* Remember the last used email for a site, and optimize the default selection based on this: #1
* Fix regression where verification of assertions would fail for https sites: #500 (also hot-fixed in production https://github.com/mozilla/browserid/commit/1528364)
* improved end user visible error messages: #448, #465, #512, #515
* style/transition improvements for desktop and mobile devices: #494, #502, #522, #527
* refuse to send out more than one email per minute to the same address: #430
* be *really* smart about how long to display tool-tips in the dialog: #508
* behave reasonably (at least display content) when javascript is disabled: #510
* remember the users email as they transition between screens, when appropriate: #476
* Suppress iOS autocapitalizion and auto-correction for email addresses: #464
* Improve front end email address validation: #513
* Improve repository organization: #503 & #488
* As part of above and in prep for #460 - all processes (browserid, verifier, etc) are now always run separately (never combined into the same express instance
* Test improvements: #520, #530, #531
* Fix undefined reference (crash) in verifier after verification failure: #523 (hot-fixed in production: https://github.com/mozilla/browserid/commit/ba3c53)
* Remove UI that corresponds to unimplemented features: #519
* Handle upper case letters in domain part of email addresses properly: #501
* Use a more conventional log format that includes time-stamps when logging to file. closes #234
* Shutdown gracefully whenever possible, and always log why we go down: #529
* 'LOG_TO_CONSOLE' env var for verbose console output during tests: #530
* more checks around '/code_update' URL invocation - for bug #699171
* Many minor bug-fixes: #497, #532
* link fixing ('need help?' to point to SUMO): #378
* unit tests repaired: #469 (broken in fix to #82)