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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at */

// this file is an abstraction around "primary identity authority" support,
// specifically checks and a cache to see if a primary supports browserid
// natively.

https = require('https'),
logger = require('./logging.js').logger,
jwcrypto = require("jwcrypto"),
config = require("./configuration.js"),
secrets = require("./secrets.js");
// alg

// Protect from stack overflows and network DDOS attacks

const HOSTNAME = urlparse(config.get('public_url')).host;

var g_shim_cache = {};

try {
  const PUBLIC_KEY = secrets.loadPublicKey();
  if (typeof PUBLIC_KEY !== 'object') throw "secrets.loadPublicKey() returns non-object, load failure";
} catch(e){
  logger.error("can't read public key, exiting: " + e);
  setTimeout(function() { process.exit(1); }, 0);

// This becomes async
function parseWellKnownBody(body, domain, delegates, cb) {
    var v = JSON.parse(body);
  } catch(e) {
    return process.nextTick(function() {
      if (cb) cb("malformed declaration of support for '" + domain + "': " + e.toString());
  const want = [ 'public-key', 'authentication', 'provisioning' ];
Austin King's avatar
Austin King committed

  var got = [];
  if (typeof v === 'object') {
    got = Object.keys(v);
  var bail = false;
  got.forEach(function (k) {
    if ('authority' === k) {
      // Recursion
      var dels = Object.keys(delegates);
      if (delegates[domain] !== undefined) {
        // return to break out of function, but callbacks are actual program flow
        bail = true;
        return cb("Circular reference in delegating authority " + JSON.stringify(delegates));
      if (Object.keys(delegates).length > MAX_AUTHORITY_DELEGATIONS) {
        bail = true;
        return cb("Too many hops while delegating authority " + JSON.stringify(dels));
      logger.debug(domain + ' is delegating to ' + v[k]);
      // recurse into low level get /.well-known/browserid and parse again?
      // If everything goes well, finally call our original callback
      delegates[domain] = dels.length;
      getWellKnown(v[k], delegates, function (err, nbody, ndomain, ndelegates) {
        if (err) {
          bail = true;
          return cb(err);
        parseWellKnownBody(nbody, ndomain, ndelegates, cb);
      bail = true;;
  if (bail) return;
    if (-1 === got.indexOf(k)) {
  if (bail) {
    return cb("missing required key: " + missing_keys.join(', '));
  // Allow SHIMMED_PRIMARIES to change into
  var url_prefix = 'https://' + domain;
  if (g_shim_cache[domain]) {
    url_prefix = g_shim_cache[domain].origin;

    auth: url_prefix + v.authentication,
    prov: url_prefix + v.provisioning,

  // validate the urls

  // parse the public key
    publicKey: jwcrypto.loadPublicKeyFromObject(v['public-key']),
// Support "shimmed primaries" for local development.  That is an environment variable that is any number of
// CSV values of the form:
//  <domain>|<origin>|<path to .well-known/browserid>,
// where 'domain' is the domain that we would like to shim.  'origin' is the origin to which traffic should
// be directed, and 'path to .well-known/browserid' is a path to the browserid file for the domain
// defining this env var will pre-seed the cache so local testing can take place.  example:
if (process.env['SHIMMED_PRIMARIES']) {
  var shims = process.env['SHIMMED_PRIMARIES'].split(',');
  shims.forEach(function(shim) {
    var a = shim.split('|');
    var domain = a[0], origin = a[1], path = a[2];
    var body = require('fs').readFileSync(path);
    g_shim_cache[domain] = {
      origin: origin,
      body: body"inserted primary info for '" + domain + "' into cache, TODO point at '" + origin + "'");
var getWellKnown = function (domain, delegates, cb) {
  // called when we fail to fetch well-known.  Looks in configuration for proxyidp
  // configuration, if that exists, it's as if a delegation of authority existed.
  function handleProxyIDP() {
    if (config.has('proxy_idps')) {
      var proxyIDPs = config.get('proxy_idps');
      if (proxyIDPs.hasOwnProperty(domain)) {
        var generatedBody = JSON.stringify({
          authority: proxyIDPs[domain]
        cb(null, generatedBody, domain, delegates);
      } else {
        cb(null, false, null);
      logger.debug(domain + ' is not a browserid primary - non-200 response code to ' + WELL_KNOWN_URL);
    if (res.headers['content-type'].indexOf('application/json') !== 0) {
      logger.debug(domain + ' is not a browserid primary - non "application/json" response to ' + WELL_KNOWN_URL);

    var body = "";
    res.on('data', function(chunk) { body += chunk; });
    res.on('end', function() {
      cb(null, body, domain, delegates);
  if (g_shim_cache[domain]) {
    return cb(null, g_shim_cache[domain].body, domain, delegates);
  // now we need to check to see if domain purports to being a primary
  // for browserid
  var httpProxy = config.has('http_proxy') ? config.get('http_proxy') : null;

  var req;
  if (httpProxy && httpProxy.port && {
    // In production we use Squid as a reverse proxy cache to reduce how often
    // we request this resource.
    req = http.get({
      port: httpProxy.port,
      path: 'https://' + domain + WELL_KNOWN_URL,
      headers: {
        host: domain
    }, handleResponse);
  } else {
    req = https.get({
      host: domain,
      path: WELL_KNOWN_URL,
      agent: false
    }, handleResponse);

  req.on('error', function(e) {
    logger.debug(domain + ' is not a browserid primary: ' + e.toString());
exports.checkSupport = function(domain, cb, delegates) {

  // Delegates will be populatd via recursion to detect cycles
  if (! delegates) {
    delegates = {};
  if (!cb) throw "missing required callback function";

  if (config.get('disable_primary_support')) {
    return process.nextTick(function() { cb(null, false); });

  if (typeof domain !== 'string' || !domain.length) {
    return process.nextTick(function() { cb("invalid domain"); });
  getWellKnown(domain, delegates, function (err, body, domain, cbdelegates) {
    if (err) {
      return cb(err);
    } else {
Austin King's avatar
Austin King committed
      if (! body) {
        return cb(null, null, null);

        var r = parseWellKnownBody(body, domain, cbdelegates, function (err, r) {
          if (err) {
          } else {
   + ' is a valid browserid primary');
            return cb(null, r.urls, r.publicKey);


      } catch(e) {
        var msg = domain + ' is a broken browserid primary, malformed dec of support: ' + e.toString();
        return cb(msg);
exports.getPublicKey = function(domain, cb) {
  exports.checkSupport(domain, function(err, urls, publicKey) {
    if (publicKey === null) {
      return cb("can't get public key for " + domain);
    cb(err, publicKey);
// Does emailDomain actual delegate to the issuingDomain?
exports.delegatesAuthority = function (emailDomain, issuingDomain, cb) {
  exports.checkSupport(emailDomain, function(err, urls, publicKey) {
    // Check http or https://{issuingDomain}/some/sign_in_path
    if (! err && urls && urls.auth &&
        urls.auth.indexOf('://' + issuingDomain + '/') !== -1) {

// verify an assertion generated to authenticate to browserid
exports.verifyAssertion = function(assertion, cb) {
  if (config.get('disable_primary_support')) {
    return process.nextTick(function() { cb("primary support disabled") });

  var getRoot = function(issuer, next) {
    // allow assertions rooted in certs issued by us.  this occurs in the proxy_idp case
    // where we sign assertions for other domains.
    } else {
      exports.getPublicKey(issuer, function(err, pubKey) {
        if (err) return next(err);
        next(null, pubKey);
  // verify the assertion bundle
  var now = new Date();
  jwcrypto.cert.verifyBundle(assertion, now, getRoot, function(err, certParamsArray, payload, assertionParams) {
    if (err) return cb(err);
    // for now, to be extra safe, we don't allow cert chains
    if (certParamsArray.length > 1)
      return cb("certificate chaining is not yet allowed");
    // audience must be browserid itself
    var want = urlparse(config.get('public_url')).originOnly();
    var got = urlparse(assertionParams.audience).originOnly();

    if (want.toString() !== got.toString()) {
      return cb("can't log in with an assertion for '" + got.toString() + "'");
    // all is well, get the principal from the last cert
    cb(null, certParamsArray[certParamsArray.length-1];