// Copyright 2017 Monax Industries Limited
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package version
// version provides the current Eris-DB version and a VersionIdentifier
// for the modules to identify their version with.
Benjamin Bollen
// IMPORTANT: this version number needs to be manually kept
// in sync at the bottom of this file for the deployment scripts to parse
// the version number.
// Client identifier to advertise over the network
erisClientIdentifier = "eris-db"
// Major version component of the current release
erisVersionMajor = 0
// Minor version component of the current release
erisVersionPatch = 1
var erisVersion *VersionIdentifier
func init() {
erisVersion = New(erisClientIdentifier, erisVersionMajor,
erisVersionMinor, erisVersionPatch)
// versioning globally for Eris-DB and scoped for modules
type VersionIdentifier struct {
clientIdentifier string
versionMajor uint8
versionMinor uint8
versionPatch uint8
func New(client string, major, minor, patch uint8) *VersionIdentifier {
v := new(VersionIdentifier)
v.clientIdentifier = client
v.versionMajor = major
v.versionMinor = minor
v.versionPatch = patch
return v
// GetVersionString returns `client-major.minor.patch` for Eris-DB
// without a receiver, or for the version called on.
// MakeVersionString builds the same version string with provided parameters.
func GetVersionString() string { return erisVersion.GetVersionString() }
func (v *VersionIdentifier) GetVersionString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d.%d.%d", v.clientIdentifier, v.versionMajor,
v.versionMinor, v.versionPatch)
// note: the arguments are passed in as int (rather than uint8)
// because on asserting the version constructed from the configuration file
// the casting of an int to uint8 is uglier than expanding the type range here.
// Should the configuration file have an invalid integer (that could not convert)
// then this will equally be reflected in a failed assertion of the version string.
func MakeVersionString(client string, major, minor, patch int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d.%d.%d", client, major, minor, patch)
// GetMinorVersionString returns `client-major.minor` for Eris-DB
// without a receiver, or for the version called on.
// MakeMinorVersionString builds the same version string with
// provided parameters.
func GetMinorVersionString() string { return erisVersion.GetVersionString() }
func (v *VersionIdentifier) GetMinorVersionString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d.%d", v.clientIdentifier, v.versionMajor,
// note: similar remark applies here on the use of `int` over `uint8`
// for the arguments as above for MakeVersionString()
func MakeMinorVersionString(client string, major, minor, patch int) string {
// GetVersion returns a tuple of client, major, minor, and patch as types,
// either for Eris-DB without a receiver or the called version structure.
func GetVersion() (client string, major, minor, patch uint8) {
return erisVersion.GetVersion()
func (version *VersionIdentifier) GetVersion() (
client string, major, minor, patch uint8) {
return version.clientIdentifier, version.versionMajor, version.versionMinor,
// Matching functions
// MatchesMinorVersion matches the client identifier, major and minor version
// number of the reference version identifier to be equal with the receivers.
func MatchesMinorVersion(referenceVersion *VersionIdentifier) bool {
return erisVersion.MatchesMinorVersion(referenceVersion)
func (version *VersionIdentifier) MatchesMinorVersion(
referenceVersion *VersionIdentifier) bool {
referenceClient, referenceMajor, referenceMinor, _ := referenceVersion.GetVersion()
return version.clientIdentifier == referenceClient &&
version.versionMajor == referenceMajor &&
version.versionMinor == referenceMinor
Benjamin Bollen
// Version number for tests/
Benjamin Bollen
// IMPORTANT: Eris-DB version must be on the last line of this file for
// the deployment script tests/ to pick up the right label.
const VERSION = "0.16.1"