@@ -16,81 +16,55 @@ This repository contains several distinct things related to BrowserID:
***the login.persona.org website** - the templates, css, and javascript that make up the visible part of login.persona.org
***the javascript/HTML dialog & include library** - this is include.js and the code that it includes, the bit that someone using browserid will include.
## Dependencies
## Getting Started
###Here's the software you'll need installed:
If you want to work on the core BrowserID service, follow these instructions:
* node.js (>= 0.6.2): http://nodejs.org
### Install Dependencies
* npm: http://npmjs.org/ (or bundled with node in 0.6.3+)
BrowserID needs the following dependencies before it can run:
* node.js (>= 0.6.2): http://nodejs.org
* npm: http://npmjs.org/ (or bundled with node in 0.6.3+)
The BrowserID team uses Git and GitHub for all of our collaboration, code hosting, and bug tracking. If you want to help out with core development, you'll need to sign up for a GitHub account and configure Git:
2. Generate an ssh rsa key
1. Sign up for a GitHub account at https://github.com/
2. Learn how to configure Git at http://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git
3. Learn how to fork and clone a repository at https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo
If you'd like to use SSH keys instead of a password when you authenticate with GitHub, refer to https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys
3. Login to github
4. Click your user name
5. Click "Edit Your Profile"
6. Click "SSH Keys" (on the left) and click "Add SSH key"
7. Name the SSH key, copy file contents of the `$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub` file, and click "Save"
If you'd like to contribute code back to us, please do so using a GitHub Pull Request, as we follow the "Fork and Pull" collaborative development model. You can learn about pull requests at https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests
###Forking and cloning browserid:
1. Go to https://github.com/mozilla/browserid and click Fork.
To run the BrowserID service locally, you must first:
1. (Optionally) Fork the main `mozilla/browserid` repository.
2. Clone the repository to your local machine.
3. Run `npm install` from the root of your local clone.
##Installing and Starting browserid
`npm install` to install 3rd party libraries and generate keys
`npm start` to start the servers locally
You can then start the BrowserID suite of services by running `npm start` from the root of your local clone.
**Visit the demo application** ('rp') in your web browser (url output on the console at runtime)
When you run `npm start`, it will print several URLs to your terminal. You can test that everything is working by visiting the URL for the `example` (RP) site. Look for a line like this in the terminal: `example (10361): running on`.
You can stop the servers with a Cntl-C in the terminal.
You can stop the services by typing Control-C in the terminal.
### Staying up to date:
### Staying Up to Date
`rm -Rf var node_modules`
`npm install`
To stay up to date with BrowserID:
1. Use `git pull` to retrieve new changes.
2. Delete both the `var` and `node_modules` folders in the root of your local clone.
3. Run `npm install` from the root of your local clone.