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Commit dde2b6c1 authored by Kai Lee's avatar Kai Lee
Browse files

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 with '' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.

 On branch master

 Initial commit

 Changes to be committed:
	new file:   .idea/encodings.xml
	new file:   .idea/hexang_web.iml
	new file:   .idea/misc.xml
	new file:   .idea/modules.xml
	new file:   .idea/vcs.xml
	new file:   .idea/workspace.xml
	new file:
	new file:   app/
	new file:   app/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pyc
	new file:   app/__pycache__/models.cpython-37.pyc
	new file:   app/__pycache__/views.cpython-37.pyc
	new file:   app/
	new file:   app/
	new file:   app/static/mail_reset_passwd.html
	new file:   app/static/mail_set_passwd.html
	new file:   app/static/reg.html
	new file:   app/static/reset.html
	new file:   app/static/set_pwd.html
	new file:   app/
	new file:
	new file:   instance/
	new file:   instance/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-37.pyc
	new file:   instance/__pycache__/config.cpython-37.pyc
	new file:   instance/
	new file:
	new file:
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
with 305 additions and 0 deletions
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<component name="TestRunnerService">
<option name="PROJECT_TEST_RUNNER" value="Unittests" />
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="JavaScriptSettings">
<option name="languageLevel" value="ES6" />
<component name="ProjectRootManager" version="2" project-jdk-name="Python 3.7" project-jdk-type="Python SDK" />
\ No newline at end of file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="ProjectModuleManager">
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<mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$" vcs="Git" />
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This diff is collapsed.
from flask import Flask
from instance.config import LDAP_CONFIG,flask_key
from .models import ldap_control
l = ldap_control(LDAP_CONFIG)
s = Flask(__name__)
s.secret_key = flask_key
\ No newline at end of file
File added
File added
File added
from ldap3 import Server,Connection,HASHED_MD5,MODIFY_REPLACE
from ldap3.utils.hashed import hashed
from re import match
class ldap_control:
def __init__(self,LDAP_CONFIG):
LDAP_CONFIG ={ "port" : "389",
"admin_dn" :"cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com",
"admin_passwd" : "tttttttt",
"user_dn" : "dc=example,dc=com"}
self.user_dn,self.admin_dn,self.admin_passwd,,self.port = LDAP_CONFIG["user_dn"],LDAP_CONFIG["admin_dn"],LDAP_CONFIG["admin_passwd"],LDAP_CONFIG["host"],LDAP_CONFIG["port"]
self.s = Server(host =,port = self.port)
self.c = Connection(self.s,user = self.admin_dn,password = self.admin_passwd,auto_bind=True)
def result(self):
def chech_email_or_name(self,str):
判断 输入为用户名还是邮箱
:param str: 用户输入
:return: ldap 查询用数据
if '@' in str :
result = f'mail={str}'
result = f'cn={str}'
return result
def check_in(self,user_input):
input = self.chech_email_or_name(user_input),f'({input})')
if (self.c.entries ==[]):
return 0
return 1
def add_user(self,username,email,description,passwd):
:param username:
:param email:
:param description:
:return: 1,成功 0,失败
att ={"cn":f'{username}',
self.c.add(dn = f'cn={username},{self.user_dn}', object_class=['inetOrgPerson', 'top'], attributes=att)
return 1
#return 0
def reset_passwd(self,user__input,newpasswd):
通过用户名 (CN) 或邮箱(mail)重置密码
:param username:
:param newpasswd:
:return: 1 成功 0 失败
input = self.chech_email_or_name(user__input)
user_dn = f'cn={user__input},{self.user_dn}'
hashed_password = hashed(HASHED_MD5, newpasswd)
changes = {
'userPassword': [(MODIFY_REPLACE, [hashed_password])]
self.c.modify(user_dn, changes=changes)
return 1
#return 0
class User :
def __init__(self,user_info): = user_info['user_name']
self.mail = user_info['email']
#if self.check_user_input_mail(self.mail) == 0:
#if self.check_user_input_name( == 0:
self.passwd = user_info['password']
self.description = user_info['description']
def check_user_input_name(string):
if string.isalnum() :
return 1
return 0
def check_user_input_mail(string):
if match(r"^[A-Za-z0-9\.\+_-]+@[A-Za-z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]*$", string):
return 1
else :
return 0
def creat_ldap_account(self,ldap_control):
Hi {user},
This is hexang.
Please reset your account ({mail}) password through the following link:
Best regards,
Team hexang
\ No newline at end of file
Hi {name},
Welcome to hexang!
Please activate your account ({mail}) through the following link:
Have fun!
Best regards,
Team hexang
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
from . import s
from flask import request,send_file,session
from . import l
from .models import User
from instance.config import ts,salt,MAIL
from flask_mail import Mail,Message
s.config['MAIL_SERVER'] = MAIL['smtp_server']
s.config['MAIL_PORT'] = MAIL['port']
s.config['MAIL_USE_SSL'] = True
s.config['MAIL_USERNAME'] = MAIL['from_addr']
s.config['MAIL_PASSWORD'] = MAIL['password']
m = Mail(s)
@s.route('/register/',methods = ["GET","POST"])
def reg_user():
if request.method == "GET":
return send_file('./static/reg.html')
elif request.method == "POST":
user_input = request.form
u = User(user_input)
return """
@s.route('/passwd-reset/',methods = ["GET","POST"])
def set_token():
if request.method == "GET":
return send_file('./static/reset.html')
elif request.method == "POST":
mail = request.form['mail']
if (User.check_user_input_mail(string=mail) and l.check_in(mail)):
token = ts.dumps(mail,salt=salt )
url = f"/rest/{token}"
reset_passwd = f"""
Hi user,
This is hexang.
Please reset your account ({mail}) password through the following link:
Best regards,
Team hexang
msg = Message(reset_passwd,recipients=[mail])
return "ok"
return "error"
def check_token(token):
if request.method == 'GET':
#try :
session["mail"] = ts.loads(token,salt = salt,max_age = 3600)
return send_file('static/set_pwd.html')
#return "403"
def rest_passwd():
if request.method == 'POST':
mail = session.get("mail")
passwd = request.form['password']
return "ok"
return "error"
#重写各种 return
#重写 重置密码方法
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