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## 1.11.2-dev

* Bump minimum SDK to `2.4.0` for safer usage of for-loop elements.
* Deprecate `PhantomJS` and provide warning when used. Support for `PhantomJS`
  will be removed in version `2.0.0`.
## 1.11.1

* Allow `test_api` `0.2.13` to work around a bug in the SDK version `2.3.0`.

* Add `file_reporters` configuration option and `--file-reporter` CLI option to
  allow specifying a separate reporter that writes to a file instead of stdout.
## 1.10.0

* Add `customHtmlTemplateFile` configuration option to allow sharing an
  html template between tests
* Depend on the latest `package:test_core`.
* Depend on the latest `package:test_api`.
## 1.9.4

* Extend the timeout for synthetic tests, e.g. `tearDownAll`.
* Depend on the latest `package:test_core`.
* Depend on the latest `package:test_api`.

## 1.9.3

* Depend on the latest `package:test_core`.
* Support the latest `package:analyzer`.
Nate Bosch's avatar
Nate Bosch committed
* Update to latest `package:matcher`. Improves output for instances of private
## 1.9.2

* Depend on the latest `package:test_api` and `package:test_core`.
* While using `solo` tests that are not run will now be reported as skipped.

## 1.9.1

* Depend on latest `test_core`.

## 1.9.0

* Implement code coverage collection for VM based tests

## 1.8.0

* Expose the previously hidden sharding arguments
  * `--total-shards` specifies how many shards the suite should
    be split into
  * `--shard-index` specifies which shard should be run

## 1.7.0

* Add a `--debug` flag for running the VM/Chrome in debug mode.

## 1.6.11

* Depend on the latest `test_core` and `test_api`.

## 1.6.10

* Depend on the latest `test_core`.

## 1.6.9

* Add `--disable-dev-shm-usage` to the default Chrome flags.

## 1.6.8

* Depend on the latest `test_core` and `test_api`.

* Allow `analyzer` version `0.38.x`.

## 1.6.6

* Pass `--server-mode` to dart2js instead of `--categories=Server` to fix a
  warning about the flag deprecation.
* Drop dependency on `pub_semver`.
* Fix issue with the latest `Utf8Decoder` and the `node` platform.
## 1.6.5

* Depend on the latest `test_core`.
* Depend on the latest `package:analyzer`.
Gary Roumanis's avatar
Gary Roumanis committed
## 1.6.4

* Don't swallow exceptions from callbacks in `expectAsync*`.
Gary Roumanis's avatar
Gary Roumanis committed
* Internal cleanup - fix lints.

## 1.6.3

* Depend on latests `package:test_core`.
  * This fixes an issue where non-completed tests were considered passing.

## 1.6.2

* Avoid `dart:isolate` imports on code loaded in tests.

## 1.6.1

* Allow `stream_channel` version `2.0.0`.

* Allow `analyzer` version `0.36.x`.
* Matcher changes:
  * Add `isA()` to create `TypeMatcher` instances in a more fluent way.
  * Add `isCastError`.
  * **Potentially breaking bug fix**. Ordering matchers no longer treat objects
    with a partial ordering (such as NaN for double values) as if they had a
    complete ordering. For instance `greaterThan` now compares with the `>`
    operator rather not `<` and not `=`. This could cause tests which relied on
    this bug to start failing.
## 1.5.3

* Allow `analyzer` version `0.35.x`.

## 1.5.2

* Require Dart SDK `>=2.1.0`.
Gary Roumanis's avatar
Gary Roumanis committed
* Depend on latest `test_core` and `test_api`.
## 1.5.1

* Depend on latest `test_core` and `test_api`.

* Depend on `package:test_core` for core functionality.
Gary Roumanis's avatar
Gary Roumanis committed
## 1.4.0

* Depend on `package:test_api` for core functionality.
## 1.3.4

* Allow remote_listener to be closed and sent an event on close.

* Add conditional imports so that `dart:io` is not imported from the main
  `test.dart` entrypoint unless it is available.
* Fix an issue with dartdevc in precompiled mode and the json reporter.
* Fix an issue parsing test metadata annotations without explicit `const`.
## 1.3.2

* Widen the constraints on the analyzer package.

## 1.3.1

* Handle parsing annotations which omit `const` on collection literals.
* Fix an issue where `root_line`, `root_column`, and `root_url` in the
  JSON reported may not be populated correctly on Windows.
* Removed requirement for the test/pub_serve transformer in --pub-serve mode.
## 1.3.0

* When using `--precompiled`, the test runner now allows symlinks to reach
  outside the precompiled directory. This allows more efficient creation of
  precompiled directories (using symlinks instead of copies).
* Updated max sdk range to `<3.0.0`.
## 1.2.0

* Added support for using precompiled kernel files when running vm tests.
  * When using the `--precompiled` flag we will now first check for a
    `<original-test-path>` file, and if present load that
    directly in the isolate. Otherwise the `<original-test-path>.vm_test.dart`
    file will be used.

## 1.1.0

* Added a new `pid` field to the StartEvent in the json runner containing the
  pid of the VM process running the tests.

Gary Roumanis's avatar
Gary Roumanis committed
## 1.0.0

* No change from `0.12.42`. We are simply signalling to users that this is a
  well supported package and is the prefered way to write Dart tests.

## 0.12.42

* Add support for `solo` test and group. When the argument is `true` only tests
  and groups marked as solo will be run. It is still recommended that users
  instead filter their tests by using the runner argument `-n`.

* Updated exported `package:matcher` to `0.12.3` which includes these updates:

  - Many improvements to `TypeMatcher`
    - Can now be used directly as `const TypeMatcher<MyType>()`.
    - Added a type parameter to specify the target `Type`.
      - Made the `name` constructor parameter optional and marked it deprecated.
        It's redundant to the type parameter.
    - Migrated all `isType` matchers to `TypeMatcher`.
    - Added a `having` function that allows chained validations of specific
      features of the target type.

      /// Validates that the object is a [RangeError] with a message containing
      /// the string 'details' and `start` and `end` properties that are `null`.
      final _rangeMatcher = isRangeError
         .having((e) => e.message, 'message', contains('details'))
         .having((e) => e.start, 'start', isNull)
         .having((e) => e.end, 'end', isNull);

  - Deprecated the `isInstanceOf` class. Use `TypeMatcher` instead.

  - Improved the output of `Matcher` instances that fail due to type errors.

## 0.12.41

* Add support for debugging VM tests.
* Tweak default reporter and color logic again so that they are always enabled
  on all non-windows platforms.
## 0.12.40

* Added some new optional fields to the json reporter, `root_line`,
  `root_column`, and `root_url`. These will be present if `url` is not the same
  as the suite url, and will represent the location in the original test suite
  from which the call to `test` originated.

## 0.12.39

* Change the default reporter and color defaults to be based on
  `stdout.supportsAnsiEscapes` instead of based on platform (previously both
  were disabled on windows).

## 0.12.38+3

* Fix Dart 2 runtime errors around communicating with browsers.

## 0.12.38+2

* Fix more Dart 2 runtime type errors.

## 0.12.38+1

* Fix several Dart 2 runtime type errors.

## 0.12.38

* Give `neverCalled` a type that works in Dart 2 semantics.
* Support `package:analyzer` `0.32.0`.
## 0.12.37

* Removed the transformer, and the `pub_serve.dart` entrypoint. This is not
  being treated as a breaking change because the minimum sdk constraint now
  points to an sdk which does not support pub serve or barback any more anyways.
* Drop the dependency on `barback`.

## 0.12.36

* Expose the test bootstrapping methods, so that build systems can precompile
  tests without relying on internal apis.

* Dropped support for Dart 1. Going forward only Dart 2 will be supported.
  * If you experience blocking issues and are still on the Dart 1 sdk, we will
    consider bug fixes on a per-case basis based on severity and impact.
Nate Bosch's avatar
Nate Bosch committed
  * Drop support for `dartium` and `content-shell` platforms since those are
    removed from the Dart 2 SDK.
* Fixed an issue `--precompiled` node tests in subdirectories.
* Fixed some dart2 issues with node test bootstrapping code so that dartdevc
  tests can run.
* Fixed default custom html handler so it correctly includes the
  packages/test/dart.js file. This allows you to get proper errors instead of
  timeouts if there are load exceptions in the browser.
* Upgrade to package:matcher 0.12.2
* Requires at least Dart 1.24.0.
* The `--precompiled` flag is now supported for the vm platform and the node
* On browser platforms the `--precompiled` flag now serves all sources directly
  from the precompiled directory, and will never attempt to do its own
## 0.12.33

* Pass `--categories=Server` to `dart2js` when compiling tests for Node.js. This
  tells it that `dart:html` is unavailable.

* Don't crash when attempting to format stack traces when running via
  `dart path/to/test.dart`.

## 0.12.32+2

* Work around an SDK bug that caused timeouts in asynchronous code.

## 0.12.32+1

* Fix a bug that broke content shell on Dart 1.24.

## 0.12.32

* Add an `include` configuration field which specifies the path to another
  configuration file whose configuration should be used.

* Add a `google` platform selector variable that's only true on Google's
  internal infrastructure.

## 0.12.31

* Add a `headless` configuration option for Chrome.

* Re-enable headless mode for Chrome by default.

* Don't hang when a Node.js test fails to compile.

## 0.12.30+4

* Stop running Chrome in headless mode temporarily to work around a browser bug.
## 0.12.30+3

* Fix a memory leak when loading browser tests.

## 0.12.30+2

* Avoid loading test suites whose tags are excluded by `--excluded-tags`.

Gary Roumanis's avatar
Gary Roumanis committed
## 0.12.30+1

* Internal changes.

* Platform selectors for operating systems now work for Node.js tests

* `fail()` is now typed to return `Null`, so it can be used in the same places
  as a raw `throw`.

* Run Chrome in headless mode unless debugging is enabled.


## 0.12.29+1

* Fix strong mode runtime cast failures.

## 0.12.29

* Node.js tests can now import modules from a top-level `node_modules`
  directory, if one exists.
* Raw `console.log()` calls no longer crash Node.js tests.

* When a browser crashes, include its standard output in the error message.

* Add a `pumpEventQueue()` function to make it easy to wait until all
  asynchronous tasks are complete.

* Add a `neverCalled` getter that returns a function that causes the test to
  fail if it's ever called.

## 0.12.27+1

* Increase the timeout for loading tests to 12 minutes.

* When `addTearDown()` is called within a call to `setUpAll()`, it runs its
  callback after *all* tests instead of running it after the `setUpAll()`

* When running in an interactive terminal, the test runner now prints status
  lines as wide as the terminal and no wider.

## 0.12.26+1

* Fix lower bound on package `stack_trace`. Now 1.6.0.
* Manually close browser process streams to prevent test hangs.

## 0.12.26

* The `spawnHybridUri()` function now allows root-relative URLs, which are
  interpreted as relative to the root of the package.

## 0.12.25

* Add a `override_platforms` configuration field which allows test platforms'
  settings (such as browsers' executables) to be overridden by the user.

* Add a `define_platforms` configuration field which makes it possible to define
  new platforms that use the same logic as existing ones but have different

## 0.12.24+8

* `spawnHybridUri()` now interprets relative URIs correctly in browser tests.

## 0.12.24+7

* Declare support for `async` 2.0.0.

Florian Loitsch's avatar
Florian Loitsch committed
## 0.12.24+6

* Small refactoring to make the package compatible with strong-mode compliant Zone API.
  No user-visible change.

Gary Roumanis's avatar
Gary Roumanis committed
## 0.12.24+5

* Expose a way for tests to forward a `loadException` to the server.

## 0.12.24+4

* Drain browser process `stdout` and `stdin`. This resolves test flakiness, especially in Travis
  with the `Precise` image.

Gary Roumanis's avatar
Gary Roumanis committed
## 0.12.24+3
Gary Roumanis's avatar
Gary Roumanis committed

* Extend `deserializeTimeout`.

Gary Roumanis's avatar
Gary Roumanis committed
## 0.12.24+2

* Only force exit if `FORCE_TEST_EXIT` is set in the environment.

Phil Quitslund's avatar
Phil Quitslund committed
## 0.12.24+1

* Widen version constraint on `analyzer`.

## 0.12.24

* Add a `node` platform for compiling tests to JavaScript and running them on

## 0.12.23+1

* Remove unused imports.
## 0.12.23

* Add a `fold_stack_frames` field for `dart_test.yaml`. This will
  allow users to customize which packages' frames are folded.
## 0.12.22+2

* Properly allocate ports when debugging Chrome and Dartium in an IPv6-only

* Support `args` 1.0.0.

* Run tear-down callbacks in the same error zone as the test function. This
  makes it possible to safely share `Future`s and `Stream`s between tests and
  their tear-downs.

Gary Roumanis's avatar
Gary Roumanis committed
## 0.12.22

* Add a `retry` option to `test()` and `group()` functions, as well
  as `@Retry()`  annotation for test files and a `retry`
Gary Roumanis's avatar
Gary Roumanis committed
  configuration field for `dart_test.yaml`.  A test with reties
  enabled will be re-run if it fails for a reason other than a
Gary Roumanis's avatar
Gary Roumanis committed
* Add a `--no-retry` runner flag that disables retries of failing tests.

* Fix a "concurrent modification during iteration" error when calling
  `addTearDown()` from within a tear down.

* Add a `doesNotComplete` matcher that asserts that a Future never completes.

* `throwsA()` and all related matchers will now match functions that return
  `Future`s that emit exceptions.

* Respect `onPlatform` for groups.

* Only print browser load errors once per browser.

* Gracefully time out when attempting to deserialize a test suite.

## 0.12.20+13

* Upgrade to package:matcher 0.12.1

Kevin Moore's avatar
Kevin Moore committed
## 0.12.20+12

* Now support `v0.30.0` of `pkg/analyzer`

* The test executable now does a "hard exit" when complete to ensure lingering
  isolates or async code don't block completion. This may affect users trying
  to use the Dart service protocol or observatory.

## 0.12.20+11

* Refactor bootstrapping to simplify the test/pub_serve transformer.

## 0.12.20+10

* Refactor for internal tools.

## 0.12.20+9

* Introduce new flag `--chain-stack-traces` to conditionally chain stack traces.

## 0.12.20+8

* Fixed more blockers for compiling with `dev_compiler`.
* Dartfmt the entire repo.

* **Note:** 0.12.20+5-0.12.20+7 were tagged but not officially published.

Kevin Moore's avatar
Kevin Moore committed
## 0.12.20+4

* Fixed strong-mode errors and other blockers for compiling with `dev_compiler`.

## 0.12.20+3

* `--pause-after-load` no longer deadlocks with recent versions of Chrome.

* Fix Dartified stack traces for JS-compiled tests run through `pub serve`.

## 0.12.20+2

* Print "[E]" after test failures to make them easier to identify visually and
  via automated search.

Lex Berezhny's avatar
Lex Berezhny committed
## 0.12.20+1

* Tighten the dependency on `stream_channel` to reflect the APIs being used.

Lex Berezhny's avatar
Lex Berezhny committed
* Use a 1024 x 768 iframe for browser tests.

## 0.12.20

* **Breaking change:** The `expect()` method no longer returns a `Future`, since
  this broke backwards-compatibility in cases where a void function was
  returning an `expect()` (such as `void foo() => expect(...)`). Instead, a new
  `expectLater()` function has been added that return a `Future` that completes
  when the matcher has finished running.

* The `verbose` parameter to `expect()` and the `formatFailure()` function are

## 0.12.19+1

* Make sure asynchronous matchers that can fail synchronously, such as
  `throws*()` and `prints()`, can be used with synchronous matcher operators
  like `isNot()`.

* Added the `StreamMatcher` class, as well as several built-in stream matchers:
  `emits()`, `emitsError()`, `emitsDone, mayEmit()`, `mayEmitMultiple()`,
  `emitsAnyOf()`, `emitsInOrder()`, `emitsInAnyOrder()`, and `neverEmits()`.

* `expect()` now returns a Future for the asynchronous matchers `completes`,
  `completion()`, `throws*()`, and `prints()`.
* Add a `printOnFailure()` method for providing debugging information that's
  only printed when a test fails.

* Automatically configure the [`term_glyph`][term_glyph] package to use ASCII
  glyphs when the test runner is running on Windows.

* Deprecate the `throws` matcher in favor of `throwsA()`.

* Deprecate the `Throws` class. These matchers should only be constructed via

## 0.12.18+1

* Fix the deprecated `expectAsync()` function. The deprecation caused it to
  fail to support functions that take arguments.

* Add an `addTearDown()` function, which allows tests to register additional
  tear-down callbacks as they're running.

* Add the `spawnHybridUri()` and `spawnHybridCode()` functions, which allow
  browser tests to run code on the VM.

* Fix the new `expectAsync` functions so that they don't produce analysis errors
  when passed callbacks with optional arguments.

## 0.12.17+2

* Fix Dartium debugging on Windows.

## 0.12.17+1

* Fix a bug where tags couldn't be marked as skipped.

Florian Loitsch's avatar
Florian Loitsch committed
## 0.12.17

* Deprecate `expectAsync` and `expectAsyncUntil`, since they currently can't be
  made to work cleanly in strong mode. They are replaced with separate methods
  for each number of callback arguments:
  * `expectAsync0`, `expectAsync1`, ... `expectAsync6`, and
  * `expectAsyncUntil0`, `expectAsyncUntil1`, ... `expectAsyncUntil6`.
## 0.12.16

* Allow tools to interact with browser debuggers using the JSON reporter.

## 0.12.15+12

* Fix a race condition that could cause the runner to stall for up to three
  seconds after completing.

## 0.12.15+11

* Make test iframes visible when debugging.

## 0.12.15+10

* Throw a better error if a group body is asynchronous.

## 0.12.15+9

* Widen version constraint on `analyzer`.

## 0.12.15+8

* Make test suites with thousands of tests load much faster on the VM (and
  possibly other platforms).

## 0.12.15+7

* Fix a bug where tags would be dropped when `on_platform` was defined in a
  config file.

Natalie Weizenbaum's avatar
Natalie Weizenbaum committed
## 0.12.15+6

* Fix a broken link in the `--help` documentation.

pq's avatar
pq committed
## 0.12.15+4

* Widen version constraint on `analyzer`.

## 0.12.15+3

* Move `nestingMiddleware` to `lib/src/util/path_handler.dart` to enable a
  cleaner separation between test-runner files and test writing files.

## 0.12.15+2

* Support running without a `packages/` directory.

## 0.12.15+1

* Declare support for version 1.19 of the Dart SDK.

## 0.12.15

* Add a `skip` parameter to `expect()`. Marking a single expect as skipped will
  cause the test itself to be marked as skipped.

* Add a `--run-skipped` parameter and `run_skipped` configuration field that
  cause tests to be run even if they're marked as skipped.

## 0.12.14+1

* Narrow the constraint on `yaml`.

## 0.12.14

* Add test and group location information to the JSON reporter.

## 0.12.13+5

* Declare support for version 1.18 of the Dart SDK.

* Use the latest `collection` package.

## 0.12.13+4

* Compatibility with an upcoming release of the `collection` package.

## 0.12.13+3

* Internal changes only.

## 0.12.13+2

* Fix all strong-mode errors and warnings.

## 0.12.13+1

* Declare support for version 1.17 of the Dart SDK.

* Add support for a global configuration file. On Windows, this file defaults to
  `%LOCALAPPDATA%\DartTest.yaml`. On Unix, it defaults to `~/.dart_test.yaml`.
  It can also be explicitly set using the `DART_TEST_CONFIG` environment
  variable. See [the configuration documentation][global config] for details.

* The `--name` and `--plain-name` arguments may be passed more than once, and
  may be passed together. A test must match all name constraints in order to be

* Add `names` and `plain_names` fields to the package configuration file. These
  allow presets to control which tests are run based on their names.

* Add `include_tags` and `exclude_tags` fields to the package configuration
  file. These allow presets to control which tests are run based on their tags.
* Add a `pause_after_load` field to the package configuration file. This allows
  presets to enable debugging mode.

[global config]:
* Add support for [test presets][]. These are defined using the `presets` field
  in the package configuration file. They can be selected by passing `--preset`
  or `-P`, or by using the `add_presets` field in the package configuration

* Add an `on_os` field to the package configuration file that allows users to
  select different configuration for different operating systems.

* Add an `on_platform` field to the package configuration file that allows users
  to configure all tests differently depending on which platform they run on.

* Add an `ios` platform selector variable. This variable will only be true when
  the `test` executable itself is running on iOS, not when it's running browser
  tests on an iOS browser.

[test presets]:
## 0.12.11+2

* Update to `shelf_web_socket` 0.2.0.

Natalie Weizenbaum's avatar
Natalie Weizenbaum committed
## 0.12.11+1

* Purely internal change.

## 0.12.11

* Add a `tags` field to the package configuration file that allows users to
  provide configuration for specific tags.

* The `--tags` and `--exclude-tags` command-line flags now allow
  [boolean selector syntax][]. For example, you can now pass `--tags "(chrome ||
  firefox) && !slow"` to select quick Chrome or Firefox tests.

[boolean selector syntax]:

## 0.12.10+2

* Re-add help output separators.

* Tighten the constraint on `args`.

## 0.12.10+1

* Temporarily remove separators from the help output. Version 0.12.8 was
  erroneously released without an appropriate `args` constraint for the features
  it used; this version will help ensure that users who can't use `args` 0.13.1
  will get a working version of `test`.

Natalie Weizenbaum's avatar
Natalie Weizenbaum committed
## 0.12.10

* Add support for a package-level configuration file called `dart_test.yaml`.

## 0.12.9

* Add `SuiteEvent` to the JSON reporter, which reports data about the suites in
  which tests are run.

* Add `AllSuitesEvent` to the JSON reporter, which reports the total number of
  suites that will be run.

* Add `Group.testCount` to the JSON reporter, which reports the total number of
  tests in each group.
## 0.12.8

* Organize the `--help` output into sections.

* Add a `--timeout` flag.

* Add the ability to re-run tests while debugging. When the browser is paused at
  a breakpoint, the test runner will open an interactive console on the command
  line that can be used to restart the test.

* Add support for passing any object as a description to `test()` and `group()`.
  These objects will be converted to strings.

* Add the ability to tag tests. Tests with specific tags may be run by passing
  the `--tags` command-line argument, or excluded by passing the
  `--exclude-tags` parameter.

  This feature is not yet complete. For now, tags are only intended to be added
  temporarily to enable use-cases like [focusing][] on a specific test or group.
  Further development can be followed on [the issue tracker][issue 16].

* Wait for a test's tear-down logic to run, even if it times out.

[issue 16]:

* Declare compatibility with `http_parser` 2.0.0.

## 0.12.6+1

* Declare compatibility with `http_multi_server` 2.0.0.

## 0.12.6

* Add a machine-readable JSON reporter. For details, see
  [the protocol documentation][json-protocol].

* Skipped groups now properly print skip messages.

## 0.12.5+2

* Declare compatibility with Dart 1.14 and 1.15.

## 0.12.5+1

* Fixed a deadlock bug when using `setUpAll()` and `tearDownAll()`.

* Add `setUpAll()` and `tearDownAll()` methods that run callbacks before and
  after all tests in a group or suite. **Note that these methods are for special
  cases and should be avoided**—they make it very easy to accidentally introduce
  dependencies between tests. Use `setUp()` and `tearDown()` instead if

* Allow `setUp()` and `tearDown()` to be called multiple times within the same

* When a `tearDown()` callback runs after a signal has been caught, it can now
  schedule out-of-band asynchronous callbacks normally rather than having them
  throw exceptions.

* Don't show package warnings when compiling tests with dart2js. This was
  accidentally enabled in 0.12.2, but was never intended.

## 0.12.4+9

* If a `tearDown()` callback throws an error, outer `tearDown()` callbacks are
  still executed.

## 0.12.4+8

* Don't compile tests to JavaScript when running via `pub serve` on Dartium or
  content shell.

## 0.12.4+7

* Support `http_parser` 1.0.0.

Natalie Weizenbaum's avatar
Natalie Weizenbaum committed
## 0.12.4+6

* Fix a broken link in the README.

## 0.12.4+4

* Widen the Dart SDK constraint to include `1.13.0`.

## 0.12.4+3

* Make source maps work properly in the browser when not using `--pub-serve`.

## 0.12.4+2

* Fix a memory leak when running many browser tests where old test suites failed
  to be unloaded when they were supposed to.

## 0.12.4+1

* Require Dart SDK >= `1.11.0` and `shelf` >= `0.6.0`, allowing `test` to remove
  various hacks and workarounds.

* Add a `--pause-after-load` flag that pauses the test runner after each suite
  is loaded so that breakpoints and other debugging annotations can be added.
  Currently this is only supported on browsers.

Natalie Weizenbaum's avatar
Natalie Weizenbaum committed
* Add a `Timeout.none` value indicating that a test should never time out.

* The `dart-vm` platform selector variable is now `true` for Dartium and content

* The compact reporter no longer prints status lines that only update the clock
  if they would get in the way of messages or errors from a test.

* The expanded reporter no longer double-prints the descriptions of skipped

## 0.12.3+9

* Widen the constraint on `analyzer` to include `0.26.0`.

* Fix an uncaught error that could crop up when killing the test runner process
  at the wrong time.

## 0.12.3+7

* Add a missing dependency on the `collection` package.

**This version was unpublished due to [issue 287][].**

* Properly report load errors caused by failing to start browsers.

* Substantially increase browser timeouts. These timeouts are the cause of a lot
  of flakiness, and now that they don't block test running there's less harm in
  making them longer.

Natalie Weizenbaum's avatar
Natalie Weizenbaum committed
## 0.12.3+5

**This version was unpublished due to [issue 287][].**

Natalie Weizenbaum's avatar
Natalie Weizenbaum committed
* Fix a crash when skipping tests because their platforms don't match.

**This version was unpublished due to [issue 287][].**

* The compact reporter will update the timer every second, rather than only
  updating it occasionally.

* The compact reporter will now print the full, untruncated test name before any
  errors or prints emitted by a test.

* The expanded reporter will now *always* print the full, untruncated test name.

**This version was unpublished due to [issue 287][].**

* Limit the number of test suites loaded at once. This helps ensure that the
  test runner won't run out of memory when running many test suites that each
  load a large amount of code.

## 0.12.3+2
**This version was unpublished due to [issue 287][].**

[issue 287]:

* Improve the display of syntax errors in VM tests.

* Work around a [Firefox bug][]. Computed styles now work in tests on Firefox.

[Firefox bug]:

* Fix a bug where VM tests would be loaded from the wrong URLs on Windows (or in
  special circumstances on other operating systems).

## 0.12.3+1

* Fix a bug that caused the test runner to crash on Windows because symlink
  resolution failed.