## 0.12.22+1
* Run tear-down callbacks in the same error zone as the test function. This
makes it possible to safely share `Future`s and `Stream`s between tests and
their tear-downs.
## 0.12.22
* Add a `retry` option to `test()` and `group()` functions, as well
as `@Retry()` annotation for test files and a `retry`
configuration field for `dart_test.yaml`. A test with reties
enabled will be re-run if it fails for a reason other than a
* Add a `--no-retry` runner flag that disables retries of failing tests.
* Fix a "concurrent modification during iteration" error when calling
`addTearDown()` from within a tear down.
* Add a `doesNotComplete` matcher that asserts that a Future never completes.
* `throwsA()` and all related matchers will now match functions that return
`Future`s that emit exceptions.
* Respect `onPlatform` for groups.
* Only print browser load errors once per browser.
* Gracefully time out when attempting to deserialize a test suite.
## 0.12.20+13
* Upgrade to package:matcher 0.12.1
## 0.12.20+12
* Now support `v0.30.0` of `pkg/analyzer`
* The test executable now does a "hard exit" when complete to ensure lingering
isolates or async code don't block completion. This may affect users trying
to use the Dart service protocol or observatory.
## 0.12.20+11
* Refactor bootstrapping to simplify the test/pub_serve transformer.
## 0.12.20+10
* Refactor for internal tools.
## 0.12.20+9
* Introduce new flag `--chain-stack-traces` to conditionally chain stack traces.
## 0.12.20+8
* Fixed more blockers for compiling with `dev_compiler`.
* Dartfmt the entire repo.
* **Note:** 0.12.20+5-0.12.20+7 were tagged but not officially published.
## 0.12.20+4
* Fixed strong-mode errors and other blockers for compiling with `dev_compiler`.
## 0.12.20+3
* `--pause-after-load` no longer deadlocks with recent versions of Chrome.
* Fix Dartified stack traces for JS-compiled tests run through `pub serve`.
## 0.12.20+2
* Print "[E]" after test failures to make them easier to identify visually and
via automated search.
* Tighten the dependency on `stream_channel` to reflect the APIs being used.
## 0.12.20
* **Breaking change:** The `expect()` method no longer returns a `Future`, since
this broke backwards-compatibility in cases where a void function was
returning an `expect()` (such as `void foo() => expect(...)`). Instead, a new
`expectLater()` function has been added that return a `Future` that completes
when the matcher has finished running.
* The `verbose` parameter to `expect()` and the `formatFailure()` function are
## 0.12.19+1
* Make sure asynchronous matchers that can fail synchronously, such as
`throws*()` and `prints()`, can be used with synchronous matcher operators
like `isNot()`.
* Added the `StreamMatcher` class, as well as several built-in stream matchers:
`emits()`, `emitsError()`, `emitsDone, mayEmit()`, `mayEmitMultiple()`,
`emitsAnyOf()`, `emitsInOrder()`, `emitsInAnyOrder()`, and `neverEmits()`.
* `expect()` now returns a Future for the asynchronous matchers `completes`,
`completion()`, `throws*()`, and `prints()`.
* Add a `printOnFailure()` method for providing debugging information that's
only printed when a test fails.
* Automatically configure the [`term_glyph`][term_glyph] package to use ASCII
glyphs when the test runner is running on Windows.
* Deprecate the `throws` matcher in favor of `throwsA()`.
* Deprecate the `Throws` class. These matchers should only be constructed via
## 0.12.18+1
* Fix the deprecated `expectAsync()` function. The deprecation caused it to
fail to support functions that take arguments.
* Add an `addTearDown()` function, which allows tests to register additional
tear-down callbacks as they're running.
* Add the `spawnHybridUri()` and `spawnHybridCode()` functions, which allow
browser tests to run code on the VM.
* Fix the new `expectAsync` functions so that they don't produce analysis errors
when passed callbacks with optional arguments.
## 0.12.17+3
* Internal changes only.
## 0.12.17+2
* Fix Dartium debugging on Windows.
## 0.12.17+1
* Fix a bug where tags couldn't be marked as skipped.
Florian Loitsch
* Deprecate `expectAsync` and `expectAsyncUntil`, since they currently can't be
made to work cleanly in strong mode. They are replaced with separate methods
for each number of callback arguments:
* `expectAsync0`, `expectAsync1`, ... `expectAsync6`, and
* `expectAsyncUntil0`, `expectAsyncUntil1`, ... `expectAsyncUntil6`.
## 0.12.16
* Allow tools to interact with browser debuggers using the JSON reporter.
## 0.12.15+12
* Fix a race condition that could cause the runner to stall for up to three
seconds after completing.
## 0.12.15+11
* Make test iframes visible when debugging.
## 0.12.15+10
* Throw a better error if a group body is asynchronous.
## 0.12.15+9
* Widen version constraint on `analyzer`.
## 0.12.15+8
* Make test suites with thousands of tests load much faster on the VM (and
possibly other platforms).
## 0.12.15+7
* Fix a bug where tags would be dropped when `on_platform` was defined in a
config file.
## 0.12.15+6
* Fix a broken link in the `--help` documentation.
## 0.12.15+5
* Internal-only change.
## 0.12.15+4
* Widen version constraint on `analyzer`.
## 0.12.15+3
* Move `nestingMiddleware` to `lib/src/util/path_handler.dart` to enable a
cleaner separation between test-runner files and test writing files.
## 0.12.15+2
* Support running without a `packages/` directory.
## 0.12.15+1
* Declare support for version 1.19 of the Dart SDK.
## 0.12.15
* Add a `skip` parameter to `expect()`. Marking a single expect as skipped will
cause the test itself to be marked as skipped.
* Add a `--run-skipped` parameter and `run_skipped` configuration field that
cause tests to be run even if they're marked as skipped.
## 0.12.14+1
* Narrow the constraint on `yaml`.
## 0.12.14
* Add test and group location information to the JSON reporter.
* Declare support for version 1.18 of the Dart SDK.
* Use the latest `collection` package.
## 0.12.13+4
* Compatibility with an upcoming release of the `collection` package.
## 0.12.13+3
* Internal changes only.
## 0.12.13+2
* Fix all strong-mode errors and warnings.
## 0.12.13+1
* Declare support for version 1.17 of the Dart SDK.
* Add support for a global configuration file. On Windows, this file defaults to
`%LOCALAPPDATA%\DartTest.yaml`. On Unix, it defaults to `~/.dart_test.yaml`.
It can also be explicitly set using the `DART_TEST_CONFIG` environment
variable. See [the configuration documentation][global config] for details.
* The `--name` and `--plain-name` arguments may be passed more than once, and
may be passed together. A test must match all name constraints in order to be
* Add `names` and `plain_names` fields to the package configuration file. These
allow presets to control which tests are run based on their names.
* Add `include_tags` and `exclude_tags` fields to the package configuration
file. These allow presets to control which tests are run based on their tags.
* Add a `pause_after_load` field to the package configuration file. This allows
presets to enable debugging mode.
[global config]:
* Add support for [test presets][]. These are defined using the `presets` field
in the package configuration file. They can be selected by passing `--preset`
or `-P`, or by using the `add_presets` field in the package configuration
* Add an `on_os` field to the package configuration file that allows users to
select different configuration for different operating systems.
* Add an `on_platform` field to the package configuration file that allows users
to configure all tests differently depending on which platform they run on.
* Add an `ios` platform selector variable. This variable will only be true when
the `test` executable itself is running on iOS, not when it's running browser
tests on an iOS browser.
[test presets]:
## 0.12.11+2
* Update to `shelf_web_socket` 0.2.0.
## 0.12.11+1
* Purely internal change.
## 0.12.11
* Add a `tags` field to the package configuration file that allows users to
provide configuration for specific tags.
* The `--tags` and `--exclude-tags` command-line flags now allow
[boolean selector syntax][]. For example, you can now pass `--tags "(chrome ||
firefox) && !slow"` to select quick Chrome or Firefox tests.
[boolean selector syntax]:
## 0.12.10+2
* Re-add help output separators.
* Tighten the constraint on `args`.
## 0.12.10+1
* Temporarily remove separators from the help output. Version 0.12.8 was
erroneously released without an appropriate `args` constraint for the features
it used; this version will help ensure that users who can't use `args` 0.13.1
will get a working version of `test`.
## 0.12.10
* Add support for a package-level configuration file called `dart_test.yaml`.
## 0.12.9
* Add `SuiteEvent` to the JSON reporter, which reports data about the suites in
which tests are run.
* Add `AllSuitesEvent` to the JSON reporter, which reports the total number of
suites that will be run.
* Add `Group.testCount` to the JSON reporter, which reports the total number of
tests in each group.
## 0.12.8
* Organize the `--help` output into sections.
* Add the ability to re-run tests while debugging. When the browser is paused at
a breakpoint, the test runner will open an interactive console on the command
line that can be used to restart the test.
* Add support for passing any object as a description to `test()` and `group()`.
These objects will be converted to strings.
* Add the ability to tag tests. Tests with specific tags may be run by passing
the `--tags` command-line argument, or excluded by passing the
`--exclude-tags` parameter.
This feature is not yet complete. For now, tags are only intended to be added
temporarily to enable use-cases like [focusing][] on a specific test or group.
Further development can be followed on [the issue tracker][issue 16].
* Wait for a test's tear-down logic to run, even if it times out.
[issue 16]:
* Declare compatibility with `http_parser` 2.0.0.
## 0.12.6+1
* Declare compatibility with `http_multi_server` 2.0.0.
## 0.12.6
* Add a machine-readable JSON reporter. For details, see
[the protocol documentation][json-protocol].
* Skipped groups now properly print skip messages.
## 0.12.5+2
* Declare compatibility with Dart 1.14 and 1.15.
## 0.12.5+1
* Fixed a deadlock bug when using `setUpAll()` and `tearDownAll()`.
* Add `setUpAll()` and `tearDownAll()` methods that run callbacks before and
after all tests in a group or suite. **Note that these methods are for special
cases and should be avoided**—they make it very easy to accidentally introduce
dependencies between tests. Use `setUp()` and `tearDown()` instead if
* Allow `setUp()` and `tearDown()` to be called multiple times within the same
* When a `tearDown()` callback runs after a signal has been caught, it can now
schedule out-of-band asynchronous callbacks normally rather than having them
throw exceptions.
* Don't show package warnings when compiling tests with dart2js. This was
accidentally enabled in 0.12.2, but was never intended.
## 0.12.4+9
* If a `tearDown()` callback throws an error, outer `tearDown()` callbacks are
still executed.
## 0.12.4+8
* Don't compile tests to JavaScript when running via `pub serve` on Dartium or
content shell.
## 0.12.4+7
* Support `http_parser` 1.0.0.
## 0.12.4+6
* Fix a broken link in the README.
## 0.12.4+5
* Internal changes only.
## 0.12.4+4
* Widen the Dart SDK constraint to include `1.13.0`.
## 0.12.4+3
* Make source maps work properly in the browser when not using `--pub-serve`.
## 0.12.4+2
* Fix a memory leak when running many browser tests where old test suites failed
to be unloaded when they were supposed to.
## 0.12.4+1
* Require Dart SDK >= `1.11.0` and `shelf` >= `0.6.0`, allowing `test` to remove
various hacks and workarounds.
* Add a `--pause-after-load` flag that pauses the test runner after each suite
is loaded so that breakpoints and other debugging annotations can be added.
Currently this is only supported on browsers.
* Add a `Timeout.none` value indicating that a test should never time out.
* The `dart-vm` platform selector variable is now `true` for Dartium and content
* The compact reporter no longer prints status lines that only update the clock
if they would get in the way of messages or errors from a test.
* The expanded reporter no longer double-prints the descriptions of skipped
## 0.12.3+9
* Widen the constraint on `analyzer` to include `0.26.0`.
* Fix an uncaught error that could crop up when killing the test runner process
at the wrong time.
## 0.12.3+7
* Add a missing dependency on the `collection` package.
**This version was unpublished due to [issue 287][].**
* Properly report load errors caused by failing to start browsers.
* Substantially increase browser timeouts. These timeouts are the cause of a lot
of flakiness, and now that they don't block test running there's less harm in
making them longer.
**This version was unpublished due to [issue 287][].**
* Fix a crash when skipping tests because their platforms don't match.
**This version was unpublished due to [issue 287][].**
* The compact reporter will update the timer every second, rather than only
updating it occasionally.
* The compact reporter will now print the full, untruncated test name before any
errors or prints emitted by a test.
* The expanded reporter will now *always* print the full, untruncated test name.
**This version was unpublished due to [issue 287][].**
* Limit the number of test suites loaded at once. This helps ensure that the
test runner won't run out of memory when running many test suites that each
load a large amount of code.
**This version was unpublished due to [issue 287][].**
[issue 287]:
* Improve the display of syntax errors in VM tests.
* Work around a [Firefox bug][]. Computed styles now work in tests on Firefox.
[Firefox bug]:
* Fix a bug where VM tests would be loaded from the wrong URLs on Windows (or in
special circumstances on other operating systems).
## 0.12.3+1
* Fix a bug that caused the test runner to crash on Windows because symlink
resolution failed.
* If a future matched against the `completes` or `completion()` matcher throws
an error, that error is printed directly rather than being wrapped in a
string. This allows such errors to be captured using the Zone API and improves
* Improve support for Polymer tests. This fixes a flaky time-out error and adds
support for Dartifying JavaScript stack traces when running Polymer tests via
`pub serve`.
* In order to be more extensible, all exception handling within tests now uses
the Zone API.
* Add a heartbeat to reset a test's timeout whenever the test interacts with the
test infrastructure.
* `expect()`, `expectAsync()`, and `expectAsyncUntil()` throw more useful errors
if called outside a test body.
* Convert JavaScript stack traces into Dart stack traces using source maps. This
can be disabled with the new `--js-trace` flag.
* Improve the browser test suite timeout logic to avoid timeouts when running
many browser suites at once.
## 0.12.1
* Add a `--verbose-trace` flag to include core library frames in stack traces.
`0.12.0` adds support for a test runner, which can be run via `pub run
test:test` (or `pub run test` in Dart 1.10). By default it runs all files
recursively in the `test/` directory that end in `_test.dart` and aren't in a
`packages/` directory.
The test runner supports running tests on the Dart VM and many different
browsers. Test files can use the `@TestOn` annotation to declare which platforms
they support. For more information on this and many more new features, see [the
As part of moving to a runner-based model, most test configuration is moving out
of the test file and into the runner. As such, many ancillary APIs have been
removed. These APIs include `skip_` and `solo_` functions, `Configuration` and
all its subclasses, `TestCase`, `TestFunction`, `testConfiguration`,
`formatStacks`, `filterStacks`, `groupSep`, `logMessage`, `testCases`,
`BREATH_INTERVAL`, `currentTestCase`, `PASS`, `FAIL`, `ERROR`, `filterTests`,
`runTests`, `ensureInitialized`, `setSoloTest`, `enableTest`, `disableTest`, and
`FailureHandler`, `DefaultFailureHandler`, `configureExpectFailureHandler`, and
`getOrCreateExpectFailureHandler` which used to be exported from the `matcher`
package have also been removed. They existed to enable integration between
`test` and `matcher` that has been streamlined.
A number of APIs from `matcher` have been into `test`, including: `completes`,
`completion`, `ErrorFormatter`, `expect`,`fail`, `prints`, `TestFailure`,
`Throws`, and all of the `throws` methods. Some of these have changed slightly:
* `expect` no longer has a named `failureHandler` argument.
* `completion` argument `id` renamed to `description`.
* Fix some strong mode warnings we missed in the `vm_config.dart` and
`html_config.dart` libraries.
* Fix a bug introduced in 0.11.6+2 in which operator matchers broke when taking
lists of matchers.
* Fix all strong mode warnings.
* Give tests more time to start running.
* Merge in the last `0.11.x` release of `matcher` to allow projects to use both
`test` and `unittest` without conflicts.
* Fix running individual tests with `HtmlIndividualConfiguration` when the test
name contains URI-escaped values and is provided with the `group` query
* Internal code cleanups and documentation improvements.
* Bumped the version constraint for `matcher`.
* Bump the version constraint for `matcher`.
* Narrow the constraint on matcher to ensure that new features are reflected in
unittest's version.
* Prints a warning instead of throwing an error when setting the test
configuration after it has already been set. The first configuration is always
* Fix bug in withTestEnvironment where test cases were not reinitialized if
called multiple times.
* Add `reason` named argument to `expectAsync` and `expectAsyncUntil`, which has
the same definition as `expect`'s `reason` argument.
* Added support for private test environments.
* Refactored package tests.
* Release test functions after each test is run.
* Fix for [20153](
* Updated maximum `matcher` version.
* Removed unused files from tests and standardized remaining test file names.
* Widen the version constraint for `stack_trace`.
* Deprecated methods have been removed:
* `expectAsync0`, `expectAsync1`, and `expectAsync2` - use `expectAsync`
* `expectAsyncUntil0`, `expectAsyncUntil1`, and `expectAsyncUntil2` - use
`expectAsyncUntil` instead
* `guardAsync` - no longer needed
* `protectAsync0`, `protectAsync1`, and `protectAsync2` - no longer needed
* `matcher.dart` and `mirror_matchers.dart` have been removed. They are now in
the `matcher` package.
* `mock.dart` has been removed. It is now in the `mock` package.
* Fixed deprecation message for `mock`.
* Moved to triple-slash for all doc comments.
* `matcher.dart` and `mirror_matchers.dart` are now in the `matcher`
* `mock.dart` is now in the `mock` package.
* `equals` now allows a nested matcher as an expected list element or map value
when doing deep matching.
* `expectAsync` and `expectAsyncUntil` now support up to 6 positional arguments
and correctly handle functions with optional positional arguments with default
* Each test is run in a separate `Zone`. This ensures that any exceptions that
occur is async operations are reported back to the source test case.
* **DEPRECATED** `guardAsync`, `protectAsync0`, `protectAsync1`,
and `protectAsync2`
* Running each test in a `Zone` addresses the need for these methods.
* **NEW!** `expectAsync` replaces the now deprecated `expectAsync0`,
`expectAsync1` and `expectAsync2`
* **NEW!** `expectAsyncUntil` replaces the now deprecated `expectAsyncUntil0`,
`expectAsyncUntil1` and `expectAsyncUntil2`
* `TestCase`:
* Removed properties: `setUp`, `tearDown`, `testFunction`
* `enabled` is now get-only
* Removed methods: `pass`, `fail`, `error`
* `interactive_html_config.dart` has been removed.
* `runTests`, `tearDown`, `setUp`, `test`, `group`, `solo_test`, and
`solo_group` now throw a `StateError` if called while tests are running.
* `rerunTests` has been removed.