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  1. Feb 11, 2020
    • Nate Bosch's avatar
      Fix stack trace mapping for SDK locations (#1175) · 936a28a5
      Nate Bosch authored
      These were disabled because non-hermetic URIs were present. They have
      been replaced with `org-dartlang-sdk` URIs. Update the SDK URI base so
      that the replacement works for these URIs.
      The tests in `pub_serve_test.dart` are still skipped for other reasons
      so we can't guarantee they are fixed correctly here. Once we unskip
      those tests we wouldn't want to hide issues with the stack trace
      mapping, so we'll remove that reason for the skip.
  2. Feb 05, 2020
    • Nate Bosch's avatar
      Remove an unnecessary await on event loop (#1164) · 590abf70
      Nate Bosch authored
      Closes #865
      Move a `pumpEventQueue` to fix a failing test.
      The test was passing because of the extra event loop cycle in
      `close()`. The intent of the test is to check behavior when a test
      hasn't completed yet. By closing immediately the test was actually
      looking at behavior of when the tests hadn't even been declared yet, and
      the extra `await` was hiding that.
      Reorder the closing of the `_suiteController` and
      `_onSuiteAddedController`. Values flow first through the
      `_suitController` and then to the `_onSuitAddedController`. I saw at
      least one case where a value flowed through late and cause an error
      attempting to add a value on a closed controller.
    • Nate Bosch's avatar
      Remove arguments to runInIsolate utility (#1169) · 26ba571a
      Nate Bosch authored
      The `resolver` argument was only used from external packages which can
      be migrated off this utility.
      The `checked` argument was only used to allow `spawnHybrid` APIs to run
      code without asserts, but we want all test code to run with asserts,
      including server side utilities.
  3. Feb 04, 2020
  4. Feb 03, 2020
  5. Feb 02, 2020
  6. Feb 01, 2020
    • Nate Bosch's avatar
      Avoid unhandled errors in spawnHybridUri (#1162) · 658e47e9
      Nate Bosch authored
      Closes #1007
      Closes #1008
      We already forward errors across the `StreamChannel` so it isn't
      particularly useful to also have them printed to the output on the VM
      hosting the runner.
      We know that `listen` is only ever called in an Isolate that was spawned
      from the runner and the `zone` is the root zone. The uncaught error
      handler on the root zone will print the error and then kill the isolate,
      we jump straight to killing the isolate instead. This Isolate is only
      ever spawned without an `onError` handler that would override the
  7. Jan 29, 2020
    • Jacob MacDonald's avatar
      Shared loading and running pool (#1161) · a5addd37
      Jacob MacDonald authored
      Change the behavior of the concurrency setting so that loading and running
        don't have separate pools.
        * The loading and running of a test are now done with the same resource, and
          the concurrency setting uniformly affects each. With `-j1` only a single
          test will ever be loaded at a time.
        * Previously the loading pool was 2x larger than the actual concurrency
          setting which could cause flaky tests due to tests being loaded while
          other tests were running, even with `-j1`.
  8. Jan 27, 2020
  9. Jan 24, 2020
  10. Jan 23, 2020
  11. Jan 22, 2020
  12. Jan 21, 2020
  13. Jan 19, 2020
  14. Jan 10, 2020
    • Nate Bosch's avatar
      Drop optional new from code in strings (#1134) · dcd9b518
      Nate Bosch authored
      Remove the `new` from Dart code in strings, docs, comments, and the
      README. Leave the keyword if it's used in a doc comment references to
      link specifically to the unnamed constructor instead of a class.
      Simplify some implementation comments to avoid repeating information.
      In some user facing Dart code, switch to single quotes for consistency.
  15. Jan 09, 2020
    • Nate Bosch's avatar
      Drop author from pubspecs (#1139) · d29c10ef
      Nate Bosch authored
      The field is no longer used by pub and triggers a warning on publish.
    • Nate Bosch's avatar
      Prepare to publish test_core and test (#1138) · e5d14b36
      Nate Bosch authored
      - Bump to feature version change in `test`.
      - Drop `-dev` from pubspecs.
      - Pin to latest `test_core` from `test`.
      2 tags
    • Evan Weible's avatar
      Add file-based reporter support (#1129) · b5bd8b3b
      Evan Weible authored
      Add support for writing any reporter output to a file in addition to the
      reporter on `stdout`. The `json` reporter is the primary use case.
      Adds a `--file-reporter` CLI argument, and `file_reporters` yaml config
      - Add a `MultiplexingReporter` to allow wiring up multiple reporters to
        listen at once.
      - Plumb through the configuration mapping a reporter to a file path.
      - Instantiate each file reporter with a sink from the file instead of
        the normal `stdout`.
    • Nate Bosch's avatar
      Remove stale or inactionable TODO comments (#1135) · cd03013e
      Nate Bosch authored
      Remove TODO comments waiting for things that will never change or that
      we don't intend to take action on.
      - is closed as not
      - Dart 2 does not support importing `dart:io` in cross platform code.
      - Setting the exit code is not supported on web.
      - We plan on keeping `executable.dart` under lib to allow reuse from
        other packages internally.
      - We don't plan on trying to support `spawnHybridUri` outside of the
        test runner.
      - `executable.main` is now declared to return a `Future`.
      - We don't intend to take a dependency on `json_schema`.
    • Nate Bosch's avatar
      Drop support for old stack trace format (#1133) · 5d1b8a44
      Nate Bosch authored
      The stack trace changed in `1.24` and the tests were updated to allow
      either format. Since we don't support that SDK anymore we can simplify
      back to the single format that will be used.
  16. Jan 08, 2020
  17. Jan 07, 2020
    • Dan Field's avatar
      Drop pedantic dependency (#1131) · eb8aa6b5
      Dan Field authored
      Flutter pins package dependencies, including all transitive dependencies.
      Because test_api depends on pedantic, Flutter pins that dependency.
      However, pedantic is only depended on for the `unawaited` function, which is a one-line piece of code.
      This will enable resolution of without requiring Flutter to unpin its dependencies, and with a very small overhead on test_api to not re-import pedantic :)  This helps downstream consumers who want to depend on the package for the actual analysis options files.
      Also related:
  18. Jan 06, 2020
  19. Dec 20, 2019
  20. Dec 18, 2019
    • Nate Bosch's avatar
      Always pass a function to BooleanSelector.evaluate (#1125) · 5543984b
      Nate Bosch authored
      Prepare for a potential breaking change in `package:boolean_selector`.
      Currently the `evaluate` method takes an argument which is either an
      `Iterable<String>` or a `bool Function(String)` which matches the
      `.toSet()contains` tearoff on that Iterable. We might tighten that to
      always take a `bool Function(String)` since the tearoff is easy to
      handle at the calling side.
  21. Dec 11, 2019
  22. Dec 06, 2019
    • Nate Bosch's avatar
      Remove uses of "invoke" utility (#1119) · 746a4dc3
      Nate Bosch authored
      This has the same intended purpose as `unawaited` so it can be easily
      replaced. Technically even the `unawaited` is not necessary here since
      none of the surrounding functions are `async`, but it is fine to use it
      for documentation purposed.
      Leave the utility in place for now since it will take some version bump
      gymnastics to roll out.
    • Nate Bosch's avatar
      Fix newly enforced package:pedantic lints (#1118) · c0f4f232
      Nate Bosch authored
      - always_declare_return_types
      - annotate_overrides
      - await_only_futures
      - omit_local_variable_types
      - prefer_collection_literals
      - prefer_conditional_assignment
      - prefer_final_fields
      - prefer_for_elements_to_map_fromiterable
      - prefer_if_null_operators
      - prefer_spread_collections
      - unnecessary_this
      - use_function_type_syntax_for_parameters
      Bump min SDK to 2.3.0 everywhere to allow using spreads in collection
      Skip an already failing test
  23. Nov 14, 2019
  24. Nov 07, 2019
  25. Oct 31, 2019
  26. Oct 25, 2019
    • Nate Bosch's avatar
      Switch from IOSink to StringSink (#1105) · f515fa8e
      Nate Bosch authored
      Towards #1100
      The ExpandedReporter needs to work on the web platform. It worked before
      because it only used `print` which works everywhere.
      - Change the argument to `StringSink` which can be supported on every
      - Remove the `dart:io` import from the expanded reporter.
      - Make the `sink` argument non-optional for the expanded reporter.
      - Add a `PrintSink` implementation that buffers writes until the content
        ends with a newline and then calls `print`.
  27. Oct 24, 2019