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ChangeLog 13.7 KiB
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  * frontend code restructuring and refactoring
  * process breakup complete (dbwriter, keysigner, browserid, and verifier): #460
  * several updates to production deployment scripts (rpm generation): #571, #575
  * all processes should log and exit hard if misconfigured: #576, #581
  * complete 'keep me signed in' feature: #559, #490
  * simplify and consolidate user facing help links in dialog: #553
  * clean up user facing error messages (email throttling and sent email): #579, #577, #591
  * moved 'this is not me' and 'use a different email' links based on UX suggestions: #459
  * incrementally work to repair load_gen (not yet complete) : #504
  * unit test fixes: #504
  * remove extraneous console logging: #574
  * improve email validation in main site (whitespace handling): #583, #429
  * fix serious regressions related to iOS5 fixes that prevented dialog from working the second time on RPs: #580, #588 #589
  * fix "go back and try another" link in dialog: #587
  * added "required email" feature: #491
  * (added 2011.11.18) fix regression - sporadic assertion verification failures: #616
  * keysigner process now handles certificate generation: #460
  * verifier no longer supports CORS requests: #245
  * experimental support for nodejs 0.6.0: #535
  * reduce access to private key (only the keysigner has access to it): #539
  * improve language of buttons during sign-in: #198
  * better error messaging during sign-in/up interactions on main site: #542
  * user only has to type their browserid password every two weeks (not one): #543
  * upgrade mysql driver - no crash upon idle reconnection: #540
  * address regression in #540 - reconnect to proper database (also fixes 'create_schema' flag): #548
  * implement 'keep me signed in' - includes API changes and UX/UI changes: #490
  * front end unit test improvements: #542, #408
  * fix regression in tooltips (weren't showing contents): #547
  * calls to __heartbeat__ aren't logged: #537
  * strip whitespace on email input: #429
  * fix sporadic errors in unit tests: #550, #556
  * crypto changes to support IE8: #244
  * fix tab ordering in UI: #544
  * chrome specific UI fixes: #552
  * better UI feedback when hovering over buttons: #553
  * reorganization of browserid process, breakout of dbwriter (not yet enabled): #460
  * improve log message error levels (be sparing with 'error'): #509

  * Remember the last used email for a site, and optimize the default selection based on this: #1
  * Fix regression where verification of assertions would fail for https sites: #500 (also hot-fixed in production
  * improved end user visible error messages: #448, #465, #512, #515
  * style/transition improvements for desktop and mobile devices: #494, #502, #522, #527
  * refuse to send out more than one email per minute to the same address: #430
  * be *really* smart about how long to display tool-tips in the dialog: #508
  * behave reasonably (at least display content) when javascript is disabled: #510
  * remember the users email as they transition between screens, when appropriate: #476
  * Suppress iOS autocapitalizion and auto-correction for email addresses: #464
  * Improve front end email address validation: #513
  * Improve repository organization: #503 & #488
  * As part of above and in prep for #460 - all processes (browserid, verifier, etc) are now always run separately (never combined into the same express instance
  * Test improvements: #520, #530, #531
  * Fix undefined reference (crash) in verifier after verification failure: #523 (hot-fixed in production:
  * Remove UI that corresponds to unimplemented features: #519
  * Handle upper case letters in domain part of email addresses properly: #501
  * Use a more conventional log format that includes time-stamps when logging to file.  closes #234
  * Shutdown gracefully whenever possible, and always log why we go down: #529
  * 'LOG_TO_CONSOLE' env var for verbose console output during tests: #530
  * more checks around '/code_update' URL invocation - for bug #699171
  * Many minor bug-fixes: #497, #532
  * (2011.11.08) don't crash on mysql connection timeout: #540
  * link fixing ('need help?' to point to SUMO): #378
  * unit tests repaired: #469 (broken in fix to #82)
  * improve handling of network errors: #448
  * improve styling and language of email confirmation page: #349
  * logging improvements: #455
  * RPM generation script created (for installation of browserid on redhat [moz prod] boxes): #478
  * SCHEMA CHANGES to improve database performance and scalability: #480
  * change the health check call from '/ping.txt' to '/__heartbeat__': #481
  * remove application level network timeouts (let the network stack do its job, the user can cancel if they get sick of it): #485
  * improve messaging for unsupported browsers: #273, #484
  * developer documentation improvements: #496

  * android < 3.0 now supported: #461
  * properly set assertion expiration time to when they expire, not when they're issued: #433, #457, #458
  * update privacy policy language to jive with new UI: #381
  * add redirects for old URLs that no longer exist with the new UI: #376
  * inside the minified include.js, link to uncompressed version for developer convenience and discovery: #432
  * language tweaks: #437, #444
  * improve button UI appearance on opera and IE: #435
  * improve visual feedback for links: #440
  * UI fixes for > 2 email addresses on iOS: #417
  * smooth out screen transitions in dialog: #369
  * improved "check your email" screen on mobile: #462
  * no auto-caps nor auto-correct for iOS in add email field: #464
  * improve event listening on input fields: #406
  * remember email when moving user from signup to sign-in for known email address: #108
  * don't call sync_emails more than necessary: #434
  * assertions now include full origin (scheme+host+port).  verifier accepts only host+port OR full origin, and returns whatever RP sends for back compat: #82

  * fix verification of email in different browser than where verification is initiated: #336
  * Android < 3.0 (browsers that can't handle JSON.parse("null")) now blocked explicitly (until we complete support)
  * textual fixes to about page: #350
  * 'cancel account' link added to manage page: #405
  * warn user that removing last email address effectively cancels account: #394, #404, #137
  * fixed signing dialog hang when you delete an email on manage page while dialog is open (now that's not obscure :P): #401
  * Optimize UI in case where user has only 1 email address: #412
  * smooth out transition from pick email to add new email pages: #410
  * reposition remove buttons on manage page: #409
  * identity and labs links open in new tabs: #380
  * fix innocuous (but ugly) error in firefox error console: #390
  * implement dynamic bcrypt work factor update: #204
  * default work factor is now at 12 (NOTE: [re]authentication now takes 6x longer - ~600ms on our current hardware): #212
  * many test fixes, and code refactoring, cleanup, and reorganization
  * accept SMTP parameters from the environment: #214 (not yet closed)
  * WSAPI CHANGES ( all server responses are now objects: #217, #325
  * full site & dialog redesign: (many, many closed issues are related to this, including #269, #343, #342, #347, #354, #356, #357, #350, #349, #364, #346, #336)
  * improved debugging, all network callbacks are invoked asynchronously: #276
  * MYSQL SCHEMA CHANGE: passwd field no longer in staged table (password is now set after verify link clickthrough)
  * MYSQL SCHEMA CHANGE: add index to emails table: #209
  * WSAPI CHANGES (to support new UI):
  * WSAPI CHANGES: a mis-set client clock no longer causes invalid assertions to be issued (wsapi changed to minimize network requests): #329
  * disallow re-registration of existing account: #333
  * (non-visible) namespacing in dialog code: #275
  * API BREAKING CHANGE: verifier no longer supports GET requests: #98
  * significant performance / UX improvement - keys are generated and certified when needed, not all upfront at sign-in: #278
  * remove 'download printable format' language from privacy policy: #280
  * faster keygen via crypto optimizations:
  * improvements to mobile layout & usability (specific to the new UI)
  * more user visible error messages to improve community sourced problem reports: #335
  * IE8 improvements (still not fully supported): #246, #361, #346
  * cookie fixes revisited, now on upstream version of connect-cookie-session: #310
  * (merged 2011.10.07) fix unstyled flash at first dialog display: #365
  * shortly after dialog is spawned, we remove the four random chars in the fragment (aesthetic)
  * fix bug where session duration had an upper bound of 7 days - the time the server was running: #310
  * fix bug where a user could go longer than 1 week without re-authenticating: #309
  * fix link on /developers page to verifier source: #326
  * migrate to browserid signed certificates rather than keypairs where browserid hosts the public key:
  * IE9 support
  * partial IE8 support (not yet usable, several small remaining bugs, and abysmal performance)
  * development harness (./run.js) now respects an IP_ADDRESS env var to bind to a specific address (other than
  * improved first-time development experience:  `git clone && cd browserid && npm install && npm run`
  * initial support for running locally under virtualbox via vagrant: issue #261 (thanks ozten!)
  * (fix 2011.09.23) fix race condition between relay iframe and window introduced with IE9 support.  issue #287
  * (fix 2011.09.23) fix blank popup on second signin invocation in same session in FFX:  issue #286
  * (fix 2011.09.23) explicitly disable caching for /wsapi calls, prevents unwanted caching of CSRF and friends. issue #294
  * /ws_api/set_key always returns returns value instead of HTTP 204 response: #219
  * update javascript mvc to 3.1.0.
  * major interframe/window communication change using a hidden relay iframe to facilitate IE: #97(still open)
  * link colors on are consistent: #227

  * created command line load generation tool and performance analysis work: #125
  * beginning unit/functional tests for front end: #183
  * front end refactor to facilitate unit/functional tests and UX iteration: #183
  * error messages are shown on front end: #184
  * users must now verify account ownership before attempting a key sync.
  * manage page date format: #191
  * manage page button only displayed if user is currently authenticated: #195
  * manage page emails are synced on page open: #181
  * wsapi_client created for clients needing programatic access to wsapi.
  * harden set_key against duplicate keys.
  * fix new email addresses added not being synced on client: #199
  * upgrade to bcrypt 0.2.4.
  * minify include.js by default: #206
  * more than one email address can be added per dialog lifespan: #215
  * verifyier no longer verifies assertions issued by another server.
  * (2011.08.31) no error message displayed if you try to authenticate with an invalid u/p: #222
  * upon clickthrough of the email link, don't have the browser window close itself: #162
  * passwords must be between 8 and 80 chars: #155
  * improved handling of emailing & verification urls during local development & testing: #88
  * language changes in dialog: #150
  * many improvements to unit tests: #171
  * forgotten password flow was broken with port to mysql, fixed: #170
  * improved metrics reporting abstraction: #168
  * moved all server logging into a single file: #169
  * all files created at execution time are now in one location:  #172	
  * developer ergonomics - improved colorized logging with terse webserver output to console
  * always require a user to authenticate if they don't have an active session: #74
  * improved CSRF protection to fix race conditions in previous train: #173
  * massive zero-user-visibile refactoring of dialog javascript.
  * fix cancel button in "waiting for verification state" (issue #147)
  * all browserid source is now tri-licensed (MPL1.1/GPL/LGPL). (issue #141)
  * fixes for mobile firefox (fennec).  (issue #140)
  * mysql support implemented for browserid (default persistence production) (issue #71)
  * json persistence support added - a standalone dead simple persistence layer which is the default for local development and requires no external software.
  * email secrets are now persisted in the database, so upon server restart outstanding verification links are no longer invalidated (issue #91)
  * (website) styling changes - like fix issues where links on dev page were being displayed white on white.
  * when user closes dialog without clicking "cancel", properly return 'null' to the webpage (via getVerifiedEmail callback) - issue #107
  * improve checks to warn developer that prerequisite software is missing. issue #110
  * parameterize software to support multiple deployment environments (dev/beta/prod) issues #102 & #52
  * documentation updates.
  * improved logging (using the winston logging framework for node.js)
  * [website] fixed inclusion of youtube video (now over https to keep browsers from getting scared about mixed mode resource inclusion)

  * beginning of time, everything is new.
  * (2011.08.03) include youtube video embedding over https (issue #112)
  * (2011.08.04) fix link in dialog (issue #116)