package state import ( "bytes" "io" "io/ioutil" "time" acm "" ptypes "" . "" txs "" . "" dbm "" "" "" "" "" ) var ( stateKey = []byte("stateKey") minBondAmount = int64(1) // TODO adjust defaultAccountsCacheCapacity = 1000 // TODO adjust unbondingPeriodBlocks = int(60 * 24 * 365) // TODO probably better to make it time based. validatorTimeoutBlocks = int(10) // TODO adjust maxLoadStateElementSize = 0 // no max ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // NOTE: not goroutine-safe. type State struct { DB dbm.DB ChainID string LastBlockHeight int LastBlockHash []byte LastBlockParts types.PartSetHeader LastBlockTime time.Time // BondedValidators *types.ValidatorSet // LastBondedValidators *types.ValidatorSet // UnbondingValidators *types.ValidatorSet accounts merkle.Tree // Shouldn't be accessed directly. validatorInfos merkle.Tree // Shouldn't be accessed directly. nameReg merkle.Tree // Shouldn't be accessed directly. evc events.Fireable // typically an events.EventCache } func LoadState(db dbm.DB) *State { s := &State{DB: db} buf := db.Get(stateKey) if len(buf) == 0 { return nil } else { r, n, err := bytes.NewReader(buf), new(int), new(error) s.ChainID = wire.ReadString(r, maxLoadStateElementSize, n, err) s.LastBlockHeight = wire.ReadVarint(r, n, err) s.LastBlockHash = wire.ReadByteSlice(r, maxLoadStateElementSize, n, err) s.LastBlockParts = wire.ReadBinary(types.PartSetHeader{}, r, maxLoadStateElementSize, n, err).(types.PartSetHeader) s.LastBlockTime = wire.ReadTime(r, n, err) // s.BondedValidators = wire.ReadBinary(&types.ValidatorSet{}, r, maxLoadStateElementSize, n, err).(*types.ValidatorSet) // s.LastBondedValidators = wire.ReadBinary(&types.ValidatorSet{}, r, maxLoadStateElementSize, n, err).(*types.ValidatorSet) // s.UnbondingValidators = wire.ReadBinary(&types.ValidatorSet{}, r, maxLoadStateElementSize, n, err).(*types.ValidatorSet) accountsHash := wire.ReadByteSlice(r, maxLoadStateElementSize, n, err) s.accounts = merkle.NewIAVLTree(defaultAccountsCacheCapacity, db) s.accounts.Load(accountsHash) //validatorInfosHash := wire.ReadByteSlice(r, maxLoadStateElementSize, n, err) //s.validatorInfos = merkle.NewIAVLTree(wire.BasicCodec, types.ValidatorInfoCodec, 0, db) //s.validatorInfos.Load(validatorInfosHash) nameRegHash := wire.ReadByteSlice(r, maxLoadStateElementSize, n, err) s.nameReg = merkle.NewIAVLTree(0, db) s.nameReg.Load(nameRegHash) if *err != nil { // DATA HAS BEEN CORRUPTED OR THE SPEC HAS CHANGED Exit(Fmt("Data has been corrupted or its spec has changed: %v\n", *err)) } // TODO: ensure that buf is completely read. } return s } func (s *State) Save() { s.accounts.Save() //s.validatorInfos.Save() s.nameReg.Save() buf, n, err := new(bytes.Buffer), new(int), new(error) wire.WriteString(s.ChainID, buf, n, err) wire.WriteVarint(s.LastBlockHeight, buf, n, err) wire.WriteByteSlice(s.LastBlockHash, buf, n, err) wire.WriteBinary(s.LastBlockParts, buf, n, err) wire.WriteTime(s.LastBlockTime, buf, n, err) // wire.WriteBinary(s.BondedValidators, buf, n, err) // wire.WriteBinary(s.LastBondedValidators, buf, n, err) // wire.WriteBinary(s.UnbondingValidators, buf, n, err) wire.WriteByteSlice(s.accounts.Hash(), buf, n, err) //wire.WriteByteSlice(s.validatorInfos.Hash(), buf, n, err) wire.WriteByteSlice(s.nameReg.Hash(), buf, n, err) if *err != nil { PanicCrisis(*err) } s.DB.Set(stateKey, buf.Bytes()) } // CONTRACT: // Copy() is a cheap way to take a snapshot, // as if State were copied by value. func (s *State) Copy() *State { return &State{ DB: s.DB, ChainID: s.ChainID, LastBlockHeight: s.LastBlockHeight, LastBlockHash: s.LastBlockHash, LastBlockParts: s.LastBlockParts, LastBlockTime: s.LastBlockTime, // BondedValidators: s.BondedValidators.Copy(), // TODO remove need for Copy() here. // LastBondedValidators: s.LastBondedValidators.Copy(), // That is, make updates to the validator set // UnbondingValidators: s.UnbondingValidators.Copy(), // copy the valSet lazily. accounts: s.accounts.Copy(), //validatorInfos: s.validatorInfos.Copy(), nameReg: s.nameReg.Copy(), evc: nil, } } // Returns a hash that represents the state data, excluding Last* func (s *State) Hash() []byte { return merkle.SimpleHashFromMap(map[string]interface{}{ //"BondedValidators": s.BondedValidators, //"UnbondingValidators": s.UnbondingValidators, "Accounts": s.accounts, //"ValidatorInfos": s.validatorInfos, "NameRegistry": s.nameReg, }) } /* //XXX Done by tendermint core // Mutates the block in place and updates it with new state hash. func (s *State) ComputeBlockStateHash(block *types.Block) error { sCopy := s.Copy() // sCopy has no event cache in it, so this won't fire events err := execBlock(sCopy, block, types.PartSetHeader{}) if err != nil { return err } // Set block.StateHash block.StateHash = sCopy.Hash() return nil } */ func (s *State) SetDB(db dbm.DB) { s.DB = db } //------------------------------------- // State.params func (s *State) GetGasLimit() int64 { return 1000000 // TODO } // State.params //------------------------------------- // State.accounts // Returns nil if account does not exist with given address. // Implements Statelike func (s *State) GetAccount(address []byte) *acm.Account { _, accBytes, _ := s.accounts.Get(address) if accBytes == nil { return nil } return acm.DecodeAccount(accBytes) } // The account is copied before setting, so mutating it // afterwards has no side effects. // Implements Statelike func (s *State) UpdateAccount(account *acm.Account) bool { return s.accounts.Set(account.Address, acm.EncodeAccount(account)) } // Implements Statelike func (s *State) RemoveAccount(address []byte) bool { _, removed := s.accounts.Remove(address) return removed } // The returned Account is a copy, so mutating it // has no side effects. func (s *State) GetAccounts() merkle.Tree { return s.accounts.Copy() } // Set the accounts tree func (s *State) SetAccounts(accounts merkle.Tree) { s.accounts = accounts } // State.accounts //------------------------------------- // State.validators // XXX: now handled by tendermint core /* // The returned ValidatorInfo is a copy, so mutating it // has no side effects. func (s *State) GetValidatorInfo(address []byte) *types.ValidatorInfo { _, valInfo := s.validatorInfos.Get(address) if valInfo == nil { return nil } return valInfo.(*types.ValidatorInfo).Copy() } // Returns false if new, true if updated. // The valInfo is copied before setting, so mutating it // afterwards has no side effects. func (s *State) SetValidatorInfo(valInfo *types.ValidatorInfo) (updated bool) { return s.validatorInfos.Set(valInfo.Address, valInfo.Copy()) } func (s *State) GetValidatorInfos() merkle.Tree { return s.validatorInfos.Copy() } func (s *State) unbondValidator(val *types.Validator) { // Move validator to UnbondingValidators val, removed := s.BondedValidators.Remove(val.Address) if !removed { PanicCrisis("Couldn't remove validator for unbonding") } val.UnbondHeight = s.LastBlockHeight + 1 added := s.UnbondingValidators.Add(val) if !added { PanicCrisis("Couldn't add validator for unbonding") } } func (s *State) rebondValidator(val *types.Validator) { // Move validator to BondingValidators val, removed := s.UnbondingValidators.Remove(val.Address) if !removed { PanicCrisis("Couldn't remove validator for rebonding") } val.BondHeight = s.LastBlockHeight + 1 added := s.BondedValidators.Add(val) if !added { PanicCrisis("Couldn't add validator for rebonding") } } func (s *State) releaseValidator(val *types.Validator) { // Update validatorInfo valInfo := s.GetValidatorInfo(val.Address) if valInfo == nil { PanicSanity("Couldn't find validatorInfo for release") } valInfo.ReleasedHeight = s.LastBlockHeight + 1 s.SetValidatorInfo(valInfo) // Send coins back to UnbondTo outputs accounts, err := getOrMakeOutputs(s, nil, valInfo.UnbondTo) if err != nil { PanicSanity("Couldn't get or make unbondTo accounts") } adjustByOutputs(accounts, valInfo.UnbondTo) for _, acc := range accounts { s.UpdateAccount(acc) } // Remove validator from UnbondingValidators _, removed := s.UnbondingValidators.Remove(val.Address) if !removed { PanicCrisis("Couldn't remove validator for release") } } func (s *State) destroyValidator(val *types.Validator) { // Update validatorInfo valInfo := s.GetValidatorInfo(val.Address) if valInfo == nil { PanicSanity("Couldn't find validatorInfo for release") } valInfo.DestroyedHeight = s.LastBlockHeight + 1 valInfo.DestroyedAmount = val.VotingPower s.SetValidatorInfo(valInfo) // Remove validator _, removed := s.BondedValidators.Remove(val.Address) if !removed { _, removed := s.UnbondingValidators.Remove(val.Address) if !removed { PanicCrisis("Couldn't remove validator for destruction") } } } // Set the validator infos tree func (s *State) SetValidatorInfos(validatorInfos merkle.Tree) { s.validatorInfos = validatorInfos } */ // State.validators //------------------------------------- // func (s *State) LoadStorage(hash []byte) (storage merkle.Tree) { storage = merkle.NewIAVLTree(1024, s.DB) storage.Load(hash) return storage } // //------------------------------------- // State.nameReg func (s *State) GetNameRegEntry(name string) *txs.NameRegEntry { _, valueBytes, _ := s.nameReg.Get([]byte(name)) if valueBytes == nil { return nil } return DecodeNameRegEntry(valueBytes) } func DecodeNameRegEntry(entryBytes []byte) *txs.NameRegEntry { var n int var err error value := NameRegCodec.Decode(bytes.NewBuffer(entryBytes), &n, &err) return value.(*txs.NameRegEntry) } func (s *State) UpdateNameRegEntry(entry *txs.NameRegEntry) bool { w := new(bytes.Buffer) var n int var err error NameRegCodec.Encode(entry, w, &n, &err) return s.nameReg.Set([]byte(entry.Name), w.Bytes()) } func (s *State) RemoveNameRegEntry(name string) bool { _, removed := s.nameReg.Remove([]byte(name)) return removed } func (s *State) GetNames() merkle.Tree { return s.nameReg.Copy() } // Set the name reg tree func (s *State) SetNameReg(nameReg merkle.Tree) { s.nameReg = nameReg } func NameRegEncoder(o interface{}, w io.Writer, n *int, err *error) { wire.WriteBinary(o.(*txs.NameRegEntry), w, n, err) } func NameRegDecoder(r io.Reader, n *int, err *error) interface{} { return wire.ReadBinary(&txs.NameRegEntry{}, r, txs.MaxDataLength, n, err) } var NameRegCodec = wire.Codec{ Encode: NameRegEncoder, Decode: NameRegDecoder, } // State.nameReg //------------------------------------- // Implements events.Eventable. Typically uses events.EventCache func (s *State) SetFireable(evc events.Fireable) { s.evc = evc } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Genesis func MakeGenesisStateFromFile(db dbm.DB, genDocFile string) (*GenesisDoc, *State) { jsonBlob, err := ioutil.ReadFile(genDocFile) if err != nil { Exit(Fmt("Couldn't read GenesisDoc file: %v", err)) } genDoc := GenesisDocFromJSON(jsonBlob) return genDoc, MakeGenesisState(db, genDoc) } func MakeGenesisState(db dbm.DB, genDoc *GenesisDoc) *State { if len(genDoc.Validators) == 0 { Exit(Fmt("The genesis file has no validators")) } if genDoc.GenesisTime.IsZero() { genDoc.GenesisTime = time.Now() } // Make accounts state tree accounts := merkle.NewIAVLTree(defaultAccountsCacheCapacity, db) for _, genAcc := range genDoc.Accounts { perm := ptypes.ZeroAccountPermissions if genAcc.Permissions != nil { perm = *genAcc.Permissions } acc := &acm.Account{ Address: genAcc.Address, PubKey: nil, Sequence: 0, Balance: genAcc.Amount, Permissions: perm, } accounts.Set(acc.Address, acm.EncodeAccount(acc)) } // global permissions are saved as the 0 address // so they are included in the accounts tree globalPerms := ptypes.DefaultAccountPermissions if genDoc.Params != nil && genDoc.Params.GlobalPermissions != nil { globalPerms = *genDoc.Params.GlobalPermissions // XXX: make sure the set bits are all true // Without it the HasPermission() functions will fail globalPerms.Base.SetBit = ptypes.AllPermFlags } permsAcc := &acm.Account{ Address: ptypes.GlobalPermissionsAddress, PubKey: nil, Sequence: 0, Balance: 1337, Permissions: globalPerms, } accounts.Set(permsAcc.Address, acm.EncodeAccount(permsAcc)) // Make validatorInfos state tree && validators slice /* validatorInfos := merkle.NewIAVLTree(wire.BasicCodec, types.ValidatorInfoCodec, 0, db) validators := make([]*types.Validator, len(genDoc.Validators)) for i, val := range genDoc.Validators { pubKey := val.PubKey address := pubKey.Address() // Make ValidatorInfo valInfo := &types.ValidatorInfo{ Address: address, PubKey: pubKey, UnbondTo: make([]*types.TxOutput, len(val.UnbondTo)), FirstBondHeight: 0, FirstBondAmount: val.Amount, } for i, unbondTo := range val.UnbondTo { valInfo.UnbondTo[i] = &types.TxOutput{ Address: unbondTo.Address, Amount: unbondTo.Amount, } } validatorInfos.Set(address, valInfo) // Make validator validators[i] = &types.Validator{ Address: address, PubKey: pubKey, VotingPower: val.Amount, } } */ // Make namereg tree nameReg := merkle.NewIAVLTree(0, db) // TODO: add names, contracts to genesis.json // IAVLTrees must be persisted before copy operations. accounts.Save() //validatorInfos.Save() nameReg.Save() return &State{ DB: db, ChainID: genDoc.ChainID, LastBlockHeight: 0, LastBlockHash: nil, LastBlockParts: types.PartSetHeader{}, LastBlockTime: genDoc.GenesisTime, //BondedValidators: types.NewValidatorSet(validators), //LastBondedValidators: types.NewValidatorSet(nil), //UnbondingValidators: types.NewValidatorSet(nil), accounts: accounts, //validatorInfos: validatorInfos, nameReg: nameReg, } }