- May 24, 2012
Jed Parsons authored
Make the "is this your computer" screen keyboard navigable.
- May 23, 2012
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Shane Tomlinson authored
Nice work on this @jedp. The update is clean, the code looks good, the tests pass, IE8 is happy. r+ close #1613 KPI data privacy: whitelist filter data; blur timestamp
Jed Parsons authored
Austin King authored
db.ping() must use the same application level query timing and reconnect...
- May 22, 2012
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
db.ping() must use the same application level query timing and reconnection logic as other query types - issue #1608
Jed Parsons authored
Jed Parsons authored
Jed Parsons authored
Jed Parsons authored
Jed Parsons authored
Jed Parsons authored
Issue 1597 interaction data
Shane Tomlinson authored
* For the buttons, use id's instead of classes. * Focus the "yes" button when the screen is shown. issue #1582
Shane Tomlinson authored
- May 21, 2012
Jed Parsons authored
Shane Tomlinson authored
close #1592 Issue1592
- May 20, 2012
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
fix bug preventing proper handling of old style verification links by new style code, documented exhaustively in issue #1592.
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
zero-change cosmetic cleanup of code. make exit points explicit, and use curly braces consistently.
- May 18, 2012
Shane Tomlinson authored
* Removed the .interactionData namespace from storage.js, created our first model - shared/models/interaction_data.js * Simplified how data is stored into interaction_data, created current and staged sub-namespaces * Added stageCurrent and publishStaged functions. * in shared/modules/interaction_data.js, simplified calls to model. * Tried to make the xhr mock make more sense and provide facilities usable for peeking at last XHR request data. issue #1597
- May 17, 2012
Jed Parsons authored
Fix loadgen
Shane Tomlinson authored
Jed Parsons authored
removed extraneous ca.verifyBundle and ca.verifyChain
- May 15, 2012
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
issue #1592 update complete_email_addition to accept a password in the case that email verification was started on a previous version of the software that didn't collect a password in-dialog
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
issue #1592 - update complete_user_creation to accept a password in the case that email verification was started on a previous version of code.
Shane Tomlinson authored
Make users who have not yet set their password by time they reach the landing page set their password. issue #1592
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Shane Tomlinson authored
cleanup transitional code for migration from email to userid in stage table r+ - nice cleanup @lloyd! Tests run, verified by creating new users and adding users to existing account. close #1599
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
- May 07, 2012
Jed Parsons authored
- May 14, 2012
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Adding timestamp server side to get an intial integration going.
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
- May 11, 2012
Austin King authored
when the server returns a 413 error for posting of interaction data, cle...