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Here lives the [BrowserID][] implementation. BrowserID is an implementation of the
Lloyd Hilaiel
This repository contains several distinct things related to BrowserID:
* **the browserid server** - a node.js server which implements a web services api, stores a record of users, the email addresses they've verified, a bcrypted password, outstanding verification tokens, etc
Lloyd Hilaiel
* **the verifier** - a stateless node.js server which does cryptographic verification of assertions. This thing is hosted on as a convenience, but people using browserid can choose to host their own version if they wish to.
* **sample and test code** - to test the above
Lloyd Hilaiel
* **the website** - the templates, css, and javascript that make up the visible part of
* **the javascript/HTML dialog & include library** - this is include.js and the code that it includes, the bit that someone using browserid will include.
## Dependencies
* node.js (>= 0.6.2):
* npm: (or bundled with node in 0.6.3+)
* libgmp3
* git
* g++
`sudo apt-get install python-software-properties`
`sudo apt-add-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js`
`sudo apt-get update`
`sudo apt-get install nodejs npm git-core libgmp3-dev g++`
## Getting started:
1. Setup git (if you haven't done so already)
`git config --global "Your Username"`
`git config --global "Your Email"`
`git config --global credential.helper cache`
`git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'`
2. Setup SSH key and forking mozilla/browserid on github
`gedit $HOME/.ssh/`
Login to github
Click your user name
Click Edit Your Profile
Click SSH Keys (on the left) and Add SSH key
Name the SSH key and copy file contents of the file.
Go to
Fork browserid
3. Get clone of browserid
`git clone`
4. Start the browserid server
`cd ~/browserid`
`npm install` to install 3rd party libraries and generate keys
`npm start` to start the servers locally
4. Visit the demo application ('rp') in your web browser (url output on the console at runtime)
You can stop the servers with a Cntl-C in the terminal.
## Staying up to date:
1. `rm -Rf var node_modules`
2. `npm install`
### Local Testing
Unit tests can be run by invoking `npm test` at the top level. At present,
there are three classes of unit tests to be run:
* Backend unit tests against a custom, zero-dependency JSON database
* Backend unit tests against MySQL, what we use in production
* Frontend unit tests run headlessly against PhantomJS
You can control which tests are run using the `WHAT_TESTS` env var, see
`scripts/test` for details.
### Continuous Integration Testing
Integration tests are done with [Travis-CI][]. It is recommended that you setup [Travis-CI][] for your BrowserID fork so that tests are automatically run when you push changes. This will give the BrowserID team confidence that your changes both function correctly and do not cause regressions in other parts of the code. Configuration files are already included in the repo but some setup is necessary.
1. Sign in to [GitHub][]
2. Open [Travis-CI][]
3. Click "Sign in with GitHub" if you are not signed in. If you are signed in, click on your username then "Profile" and go to step 5.
4. Click "Allow" if this is your first time signing in.
5. Find "browserid" in "Your Repositories"
6. Move the switch from "OFF" to "ON"
7. Open your fork of BrowserID on [GitHub][]
8. Click the "Admin" button
9. Click "Service Hooks"
10. Ensure that "Travis" has a green radio button
11. Push to your fork and return to [Travis-CI][]. Watch the tests run.
## Development model
**branching & release model** - You'll notice some funky branching conventions, like the default branch is named `dev` rather than `master` as you might expect. We're using gitflow: the approach is described in a [blog post](
**contributions** - please issue pull requests targeted at the `dev` branch
Richard Soderberg
All source code here is available under the [MPL 2.0][] license, unless
Richard Soderberg
[MPL 2.0]: