- Mar 10, 2012
Austin King authored
- Mar 09, 2012
Austin King authored
Austin King authored
Depending on Squid for caching primary's /.well-known/browserid
Austin King authored
Ben Adida authored
Explain the components of the public key
ringe authored
Ben Adida authored
Add some more about the public key
ringe authored
Ben Adida authored
don't log more information than is needed in browserid-metrics.json - st...
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
don't log more information than is needed in browserid-metrics.json - strip everything from referrer except origin - issue #1283
- Mar 08, 2012
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
- Mar 07, 2012
Austin King authored
- Mar 06, 2012
Ben Adida authored
ringe authored
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Austin King authored
by default, run all tests during npm test, and emit clear errors when de...
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
by default, run all tests during npm test, and emit clear errors when dependencies (mysql or phantomjs) aren't installed
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Integrate Front-End unit tests running under PhantomJS into CI closes #635
Austin King authored
fix deprecation warnings by updating temp and nodes-statsd - issue #1234
- Mar 05, 2012
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Changing link copy and position. closes #403.
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
have compress not exit prematurely when a syntax error exists in input - output a scary error message and nd return a non-zero exit code, but process all files closes #1257
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Austin King authored
- Mar 02, 2012
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
remove dead code: added for compress script cleanup, but not needed. static_resources.minified() === Object.keys(static_resources.all())
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
closes #1226 closes #1128
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
- Mar 01, 2012
Austin King authored
Austin King authored
Austin King authored
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
remove 'debug language' from list of supported languages in compress script - this is a virtual language used for testing - closes #1235
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
Austin King authored
rewrite compress scripts in javascript: better output, build of resource...
Lloyd Hilaiel authored
rewrite compress scripts in javascript: better output, build of resources only when needed, uses multiple cores, and leverages the same resource lists as cachify so we only express what dev resources go into what prod resources once #DRY. closes #1009 closes #660
- Feb 29, 2012
Austin King authored
Lloyd Hilaiel authored