I am investigating a migration to Python 3, and to facilitate this we are...
I am investigating a migration to Python 3, and to facilitate this we are using the -3 flag as decribed here: https://docs.python.org/3/howto/pyporting.html#prevent-compatibility-regressions . When using this flag I encountered some issues inside of mock itself. Python 3 now requires you to implement __hash__ if you implement __eq__. See https://docs.python.org/3.6/reference/datamodel.html#object.%5F%5Fhash%5F%5F . ```python {mock.ANY} # Fine in Python 2, Throws in Python 3 ``` This PR explicitly sets the `__hash__` method on these objects as `None` to ensure the behavior is consistent in Python 3 as well as Python 2.
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