nweiz@google.com authored
This also makes "pub cache repair" repair activated packages, including updating the binstub format. R=rnystrom@google.com BUG=21463 Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org//745153002 git-svn-id: https://dart.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge@42055 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
log.dart 15.88 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Message logging.
library pub.log;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import 'exceptions.dart';
import 'io.dart';
import 'progress.dart';
import 'transcript.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// The singleton instance so that we can have a nice api like:
/// log.json.error(...);
final json = new _JsonLogger();
/// The current logging verbosity.
Verbosity verbosity = Verbosity.NORMAL;
/// Whether or not to log entries with prejudice.
bool withPrejudice = false;
/// In cases where there's a ton of log spew, make sure we don't eat infinite
/// memory.
/// This can occur when the backtracking solver stumbles into a pathological
/// dependency graph. It generally will find a solution, but it may log
/// thousands and thousands of entries to get there.
const _MAX_TRANSCRIPT = 10000;
/// The list of recorded log messages. Will only be recorded if
/// [recordTranscript()] is called.
Transcript<Entry> _transcript;
/// All currently-running progress indicators.
final _progresses = new Set<Progress>();
/// The currently-animated progress indicator, if any.
/// This will also be in [_progresses].
Progress _animatedProgress;
final _cyan = getSpecial('\u001b[36m');
final _green = getSpecial('\u001b[32m');
final _magenta = getSpecial('\u001b[35m');
final _red = getSpecial('\u001b[31m');
final _yellow = getSpecial('\u001b[33m');
final _gray = getSpecial('\u001b[1;30m');
final _none = getSpecial('\u001b[0m');
final _noColor = getSpecial('\u001b[39m');
final _bold = getSpecial('\u001b[1m');
/// An enum type for defining the different logging levels a given message can
/// be associated with.
/// By default, [ERROR] and [WARNING] messages are printed to sterr. [MESSAGE]
/// messages are printed to stdout, and others are ignored.
class Level {
/// An error occurred and an operation could not be completed.
/// Usually shown to the user on stderr.
static const ERROR = const Level._("ERR ");
/// Something unexpected happened, but the program was able to continue,
/// though possibly in a degraded fashion.
static const WARNING = const Level._("WARN");
/// A message intended specifically to be shown to the user.
static const MESSAGE = const Level._("MSG ");
/// Some interaction with the external world occurred, such as a network
/// operation, process spawning, or file IO.
static const IO = const Level._("IO ");
/// Incremental output during pub's version constraint solver.
static const SOLVER = const Level._("SLVR");
/// Fine-grained and verbose additional information.
/// Used to provide program state context for other logs (such as what pub
/// was doing when an IO operation occurred) or just more detail for an
/// operation.
static const FINE = const Level._("FINE");
const Level._(this.name);
final String name;
String toString() => name;
typedef _LogFn(Entry entry);
/// An enum type to control which log levels are displayed and how they are
/// displayed.
class Verbosity {
/// Silence all logging.
static const NONE = const Verbosity._("none", const {
Level.ERROR: null,
Level.WARNING: null,
Level.MESSAGE: null,
Level.IO: null,
Level.SOLVER: null,
Level.FINE: null
/// Shows only errors and warnings.
static const WARNING = const Verbosity._("warning", const {
Level.ERROR: _logToStderr,
Level.WARNING: _logToStderr,
Level.MESSAGE: null,
Level.IO: null,
Level.SOLVER: null,
Level.FINE: null
/// The default verbosity which shows errors, warnings, and messages.
static const NORMAL = const Verbosity._("normal", const {
Level.ERROR: _logToStderr,
Level.WARNING: _logToStderr,
Level.MESSAGE: _logToStdout,
Level.IO: null,
Level.SOLVER: null,
Level.FINE: null
/// Shows errors, warnings, messages, and IO event logs.
static const IO = const Verbosity._("io", const {
Level.ERROR: _logToStderrWithLabel,
Level.WARNING: _logToStderrWithLabel,
Level.MESSAGE: _logToStdoutWithLabel,
Level.IO: _logToStderrWithLabel,
Level.SOLVER: null,
Level.FINE: null
/// Shows errors, warnings, messages, and version solver logs.
static const SOLVER = const Verbosity._("solver", const {
Level.ERROR: _logToStderr,
Level.WARNING: _logToStderr,
Level.MESSAGE: _logToStdout,
Level.IO: null,
Level.SOLVER: _logToStdout,
Level.FINE: null
/// Shows all logs.
static const ALL = const Verbosity._("all", const {
Level.ERROR: _logToStderrWithLabel,
Level.WARNING: _logToStderrWithLabel,
Level.MESSAGE: _logToStdoutWithLabel,
Level.IO: _logToStderrWithLabel,
Level.SOLVER: _logToStderrWithLabel,
Level.FINE: _logToStderrWithLabel
const Verbosity._(this.name, this._loggers);
final String name;
final Map<Level, _LogFn> _loggers;
/// Returns whether or not logs at [level] will be printed.
bool isLevelVisible(Level level) => _loggers[level] != null;
String toString() => name;
/// A single log entry.
class Entry {
final Level level;
final List<String> lines;
Entry(this.level, this.lines);
/// Logs [message] at [Level.ERROR].
/// If [error] is passed, it's appended to [message]. If [trace] is passed, it's
/// printed at log level fine.
void error(message, [error, StackTrace trace]) {
if (error != null) {
message = "$message: $error";
if (error is Error && trace == null) trace = error.stackTrace;
write(Level.ERROR, message);
if (trace != null) write(Level.FINE, new Chain.forTrace(trace));
/// Logs [message] at [Level.WARNING].
void warning(message) => write(Level.WARNING, message);
/// Logs [message] at [Level.MESSAGE].
void message(message) => write(Level.MESSAGE, message);
/// Logs [message] at [Level.IO].
void io(message) => write(Level.IO, message);
/// Logs [message] at [Level.SOLVER].
void solver(message) => write(Level.SOLVER, message);
/// Logs [message] at [Level.FINE].
void fine(message) => write(Level.FINE, message);
/// Logs [message] at [level].
void write(Level level, message) {
message = message.toString();
var lines = splitLines(message);
// Discard a trailing newline. This is useful since StringBuffers often end
// up with an extra newline at the end from using [writeln].
if (lines.isNotEmpty && lines.last == "") {
var entry = new Entry(level, lines.map(format).toList());
var logFn = verbosity._loggers[level];
if (logFn != null) logFn(entry);
if (_transcript != null) _transcript.add(entry);
final _capitalizedAnsiEscape = new RegExp(r'\u001b\[\d+(;\d+)?M');
/// Returns [string] formatted as it would be if it were logged.
String format(String string) {
if (!withPrejudice) return string;
// [toUpperCase] can corrupt terminal colorings, so fix them up using
// [replaceAllMapped].
string = string.toUpperCase().replaceAllMapped(_capitalizedAnsiEscape,
(match) => match[0].toLowerCase());
// Don't use [bold] because it's disabled under [withPrejudice].
return "$_bold$string$_none";
/// Logs an asynchronous IO operation.
/// Logs [startMessage] before the operation starts, then when [operation]
/// completes, invokes [endMessage] with the completion value and logs the
/// result of that. Returns a future that completes after the logging is done.
/// If [endMessage] is omitted, then logs "Begin [startMessage]" before the
/// operation and "End [startMessage]" after it.
Future ioAsync(String startMessage, Future operation,
[String endMessage(value)]) {
if (endMessage == null) {
io("Begin $startMessage.");
} else {
return operation.then((result) {
if (endMessage == null) {
io("End $startMessage.");
} else {
return result;
/// Logs the spawning of an [executable] process with [arguments] at [IO]
/// level.
void process(String executable, List<String> arguments,
String workingDirectory) {
io("Spawning \"$executable ${arguments.join(' ')}\" in "
/// Logs the results of running [executable].
void processResult(String executable, PubProcessResult result) {
// Log it all as one message so that it shows up as a single unit in the logs.
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.writeln("Finished $executable. Exit code ${result.exitCode}.");
dumpOutput(String name, List<String> output) {
if (output.length == 0) {
buffer.writeln("Nothing output on $name.");
} else {
var numLines = 0;
for (var line in output) {
if (++numLines > 1000) {
buffer.writeln('[${output.length - 1000}] more lines of output '
buffer.writeln("| $line");
dumpOutput("stdout", result.stdout);
dumpOutput("stderr", result.stderr);
/// Logs an exception.
void exception(exception, [StackTrace trace]) {
if (exception is SilentException) return;
var chain = trace == null ? new Chain.current() : new Chain.forTrace(trace);
// This is basically the top-level exception handler so that we don't
// spew a stack trace on our users.
if (exception is SourceSpanException) {
error(exception.toString(color: canUseSpecialChars));
} else {
fine("Exception type: ${exception.runtimeType}");
if (json.enabled) {
if (exception is UsageException) {
// Don't print usage info in JSON output.
} else {
if (!isUserFacingException(exception)) {
} else {
if (exception is WrappedException && exception.innerError != null) {
var message = "Wrapped exception: ${exception.innerError}";
if (exception.innerChain != null) {
message = "$message\n${exception.innerChain}";
/// Enables recording of log entries.
void recordTranscript() {
_transcript = new Transcript<Entry>(_MAX_TRANSCRIPT);
/// If [recordTranscript()] was called, then prints the previously recorded log
/// transcript to stderr.
void dumpTranscript() {
if (_transcript == null) return;
stderr.writeln('---- Log transcript ----');
_transcript.forEach((entry) {
_printToStream(stderr, entry, showLabel: true);
}, (discarded) {
stderr.writeln('---- ($discarded discarded) ----');
stderr.writeln('---- End log transcript ----');
/// Prints [message] then displays an updated elapsed time until the future
/// returned by [callback] completes.
/// If anything else is logged during this (including another call to
/// [progress]) that cancels the progress animation, although the total time
/// will still be printed once it finishes. If [fine] is passed, the progress
/// information will only be visible at [Level.FINE].
Future progress(String message, Future callback(), {bool fine: false}) {
var progress = new Progress(message, fine: fine);
_animatedProgress = progress;
return callback().whenComplete(() {
/// Stops animating the running progress indicator, if currently running.
void _stopProgress() {
if (_animatedProgress != null) _animatedProgress.stopAnimating();
_animatedProgress = null;
/// Wraps [text] in the ANSI escape codes to make it bold when on a platform
/// that supports that.
/// Use this to highlight the most important piece of a long chunk of text.
/// This is disabled under [withPrejudice] since all text is bold with
/// prejudice.
String bold(text) => withPrejudice ? text : "$_bold$text$_none";
/// Wraps [text] in the ANSI escape codes to make it gray when on a platform
/// that supports that.
/// Use this for text that's less important than the text around it.
/// The gray marker also enables bold, so it needs to be handled specially with
/// [withPrejudice] to avoid disabling bolding entirely.
String gray(text) =>
withPrejudice ? "$_gray$text$_noColor" : "$_gray$text$_none";
/// Wraps [text] in the ANSI escape codes to color it cyan when on a platform
/// that supports that.
/// Use this to highlight something interesting but neither good nor bad.
String cyan(text) => "$_cyan$text$_noColor";
/// Wraps [text] in the ANSI escape codes to color it green when on a platform
/// that supports that.
/// Use this to highlight something successful or otherwise positive.
String green(text) => "$_green$text$_noColor";
/// Wraps [text] in the ANSI escape codes to color it magenta when on a
/// platform that supports that.
/// Use this to highlight something risky that the user should be aware of but
/// may intend to do.
String magenta(text) => "$_magenta$text$_noColor";
/// Wraps [text] in the ANSI escape codes to color it red when on a platform
/// that supports that.
/// Use this to highlight unequivocal errors, problems, or failures.
String red(text) => "$_red$text$_noColor";
/// Wraps [text] in the ANSI escape codes to color it yellow when on a platform
/// that supports that.
/// Use this to highlight warnings, cautions or other things that are bad but
/// do not prevent the user's goal from being reached.
String yellow(text) => "$_yellow$text$_noColor";
/// Log function that prints the message to stdout.
void _logToStdout(Entry entry) {
_logToStream(stdout, entry, showLabel: false);
/// Log function that prints the message to stdout with the level name.
void _logToStdoutWithLabel(Entry entry) {
_logToStream(stdout, entry, showLabel: true);
/// Log function that prints the message to stderr.
void _logToStderr(Entry entry) {
_logToStream(stderr, entry, showLabel: false);
/// Log function that prints the message to stderr with the level name.
void _logToStderrWithLabel(Entry entry) {
_logToStream(stderr, entry, showLabel: true);
void _logToStream(IOSink sink, Entry entry, {bool showLabel}) {
if (json.enabled) return;
_printToStream(sink, entry, showLabel: showLabel);
void _printToStream(IOSink sink, Entry entry, {bool showLabel}) {
bool firstLine = true;
for (var line in entry.lines) {
if (showLabel) {
if (firstLine) {
sink.write('${entry.level.name}: ');
} else {
sink.write(' | ');
firstLine = false;
/// Namespace-like class for collecting the methods for JSON logging.
class _JsonLogger {
/// Whether logging should use machine-friendly JSON output or human-friendly
/// text.
/// If set to `true`, then no regular logging is printed. Logged messages
/// will still be recorded and displayed if the transcript is printed.
bool enabled = false;
/// Creates an error JSON object for [error] and prints it if JSON output
/// is enabled.
/// Always prints to stdout.
void error(error, [stackTrace]) {
var errorJson = {"error": error.toString()};
if (stackTrace == null && error is Error) stackTrace = error.stackTrace;
if (stackTrace != null) {
errorJson["stackTrace"] = new Chain.forTrace(stackTrace).toString();
// If the error came from a file, include the path.
if (error is SourceSpanException && error.span.sourceUrl != null) {
errorJson["path"] = p.fromUri(error.span.sourceUrl);
if (error is FileException) {
errorJson["path"] = error.path;
/// Encodes [message] to JSON and prints it if JSON output is enabled.
void message(message) {
if (!enabled) return;