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  1. Dec 06, 2019
    • Nate Bosch's avatar
      Fix newly enforced package:pedantic lints (#1118) · c0f4f232
      Nate Bosch authored
      - always_declare_return_types
      - annotate_overrides
      - await_only_futures
      - omit_local_variable_types
      - prefer_collection_literals
      - prefer_conditional_assignment
      - prefer_final_fields
      - prefer_for_elements_to_map_fromiterable
      - prefer_if_null_operators
      - prefer_spread_collections
      - unnecessary_this
      - use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters
      Bump min SDK to 2.3.0 everywhere to allow using spreads in collection
      Skip an already failing test
  2. Oct 09, 2019
    • willdrach-wk's avatar
      Implement VM coverage gathering (#1088) · 08bf237b
      willdrach-wk authored
      Open to feedback on this. Here's how it works at the moment:
      There's a new `--coverage` option that you can use to specify the output directory for your coverage. It will create a new output directory if one doesn't already exist.
      The tests are run through the engine, and then get spit out to a coverage helper function. That coverage helper function:
      **A)** Checks if it's a VM suite
      **B)** Gathers coverage if it is
      **C)** Outputs coverage to `${suite path}.vm.json`
      So, for example, when I run:
      pub run test --coverage hello_world test/vm/simple_repo_test.dart
      A new file gets added at `hello_world/test/vm/simple_repo_test.dart.vm.json` with the coverage results!
  3. Apr 26, 2019
  4. Apr 08, 2019
  5. Apr 05, 2019
  6. Apr 02, 2019
  7. Nov 01, 2018
  8. Oct 30, 2018
  9. Oct 19, 2018
    • Jonah Williams's avatar
      Refactor test into two packages (#945) · ac213303
      Jonah Williams authored
      * Refactor test into two packages (#1)
      * move test and test_core to packages folder
      * rename test_core to test_api
      * rename packages to pkgs, add dart.js back to repo
      * change pubspec to point to test_api version
      * move to correct dir in travis.yml
      * Remove duplicate utils.dart
  10. Jun 11, 2018
    • Gary Roumanis's avatar
    • Nate Bosch's avatar
      Fix implicit casts in lib directory (#861) · 00e2e7d7
      Nate Bosch authored
      There are still errors in tests which may be harder to fix so we can't
      check in the change to analysis options.
      This should make it easier to diagnose Dart 2 semantic issues as more of
      the places where there can be failures are explicit.
      Most of the changes are just adding explicit `as` statements and keeping
      the semantics that already existed. In a few places an uninitialized
      `var` is given a type, and in others a reused variable name with
      different types is split into multiple variables.
      The changes in the frontend code are the most risky, since some users
      might still be using that code in a non Dart 2 runtime and relying on
      looseness which is lost with an explicit cast.
      Pin to the dev.60 SDK for now since there are failures on the newer SDK.
  11. May 03, 2018
  12. Apr 17, 2018
  13. Apr 10, 2018
  14. Mar 01, 2018
    • Natalie Weizenbaum's avatar
      Stop testing content shell (#780) · 5230fd6c
      Natalie Weizenbaum authored
      These tests have been flaking all over the place, and with the total
      lack of support for content shell coming so soon it doesn't make sense
      to spend the resources tracking down and fixing the root cause.
  15. Feb 14, 2018
  16. Oct 02, 2017
  17. Sep 19, 2017
  18. Aug 04, 2017
  19. Jun 14, 2017
  20. Jun 07, 2017
  21. May 17, 2017
  22. May 03, 2017
  23. May 02, 2017
  24. May 01, 2017
  25. Apr 13, 2017
    • Gary Roumanis's avatar
      Add Travis support (#591) · c2124db9
      Gary Roumanis authored
      Runs the following tests:
      - dartanalyzer
      - dartfmt
      - vm tests excluding all browser tags
      - dartium tests
      Note that the dev SDK appears to leave pub running after a successful run of tests. This will need to be investigated further.