Please make sure you include the names of the affected language(s) in your issue title, so that we can get the correct maintainers to look at your issue. Here are some examples:
Please make sure you include the names of the affected language(s), compiler version(s), operating system version(s), and FlatBuffers version(s) in your issue title.
This helps us get the correct maintainers to look at your issue. Here are examples of good titles:
flatc converts a protobuf 'bytes' field to 'string' in fbs schema file (all languages)
In the case of using g++4.4.7 flatbuffer build error (C++)
- Crash when accessing FlatBuffer [C++, gcc 4.8, OS X, master]
- Flatc converts a protobuf 'bytes' field to 'string' in fbs schema file [all languages, FlatBuffers 1.4]