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package rpctest

import (

	edbcli ""
	ctypes ""

	. ""
	rpcclient ""

	nm ""

// global variables for use across all tests
var (
	config = server.DefaultServerConfig()
	rootWorkDir string
	node              *nm.Node
	mempoolCount = 0
	chainID string
	websocketAddr string
	websocketEndpoint string

	user = makeUsers(5) // make keys
	clients map[string]rpcclient.Client

	testCore *core.Core

// initialize config and create new node
Silas Davis's avatar
Silas Davis committed
func initGlobalVariables(ffs *fixtures.FileFixtures) error {
	testConfigFile := ffs.AddFile("config.toml", defaultConfig)
	rootWorkDir = ffs.AddDir("rootWorkDir")
	rootDataDir := ffs.AddDir("rootDataDir")
	genesisFile := ffs.AddFile("rootWorkDir/genesis.json", defaultGenesis)

Silas Davis's avatar
Silas Davis committed
	if ffs.Error != nil {
		return ffs.Error

	testConfig := viper.New()
	err := testConfig.ReadInConfig()

	if err != nil {
Silas Davis's avatar
Silas Davis committed
		return err

	chainID = testConfig.GetString("chain.assert_chain_id")
	rpcAddr := testConfig.GetString("erismint.tendermint_host")
	websocketAddr = rpcAddr
Silas Davis's avatar
Silas Davis committed
	config.Tendermint.RpcLocalAddress = rpcAddr
	websocketEndpoint = "/websocket"

	consensusConfig, err := core.LoadModuleConfig(testConfig, rootWorkDir,
		rootDataDir, genesisFile, chainID, "consensus")
	if err != nil {
Silas Davis's avatar
Silas Davis committed
		return err
	managerConfig, err := core.LoadModuleConfig(testConfig, rootWorkDir,
		rootDataDir, genesisFile, chainID, "manager")
	if err != nil {
Silas Davis's avatar
Silas Davis committed
		return err
	testCore, err = core.NewCore("testCore", consensusConfig, managerConfig)
	if err != nil {
Silas Davis's avatar
Silas Davis committed
		return err
	clients = map[string]rpcclient.Client{
		"JSONRPC": rpcclient.NewClientURI(rpcAddr),
		"HTTP":    rpcclient.NewClientJSONRPC(rpcAddr),
Silas Davis's avatar
Silas Davis committed
	return nil

// deterministic account generation, synced with genesis file in config/tendermint_test/config.go
func makeUsers(n int) []*acm.PrivAccount {
	accounts := []*acm.PrivAccount{}
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		secret := ("mysecret" + strconv.Itoa(i))
		user := acm.GenPrivAccountFromSecret(secret)
		accounts = append(accounts, user)
	return accounts

// create a new node and sleep forever
Silas Davis's avatar
Silas Davis committed
func newNode(ready chan error) {
	// Run the RPC server.
	_, err := testCore.NewGatewayTendermint(config)
Silas Davis's avatar
Silas Davis committed
	ready <- err

	// Sleep forever
Silas Davis's avatar
Silas Davis committed
	if err == nil {
Silas Davis's avatar
Silas Davis committed
		//ch := make(chan struct{})
Silas Davis's avatar
Silas Davis committed

func saveNewPriv() {
	// Save new priv_validator file.
	priv := &types.PrivValidator{
		Address: user[0].Address,
		PubKey:  crypto.PubKeyEd25519(user[0].PubKey.(crypto.PubKeyEd25519)),
		PrivKey: crypto.PrivKeyEd25519(user[0].PrivKey.(crypto.PrivKeyEd25519)),
	priv.SetFile(path.Join(rootWorkDir, "priv_validator.json"))

// some default transaction functions

func makeDefaultSendTx(t *testing.T, typ string, addr []byte, amt int64) *txs.SendTx {
	nonce := getNonce(t, typ, user[0].Address)
	tx := txs.NewSendTx()
	tx.AddInputWithNonce(user[0].PubKey, amt, nonce + 1)
	tx.AddOutput(addr, amt)
	return tx

func makeDefaultSendTxSigned(t *testing.T, typ string, addr []byte, amt int64) *txs.SendTx {
	tx := makeDefaultSendTx(t, typ, addr, amt)
	tx.SignInput(chainID, 0, user[0])
	return tx

func makeDefaultCallTx(t *testing.T, typ string, addr, code []byte, amt, gasLim, fee int64) *txs.CallTx {
	nonce := getNonce(t, typ, user[0].Address)
	tx := txs.NewCallTxWithNonce(user[0].PubKey, addr, code, amt, gasLim, fee, nonce + 1)
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[0])
	return tx

func makeDefaultNameTx(t *testing.T, typ string, name, value string, amt, fee int64) *txs.NameTx {
	nonce := getNonce(t, typ, user[0].Address)
	tx := txs.NewNameTxWithNonce(user[0].PubKey, name, value, amt, fee, nonce + 1)
	tx.Sign(chainID, user[0])
	return tx

// rpc call wrappers (fail on err)

// get an account's nonce
func getNonce(t *testing.T, typ string, addr []byte) int {
	client := clients[typ]
	ac, err := edbcli.GetAccount(client, addr)
	if err != nil {
	if ac == nil {
		return 0
	return ac.Sequence

// get the account
func getAccount(t *testing.T, typ string, addr []byte) *acm.Account {
	client := clients[typ]
	ac, err := edbcli.GetAccount(client, addr)
	if err != nil {
	return ac

// sign transaction
func signTx(t *testing.T, typ string, tx txs.Tx, privAcc *acm.PrivAccount) txs.Tx {
	client := clients[typ]
	signedTx, err := edbcli.SignTx(client, tx, []*acm.PrivAccount{privAcc})
	if err != nil {
	return signedTx

// broadcast transaction
func broadcastTx(t *testing.T, typ string, tx txs.Tx) ctypes.Receipt {
	client := clients[typ]
	rec, err := edbcli.BroadcastTx(client, tx)
	if err != nil {
	mempoolCount += 1
	return rec

// dump all storage for an account. currently unused
func dumpStorage(t *testing.T, addr []byte) *ctypes.ResultDumpStorage {
	client := clients["HTTP"]
	resp, err := edbcli.DumpStorage(client, addr)
	if err != nil {
	return resp

func getStorage(t *testing.T, typ string, addr, key []byte) []byte {
	client := clients[typ]
	resp, err := edbcli.GetStorage(client, addr, key)
	if err != nil {
	return resp

func callCode(t *testing.T, client rpcclient.Client, fromAddress, code, data, expected []byte) {
	resp, err := edbcli.CallCode(client, fromAddress, code, data)
	if err != nil {
	ret := resp.Return
	// NOTE: we don't flip memory when it comes out of RETURN (?!)
	if bytes.Compare(ret, LeftPadWord256(expected).Bytes()) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("Conflicting return value. Got %x, expected %x", ret, expected)

func callContract(t *testing.T, client rpcclient.Client, fromAddress, toAddress, data, expected []byte) {
	resp, err := edbcli.Call(client, fromAddress, toAddress, data)
	if err != nil {
	ret := resp.Return
	// NOTE: we don't flip memory when it comes out of RETURN (?!)
	if bytes.Compare(ret, LeftPadWord256(expected).Bytes()) != 0 {
		t.Fatalf("Conflicting return value. Got %x, expected %x", ret, expected)

// get the namereg entry
func getNameRegEntry(t *testing.T, typ string, name string) *txs.NameRegEntry {
	client := clients[typ]
	entry, err := edbcli.GetName(client, name)
	if err != nil {
	return entry

// utility verification function

func checkTx(t *testing.T, fromAddr []byte, priv *acm.PrivAccount, tx *txs.SendTx) {
	if bytes.Compare(tx.Inputs[0].Address, fromAddr) != 0 {
		t.Fatal("Tx input addresses don't match!")

	signBytes := acm.SignBytes(chainID, tx)
	in := tx.Inputs[0] //(*types.SendTx).Inputs[0]

	if err := in.ValidateBasic(); err != nil {
	// Check signatures
	// acc := getAccount(t, byteAddr)
	// NOTE: using the acc here instead of the in fails; it is nil.
	if !in.PubKey.VerifyBytes(signBytes, in.Signature) {

// simple contract returns 5 + 6 = 0xb
func simpleContract() ([]byte, []byte, []byte) {
	// this is the code we want to run when the contract is called
	contractCode := []byte{0x60, 0x5, 0x60, 0x6, 0x1, 0x60, 0x0, 0x52, 0x60, 0x20, 0x60, 0x0, 0xf3}
	// the is the code we need to return the contractCode when the contract is initialized
	lenCode := len(contractCode)
	// push code to the stack
	//code := append([]byte{byte(0x60 + lenCode - 1)}, RightPadWord256(contractCode).Bytes()...)
	code := append([]byte{0x7f}, RightPadWord256(contractCode).Bytes()...)
	// store it in memory
	code = append(code, []byte{0x60, 0x0, 0x52}...)
	// return whats in memory
	//code = append(code, []byte{0x60, byte(32 - lenCode), 0x60, byte(lenCode), 0xf3}...)
	code = append(code, []byte{0x60, byte(lenCode), 0x60, 0x0, 0xf3}...)
	// return init code, contract code, expected return
	return code, contractCode, LeftPadBytes([]byte{0xb}, 32)

// simple call contract calls another contract
func simpleCallContract(addr []byte) ([]byte, []byte, []byte) {
	gas1, gas2 := byte(0x1), byte(0x1)
	value := byte(0x1)
	inOff, inSize := byte(0x0), byte(0x0) // no call data
	retOff, retSize := byte(0x0), byte(0x20)
	// this is the code we want to run (call a contract and return)
	contractCode := []byte{0x60, retSize, 0x60, retOff, 0x60, inSize, 0x60, inOff, 0x60, value, 0x73}
	contractCode = append(contractCode, addr...)
	contractCode = append(contractCode, []byte{0x61, gas1, gas2, 0xf1, 0x60, 0x20, 0x60, 0x0, 0xf3}...)

	// the is the code we need to return; the contractCode when the contract is initialized
	// it should copy the code from the input into memory
	lenCode := len(contractCode)
	memOff := byte(0x0)
	inOff = byte(0xc) // length of code before codeContract
	length := byte(lenCode)

	code := []byte{0x60, length, 0x60, inOff, 0x60, memOff, 0x37}
	// return whats in memory
	code = append(code, []byte{0x60, byte(lenCode), 0x60, 0x0, 0xf3}...)
	code = append(code, contractCode...)
	// return init code, contract code, expected return
	return code, contractCode, LeftPadBytes([]byte{0xb}, 32)