5c242f47135aafee40a9304e..a60b62e15678596380769eb8880681517782102f 100644
--- a/manager/eris-mint/evm/snative_test.go
+++ b/manager/eris-mint/evm/snative_test.go
@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ import (
+	"github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/manager/eris-mint/evm/abi"
 	. "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/manager/eris-mint/evm/opcodes"
+	"github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/manager/eris-mint/evm/sha3"
 	ptypes "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/permission/types"
 	. "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/word256"
@@ -92,6 +94,12 @@ func TestSNativeContractDescription_Dispatch(t *testing.T) {
 	assert.Equal(t, retValue, LeftPadBytes([]byte{1}, 32))
+func TestSNativeContractDescription_Address(t *testing.T) {
+	contract := NewSNativeContract("A comment",
+		"CoolButVeryLongNamedContractOfDoom")
+	assert.Equal(t, sha3.Sha3(([]byte)(contract.Name))[12:], contract.AddressBytes())
 // Helpers
@@ -105,11 +113,11 @@ func assertFunctionIDSignature(t *testing.T, contract *SNativeContractDescriptio
-func funcIDFromHex(t *testing.T, hexString string) FuncID {
+func funcIDFromHex(t *testing.T, hexString string) abi.FunctionSelector {
 	bs, err := hex.DecodeString(hexString)
 	assert.NoError(t, err, "Could not decode hex string '%s'", hexString)
 	if len(bs) != 4 {
-		t.Fatalf("FuncID must be 4 bytes but '%s' is %v bytes", hexString,
+		t.Fatalf("FunctionSelector must be 4 bytes but '%s' is %v bytes", hexString,
 	return firstFourBytes(bs)
diff --git a/manager/eris-mint/pipe.go b/manager/eris-mint/pipe.go
index a6e6dbe6a98c0ee359af0ff0cad315a37f4400c6..f900b3f09d07989dbe8bdc8d244b5a8e2f5966b1 100644
--- a/manager/eris-mint/pipe.go
+++ b/manager/eris-mint/pipe.go
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ import (
+	abci_types "github.com/tendermint/abci/types"
 	crypto "github.com/tendermint/go-crypto"
 	db "github.com/tendermint/go-db"
 	go_events "github.com/tendermint/go-events"
 	wire "github.com/tendermint/go-wire"
 	tm_types "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
-	tmsp_types "github.com/tendermint/tmsp/types"
 	blockchain_types "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/blockchain/types"
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ var _ definitions.Pipe = (*erisMintPipe)(nil)
 var _ definitions.TendermintPipe = (*erisMintPipe)(nil)
 func NewErisMintPipe(moduleConfig *config.ModuleConfig,
-	eventSwitch *go_events.EventSwitch,
+	eventSwitch go_events.EventSwitch,
 	logger loggers.InfoTraceLogger) (*erisMintPipe, error) {
 	startedState, genesisDoc, err := startState(moduleConfig.DataDir,
@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ func NewErisMintPipe(moduleConfig *config.ModuleConfig,
 func startState(dataDir, backend, genesisFile, chainId string) (*state.State,
 	*genesis.GenesisDoc, error) {
 	// avoid Tendermints PanicSanity and return a clean error
-	if backend != db.DBBackendMemDB &&
-		backend != db.DBBackendLevelDB {
+	if backend != db.MemDBBackendStr &&
+		backend != db.LevelDBBackendStr {
 		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Database backend %s is not supported by %s",
 			backend, GetErisMintVersion)
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ func (pipe *erisMintPipe) ListNames() (*rpc_tm_types.ResultListNames, error) {
 func (pipe *erisMintPipe) broadcastTx(tx txs.Tx,
-	callback func(res *tmsp_types.Response)) (*rpc_tm_types.ResultBroadcastTx, error) {
+	callback func(res *abci_types.Response)) (*rpc_tm_types.ResultBroadcastTx, error) {
 	txBytes, err := txs.EncodeTx(tx)
 	if err != nil {
@@ -552,9 +552,9 @@ func (pipe *erisMintPipe) BroadcastTxAsync(tx txs.Tx) (*rpc_tm_types.ResultBroad
 func (pipe *erisMintPipe) BroadcastTxSync(tx txs.Tx) (*rpc_tm_types.ResultBroadcastTx, error) {
-	responseChannel := make(chan *tmsp_types.Response, 1)
+	responseChannel := make(chan *abci_types.Response, 1)
 	_, err := pipe.broadcastTx(tx,
-		func(res *tmsp_types.Response) {
+		func(res *abci_types.Response) {
 			responseChannel <- res
 	if err != nil {
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ func (pipe *erisMintPipe) BroadcastTxSync(tx txs.Tx) (*rpc_tm_types.ResultBroadc
 	// NOTE: [ben] This Response is set in /consensus/tendermint/local_client.go
 	// a call to Application, here implemented by ErisMint, over local callback,
-	// or TMSP RPC call.  Hence the result is determined by ErisMint/erismint.go
+	// or abci RPC call.  Hence the result is determined by ErisMint/erismint.go
 	// CheckTx() Result (Result converted to ReqRes into Response returned here)
 	// NOTE: [ben] BroadcastTx just calls CheckTx in Tendermint (oddly... [Silas])
 	response := <-responseChannel
@@ -576,17 +576,17 @@ func (pipe *erisMintPipe) BroadcastTxSync(tx txs.Tx) (*rpc_tm_types.ResultBroadc
 		Log:  responseCheckTx.Log,
 	switch responseCheckTx.Code {
-	case tmsp_types.CodeType_OK:
+	case abci_types.CodeType_OK:
 		return resultBroadCastTx, nil
-	case tmsp_types.CodeType_EncodingError:
+	case abci_types.CodeType_EncodingError:
 		return resultBroadCastTx, fmt.Errorf(resultBroadCastTx.Log)
-	case tmsp_types.CodeType_InternalError:
+	case abci_types.CodeType_InternalError:
 		return resultBroadCastTx, fmt.Errorf(resultBroadCastTx.Log)
 		logging.InfoMsg(pipe.logger, "Unknown error returned from Tendermint CheckTx on BroadcastTxSync",
 			"application", GetErisMintVersion().GetVersionString(),
-			"TMSP_code_type", responseCheckTx.Code,
-			"TMSP_log", responseCheckTx.Log,
+			"abci_code_type", responseCheckTx.Code,
+			"abci_log", responseCheckTx.Log,
 		return resultBroadCastTx, fmt.Errorf("Unknown error returned: " + responseCheckTx.Log)
diff --git a/manager/eris-mint/state/permissions_test.go b/manager/eris-mint/state/permissions_test.go
index 28da492697e71cc4528475697c341205d91301ba..c8497f1330c4ac88bddfc0b621d0c21081eae7a3 100644
--- a/manager/eris-mint/state/permissions_test.go
+++ b/manager/eris-mint/state/permissions_test.go
@@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@ func permNameToFuncID(name string) []byte {
 func snativePermTestInputCALL(name string, user *acm.PrivAccount, perm ptypes.PermFlag, val bool) (addr []byte, pF ptypes.PermFlag, data []byte) {
-	addr = permissionsContract.Address().Postfix(20)
+	addr = permissionsContract.AddressBytes()
 	switch name {
 	case "hasBase", "unsetBase":
 		data = LeftPadBytes(user.Address, 32)
@@ -1242,7 +1242,7 @@ func snativePermTestInputTx(name string, user *acm.PrivAccount, perm ptypes.Perm
 func snativeRoleTestInputCALL(name string, user *acm.PrivAccount, role string) (addr []byte, pF ptypes.PermFlag, data []byte) {
-	addr = permissionsContract.Address().Postfix(20)
+	addr = permissionsContract.AddressBytes()
 	data = LeftPadBytes(user.Address, 32)
 	data = append(data, RightPadBytes([]byte(role), 32)...)
 	data = append(permNameToFuncID(name), data...)
diff --git a/manager/eris-mint/version.go b/manager/eris-mint/version.go
index 6c2ec28da61f6bd4012f9bf47699f6b6aa33f686..734e5cea30254f5e501a9b2461644eced8033e84 100644
--- a/manager/eris-mint/version.go
+++ b/manager/eris-mint/version.go
@@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ const (
 // Define the compatible consensus engines this application manager
 // is compatible and has been tested with.
 var compatibleConsensus = [...]string{
-	"tendermint-0.6",
-	// "tmsp-0.6",
+	"tendermint-0.8",
 func GetErisMintVersion() *version.VersionIdentifier {
diff --git a/manager/manager.go b/manager/manager.go
index e7c1a76187e9229f5dcf2b6b15f697226a3e3076..d9a3b3d548044fbedbcc70ed292fd0eecaed1efe 100644
--- a/manager/manager.go
+++ b/manager/manager.go
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import (
 // of an application.  It is feasible this will be insufficient to support
 // different types of applications later down the line.
 func NewApplicationPipe(moduleConfig *config.ModuleConfig,
-	evsw *events.EventSwitch, logger loggers.InfoTraceLogger,
+	evsw events.EventSwitch, logger loggers.InfoTraceLogger,
 	consensusMinorVersion string) (definitions.Pipe,
 	error) {
 	switch moduleConfig.Name {
diff --git a/manager/types/application.go b/manager/types/application.go
index a7594f5c46e134119e8d697841a2b6d629ba006c..dbfe2b273bc5797b9ea9aec77e25b9c81e2b930a 100644
--- a/manager/types/application.go
+++ b/manager/types/application.go
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
 package types
 import (
-	// TODO: [ben] this is currently only used for tmsp result type; but should
-	// be removed as tmsp dependencies shouldn't feature in the application
+	// TODO: [ben] this is currently only used for abci result type; but should
+	// be removed as abci dependencies shouldn't feature in the application
 	// manager
-	tmsp_types "github.com/tendermint/tmsp/types"
+	abci_types "github.com/tendermint/abci/types"
 // NOTE: [ben] this interface is likely to be changed.  Currently it is taken
@@ -30,16 +30,16 @@ type Application interface {
 	// Info returns application information as a string
 	// NOTE: [ben] likely to move
-	Info() (info string)
+	Info() (info abci_types.ResponseInfo)
 	// Set application option (e.g. mode=mempool, mode=consensus)
 	// NOTE: [ben] taken from tendermint, but it is unclear what the use is,
-	// specifically, when will tendermint call this over tmsp ?
+	// specifically, when will tendermint call this over abci ?
 	SetOption(key string, value string) (log string)
 	// Append transaction applies a transaction to the state regardless of
 	// whether the transaction is valid or not.
-	// Currently AppendTx is taken from tmsp, and returns a result.
+	// Currently AppendTx is taken from abci, and returns a result.
 	// This will be altered, as AppendTransaction needs to more strongly reflect
 	// the theoretical logic:
 	//   Append(StateN, Transaction) = StateN+1
@@ -49,18 +49,18 @@ type Application interface {
 	// TODO: implementation notes:
 	// 1. at this point the transaction should already be strongly typed
 	// 2.
-	AppendTx(tx []byte) tmsp_types.Result
+	DeliverTx(tx []byte) abci_types.Result
 	// Check Transaction validates a transaction before being allowed into the
 	// consensus' engine memory pool.  This is the original defintion and
-	// intention as taken from tmsp, but should be remapped to the more
+	// intention as taken from abci, but should be remapped to the more
 	// general concept of basic, cheap verification;
 	// Check Transaction does not alter the state, but does require an immutable
 	// copy of the state. In particular there is no consensus on ordering yet.
 	// TODO: implementation notes:
 	// 1. at this point the transaction should already be strongly typed
 	// 2.
-	CheckTx(tx []byte) tmsp_types.Result
+	CheckTx(tx []byte) abci_types.Result
 	// Commit returns the root hash of the current application state
 	// NOTE: [ben] Because the concept of the block has been erased here
@@ -68,14 +68,14 @@ type Application interface {
 	// the opposit the principle of explicit stateless functions.
 	// This will be amended when we introduce the concept of (streaming)
 	// blocks in the pipe.
-	Commit() tmsp_types.Result
+	Commit() abci_types.Result
 	// Query for state.  This query request is not passed over the p2p network
 	// and is called from Tendermint rpc directly up to the application.
 	// NOTE: [ben] Eris-DB will give preference to queries from the local client
 	// directly over the Eris-DB rpc.
 	// We will support this for Tendermint compatibility.
-	Query(query []byte) tmsp_types.Result
+	Query(query []byte) abci_types.Result
 // Tendermint has a separate interface for reintroduction of blocks
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ type BlockchainAware interface {
 	// Initialise the blockchain
 	// validators: genesis validators from tendermint core
-	InitChain(validators []*tmsp_types.Validator)
+	InitChain(validators []*abci_types.Validator)
 	// Signals the beginning of a block;
 	// NOTE: [ben] currently not supported by tendermint
@@ -93,5 +93,5 @@ type BlockchainAware interface {
 	// validators: changed validators from app to Tendermint
 	// NOTE: [ben] currently not supported by tendermint
 	// not yet well defined what the change set contains.
-	EndBlock(height uint64) (validators []*tmsp_types.Validator)
+	EndBlock(height uint64) (validators []*abci_types.Validator)
diff --git a/rpc/codec.go b/rpc/codec.go
index bbf0ba604183cc0da6be98b0c0909181c9ba9773..750a5a88e8a6ea672fe635ef41c2f69d2c36274d 100644
--- a/rpc/codec.go
+++ b/rpc/codec.go
@@ -23,5 +23,6 @@ type Codec interface {
 	EncodeBytes(interface{}) ([]byte, error)
 	Encode(interface{}, io.Writer) error
 	DecodeBytes(interface{}, []byte) error
+	DecodeBytesPtr(interface{}, []byte) error
 	Decode(interface{}, io.Reader) error
diff --git a/rpc/tendermint/core/types/responses.go b/rpc/tendermint/core/types/responses.go
index 7fcc7ebc326e683acf6330262c2e3fdac827271c..220ace4b49328834bd4393453f3055f03aed4880 100644
--- a/rpc/tendermint/core/types/responses.go
+++ b/rpc/tendermint/core/types/responses.go
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ import (
 	tendermint_types "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
 	consensus_types "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/consensus/types"
+	abcitypes "github.com/tendermint/abci/types"
-	tmsptypes "github.com/tendermint/tmsp/types"
 type ResultGetStorage struct {
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ type ResultGetAccount struct {
 type ResultBroadcastTx struct {
-	Code tmsptypes.CodeType `json:"code"`
+	Code abcitypes.CodeType `json:"code"`
 	Data []byte             `json:"data"`
 	Log  string             `json:"log"`
diff --git a/rpc/tendermint/core/websocket.go b/rpc/tendermint/core/websocket.go
index 94f55b7895306164a5c9f83b98080fab18d514b2..6bc85f4d053a2488357ebd9ff0e8843163637435 100644
--- a/rpc/tendermint/core/websocket.go
+++ b/rpc/tendermint/core/websocket.go
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ type TendermintWebsocketServer struct {
 func NewTendermintWebsocketServer(config *server.ServerConfig,
-	tendermintPipe definitions.TendermintPipe, evsw *events.EventSwitch) (
+	tendermintPipe definitions.TendermintPipe, evsw events.EventSwitch) (
 	*TendermintWebsocketServer, error) {
 	if tendermintPipe == nil {
diff --git a/rpc/tendermint/test/common.go b/rpc/tendermint/test/common.go
index fa16978dab9baf9ac30206314ca89d0230d28faf..8151401f60dfa76dc6108753db7069f4dbdcbf82 100644
--- a/rpc/tendermint/test/common.go
+++ b/rpc/tendermint/test/common.go
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-// +build integration
 // Space above here matters
 // Copyright 2017 Monax Industries Limited
diff --git a/rpc/tendermint/test/config.go b/rpc/tendermint/test/config.go
index 96755d4276ef2c27f3f01ed2fada3503c7367fc6..84fcaeb7997c7b31cc45843d65a1fde9785963c9 100644
--- a/rpc/tendermint/test/config.go
+++ b/rpc/tendermint/test/config.go
@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ genesis_file = "genesis.json"
   # consensus defines the module to use for consensus and
   # this will define the peer-to-peer consensus network;
-  # accepted values are "noops", "tmsp", "tendermint"
+  # accepted values are "noops", "abci", "tendermint"
   name = "tendermint"
   # version is the major and minor semantic version;
   # the version will be asserted on
   major_version = 0
-  minor_version = 6
+  minor_version = 8
   # relative path to consensus' module root folder
   relative_root = "tendermint"
@@ -135,21 +135,19 @@ genesis_file = "genesis.json"
-## Tendermint Socket Protocol (TMSP)
-## version 0.6.0
+## Tendermint Socket Protocol (abci)
-## TMSP expects a tendermint consensus process to run and connect to Eris-DB
+## abci expects a tendermint consensus process to run and connect to Eris-DB
 # listener address for accepting tendermint socket protocol connections
 listener = "tcp://"
+##yeah we had partial support for that with TMSP
 ## Tendermint
-## version 0.6.0
 ## in-process execution of Tendermint consensus engine
@@ -186,7 +184,7 @@ private_validator_file = "priv_validator.json"
 	# NOTE: value is ignored when run in-process as RPC is
 	# handled by [servers.tendermint]
   rpc_laddr = ""
-  # proxy application address - used for tmsp connections,
+  # proxy application address - used for abci connections,
   # and this port should not be exposed for in-process Tendermint
   proxy_app = "tcp://"
diff --git a/rpc/tendermint/test/rpc_client_test.go b/rpc/tendermint/test/rpc_client_test.go
index 0dcfad967b56a78d244f4834c812d39d3c54253a..d53ff9d713ffcee49a4646c7d303fd55a42a51ec 100644
--- a/rpc/tendermint/test/rpc_client_test.go
+++ b/rpc/tendermint/test/rpc_client_test.go
@@ -292,6 +292,8 @@ func TestNameReg(t *testing.T) {
 func TestBlockchainInfo(t *testing.T) {
 	wsc := newWSClient()
 	testWithAllClients(t, func(t *testing.T, clientName string, client rpcclient.Client) {
+		// wait a mimimal number of blocks to ensure that the later query for block
+		// headers has a non-trivial length
 		nBlocks := 4
 		waitNBlocks(t, wsc, nBlocks)
@@ -299,20 +301,25 @@ func TestBlockchainInfo(t *testing.T) {
 		if err != nil {
 			t.Fatalf("Failed to get blockchain info: %v", err)
-		//TODO: [Silas] reintroduce this when Tendermint changes logic to fire
-		// NewBlock after saving a block
-		// see https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint/issues/273
-		//assert.Equal(t, 4, resp.LastHeight, "Last height should be 4 after waiting for first 4 blocks")
+		lastBlockHeight := resp.LastHeight
+		nMetaBlocks := len(resp.BlockMetas)
+		assert.True(t, nMetaBlocks <= lastBlockHeight,
+			"Logically number of block metas should be equal or less than block height.")
 		assert.True(t, nBlocks <= len(resp.BlockMetas),
-			"Should see at least 4 BlockMetas after waiting for first 4 blocks")
-		lastBlockHash := resp.BlockMetas[nBlocks-1].Hash
-		for i := nBlocks - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
-			assert.Equal(t, lastBlockHash, resp.BlockMetas[i].Header.LastBlockHash,
+			"Should see at least 4 BlockMetas after waiting for 4 blocks")
+		// For the maximum number (default to 20) of retrieved block headers,
+		// check that they correctly chain to each other.
+		lastBlockHash := resp.BlockMetas[nMetaBlocks-1].Hash
+		for i := nMetaBlocks - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
+			// the blockhash in header of height h should be identical to the hash
+			// in the LastBlockID of the header of block height h+1.
+			assert.Equal(t, lastBlockHash, resp.BlockMetas[i].Header.LastBlockID.Hash,
 				"Blockchain should be a hash tree!")
 			lastBlockHash = resp.BlockMetas[i].Hash
+		// Now retrieve only two blockheaders (h=1, and h=2) and check that we got
+		// two results.
 		resp, err = edbcli.BlockchainInfo(client, 1, 2)
 		assert.NoError(t, err)
 		assert.Equal(t, 2, len(resp.BlockMetas),
diff --git a/rpc/v0/codec.go b/rpc/v0/codec.go
index 5763c7bc710adfcc897cb581a25da5596026f27c..344c1c98f12977352419dcd1247659b0de59e4ec 100644
--- a/rpc/v0/codec.go
+++ b/rpc/v0/codec.go
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ func (this *TCodec) EncodeBytes(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
 	return wire.JSONBytes(v), nil
+// TODO: [ben] implement EncodeBytesPtr ?
 // Decode from an io.Reader.
 func (this *TCodec) Decode(v interface{}, r io.Reader) error {
 	bts, errR := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
@@ -62,3 +64,10 @@ func (this *TCodec) DecodeBytes(v interface{}, bts []byte) error {
 	wire.ReadJSON(v, bts, &err)
 	return err
+// Decode from a byte array pointer.
+func (this *TCodec) DecodeBytesPtr(v interface{}, bts []byte) error {
+	var err error
+	wire.ReadJSONPtr(v, bts, &err)
+	return err
diff --git a/rpc/v0/json_service_data_test.go b/rpc/v0/json_service_data_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96be04138a4d5399650a4ae00570049754600b88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpc/v0/json_service_data_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// Copyright 2017 Monax Industries Limited
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package rpc_v0
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"testing"
+	"github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/rpc"
+	"github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/txs"
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
+var testBroadcastCallTxJsonRequest = []byte(`
+  "id": "57EC1D39-7B3D-4F96-B286-8FC128177AFC4",
+  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+  "method": "erisdb.broadcastTx",
+  "params": [
+    2,
+    {
+      "address": "5A9083BB0EFFE4C8EB2ADD29174994F73E77D418",
+      "data": "2F2397A00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003132",
+      "fee": 1,
+      "gas_limit": 1000000,
+      "input": {
+        "address": "BE18FDCBF12BF99F4D75325E17FF2E78F1A35FE8",
+        "amount": 1,
+        "pub_key": [
+          1,
+          "8D1611925948DC2EDDF739FB65CE517757D286155A039B28441C3349BE9A8C38"
+        ],
+        "sequence": 2,
+        "signature": [
+          1,
+          "B090D622F143ECEDA9B9E7B15485CE7504453C05434951CF867B013D80ED1BD2A0CA32846FC175D234CDFB9D5C3D792759E8FE79FD4DB3006B24950EE3C37D00"
+        ]
+      }
+    }
+  ]
+// strictly test the codec for go-wire encoding of the Json format,
+// This should restore compatibility with the format on v0.11.4
+// (which was broken on v0.12)
+func TestCallTxJsonFormatCodec(t *testing.T) {
+	codec := NewTCodec()
+	param := new(txs.Tx)
+	// Create new request object and unmarshal.
+	request := &rpc.RPCRequest{}
+	assert.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(testBroadcastCallTxJsonRequest, request),
+		"Provided JSON test data does not unmarshal to rpc.RPCRequest object.")
+	assert.NoError(t, codec.DecodeBytesPtr(param, request.Params),
+		"RPC codec failed to decode params as transaction type.")
+	_, ok := (*param).(*txs.CallTx)
+	assert.True(t, ok, "Type byte 0x02 should unmarshal into CallTx.")
diff --git a/rpc/v0/methods.go b/rpc/v0/methods.go
index cc0a040aed6c92ecaf60fd8522f178457458ec3e..6a26848cc8f3a6cb38afe01b704a19d98f57c611 100644
--- a/rpc/v0/methods.go
+++ b/rpc/v0/methods.go
@@ -359,12 +359,13 @@ func (erisDbMethods *ErisDbMethods) CallCode(request *rpc.RPCRequest, requester
 func (erisDbMethods *ErisDbMethods) BroadcastTx(request *rpc.RPCRequest, requester interface{}) (interface{}, int, error) {
-	param := &txs.CallTx{}
-	err := erisDbMethods.codec.DecodeBytes(param, request.Params)
+	// Accept all transaction types as parameter for broadcast.
+	param := new(txs.Tx)
+	err := erisDbMethods.codec.DecodeBytesPtr(param, request.Params)
 	if err != nil {
 		return nil, rpc.INVALID_PARAMS, err
-	receipt, errC := erisDbMethods.pipe.Transactor().BroadcastTx(param)
+	receipt, errC := erisDbMethods.pipe.Transactor().BroadcastTx(*param)
 	if errC != nil {
 		return nil, rpc.INTERNAL_ERROR, errC
diff --git a/test/testdata/testdata/testdata.go b/rpc/v0/restServer_data_test.go
similarity index 94%
rename from test/testdata/testdata/testdata.go
rename to rpc/v0/restServer_data_test.go
index 2f212de66036c4ef868b75cb74a489602838998b..31fbaeb3b169dc78bbb76fe6700c4698843b2a4a 100644
--- a/test/testdata/testdata/testdata.go
+++ b/rpc/v0/restServer_data_test.go
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 // limitations under the License.
-package testdata
+package rpc_v0
 import (
 	account "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/account"
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import (
 	core_types "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/core/types"
 	event "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/event"
 	genesis "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/genesis"
-	rpc_v0 "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/rpc/v0"
 	transaction "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/txs"
 	mintTypes "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
@@ -558,22 +557,22 @@ type (
 	GetAccountData struct {
-		Input  *rpc_v0.AddressParam `json:"input"`
-		Output *account.Account     `json:"output"`
+		Input  *AddressParam    `json:"input"`
+		Output *account.Account `json:"output"`
 	GetAccountsData struct {
-		Input  *rpc_v0.AccountsParam   `json:"input"`
+		Input  *AccountsParam          `json:"input"`
 		Output *core_types.AccountList `json:"output"`
 	GetStorageData struct {
-		Input  *rpc_v0.AddressParam `json:"input"`
-		Output *core_types.Storage  `json:"output"`
+		Input  *AddressParam       `json:"input"`
+		Output *core_types.Storage `json:"output"`
 	GetStorageAtData struct {
-		Input  *rpc_v0.StorageAtParam  `json:"input"`
+		Input  *StorageAtParam         `json:"input"`
 		Output *core_types.StorageItem `json:"output"`
@@ -602,13 +601,13 @@ type (
 	GetBlockData struct {
-		Input  *rpc_v0.HeightParam `json:"input"`
-		Output *mintTypes.Block    `json:"output"`
+		Input  *HeightParam     `json:"input"`
+		Output *mintTypes.Block `json:"output"`
 	GetBlocksData struct {
-		Input  *rpc_v0.BlocksParam `json:"input"`
-		Output *core_types.Blocks  `json:"output"`
+		Input  *BlocksParam       `json:"input"`
+		Output *core_types.Blocks `json:"output"`
 	GetConsensusStateData struct {
@@ -644,18 +643,18 @@ type (
 	GetPeerData struct {
-		Input  *rpc_v0.PeerParam     `json:"input"`
+		Input  *PeerParam            `json:"input"`
 		Output *consensus_types.Peer `json:"output"`
 	TransactData struct {
-		Input  *rpc_v0.TransactParam `json:"input"`
-		Output *transaction.Receipt  `json:"output"`
+		Input  *TransactParam       `json:"input"`
+		Output *transaction.Receipt `json:"output"`
 	TransactCreateData struct {
-		Input  *rpc_v0.TransactParam `json:"input"`
-		Output *transaction.Receipt  `json:"output"`
+		Input  *TransactParam       `json:"input"`
+		Output *transaction.Receipt `json:"output"`
 	GetUnconfirmedTxsData struct {
@@ -663,43 +662,43 @@ type (
 	CallCodeData struct {
-		Input  *rpc_v0.CallCodeParam `json:"input"`
-		Output *core_types.Call      `json:"output"`
+		Input  *CallCodeParam   `json:"input"`
+		Output *core_types.Call `json:"output"`
 	CallData struct {
-		Input  *rpc_v0.CallParam `json:"input"`
-		Output *core_types.Call  `json:"output"`
+		Input  *CallParam       `json:"input"`
+		Output *core_types.Call `json:"output"`
 	EventSubscribeData struct {
-		Input  *rpc_v0.EventIdParam `json:"input"`
-		Output *event.EventSub      `json:"output"`
+		Input  *EventIdParam   `json:"input"`
+		Output *event.EventSub `json:"output"`
 	EventUnsubscribeData struct {
-		Input  *rpc_v0.SubIdParam `json:"input"`
-		Output *event.EventUnsub  `json:"output"`
+		Input  *SubIdParam       `json:"input"`
+		Output *event.EventUnsub `json:"output"`
 	TransactNameRegData struct {
-		Input  *rpc_v0.TransactNameRegParam `json:"input"`
-		Output *transaction.Receipt         `json:"output"`
+		Input  *TransactNameRegParam `json:"input"`
+		Output *transaction.Receipt  `json:"output"`
 	GetNameRegEntryData struct {
-		Input  *rpc_v0.NameRegEntryParam `json:"input"`
-		Output *core_types.NameRegEntry  `json:"output"`
+		Input  *NameRegEntryParam       `json:"input"`
+		Output *core_types.NameRegEntry `json:"output"`
 	GetNameRegEntriesData struct {
-		Input  *rpc_v0.FilterListParam     `json:"input"`
+		Input  *FilterListParam            `json:"input"`
 		Output *core_types.ResultListNames `json:"output"`
 		EventPollData struct {
-			Input  *rpc_v0.SubIdParam  `json:"input"`
+			Input  *SubIdParam  `json:"input"`
 			Output *event.PollResponse `json:"output"`
@@ -742,7 +741,7 @@ type (
 func LoadTestData() *TestData {
-	codec := rpc_v0.NewTCodec()
+	codec := NewTCodec()
 	testData := &TestData{}
 	if err := codec.DecodeBytes(testData, []byte(testDataJson)); err != nil {
diff --git a/test/mock/pipe.go b/rpc/v0/restServer_pipe_test.go
similarity index 91%
rename from test/mock/pipe.go
rename to rpc/v0/restServer_pipe_test.go
index f208f324cdeca39aeb43a900a6ad177f93a4f1b8..6b084b9edb23b07c8976b912cbc25a426559caf6 100644
--- a/test/mock/pipe.go
+++ b/rpc/v0/restServer_pipe_test.go
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 // limitations under the License.
-package mock
+package rpc_v0
 import (
@@ -25,19 +25,18 @@ import (
 	blockchain_types "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/blockchain/types"
 	consensus_types "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/consensus/types"
 	manager_types "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/manager/types"
-	td "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/test/testdata/testdata"
+	abci_types "github.com/tendermint/abci/types"
 	mintTypes "github.com/tendermint/tendermint/types"
-	tmsp_types "github.com/tendermint/tmsp/types"
 // Base struct.
 type MockPipe struct {
-	testData        *td.TestData
+	testData        *TestData
 	accounts        definitions.Accounts
 	blockchain      blockchain_types.Blockchain
 	consensusEngine consensus_types.ConsensusEngine
@@ -48,11 +47,11 @@ type MockPipe struct {
 // Create a new mock tendermint pipe.
-func NewMockPipe(td *td.TestData) definitions.Pipe {
+func NewMockPipe(td *TestData) definitions.Pipe {
 	return &MockPipe{
 		testData:        td,
 		accounts:        &accounts{td},
-		blockchain:      &blockchain{td},
+		blockchain:      &mockBlockchain{td},
 		consensusEngine: &consensusEngine{td},
 		events:          &eventer{td},
 		namereg:         &namereg{td},
@@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ func NewMockPipe(td *td.TestData) definitions.Pipe {
 // Create a mock pipe with default mock data.
 func NewDefaultMockPipe() definitions.Pipe {
-	return NewMockPipe(td.LoadTestData())
+	return NewMockPipe(LoadTestData())
 func (pipe *MockPipe) Accounts() definitions.Accounts {
@@ -125,7 +124,7 @@ func (pipe *MockPipe) GenesisHash() []byte {
 // Accounts
 type accounts struct {
-	testData *td.TestData
+	testData *TestData
 func (acc *accounts) GenPrivAccount() (*account.PrivAccount, error) {
@@ -153,33 +152,33 @@ func (acc *accounts) StorageAt(address, key []byte) (*core_types.StorageItem, er
 // Blockchain
-type blockchain struct {
-	testData *td.TestData
+type mockBlockchain struct {
+	testData *TestData
-func (this *blockchain) ChainId() string {
+func (this *mockBlockchain) ChainId() string {
 	return this.testData.GetChainId.Output.ChainId
-func (this *blockchain) Height() int {
+func (this *mockBlockchain) Height() int {
 	return this.testData.GetLatestBlockHeight.Output.Height
-func (this *blockchain) Block(height int) *mintTypes.Block {
+func (this *mockBlockchain) Block(height int) *mintTypes.Block {
 	return this.testData.GetBlock.Output
-func (this *blockchain) BlockMeta(height int) *mintTypes.BlockMeta {
+func (this *mockBlockchain) BlockMeta(height int) *mintTypes.BlockMeta {
 	return &mintTypes.BlockMeta{}
 // Consensus
 type consensusEngine struct {
-	testData *td.TestData
+	testData *TestData
 func (cons *consensusEngine) BroadcastTransaction(transaction []byte,
-	callback func(*tmsp_types.Response)) error {
+	callback func(*abci_types.Response)) error {
 	return nil
@@ -239,7 +238,7 @@ func (cons *consensusEngine) PeerConsensusStates() map[string]string {
 // Events
 type eventer struct {
-	testData *td.TestData
+	testData *TestData
 func (evntr *eventer) Subscribe(subId, event string, callback func(txs.EventData)) error {
@@ -252,7 +251,7 @@ func (evntr *eventer) Unsubscribe(subId string) error {
 // NameReg
 type namereg struct {
-	testData *td.TestData
+	testData *TestData
 func (nmreg *namereg) Entry(key string) (*core_types.NameRegEntry, error) {
@@ -265,7 +264,7 @@ func (nmreg *namereg) Entries(filters []*event.FilterData) (*core_types.ResultLi
 // Txs
 type transactor struct {
-	testData *td.TestData
+	testData *TestData
 func (trans *transactor) Call(fromAddress, toAddress, data []byte) (*core_types.Call, error) {
diff --git a/test/mock/mock_web_api_test.go b/rpc/v0/restServer_test.go
similarity index 97%
rename from test/mock/mock_web_api_test.go
rename to rpc/v0/restServer_test.go
index decf5796d86e96cb9b9dae1f32faec6ed45d67fd..7cdf28039bd5fd11bd5d76201961710eb7867963 100644
--- a/test/mock/mock_web_api_test.go
+++ b/rpc/v0/restServer_test.go
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 // limitations under the License.
-package mock
+package rpc_v0
 // Basic imports
 import (
@@ -29,9 +29,7 @@ import (
 	core_types "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/core/types"
 	event "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/event"
 	rpc "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/rpc"
-	rpc_v0 "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/rpc/v0"
 	server "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/server"
-	td "github.com/eris-ltd/eris-db/test/testdata/testdata"
@@ -55,18 +53,18 @@ type MockSuite struct {
 	serveProcess *server.ServeProcess
 	codec        rpc.Codec
 	sUrl         string
-	testData     *td.TestData
+	testData     *TestData
 func (mockSuite *MockSuite) SetupSuite() {
 	// Load the supporting objects.
-	testData := td.LoadTestData()
+	testData := LoadTestData()
 	pipe := NewMockPipe(testData)
-	codec := &rpc_v0.TCodec{}
+	codec := &TCodec{}
 	evtSubs := event.NewEventSubscriptions(pipe.Events())
 	// The server
-	restServer := rpc_v0.NewRestServer(codec, pipe, evtSubs)
+	restServer := NewRestServer(codec, pipe, evtSubs)
 	sConf := server.DefaultServerConfig()
 	sConf.Bind.Port = 31402
 	// Create a server process.
@@ -76,7 +74,7 @@ func (mockSuite *MockSuite) SetupSuite() {
 	mockSuite.serveProcess = proc
-	mockSuite.codec = rpc_v0.NewTCodec()
+	mockSuite.codec = NewTCodec()
 	mockSuite.testData = testData
 	mockSuite.sUrl = "http://localhost:31402"
diff --git a/util/hell/cmd/hell/main.go b/util/hell/cmd/hell/main.go
index 8fc417eec070d1a20a2f173fdbe81e5ac0d3717f..427105ba9a77e14ed02efe81e38d2b3f5d3b2739 100644
--- a/util/hell/cmd/hell/main.go
+++ b/util/hell/cmd/hell/main.go
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ func main() {
 			overrideLockFile.Imports = append(overrideLockFile.Imports, cfg.LockFromDependency(dep))
 			mergedLockFile, err := hell.MergeGlideLockFiles(baseLockFile, overrideLockFile)
-			fmt.Printf("%#v\n", mergedLockFile.Imports)
 			if err != nil {
 				msg.Die("Could not merge lock files: %s\n", err)
diff --git a/util/snatives/cmd/main.go b/util/snatives/cmd/main.go
index ddf456c21fffee141d735c56297ffe7a81709e07..0b12ba3330329ec4b3c130d5d66b094f971893f8 100644
--- a/util/snatives/cmd/main.go
+++ b/util/snatives/cmd/main.go
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ func main() {
 	contracts := vm.SNativeContracts()
 	// Index of next contract
 	i := 1
+	fmt.Print("pragma solidity >=0.0.0;\n\n")
 	for _, contract := range contracts {
 		solidity, err := templates.NewSolidityContract(contract).Solidity()
 		if err != nil {
diff --git a/util/snatives/templates/solidity_templates.go b/util/snatives/templates/solidity_templates.go
index a0c75d3d8a14ad0fb67524b33086827b01922ef4..eda2c55588632d71677aeadd5c9017bcf05c0bde 100644
--- a/util/snatives/templates/solidity_templates.go
+++ b/util/snatives/templates/solidity_templates.go
@@ -25,7 +25,10 @@ import (
 const contractTemplateText = `/**
-* @dev These functions can be accessed as if this contract were deployed at the address [[.Address]]
+* @dev These functions can be accessed as if this contract were deployed at a special address ([[.Address]]).
+* @dev This special address is defined as the last 20 bytes of the sha3 hash of the the contract name.
+* @dev To instantiate the contract use:
+* @dev [[.Name]] [[.InstanceName]] = [[.Name]](address(sha3("[[.Name]]")));
 contract [[.Name]] {[[range .Functions]]
 [[.SolidityIndent 1]]
@@ -34,7 +37,7 @@ contract [[.Name]] {[[range .Functions]]
 const functionTemplateText = `/**
-function [[.Name]]([[.ArgList]]) constant returns ([[.Return.Type]] [[.Return.Name]]);`
+function [[.Name]]([[.ArgList]]) constant returns ([[.Return.TypeName]] [[.Return.Name]]);`
 // Solidity style guide recommends 4 spaces per indentation level
 // (see: http://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/develop/style-guide.html)
@@ -67,14 +70,33 @@ type solidityFunction struct {
+// Contract
 // Create a templated solidityContract from an SNative contract description
 func NewSolidityContract(contract *vm.SNativeContractDescription) *solidityContract {
 	return &solidityContract{contract}
+func (contract *solidityContract) Comment() string {
+	return comment(contract.SNativeContractDescription.Comment)
+// Get a version of the contract name to be used for an instance of the contract
+func (contract *solidityContract) InstanceName() string {
+	// Hopefully the contract name is UpperCamelCase. If it's not, oh well, this
+	// is meant to be illustrative rather than cast iron compilable
+	instanceName := strings.ToLower(contract.Name[:1]) + contract.Name[1:]
+	if instanceName == contract.Name {
+		return "contractInstance"
+	}
+	return instanceName
 func (contract *solidityContract) Address() string {
 	return fmt.Sprintf("0x%x",
-		contract.SNativeContractDescription.Address().Postfix(20))
+		contract.SNativeContractDescription.Address())
 // Generate Solidity code for this SNative contract
@@ -96,6 +118,10 @@ func (contract *solidityContract) Functions() []*solidityFunction {
 	return solidityFunctions
+// Function
 // Create a templated solidityFunction from an SNative function description
 func NewSolidityFunction(function *vm.SNativeFunctionDescription) *solidityFunction {
 	return &solidityFunction{function}
@@ -104,7 +130,7 @@ func NewSolidityFunction(function *vm.SNativeFunctionDescription) *solidityFunct
 func (function *solidityFunction) ArgList() string {
 	argList := make([]string, len(function.Args))
 	for i, arg := range function.Args {
-		argList[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", arg.Type, arg.Name)
+		argList[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", arg.TypeName, arg.Name)
 	return strings.Join(argList, ", ")
@@ -131,9 +157,9 @@ func (function *solidityFunction) solidity(indentLevel uint) (string, error) {
 	return buf.String(), nil
-func (contract *solidityContract) Comment() string {
-	return comment(contract.SNativeContractDescription.Comment)
+// Utility
 func comment(comment string) string {
 	commentLines := make([]string, 0, 5)
diff --git a/version/version.go b/version/version.go
index 200259900e2e7d83ccf7963f0560750c2f5ca714..103c787d173a6f9b82a8aad73fd90a1266e7ad56 100644
--- a/version/version.go
+++ b/version/version.go
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ const (
 	// Minor version component of the current release
 	erisVersionMinor = 16
 	// Patch version component of the current release
-	erisVersionPatch = 1
+	erisVersionPatch = 0
 var erisVersion *VersionIdentifier
@@ -127,4 +127,4 @@ func (version *VersionIdentifier) MatchesMinorVersion(
 // IMPORTANT: Eris-DB version must be on the last line of this file for
 // the deployment script tests/build_tool.sh to pick up the right label.
-const VERSION = "0.16.1"
+const VERSION = "0.16.0"