The Eris-DB node is modularly configured for the consensus engine and application
manager. The client API can be disabled.`,
Example:`$ eris-db serve -- will start the Eris-DB node based on the configuration file "server_config.toml" in the current working directory
$ eris-db serve --work-dir <path-to-working-directory> -- will start the Eris-DB node based on the configuration file "server_config.toml" in the provided working directory`,
$ eris-db serve --work-dir <path-to-working-directory> -- will start the Eris-DB node based on the configuration file "server_config.toml" in the provided working directory
$ eris-db serve --chainid <CHAIN_ID> -- will overrule the configuration entry assert_chain_id`,
// if WorkDir was not set by a flag or by $ERIS_DB_WORKDIR
// NOTE [ben]: we can consider an `Explicit` flag that eliminates
@@ -45,7 +46,6 @@ $ eris-db serve --work-dir <path-to-working-directory> -- will start the Eris-DB
log.Fatalf("No directory provided and failed to get current working directory: %v",err)
defaultChainId(),"specify the chain id to use for assertion against genesis files or existing state. If omitted, and no id is set in $CHAIN_ID, then assert_chain_id is used from the configuration file.")
defaultWorkDir(),"specify the working directory for the chain to run. If omitted, and no path set in $ERIS_DB_WORKDIR, the current working directory is taken.")