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  1. Oct 16, 2019
    • Shai Barack's avatar
      [alln] Opt in to -Wno-implicit-int-float-conversion · 44aba1da
      Shai Barack authored
      Otherwise when we turn on this warning project-wide we get this sad
      ../../third_party/icu/source/i18n/plurrule.cpp:1664:24: error: implicit conversion from 'int64_t' (aka 'long') to 'double' changes value from 9223372036854775807 to 9223372036854775808 [-Werror,-Wimplicit-int-float-conversion]
                if (scaled > U_INT64_MAX) {
                           ~ ^~~~~~~~~~~
      ../../third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/umachine.h:212:33: note: expanded from macro 'U_INT64_MAX'
      Bug: 3203
      Change-Id: I8e6984169120547460e3e35a566272e13ce4506c
  2. Oct 14, 2019
    • Anthony Fandrianto's avatar
      Roll ICU to 5005010d · 3017785e
      Anthony Fandrianto authored
      5005010d Update IANA timezone db to 2019c
      181ac4d9 Add "# COMPONENT" to icu OWNERS file
      72f47545 Fix v8 formatRange/formatRange issues
      93a34f0e Add assets and copy target for extra ICU data file
      2ecd66c6 Remove a few TODO(GYP)s that look obsolete.
      948aa59b Cherry-pick "Do not override clang compiler internal builtins" in ICU
      845fee7e Cherry-pick "Remove obsolete U_HAVE_STD_ATOMICS and similar @internal macros." in ICU
      Change-Id: Ie64355f47e9b1f24fc164a2d14d42d876b66aabf
  3. Oct 10, 2019
  4. Oct 03, 2019
  5. Sep 18, 2019
  6. Sep 13, 2019
  7. Sep 11, 2019
  8. Sep 09, 2019
  9. Aug 29, 2019
  10. Aug 22, 2019
  11. Aug 19, 2019
    • Frank Tang's avatar
      Add android_small/icudatl_extra.dat · 2b2ee715
      Frank Tang authored
      This newly built DAT file contains new locales for Android:
            "bn", "et", "gu", "kn", "ml", "mr", "ms", "ta", "te", "af",
            "az", "eu", "gl", "hy", "is", "ka", "kk", "km", "ky", "lo",
            "mk", "mn", "my", "ne", "pa", "si", "sq", "ur", "uz", "zu"
      It can be used in conjunction with android_small/icudtl.dat
      The application (chrome on android) should load the icudtl_extra.dat
      FIRST before loading android_small/icudtl.dat
      To work around the limitation of ICU's handling of multiple data packages, the following is done for android_small/icudatl_extra.dat.
      a. Do not use pool bundles. usePoolBundle is set to false in android_extra.json.
      b. Filter out res_index.res files with "icupkg -r"
      Bug: chromium:969181
      Change-Id: I9a3407bfcbe4a55e1f9bda1daa713e4487fbfbba
      Reviewed-by: default avatarJungshik Shin <>
  12. Aug 14, 2019
  13. Aug 13, 2019
  14. Aug 09, 2019
    • Frank Tang's avatar
      Update IANA timezone db to 2019b · 9a5af81f
      Frank Tang authored
      According to the announcement at
           Brazil no longer observes DST.
           Palestine's 2019 spring-forward transition was on 03-29, not 03-30.
      The tz-related files are updated by running and ICU
      data files are rebuilt.
      Either in JS console in Chrome or v8 should work like these:
      d8> new Date(Date.UTC(2020, 0, 20, 9, 59)).toLocaleString("en", {timeZone: "America/Sao_Paulo", timeZoneName: "long"})
      d8> new Date(Date.UTC(2020, 0, 20, 9, 59)).toLocaleString("en", {timeZone: "America/Cuiaba", timeZoneName: "long"})
      d8> new Date(Date.UTC(2020, 0, 20, 9, 59)).toLocaleString("en", {timeZone: "America/Campo_Grande", timeZoneName: "long"})
      EXPECT to see these dates are under Standard Time.
      "1/20/2020, 6:59:00 AM Brasilia Standard Time"
      "1/20/2020, 5:59:00 AM Amazon Standard Time"
      "1/20/2020, 5:59:00 AM Amazon Standard Time"
      BEFORE this CL we got them under Summer Time.
      "1/20/2020, 7:59:00 AM Brasilia Summer Time"
      "1/20/2020, 6:59:00 AM Amazon Summer Time"
      "1/20/2020, 6:59:00 AM Amazon Summer Time"
      Notice the change only apply to future date and summer in Brazil
      is during the winter of USA.
      Bug: chromium:991739
      Test: See the above.
      Change-Id: I348254c4a5042c6b16c6a72cb7d69742f3d57778
      Reviewed-by: default avatarJungshik Shin <>
  15. Jul 24, 2019
  16. Jul 23, 2019
  17. Jun 20, 2019
  18. May 31, 2019
  19. May 29, 2019
  20. May 23, 2019
  21. May 21, 2019
  22. May 15, 2019
  23. May 11, 2019
  24. May 10, 2019
  25. May 08, 2019
    • Frank Tang's avatar
      Adds back ulayout and add tz res files. · 3a162e7a
      Frank Tang authored
      1. is modified to copy 3 timezone resource files
         tzres for a separate tz update on fucshia.
      2. Adds ulayout back for Blink to use in layout (vertical orientation,
         Indic layout properties, etc).
      Increase 13K on all data file except iOS.
      File           ICU64-2  NEW     DIFF
      chromeos      10380672 10394080 13408
      common        10396864 10410272 13408
      cast           5101760  5115168 13408
      android        7747120  7760528 13408
      android_small  6407040  6420432 13392
      ios            6372800  6372800     0
      flutter         894736   908144 13408
      Bug: 958948,959155
      Change-Id: I185f1c0554a515cfa8fe670935ca785698974c71
      Reviewed-by: default avatarJungshik Shin <>
  26. Apr 19, 2019
  27. Apr 18, 2019
  28. Apr 12, 2019
  29. Apr 11, 2019
    • Frank Tang's avatar
      Add 32 more locales for Android · 85768aa2
      Frank Tang authored
      Copy the old filters/android.json to filters/android_small.json
      Copy the old android/icudtl.dat to android_small/icudtl.dat
      Add 32 locales to filters/android.json and rebuild.
      Change the to use android_small for now.
      af az eu fr-CA gl hy is ka kk km ky lo mk mn my ne
      pa si sq ur uz zh-HK zu
      bn et gu kn ml mr ms ta te
      Compare to android/icudtl.dat. It increase 1.28M.
       7746368 android/icudtl.dat
       6406288 android_small/icudtl.dat
      Bug: 951636
      Change-Id: I4c4f43add3c76adf5da215342ec4460bbaf2de87
      Reviewed-by: default avatarJungshik Shin <>
  30. Apr 09, 2019
    • Frank Tang's avatar
      Update IANA timezone database to 2019a · 4ae7482a
      Frank Tang authored
      2019a was announced on March 26 2019.
      Palestine "springs forward" on 2019-03-30 instead of 2019-03-23.
      Metlakatla "fell back" to rejoin Alaska Time on 2019-01-20 at 02:00.
      Either in JS console in Chrome or v8 should work like these:
      new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 0, 20, 9, 59)).toLocaleString("en", {timeZone: "America/Metlakatla", timeZoneName: "long"})
      new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 0, 20, 10, 00)).toLocaleString("en", {timeZone: "America/Metlakatla", timeZoneName: "long"})
      new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 2, 10, 10, 59)).toLocaleString("en", {timeZone: "America/Metlakatla", timeZoneName: "long"})
      new Date(Date.UTC(2019, 2, 10, 11, 00)).toLocaleString("en", {timeZone: "America/Metlakatla", timeZoneName: "long"})
      EXPECT to see the 2nd and 3rd dates are under Alaska Time.
      "1/20/2019, 1:59:00 AM Pacific Standard Time"
      "1/20/2019, 1:00:00 AM Alaska Standard Time"
      "3/10/2019, 1:59:00 AM Alaska Standard Time"
      "3/10/2019, 3:00:00 AM Alaska Daylight Time"
      BEFORE this CL we got the 2nd and third date in Pacific Time.
      "1/20/2019, 1:59:00 AM Pacific Standard Time"
      "1/20/2019, 2:00:00 AM Pacific Standard Time"
      "3/10/2019, 2:59:00 AM Pacific Standard Time"
      "3/10/2019, 3:00:00 AM Alaska Daylight Time"
      Bug: 473288
      Test: See the above.
      Change-Id: Id5add2356fb235f31ab17da2eef74adabb1a21fb
      Reviewed-by: default avatarJungshik Shin <>
  31. Apr 04, 2019
    • Frank Tang's avatar
      Update ICU to 64.1 + Chromium patches · 69c72a6d
      Frank Tang authored
      What's new in ICU 64.1:
        - Unicode 12: 554 new characters, including 4 new scripts and 61 new
          emoji characters.
        - CLDR 35 locale data

        - ICU 64 now uses "rearguard" TZ data. (Recent versions have used
          "vanguard" data with certain overrides.) (ICU-20398)
        - ICU data filtering: The ICU4C build accepts an optional filter
          script that specifies a subset of the data to be built, with
          whitelists and blacklists for locales and for resource bundle paths.
          (ICU-10923, design doc)
        - MessageFormat has new pattern syntax for specifying the style of
          a date/time argument via a locale-independent skeleton rather than
          a locale-specific pattern. (ICU-9622)
          * Date/time skeletons use the same "::" prefix as number skeletons.
          * Example MessageFormat pattern string:
            "We close on {closing,date,::MMMMd} at {closing,time,::jm}."
        - Many formatting APIs can now output a new type of result object
          which is-a FormattedValue (Java & C++), or convertible to a
          UFormattedValue (C).
          * These combine the result strings with easy iteration over
            FieldPosition metadata.
        - New C++ class LocaleBuilder for building a Locale from subtags,
          keywords, and extensions. (ICU-20328) Parallel to the existing
          ICU4J ULocale.Builder class.
        - For C++ MeasureUnit instances, there are now additional factory
          methods that return units by value, not by pointer-with-ownership.
        - Various Out-Of-Memory (OOM) issues have been fixed. (ticket query)
        - See for more details.
      The update steps are recorded :
        - Update to point to ICU's new repo location
        - Import the pristine copy of ICU 64.1 and update BUILD
          files with
        - Update and apply locale data patches
          1. patches/locale_google.patch:
            * Google's internal ICU locale changes
            * Simpler region names for Hong Kong and Macau in all locales
            * Currency signs in ru and uk locales (do not include 'tr' locale changes)
            * AM/PM, midnight, noon formatting for a few Indian locales
            * Timezone name changes in Korean and Chinese locales
            * Default digit for Arabic locale is European digits.
            - patches/locale1.patch: Minor fixes for Korean
          2. Breakiterator patches
            - patches/wordbrk.patch for word.txt
              a. Move full stops (U+002E, U+FF0E) from MidNumLet to MidNum so that
                 FQDN labels can be split at '.'
              b. Move fullwidth digits (U+FF10 - U+FF19) from Ideographic to Numeric.
            - patches/khmer-dictbe.patch
              Adjust parameters to use a smaller Khmer dictionary (khmerdict.txt).
            - Add several common Chinese words that were dropped previously to
              patch: patches/cjdict.patch
              upstream bug:
          3. Build-related changes
            - patches/configure.patch:
              * Remove a section of configure that will cause breakage while
                running runConfigureICU.
            - patches/wpo.patch (only needed when icudata dll is used).
              upstream bugs :
            - patches/data_symb.patch :
                Put ICU_DATA_ENTRY_POINT(icudtXX_dat) in common when we use
                the icu data file or icudt.dll
            - patches/staticmutex.patch :
                Change the static UMutex code to avoid static_initializers error.
                upstream bug:
            - patches/buildtool.patch :
                Fix the build tool which ommited res_index.res */res_index.res files
                upstream bug:
                upstream PR:
          4. Double conversion library build failure
            - patches/double_conversion.patch
            - upstream bugs:
          5. ISO-2022-JP encoding (fromUnicode) change per WHATWG encoding spec.
            - patches/iso2022jp.patch
            - upstream bug:
       - ICU data files are rebuilt
         Up to 67kB increase. Since we also save 43K in ,
         the net increase is only 24KB.
      ** ICU Data Size Change **
      Data Size   ICU63   ICU64-1    DIFF
      chromeos  10326064 10378624   52560
        common  10326064 10394816   68752
          cast   5126144  5101616  -24528
       android   6355520  6406256   50736
           ios   6315248  6372016   56768
       flutter    880928   894752   13824
      Created by:
      git rev-list --reverse 20690c62..6d422ffa | \
        xargs git cherry-pick --strategy=recursive -X theirs
      Bug: chromium:943348
      Change-Id: Ia7f86abfa8625dd24aae2f71456abd679fda3dae
      Reviewed-by: default avatarJungshik Shin <>
  32. Mar 23, 2019
  33. Mar 18, 2019