// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub.global_packages;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'barback/asset_environment.dart';
import 'executable.dart' as exe;
import 'io.dart';
import 'lock_file.dart';
import 'log.dart' as log;
import 'package.dart';
import 'pubspec.dart';
import 'system_cache.dart';
import 'solver/version_solver.dart';
import 'source/cached.dart';
import 'source/path.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
import 'version.dart';
/// Maintains the set of packages that have been globally activated.
/// These have been hand-chosen by the user to make their executables in bin/
/// available to the entire system. This lets them access them even when the
/// current working directory is not inside another entrypoint package.
/// Only one version of a given package name can be globally activated at a
/// time. Activating a different version of a package will deactivate the
/// previous one.
/// This handles packages from uncached and cached sources a little differently.
/// For a cached source, the package is physically in the user's pub cache and
/// we don't want to mess with it by putting a lockfile in there. Instead, when
/// we activate the package, we create a full lockfile and put it in the
/// "global_packages" directory. It's named "<package>.lock". Unlike a normal
/// lockfile, it also contains an entry for the root package itself, so that we
/// know the version and description that was activated.
/// Uncached packages (i.e. "path" packages) are somewhere else on the user's
/// local file system and can have a lockfile directly in place. (And, in fact,
/// we want to ensure we honor the user's lockfile there.) To activate it, we
/// just need to know where that package directory is. For that, we create a
/// lockfile that *only* contains the root package's [PackageId] -- basically
/// just the path to the directory where the real lockfile lives.
class GlobalPackages {
/// The [SystemCache] containing the global packages.
final SystemCache cache;
/// The directory where the lockfiles for activated packages are stored.
String get _directory => p.join(cache.rootDir, "global_packages");
/// Creates a new global package registry backed by the given directory on
/// the user's file system.
/// The directory may not physically exist yet. If not, this will create it
/// when needed.
/// Caches the package located in the Git repository [repo] and makes it the
/// active global version.
Future activateGit(String repo) async {
var source = cache.sources["git"] as GitSource;
var name = await source.getPackageNameFromRepo(repo);
// Call this just to log what the current active package is, if any.
// TODO(nweiz): Add some special handling for git repos that contain path
// dependencies. Their executables shouldn't be cached, and there should
// be a mechanism for redoing dependency resolution if a path pubspec has
// changed (see also issue 20499).
await _installInCache(
new PackageDep(name, "git", VersionConstraint.any, repo));
/// Finds the latest version of the hosted package with [name] that matches
/// [constraint] and makes it the active global version.
Future activateHosted(String name, VersionConstraint constraint) {
return _installInCache(new PackageDep(name, "hosted", constraint, name));
/// Makes the local package at [path] globally active.
Future activatePath(String path) async {
var entrypoint = new Entrypoint(path, cache);
// Get the package's dependencies.
await entrypoint.ensureLockFileIsUpToDate();
var name =;
// Call this just to log what the current active package is, if any.
// Write a lockfile that points to the local package.
var fullPath = canonicalize(entrypoint.root.dir);
var id = new PackageId(name, "path", entrypoint.root.version,
// TODO(rnystrom): Look in "bin" and display list of binaries that
// user can run.
_writeLockFile(name, new LockFile([id]));
var binDir = p.join(_directory, name, 'bin');
if (dirExists(binDir)) deleteEntry(binDir);
/// Installs the package [dep] and its dependencies into the system cache.
Future _installInCache(PackageDep dep) async {
var source = cache.sources[dep.source];
// Create a dummy package with just [dep] so we can do resolution on it.
var root = new Package.inMemory(new Pubspec("pub global activate",
dependencies: [dep], sources: cache.sources));
// Resolve it and download its dependencies.
var result = await resolveVersions(SolveType.GET, cache.sources, root);
if (!result.succeeded) {
// If the package specified by the user doesn't exist, we want to
// surface that as a [DataError] with the associated exit code.
if (result.error.package != throw result.error;
if (result.error is NoVersionException) dataError(result.error.message);
throw result.error;
// Make sure all of the dependencies are locally installed.
var ids = await Future.wait(;
var lockFile = new LockFile(ids);
// Load the package graph from [result] so we don't need to re-parse all
// the pubspecs.
var graph = await new Entrypoint.inMemory(root, lockFile, cache)
await _precompileExecutables(graph.entrypoint,;
_writeLockFile(, lockFile);
/// Precompiles the executables for [package] and saves them in the global
/// cache.
Future _precompileExecutables(Entrypoint entrypoint, String package) {
return log.progress("Precompiling executables", () {
var binDir = p.join(_directory, package, 'bin');
return AssetEnvironment.create(entrypoint, BarbackMode.RELEASE,
useDart2JS: false).then((environment) {
environment.barback.errors.listen((error) {
log.error("Build error:\n$error"));
return environment.precompileExecutables(package, binDir);
/// Downloads [id] into the system cache if it's a cached package.
/// Returns the resolved [PackageId] for [id].
Future<PackageId> _cacheDependency(PackageId id) async {
var source = cache.sources[id.source];
if (!id.isRoot && source is CachedSource) {
await source.downloadToSystemCache(id);
return source.resolveId(id);
/// Finishes activating package [package] by saving [lockFile] in the cache.
void _writeLockFile(String package, LockFile lockFile) {
ensureDir(p.join(_directory, package));
// TODO(nweiz): This cleans up Dart 1.6's old lockfile location. Remove it
// when Dart 1.6 is old enough that we don't think anyone will have these
// lockfiles anymore (issue 20703).
var oldPath = p.join(_directory, "$package.lock");
if (fileExists(oldPath)) deleteEntry(oldPath);
lockFile.serialize(cache.rootDir, cache.sources));
var id = lockFile.packages[package];
log.message('Activated ${_formatPackage(id)}.');
/// Shows the user the currently active package with [name], if any.
void _describeActive(String name) {
var lockFile = new LockFile.load(_getLockFilePath(name), cache.sources);
var id = lockFile.packages[name];
if (id.source == 'git') {
var url = GitSource.urlFromDescription(id.description);
log.message('Package ${log.bold(name)} is currently active from Git '
'repository "${url}".');
} else if (id.source == 'path') {
var path = PathSource.pathFromDescription(id.description);
log.message('Package ${log.bold(name)} is currently active at path '
log.message('Package ${log.bold(name)} is currently active at version '
// If we couldn't read the lock file, it's not activated.
return null;
/// Deactivates a previously-activated package named [name].
/// If [logDeactivate] is true, displays to the user when a package is
/// deactivated. Otherwise, deactivates silently.
/// Returns `false` if no package with [name] was currently active.
bool deactivate(String name, {bool logDeactivate: false}) {
var dir = p.join(_directory, name);
if (!dirExists(dir)) return false;
if (logDeactivate) {
var lockFile = new LockFile.load(_getLockFilePath(name), cache.sources);
var id = lockFile.packages[name];
log.message('Deactivated package ${_formatPackage(id)}.');
return true;
/// Finds the active package with [name].
/// Returns an [Entrypoint] loaded with the active package if found.
Future<Entrypoint> find(String name) {
// TODO(rnystrom): Use async/await here when on __ catch is supported.
// See:
var lockFilePath = _getLockFilePath(name);
var lockFile;
lockFile = new LockFile.load(lockFilePath, cache.sources);
var oldLockFilePath = p.join(_directory, '$name.lock');
try {
// TODO(nweiz): This looks for Dart 1.6's old lockfile location.
// Remove it when Dart 1.6 is old enough that we don't think anyone
// will have these lockfiles anymore (issue 20703).
lockFile = new LockFile.load(oldLockFilePath, cache.sources);
} on IOException catch (error) {
// If we couldn't read the lock file, it's not activated.
dataError("No active package ${log.bold(name)}.");
// Move the old lockfile to its new location.
new File(oldLockFilePath).renameSync(lockFilePath);
// Load the package from the cache.
var id = lockFile.packages[name];
var source = cache.sources[id.source];
if (source is CachedSource) {
// For cached sources, the package itself is in the cache and the
// lockfile is the one we just loaded.
return cache.sources[id.source].getDirectory(id)
.then((dir) => new Package.load(name, dir, cache.sources))
.then((package) {
return new Entrypoint.inMemory(package, lockFile, cache);
// For uncached sources (i.e. path), the ID just points to the real
// directory for the package.
assert(id.source == "path");
return new Entrypoint(PathSource.pathFromDescription(id.description),
/// Runs [package]'s [executable] with [args].
/// If [executable] is available in its precompiled form, that will be
/// recompiled if the SDK has been upgraded since it was first compiled and
/// then run. Otherwise, it will be run from source.
/// Returns the exit code from the executable.
Future<int> runExecutable(String package, String executable,
Iterable<String> args) {
var binDir = p.join(_directory, package, 'bin');
if (!fileExists(p.join(binDir, '$executable.dart.snapshot'))) {
return find(package).then((entrypoint) {
return exe.runExecutable(entrypoint, package, executable, args,
isGlobal: true);
// Unless the user overrides the verbosity, we want to filter out the
// normal pub output shown while loading the environment.
if (log.verbosity == log.Verbosity.NORMAL) {
log.verbosity = log.Verbosity.WARNING;
var snapshotPath = p.join(binDir, '$executable.dart.snapshot');
return exe.runSnapshot(snapshotPath, args, recompile: () {
log.fine("$package:$executable is out of date and needs to be "
return find(package)
.then((entrypoint) => entrypoint.loadPackageGraph())
.then((graph) => _precompileExecutables(graph.entrypoint, package));
/// Gets the path to the lock file for an activated cached package with
/// [name].
String _getLockFilePath(String name) =>
p.join(_directory, name, "pubspec.lock");
/// Shows to the user formatted list of globally activated packages.
void listActivePackages() {
if (!dirExists(_directory)) return;
// Loads lock [file] and returns [PackageId] of the activated package.
loadPackageId(file, name) {
var lockFile = new LockFile.load(p.join(_directory, file), cache.sources);
return lockFile.packages[name];
var packages = listDir(_directory).map((entry) {
if (fileExists(entry)) {
return loadPackageId(entry, p.basenameWithoutExtension(entry));
} else {
return loadPackageId(p.join(entry, 'pubspec.lock'), p.basename(entry));
..sort((id1, id2) =>
..forEach((id) => log.message(_formatPackage(id)));
/// Returns formatted string representing the package [id].
String _formatPackage(PackageId id) {
if (id.source == 'git') {
var url = GitSource.urlFromDescription(id.description);
return '${log.bold(} ${id.version} from Git repository "$url"';
} else if (id.source == 'path') {
var path = PathSource.pathFromDescription(id.description);
return '${log.bold(} ${id.version} at path "$path"';
} else {
return '${log.bold(} ${id.version}';