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Vulkan CTS

New tests
 * Add tests for VK_KHR_shader_clock
 * Add signal ordering tests
 * Add tests for VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore

 * Extended: texel_view_compatible: image: fix image coord
 * Account for precision loss in unorm depth pipeline
 * Add check if usage is supported for image format
 * Check write vertex support in descriptor indexing
 * 1d_image: enforce height 1 in decompress stage as well
 * 1d_image: basic: compute: texel_view_compatible: set size.y to 1
 * Texel view compatible: Image: proper check for image format supports
 * Fix depth store flag in seperate_channels tests
 * Initialize output buffer in fragment_shader_interlock tests
 * Increase the sleep measurement tolerance to 100ms
 * Require standardSampleLocations for imageless fb resolve tests
 * vktAmberTestCase: Bump recipe timeout to 10 minutes.
 * Use 4 samples for imageless framebuffer resolve tests
 * Correct handling of independentResolveNone
 * Check whether the underlying format is supported in format_reinterpret tests

 * Speed up hierarchy traversal, part 2
 * Share instance/device across test case instances in dEQP-VK.synchronization.*