#!/usr/bin/env node
// a script to RUN TESTS. You can specify WHAT TESTS to run by
// populating an environment variable 'WHAT_TESTS'. Values include:
// * 'front' - frontend unit tests run headlessly (requires phantomjs to be installed)
// * 'back' - backend unit tests with a zero-dependency json db
// * 'back_mysql - backend unit tests against mysql (requires mysql installed)
// * 'all' - of it
spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
path = require('path');
// WHAT TESTS are we running?
var whatTests = [];
if (!process.env['WHAT_TESTS']) {
whatTests = [ 'all' ];
if (whatTests[0] == 'all') whatTests = [ 'back_mysql', 'back', 'front' ];
var frontend_test_filter = process.env['FRONTEND_TEST_FILTER'] ?
' (filter: ' + process.env['FRONTEND_TEST_FILTER'] + ')' :
function run() {
if (!whatTests.length) process.exit(ec);
var testName = whatTests.shift();
const availConf = {
front: {
what: "Front end unit tests under PhantomJS" + frontend_test_filter,
node_env: 'test_json',
script: 'test_frontend'
back: {
what: "API level unit tests using a JSON database",
node_env: 'test_json',
script: 'test_backend'
back_mysql: {
what: "API level unit tests using MySQL",
node_env: 'test_mysql',
script: 'test_backend'
var conf = availConf[testName];
if (!conf) {
console.log('I don\'t know how to run this test: "' + testName + '"');
console.log('valid choices include:', Object.keys(availConf).join(', '));
ec = 1;
return run();
console.log(">>> Now Running:", conf.what);
process.env['NODE_ENV'] = conf.node_env;
var kid = spawn(path.join(__dirname, conf.script));
kid.stdout.on('data', function(d) { process.stdout.write(d); });
kid.stderr.on('data', function(d) { process.stderr.write(d); });
kid.on('exit', function(code) {
if (code) ec = code;