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Release of eris-db v0.12.0-rc3:

This release marks the start of Eris-DB as the full permissioned blockchain node
 of the Eris platform with the Tendermint permissioned consensus engine.
 This involved significant refactoring of almost all parts of the code,
 but provides a solid foundation to build the next generation of advanced
 permissioned smart contract blockchains.

 Many changes are under the hood but here are the main externally
 visible changes:

- Features and improvements
  - Upgrade to Tendermint 0.6.0 in-process consensus
  - Support DELEGATECALL opcode in Ethereum Virtual Machine (important for solidity library calls)
  - ARM support
  - Docker image size reduced
  - Introduction of eris-client companion library for interacting with eris:db
  - Improved single configuration file for all components written by eris-cm
  - Allow multiple event subscriptions from same host under rpc/tendermint

- Tool changes
  - Use glide instead of godeps for dependencies

- Testing
  - integration tests over simulated RPC calls
  - significantly improved unit tests
  - the ethereum virtual machine and the consensus engine are now top-level
  components and are exposed to continuous integration tests

- Bugfixes (incomplete list)
  - [EVM] Fix calculation of child CALL gaslimit (allowing solidity library calls to work properly)
  - [RPC/v0] Fix blocking event subscription in transactAndHold (preventing return in Javascript libraries)
  - [Blockchain] Fix getBlocks to respect block height cap