// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dependency_validator;
import '../entrypoint.dart';
import '../hosted_source.dart';
import '../http.dart';
import '../package.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import '../validator.dart';
import '../version.dart';
/// A validator that validates a package's dependencies.
class DependencyValidator extends Validator {
DependencyValidator(Entrypoint entrypoint)
: super(entrypoint);
Future validate() {
return Futures.forEach(entrypoint.root.pubspec.dependencies, (dependency) {
if (dependency.source is! HostedSource) {
return _warnAboutSource(dependency);
if ( == {
warnings.add('You don\'t need to explicitly depend on your own '
'Pub enables "package:${}" imports '
return new Future.immediate(null);
if (dependency.constraint.isAny &&
// TODO(nweiz): once we have development dependencies (issue 5358), we
// should warn about unittest. Until then, it's reasonable not to put
// a constraint on it. != 'unittest') {
return _warnAboutConstraint(dependency);
return new Future.immediate(null);
/// Warn that dependencies should use the hosted source.
Future _warnAboutSource(PackageRef ref) {
return entrypoint.cache.sources['hosted']
.catchError((e) => <Version>[])
.then((versions) {
var constraint;
var primary = Version.primary(versions);
if (primary != null) {
constraint = _constraintForVersion(primary);
} else {
constraint = ref.constraint.toString();
if (!ref.constraint.isAny && ref.constraint is! Version) {
constraint = '"$constraint"';
warnings.add('Don\'t depend on "${}" from the ${} '
'source. Use the hosted source instead. For example:\n'
' ${}: $constraint\n'
'Using the hosted source ensures that everyone can download your '
'package\'s dependencies along with your package.');
/// Warn that dependencies should have version constraints.
Future _warnAboutConstraint(PackageRef ref) {
return entrypoint.loadLockFile().then((lockFile) {
var message = 'Your dependency on "${}" should have a version '
var locked = lockFile.packages[];
if (locked != null) {
message = '$message For example:\n'
' ${}: ${_constraintForVersion(locked.version)}\n';
"Without a constraint, you're promising to support all future "
"versions of ${}.");
/// Returns the suggested version constraint for a dependency that was tested
/// against [version].
String _constraintForVersion(Version version) {
if (version.major != 0) return '">=$version <${version.major + 1}.0.0"';
return '">=$version <${version.major}.${version.minor}.'
'${version.patch + 1}"';