Robert Collins authored
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==================================== Mock - Mocking and Testing Library ==================================== :Version: |release| :Date: |today| :Homepage: `Mock Homepage`_ :Download: `Mock on PyPI`_ :Documentation: `Python Docs`_ :License: `BSD License`_ :Support: `Mailing list (testing-in-python@lists.idyll.org) <http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/testing-in-python>`_ :Issue tracker: `Github Issues <https://github.com/testing-cabal/mock/issues>`_ :Last sync: cb6aab1248c4aec4dd578bea717854505a6fb55d .. _Mock Homepage: https://github.com/testing-cabal/mock .. _BSD License: http://github.com/testing-cabal/mock/blob/master/LICENSE.txt .. _Python Docs: https://docs.python.org/dev/library/unittest.mock.html .. module:: mock :synopsis: Mock object and testing library. .. index:: introduction TOC +++ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 changelog Introduction ++++++++++++ mock is a library for testing in Python. It allows you to replace parts of your system under test with mock objects and make assertions about how they have been used. mock is now part of the Python standard library, available as ``unittest.mock`` in Python 3.3 onwards. However, if you are writing code that runs on multiple versions of Python the ``mock`` package is better, as you get the newest features from the latest release of Python available for all Pythons. The ``mock`` package contains a rolling backport of the standard library mock code compatible with Python 2.6 and up, and 3.3 and up. Python 3.2 is supported by mock 1.3.0 and below - with pip no longer supporting 3.2, we cannot test against that version anymore. Please see the standard library documentation for usage details. .. index:: installing .. _installing: Installing ++++++++++ The current version is |release|. Mock is stable and widely used. * `mock on PyPI <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/mock>`_ .. index:: repository .. index:: git You can checkout the latest development version from Github repository with the following command: ``git clone https://github.com/testing-cabal/mock`` .. index:: pip You can install mock with pip: | ``pip install -U mock`` Alternatively you can download the mock distribution from PyPI and after unpacking run: ``python setup.py install`` .. index:: bug reports Bug Reports +++++++++++ Mock uses `unittest2 <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/unittest2>`_ for its own Issues with the backport process, such as compatibility with a particular Python, should be reported to the `bug tracker <https://github.com/testing-cabal/mock/issues>`_. Feature requests and issues with Mock functionality should be reported to the `Python bug tracker <https://bugs.python.org>`_. .. index:: python changes Python Changes ++++++++++++++ Python NEWS entries from cPython: .. include:: ../NEWS .. index:: older versions Older Versions of Python ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Version 1.0.1 is the last version compatible with Python < 2.6. .. index:: maintainer notes Maintainer Notes ++++++++++++++++ Development =========== Checkout from git (see :ref:`installing`) and submit pull requests. Committers can just push as desired: since all semantic development takes place in cPython, the backport process is as lightweight as we can make it. mock is CI tested using Travis-CI on Python versions 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, nightly Python 3 builds, pypy, pypy3. Jython support is desired, if someone could contribute a patch to .travis.yml to support it that would be excellent. Releasing ========= NB: please use semver. Bump the major component on API breaks, minor on all non-bugfix changes, patch on bugfix only changes. 1. tag -s, push --tags origin master 2. setup.py sdist bdist_wheel upload -s Backporting rules ================= isinstance checks in cPython to ``type`` need to check ``ClassTypes``. Code calling ``obj.isidentifier`` needs to change to ``_isidentifier(obj)``. Backporting process =================== 1. Patch your git am with `my patch <https://github.com/rbtcollins/git>`_. 2. Install the applypatch-transform hook from tools/ to your .git hooks dir. 3. Configure a pre-applypatch hook to test at least all the cPython versions we support on each patch that is applied. I use containers, and a sample script is in tools/pre-applypatch. 4. Pull down the cPython git mirror: https://github.com/python/cpython.git 5. Export the new revisions since the ``Last sync`` at the top of this document:: revs=${lastsync} rm migrate-export git log --pretty="format:%H " $revs.. -- Lib/unittest/mock.py \ Lib/unittest/test/testmock/ > migrate-revs tac migrate-revs > migrate-sorted-revs for rev in $(< migrate-sorted-revs); do git format-patch -1 $rev -k --stdout >> migrate-export; done echo NEW SYNC POINT: $(git rev-parse HEAD) 6. Import into mock:: git am -k --reject $path-to-cpython/migrate-export This will transform the patches automatically. Currently it will error on every NEWS change as I haven't gotten around to making those patches automatic. Fixup any errors that occur. When the patch is ready, do a ``git add -u`` to update the index and then ``git am --continue`` to move onto the next patch. If the patch is inappropriate e.g. the patch removing __ne__ which would break older pythons, then either do ``git reset --hard; git am --skip`` to discard any partially applied changes and skip over it, or, if it has a NEWS entry thats worth preserving, edit it down to just that, with a note such as we have for the ``__ne__`` patch, and continue on from there. The goal is that every patch work at all times. 7. After the import is complete, update this document with the new sync point. 8. Push to a personal branch and propose a PR to the main repo. This will make Travis-CI test it. If it works, push to the main repo.