@@ -141,7 +141,6 @@ The corresponding Ed25519 public key: `[1, "CB3688B7561D488A2A4834E1AEE9398BEF94
The corresponding Ed25519 private key: `[1, "6B72D45EB65F619F11CE580C8CAED9E0BADC774E9C9C334687A65DCBAD2C4151CB3688B7561D488A2A4834E1AEE9398BEF94844D8BDBBCA980C11E3654A45906"]`
###The transaction types
@@ -444,6 +443,27 @@ Event object:
### Name-registry
The name-registry is a built-in key-value store that allow you to store bulk data in a different storage. It is currently regulated by the use of Tendermint tokens. The cost of storing some `Data` in the name-registry is this:
To pay this cost you use the `amount` field in the namereg transaction. If you want to store a 3 kb document for 10 blocks, the total cost would be `1*1*(3000 + 32)*10 = 30320` tendermint tokens.
See the [TransactNameReg](#transact-name-reg) method for more info about adding entries to the name-registry, and the methods in the [Name-registry](#name-registry) for accessing them.