* upon clickthrough of the email link, don't have the browser window close itself: issue #162
* passwords must be between 8 and 80 chars: issue #155
* improved handling of emailing & verification urls during local development & testing: issue #88
* massive zero-user-visibile refactoring of dialog javascript.
* fix cancel button in "waiting for verification state" (issue #147)
* all browserid source is now tri-licensed (MPL1.1/GPL/LGPL). (issue #141)
* fixes for mobile firefox (fennec). (issue #140)
* mysql support implemented for browserid (default persistence production) (issue #71)
* json persistence support added - a standalone dead simple persistence layer which is the default for local development and requires no external software.
* email secrets are now persisted in the database, so upon server restart outstanding verification links are no longer invalidated (issue #91)
* (website) styling changes - like fix issues where links on dev page were being displayed white on white.
* when user closes dialog without clicking "cancel", properly return 'null' to the webpage (via getVerifiedEmail callback) - issue #107
* improve checks to warn developer that prerequisite software is missing. issue #110
* parameterize software to support multiple deployment environments (dev/beta/prod) issues #102 & #52
* documentation updates.
* improved logging (using the winston logging framework for node.js)
* [website] fixed inclusion of youtube video (now over https to keep browsers from getting scared about mixed mode resource inclusion)
* (2011.08.03) include youtube video embedding over https (issue #112)
Lloyd Hilaiel
* (2011.08.04) fix link in dialog (issue #116)