Androlo authoredb9b21e09
Eris DB web APIs (draft)
for eris-db version 0.10.x
Eris DB allows remote access to its functionality over http and websocket. It currently supports JSON-RPC, and REST-like http. There is also javascript bindings available in the erisdb-js library.
The default endpoints for JSON-RPC (2.0) is /rpc
for http based, and /socketrpc
for websocket. The namespace for the JSON-RPC service is erisdb
PARSE_ERROR = -32700
jsonrpc: <string>
method: <string>
params: <Object>
id: <string>
jsonrpc: <string>
id: <string>
result: <Object>
error: <Error>
code: <number>
message: <string>
Id can be any string value. Parameters are named, and wrapped in objects. Also, params, result and error params may be null
jsonrpc: "2.0",
method: "erisdb.getAccount",
params: {address: "37236DF251AB70022B1DA351F08A20FB52443E37"},
address: "37236DF251AB70022B1DA351F08A20FB52443E37",
pub_key: null,
sequence: 0,
balance: 110000000000,
code: "",
storage_root: ""
The REST-like API provides the typical endpoint structure i.e. endpoints are named as resources, parameters can be put in the path, and queries are used for filtering and such. It is not fully compatible with REST; partly because some GET requests can contain sizable input so POST is used instead. There are also some modeling issues but those will most likely be resolved before version 1.0.
##Common objects and formatting
This section contains some common objects and explanations of how they work.
###Numbers and strings
Numbers are always numbers, and never strings. This is different from Ethereum where currency values are so high they need string representations. The only thing hex strings are used for is to represent byte arrays.
Hex strings are never prefixed.
"some_number_field" : 5892,
"another_number_field" : 0x52
"hex_string" : "37236DF251AB70022B1DA351F08A20FB52443E37"
###Keys and addresses
Public and Private keys in JSON data are either null, or on the form: [type, hex]
, where type
is the public, or private key type, and hex
is the hex-string representation of the key bytes.
- A
public address
is a 20 byte hex string. - A
public key
is a 32 byte hex string. - A
private key
is a 64 byte hex string.
When using a client-server setup, do NOT send public keys over non-secure connections. The only time this is fine is during development when the keys are nothing but test data and does not protect anything of value. Normally they should either be kept locally and used to sign transactions locally, held on the server where the blockchain client is running, or be passed over secure channels.
A public address: "37236DF251AB70022B1DA351F08A20FB52443E37"
The corresponding Ed25519 public key: [1, "CB3688B7561D488A2A4834E1AEE9398BEF94844D8BDBBCA980C11E3654A45906"]
The corresponding Ed25519 private key: [1, "6B72D45EB65F619F11CE580C8CAED9E0BADC774E9C9C334687A65DCBAD2C4151CB3688B7561D488A2A4834E1AEE9398BEF94844D8BDBBCA980C11E3654A45906"]
These are the types of transactions:
inputs: [<TxInput>]
outputs: [<TxOutput>]
input: <TxInput>
address: <string>
gas_limit: <number>
fee: <number>
data: <string>
input: <TxInput>
name: <string>
data: <string>
fee: <number>
pub_key: <PubKey>
signature: <string>
inputs: [<TxInput>]
unbond_to: [<TxOutput>]
address: <string>
height: <number>
signature: <string>
address: <string>
height: <number>
signature: <string>
address: <string>
vote_a: <Vote>
vote_b: <Vote>
These are the support types that are referenced in the transactions:
address: <string>
amount: <number>
sequence: <number>
signature: <string>
pub_key: <string>
address: <string>
amount: <number>
height: <number>
type: <number>
block_hash: <string>
block_parts: {
total: <number>
hash: <string>
signature: <string>
Tendermint events can be subscribed to regardless of what connection type is used. There are three methods for this:
EventSubscribe is used to subscribe to a given event, using an event-id string as argument. The response will contain a
subscription ID
, which can be used to close down the subscription later, or poll for new events if using HTTP. More on event-ids below. -
EventUnsubscribe is used to unsubscribe to an event. It requires you to pass the
subscription ID
as an argument. -
EventPoll is used to get all the events that has accumulated since the last time the subscription was polled. It takes the
subscription ID
as a parameter. NOTE: This only works over HTTP. Websocket connections will automatically receive events as they happen. They are sent as regular JSON-RPC 2.0 responses with thesubscriber ID
as response id.
There is another slight difference between polling and websocket, and that is the data you receive. If using sockets, it will always be one event at a time, whereas polling will give you an array of events.
Event types
These are the type of events you can subscribe to.
The "Account" events are triggered when someone transacts with the given account, and can be used to keep track of account activity.
NewBlock and Fork happens when a new block is committed or a fork happens, respectively.
The other events are directly related to consensus. You can find out more about the Tendermint consensus system in the Tendermint white paper. There is also information in the consensus sources, although a normal user would not be concerned with the consensus mechanisms, but would mostly just listen to account- and perhaps block-events.
Account Input
This notifies you when an account is receiving input.
Event ID: Acc/<address>/Input
Example: Acc/B4F9DA82738D37A1D83AD2CDD0C0D3CBA76EA4E7/Input
will subscribe to input events from the account with address: B4F9DA82738D37A1D83AD2CDD0C0D3CBA76EA4E7.
Event object:
tx: <Tx>
return: <string>
exception: <string>
Account Output
This notifies you when an account is yielding output.
Event ID: Acc/<address>/Output
Example: Acc/B4F9DA82738D37A1D83AD2CDD0C0D3CBA76EA4E7/Output
will subscribe to output events from the account with address: B4F9DA82738D37A1D83AD2CDD0C0D3CBA76EA4E7.
Event object:
Account Receive
This notifies you when an account is the target of a call, like when calling an accessor function.
Event ID: Acc/<address>/Receive
Example: Acc/B4F9DA82738D37A1D83AD2CDD0C0D3CBA76EA4E7/Input
will subscribe to call receive events from the account with address: B4F9DA82738D37A1D83AD2CDD0C0D3CBA76EA4E7.
call_data: {
caller: <string>
callee: <string>
data: <string>
value: <number>
gas: <number>
origin: <string>
tx_id: <string>
return: <string>
exception: <string>
New Block
This notifies you when a new block is committed.
Event ID: NewBlock
Event object:
This notifies you when a fork event happens.
Event ID: Fork
Event object:
This notifies you when a bond event happens.
Event ID: Bond
Event object:
This notifies you when an unbond event happens.
Event ID: Unbond
Event object:
This notifies you when a rebond event happens.
Event ID: Rebond
Event object:
This notifies you when a dupeout event happens.
Event ID: Dupeout
Event object:
Name | RPC method name | HTTP method | HTTP endpoint |
GetAccounts | erisdb.getAccounts | GET | /accounts |
GetAccount | erisdb.getAccount | GET | /accounts/:address |
GetStorage | erisdb.getStorage | GET | /accounts/:address/storage |
GetStorageAt | erisdb.getStorageAt | GET | /accounts/:address/storage/:key |
Name | RPC method name | HTTP method | HTTP endpoint |
GetBlockchainInfo | erisdb.getBlockchainInfo | GET | /blockchain |
GetChainId | erisdb.getChainId | GET | /blockchain/chain_id |
GetGenesisHash | erisdb.getGenesisHash | GET | /blockchain/genesis_hash |
GetLatestBlockHeight | erisdb.getLatestBlockHeight | GET | /blockchain/latest_block/height |
GetLatestBlock | erisdb.getLatestBlock | GET | /blockchain/latest_block |
GetBlocks | erisdb.getBlocks | GET | /blockchain/blocks |
GetBlock | erisdb.getBlock | GET | /blockchain/blocks/:height |
Name | RPC method name | HTTP method | HTTP endpoint |
GetConsensusState | erisdb.getConsensusState | GET | /consensus |
GetValidators | erisdb.getValidators | GET | /consensus/validators |
Name | RPC method name | HTTP method | HTTP endpoint |
EventSubscribe | erisdb.eventSubscribe | POST | /event_subs |
EventUnsubscribe | erisdb.eventUnsubscribe | DELETE | /event_subs/:id |
EventPoll | erisdb.eventPoll | GET | /event_subs/:id |
Name | RPC method name | HTTP method | HTTP endpoint |
GetNetworkInfo | erisdb.getNetworkInfo | GET | /network |
GetClientVersion | erisdb.getClientVersion | GET | /network/client_version |
GetMoniker | erisdb.getMoniker | GET | /network/moniker |
GetChainId | erisdb.getChainId | GET | /network/chain_id |
IsListening | erisdb.isListening | GET | /network/listening |
GetListeners | erisdb.getListeners | GET | /network/listeners |
GetPeers | erisdb.getPeers | GET | /network/peers |
GetPeer | erisdb.getPeer | GET | /network/peer/:address |
Name | RPC method name | HTTP method | HTTP endpoint |
BroadcastTx | erisdb.broadcastTx | POST | /txpool |
GetUnconfirmedTxs | erisdb.getUnconfirmedTxs | GET | /txpool |
###Code execution
Name | RPC method name | HTTP method | HTTP endpoint |
Call | erisdb.call | POST | /calls |
CallCode | erisdb.callCode | POST | /codecalls |
Name | RPC method name | HTTP method | HTTP endpoint |
SignTx | erisdb.signTx | POST | /unsafe/tx_signer |
Transact | erisdb.transact | POST | /unsafe/txpool |
GenPrivAccount | erisdb.genPrivAccount | GET | /unsafe/pa_generator |
Here are the catagories.
In the case of JSON-RPC, the parameters are wrapped in a request object, and the return value is wrapped in a response object.
In the case of REST-like HTTP GET requests, the params (and query) is provided in the url. If it's a POST, PATCH or PUT request, the parameter object should be written to the body of the request as JSON. It is normally the same params object as in JSON-RPC.
Unsafe is methods that require a private key to be sent either to or from the client, and should therefore be used only during development/testing, or with extreme care. They may be phased out entirely.
Get accounts will return a list of accounts. If no filtering is used, it will return all existing accounts.
Method: GET
Endpoint: /accounts
Method: erisdb.getAccounts
filters: [<FilterData>]
Field | Underlying type | Ops | Example Queries |
balance |
uint64 |
< , > , <= , >= , ==
q=balance:<=11 |
code |
byte[] |
== , !=
q=code:1FA872 |
#####Return value
accounts: [<Account>]
#####Additional info
See GetAccount below for more info on the Account
See the section on Filters for info on the FilterData
Get an account by its address.
Method: GET
Endpoint: /accounts/:address
Params: The public address
as a hex string.
Method: erisdb.getAccount
address: <string>
#####Return value
address: <string>
pub_key: <PubKey>
sequence: <number>
balance: <number>
code: <string>
storage_root: <string>
is a public address.
is a public key.
#####Additional info
Sequence is sometimes referred to as the "nonce".
There are two types of objects used to represent accounts, one is public accounts (like the one here), the other is private accounts, which only holds information about an accounts address, public and private key.
Get the complete storage of a contract account. Non-contract accounts has no storage.
NOTE: This is mainly used for debugging. In most cases the storage of an account would be accessed via public accessor functions defined in the contracts ABI.
Method: GET
Endpoint: /accounts/:address/storage
Params: The public address
as a hex string.
Method: erisdb.getStorage
address: <string>
#####Return value
storage_root: <string>
storage_items: [<StorageItem>]
is a public address.
See GetStorageAt
below for more info on the StorageItem
Get a particular entry in the storage of a contract account. Non-contract accounts has no storage.
NOTE: This is mainly used for debugging. In most cases the storage of an account would be accessed via public accessor functions defined in the contracts ABI.
Method: GET
Endpoint: /accounts/:address/storage/:key
Params: The public address
as a hex string, and the key
as a hex string.
Method: erisdb.getStorageAt
address: <string>
key: <string>
#####Return value
key: <string>
value: <string>
Both key
and value
are hex strings.
Get the current state of the blockchain. This includes things like chain-id and latest block height. There are individual getters for all fields as well.
Method: GET
Endpoint: /blockchain
Method: erisdb.getBlockchainInfo
Parameter: -
#####Return value
chain_id: <string>
genesis_hash: <string>
latest_block: <BlockMeta>
latest_block_height: <number>
#####Additional info
is the name of the chain.
is a 32 byte hex-string. It is the hash of the genesis block, which is the first block on the chain.
contains block metadata for the latest block. See the GetBlock method for more info.
is the height of the latest block, and thus also the height of the entire chain.
The block height is sometimes referred to as the block number.
See GetBlock for more info on the BlockMeta
Get the chain id.
Method: GET
Endpoint: /blockchain/chain_id
Method: erisdb.getChainId
Parameter: -
#####Return value
chain_id: <string>
Get the genesis hash. This is a 32 byte hex-string representation of the hash of the genesis block. The genesis block is the first block on the chain.